Enseñanzas Maitriya Guru Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha en Ingles

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Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha Guru

Addresses Humanity 21 March, 2017 in

Lalitpur, Nepal
August 31, 2017

Dharma Sangha
Bodhi Shrawan Guru Sangaya
Mai Maitri Sarva Dharma Sangaya

I have come into this world to reveal the Maitri Dharma Bodhi Margha Darshan directly to all living
beings and this realm, having kept the purest pristine state of consciousness since ages upon ages
past, abiding in the dharma standards and regulations vested in this authority, dedicated solely to
ignite the countless dharma truths for the entire sangha, all dharma lovers, faithful devotees and

But all humans of this human realm, alienated from intimate communion in Truth, bypassing true
Marga, now act as if seeing nothing when it is plainly visible.

The main mission of the true guru is for all living creatures to have all-dharma in one united
maitribhav without split or separation, and to remove from humans the corruptions remaining in the
depths of the soul in order to excavate and unveil the true dharma marga.

Dharma is the invisible, genuine truth-reality that bestows the MuktiMoksha marga of ascension, the
realm of Paramatma God-Bhagavan and all gurus who have gained liberation from all bondage in
eternal MuktiMoksha. In other words, Dharma is Guru. The essence of dharma is empirical
realisation of true wisdom, that is, having thoroughly searched for the true marga, to live it. Dharma
is light, the great brilliance that makes all lights shine; its essence sustains all realms in the
universe. Not a self-serving path, Dharma is the active marga process of guidance to uplift all living
beings in MuktiMoksha transcendence. That is, in the world Dharma is the true essence that
remains forever untainted.

But to dispense disguised dharmas obliquely to the world, flaunting filthy assurances and self-
serving charlatan margas in devious ways, being mired in delusion themselves, to pull all the worlds
living beings into delusion is to trigger the marga of evil and annihilation.

Having thoroughly purified all poisonous substances remaining in the world within us to the most
pristine, having absorbed true dharma, to awaken the great dharma marga for others including self,
this is to bestow MuktiMoksha release from this human realm. True dharma is realised gradually in
measured increments. For the fruits of our karma therefore, we must rely solely on our own choice.
The very meaning of this human realm is the resultant karmic fruit of truth and untruth,
wrongdoings and punya Grace.

After an interval of ages in time, all beings of the world doing true dharma and true marga darshan
came blindly to follow artificial man-made traditions and rituals as if following true dharma, sinking
their empirical cognition of pristine marga guidance deep into the whirlpool of confused delusion.
Lost aimless in the material world without truth, pressured, they spin in search for true marga. But
before, since the previous age, the worlds living beings themselves had been embracing true
dharma on their own, and came into sublime purity having searched for truth, created maitribhav,
living the laws and regulations of eternal dharma in infinite awe and reverence for the Gurus,
releasing the bhavana of devotion and faith in mind and speech filled with full trust and hope. In the
end it is from just this that dharma will be realised.

Dharma is not this: it will never engender traits of conduct like anger, greed, seduction, selfishness,
exploitation, bias or separation, charges and counter-charges, mistrust, doubts and suspicion or
advocate margas of world destruction. Dharma dwells only and solely in the essence of maitribhav
and in true karma. That is why dharma does not have the least trace of separation or discord.

To know the realities of suffering of all the worlds living beings including self, exposing all disguises
of evil poisons to erase them from the hearts inner core is to be in joyful sanctity blessing not only
in this world but also in paradise. To establish dharma and maitribhav, giving maitri nectar-juice
while in full-hearted union not only oneself, but the world must be awakened to the dharma tattva.
At last, the auspicious time for the worlds dharma-transformation is here.

The heart-thrust of dharma is marga without which MuktiMoksha ascension is impossible. Although
dharma is laid down in the material physical world, its essentials are rare and hard to obtain. It is
not that the Guru opposes dharma; it is rather that arriving in the world at this present age when
human beings themselves have fallen entirely for self-serving margas with harmful seductive
standards, glimpses of true maitri dharma marga guidance are revealed only bit by bit.

The Gurus manifest form exists in both human and suprahuman states, and the true Guru sighted in
the world is the actual form of the God-Paramatma Gurus. In the world, only the dharma gurus who
follow truth and abide in the laws of dharma are authorised to give the real dharma law. For those in
falsehood, evidence of Truth is perceived as if looking at oneself in a trick mirror.

The God-Bhagavan marga, the marga guru, the guru marga guru and Paramatma gurus who had
been dwelling in this world in the SatyaYug Age of Truth, have now come into this world. Although
human nature is entirely nurtured by living peace-giving plants, human refusal to stop greed, pride,
defilement, violence, commerce and exploitation has propelled them to follow world-annihilation in

the end In this present Age, even while being in the ocean of truth, humans not following true
dharma are in a state of spiritual paralysis. Not giving up conceit, anger, greed, seduction, envy,
violence, commerce, exploitation, is making world annihilation inevitable. Now in this End-time, the
world must wake up to the challenge.

During the PracinKal Archaic Age after the SatyaYug Age of Truth, when the entire human race,
rendered helpless by illness during the great plagues hungered in agony for remedies, the entirety
of living healing herbs were bestowed onto the world through the Paramatma God-Bhagavan Gurus
in the form of nectar to redeem the toxin-filled world and all its beings.

Now, abiding in all the standards and laws of Maitri dharma, invoking invincible soul-consciousness,
doing true karma to gain MuktiMoksha freedom for all beings not just for oneself, creating the
heavenly realm flourishing like Paradise through infinite awe and reverence for the Paramatma
gurus in trust filled with faith, devotion and hope in direct knowing and in light, building harmonious
connexions between human souls and Paramatma God-Bhagavan to their fullest, most glorious
apotheosis is the MargaDarshan Maitri Dharma. It is possible to realise these unique essentials by
living in truth and building DharmaPunya Grace.

Whoever still remains in the world weighed down by evil thoughts, speech and harmful deeds is
doomed to certain perdition from which there is no recourse. Even Guru Himself and Dharma cannot
save wherever punya-grace has been exhausted.

In fact, truth-essentials of dharma are realised to the exact extent that importance has been given to
these precious essences; human beings must fully undertake their own urgent tasks.

It is not just for the Guru to give marga instructions, the marga process journey itself is ones own,
and must be nurtured in mercy, compassion, trust, faith and devotion, pure living, pure nourishment,
pure views, pure speech, all precepts, samadhi, heartfelt reverence and wisdom.

Since all the worlds living beings are sustained by the plant kingdom, and the worlds living beings
as well as the entire plant kingdom are creations of the Paramatma God-Bhagavan gurus, the chief
sustainer of the world in the end is true dharma.

Henceforth, may all the worlds living beings unerringly and swiftly absorb true dharmas purest
rudiments, precepts, dharma essentials and omniscience for the joyful inner transformations leading
to supreme crowning revelations.

Sarva Maitri Mangalam, Asthu, Tathastu.

21 March 2017 Chunikel, Bungamati, Kathmandu Valley


Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha Guru's

Message in Lamjung of February 22, 2014
February 22, 2014

Dharma Sangha
Bodhi Shravan Guru Sanghaya
Namo Maitri Sarva Dharma Sanghaya

1. Following the Great Maitri Marga Guru, the GuruMarga and the Bhagvan Marga, absorbed in
forgotten feelings, making Maitri Mangal (lovingly fulfilled) all Sangha friends, Dharma-lovers and
followers that come and go; and, remembering this present Gurus moment together, may all
tormented souls on the Marga of the Maitri Dharma have refreshing realization. Dharma is the only
element that can support a platform built to be directly with the Paramatma.

2. And, may the suffering wandering souls being without feeling or direction be free from bondage
as soon as possible by heeding the fulfilling sound of Great Maitri.

3. Just as the value of water corresponds to the degree of thirst; the value of the Dharma is assessed
by kindness, compassion, nonviolence, trust, belief, devotion, faith and an unwavering human life
regarding the Marga.

4. To enter into the Dharma means to be absorbed in the path of mukti (freedom after death) and
moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirth).

5. That marga which does not have the element forming mukti and moksha can never even be

accepted in the true Dharma as being called a marga, and the Dharma not being in divided
civilisations, is obtained in the perfection of the Maitri knowledge, the bridge between the soul and
the Paramatma.

6. It is impossible for humans remaining far from the knowledge of Maitri to attain true
enlightenment no matter what one is practicing.

7. In the end, all that may have appeared to be beneficial in this transient world will prove futile.

8. There is no separation in the lifecycles of countless beings and their coming and going, in the
order of the lokas (worlds), and in between the atma, anatma, and the Paramatma.

9. The Dharma is the rising and setting sun, the sky in which the stars shine, and the flowers
blossoming in nature.

10. In the end, the Dharma is to understand the transience of the moment of this passing world as
though waking up from a nightmare to find that in reality one is safe.

