Wesley PDF
Wesley PDF
Wesley PDF
Laurie Wesley
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand,
[email protected]
An overview of the properties of residual soils is given in the rst part En la primera parte del artculo se entrega una descripcin general de
of the paper. The different processes by which residual and sedimentary los suelos residuales. Se detallan los diferentes procesos en los cuales son
soils are formed are described, and the need to be aware that procedures formados los suelos residuales y sedimentarios, poniendo hincapi en la
applicable to sedimentary soils do not necessarily apply to residual soils necesidad de estar atento a que los procedimientos aplicados a los suelos
is emphasised. In particular, it is shown that the log scale normally sedimentarios no son necesariamente aplicables a los suelos residuales.
used for presenting oedometer test results is not appropriate or relevant En particular, se muestra que la escala logartmica generalmente usada
to residual soils. The second part of the paper gives an account of para presentar resultados de ensayos edomtricos no es apropiada o
the special properties of allophane clays. Their abnormally high water pertinente para suelos residuales. La segunda parte del artculo da
content and Atterberg limits are described, and it is shown that despite cuenta de las propiedades especiales de arcillas alofnicas. Se describen
this, their geotechnical properties are remarkably good. Methods for sus altos valores de contenido de agua y lmites de Atterberg y se muestra
control of compaction of residual soils and allophane clays are also que a pesar de esto, sus propiedades geotcnicas son sorprendentemente
described. buenas. Tambin se describen mtodos de control de compactacin para
suelos residuales y arcillas alofnicas.
Keywords: residual soils, volcanic, allophane clays, Palabras clave: suelos residual, volcnico, arcillas alofnicas,
consolidation, shear strength, compaction consolidacin, resistencia al corte, compactacin
fall into this category, especially those derived from The predominant clay mineral is allophane (frequently
the weathering of sandstones, or igneous rocks such associated with another mineral called imogolite).
as granite. These soils are likely to be fairly coarse (iii) Laterites: the term laterite is used very loosely, but
grained with a small clay fraction. Structure is likely should refer to deposits in which weathering has reached
to be an important concept in understanding the an advanced stage and has resulted in a concentration
behaviour of these soils. The weathered granite soils of iron and aluminium oxides (the sesquioxides gibbsite
of Hong Kong and Malaysia fall into this group. and goethite), which act as cementing agents. Laterials
(b) Soils with a strong mineralogical inuence, from therefore tend to consist of hard granules formed by
conventional clay minerals (i.e. those containing high this cementing action; they may range from sandy clays
activity clays): one very important worldwide group to gravels, and are used for road sub-bases or bases.
comes into this category the black cotton soils or
vertisols, also called Houston Black Clay in Texas, Table 1 shows this grouping system for residuals soils,
Tropical Black Earths of Australia, Tirs of Morocco and Table 2 attempts to list some of the more distinctive
etc. The predominant clay mineral is smectite, a group characteristics of these soil groups and indicates the
of which montmorillionite is a member. These black means by which they may possibly be identied.
cotton soils are highly plastic, highly compressible
and of high shrink/swell potential. Structural effects Following on from mineralogy, the next characteristic
are almost zero with these soils. They normally form which should be considered is structure, which refers to
in poorly drained areas, and have poor engineering specic characteristics of the soil in its undisturbed (in
properties. situ) state. Structure can be divided into two categories:
(c) Soils with a strong mineralogical inuence, coming
from special clay minerals not found in sedimentary (a) Macro-structure, or discernible structure: this
clays: the two most important clay minerals found includes all features discernible to the naked eye, such
only in certain residual soils (especially tropical residual as layering, discontinuities, ssures, pores, presence of
soils of volcanic origin) are halloysite and allophane. unweathered or partially weathered rock and other relict
These are both silicate clay minerals. Apart from silicate structures inherited from the parent rock mass.
minerals, tropical soils may contain non-silicate minerals (b) Micro-structure, or non-discernible structure: this
(or oxide minerals), in particular the hydrated forms includes fabric, inter-particle bonding or cementation,
of aluminium and iron oxide, gibbsite and goethite. aggregations of particles, pores etc. Micro-structure is
The most unusual of these minerals, in terms of more difcult to identify than macro-structure, although
understanding soil behaviour is allophane. it can be inferred indirectly from other behavioural
characteristics such as sensitivity. High sensitivity
Soils of Group (c) which contain these unusual minerals indicates the presence of some form of bonds between
include: particles which are destroyed by remoulding.
