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NO. COMPOSER AND TITLE PAGE (Vols. 1 & 2) (Concise)


1 Epitaph of Seikilos 19 1/1 1/1

2 Euripides: Orestes 133 1/2

3 Mass for Christmas Day, Gregorian chant Mass 33

a) Introit: Puer natus est nobis 41 1/4
b) Kyrie 42 1/8 1/2
c) Gloria 1/12
d) Gradual: Viderunt omnes 41/59 1/13
e) Alleluia: Dies sanctificatus 41 1/15
f) Credo 1/18
g) Offertory: Tui sunt coeli 41 1/19
h) Sanctus 1/20
i) Agnus Dei 1/21 1/6
j) Communion: Viderunt omnes 41 1/22
k) Ite, missa est 1/23

4 Chants from Vespers for Christmas Day

a) First antiphon, Tecum principium 39 1/24 1/7
b) Hymn, Christe Redemptor omnium 38 1/28

5 Ascribed to Wipo of Burgundy: Victimae paschali laudes 43 1/29 1/11

6 Quem queritis in presepe 43 1/30

7 Hildegard of Bingen: In principio omnes 44 1/33 1/12

8 Bernart de Ventadorn: Can vei la lauzeta mover 49 1/36 1/15

9 Comtessa de Dia: A chantar 49 1/37

10 Adam de la Halle: Robins maime 1/38

11 Walther von der Vogelweide: Palastinalied 51 1/39

12 Cantiga 159, Non sofre Santa Mara 52 1/40 1/16

xii Guide to Recordings


NO. COMPOSER AND TITLE PAGE (Vols. 1 & 2) (Concise)

13 La quarte estampie royal, from Le manuscrit du roi 1/41

14 Organa from Musica enchiriadis

a) Tu patris sempiternus es filius 56 1/48
b) Sit gloria domini 56 1/49
c) Rex caeli 56 1/50

15 Alleluia Justus ut palma 56 1/51 1/17

16 Jubilemus, exultemus 57 1/53

17 Lonin: Viderunt omnes 59 1/57

18 Clausulae on Dominus, from Viderunt omnes

a) Dominus, clausula No. 26 62 1/66
b) Dominus, clausula No. 29 62 1/67

19 Protin: Viderunt omnes 63 2/1 1/19

20 Ave virgo virginum 67 2/13

21 Motets on tenor Dominus

a) Factum est salutare/Dominus 64 2/14
b) Fole acostumance/Dominus 65 2/15 1/23
c) Super te/Sed fulsit/Dominus 65 2/17

22 Adam de la Halle: De ma dame vient/Dieus, comment porroie/Omnes 66 2/18

23 Sumer is icumen in 70 2/21 1/25

24 Philippe de Vitry: In arboris/Tuba sacre fidei/Virgo sum 73 2/22

25 Guillaume de Machaut: Kyrie, from Messe de Nostre Dame 73 2/28 1/26

26 Guillaume de Machaut: Rose, liz, printemps, verdure 78 2/35 1/33

27 Johannes Ciconia: Sus une fontayne 79 2/39

28 Jacopo da Bologna: Fenice fu` 81 2/42

29 Gherardello da Firenze: Tosto che lalba 82 2/44

30 Francesco Landini: Non avra` ma pieta` 82 2/46 1/37

31 Alleluia, A newe work 100 2/49

32 John Dunstable: Quam pulchra es 101 2/52 1/40

33 Binchois: De plus en plus 103 2/54 1/42

34 Guillaume Du Fay: Resvellies vous 104 2/56

35 Guillaume Du Fay: Conditor alme siderum 104 2/59

36 Guillaume Du Fay
a) Se la face ay pale, ballade 104 2/61 1/44
b) Gloria, from Missa Se la face ay pale 105 2/63 1/46

37 Jean de Ockeghem: Agnus Dei, from Missa De plus en plus 120 2/70

38 Henricus Isaac: Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen 122 3/1

39 Josquin des Prez: Ave Maria . . . virgo serena 124 3/2 1/53

40 Josquin des Prez

a) Kyrie, from Missa Pange lingua 126 3/9 1/60
b) Credo (excerpt), from Missa Pange lingua 126 3/12
Guide to Recordings xiii