11. Rather than asking such questions as to what attributes a contemplative and intelligent person
skillful in the Dharma has, and what the role of religion is in the Dharma; why doesnt a person make
the inquiry as to what one has given oneself through passion and attachments to worldly things?

12. Whether or not the way a person is following possesses the Tatva forming mukti and moksha is
the persons own very personal internal quest.

13. Guru is fulfilling the Dharma: He is giving the Marga to the world, but the person must make the
journey on the Marga by oneself.

14. Whether or not one is enlightened and what one has to bear is justly determined according to the
accumulated merit and other karma of the souls traveling on the Marga being shown by Guru.

15. Even though it is natural for various pains and sorrows to occur on the Path, the crucial matter is
the reverence and faith towards the Guru Marga.

16. So be it, continue! The great realization of the omniscient wisdom of this Great Maitri Marga is
perfect being filled with the precious jewels of the Dharma Tatva (essence).

17. However people store empty words used in their past life, otherwise the Path of Enlightenment
would be realised very quickly by following the Guru Marga.

18. To stand on the Earth while resting in the sky remaining in human form together with the
realisation of the Maitri Tatva of the pure appearance of the Paramatmas own form realizing
including self all the mysteries of the universe is to be freed from the minds countless oceans of
illusion having evaporated like water into the open sky.

19. That which leads to the highest qualities of tatvas among all religions and Guru knowledge,
having the ability to extinguish former confusion throughout the world, is called the Maitri Dharma.
In this way, the primordial existence of all religions would all be on the Marga of Maitri Dharma

20. On the Maitri Marga, only by doing true practice of the Dharma until the last moment of life does

a person benefit the Dharma.

21. And with this Maitri message, I am giving (you) the 11 precepts to be free from all the
defilements within the whole human world.

1) Never discriminate on the basis of name, appearance, complexion, class, belief, community,
power, position, or qualification; even discard differentiating between the concepts of material and

2) Being acquainted with the Eternal Dharma, the Path, and the Guru, respect all religions and

3) Forsake lying, allegations, counter-allegations, belittling and spreading falsehood through

baseless gossip.

4) Forsaking philosophies or ways that make boundaries of divisiveness and difference of opinion,
take up the Satya Marga The Perfect Path.

5) Following the Satya GuruMarga the True and Perfect GuruPath throughout life, renouncing
evil actions, always remain intent in union with the Guru Tattva The Guru Essence.

6) Not having reached enlightenment oneself, do not seek to prove what it is with clever words; and
while still in confusion, do not make others confused.

7) Renouncing such craven behavior as killing sentient beings and violence, consume wholesome

8) Do not keep narrow-minded thoughts about people and countries on the basis of national identity.

9) Including oneself in the pursuit of the Satya GuruMarga the True and Perfect GuruPath
perform actions that benefit the Earth.

10) When one realizes the Truth, the GuruMarga the GuruPath takes form, so achieve
Enlightenment for all sentient beings.

11) Staying in the highest and deepest state of Chitta Pure Awareness be free from all bondage
by having assimilated within the self these precepts.

22. Together with these 11 precepts being internalized by all the Sanghas, liberate all living beings
including self, and; may all realize this Satya Marga Gyan the Wisdom of the True Path.

23. Never lingering in the ego, running after worldly name and fame; humans should stay resolute in
the remembrance of the Paramatma always keeping the feeling of Maitri in the heart (atma).

24. The GuruMarga has descended to re-establish the true Dharma on the Earth after an interval of

25. As this golden moment has been realized by beings and plant-life (the eco-system); may humans
also be without defilements and take virtuous benefit from this Maha Maitri Marga at the earliest!

May all beings be lovingly fulfilled.

So be it!


Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha Guru's

Message in Chitwan of June 8, 2013
June 8, 2013

Dharma Sangha

Bodhi Shravan Guru Sanghaya

Namo Maitri Sarva Dharma Sanghaya

1. Being in unison with the True Dharma, Guru, and the Way; may the world realize the Dharma
Tattva [1]. And, may all the worlds beings be contented by the Supreme Wisdom of this Great Maitri
Way having the form of Mukti and Moksha.

2. The science of the Dharma Tattva is very deep and limitless.

3. In order to realise the True Dharma and Tattva, it is necessary to embody the Tattva oneself.

4. And the Dharma Tattva is not limited to this world alone, but resides in all existence.

5. May humans realise that this world is only one opportunity.

6. In order to realize the Tattva, in some trees, even though countless blossoms bud, only a limited
number of fruit reach their natural form; thus only a few humans achieve the Dharma.

7. Even so, the flowers fallen on the Way of the True Dharma also have existence and greatness.

8. And each one of the fruit is being made to have its own distinct specialty and Dharma Virtue.

9. The main purpose of the human world and life is to be in adherence of the True Dharma and,
achieving the Dharma Tattva, to be absorbed in Mukti and Moksha alone.

10. The Guru fulfills His own Dharma.

11. The Way is being given to the world, yet even so, the responsibility for taking each step forward
on the way is the humans own individual quest [2].

12. Whether or not the way one is following has the form of the Mukti and Moksha Tattva is another
extremely personal quest of the human.

13. For a human remaining far from the wisdom of Maitri, no matter what kind of practice is done in
ones life in the name of Dharma, attainment of the True Tattva based in existence is impossible.

14. And those on a way not allowing the formation of Mukti and Moksha, can never call that "the

15. That would be just a mere amusement of the temporary world.

16. In the worldly ways, the ego and desires of humans are upheld as usual, and the various paltry
remedies being applied are distancing the desirous humans from the True Guru and the Way.

17. The Path which does not accept egoism and desires that Path humans dont want to walk.

18. But, ironically, each human has the understanding in the inner voice of the conscience [3] of
which way is leading where.

19. Whether or not one is enlightened and what one has to bear is justly determined according to the
accumulated merit of each soul traveling on the Way being shown by Guru.

20. Yet so be it, continue, the journey is yours alone.

21. Having been absorbed by the attributes of the Dharma Tattva; realising the defects of egoism
and desires, one can be freed from the world. In order to do this, a human needs to strive
continuously in the Dharma until the final moment of life.

22. May the whole world take this Maitri wisdom to heart and awaken.

Sarva Maitri Mangalam Astu Tathaastu (May all beings be lovingly peaceful. So be it.)



[1] Tattva (n.)

[2] This word was written by Guru as "nirnaya," meaning "decision," however, in the speech, Guru
says "khoj", meaning "search/quest."

[3] Nep. Chitta


Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha Guru's

Message in Patharkot of April 9, 2013
April 9, 2013

Dharma Sangha
Bodhi Shravan Guru Sanghaya
Namo Maitri Sarva Dharma Sanghaya [1]

1. Adhering to the Maha Maitriya Marga (the Great Loving Way), being Marga Guru (Guru of the
Path), the Guru Marga (the Master Path) up until the Bhagwan Marga (the God Path), remaining in
the presence of countless feelings, may the entire world of living beings take in the Amrita of Great

2. And may the blessings of the the Great Maitriya Guru and the Path always remain in the world.

3. Although countless stars are being seen, the sky is one; in the same way, the main source of all
religions and paths seen in the world is ultimately one.

4. That is the wisdom that has been gained in the different ages of the world, moreover, the paths
that have been rendered in auspicious times by the enlightened Gurus for the welfare of the world
have been colored with the colors of various religions, teachings, paths and cultures in modern

5. I have been seeing humans, in the name of religion and path, gradually being separated from the
True Essence, either unable or unwilling to distinguish right, wrong, sin, the Dharma, the Guru and
the Path, carelessly moving towards darkness and lacking essence.

6. In the past, being of ek bhavana [2] (one focus/path) the enlightened Buddha is only a Marga Guru
who points out the Path; however in the present time there is the illusion in the world that the
previous Buddha did not have a teacher, nevertheless, the question of who the teacher of this Marga
Guru is and the fact exist thus.

7. In this existence there are various thoughts, gurus, and paths that are still mysterious in this

8. According to the extreme importance of time, I have been showing the Guru Marga (the Master

9. Even though the Path of all Gurus is the same, each one [Guru] makes their own rule and position,
and in accordance with the rule the results are reaped.

10. The Guru Marga is that Path on which the whole world, living beings and plant life, by following
Maitri Marga (the Path of Loving Kindness), achieve mukti (liberation after death) and moksha
(Iiberation from rebirth).

11. In the human world, humans have freedom: they concentrate on the Path of Dharma or spend
their lives in sinful acts.

12. The meaning of this world is to distinguish between Dharma and sin.

13. But the result is determined according to the good or bad karma of what humans have done on
their own.

14. After ages, the Guru Marga has descended in the world.

15. Quenching the thirsty world by the nectar of understanding non-violence, kindness, compassion,
love and Maitri Bhaav (the feeling of loving kindness) is the way to establish the Rule of Maitri, but,
having feelings of omniscience, the egoistic humans cannot always properly accept the situation of
the present Guru.