(i) tropical red clays predominant mineral is halloysite This grouping system is intended to help geotechnical
but may also contain kaolinite, with gibbsite and goethite. engineers nd their way around residual soils, and to
Halloysite particles are generally very small in size but draw attention to the properties likely to be of most
are of low activity, and soils containing halloysite as the signicance for geotechnical engineering. It is not
predominant mineral generally have good engineering intended to perform a function as a rigorous classication
properties. Red clays generally form in well drained areas system. Some comments on local or Southeast Asian
in a tropical climate having a wet and dry season. Red clays soils may be helpful at this stage.
may be referred to as lateritic soils or as latosols. There
is a wide range of engineering properties found in red Weathered Waitemata clays (Auckland, NZ) : This is an
clays, but they should not be confused with laterite itself. example of a group which does not t comfortably in
(ii) Volcanic ash soils (or andosols or andisols): any one category and this in itself tells us something
these are found in many tropical and sub-tropical about these clays. Some Waitemata clays are essentially
countries (including New Zealand) and are silts, and are not strongly inuenced by clay minerals -
formed by the weathering of volcanic glass. they belong to Group A. Others are very highly plastic
Wesley, L. (2009). Behaviour and geotechnical properties of residual soils and allophane clays.
Obras y Proyectos 6, 5-10.
clays, resulting from the presence of smectite pressure graphs, it is often informative to also
(montmorillonite) minerals - and belong in Group B. plot them as direct compression graphs using
The two types may occur in quite close proximity i.e. in linear scales. The lower part of Figure 3 shows the
interbedded layers. It appears that the weathering process linear plots. The results show the following points:
in this case is not actually creating the clay minerals; it
is simply destroying the weak bonds which lock the (i) Conventional graphs (e-logp) suggest the clays behave
clay minerals into the parent material. Waitemata clays as moderately over-consolidated soils, although there
may or not exhibit macro-structure as well as micro- is no clearly dened pre-consolidation or vertical
structural effects. yield pressure. It appears to be somewhere between
100 kPa and 500 kPa.
Weathered greywacke soils (Wellington, NZ): These
probably belong in Group A, as their properties are not (ii) When plotted using a linear scale, the picture is
strongly inuenced by their mineralogical content. They quite different. The curves are reasonably close to
are likely to exhibit signicant macro-structure effects, linear, especially over the pressure range likely to be of
dependent on their degree of weathering. engineering interest, generally about 0 to 200 kPa. The
evidence of a yield stress has largely disappeared.
Weathered granite soils (worldwide): These also belong It is not suggested that the curves in Figure 3 are
to Group A, and exhibit macro-structural effects - from representative of residual soils in general. They are
joints and presence of oating un-weathered rock presented primarily to illustrate that the standard e-log
boulders. (p) graph can be quite misleading and may imply the
Volcanic ash (allophane) soils (Worldwide): These clearly existence of pre-consolidation or yield pressures
belong to Group C. They are very strongly inuenced by when no such pressure exists. With residual soils (and
their mineral composition. They are unlikely to exhibit possibly also with sedimentary soils) it is generally
signicant macro-structure, but may exhibit some desirable to plot consolidation test results using a linear
micro-structure - signicant sensitivity for example. scale for pressure as well as the normal log scale before
drawing any conclusions about the behaviour of the
Tropical red clays (many tropical countries): These also soil. Some residual soils show quite distinct yield
belong to Group C. Those found in the island of Java, pressures, while others show steadily increasing stiffness
Indonesia (with which the author is familiar) are rather with stress level, and some demonstrate almost linear
unusual in that they exhibit neither macro-structure nor behaviour.