NO. COMPOSER AND TITLE PAGE (Vols. 1 & 2) (Concise)

41 Josquin des Prez: Mille regretz 122 3/15

42 Martin Luther: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland and Ein feste Burg
a) Attributed to St. Ambrose: Veni redemptor gentium 3/16
b) Martin Luther: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland 300 3/17
c) Martin Luther: Ein feste Burg 147 3/18
d) Johann Walter: Ein feste Burg 148 3/19

43 Loys Bourgeois: Psalm 134, Or sus, serviteurs du Seigneur

a) Psalm 134, Or sus, serviteurs du Seigneur 149 3/20
b) William Kethe: Psalm 100, All people that on earth do dwell 149 3/21

44 William Byrd: Sing joyfully unto God 152 3/22 1/63

45 Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

a) Credo, from Pope Marcellus Mass 154 3/27
b) Agnus Dei I, from Pope Marcellus Mass 154 3/35 1/68

46 Toms Luis de Victoria: O magnum mysterium

a) O magnum mysterium, motet 158 3/36 1/69
b) Kyrie, from Missa O magnum mysterium 158 3/40

47 Orlando di Lasso: Tristis est anima mea 159 3/43 2/1

48 Juan del Encina: Oy comamos y bebamos 141 3/46

49 Marco Cara: Io non compro piu` speranza 129 3/47

50 Jacques Arcadelt: Il bianco e dolce cigno 132 3/54 2/4

51 Cipriano de Rore: Da le belle contrade doriente 132 3/56 2/6

52 Luca Marenzio: Solo e pensoso 134 3/59

53 Carlo Gesualdo: Io parto e non piu` dissi 136 3/65 2/9

54 Claudin de Sermisy: Tant que vivray 137 3/68 2/12

55 Claude le Jeune: Revecy venir du printans 3/71

56 Thomas Morley: My bonny lass she smileth 139 3/79 2/15

57 Thomas Weelkes: As Vesta was 139 3/82 2/18

58 John Dowland: Flow, my tears 140 4/1 2/23

59 Pierre Attaingnant (publisher): From Danseries a 4 parties,

second livre
a) No. 1: Basse danse 209 4/4 2/26
b) No. 36: Branle gay, Que je chatoulle ta fossette 209 4/6 2/28

60 Luis de Narvez: From Los seys libros del Delphin

a) Cancion Mille regres 4/7
b) Cuatro diferencias sobre Guardame las vacas 196/212 4/8

61 William Byrd: Pavana Lachrymae 140/213 4/9 2/29

62 Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon septimi toni a 8 199/217 4/15

63 Claudio Monteverdi: Cruda Amarilli 179 4/23 2/35

64 Giulio Caccini: Vedro` l mio sol 182/186 4/26 2/38

65 Jacopo Peri: Le musiche sopra lEuridice

a) Prologue: Io, che dalti sospir 4/28
xiv Guide to Recordings


NO. COMPOSER AND TITLE PAGE (Vols. 1 & 2) (Concise)