16. If humans take a moment to hold the soul in awareness and contemplate: why this penance of
the Guru?

17. In the end it would only be for the sake of the mukti and moksha of the world, living beings and
plant life.

18. There are those who have the hope to benefit from the Guru in another worldly way, but Guru
can only give Dharma, Marga, Mukti, and Moksha.

19. But ironically since times past the polluted state of the human mind has instead been giving
Guru accusations, disbelief, violence and obstructive behavior.

20. This human society, including the management, makes the need of Dharma and Marga for this
entire world imperative.

21. Not just the Dharma, but may this truth be understood by humans.

22. And may life be spent in the search of the essence of Maitri Bhaav.

23. Also, in the coming days, Guru will definitely travel in order to give the darshan of the True Path
throughout the world.

24. May all beings be lovingly peaceful. So be it.



[1] To the Sangha of the Dharma Sangha Bodhi Shravan Guru (Wisdom Heeding Dharma Sangha
Guru) I bow to all Loving Dharma Sanghas.

[2] Bhvan (Pali; Sanskrit, also bhvana) literally means "development" or "cultivating" or
"producing" in the sense of "calling into existence." The word bhavana normally appears in
conjunction with another word forming a compound phrase such as citta-bhavana (the development
or cultivation of the heart/mind) or metta/maitri-bhavana (the development/cultivation of
lovingkindness). When used on its own bhavana signifies 'spiritual cultivation' generally. (Wikipedia)


Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sanghas Message

in Sindhuli of September 10, 2012
September 10, 2012

1. Following the True Dharma and the Guru in this current time, making all the meritorious souls
present and absent here Maitri Mangalam (Lovingly Peaceful); remaining on this great Maitri Marga
(Loving Way) of welfare and praanidhaan (prayers/life bestowing) for the world; atma (soul), body,
and speech being under the witness of the Guru, I am proclaiming The Eternal Dharma.

2. Being Eternal Breath in order to know the Tattva (Essence) which is without decay, death, or
destruction, one must have a life practice which single-mindedly takes up only the Dharma.

3. Moreover, the word Dharma is not sufficient in itself.

4. How can the Dharma come (be defined) in only one word when all Lokas
(realms/worlds/universes) are in that Dharma Tattva (Essence)!

5. Dharma is not something to be understood but the truth to be realised.

6. If one is able to establish kindness, compassion, love, and friendship not only among human
beings but also the worlds movable and immovable living beings and vegetation with unity; being
able to drink the nectar of friendship; being able to keep ones life routine in incomparable loving
kindness; as a result, after this life, one attains Mukti (liberation after death) and Moksha (liberation
from rebirth).

7. Murdering beings, displaying miraculous activities, and doing tantra-mantra (magic) in the name

of the Dharma is only a way of temporary selfish fulfillment. Dharma is only that which provides the
sentient beings the Path of freedom and liberation without discrimination according to karma
(causes and conditions).

8. Since ancient times on Earth, human beings have been drifting about in the ocean of illusion.
Having taken on a meaningful human life [1], one continues to wander on meaningless substances
and paths, knowingly and unknowingly throughout the Kalpas (ages).

9. Blessed are these saintly souls, who are adhering to the Path of the Truth being in the refuge of
the Guru. And also the Guru Himself, remaining under the Rule of Dharma of the highest of the
Gurus beyond thousands of past Buddhas, has come.

10. In the coming days, I will be showing Teachings of the Guru and the Dharma. I am always doing

11. In order to eradicate karma accumulated under the influence of the passion of desires wandering
into countless emotions; being in the Rule of the Dharma, one has to take up the Guru Marga,
feeling reverence of mind in an undivided form, never being diverted in the least.

12. Sacrificing attachment, overcoming saying me and mine, greed and ego; only by living a life
with an indestructible feeling for all living beings will human life be successful.

13. Finally what is the objective of coming to the world? Which essence is the search? What are the
duties and the Dharma for oneself including the whole existence? What is the relationship between
the atma (self/soul), anatma (non-self/non-soul), and Parmatma (the Great Soul)?

14. One must spend the Kalachakra (period of life) on lifes inner search for the boundless and
minute, not just momentary sensual gratification and material bonds. Finally, establishing One
Being, One World, One Dharma and the feeling of Maitri (Loving Kindness) without discrimination,
having decorated the world in the sound of the Dharma, the Guru will travel satisfying the worlds
countless perplexed beings throughout with the nectar of Maitri, giving Marga Darshan (guidance)
in the coming time.

15. Guru is True since Guru is in the Dharma. Its just that spreading the Rule of the Dharma by
Guru has been misunderstood in a material world, though this is what it is, and its true.

16. May all beings be lovingly peaceful.



[1] Tatvarupi manushya cholaa (meaningful human life) note that cholaa means cloth and has
been used to indicate the human body. Manav chola means human body.


Birthday Speech (2012)
April 11, 2012

1. Benefiting all Sanghas and followers with Loving Kindness, todays Yuga (age) is not only a time
for festivity, it is for imparting the Path of Freedom and Liberation to the sentient beings of the
world in following the Path of Truth and spreading the Law of Dharma, establishing Dharma, Peace,
Understanding and the Maitri (Loving Kindness) feeling in the world.

2. It is difficult to find fulfillment unless one realizes the Tattva (Essence) of the True Guru in order
to follow the Path of Truth.

3. The human life can be fruitful if one is able to search for and know the Tattvas (Elements) hidden
in Gurus words.

4. Guru, having been freed from worldly restraints, although seen in the world yet not being a
worldly Guru, is the Pure Dharma Guru.

5. In order to establish the Law of the Dharma in the world, it is important to be completely faithful
and dedicated to the Guru and equally so to the Sanghas as well.

6. And the fragrance of the moral excellence of the Sanghas must be in the spirit of mutual loving
kindness and togetherness.

7. Interfering and placing obstacles in the work of the Guru means interfering with Dharma and the

8. However, it is natural that many obstacles and interference occur in the spreading of the Law of

9. But to face or overcome those Dharma-opposing Tattvas by being truthful with mind, body and
speech is another personal dharma and duty of each of the Sanghas.

10. Guru, himself remaining, let all the Sanghas, absorbed in these invaluable moments by being
engrossed in the Dharma-Sound, always utilize every Guru-Moment proving their own extreme
intellectual abilities.

May all beings be loving and peaceful. So be it.


Closing Speech for The World Loving Peace

Puja on March 26, 2012
March 26, 2012
1. May all Sanghas [1] keeping the discipline of the Dharma [2] gathered at the World Loving Peace
Puja [3] show unification to the world uniting all sentient beings within the perimeters of the power
of the Dharma overcoming all illusions and obstacles of the past, present and coming days.

2. The way on the path of the True Dharma being followed, perfect enlightenment being
accomplished, the understanding of world peace and the feeling of Maitri (Loving Kindness) being
established, may the acquisition of the Dharma World be made manifest.

May all beings be happy. So be it.



1) Sangha assembly/group with common goal, vision, purpose.

2) Dharma Universal and Cosmic Truth, righteous duty, virtuous path, liberating law.

3) Puja ritual, worship, ceremony, prayers.


Opening Speech for The World Peace Maitri

Puja on March 21, 2012
March 21, 2012

Dharma Sangha

Namo Bodhi Shravan Guru Sanghaya

Namo Maitri Sarva Dharma Sanghaya

1. I am giving the message of the eternal Dharma [1] to the Earth after many Yugas (eras), having
followed the Path of the True Dharma in search of the purest path, lovingly benefitting all the
Dharma-loving followers gathered at the World Peace Maitri Puja [2], liberating all sentient beings
from suffering and pain by the form of the GuruMarga (GuruPath) having arrived (landed) 35000
years ago according to the Maitriyan Calendar, bringing Bodhi Shravan Dharma Sangha into being.

2. A flower`s existence lies only in its ceaseless form of offering and dedication of its own beauty and
fragrance to the entire creation. Likewise, the fragrant flower, which is the meaning of the Dhamma
(Dharma), cannot blossom unless humans, discarding from life desire, anger, greed, delusion, ego,
murder, violence and other defilements, cultivate the ethic of the True Dharma.

3. Submitting to extreme penance and practices without deviation for a single moment from May 16,
2005 to May 16, 2011 for the path to true emancipation and freedom of the world, I have, with full
determination, devoted myself entirely to the Maitri (Loving Kindness) Meditation having descended
as the GuruMarga (GuruPath) Bodhi Shravan Dharma Sangha. Bodhi Shravan means to have the
knowledge of the Tattva (Essence), of Satya (Truth) and Guru [3], to recognize the Astitvik Tattva
(Existential Element), and to be endowed with all knowledge.

4. And the words Dharma Sangha refer to all Gurus of this world and other worlds. Bodhi Shravan
Dharma Sangha means all the Gurus who, having comprehended the BodhiMarga (Path of

Enlightenment) from the MargaGuru (PathGuru) and the GuruMarga (GuruPath) or having
received the Wisdom has therefore been called Bodhi Shravan Dharma Sangha (The Wisdom-
Heeding Dharma Sanghas).