micro- structure, except when the weathering is not
far advanced. In this case they may show traces of the Figure 4 is presented to show the inuence of
structure of their parent material. remoulding on compression behaviour for three
different residual soils. These are respectively an
Geotechnical engineering in residual soils allophane clay, a tropical red clay, and a silt derived
from weathered Waitemata sandstone. Consolidation
In the following sections some comments will be curves are given for the soil in its undisturbed state,
made on issues of direct relevance to geotechnical its remoulded state, and after mixing it with water to
engineers, namely foundation design, slope stability and form a slurry. These last curves can be regarded as the
compaction. They are not comprehensive and should not virgin consolidation lines for the soil in its completely
be taken as generalisations applicable to all residual soils. remoulded state. It is seen that with the allophane clay
and the Waitemata silt, remoulding results in a very
Foundation design signicant change in the compression curve. These
soils clearly have a relatively stiff structure in their
Consolidation behaviour undisturbed state which is destroyed by re-moulding
(or de-structuring to use the in vogue term for this
(a) Magnitude (stress/deformation curves). Figure effect). The red clay on the other hand shows almost
3 shows typical consolidation test results from one no change in behaviour after remoulding. This is often
residual soil type - the tropical red clay found in Java, the case with red clays. They appear to exist naturally in
Indonesia. Although it is standard practice to plot a dense unstructured state close to their Plastic Limit,
consolidation test results as void ratio versus log and remoulding thus haslittle or no effect on them.
Wesley, L. (2009). Behaviour and geotechnical properties of residual soils and allophane clays.
Obras y Proyectos 6, 5-10.
Figure 5: Pore water pressure state above and below the water
(b) Consolidation rate: consolidation rates with residual
soils tend to be rather faster than with sedimentary
soils; as evidenced by their behaviour, both in the
laboratory and in the eld. This appears to be due to
Figure 4: Inuence of remoulding on e-log (p) graphs higher permeability associated with their undisturbed
Wesley, L. (2009). Obras y Proyectos 6, 5-10
Slope stability
There are several aspects of the stability of residual soil
slopes that are of particular interest to the geotechnical
engineer. These include the following:
The rapid changes in pore water pressure that occur with wide range of optimum water contents and maximum
residual soils mean that stability analysis must be carried dry densities. Figure 10 shows the result of a compaction
out in terms of effective stresses. The only exception to test on a volcanic ash sample from Java, Indonesia.
this might be when an embankment is constructed on The test has rst been carried out by drying the soil in
a residual soil; this situation is similar to a foundation stages from its natural water content. The soil has then
situation and undrained strength could be used. had water added to it after various degrees of drying,
and further compaction tests carried out. The results
It is worth noting that there is some evidence that pore show the very at compaction curve obtained from
water pressure in a slope will only change signicantly the natural soil, and also the very signicant inuence
as a result of periods of heavy rainfall if the cv value which drying has on the soil properties. Any value of
is greater than about 0.1 m2/day, see Kenney and Lau optimum water content can be obtained by varying the
(1984). extent of pre-drying.
The values obtained are not signicant in themselves; they out on the ne fraction only, they do not give a good
are simply used to calculate the value of the air voids. At indication of the properties of the soil as a whole.
each control point, measurements are also made of shear (c) The particles of some residual soils are of a weak
strength. The simplest method of doing this is by using and fragile nature and are broken down into smaller
a hand operated shear vane, such as the Pilcon vane. particles during testing.
The actual values of optimum water content and (d) The results of these tests are inuenced by pre-drying
maximum dry density of the soil do not need to be the soil, and the plasticity limits are also dependent on
known, and it is not essential to carry out normal the amount of mixing carried out prior to testing.
compaction tests at all. Such tests may however be useful (e) Empirical relationships between either particle size
in order to know whether much drying of the soil will or Atterberg limits and other engineering properties
be needed in order to be able to effectively compact it. have been developed from sedimentary soils and are
not necessarily valid for residual soils.
Such a division is not very relevant to residual soils. It is General remarks on residual soils
the position above or below the A-line which is of most
signicance, especially with tropical residual soils. If there are lessons to be learnt from geotechnical
engineering in residual soils, they are probably the
Rather than a subdivision based on the liquid limit, a following:
subdivision along the lines shown in Figure 12 would be
most relevant to residual soils. The lines drawn parallel - Geotechnical engineers ought to have open minds
to the A-line divide soils into three types labelled clay, about how soils may behave, and not assume they will
silty clay, and silt. Many residual soils behave as silty conform to preconceived patterns, especially when
clays for engineering purposes, and rightly fall into the working with residual soils.
category of silty clay on this chart. The more distinctive
- In evaluating the engineering properties of soils we
residual soil types, such as Black Cotton soils, and
ought to rst observe carefully their behaviour in the
allophane clays, would rightly be classied as clays and
eld, before looking at their behaviour in laboratory
silts respectively.
