Traduccion Manual Radar
Traduccion Manual Radar
Traduccion Manual Radar
The following is a list of abbreviations and acronyms which maybe used in the text of
the manual.
La siguiente es una lista de abreviaturas y siglas que puede ser usado en el texto del
1.1 - . GENERAL
Enhorabuena por la seleccin del radar Raytheon XX Serie Raster Scan para
satisfacer sus requisitos de navegacin por radar.
Si usted compr este radar debido a su compacidad o la economa de energa,
facilidad de instalacin y fiabilidad a largo plazo, una cosa es cierta, el momento en que se
enciende el Display R10XX o R11XX usted sabr que usted est viendo un nuevo
concepto revolucionario en la tecnologa de radar en trabajo.
Usted es el orgulloso propietario de un sistema de radar inigualable dentro de la
industria de embarcaciones de recreo.
Las seales de radar se " almacenan " en un tubo de imagen de 7 pulgadas en
diagonal de tipo TV con claridad y detalle -chart similares. Un simple vistazo a su pantalla
gibe usted una completa una imagen de radar 360 precisa de otros buques, boyas y
cada de la tierra de los alrededores de su buque.
La nueva gama NM 1/8, junto con el modo de desplazamiento, hace que navegar los
canales estrechos, ros o cursos de agua en la noche un placer en vez de un problema.
El modo de zoom le proporciona un 2 tiempos rpidos ampliacin de la presentacin
radar en la zona que ha designado. En el modo "Timed Tx", el radar explora el rea
alrededor de su embarcacin en el operador preseleccionado intervalos para ahorrar
energa. Ajuste la zona de alarma para que le avise si los contactos de radar han entrado
en la zona de alarma, incluyendo cualquiera que no puede haber notado.
Lneas duales electrnicos cojinete (EBL) y Variable Range Markers (VRM) permiten
una rpida alta precisin rodamientos de destino y mediciones de distancia. Cuando se
conecta a un Loran -C o GPS Navigator con formato de datos de salida adecuada para el
funcionamiento pleno funcionamiento, el radar puede mostrar su punto de destino en la
pantalla en el rodamiento y el rango de su punto de destino en la pantalla en el rodamiento
y el rango de su embarcacin. La funcin de Waypoint proporciona informacin de
referencia de direccin hacia el destino, o se puede utilizar para ayudar a localizar boyas
especficos o puntos de referencia del waypoint.
Cuando interfaz con el Raytheon Raychart, 600XX, la nueva capacidad
revolucionaria para mostrar informacin de la carta alternativamente, o en conjuncin con
la imagen del radar, aade simplicidad y conveniencia. El estndar de la industria, C -MAP
carta cartografa, se utiliza para proporcionar informacin altamente detallada carta,
haciendo que la navegacin a la vez informativo y emocionante. El Modo Multi Screen
nica permite la visualizacin simultnea de Radar y Raychart, Video Sounder o
SeatalkTM (opcional) Datos.
Con todas estas caractersticas electrnicas y el diseo compacto y eficiente de este
radar, pronto se hace evidente que la ingeniera humana y simplicidad operacional han sido
las consideraciones ms importantes en el desarrollo del radar Sistemas R10XX/R11XX.
Usted, el cliente, establece el estndar para el desarrollo de nuestros productos.
Confiamos en que disfrute muchos aos de excelente rendimiento, la fiabilidad, y la
navegacin lisa con su nueva "vanguardia " del sistema de radar de la serie XX.
Para verificar la propiedad y la tarjeta de registro de garanta se encuentra justo
dentro de la portada de este manual. Es muy importante que se tome el tiempo para llenar
esta tarjeta. La tarjeta de registro de garanta deber ser devuelta a la fbrica
inmediatamente despus de su compra con el fin de recibir los beneficios completos de
El sistema de radar de la serie XX ha sido diseado y fabricado para proporcionar
facilidad de instalacin y operacin combinada con una excelente fiabilidad. Algunas de las
muchas importantes funciones integradas de los equipos son los siguientes:
1. Capacidad de pantalla multi permitiendo Raychart con radar, sonda o Seatalk (opcional)
ventana. Alternativamente la pantalla Radar se puede visualizar con Raychart , Video
Sounder o ventana Seatalk .