5. The goal of the GuruMarga is to spread the feeling of Loving Kindness on Earth by rendering the
paths of freedom and liberation of the True Dharma by releasing countless beings of the world
suffering throughout the infinite ages.

6. On the path of Devotion, Trust and Faith, purifying body, speech and mind while following the
precepts, one will attain complete gratification of divine joy within the human life.

7. In order to establish Dharma Peace, non-violence, mutual understanding and loving kindness,
human beings should discard the lowly actions such as desires, anger, greed, delusion, jealousy,
murder, violence, ego, disputes, hatred, insult, belittling, dissatisfaction, disbelief, doubts, illusion,
false visions, selfishness, false words, addiction, bad company, unwholesome acts, misdeeds, devils
and demons, obstacles, and making the false appear true and the true appear false.

8. Discard discrimination and rifts between Religions, castes, regions, communities, and sanghas [4].

9. Spreading wrong views is to profit by propaganda towards my, mine, ours, villages,
wards, municipalities, nations, among nations and all over the world.

10. Murder, violence, unwholesome acts, misdeeds and unrest are accepted in the name of religion,
spirituality, philosophy and wisdom, creating illusionary networks and boundaries that do not exist
among human civilizations. This is indoctrination.

11. Being aware of those who have fostered illusions in the world since ages past, I am endorsing the
True Dharma GuruMarga to follow and be followed by Sanghas, Dharma-loving followers and truth-
seekers who have been confused in the past.

12. Following the True Dharma of the GuruMarga, abiding in Truth, by the power of the Truth one
can eliminate the incoming obstacles corresponding to one's old karma, the congenital or postnatal
side-effects which could have happened to oneself or one's descendents such as being handicapped,
mute, deaf or blind.

13. I am giving these precepts eliminating and purifying the defilements in the very core of the heart
of humans for the benefit of self and others and to spread the feeling of Loving Kindness [5].


Precept[6] 1. Never discriminate on the basis of name, appearance, complexion, gender, class,
belief, community, power, position, or qualification; even discard differentiating between the
concepts of material and spiritual.

Precept 2. Having become acquainted with the Eternal Dharma, the Path, and the Guru, respect all
religions and beliefs.

Precept 3. Forsake lying, allegations, counter-allegations, belittling and spreading falsehood through
baseless gossip.

Precept 4. Forsaking philosophies or ways that make boundaries of divisiveness and difference of

opinion, take up The True Path [7].

Precept 5. Following The True GuruPath [8] throughout life, renouncing evil actions, always remain
intent in union with The Guru Essence [9].

Precept 6. Not having reached Enlightenment oneself, do not seek to prove what it is with clever
words; and, while still in confusion, do not make others confused.

Precept 7. Renouncing such demonic conduct as killing sentient beings and violence, consume
wholesome food.

Precept 8. Do not keep narrow-minded thoughts about people and countries on the basis of national

Precept 9. Including oneself in the pursuit of The True GuruPath perform actions that benefit the

Precept 10. When one realizes the Truth, The GuruPath takes form, so achieve Enlightenment for all
Sentient Beings.

Precept 11. Staying in the highest and deepest mind [10] be free from all bondage by having
understood within the self many precepts.


14. Benefit self and all sentient beings by practicing these precepts being internalized by all

15. May all understand that these precepts are not to bind, rather they are the way to liberation
from all bondage.

16. One who follows the GuruMarga in the right way with true belief, devotion and trust, that one,
knowing ones own intellect and the mysteries of this world and other worlds respectively one by
one, by becoming omniscient, will lead a life in unprecedented bliss and Maitri (Loving Kindness)

17. It is equally necessary for humans to take wholesome food in order to achieve Enlightenment
and in order to live a wholesome life.

18. Why do humans, who are above all beings eat those foods that harm self and other beings?

19. Forsake those foods that harm self and others and by taking wholesome food, treat others as you
would yourself. From today I will take wholesome food.

20. Finally, I (Guru) will even travel the whole world to spread the feeling of loving kindness by
linking the bridges of Faith, Trust, and Devotion through guiding devotees, Dharma-lovers, peace-
lovers, and truth seekers of the whole world in the present times to come.

21. According to the suitability of time and your eligibility, I have been imparting the Essence of the
True Dharma.

22. I am always remaining together (I am always with you/everywhere).

*** Sarva Maitri Mangalam Astu: Tathastu ***

(May all beings be loving and peaceful. So be it.)



[1] Dharma (Dhamma) Universal and Cosmic Truth, and with a small d it is used to indicate
religions and belief systems. Dhamma is Pali which is a dialect of Sanskrit.

[2] Puja ritual, worship, ceremony, prayers.

[3] Guru worthy, great, teacher, master; not a teacher who conveys any information, but guides
and nourishes student's Awakening, not a dictator, but the advisor.

[4] Sangha assembly/group with common goal, vision, purpose.

[5] Nep. Maitri bhaav

[6] Nep. Sheel a precept or moral which although expressed in the imperative form are not quite as
much a commandment as a continuous aim or goal for the focusing of ones conscious behavior and

[7] Nep. Satya Marga

[8] Nep. Satya GuruMarga

[9] Nep. Guru Tattva

[10] Nep. Chitta


Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha's Message

of January 28, 2012
January 28, 2012
1. The Guru, accepting all the engaged Sanghas, Officers and surrounding disciples in Bodhi
Shravan Dharma Sangha, and having taken refuge in this Truth, the Dharma, the GuruMargas
(GuruPath)[1] sphere of ascetic practice; I, understanding the extreme urgency of the time, am
conveying this message on todays date to all the disciples.

2. First of all, the Sanghas must have a real understanding such as what is Truth, Dharma, and the

Guru? What is meant by GuruMarga (The GuruPath)?

3. All Sanghas must join together with the essence of complete surrender being of one spirit within,
keeping to the point, completely accepting the Guru, reciprocating the Maitri feeling; in other
words, the connection between the Guru and disciple is joined together with faith, trust, and
devotion acting as assimilating links.

4. For those who cannot be this way, questions concerning Guru Dharma (the Gurus teaching) keep
on arising.

5. The Guru himself will take complete responsibility for all the formations of the Sangha from now
on as these relationships are extremely sensitive and at times there are bad feelings.

6. As the Guru expands the Sangha, the Dharma will be spread, not a throng of people, otherwise the
Guru Dharma cannot be assimilated and arising adharmic [2] questions can never be answered.

7. That which has been spoken today until this point, every second, every time, was not able to be
steadily conveyed, even this very speech and message from the Guru.

8. Years having gone by, the True Guru is in front of you.

9. But I am seeing the irony.

10. There are states of mind indulging in defilement where behavior and sentiments are displayed
with jealous feelings feeding the ego for the sake of status, name, fame, and reputation.

11. The Guru who comes embodied as the True GuruMarga is not even able to be seen, and, after
ages, the preaching of the True Dhamma is not even heard.

12. Being called Sangha, one must be as a beacon of light, of one form and one feeling, without
defilements, favoritism and discord.

13. The Guru has his own duty, towards the disciples, towards the Sanghas, towards all existence,
towards the gurus; when a speech is given by the Guru it is a foundational moment: the intensity and
complexity of understanding or not understanding depends upon ones own interest.

14. When the Guru arrives nearby, what state of mind should one be in?

15. What purpose and aim must one have?

16. How must one hold onto the quest and hope of the Essence [3]?

17. The Sanghas have to be able to realise the Gurus dignified, celestial, peaceful, calm and
seemingly controversial presence.

18. With absolute dedication and faith, one has to completely accept and heed the Guru`s presence
and eloquence by denying one`s own worldly logic, analysis, deceptiveness, sorrow, suffering, and
mean intellect. There are hardly any true disciples or Sangha who are aware of the self and the
value of the time at the moment of meeting with the Guru. But, as I see often, disciples or the
Sanghas do not know themselves personally: where they are or which state and position they are in.

19. How is one to proceed, and what to do afterwards? What ought to be said? Which subject ought
to be stressed and so forth.

20. But again, believe the Guru and you will follow the form of the Real Sangha in front of the True
Guru, and you will be freed from the worldly ocean of illusion.

21. Otherwise there is no other alternative. The Sangha is expanded only on one out of two paths: is
it the True Path or the False one? Only the highest standards will fulfill the Dharma.

22. But Purity and Essence are not with a quantifiable form, it is the quality of their form that keeps
the Essence animated.

23. To this end, I have been giving all of you these precepts to assimilate and understand.

11 Maitri Sheel Ekadasha Maitri Sila


Precept[4] 1. Never discriminate on the basis of name, appearance, complexion, gender, class,
belief, community, power, position, or qualification; even discard differentiating between the
concepts of material and spiritual.

Precept 2. Having become acquainted with the Eternal Dharma, the Path, and the Guru, respect all
religions and beliefs.

Precept 3. Forsake lying, allegations, counter-allegations, belittling and spreading falsehood through
baseless gossip.