It should be noted that the inuence of increased mixing
(or even drying) of the soil on the Atterberg limits is to - While every effort should be made to develop
move the point on the plasticity chart parallel to the A- theoretical or behavioural frameworks to assist us in
line; hence if we use distance above or below the A-line understanding and interpreting soil behaviour, we ought
as our main criteria for evaluating soils this movement to recognise the limitations of such frameworks, and
is not of great signicance. Hence argument (d) above not seek to make all soils t into these frameworks.
is not very important. - Some well established procedures, such as the use of
the e-log p plot for analysing consolidation behaviour,
Empirical relationships based on particle are not necessarily appropriate for all soils, especially
size or Atterberg Limits residual soils.
There are some rather vague general relationships - With residual soils, the mode of formation is so varied
involving particle size and Atterberg limits, and there that it is unrealistic to expect them to t into a single
are specic empirical relationships. behavioural pattern.
Among the general relationships is the understanding The special properties of allophane
that as particle size decreases (or possibly as Liquid
Limit increases) the properties of a soil become less (volcanic ash) clays
favourable for engineering purposes. This is generally
true (or held to be true) if a particular soil type is being Occurrence
considered. This understanding may well apply to many
residual soils, but there is very considerable evidence There are substantial areas in the New Zeland North
that it does not apply to halloysite or allophane soils. Island where clays derived from the weathering of
Especially with allophane soils, there is no evidence volcanic ash occur. These clays tend to be rich in the
of decrease in strength or increase in compressibility clay mineral allophane, which gives them rather unusual
with either decreasing particle size or increasing L.L. and unique properties. They are often referred to as
Wesley, L. (2009). Behaviour and geotechnical properties of residual soils and allophane clays.
Obras y Proyectos 6, 5-10.
brown ash by local engineers. Whether all clays referred very deep; in Indonesia the writer has encountered cuts
to as brown ash contain allophane is not known to the in these materials up to about 30 m deep, while site
writer; the term is used rather loosely and in some cases investigation drilling has shown depths of up to almost 40
may be applied to clays that do not contain allophane. metres. This thickness results from successive eruptions
The clays described here are those whose properties and associated ash showers, with weathering progressing
are inuenced primarily by their allophane content, as the thickness grows. Examination of cut exposures in
and will be referred to as allophane clays. Similar clays West Java, Indonesia, shows the individual layer thickness
occur in many parts of the world, including Indonesia, to vary generally between about 100 and 300 mm.
The Philippines, Japan, Central and South America, and
Africa. Structure
Inuence of drying
General comments on engineering properties
Drying has a very important effect on allophane clays.
Before describing particular properties the point Frost (1967) gave the rst systematic account of this
should be made that allophane clays are not problem effect for both air and oven drying on tropical soils
soils. There is still a belief among some geotechnical belonging to the allophane and halloysite group. He
engineers that the presence of allophone in a soil is showed that clays from the mountainous districts of
something to fear or be concerned about. This should Papua New Guinea with values of Plasticity Index
not be the case. Observation of these clays in their ranging from about 30 to 80 in their natural state
natural environment shows them to perform remarkably become non-plastic when air or oven dried. Wesley
well. For example, terraced riceelds in allophane clay (1973) describes similar effects from the allophane clays
areas in many countries exist on slopes as steep as 35o of Java, Indonesia. The properties of the clay described
and almost up to 40o . They are permanently saturated in this paper apply to the clay in its natural state, i.e.
by irrigation water owing from terrace to terrace. without air or oven drying, unless otherwise stated.
Many water retaining structures have been successfully
constructed from allophane clays. While they ought Identication of allophane clays
not to be a cause for concern, it is important that their
special properties be understood and taken account of There are various techniques used by soil scientists to
in planning engineering projects. identify allophane: these are primarily X-ray diffraction
and electron microscopy. Such methods are not readily
available to geotechnical engineers. For engineering
Natural water content, void ratio, and Atterberg limits purposes, sufcient indicators of the presence of
allophane are the following:
The natural water content of allophane clay covers
a very wide range, from about 50% to 300%. This - Volcanic parent material
corresponds to void ratios from about 1.5 to 8. It
appears that water content is a reasonable indication of - Very high water contents
allophane content the higher the water content the - Very high liquid and plastic limits lying well below the
greater the allophane content. Atterberg limits similarly A-line on the Plasticity Chart
cover a wide range, and when plotted on the conventional - Irreversible changes on air or oven drying - from a
Plasticity Chart invariably lie well below the A-line. This plastic to a non-plastic material.
means that according to the Unied Soil Classication
System they are silts. However they do not display If all of these apply then the soil almost certainly
the characteristics normally associated with silt the contains a signicant allophane content.
tendency to become quick when vibrated and to dilate
when deformed. At the same time they are not highly Stiness and compressibility
plastic like true clays, so they do not t comfortably into
conventional classication systems. Figure 14 shows Typical results from oedometer tests on undisturbed
a plot of the Atterberg limits on the Plasticity Chart. samples from Indonesia and New Zealand are shown
Wesley, L. (2009). Behaviour and geotechnical properties of residual soils and allophane clays.
