Alfonso II de Este, Duque de Ferrara
Alfonso II de Este, Duque de Ferrara
Alfonso II de Este, Duque de Ferrara
Classe 2
artificiales Cap.1.
De la Destilacin en comn
Su antigedad y mejor modo
de destilar
Nm. "ii tomas frigio"
Nm. "leonardo fiorabanto"
Los filsofos y autores antiguos tambin la conocieron como son hypocrates,
Galeno aristteles Actuario3 y Platn pues hubieron conosimiento de la quinta
essencia = hipocrates en el tt de natura humarna
Alchemy) Evangelista Quattrami La vera dichiarazione di tutte le metafore, e similitudini, & enimmi de glantichi
filosofi alchimisti, tanto Caldei & Arabi, come Greci & Latini, usati da loro nella descrizione, & composizione
delloro potabile, elissire della vita, quinta essenza, e lapis filosofico. Ove con un breve discorso della generazione
dei metalli, & quasi di tutte lopere di natura, secondo i principi della filosofia, si mostra lerrore, & lignoranza (per
non dir linganno) di tutti gli alchimisti moderni. In Roma, presso Vincenzio Accolti, 1587.
4to. 12 unn. ll., 230 pages, 13 unn. ll. (last blank). With woodcut printers mark on the title and a different one on
the last leaf. Contemporary flexible vellum (ties perished). Some pages with marginal unimportant halo, some quires
slightly browned due to a different stock of paper, wormholes on lower blank margins of the quires Ee-Gg without
loss, otherwise a very good copy.
Only edition. Evangelista Quattrami (the name is also written as Quattramo or in several
different manners), born in Gubbio near Perusia, was a doctor of theology, a monk of
the Order of the Eremites of Saint Augustine, herbalist of Alfonso DEste, Duke of
Ferrara, and herbalist of the Cardinal DEste, uncle of the latter. He wrote two more
books of medical subject, one on the preparation of the theriac, the other on plague.
Quattrami was aware of the psychological aspect of alchemy and tried to separate the
purely chemical aspect from its psychological implications, finding those contrary to
Christian doctrine. At the same time he had a sound knowledge and experience of
chemistry and can for example describe the combinations of mercury and sulfur, though
the origin atttibuted to metals is still indebted to medieval sources and cannot yet
distinguish between elements and compounds. Other chapters deal with the origin of
terrestrial and subterranean phenomena, which Quattrami attributes to the different
combinations of matter and to the subterranean athmosphere, with the real meaning of
the word corruption in a chemical sense, and with the origins of the colors, odors and
flavors. Quattrami clarifies the chemical aspect of many manipulations performed by
contemporary alchemists and disproves several legends linked to alchemy, such as the
preparation of aurum potabile, which should have served as a universal panacea. In the
same time he elucidates the language used by alchemists, putting order in such a
complex matter, and exposes the deceptions practiced by the spurious alchemists.
Adams Q-8; Cole 1096; Ferchl 428; Ferguson II, 232; Duveen page 491; Olschki I, 33: Ouvrage qui mrite dtre
connu ....
Ricordiamo qui, per inciso, che allinizio del Seicento trascorre nel convento di Gubbio gli ultimi anni
della sua vita leugubino fra Evangelista Quattrami, celebre semplicista agostiniano, per molti anni al
servizio della casa dEste
Esta coleccin, junto a la de Venecia, se inici en vida de Lulio o durante los cien primeros aos
siguientes a su muerte. Las otras dos, la de Miln y la formada por los fondos que existen en varias
bibliotecas y archivos de Roma son tardos.
Rubi, J., Los cdices lulianos de la biblioteca de Innichen (Tirol). Revista de Filologa espaola, 4
(1917), 303-340.
Miln, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, ms. Q.118 sup.
Turn, Biblioteca Universitaria, ms. 1314.
Solerti, A., Ferrara e la corte estense nella seconda met del secolo XVI, Cita di Castello, 1891.
Solerti, A., 20 y ss.
Relacin de fiestas que se ofrecieron al prncipe Don Felipe en varias ciudades de Italia. Biblioteca del
monasterio de El Escorial, ms.II-V-4.