Precept 4. Forsaking philosophies or ways that make boundaries of divisiveness and difference of
opinion, take up The True Path [5].

Precept 5. Following The True GuruPath [6] throughout life, renouncing evil actions, always remain
intent in union with The Guru Essence [7].

Precept 6. Not having reached Enlightenment oneself, do not seek to prove what it is with clever
words; and, while still in confusion, do not make others confused.

Precept 7. Renouncing such demonic conduct as killing sentient beings and violence, consume
wholesome food.

Precept 8. Do not keep narrow-minded thoughts about people and countries on the basis of national

Precept 9. Including oneself in the pursuit of The True GuruPath perform actions that benefit the

Precept 10. When one realizes the Truth, The GuruPath takes form, so achieve Enlightenment for all
Sentient Beings.

Precept 11. Staying in the highest and deepest mind [8] be free from all bondage by having
understood within the self many precepts.


24. For the Sangha finally to be called by this name, the essence of these precepts must be in the
Sanghas, otherwise, the Sangha as such cannot be observed to be called by this name.

25. To cultivate the precepts of the GuruMarga, the Sanghas adhering to the path of True Dharma
accomplish their responsibility and duty towards the Guru, the Dharma, and the Sangha with
complete dedication. To expand the Sangha of Maitri free from defilement, one has to be
determined; none other than by embracing this path will the Sangha be welcomed. For empowering
the authorisation of the expansion of the Sangha and Dharma, the Guru is delivering the Dhamma
Letter certified by himself.

26. The duration of this Dharma Letter must be re-certified every three months, and this Dhamma
Letter has the powerful nature of bracing the extremely delicate so much so that it can also be
weak bridge of faith, belief and devotion.

27. All Sanghas depend upon themselves. Just as by doing virtuous deeds by following the
GuruMarga one is able to be freed from bondage, in the same way by doing the opposite, one
experiences the exact opposite result.

28. Having said that, in the True Dhammas supremacy wrong words cannot be supported at all, but
only because of the Guru Dharma is this opportunity obtained again today. Believe the Guru and the
Sangha will get the complete benefit of this opportunity. Also, with this, I am informing all the
Sanghas that from this date of 2068/10/14 (2012/1/28) onwards, reserving all the rights of the
Sanghas present expansion of each Sangha, construction work, promotion and advertising, and
spreading messages and notification in Halkhoria`s central office, all such works are to be
performed by the workers of Halkhoria alone and only from the statement of the Guru.

May all be loving and calm, so be it.



[1] Here GuruMarga is put together in the original text, although devanagari letters used to write
Nepali makes no distinction for capital letters. As the postposition "ko" indicating the genitive case
is not present after Guru, the phrase has been translated as "Guru Path" over "Guru's Path." As it is
without space in between, it has been translated as a compound noun. Compound nouns are written
either with a hyphen in between or without a space. The translators have opted for capitalisation of
Guru and Path to emphasize them, and for no space for easy reading.

[2] Adharmic means outside of the Dharma or against the Dharma as the prefix a in Sanskrit is
the equivalent of un or non.

[3] Tattva (n.) base, center, centre, core, element, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul,
inwardness, kernel, marrow, matter, substance, sum, the gist, metempirics (The concepts and
relations, which are conceived as beyond, and yet as related to, the knowledge gained by
experience) http://www.pelagiandictionary.com/roman/Aese%20tatvagyan%20se%20sambandhit

When Tattva is used with the verb prapta garnu (to achieve), it indicates Enlightenment.

[4] Sheel a precept or moral which although expressed in the imperative form are not quite as
much a commandment as a continuous aim or goal for the focusing of ones conscious behavior and

[5] Nep. Satya Marga

[6] Nep. Satya GuruMarga

[7] Nep. Guru Tattva

[8] Nep. Chitta


Speech of Dharma Sangha on June 4, 2011

June 4, 2011

1. May the eternal sky acquire the form of the Earth, absorbing Sansara into the empty field of
absolute potential (shunyata) and freedom (moksha).

2. Just as the Moons great illumined radiance may the world be enveloped by faith.

3. Just as the Suns glorious illumined radiance may the world be surrounded by perfect wisdom.

4. Just as the conchs sound may the world resonate with the Dharma.

5. Just as the holder of the dorje (vajradhara), may the world be adamant with the love of the soul,
the supreme soul (paratma) and the non-self (anatma).

6. Just as the eight-petalled lotus carries forms as the reflection, may the world be enveloped in
morality, wisdom and meditation.

7. In search of this pure guidance (margadarshan), directly being steadfast in the precepts,
meditational states, and wisdom (sheel, samadhi, pragya) of Noble Maitriya Nath and Noble Tara, I
will be giving the guidance of freedom (mukti) and liberation (moksha) in the whole world.

8. If in the world Dharma guidance (margadarshan) for freedom and liberation (mukti and moksha)
is given, (but) benefit for the earth and changes do not happen, not just the Dharma world (but)
among each and every sentient being and human a storm of uncertain change will come.

9. In the impermanent world, when Dharma decays, then the world becomes unpeaceful,
confrontational; a form of sectarianism is taken up among societies in the name of religion mean
behavior is practiced in the name of caste and creed being deprived from the path of freedom.
That is not Dharma to go about religions and peace in such a way.

10. By this communal form of religion, it is a religion made to fulfill personal interest.

11. Today we the Dharma Sanghas are in extreme happiness with the pious work.

12. Thus, let us keep the Maitriyan harmony. For this, I am assimilating and modifying in practice.

13. And, a splendid welcome and Khata may be tributed by the Namo Buddha Tapoban
Samarakshyan Sangha and Bodhi Shravan Dharma Sanghas Sangha Mitra and Kalyan Mitra.

14. In this way by the unification of the the sangha, let the Sangha Mitra and Kalyan Mitra of
Dharma Sangha, maintain the Dharma having the same feeling. Also along with bidding a religious
farewell, lets give religious thanks.

15. May all beings be tranquil. May they be happy. So be it...


Maitriya Message Given on The Completion

of Tapas on May 20, 2011
May 20, 2011

1. May the eternal sky acquire the form of the Earth absorbing Sansara into the empty field of
absolute potential (shunyata) and freedom (moksha).

2. Just as the moons great illumined radiance may the world be enveloped by faith.

3. Just as the suns glorious illumined radiance may the world be surrounded by perfect wisdom.

4. Just as the conchs sound may the world resonate with the Dharma.

5. Just as the holder of the dorje (vajradhara), may the world be adamant with the love of the soul
(atma), the supreme soul (paratma) and the non-self (anatma).

6. Just as the eight-petalled lotus carries the fragrance of divine reminiscence, may the world be
encircled in morality, wisdom and meditation.

7. I bow in homage to the eight-armed Lokesvara.

8. I bow in homage to Lord Maitriya and to the followers of all religions.

9. The six year meditation has been accomplished in search of our purest way to world peace and the
liberation of all living beings.

10. Today is an auspicious moment and also extremely difficult-to-reach blessed day.

11. In this Age of Kali the world is in the trap of the sansaric wheel and has changed into a world
which is wandering about aimlessly.

12. I will be awakening the world which has been influenced by the circumstances of the ages with
Maitri Naths Maitriful compassionate feeling.

13. This matter is unfathomable to the world.

14. The coming of Lord Maitriya has occurred in this world up to four times.

15. But he left, leaving only his voice for this world.

16. Thirty five thousand years before today, because of their morals, wisdom and meditational skills,
thousands Bodhisattvas were able to become Arhants.

17. One thousand years later, two sisters were born.

18. That time, the elder sister took the form of a Bodhisattva.

19. The younger sister achieved the Miraculous Perfection and intended to destroy Sansara.

20. The names of those two sisters were Bodhi Shravan and Mohima.

21. Then, in the Sakya Clan, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was born as the result of the previous

22. Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, in the search of the past meditation, to be able to concentrate
again, renounced the home.

23. Due to the continuation of previous meditation (meditation of remembering past and previous
lives); achieving Purva Gyan Siddhi (perfection in wisdom of knowing past lives), he re-established
the system of morality, insight and Samadhi in the world.

24. At the time of obtaining the Final Nirvana, being absorbed in Samadhi, the darshan of Lord
Maitriya was directly received.

25. Two thousand years ago from now, I was on this Earth. In that situation, I remained alone in

26. In that state, there was an extremely barbarous transitional occasion; in that situation (I) was

27. After 75 days I realized that I was dead.

28. In order to liberate such a world, wandering in that form of consciousness for up to 2000 years
was painful.

29. Suddenly there was the sound of thunder, and I was able to achieve birth from my mothers

30. "Soon after birth, you will go into meditation".

31. This kind of thought overwhelmed my subconscious memory.

32. The world (my goal) that had been forgotten through Mothers womb and the touch of love, was
recalled after six or seven years.

