Orejas de Izaje ASME DIN
Orejas de Izaje ASME DIN
Orejas de Izaje ASME DIN
1 Calculos
2 5.2 Maxima carga de trabajo segura de grilletes
3 (1) FSe = FLe = FGe/(n*cos ) N 28284
4 FGe Carga efectiva N 40000
5 Tamao de grillete 5
6 FS Maxima carga segura de trabajo N 50000
7 (2) FSe<= FS table 3 Cumple
8 5.3 Maxima carga de trabajo segura de orejas
9 (3) FG u = FG*KL u /240
10 (4) FLe= FSe
11 FG u N 77000
12 (5) FGe<= FG u tabla 4 Cumple
13 5.4 Espesor de plancha de refuerzo y espesores de garganta de soldaduras
14 Tabla 5: Factor de incremento de carga
15 <=60 >60
16 W 1 2
17 W 1
18 (6) S2= 0.5*(FLe*W* g /KV u )^(1/2) mm 6.4
19 Se<= S2<=1.5*Se mm #NAME?
20 Espesor de garganta de soldadura a1
21 S1 mm 15.0
22 S2 mm #NAME?
23 (7) a1 >= 0.7*S1min mm #NAME?
24 a1 mm #NAME?
25 Espesor de garganta de soldadura a2
26 (8) a2 >= 0.7*S2min mm #NAME?
27 a2 mm #NAME?
28 5.5 Capacidad de carga del tanque
29 Tabla 6: Valor Intermedio A
30 Tamano de oreja 1 2 3 4 5
31 A 59 76 113 139 167
32 A 76
33 (9) U= A/((R*So)^(1/2)) #NAME?
34 f #NAME?
35 (10) FB= f*So^2*KB u / g N #NAME?
36 (11) FLe<= FB/W #NAME?
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11/12/2013, 6:32 PM
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11/12/2013, 6:32 PM
2-2.2 Categora de Diseo B: cuando la magnitud y la variacin de las cargas aplicadas no son predecibles, las condiciones de carga y del medio ambiente son graves, o no se define con
3.00 para los estados lmite de fluencia o pandeo,
3.60 para los estados lmite de fractura y para el diseo de conexin. Elaborado por: Luis Enrique Aguilar Montoya
Inspector QA/QC FLSmidth
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11/12/2013, 6:32 PM
1 Oreja con conexin para grillete: ASME BTH-1
2 Descripcion: Atril de Armado de contraejes Fuller
3 13,228 W [lb] Peso de la carga
4 3.6 Nd Design factor
5 Material:
6 A36 Material Material A36 A572 A516 E7018/E71T-1
7 36,000 Fy [psi] Limite elastico Fy [psi] 36,000 50,000 16,000 58,000
8 58,000 Fu [psi] Resistencia a la traccion Fu [psi] 58,000 65,000 30,000 70,000
9 29,000,000 E [psi] Modulo de Elesticidad E [psi] 29,000,000 29,000,000 9,800,000
10 Dimensiones:
11 1.97 Dh [in] Diametro de agujero
12 5.91 w [in] Ancho de oreja
13 0.79 t [in] Espesor de oreja
14 2.95 R [in] Radio Exterior de oreja
15 0.31 Leg [in] Altura de filete de soldadura
16 Esfuerzo de Traccion:
17 Ft [psi] = Fy/Nd Esfuerzo de traccion admisible (eq 3-1) psi 10,000
18 A [in^2] = t*(w-Dh) Area en tension in^2 3.10
19 St [psi] = W/A Esfuerzo de traccion psi 4,267
20 CheckSt = St < Ft Cumple
21 Resistencia al Corte a travez del agujero:
22 Av [in^2] = 2*(R-(Dh/2)*cos(radians(45)))*t
23 Area total de dos planos de corte (eq 3-50) in^2 3.554
24 Pv [lb] = 0.7*Fu/(1.2*Nd)*Av Doble plano de resistencia al corte (eq 3-49)
25 lb 33,401
26 CheckPv = W < Pv Cumple
27 Esfuerzo Cortante en la Soldadura:
28 Exx [psi] = Fu si Fu<Exx Resistencia a la traccin de la soldadura del metal de aporte psi 58,000
29 Fv [psi] = 0.6*Exx/(1.2*Nd) Esfuerzo cortante de soldadura admisible(eq 3-53) psi 8,056
30 Aw [in^2] = (2*w+2*t) * (0.707*Leg) rea de la soldadura in^2 2.981
31 Fw [lb] = Fv*Aw Carga de soldadura admisible lb 24,011
32 CheckFw = W < Fw Cumple
33 Garganta de Soldadura minima: 3-3.4.3
34 garganta_3-3 [in] = IF(K14<=0.25,0.125,IF(K14<=0.5,0.188,(IF(K14<=0.75,0.25,(IF(K14<1.5,0.313))))))
35 in 0.188
36 check_garganta = Pierna filete*0.707 >=garganta_3-3 Cumple
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11/12/2013, 6:32 PM