2. Estelas objetivo se pueden mostrar en la pantalla.
3. Presin trackpad sensible para acceder a la informacin rpida y en cualquier lugar en la
4. Resistente al agua hasta U.S.C.G. normas, lo que permite flexibilidad de instalacin.
5. Carcasa de aluminio resistente.
6. La capacidad de mostrar hasta 5 puntos en una secuencia de ruta (con opcin Seatalk).
7. Funcionamiento multi - idioma (Ingls, francs, espaol, alemn, noruego e italiano.)
Todos los seis idiomas son estndar dentro de cada sistema que se pueden
seleccionar a travs de un mensaje de men.
8. Funcin de sintonizacin automtica.
9. Interfaces con instrumentos Autohelm SEATALK (opcional). Raytheon (V850/8010)
Vdeo Fish Finder, Raychart 600XX y radioayudas .
10. Brjula estabilizada presentacin, permitiendo una verdadera manifestacin del Norte
cambia el rumbo magntico.
11. Funcin de hombre al agua nico que permite la activacin rpida y lecturas
instantneas para un rpido retorno al punto de origen del evento.
12. Alineaciones radar bsicas se pueden realizar a travs de los indicadores de men .
Ecos indirectos pueden aparecer cuando hay un objetivo grande, como un barco que
pasaba a una distancia corta, o una superficie reflectante, como un embudo en su propio
barco en lnea con la antena. La seal, en la primera golpeando el lado liso de la meta
grande, se ver reflejado, y estos ecos retornos posteriores a la antena se muestra en la
pantalla. Sin embargo, la misma reflexin golpea otros mstiles u obstculos y luego es
recogida por la antena del radar con la fuerza suficiente para aparecer como un objetivo en
la pantalla del radar.
Los ecos mltiples podran aparecer si hay un objetivo grande que tiene una
superficie vertical de ancho a su propia nave a una distancia relativamente corta. La seal
transmitida se reflejar ida y vuelta entre la superficie vertical lejos del objetivo y su propia
Por lo tanto, van a aparecer ecos mltiples ms all del eco de la verdadera meta en la
misma direccin, como se muestra a continuacin. Este no es un fenmeno muy comn.
Durante la bsqueda de ecos lejanos, el radar de la eco en la lnea de visin puede ser un
factor limitante. Las ondas de radar se comportan como las ondas de luz se refractan pero
un poco ms, el aumento de la distancia al horizonte de radar a poco ms all del
horizonte ptico (rango mostrado es correcto, sin embargo).
Como la fig. 3-1, a continuacin, muestra el alcance del radar de lnea de vista es una
combinacin del horizonte del radar de la antena del radar de la nave y el horizonte radar
del blanco. El espectculo nomograma en la figura 3-1, ms abajo, proporciona un mtodo
conveniente para determinar cualquiera de los tres factores implicados cuando se conocen
los otros dos factores.
La distancia al horizonte del radar de la antena del radar de la altura "h" de pie, en
condiciones normales, se puede calcular con la frmula.
. Por ejemplo, una antena a una altura de 50 pies tiene un horizonte de radar de 8,7 nm.
A 300 metros del acantilado tiene un horizonte de radar de 21,3 nm. Por lo tanto, en
condiciones normales, el acantilado debe comenzar a aparecer en la pantalla cuando el
barco llega dentro de 8,7 x 21,3 = 30 nm
The layout of the controls is shown in Fig.3-2
Symbol Description Function
Los prrafos siguientes describen la configuracin de control utilizado para la configuracin
de la pantalla inicial, procedimiento tur-en, la operacin las inclemencias del tiempo y,
finalmente, el procedimiento de desvo. La figura. 3-2 (pgina 3-14) se puede utilizar para
encontrar la ubicacin de los controles de radar que se describen en esta seccin.
1. Press the ST-BY/OFF key to place the radar in a countdown mode. After the
countdown has expired, the displayed prompt of ST-BY should appear. Pressing
the X-MIT/OFF key puts the radar in the transmitting mode.
2. Set the radar range via the keys to the 3 nm range scale.
3. Turn the GAIN Control clockwise until targets appear and a light speckle of
background noise is visible.
4. Adjust the TUNE Control to obtain maximum (strongest pickup) the display of
targets. (Adjust TUNE in ranges greater than 3 nm only). If AUTO is displayed in the
lower left corner under the range scale, then the running is automatic.