33. One day a great person (colossus) clothed in a white robe delivered an oration.

34. Day by day, the information of the past meditation was revealed.

35. Meanwhile, at the age of about eight or nine years old, one miraculous vision appeared.

36. A small distance from the village of Ratanpur a Tharu family brought a dead body to be

37. At the time I was playing together with some friends.

38. Suddenly, I caught sight of the blazing funeral pyre.

39. There was a vision of one brilliant ray of light that was seen to pierce the sky.

40. The bright light was a green and yellow color.

41. From that time, day by day I was able to recall the past wisdom.

42. Because of that brilliant illumined radiance of the funeral pyre, I became more and more aware
that just as after death, humans could attain liberation.

43. After that the past meditation was recalled.

44. Due to the occurrence of the brilliant light, it was necessary to have a place in order to relax
alone and concentrate.

45. Due to the recollection of the previous meditation, starting from the seventh chakra reaching the
Brahma Chakra, defilements (Klesha) and delusions (Mara) being destroyed, an invisible cluster of
light entered the body.

46. In that state, being one with water, air, sky, Earth, and the Sun, I was able to obtain all
sustenance through meditation.

47. Then the functions of the body at that time slowed down, and I was able to hibernate.

48. Having been in the same asana for ten months, due to the coldness of the Earth, the rain of
storm clouds, the cold weather`s mist, the cloth on my body had become very thin.

49. When I looked behind, I saw that the termites had eaten my clothes.

50. I searched to move my body. The whole body was cramped and the body was neither able to feel
hunger nor hot nor cold. My focused energy purification practice (tapasya charya) remained
surrounded with the disbelief of the whole world.

51. This daily routine of mine was hard to be accepted by the world.

52. Even today, I am seeing many skeptical people.

53. The one who can reach the depth of the inner Maitriya will be optimistic and overwhelmed in

54. Those who acquire the wrong form will be overwhelmed with pessimism.

55. In the search of the Cosmic Body of the Great Vehicle (Mahayana Dharma Kaya), if my bodily-
aggregates don`t stay, what message can I give to the world?

56. And while I was single-mindedly abiding in the meditation on the wisdom I had received for the
sake of the world, in the evening there was a voice from heaven saying:

57. "Hey Tapasvi Muni, you are going to die, wake up, wake up, wake up!", the voice appeared to

58. Instantly, through the vision of meditation the Eight-Armed Avalokitesvara appeared.

59. At that time, I was face to face with the blessed ones divine sight, the two eyes shining with
green and yellow light.

60. That light entered the body manifesting the power of fire.

61. After that, some unsatisfied people were preparing to attack this emaciated body.

62. The recollecting thoughts of the emaciated body changed.

63. Heading southwards from the first site in the process to find a place to be alone, the old
committee members were remembered.

64. So as not to cause worry, I waited from morning under the payer tree.

65. At eight or nine in the morning, with the sound of footsteps, a group of 7 people arrived to meet
in the lonely forest with hearts washed with faith and devotion and eyes filled with tears.

66. These seven persons were Dharma Practitioners in their past lives.

67. With hearts bathed in faith and devotion and tears in their eyes, the seven people said, What
were we lacking? thus expressing the feelings of Maitriya and compassion.

68. Leaving all matters behind after they had understood the explanation, I moved ahead in search
of my own way.

69. From there, up to nine days, I proceeded forth on a long journey being in Awakened-
Meditation (Jagrit Dhyan)

70. I crossed the open ravine in the jungle filled with elephants, tigers, deers, antelopes, leopards,
rabbits, bear, wild horses, monkeys, peacocks and other beings, birds, plants (trees).

71. There is a river in Chitwan flowing in between with currents.

72. I crossed that river at night and head south in a state of meditation: Hey, Child-Sage (Bal Muni),
if you dont take care of your body, you wont exist to speak, then the forms of the Dharma will be
lost. Hearing this divine voice, I with my path headed once more towards Halkhoria.

73. After arriving in Halkhoria, I already said not to look for me up until six years, but being without
shame, I found an odhar (a small sheltered place just big enough to hide the body, normally where
animals hide during rain) inside a hill northeast of Halkhoria.

74. While spending three months in the cave without water, air or the heat of the Sun, a hunter in
search of animals came.

75. The cave was seen by him.

76. The poor hunter, in greed of the animals flesh, was waiting outside.

77. Who`s there, is it a man or animal? he yelled up to three times. Then, I raised my hand outside
the cave and showed my head too.

78. The poor hunter, being desirous and in greed of the flesh of the animal stood up.

79. For the happiness and well-being of the world, for the jungle, for conservation of plants, likewise
for the hunter, I am doing Maitriya meditation (dhyan).

80. Staying at the base of the the wish-fulfilling tree of Halkhoria`s Banyan tree and under the
Sindhuli tree at Baghjor, with soul, body, and speech applied to seeing Sansara for the world,
thousands of revelations (darshan) of feelings (bhav), revelations of wisdom (gyan), and revelations
of meditation (dhyan) at Halkhoria`s wish fulfilling tree and at the delightful Jungle of Baghjor,
realization of the worldly cycle of existence, and joyous insights of various aspects (nana asana) of
Dharma were received.

81. That time, being in this emaciated body, within the atmosphere of squalls proceeded by a dark
cloudy secluded night alone in Halkhoria, being absorbed in between the soul (Atma) and the Super
Soul (Parmatma) I received a direct vision face to face (darshan) with Maitriya Nath.

82. The directly witnessed revelation and his statements cannot be told to this Earth yet.

83. In the wisdom of enlightenment, our happening to be the same five-elemental body...

84. ...as well as submerging in the feelings of love (Maitri Bhavna) that the whole world unite in the
same feelings for the Earth to transform the worldly cycle of existence into love and compassion
(Maitriya and Karuna) is the wish.

85. Seeing through the worldly vision to the soul, body and speech, spreading the World Peace Great
Prayers throughout the world for the benefit and welfare of all beings and the conservation of flora, I
will be giving the true understanding (satyagyan) of the entire universe through heeding the morals
and meditational (samadhi) wisdom (pragya).

86. Perfect enlightenment (Samyak Sambodhi) is attained through wisdom (gyan), morals (sheel),
and the meditative state (samadhi).

87. By material joy and comfort alone, in human life the path of liberation (Mukti) cannot be


88. If morals or rules are followed one may be released from worldly materialism as well as from the
cycle of birth and death.

89. And, if in the name of religion spiritual opulence (riddhi) is shown, miracles are demonstrated, it
is contrary to the rules of Dharma.

90. The rule of Dharma is to free those beings from the suffering of Sansara who are not able to do
so; to show them the path of liberation is the rule of Dharma.

91. Suffering remaining, fear and terror, the practice of enlightenment, divine eye, extremely pure
mind-exceeding knowledge, great compassion and enlightened mind are the revelation of the field of
infinite potential (Sunyata).

92. Being dedicated for the sake of the sentient beings of the world, doing dedication...

93. wherever samadhi takes form, there is Dharma.

94. Whoever in this world reaches the conscience of Maitriya.

95. whoever, being in the union of the supreme soul (Parmatma), drinks the elixir of samadhi...

96. whoever up until the inner soul (antaratma) has the strength and light of the wisdom of

97. opens the worldly gate of Matreya Nath`s loving understanding and feeling for the world

98. There is direct manifestation of the Truthful Being (purush), the Great Being (maha purush) and
the Buddha Being (buddha purush).

99. Wherever there is the eternal existence of all human life; there, lifes perfection is Dharma.

100. In the perfection of Dharma, there is Shunyata (emptiness).

101. Encountering the feeling of Shunyata, there is enlightenment (Buddhatva).

102. Shunyata and Buddhatva are formless and unmanifested;

103. stronger than a rock of memories of material pleasure.

104. Inside the wisdom of buddhahood/enlightenment (buddhattva), there is peace, there is

principle, gaining liberation for the world.

105. "so be it"; "may it be"

106. May all be tranquil/prosperous/happy.


Speech Against Animal Sacrifice at Gadhi
Mai Temple
October 30, 2009

I have taken refuge in the greatest vehicle of vehicles which is the Yampa Dharma.

I have taken refuge in all monks and the sangha of all religions.

I turn to the wisdom of Buddha and the Noble Masters.

With all sentient beings I take refuge in the wisdom of the all knowing Buddha, Mai Maitriya.

For world peace for all sentient beings I wish you well and first give you these blessings:

Om Namo Guru Buddha Gyani (Hail to the Master of the Wisdom of Buddha).
Hail to the formless Divine Mother, by whom the worldly cycle of sin was overcome in nine
forms, has dedicated Buddha Gyani, the form of wisdom for the guidance and the welfare of
sentient beings.

In the whole universe, it is not that the wisdom of the Noble Truths does not exist. In all noble
beings there are codes of ethics, initiations, religions, which change, and they change appearances.
In all noble human beings there can be wrong codes of ethics, initiations and religions which are
sadly poisoned by the world in the form of wealth.

Thus accept only noble path of dharma. In the world there are only three kinds of formless dharmas:

First is the dharma form that causes bad influences.

The second shows the form of upside-down, reverse dharma.
Third is the appearance of true form of Dharma.

That is to say:

The first dharma of bad influence. In this universe, for the sake of securing ones own selfish
interests, fear, threats, terrorism, violence and the demonstration of miracles are used to keep
the world under ones own rule these are wrong policies. Pure selfishness causes this, and it
is not right way.
The second show the form of upside-down, reverse dharma. Humans in order to profit from
momentary gains have strayed from the path of truth. This is a harmful form (of dharma).
The third true Dharma in order to benefit sentient beings of the world adheres to the path of
virtue and having an inner sense of wellbeing. This form of true dharma is the form that leads
from suffering and ignorance to wisdom through loving kindness.

Between this earth and the sky, there live infinite number of beings which are conscious of this
world, whose ways are birth, death and impermanence.

Let us humans search for peace, Mai Maitriya, truth and wisdom.

This world is unable to make such a search with its kinds of morals and behavior. There is no
foundation for good moral conduct. We have become anti-social. There is harm, there is rage,
selfishness and jealousy, constructing the society. And the construction of society is devoid of

An innocent being should not be deprived of its happy life and be surrendered by sacrifice, so that by
its death "conscious" human beings can acquire wealth!

How selfish can they be?

Human society has lost the power of Mai Maitriya to show mercy, love and compassion. So human
beings murder innocent beings.

Why do they do it?

We human beings, in order to fulfill our sinful selfishness harm sentient beings. In order to fulfill
ones desires, only good old traditional and ethical ways can be used. With this message I would like
to appeal to all religions to let innocent beings be free from harm at Gadhi Mai Temple.

At Ghadi Mai Temple animals which...

...the innocent animals...

...at our villages and homes...

...the innocent animals...

...may this not happen...

...may obstacles in worship and harm not happen...

May all beings be happy.

Translated by: LTJ and Mukesh Lama


Closing Speech for The 2008 Puja

November 22, 2008

1. Great, great vehicle of vehicles,

2. I am in the refuge of the Great Maitri Dharma.

3. I am in the refuge of the groups of monks.

4. I am in the refuge of every Dharma Sangha.

5. All living beings are impermanent.

6. Every present form is likewise temporary.

7. The momentary material forms are only perfected in order to be seen.

8. Human nature is seen living from birth until old age and death, it is the way of the wheel of the
impermanent ocean of illusion.

9. Nobody can stop this.

10. The world knows the present form, the future form and the imperfect form; that is to say: the
form of Self, the form of Supreme Self, and the form of the Not-Self.

11. The perplexed world can be changed by the wisdom of these three forms.

12. Nobody is able to know the true self wisdom of loving kindness.

13. The loving wisdom of the soul has a separate guidance, but the cause of the world is not the
Supreme Soul.

14. Every form seen in a perishable form does not change; but all true knowledge shown by religious
teaching is saying the same.

15. All human beings are incapable of accepting that which is taught by religion and philosophy.

16. Having made the search having spent the whole life making the search in adherence of the true
knowledge of the Dharma the whole life is regretted longing to obtain the philosophy of freedom,
emancipation, and bliss.

17. The same form is shown by all scriptural teaching.

18. Having made the search, they differentiate among all the scriptural teachings.

19. Those obtaining guidance may also get lost in the contrary selfish feelings, but there is never an
end of the glory between the soul and the Supreme Soul.

20. If, in the world, loving wisdom between the soul and the Supreme Soul can be observed, the
wrong karma element remaining within worldliness can be destroyed; but the world is fixed on its
own selfish form.

21. No one is able to keep the search of the self and the Supreme Self within the heart.

22. Today the world is in search of guidance in the forms of mercy, loving kindness, non-violence,
and compassion which cannot be found anywhere.

23. But changing the world today, which in the name of materialism is possessed by fear, escape,
terrorism, scaremongering, restlessness and fighting again by the same form of teaching gained
for the world from meditational guidance I will be guiding the world by the Knowledge of Loving
Wisdom between the soul and the Supreme Soul.

24. I will also be giving thousands of teachings of Buddha proclamations and the Buddha Way which
have been obtained through the path of meditation.

25. The world today has the wisdom of the feeling of Maitri between the soul and the Supreme Soul,
which is being engendered from the heart little by little.

26. The weak way among humans, due to the Kali Yuga, has caused trust and devotion towards the
soul and the Supreme Soul to disappear.

27. Due to the convenience of temporary happiness, the feeling of Maitri has been forgotten.

28. Thus every perishable form of teaching and material form of teaching will also be abandoned one
day by Dharma guidance.

29. But all the regrets of life will feel like clear blue sky after death has arrived.

30. If loving wisdom is in us between the soul and the Supreme Soul, due to ones own spiritual
powers, the regrets after death are also able to be seen by this subtle knowledge.

31. I have attained [this subtle knowledge] from seeing all the feelings of life and seeing the afterlife
in meditation.

32. Focusing with contiuous dedication, I will bring forth the attained wisdom refined in the wisdom
of mutual behavior.

33. Doing guidance for the deliverance of beings and world peace, approaching the whole world,
wise human beings, conductors of virtuous lives, groups of monks, teachers, protectors of the
Dharma and all virtuous groups, I will tell them in the days to come of the teachings of the wisdom
of Maitriya.

34. Until all living beings attain the wisdom of complete enlightenment, I will dedicate [my] whole
life for the countless living beings.

35. This great, great vehicle of vehicles, the Great Maitri Dharma is not only for myself alone, as I
have gone towards wisdom doing difficult penance for the deliverance of countless beings, every
one; it is the first central Dharma, the Dharma of Heedance, which refers to all knowledge of the

36. The second is the Dedication Dharma central to the Bodhisattva Dharma.

37. Knowing the Bodhisattva Dharma, which delivers countless living beings, one is called Guru.

38. The hundreds referred to as Gimpen Buddha are, in other words, called Mai Maitriya Buddha.

39. The hundreds referred to as Gimpen Semkoii mean all the living beings who have the feeling of
Maitri in the heart.

40. The second form of teaching is the Great Maitri Dharma, meaning the great, great vehicle of

41. By looking into every form, seen from the philosophy of wisdom, the form of philosophy of the
whole world can be refined and changed.

42. While being changed, all living beings... while being changed, within the whole world, do not be
dissatisfied or evil.

43. It is the whole worlds form of perception that will undergo this change.

44. Together with doing guidance for the redemption of countless living beings and by guiding
worldly wisdom towards the wisdom of obtaining freedom, emancipation and the sign of
accomplishment... this is the loving wisdom of selflessness.

45. Perfection and Bliss prevail May all beings be peaceful.


Opening Speech for The 2008 Puja
November 10, 2008

I take refuge in the greatest of all Vehicles, Great Vehicle.

I take refuge in the greatest of all Dharmas.

I take refuge in all monks.

I take refuge in all religious seekers (Sangha).

I greet and take refuge in all Buddha lineages.

Keeping in mind, in accordance with the time of each society, public sentiment, the country and
birth and stay, while meditating and practicing for the purpose of attaining peace for livelihood, I
have dedicated my whole life, body and speech for suffering beings.

The day was auspicious and the boy was age six or seven. That boy was of silent thought and noble
feeling. One day at the request of the Dream Master the boy saw in a vision a great person
preaching. That great person was wearing a white robe, his complexion was white and light was
coming out of his body and speech came out of him: "Look here human being why have you come?"
That boy had gone to visit that great man. Then he again promised the boy: "Why have you come?
Who are you?" Such words was heard. In that situation the answer was given by the boy. He was a
great meditator in his past life and he was killed.

Then when his age was eight or nine one miraculous scene occurred. There was a village of the
Tharu community at some distance from the village. One dead body was brought from that village
for cremation at the bank of a river which is near the village. That boy was roaming with his friends
near there. All of a sudden the boy's sight went towards the funeral pyre. At the funeral pyre he saw
a vision of luminous light which appeared forth from the corpse and penetrated the sky. That light
was burning in yellow and green flame. Day by day that boy started to think that liberation will be
achieved after death in the same manner. Insight of the previous meditation got developed and the

bright light of the body which was on the funeral pyre and the knowledge of the meditation of past
life remained blazing in his memory day and night. Gradually, after the knowledge of meditation
path the need of one solitary place was raised.

In the beginning, starting from the seventh chakra while reaching at Brahma chakra, Klesha (the
poisons) and Mara (evil) were destroyed and invisible lights entered into the body. The knowledge of
Maitri of Lok (the world) and Alok (beyond the world) has been gained. The knowledge about the
Lok and Alok can not be given to this Samsara (world) unless and until the Omniscient Honored One
(Bhagavan) gives order to do so. For this Samsara, I am abiding Dharma while being a Bodhisattva
keeping away from undesired action (Akushala papa) keeping the Maitri Bhawana (noble thought) in
mind one has to act good with karma, speech and mind while being away from sexual misconduct,
anger, and greed.