2-2.2 Categora de Diseo B: cuando la magnitud y la variacin de las cargas aplicadas no son predecibles, las condiciones de carga y del medio ambiente son graves, o no se define con
3.00 para los estados lmite de fluencia o pandeo,
3.60 para los estados lmite de fractura y para el diseo de conexin. Elaborado por: Luis Enrique Aguilar Montoya
Inspector QA/QC FLSmidth
7 de 48
11/12/2013, 6:32 PM
1 Oreja con conexin para grillete: ASME BTH-1
2 Descripcion: Atril de Armado de contraejes Fuller
3 11,023 W [lb] Peso de la carga
4 3.6 Nd Design factor
5 Material:
6 A36 Material Material A36 A572 A516 E7018/E71T-1
7 36,000 Fy [psi] Limite elastico Fy [psi] 36,000 50,000 16,000 58,000
8 58,000 Fu [psi] Resistencia a la traccion Fu [psi] 58,000 65,000 30,000 70,000
9 29,000,000 E [psi] Modulo de Elesticidad E [psi] 29,000,000 29,000,000 9,800,000
10 Dimensiones:
11 2.17 Dh [in] Diametro de agujero
12 6.10 w [in] Ancho de oreja
13 0.79 t [in] Espesor de oreja
14 3.03 R [in] Radio Exterior de oreja
15 0.24 Leg [in] Altura de filete de soldadura
16 Esfuerzo de Traccion:
17 Ft [psi] = Fy/Nd Esfuerzo de traccion admisible (eq 3-1) psi 10,000
18 A [in^2] = t*(w-Dh) Area en tension in^2 3.10
19 St [psi] = W/A Esfuerzo de traccion psi 3,556
20 CheckSt = St < Ft Cumple
21 Resistencia al Corte a travez del agujero:
22 Av [in^2] = 2*(R-(Dh/2)*cos(radians(45)))*t
23 Area total de dos planos de corte (eq 3-50) in^2 3.568
24 Pv [lb] = 0.7*Fu/(1.2*Nd)*Av Doble plano de resistencia al corte (eq 3-49)
25 lb 33,536
26 CheckPv = W < Pv Cumple
27 Esfuerzo Cortante en la Soldadura:
28 Exx [psi] = Fu si Fu<Exx Resistencia a la traccin de la soldadura del metal de aporte psi 58,000
29 Fv [psi] = 0.6*Exx/(1.2*Nd) Esfuerzo cortante de soldadura admisible(eq 3-53) psi 8,056
30 Aw [in^2] = (2*w+2*t) * (0.707*Leg) rea de la soldadura in^2 2.301
31 Fw [lb] = Fv*Aw Carga de soldadura admisible lb 18,538
32 CheckFw = W < Fw Cumple
33 Garganta de Soldadura minima: 3-3.4.3
34 garganta_3-3 [in] = IF(K14<=0.25,0.125,IF(K14<=0.5,0.188,(IF(K14<=0.75,0.25,(IF(K14<1.5,0.313))))))
35 in 0.125
36 check_garganta = Pierna filete*0.707 >=garganta_3-3 Cumple
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1 Lifting Lug Load Capacity Vs Crack length Calculation
Sample Calculation
Thickness of Lug (t) = 20 mm
Width of Lug (W) = 200 mm
Radius of Circular Section (R) = 100 mm
Diameter of Hole ( D h ) = 60 mm
Diameter of Pin ( D p ) = 57 mm
Distance from centre of hole to Welding (h)= 100 mm
Area of Cross Section = 20 x 200 = 4000
Length of Crack ( a ) = 4.5 mm
Distance from centre of hole to edge of crack = (D h / 2 + a) =
Temperature (T) = 15 C
Fracture Toughness ( k 1c ) = (60 + 0.2 T) Mpa. Sqrt(m)
For -140 < T < 150
K 1c = 63 C
By Yeild Theory
Yeild Strength of Plate = 345 MPa
Effective width of plate = 200 - 60- 2 x4.5 = 131
Tensile Load capacity = 0.9 x 345 x 131 x 20/1000 =
By Fracture Theory
K 1c = F d . s . Sqrt ( p . a )
Fd = 0.5 x (3 - d) [ 1 + 1.243 x (1 - d) 3 ]
Where, d= a / (D h / 2 + a)
d= 4.5 / (60/ 2 + 4.5) = 0.13
K 1c = F d . s . Sqrt ( p . a )
63 = 2.61 x 0.00025P x sqrt(3.1416 x 0.0045)
Load ( P) = 812 kN
Temp = 30 Degree Celcius Fracture Theory
Load (P)
Length of Fracture (kN) -
Crack ( a ) Temperatu Toughness ( Fracture
(mm) (D h / 2 + a) re (T) o C k 1c ) d = a / (D h / 2 + a) Fd Theory
1 31 30 66 0.032 3.157 1492
1.5 31.5 30 66 0.048 3.059 1257
2 32 30 66 0.063 2.97 1121
2.5 32.5 30 66 0.077 2.89 1031
3 33 30 66 0.091 2.812 967
3.5 33.5 30 66 0.104 2.743 918
4 34 30 66 0.118 2.67 882
5 35 30 66 0.143 2.546 827
5.8 35.8 30 66 0.162 2.457 796
