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CON RED 2 U1 S1 S4 Ficha Act-2017-2

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Huawei mediante el STP elimina redundancia dentro de la red mejorando la

confianza de conexin entre sus dispositivos evitando alguna sobrecarga, previene



[sw-huawei] stp enable

[sw-huawei] stp mode mstp
[sw-huawei] stp region-configuration
[sw-huawei-mst-region] region-name huanetwork
[sw-huawei-mst-region] revision-level 1
[sw-huawei-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 7
[sw-region-mst-region] active region-configuration
[sw-region-mst-region] quit

Establece la prioridad a una instancia, similar a Cisco que le asigna una prioridad

[sw-huawei] stp instance 0 priority 4096

Verificar el estado del spanning tree usa el comando disp stp brief que a
diferencia de cisco que usa show spanning-tree

Para configurar los Edge ports y BPDU filter ports se realiza lo siguiente

Configuring all ports as edge ports and BPDU filter ports
The system view is displayed.
stp edged-port default
All ports are configured as edge ports.
By default, all ports are non-edge ports.
stp bpdu-filter default
All ports are configured as BPDU filter ports.
By default, all ports are non-BPDU filter ports.
Configuring a specified port as an edge port and BPDU filter port

The system view is displayed.
interface interface-type interface-number
The view of an Ethernet interface that participates in spanning tree calculation is
stp edged-port enable
The port is configured as an edge port.
By default, all ports are non-edge ports.
stp bpdu-filter enable
The port is configured as a BPDU filter port.
By default, a port is a non-BPDU filter port.

Por otro lado, se puede destacar la proteccion que le brinda a BPDU en un switch,
similar a cisco, como root and loop protection on a port.



Este producto al igual que Cisco emplea el STP para eliminar los bucles en la red,
bloqueando algunos puertos y habilitando otros para el trafico basados en local y
bridge ports.

Los parmetros por defecto son los siguientes:

HP config to setup STP on HP devices

Configuring the Root Bridge:

Procurve 4204vl-1# configure
Procurve 4204vl-1(config)# spanning-tree
Procurve 4204vl-1(config)# spanning-tree priority 0
Procurve 4204vl-1(config)# write memory

Configuring the other switches:

Procurve 4204vl-2# configure
Procurve 4204vl-2(config)# spanning-tree
Procurve 4204vl-2(config)# write memory


Juniper implementa una configuracin similar a CISCO, y entre los protocolos

STP cuenta con lo siguiente:

Step-by-Step Procedure
To configure RSTP and nonstop bridging on Switch 1:

Configure the VLANs voice-vlan, employee-vlan, guest-vlan, and camera-vlan:

[edit vlans]
user@switch1# set voice-vlan description Voice VLAN
user@switch1# set voice-vlan vlan-id 10
user@switch1# set employee-vlan description Employee VLAN
user@switch1# set employee-vlan vlan-id 20
user@switch1# set guest-vlan description Guest VLAN
user@switch1# set guest-vlan vlan-id 30
user@switch1# set camera-vlan description Camera VLAN
user@switch1# set camera-vlan vlan-id 40
Configure the VLANs on the interfaces, including support for the Ethernet
switching protocol:
[edit interfaces]
user@switch1# set ge-0/0/13 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members [10
20 30 40]
user@switch1# set ge-0/0/9 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members [10 20
30 40]

user@switch1# set ge-0/0/11 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members [10
20 30 40]
Configure the port mode for the interfaces:
[edit interfaces]
user@switch1# set ge-0/0/13 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
user@switch1# set ge-0/0/9 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
user@switch1# set ge-0/0/11 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
Configure RSTP on the switch:
[edit protocols]

user@switch1# rstp bridge-priority 16k

user@switch1# rstp interface ge-0/0/13.0 cost 1000
user@switch1# rstp interface ge-0/0/13.0 mode point-to-point
user@switch1# rstp interface ge-0/0/9.0 cost 1000
user@switch1# rstp interface ge-0/0/9.0 mode point-to-point
user@switch1# rstp interface ge-0/0/11.0 cost 1000
user@switch1# rstp interface ge-0/0/11.0 mode point-to-point

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