From the Dhyana marga (meditation path) again Honored One gave the speech: "This troubled world
is suffering because it is not getting Karuna (Compassion) because of ignorance caused by greed,
anger, aversion, envy and attachment. The human beings created the policy and tradition which are
destroying themselves as well as the World Soul form. Let's make path of peace."

Abide by nana ashana dharma by renouncing body, speech and mind for the sentient beings of the
world which are in the form of consciousness is the first aim for world peace and liberation of
sentient beings of the world being one pointed to concentration for the welfare of human beings

I will always provide pure guidance by daily actions of good conduct, Dharma and merit. I have
taken refuge in the liberator for ever. I will change consciousness of sentient beings lost between
the earth and the sky, who has taken impermanent birth and wandering in the world, into the path of
liberation and moksha by making them realize the thought of Maitri Bhawana (the feeling of loving

It is not that there has been no noble truth knowledge in the world for the welfare of sentient beings.
Policies, traditions, religions has changed and are changing by noble beings. Wrong policies,
traditions and religions has led all noble beings towards separation. That is why you need to accept
the good policy, stop the wrong traditions and preserve all forms of religions.

The face of the human world is one. The element and knowledge of the supreme soul (Parmatma) is
one. One element may destroy as well as save the world... If the right guidance of truth is accepted
by everyone, then we can light the light of peace throughout the world. The whole world will be able
to touch the thought of each other. The knowledge of Dharma will provide guidance for non-violence,
charity and compassion and to liberate the sentient beings. Until human beings do not understand
this thought of loving kindness (Maitri) they will be suffering because of desire and attachment
created by ignorance.

Human beings suffer because of worldly greed. They are restless and in agony from the burden of
evil deed. What is the meaning of human beings suffering? There is a problem understanding what
the suffering of human beings is. We don't want to experience the suffering. In this impermanent
world there is nothing that has no suffering. From birth to death, being human there is suffering.
Suffering humans, being unable to forget or renounce desire, are in the world of suffering
throughout life. Therefore, in a world ruled by laws filled with the injustice and lies of the world,
people struggle with thoughts of desire for pleasure. Likewise, in the world it is difficult to live by
the Dharma and take up the path for the good of humankind. But with religions, when humans
depend on blind faith it turns into emotional desire and goes into a ceaseless whirlpool.

For the good of all beings who remain weeping within this ocean of emotion, as a Bodhisattva, I will
always be keeping them in mind, practicing meditation and penance and waiting for all the beings of
the world to become enlightened.

May all beings be happy.

Translated by: Mukesh Lama


Command From The Bhagavan

October 19, 2007

1. Prayers of the Three Divine Beings. [1]

2. A message for world peace, for all living beings and for the welfare of humankind...

3. I bow to the devotees of all religions.

4. I salute monks and nuns.

5. I also bow to the Dharma-Sangha.

6. After the Bhagavan of the Three Jewels [2] having commanded me to benefit and liberate humans
and living beings of the world;

7. I have abided by the promise to free the transient world from the Ocean of Illusion,

8. and to free [the world] from worldly defects for the welfare of humankind and living beings of the
world on the road to freedom,

9. I am always single-mindedly contemplating and being mindful.

10. The living beings of the world, they also want to be liberated from worldly sorrows and pain.

11. But inherently they do not get Dharma teachings on the path to freedom as the human world

12. They are also praying to Bhagavan.

13. They are engrossed in seeing this world.

14. Traditions that are destroying [everything] from living creatures to humans are being established
by human beings causing killings, violence, anger, jealousy and divisions in the name of religion.

15. The World is One. God is One. The Soul having the human form is One.

16. Only traditions and varied forms are different.

17. Therefore, always adopt mercy, compassion, non-violence and peace on the path.

18. Starting from this society, this is the message I want to give to the humans of the world:

19. That religion in which there is Truth will be continuously immersed in the quest for the true
human religion.

20. The quest for the Path of Truth is the only way toward human welfare.

21. Although there are thousands and thousands of guidances among humans,

22. humans today have managed to imprison this society and all the humans in the world by the form
of chaos, greed, attachment, anger, and jealousy.

23. In this manner, the world is going on the road to destruction.

24. The occasion has arrived for this to be taken into consideration by the humans of the world.

25. Humans should never forget their ultimate religious duty to society.

26. Refrain from killings, violence, greed, jealousy, attachments, and evil character.

27. Shed the tears of mercy and compassion; show the way of liberation to the world.

28. After we die (depart) from this life, it is extremely difficult to obtain a human life.

29. Everyone thinks that people wont be born after death.

30. But no; one gets a human life again by the meritorious deeds done by oneself.

31. Whatever work one has done will obtain a similar kind of effect.

32. Now the world is influenced by three forms.

33. The first form influencing this world is greed; the second form is anger; the third form is
attachment and jealousy.

34. All the religious traditions will change.

35. Adherents of all religions need to first search for the path of Truth, keeping mercy, compassion,
non-violence, and peace, they need to beautify the human world with the way of liberation.

36. For the emancipation of the living beings of the world, I am emanating bodhicitta [3].

37. Until I gain the ultimate accomplishment of Samyak Sambodhi [4], I will only be doing penance
and meditation.

38. Accomplishing Samyak Sambodhi

39. May all beings be peaceful



[1] Tibetan: Kunchyog Sum.

[2] Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.

[3] The intention to achieve omniscient Buddhahood (Trikaya) as fast as possible, so that one may
benefit infinite sentient beings.

[4] There are several levels of enlightened consciousness and sambodhi is the level, where all levels
disappear (are equal).


A Message of Peace to the World

August 2, 2007

A message of peace to our world today.

Murder, violence, oppression, anger and delusion have made the human world a desperate place. A
terrible storm has descended upon the human world, and this is carrying the world towards
destruction. There is only one way to save the world and that is through Dharma (spiritual practice.)
If one doesn't walk the righteous path of spiritual practice, this confused world will surely be
destroyed. Therefore, follow the path of spirituality and spread this message to your fellows. Never
put obstacles, anger and disbelief in the way of my meditation's mission. I am only showing you the
way; you must probe it on your own. What I will be, what I will do, the coming days will reveal.

Human salvation, the salvation of all living beings, and peace in the world are my goal and my path.
"Namo Buddha sangaya, Namo Buddha sangaya, namo sangaya." I am contemplating on the release
of this chaotic world from the ocean of emotion, on our detachment from anger and temptation.
Without straying from the path for even a moment, I am renouncing my own attachment to my life
and my home forever. I am working to save all living beings. But for the impermanent world this my
daily practice is reduced to mere entertainment. The practice and devotion of many Buddhas is
directed at the world's betterment and happiness. It is essential but very difficult to understand that
practice and devotion. But though it is easy to lead this ignorant existence, human beings don't
understand that one day we must leave this uncertain world and go with the Lord of Death. Our long
attachments with friends and family will dissolve into nothingness. We have to leave behind the
wealth and property we have accumulated. What's the use of my happiness, when those who have
loved me from the beginning: my mother, father, brothers, relatives are all unhappy. Therefore, to
rescue all sentient beings, I have to be Buddha-mind, and emerge from my underground cave to do
"vajra" meditation. To do this I have to realize the right path and knowledge, so do not disturb my
practice. My practice detaches me from my body, my soul and this existence.

In this situation there will be 72 goddess Kalis. Different gods will be present, along with the sounds
of thunder and of "tangur ," and all the celestial gods and goddesses will be doing "puja" (worship.)
So until I have sent a message, do not come here, and please explain this to others.

Spread spiritual knowledge and spiritual messages throughout the world. Spread the message of
world peace to all. Seek a righteous path and wisdom will be yours.


The Night Message of Peace

1. I was called by you saying that you called me to give the world some message.

2. A Message of Peace, an Entreaty to the World:

3. In the human world, murder, violence, misbehavior (oppression), greed, anger and attachment
have made the world restless.

4. A great storm has come amidst the human world. Now the one remedy to deal with this is the

5. When one does not move on the Precepts and Path of the Dharma, then this distraught world is
certain to be destroyed.

6. Thus, this Path and this message is to be exhorted by you all to the worlds society: never ever
create obstacles, hitches, indignation, and disbelief about my austere practice.

7. I am only showing you the way, you must walk it on your own. I will be telling with the coming
present time what I will be and what I will do.

8. It is my purpose and Path to benefit beings and to lead the world to peace. This is protecting my
body, voice, mind, the Sangha and the Dharma.

9. Sacrificing victims, that is not Dharma, it is violence and torture. Now you have told me to give
you a message, Im giving you a message.
How long will your austere practice go on for?

10. Its alright. I will continue six years for the world. If you have something to say you can stay in
front and tell them.

Is it okay if Gurus austerities are done in this place in the coming days, or are you also going to
change to another place?

11. Having said that protection had better be given by you all; its up to God. (its the game of the
Master.) Its not up to me.



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