7 37 30 66 0.189 2.337 762
8 38 30 66 0.211 2.246 741
9 39 30 66 0.231 2.167 725
10 40 30 66 0.25 2.096 711
Crack Length
> 1.5xDh ; Hence OK
mm 2
60 mm
Both side of Hole Dia. hole
35 mm 200
814 kN
Fracture Theory Theory
Fracture Theory Theory
Stress in Effective Load (P)
the Net width of (kN) - Yeild Yeild Stress
Section Plate (mm) Theory (s)
546 138 857 345 Net Section will Yeild before Fracture
463 137 851 345 Net Section will Yeild before Fracture
416 136 845 345 Net Section will Yeild before Fracture
386 135 838 345 Net Section will Yeild before Fracture
364 134 832 345 Net Section will Yeild before Fracture
349 133 826 345 Net Section will Yeild before Fracture
344 132.6 823 345 Net Section will Fracture
321 130 807 345 Net Section will Fracture
312 128 795 345 Net Section will Fracture
305 126 782 345 Net Section will Fracture
302 124 770 345 Net Section will Fracture
300 122 758 345 Net Section will Fracture
299 120 745 345 Net Section will Fracture
Fracture Theory Theory
Fracture Theory Theory
Fracture Theory Theory
Load (kN)
0 5 10 15
a (mm)
Load (kN)
0 5 10 15
a (mm)
Crack Length (a) VS Lug Capacity (kN) for 0 oC
0 5 10 15
a (mm)
Load (kN)
0 5 10 15
a (mm)
Load (kN)
800 Load (P) (kN) - Fracture Theory
0 5 10 15
a (mm)
Load (kN)
0 5 10 15
a (mm)
Load (P) (kN) - Fracture Theory
0 2 4 6 8 10
a (mm)
Load (P) (kN) - Fracture Theory
By Yeild Theory
Yeild Strength of Plate = 345 MPa
Effective width of plate = 200 - 60- 2 x4.5 = 131
Tensile Load capacity = 0.9 x 345 x 131 x 20/1000 =
By Fracture Theory
K 1c = F d . s . Sqrt ( p . a )
Fd = 0.5 x (3 - d) [ 1 + 1.243 x (1 - d) 3 ]
Where, d= a / (D h / 2 + a)
d= 4.5 / (60/ 2 + 4.5) = 0.13
K 1c = F d . s . Sqrt ( p . a )
43 = 2.61 x 0.00025P x sqrt(3.1416 x 0.0045)
Load ( P) = 554 kN
Temp = 30 Degree Celcius Fracture Theory
Load (P)
Length of Fracture (kN) -
Crack ( a ) Temperatu Toughness ( Fracture
(mm) (D h / 2 + a) re (T) o C k 1c ) d = a / (D h / 2 + a) Fd Theory
1 31 30 46 0.032 3.157 1040
1.5 31.5 30 46 0.048 3.059 876
2 32 30 46 0.063 2.97 782
2.5 32.5 30 46 0.077 2.89 718
3 33 30 46 0.091 2.812 674
3.5 33.5 30 46 0.104 2.743 640
4 34 30 46 0.118 2.67 615
5 35 30 46 0.143 2.546 577
5.8 35.8 30 46 0.162 2.457 555
7 37 30 46 0.189 2.337 531
8 38 30 46 0.211 2.246 517
9 39 30 46 0.231 2.167 505
10 40 30 46 0.25 2.096 495
Crack Length
> 1.5xDh ; Hence OK
mm 2
60 mm
Both side of Hole Dia. hole
35 mm 200
814 kN
Fracture Theory Theory
Fracture Theory Theory
Stress in Effective Load (P)
the Net width of (kN) - Yeild Yeild Stress
Section Plate (mm) Theory (s)
364 138 857 345 Net Section will Yeild before Fracture
309 137 851 345 Net Section will Fracture
278 136 845 345 Net Section will Fracture
257 135 838 345 Net Section will Fracture
243 134 832 345 Net Section will Fracture
232 133 826 345 Net Section will Fracture
229 132.6 823 345 Net Section will Fracture
214 130 807 345 Net Section will Fracture
208 128 795 345 Net Section will Fracture
204 126 782 345 Net Section will Fracture
201 124 770 345 Net Section will Fracture
200 122 758 345 Net Section will Fracture
199 120 745 345 Net Section will Fracture
Fracture Theory Theory
Fracture Theory Theory
Fracture Theory Theory
Load (kN)
0 5 10 15
a (mm)
Load (kN)
0 5 10 15
a (mm)
Crack Length (a) VS Lug Capacity (kN) for 0 oC
Load (kN) 600 Load (P) (kN) - Fracture Theory
400 Load (P) (kN) -Yeild Theory
0 5 10 15
a (mm)
Load (kN)
Load (P) (kN) - Fracture Theory
Load (P) (kN) -Yeild Theory
0 5 10 15
a (mm)
Load (P) (kN) -Yeild Theory
Load (kN)
0 2 4 6 8 10
a (mm)
Load (P) (kN) - Fracture Theory