7. If rain echo returns are present and obscure targets, first reduce the GAIN Control
slightly to see whether the rain clutter will disappear leaving targets still visible. If
not, readjust the GAIN Control for best gain setting.
8. Then turn the ANTI-CLUTTER/RAIN Control clockwise to reduce or eliminate the
rain, while retaining targets for best viewing.
To turn off the Display and radar system, simply press both the
and the keys simultaneously.
3.5 - . Operaciones del panel frontal
3.5.1 - . Trackpad
Para mover lentamente , utilice una ligera presin. Para avanzar ms rpidamente , utilice
una fuerte presin.
Por lo general, los mensajes que aparecen en pantalla le guiarn a travs de las
operaciones correctas que implican el trackpad y la tecla ENTER.
If the VRM key is depressed for a long time, (until the long
beep sounds) the selected VRM ring will be turned OFF. The
selection of which VRM will be controlled is made by depressing the
VRM key momentarily. The being controlled is displayed with a
reversed character 1 or 2 after VRM in the upper right corner of the
The range an numerical readout of the selected VRM can be
changed by pressing the top (increase) or botton (decrease) of the
trackpad. In order to be sure youre going to move the VRM with the
trackpad, it is necessary to first press the VRM key, V character will appear in the Trackpad
Mode Indicator block in the lower right corner and SET VRM w/T` will illuminate in the
lower portion of the display. The VRM function will remain activated for 15 seconds for
further VRM movement after the last VRM ranging is completed. Merely press the VRM key
again to reactivate the trackpad and the V character next to the trackpad will illuminate if
the VRM message has disappeared.
After the VRM function is activated, pressing the VRM key a second time, will toggle
between VRM 1 and VRM 2.
Si la clave VRM est deprimido por mucho tiempo , ( hasta que suene el pitido largo ) el
anillo VRM seleccionado se desactivar . La seleccin de los cuales VRM ser controlada
se hace presionando la tecla VRM momentneamente . El ser controlado se muestra con
un carcter invertido 1 o 2 , despus de " VRM " en la esquina superior derecha de la
El rango de una lectura numrica de la VRM seleccionado se puede cambiar presionando
la parte superior ( aumento) o botton ( disminucin) del trackpad. Con el fin de estar seguro
de que vas a mover el VRM con el trackpad , es necesario pulsar primero la tecla VRM ,
carcter V aparecer en el bloque Trackpad Indicador de modo en la esquina inferior
derecha y "SET VRM w / T` "se encender en la parte inferior de la pantalla . La funcin
VRM permanecer activada durante 15 segundos para que el movimiento adicional VRM
despus de la ltima VRM van se ha completado . Simplemente pulse la tecla VRM nuevo
para reactivar el trackpad y el personaje V al lado del trackpad se iluminar si el mensaje
VRM ha desaparecido.
Despus de activar la funcin de VRM , al pulsar la tecla VRM por segunda vez, cambiar
entre VRM 1 y el VRM 2 .
Cuando la tecla EBL es inicialmente momentneamente presiona " EBL1 " aparece como
una lnea de " La " en la pantalla del radar. La lnea EBL puede entonces girar hacia la
izquierda , poniendo presin sobre el borde izquierdo del trackpad y CW ejercer presin
sobre el borde derecho del trackpad . Fuerte presin mueve la lnea ms lentamente. El
Trackpad controlar la EBL slo mientras el "SET EBL con T / P" mensaje aparece y la
letra E aparece en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla .
Un segundo EBL puede activarse pulsando la tecla EBL momentneamente de nuevo. El
segundo EBL es una lnea de puntos . Usted se dar cuenta que las caractersticas tanto
VRM 1 y EBL 1 uso " estrellados ", mientras VRM 2 y EBL2 utilizan caractersticas " de
puntos " .
Each pres of the EBL R-T/M key changes the bearing readout in
the following sequence: RELATIVE TRUE or RELATIVE MAGNETIC
- .
The unit of true bearing or magnetic bearing is selected by the
RADAR Setup menu.
Press MENU and select RADAR Setup. The Bearing selection may be either
Magnetic or True. Use the TRACK-PAD to identify the type of bearing and press ENTER.
Press the EBL R-T/M keys to make the selection of True/Magnetic or Relative by sequential
presses of the keys.