b) Aria: Nel pur ardor 4/29

c) Dialogue in recitative: Per quel vago boschetto 188 4/30
66 Claudio Monteverdi: LOrfeo, from Act II
a) Canzonetta: Vi ricorda o boschi ombrosi 190 4/34 2/40
b) Recitative: Mira, deh mira Orfeo 4/35
c) Dialogue in recitative: Ahi, caso acerbo 191 4/36 2/41
d) Recitative: Tu se morta 4/40 2/45
e) Choral madrigal: Ahi, caso acerbo 4/41 2/46
67 Claudio Monteverdi: Lincoronazione di Poppea, Act I, scene 3 193 4/42 2/47
68 Antonio Cesti: Orontea, from Act II
a) Scene 16, recitative: E che si fa? 4/48
b) Scene 17, aria: Intorno all idol mio 194 4/49
69 Barbara Strozzi: Lagrime mie 197 4/51
70 Alessandro Grandi: O quam tu pulchra es 201 4/56
71 Giacomo Carissimi: Historia di Jephte
a) Recitative: Plorate colles 201 5/1 2/53
b) Chorus: Plorate filii Israel 201 5/2
72 Heinrich Schtz: O lieber Herre Gott 204 5/4
73 Heinrich Schtz: Saul, was verfolgst du mich 204 5/7 2/54
74 Girolamo Frescobaldi: Toccata No. 3 215 5/11 3/1
75 Girolamo Frescobaldi: Ricercare after the Credo, in Fiori musicali 216 5/13
76 Biagio Marini: Sonata IV per il violino per sonar con due corde 219 5/15
77 Jean-Baptiste Lully: Armide
a) Overture 229 5/23 2/58
b) Act II, scene 5: Enfin il est en ma puissance 233 5/26 2/61
78 Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre: Suite in A Minor
a) Prlude 250 5/31 3/3
b) Allemande 250 5/32 3/4
c) Courante I 251 5/33 3/5
d) Sarabande 251 5/34
e) Gigue 251 5/35
f) Chaconne 5/36
g) Gavotte 251 5/37
h) Menuet 251 5/38

79 Henry Purcell: Dido and Aeneas

a) Recitative: Thy hand, Belinda 238 5/39 3/6
b) Lament: When I am laid in earth 237 5/40 3/7
c) Chorus: With drooping wings 238 5/42

80 Toms de Torrejn y Velasco: La purpura de la rosa, excerpt 5/43

81 Juan de Araujo: Los coflades de la estleya 5/47
82 Alessandro Scarlatti: Clori vezzosa, e bella
a) Recitative: Vivo penando 226 5/56
b) Aria: S`, s`, ben mio 227 5/57

83 Arcangelo Corelli: Trio Sonata, Op. 3, No. 2

a) Grave 256 6/1
b) Allegro 256 6/2
Guide to Recordings xv


NO. COMPOSER AND TITLE PAGE (Vols. 1 & 2) (Concise)

c) Adagio 256 6/3 3/9

d) Allegro 256 6/4 3/10

84 Dieterich Buxtehude: Praeludium in E Major, BuxWV 141 245 6/6

85 Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A Minor,

Op. 3, No. 6, from Lestro armonico
a) Allegro 284 6/13 3/12
b) Largo 284 6/21
c) Presto 6/22

86 Franois Couperin: Vingt-cinquime ordre

a) La visionaire 286 6/31 3/20
b) La muse victorieuse 286 6/33 3/22

87 Jean-Philippe Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie, conclusion of Act IV 289 6/35 3/24

88 J. S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 543 293 6/38 3/27

89 J. S. Bach: Chorale Prelude on Durch Adams Fall 294 6/49

90 J. S. Bach: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62 300

a) Chorus: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland 6/50 3/38
b) Aria: Bewundert, o Menschen 6/58
c) Recitative: So geht aus Gottes Herrlichkeit 6/60
d) Aria: Streite, siege, starker Held! 6/61
e) Recitative: Wir ehren diese Herrlichkeit 6/63
f) Chorale: Lob sei Gott, dem Vater, ton 6/64

91 George Frideric Handel: Giulio Cesare, Act II, scenes 1 and 2

a) Eseguisti 308 6/65
b) Vadoro pupille 308 6/68 3/46

92 George Frideric Handel: Saul, Act II, scene I

a) Accompanied recitative: The Time at length
is come 310 6/71 3/49
b) Recitative: Where is the Son of Jesse? 310 6/72 3/50
c) Chorus: O fatal Consequence of Rage 310 6/73 3/51


93 Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: La serva padrona

a) Recitative: Ah, quanto mi sta male 320 7/1 3/55
b) Aria: Son imbrogliato io 320 7/3 3/57

94 Johann Adolf Hasse: Cleofide, from Act II, scene 9,

Digli chio son fedele 325 7/7

95 John Gay: The Beggars Opera, from scene 13

a) Aria XV: My heart was so free 322 7/12
b) Aria XVI: Were I laid on Greenlands coast 322 7/13

96 Christoph Willibald Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice, from Act II, scene 1 328 7/14

97 William Billings: Creation 595 7/20

98 Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata in D Major, K. 119 330 7/22 3/61