Obras y Proyectos 6, 5-10.
Atterberg limits
the cv value decreases by approximately four orders of These are fairly similar. They show that while the in
magnitude as the stress increases from 50 to 1000 kPa. situ strength is reasonably uniform, it does have small
With the New Zealand samples, the tests were repeated uctuations over the full prole, and there are some
after remoulding the soil. It is seen that the cv value is zones with considerably higher values. These are
then consistently low and close to the end value from believed to be zones of coarser material within the
the undisturbed samples. With the Indonesian samples, ne clay. The cone resistance varies between about 1
permeability measurements were also made between and 3 MPa. Using a correlation factor (Nk) of 15 this
each consolidation stage; the results showed an identical corresponds to an undrained shear strength range of
trend to the cv values. Figure 19 shows that remoulding about 65 kPa to 200 kPa. Values of undrained strength
the soil apparently destroys the open structure of the obtained from other methods at the Kamojang site
undisturbed soil, which is believed to account for the ranged from about 50 kPa to 170 kPa, conrming the
high permeability. trend indicated by the CPT tests.
sedimentary clays. With PI values above about 80, progressively destroyed, releasing water and softening
sedimentary soils would be expected to have fr` values the soil, an effect sometimes referred to as over-
of around 10o, whereas the allophane clay has values compaction.
between 30o and 40o.
Compaction characteristics
The compaction behaviour of typical allophane clay was Figure 23: Inuence of compactive effort on strength of compacted
illustrated earlier in Figure 10. The natural water content alllophane clays (after Kuno et al., 1978)
was 166%, and the natural curve was obtained by drying The above behaviour illustrates that difculties can
back the soil in steps from this initial water content. arise in compacting allophane soils if their properties
Fresh soil was used for each point. The test was then are not understood and taken account of in planning
repeated three times, rstly after oven drying, secondly and executing earthworks operations. Specications
after air drying, and nally after limited air drying (to w can be almost meaningless if excessive drying is allowed
= 65%). The material was then wetted up in stages, using before testing is carried out. In countries like Papua-
fresh soil for each point. The results show the dramatic New Guinea and Indonesia the wet climate in which
changes caused by drying. When dried from its natural allophane clays occur means that signicant drying
water content the compaction curve is almost at, with during excavation and compaction is not very practical.
only a very poorly dened optimum water content. On Difculties during earthworks operations are described
re-wetting, the behaviour becomes more conventional, by Parton and Olsen (1980), and Moore and Styles (1988).
with clearly dened optimum water contents and peak
dry densities. It is evident from this that almost any These problems can be overcome to some extent in
result can be obtained if the test involves drying and several ways. The rst is to recognise that soils can be
re-wetting. This result is from an Indoneisan allophane satisfactorily compacted without recourse to the rigid
clay. New Zealand allophane clays may not show such control methods associated with water content and dry
a dramatic effect because of their lower allophane density values. The second is to be clear what objective
content. is aimed for in compacting the soil. For example, the
objective with a road embankment is very different from
Figure 23 shows the effect of repeated compaction that with a water retaining embankment. With a road
on allophane soils. Some allophane clays are of high embankment it is preferable to keep the compactive
sensitivity, and others are not: this is reected in the effort to a minimum and press the soil together
curves in Figure 23. The strength of the soil has been with quite light compaction. enough to get rid of
measured after compaction using a series of different any large voids, but insufcient to destroy the natural
(but known) compactive efforts. The compactive effort structure of the soil and cause it to soften. In this
is indicated by the number of hammer blows. A cone way it is possible to retain much of the original strength
has been pushed into the soil to obtain a measure of of the material. With water retaining embankments a
strength; this is the cone index value shown in the rather more rigorous approach is needed, but even for
gure. The graphs show that in general there is a these it is desirable to carefully control the compactive