The True and Magnetic modes all depend on having a NAVAID with proper data
format connected to the radar system. In addition, the vessel must be underway and
generally on a constant heading for several minutes, so that the COG (Course Over
Ground) information from the LORAN or GPS will be valid and usable for the radar display
Pressing the EBL R-T/M key places the radar in the True mode of operation. In this
mode, EBL 1 and EBL 2 bearings are indicated in the true bearing as determined by the
NAVAID input. The character T will be displayed in the right of the EBL bearing character
to indicate the type of bearing input. The ships COG data from the NAVAID is shown on the
radar display directly above the SHM and the vessels speed is shown in the lower right of
the display in this mode. Pressing the EBL R-T/M key again places the radar in the
Magnetic mode of operation. In this mode, EBL 1 and EBL2 bearings are indicated in
magnetic bearing as determined by the NAVAID or optional magnetic flux sensor input. The
character M will be displayed to the right of the EBL caracters to indicate the type of
bearing input. The Ships COG data from the NAVAID is shown on the radar display directly
above the SHM and the vessels speed is shown in the lower right of the display. When the
Compass within the heading box readout. Data is used, the M character will be displayed
in block form M.
On short range scales, the setting of the SEA CLUTTER Control
should never be advanced so high as to completely obliterate all
clutter, since this setting could prevent the detection of close-in
target echoes.
On the longer range scales (16 miles or greater), the STC Control
may be advanced to decrease excessive video clutter around own
ships position in the center of the display if necessary.
INITIAL SETTING - This Menu accesses initial alignment setups which are
necessary when the radar is installed. If can only
accessed by pressing MENU and GUARD
When the Main Menu is selected by pressing the MENU key, the following Sub
menus will be displayed.
The Initial Setting Menu (above) is selected by pressing the MENU and the GUARD
key simultaneously. Default settings are underlined.
The TRACKPAD is used to select a particular Menu. Use downward pressure on the
Trackpad to highlight the desired menu. Once it is highlighted, press the ENTER key to call
up that menu. Now select the data in the menu, highlight, and pressing the ENTER key to
activate that operation.
All settings, except TX PULSE selections are memorized when the radar is turned OFF.
This allows selection of L/L (LAT/LONG), TD (TIME DIFFERENCE) position or OFF
Displays. In addition you may display Waypoint (WPT) as a LAT/LONG position in place of
own ship L/L position. LAT/LONG position in the lower portion of the display. The position
information is only available if a LORAN C (L/L ot TD) or GPS (L/L only) NAVAID (or Sea
Talk) is connected to the radar.
When WAYPOINT (WP) mode is turned on, and the radar is connected to a LORAN
or GPS with the necessary data output, a waypoint symbol at the bearing and range to the
selected waypoint can be presented on the radar display. Numeric data, showing the
waypoints bearing and range, and Time-To-Go, appears at the bottom of the display.
WPcharacters in the upper left corner of the waypoint data box indicate that the waypoint
mode is ON.
If the radar is receiving course data from a magnetic sensor or from a Loran/GPS in
magnetic waypoint bearing data the radar mode must be set to Magnetic for the waypoint
mode to operate. If NCT-27 Gyro Interface Unit is installed or the Loran/GPS Bearing Data
is True the radar mode must be set to True. The waypoint function will be enabled when
the radar true or magnetic MODE matches the LORAN course data input to the radar.
When operating with a LORAN or GPS, insure that the radar and LORAN/GPS are both
operating in the Magnetic mode or True mode together.
If the waypoint is not within the selected range scale of the radar, only the dashed
line indicating the bearing to the waypoint can be displayed. When the waypoint distance
appears within the range scale in use, the waypoint is displayed as a, *, connected by a
dotted line to own ship.
Should data be lost from the heading sensors or from the LORAN C, the WAYPOINT
(WPT) function will become disabled and the message NO DATA will appear in the
message area of the lower portion of the display. If should also be noted that the
WAYPOINT symbol can only appear if the operator has programmed the LORAN/GPS or
Raychart to proceed to a waypoint.
In order to enable the WAYPOINT feature, the external navigator data input must
contain either the BWC, or RMB sentences in addition to the position and course data.
This sentence structure is contained within the NMEA 0183 data format. The waypoint
information is also available in the JRC format, if that format is being used.
If the waypoint is turned ON in the menu, but is not visible on the screen, refer to the
appropriate navigator technical manual to verify that the proper data sentence structure is
The radar must calculate the TTG to the waypoint when using the NMEA format.