99 C. P. E. Bach: Sonata in A Major, H. 186, 2nd mvmt. 334 7/26 3/65

100 G. B. Sammartini: Symphony in F Major, No. 32, 1st mvmt. 331 7/28
xvi Guide to Recordings


NO. COMPOSER AND TITLE PAGE (Vols. 1 & 2) (Concise)

101 Johann Stamitz: Sinfonia No. 8 in E-flat Major, 1st mvmt. 333 7/31

102 J. C. Bach: Concerto for Harpsichord or Piano and Strings,

Op. 7, No. 5, 1st mvmt. 366 7/36

103 Joseph Haydn: String Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 33,

No. 2 (The Joke), 4th mvmt. 349 8/1 3/67

104 Joseph Haydn: Symphony No. 92 in G Major (Oxford)

a) I. AdagioAllegro spiritoso 344 7/51 4/1
b) II. Adagio cantabile 345 7/61
c) III. Menuetto: Allegretto 345 7/65
d) IV. Presto 345 7/70

105 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Piano Sonata in F Major,

K. 332, 1st mvmt. 361 7/79

106 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Piano Concerto in A Major,

K. 488, 1st mvmt. 366 8/6 4/11

107 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Don Giovanni, from Act I, scenes 12 369 8/24 4/29

108 Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Sonata in C Minor,

Op. 13 (Pathetique), 3rd mvmt. 376 8/29 4/34

109 Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 in E-flat Major,

Op. 55 (Eroica), 1st mvmt. 380 8/36 4/41

110 Ludwig van Beethoven: String Quartet in C-sharp Minor, Op. 131
a) 1st mvmt. 392 8/52 4/57
b) 2nd mvmt. 392 8/54 4/59

111 Franz Schubert: Gretchen am Spinnrade 414 8/62 4/67

112 Franz Schubert: Der Lindenbaum, from Winterreise 414 8/68 4/73

113 Robert Schumann: Im wunderschonen Monat Mai 431 8/72

114 Henry R. Bishop: Home! Sweet Home! 8/73

115 Stephen Foster: Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair 597 8/75

116 Robert Schumann: Fantasiestucke, Op. 12

a) No. 2: Aufschwung 429 8/76 4/77
b) No. 3: Warum? 429 8/84

117 Fryderyk Chopin: Mazurka in B-flat Major, Op. 7, No. 1 432 8/86

118 Fryderyk Chopin: Nocturne in D-flat Major, Op. 27, No. 2 432 8/89 4/85

119 Franz Liszt: Trois etudes de concert, No. 3: Un sospiro 441 9/1 4/92

120 Louis Moreau Gottschalk: Souvenir de Porto Rico 600 9/7

121 Hector Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, 5th mvmt.

Dream of a Witches Sabbath 422 9/16 5/1

122 Felix Mendelssohn: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in

E Minor, Op. 64, 3rd mvmt.: Allegretto non troppo
Allegro molto vivace 427 9/30 5/15

123 Clara Schumann: Piano Trio in G Minor, Op. 17, 3rd mvmt.: Andante 445 9/41 5/26

124 Felix Mendelssohn: Elijah, Chorus: And then shall your light
break forth 427 9/45
Guide to Recordings xvii


NO. COMPOSER AND TITLE PAGE (Vols. 1 & 2) (Concise)

125 Gioachino Rossini: Il barbiere di Siviglia, Act II, scene 5:

Cavatina, Una voce poco fa 471 9/48

126 Carl Maria von Weber: Der Freischutz, Act II, finale:
Wolfs Glen scene 482 9/55

127 Giuseppe Verdi: La traviata, Act III, scena and duet 478 9/69 5/30

128 Richard Wagner: Tristan und Isolde, from Act I, scene 5 487 9/78 5/39

129 Georges Bizet: Carmen, from Act I, No. 10, seguidilla and duet 469 10/1 5/47

130 Modest Musorgsky: Boris Godunov, Coronation scene 508 10/6

131 Arthur Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance:
When the foeman bares his steel 468 10/12

132 Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 4 in E Minor, 4th mvmt. 453 10/18 5/52

133 Richard Strauss: Don Quixote, themes and variations 1 and 2 502 10/25 5/59

134 Amy Cheney Beach: Quintet for Piano and Strings in F-sharp
Minor, Op. 67, 3rd mvmt. 601 10/31

135 John Philip Sousa: The Stars and Stripes Forever 597 10/38

136 Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag

a) as played by Scott Joplin 614 10/43
b) as played by Jelly Roll Morton 619 10/47

137 Gustav Mahler: Kindertotenlieder No. 1, Nun will die

Sonn so hell aufgehn 499 10/51 5/65

138 Claude Debussy: Nuages, from Trois Nocturnes 540 10/59 5/73

139 Sergei Rachmaninov: Prelude in G Minor, Op. 23, No. 5 546 10/67

140 Alexander Scriabin: Vers la flamme 546 10/72

141 Arnold Schoenberg, Pierrot lunaire, Op. 21

a) No. 8: Nacht 551 11/1 6/1
b) No 13: Enthauptung 551 11/4 6/4

142 Arnold Schoenberg: Piano Suite, Op. 25

a) Prelude 552 11/8 6/8
b) Minuet and Trio 552 11/9 6/9

143 Alban Berg: Wozzeck, from Act III, scene 3 555 11/12 6/12

144 Anton Webern: Symphony, Op. 21, 1st mvmt. 558 11/15

145 Igor Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring

a) Danse des adolescentes 569 11/19 6/15
b) Danse sacrale 570 11/23

146 Igor Stravinsky: Symphony of Psalms, 1st mvmt. 576 11/31

147 Bla Bartk: Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, 3rd mvmt. 580 11/36 6/19

148 Charles Ives: General William Booth Enters into Heaven 603 11/42 6/25

149 Bessie Smith: Back Water Blues 618 11/49

150 King Oliver: West End Blues 621 11/50

151 George Gershwin: I Got Rhythm, from Girl Crazy 624 11/55 6/32
xviii Guide to Recordings


NO. COMPOSER AND TITLE PAGE (Vols. 1 & 2) (Concise)

152 Duke Ellington: Cotton Tail 625 11/58 6/35

153 Paul Hindemith: Un cygne, from Six Chansons 586 11/64

154 Dmitri Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5, Op. 47, 2nd mvmt. 591 11/66

155 Silvestre Revueltas: Sensemaya 607 11/74 6/41

156 Ruth Crawford Seeger: String Quartet 1931, 4th mvmt. 610 11/83 6/50

157 Aaron Copland: Appalachian Spring: Excerpt with Variations on

Tis the Gift to Be Simple 611 11/86 6/53

158 William Grant Still: Afro-American Symphony, 1st mvmt. 612 12/1 6/63

159 Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie: Anthropology 627 12/8 6/70

160 Olivier Messiaen: Quartet for the End of Time, 1st mvmt. 631 12/16 6/75
161 Benjamin Britten: Peter Grimes, from Act III, scene 2 634 12/17

162 Samuel Barber: Hermit Songs, No. 8: The Monk and His Cat 635 12/23 6/76

163 George Crumb: Black Angels, Thirteen Images from the Dark Land
a) Image 4: Devil-Music 639 12/26
b) Image 5: Danse macabre 639 12/27

164 Milton Babbitt: Philomel, section I 642 12/28 6/79

165 Penderecki: Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima 644 12/33

166 John Cage: Music of Changes, Book I 647 12/40 6/84

167 Karel Husa: Music for Prague 1968, 1st mvmt.: Introduction and
fanfare: Adagio 12/43

168 John Adams: Phrygian Gates 655 12/50

169 Ellen Taaffe Zwilich: Symphony No. 1, 1st mvmt. 659 12/59

170 Arvo Prt: Seven Magnificat Antiphons

a) No. 1: O Weisheit 659 12/65
b) No. 6: O Konig aller Volker 659 12/66
171 Sofia Gubaidulina: Rejoice! Sonata for Violin and Violoncello,
5th mvmt. 663 12/67

172 Bright Sheng: Seven Tunes Heard in China, No. 1: Seasons 658 12/75 6/87

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