marked decrease in strength as the number of blows effort. Compaction control, involving control of
increases. Presumably the structure of the soil is being compactive effort, together with shear strength and
Wesley, L. (2009). Obras y Proyectos 6, 5-10
air voids testing is generally a better approach than dam Cipanunjang (formerly spelt Tjipanundjang) in
conventional water content and dry density methods. West Java, Indonesia, built in 1928 during the Dutch
colonial period. This is a homogeneous 30 m high
The Cipanunjang dam in West Java (Wesley, 1974) is embankment with cut-off drains in the downstream
an example of successful compaction of allophane slope. It is described in detail elsewhere (Wesley, 1974),
clay; compaction here was done using steel rimmed and is still a vital part of the municipal water supply of
rollers. Some difculties were encountered due to wet the city of Bandung, the capital city of West Java. The
weather and softening of the soil, but the job was Mangamahoe Dam in New Plymouth, New Zealand,
completed satisfactorily. The writer has been involved and the embankment supporting the supply canal at
in the compaction of allophane clay at a geothermal the Kuratau power scheme (on the western shore of
power station site (Kamojang) in West Java, Indonesia. Lake Taupo, New Zealand) are further examples of
Difculties were encountered because the very wet embankments of allophane clay forming water retaining
climate at the site made it difcult to dry the soil structures. The Kamojang geothermal power station in
sufciently to achieve the target undrained shear West Java, Indonesia, is supported by a raft foundation
strength of 150 kPa. The ll was required to form a on about 35 m of allophane clay (Figure 20). There have
level platform for an electrical tansformer and switch been no problems with its performance. Wesley and
yard. The strength requirement was lowered to 90 kPa Matuschka (1988) describe these examples in greater
and the job successfully completed. The ll appeared to detail.
harden with time, presumably due to the development
of negative pore pressure in the soil.
Erosion resistance
British Geological Society Engineering Group Working Party
It is an interesting observation that both in their Report: Tropical Residual Soils (1990). Vol. 23, No1, 1-101
undisturbed and re-compacted state, allophane clays BS 5930 (1981). Code of Practice for Site Investigations,
are remarkably resistant to erosion. It is only when they British Standards Institute, London
are cultivated and allowed to partially dry at the surface Frost, R.J.. Importance of correct pre-testing preparation
that they become susceptible to erosion. Observation of some tropical soils. Proc. First Southeast Asian Regional
of road cuttings in Southeast Asia as well as in New Conf. on Soil Engineering, Bangkok: 44-53
Zealand (Taranaki and the central volcanic plateau)
shows that negligible erosion occurs from the cut faces. Jacket, D. (1990). Sensitivity to remoulding of some volcanic
In Indonesia, the drying of the face appears to result ash soils in New Zeland. Engineering Geology 28 (1): 1-25
in the formation of a hard crust which is resistant Kenney and Lau (1984) Temporal changes of groundwater
to erosion. It is also evident in terraced rice-elds that pressure in a natural clay slope. Canadian Geotechnical
negligible erosion takes place as the irrigation water Journal. Vol. 21, 1984
ows from one terrace to the next terrace.
Kuno, G., Shinoki, R., Kondo, T. & Tsuchiya, C. (1978). On
In relation to erodibility, the writer has investigated the construction methods of a motorway embankment by a
the question of the dispersivity of allophone clays by sensitive volcanic clay, Proc. Conf. on Clay Fills, London,
carrying out pin-hole dispersion tests on allophane pp. 149-156
clays from Indonesia and New Zealand. The results are Moore, P.J., and Styles, J.R. 1988. Some characteristics of
described by Wesley and Chan (1991). None of these volcanic ash soil . Proc. Second Int. Conf. on Geomechanics
tests showed any evidence of erosion or dispersivity. in Tropical Soils. Singapore: 161-166
Parton, I. M. and Olsen, A.J. (1980). Properties of Bay of
Signicant engineering projects Plenty Volcanic Soils. Proc. 3rd Australia New Zealand
in allophane clays Conference on Geomechanics, Welllington. Vol.1: 165-169.
Pickens, G.A. (1980). Alternative compaction specications
A number of dams and related water retaining structures for non-uniform ll materials. Procedings third Australia-
have been successfully undertaken making use of New Zeland Conference on Geomechanics, Wellington 1,
allophane clays. An early example is the water supply 231-235
Wesley, L. (2009). Behaviour and geotechnical properties of residual soils and allophane clays.
Obras y Proyectos 6, 5-10.