Therefore, due to the rate of sampling data, the display of TTG sometimes appears to lag
the TTG appearing on the external navigator.
This Menu Selection allows the Radar to display an external route plan via Seatalk
(option) input from the Raychart unit. The route plan consists of the last waypoint, as well
as the next four (4) in the route plan. A route must be active on the Raychart for the radar to
display the route.
When IR is on, this function reduces or cancels interference on the display caused
by other radars operating on the same radar frequency band. This type of interference
typically appears as long curled spokes or short repetitive hash marks on the display. The
interference is most noticeable on longer rangers. The IR function also effective in reducing
the radars background noise.
If you are operating in an area serviced by a RACON beacon, turn OFF the IR mode
to see the RACON beacon signals. IR mode can cancel Racon beacon Signals quite
effectively also.
When ON, this function gives the operator the ability to make small targets appear
bigger on the screen in their depth for better viewing. This function however enlarges all a
targets so use of expansion mode might want to be limited to only certain occasions on the
The Timed TX Menu selection allows the operator to program the radar to
automatically transmit for a selected period of time and then enter a sleep mode for a
selected period of time. This permits the user to maintain a limited radar watch while
minimizing his power consumption. To use the Timed TX Mode, proceed as follows:
1. First: Select the desired number of radar scans for the transmit period using the
Trackpad. Then press ENTER.
2. Next: Select the STANDBY period with the Trackpad and Press ENTER.
3. Finally: Select TIMED TX ON with the Trackpad, and then press ENTER key to
place the Timed Transmit program in operation.
4. To turn TIMED TX Mode OFF, select OFF with the Trackpad in the menu and then
press ENTER. The radar returns to its normal operation. Normal operation may also
be restored without entering the Menus by pressing the STBY key and then the XMIT
This item selects the receiver tuning method for the Radar. If Manual is selected the
True Control on the front panel is used and the Tune Bar indicator is present. The AUTO
tuning mode will automatically tune the radar for optimum whenever the radar is turned on
or ranges changed. Generally, the AUTO tuning mode provides unattended operation and
should be selected Auto appears instead of the Tune Bar indicator.
This selects Heading Mode to work in either Magnetic or True Bearings.
The TRUE HEADING MODE of operation allows the operator to take EBL bearings
referenced to True North. The vessels TRUE Heading is displayed at the top center of the
bearing ring T075 L with the LORAN designator just to the right.
The TRUE MODE is available only if the LORAN or GPS navigator installed with the
MODE may be used if an NCT-27 interfaced to a Gyro Compass is connected to the
compass input of the Radar.
If no external navigator or compass sensor is connected to the Display Unit, the HEADING
readout will read NO DATA.
When changing courses, the Magnetic heading data from a LORAN typically requires
1 to 3 minutes to stabilize to the vessels current heading. This lag in providing accurate
magnetic heading is noticeable when using the waypoint mode on Short Range Scales and
maneuvering the vessel in a channel. The symbol sometimes doesent keep up with the
changes. We recommend that an optional Compass Sensor be installed whenever the
radar is used with a LORAN navigator in order to provide immediate magnetic heading
information the radar display. This is very important if navigating within restricted waters and
relying on accurate EBL bearings to confirm ones position.
When an M is displayed at the top of the screen M091 and also M appears just to
the right of the EBL 1 and EBL 2 readouts. This indicates that the heading and EBL
information are relative to magnetic north. Waypoint bearings will also be provided as
magnetic headings.
Note that with a Compass Sensor installed, the heading as well as other bearing
information will be provided by the Compass Sensor M rather than the LORAN or GPS. Ins
this mode heading. EBL and Waypoint information will be updated immediately.
If no external navigator, compass sensor or NSK input is connected to the Display Unit, the
HEADING readout box will read NO DATA in True or Relative Modes. Heading information
can also be derived from the Sea Talk input (in the absence of a compass input) in which
case an S will appear next to the heading readout.
This function sets the Guard Zone Alarm sensitivity where 1 is most sensitive and
7 is least sensitive. This alarm level can be varied to prevent false triggering of the Guard
Zone Alarm circuits due to sea clutter or other momentary target echoes. Normally the level
is set to 4.
This function allows the operator to increase the normal 0.35 pulse length to 0.7
for greater power output in the NM range. After the radar is switched OFF, this function
returns to 0.35 when the radar is reenergized.
This function allows the operator to decrease the normal 0.7 pulse length to 0.35
for better definition and detection of targets in heavy rain clutter. After the radar is switched
OFF, this function returns to 0.7 when the radar is reenergized.
This Menu Selection sets the desired key illumination intensity from 0 (off) to 7
This menu selection sets the desired intensity to the display screen from (1)minimum
to (8) maximum. Ragardless of setting, at initial turn on, the brilliance reset unit will default
to a level 7 setting.
This Menu Selection allows the operator to choose one of 6 languages for the radar
menus and display prompts.
This diagram shows the sequence of steps used in making a Guard Zone.
The paragraphs that follow go into greater detail for each type of Guard Zone.
Note that in the upper right corner of the display, the ALM indicates that the Guard
Zone is activated and below this we have I 5 which indicates the IN alarm mode is in
operation and the alarm target sensitivity is set at 5. If we wish to change the IN alarm to
OUT alarm, press the GUARD key again and the symbol will sound for targets leaving the
guard zone.
Pressing the GUARD key again will turn off the Guard Zone.
To set a sector zone, press the GUARD key and set the cursor to the lower left
corner of where you wish to start your zone and press ENTER. Now move the cursor up to
the right to enclose the zone within the trapezoidal area. Press ENTER and we now have a
sector zone which will alarm if any target enters the zone. If we wish to shift to the OUT
alarm, press GUARD once. The 0 5 will be displayed in the upper right corner indicating
the OUT alarm is in use.
To activate the memorized alarm zone just press and hold the GUARD key until the
display beeps. Your memorized zone will reappear. The zone will be displayed as an IN
type zone. If you want to change to an OUT zone, press the GUARD key one time and
ALM O will be displayed on-screen showing the OUT alarm is in use.
This is a dual function key which turns ON and OFF the Range
Rings (RR) and will keep the SHM (Ships Heading Marker) OFF as
long as the button is held depressed.
If the RR/SHM key is held down, the SHM will extinguish until the key is released.
This feature allows the operator to turn OFF the ships heading marker momentarily,
in order to view small targets which may be located beneath it.
3.5.17 HEADING MODE KEY (15)
Most radar operators are familiar with seeing the radar picture
aligned with the bow of the vessel. This type of radar display
orientation makes it easy to look out the windshield and identify the
radars targets as they are positioned relative to the ships Heading
line. This Heading Mode is Know as the HEAD-UP mode and is one of
the selections using the HDG MODE key.
H-UP appears at the top of the screen is this mode.
One of the key functions of this radar is the capability to plot
radar targets and provide warnings if the targets will approach the
safety limits of your vessel. In order to plot the targets accurately with
radar, the vessels Heading must remain stable. One simple way to do
this automatically is to synchronize the radar picture to the ships Gyro
or Magnetic compass. When the picture is synchronized in this
manner, the radar will be operating in the NORTH-UP or COURSE-UP
If having the radar picture turned around on the screen in the N-UP mode is
confusing, you could select the COURSE-UP mode. The COURSE-UP mode lets you rotate
rotate the radar picture so the vessels basic Course Heading scale, similar to the HEAD-
UP mode. In C-UP mode you can again reference the targets by looking out the front
windows. C-UP appears on top of the screen in this mode.
Note however, if the vessel changes direction, the radar picture will shift on the radar
display in sync with the ships Heading changes. This keeps all target plots stable and also
provides a clear visual reference to the operator on the impact of the vessels Heading shifts
to the targets around his vessel.
Each press of the HDG MODE key changes the display mode in the following
C-UP>N-UP>H-UP> etc.
RAYCHART screen (in the radar mode) or RADAR screen (in the chart
mode) FISH FINDER screen DATA screen WINDOW off
RAYCHART screen or RADAR screen.
An external navigator (ie. Loran, GPS) is required to provide the radar display unit
with the proper course, speed, Lat/Long, TD, and waypoint data via a NMEA 0183 data
format. When this information is available, the operator has the ability to select and display
this information on the screen of the radar display.
The external navigation data port is found on the rear of the radar display NMEA
See paragraph in chapter 2 for interconnection details.
Convenient Sea Talk cable assemblies are available in various lengths from
Raytheon/Autohelm dealers to help you complete any Sea Talk interconnection
requirements, as follows: