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Taller 6 IP 2017

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NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
GRADE: _ _ _ _ _
REA: Humanidades ASIGNATURA: Ingls
GRADO: Sexto PERIODO: Primero
DOCENTE: Rubn Daro Hermosa Acosta
COMPETENCIA: Sociolingstica
ESTNDAR: Sostengo conversaciones rutinarias para saludar, despedirme, hablar
del clima o de cmo me siento.
TPICO GENERATIVO: Hello. Good bye.
Saludos y Despedidas

Una de las primeras cosas que debes aprender de un idioma es la forma en que saludas y
te presentas con otra persona, as como tambin las despedidas. A continuacin
encontramos una breve explicacin acerca del uso de los saludos y despedidas ms
comunes en ingls.

1. Para saludar a una persona, utilizamos las siguientes expresiones:

Hello (formal) o Hi (informal), Hola

How are you, Cmo ests? es la forma ms popular de saludar. La respuesta a este
interrogante depende del estado de nimo de la persona, de modo que se podra decir:

Good - fine - well bien

Great - Very good very well muy bien
Pretty good quite well Bastante bien
Terrific excelente o de maravilla
Okay - So so ms o menos
Not well Not good No tan bien
Bad Mal
Terrible - Really bad terrible

Seguido a estas respuestas generalmente va el agradecimiento Thank you / Thanks

(Gracias) y What about you? (Y t?) como una respuesta muy diplomtica y cordial.

What about you? es una expresin que se utiliza para devolver la pregunta que nos han
hecho, aunque tambin se podra decir simplemente And you? (Y t?), pero es menos
comn. Ejemplo:

A: How are you?

B: I'm fine, thank you. What about you?
A: Very well, thanks.

La expresin How are you tambin puede reemplazarse por:

How do you do?" (Cmo est usted?, Cmo le va?) Es una manera muy formal de
saludar. Se usa cuando saludamos a alguien formalmente por primera vez. How do you
do? no es realmente una pregunta por lo que se responde usando la misma expresin.
Ejemplo: A: How do you do?
B: How do you do?
"How are you doing?" (Cmo ests?) Es ms personal y amigable, pero sigue siendo
cordial. Las respuestas a este interrogante son similares a las de la pregunta How are
you?. Ejemplo:
A: How are you doing?
B: I'm doing well, thank you. What about you?
A: Not good, thanks.

Tambin se emplean expresiones como:

Hows everything cmo va todo?
Hows it going o Whats up (considerados como saludos informales)
2. Para saludar a una persona dependiendo de la hora, decimos:
Good morning : Buenos das
Good afternoon : Buenas tardes
Good evening : Buenas noches (Al llegar)
Good night : Tambin significa Buenas noches pero se utiliza cuando nos vamos a
dormir o a despedir de una persona en la noche.

3. Para despedirnos de alguien utilizamos:

Good bye - bye : Adios So long : Hasta luego
See you later : Nos vemos luego Take care : Cudate!
See you soon : Nos vemos pronto Have a nice day : Que tengas
un buen da
See you tomorrow : Nos vemos maana Have a great time : Que
te vaya bien
See you then : Hasta entonces

La mayora de estas expresiones constituyen frases idiomticas o modismos; estos son

formas del idioma que no obedecen algunas reglas gramaticales y muchas de ellas no
tienen traduccin literal.

4). Si no conocemos una persona utilizamos estas expresiones para presentarnos:

What's your name? : Cul es tu nombre? o cmo te llamas?

My name is Terry : Mi nombre es Terry o me llamo Terry
This is my teacher, Sam : Este es mi profesor, Sam
Nice to meet you
Pleased to meet you : Un placer conocerte (conocerlo)
Nice to meet you too : Igualmente

Adems de decir Nice to meet you, tambin se pueden utilizar las siguientes expresiones:
Glad to meet you Good to meet you Pleasure to meet you Nice
meeting you

Mr se usa para hombres (casados o solteros) y Mrs para mujeres casadas. Miss se usa
para mujeres solteras, con el apellido o con el nombre y el apellido (Miss Baden o Miss
Lucy Baden) pero nunca se usa con el nombre propio nicamente.

A. Practique la pronunciacin de estas dos conversaciones y lea frente a la clase.

Conversation 1 In The Street

At School Tomas : Good morning, Martin.
Peter : Hello, Mary. How are you? Martin : Good morning, Tomas.
Mary : Fine, thank you. What about you? Tomas : How is it going?
Peter : Im Ok, thanks. Martin : Fine, thank you. What about
Mary : Well Goodbye. you?
Peter : Bye. Tomas : Im fine, too. Thanks.
Martin : Well I have to go. See you
Conversation 2 Tomas : Ok, take care.

B. Complete el dilogo con las siguientes palabras. Traduzca.

London Pleased Manchester
English teacher Goodbye Morning
Thanks Not too bad Mr. Bean

Mr. Bean: Good ________, Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones: Good morning, _____. How are you?
Mr. Bean: I'm fine _______, and you?
Mrs. Jones: __________ . Mr. Bean, this is my husband Michael, Michael this is Mr. Bean my
Mr. Jones: Pleased to meet you Mr. Bean.
Mr. Bean: ______ to meet you too. Are you from England, Mr. Jones?
Mr. Jones: Yes, from Manchester. Do you live in Manchester?
Mr. Bean: No, I'm from ________, but I live in ____________ while I am teaching at college.
Mrs. Jones: Well, _______ Mr. Bean, it was nice to see you.
Mr. Bean: Yes, it was nice talking to you goodbye.
C. Complete el crucigrama con la informacin ofrecida en este taller. No olvide dejar
espacios entre las palabras.

2. Despedida para la noche.
5. As debes saludar en la
7. Es la forma de dar las gracias
en ingls.
8. De maravilla!
10. Se usa para mujeres solteras
con el apellido o nombre
11. Como te despides
12. As debes saludar en la

1. Hasta luego!
3. As debes saludar en la tarde.
4. Es lo que debes decir para

D. Realice un dilogo en el cual los personajes se saluden, se presenten y se despidan.

E. Complete el dilogo. Traduzca.

Ralph: Good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Im Ralph Freeman. I come from MG Electronics.

Doris: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Im Doris Reeds. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to meet you Mr. Freeman.
Ralph: I have a meeting with Meg Obryan at 4:00 P.M.
Doris: Sorry, she had an accident and she cant meet you today.
Ralph: It is serious?
Doris: No, she is alright.
Ralph: OK. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Doris: Have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr. Freeman. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

F. Una las oraciones de ad con las respuestas de 14.

a. Whats your name? 1. Hi. Great, thanks.

b. Hello. How are you? 2. Nice to meet you too.
c. Pleased to meet you. 3. Hi. My names Teresa.
d. Hi. Hows things? 4. Hello. Im very well, thank you.

G. Escriba la conversacin en el orden correcto en su cuaderno y luego traduzca.

a. Hi, Susan. I am Pedro. Nice to meet you.

b. Nice to meet you, too.
c. Susan, this is my friend Alberto.
d. Good morning. My name is Susan. Whats your name?
e. Pleased to meet you Alberto.
f. Pleased to meet you too, Pedro.
TPICO GENERATIVO: I am a student
Pronombres personales

Antes de aprender cualquier tipo de verbo y tiempo en ingls, debemos conocer primero
los pronombres personales. Los pronombres personales cumplen la funcin de sujeto de
la oracin y son:




Usted / T l Ella Eso/a



Ustedes Ellos/as
- En ingls no existen los sujetos tcitos o elpticos, por lo tanto siempre deben ir en la

- El pronombre I (yo) siempre se escribe en mayscula.

- En el caso de los animales, cuando queremos personificarlos y dotarlos de sexo

masculino o femenino podramos emplear 'he' o 'she' en lugar de 'it'.


(El Verbo Ser / Estar)

El verbo 'To be' tiene una importancia especial en ingls. Se corresponde a los verbos
espaoles "ser" y "estar". Dependiendo del sentido de la frase deduciremos de cul de
los dos se trata.

I am Colombian / Soy colombiano I am in the school / Estoy en el colegio

La conjugacin del verbo to be para el tiempo presente simple, en la forma afirmativa es

la siguiente:
Singulares Plurales
I am Im Yo soy/estoy
You are Youre Usted es/est
Hes Were nosotros/as
He is l es/est We are
She is Shes Ella es/est You are Youre Ustedes/son/estn
It is Its Ello es/est They are Theyre ellos/as/son/estn

Tiene algunos usos especiales distintos a sus equivalentes espaoles.

- Sirve para expresar la edad, en cuyo caso se traduce por 'tener':

Mary is 20 years old / Maria tiene 20 aos

- Para expresar las sensaciones tambin se emplea el verbo 'to be' y equivale al 'tener'
He is thirsty / Tiene sed

- Tambin para hablar sobre el tiempo atmosfrico. En este caso se traduce por 'hacer'
It's windy / Hace viento
It's very cold / Hace mucho fro


A. Escoja am, is, are para completar. Traduzca.

1. Clare and Bill ____ married. They ____ 7. Alisa _____ a young woman.
in love. 8. The hammer _____ new.
2. John _____ excited about his job. 9. My mother and father _____ in the
3. Tiffany and Uma _____ my friends. kitchen.
4. Ricardo, John and I _____ in the cinema. 10. Rachel _____ in the school at this
5. The test _____ very difficult. moment.
6. How old ___ Maria?

B. Escriba de nuevo estas frases cambiando el sujeto por el pronombre personal

adecuado. Traduzca.

1. Antonio is eighteen. 10. My dog Willy is three years old.

2. My brother and I are Spanish. 11. My friends are Italian.
3. Diana is my sister. 12. The zoo is open.
4. Barranquilla is near Cartagena. 13. The supermarket is closed.
5. Paul and Helen are from England. 14. The students are in the classroom
6. The people are in the church. 15. The (male) singer is very handsome.
7. My father and I love this team. 16. My sisters and I always are together.
8. Your boots are dirty. 17. My aunt is 80 years old.
9. The elevator is out of order. 18. The horse is tired.

C. Subraye la forma correcta del verbo to be en cada caso y traduzca al espaol.

1. The boys is / are in the stadium of the town. 6. The dog and the cat is / are in
the kitchen.
2. I is / am a student in the University. 7. Ana and Pedro is / are good
3. My friend Luis and I are / am Spanish. 8. The school and the town hall is / are
4. The book are / is on the table. 9. The banks is / are near to the Police
5. My computer is / are new. 10. It am / is time for dinner.

D. Complete las oraciones utilizando las contracciones del verbo to be con el

pronombre correspondiente.
Traduzca cada oracin.

1. Sara is a student. Shes in my class. 7. I have three books. _______ on

my bag.
2. John is in my class. _______ is my friend. 8. My brother is twenty. _______
3. I have one brother. _______ ten years old. 9. My mom is very young. _______ only
4. I have two sisters. _______ students. 10. Jon and Tom are in the team.
_______ good players.
5. I have a dictionary. _______ on my desk. 11. I like this book. _______ interesting.
6. I like my classmates. _______ friendly. 12. I like English. _______ easy.

Verb To Be Negative Form

La forma negativa del Verbo "TO BE" (Ser o estar en ingls) es muy fcil de lograr:
simplemente se toma la estructura base de la forma afirmativa y se agrega la partcula
NOT despus del verbo.

Forma Forma Negativa Traduccin

Negativa Contrada
I am not Im not Yo no soy, no estoy
You are not You arent T no eres, no ests
He / She / It is He isnt / She isnt / It l no es, no est / Ella no es, no est / No
not isnt es, no est
We are not We arent Nosotros (as) no somos, no estamos
You are not You arent Ustedes o vosotros no son, no estn
They are not They arent Ellos o ellas no son, no estn

Im not Peter Yo no soy Pedro Shes not beautiful Ella no es hermosa

Youre not ugly T no eres fea It isnt wonderful No es una
Hes not in the street l no est en la calle We arent happy Nosotros no
somos felices

Verb To Be Interrogative Form

Para construir una pregunta, solo tenemos que invertir el orden normal de la oracin
poniendo el verbo antes del sujeto. Es decir, si la oracin afirmativa es He is in the
theater (l est en el teatro), la oracin interrogativa sera Is he in the theater? (Est
l en el teatro?).

Am I? Are we?
Are you ? Are you ?
Is he? / Is she? / Is it? Are they?

Am I intelligent? Soy inteligente? Are you Alan? T eres Alan?

Is he the teacher? l es el maestro? Is she at home? Ella est en casa?
Are we ready? Estamos listos? Are they french? Ellos son


1. Lea el texto y responda si las oraciones a continuacin son verdaderas (true (T)) o
falsas (false (F))

a. Anglica is Megans penfriend. ___ c. Anglica and Lili are best friends.
b. Anglica and Lili are 13 years old. ___ d. Patricio is Anglicas brother.
e. They are all at the same school. ___

Dear Megan,
Im very pleased to meet you. Im happy you're my penfriend. Im
Anglica Prez and Im 13 years old. At school Im in Class 9F. Heres a
photo it is me and my friend. Her name is Liliana or Lili to her
friends. Shes 14 years old. Were in the school dance group. Lili is my
best friend. Shes very nice. The other photo is my brother. His name is
Jons Prez. Hes with his classmate, Patricio. Hes from Chile. Theyre
in the school baseball team. Theyre both 15 years old. Were all at the
same school. Its The Columbus School.

My email address is [email protected] and my mobile number is 011 57

315 75364. Please write soon.

Best wishes,
2. Complete el texto con la forma correcta del verbo to be (afirmativa o negativa).

Hi! I am Pablo. I _ _ _ _ from Colombia, but I _ _ _ _ from Bogot, I _ _ _ _from Medelln. My

friends _ _ _ Colombian, they _ _ _ _ from different countries.
Anna _ _ _ _ from Venezuela, Luca and Paula _ _ _ _ Spanish, and Lukas _ _ _ _ English. We
_ _ _ _ just friends, we _ _ _ _ a team!

3. Complete con: am/ is / are , am not/ isnt/ arent/.

I a student and I good at most subjects. My favorite one

English. My schoolmates Tom and John very good at it. They prefer Math. At
school I in the first row. Tom and Jack in the second row. I
..always attentive and serious while Tom and John . often naughty
and the teacher angry with them. Tom . very funny and we
happy together during the break. So I . a good student but
my favorite day of the week.. Sunday. On Sunday the school .. empty
and students .. usually happy.

4. Transforme las siguientes frases en frases interrogativas o negativas.

a. Your brother's a doctor. (negativa) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

b. Teachers are on holiday in August. (interrogativa)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _?
c. It's late. (interrogativa) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
d. You're from Denmark. (negativa) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
e. They're my friends. (negativa) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
f. I'm late for class. (interrogativa) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
g. You're at home this weekend. (interrogativa) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
h. This seat's free. (interrogativa) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
i. She's married. (negativa) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
j. Mary's happy here. (negativa) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

5. Complete el texto con la forma adecuada del verbo to be, traduzca y responda las

Today in my English class

All the students in my English class _ _ _ _ absent today. George _ _ _ _ absent. He _ _ _ _

in the hospital. Maria _ _ _ _ absent. She _ _ _ _ at the dentist. Mr. and Mrs. Soto _ _ _ _
absent. They _ _ _ _ at the Social Security Office. Even the English teacher _ _ _ _ absent.
He _ _ _ _ home in bed!

What a shame! Everybody in my English class _ _ _ _ absent today. Everybody except me.

a. Where is George? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
b. Where is Maria? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
c. Where is Mr. and Mrs. Soto? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
d. Where is the English teacher? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

6. Use la forma correspondiente del verbo to be para completar las oraciones Traduzca.

a. My mother _ _ _ _ _ in the kitchen.

b. The pupils _ _ _ _ _ at school today. (Negative)
c. Maria's grandmother _ _ _ _ _ from Brazil.
d. I _ _ _ _ _ a football fan.
e. It _ _ _ _ _ Sunday today. (Negative)
f. They _ _ _ _ _ in the car.
g. His pencil case _ _ _ _ _ at home.
h. _ _ _ _ _ you from Sheffield?
i. I _ _ _ _ _ your friend. (Negative)
j. Hey John! We_ _ _ _ _ here.
TPICO GENERATIVO: She is my sister Lisa

Durante el presente ao irn aprendiendo diferentes grupos palabras con el fin de

ampliar su vocabulario en el idioma ingls, el primero de ellos se refiere a los miembros
de la familia. Ac tenemos los principales:

Great grandfather / grandmother Bisabuelo / bisabuela

Great grandson /granddaughter / grandchildren Bisnieto / bisnieta / bisnietos
Grandfather / Grandmother Abuelo / abuela
Grandson / Granddaughter / grandchildren Nieto / nieta / nietos (en general)
Father / mother Madre / padre
Son / daughter / children Hijo / hija / hijos (en general)
Step father / mother Padrastro / madrastra
Step son / daughter Hijastro / hijastra
Son / daughter / children Hijo / hija / hijos (en general)
Brother / sister / siblings Hermano / Hermana / Hermanos
Uncle / aunt To / Ta
Nephew / Niece Sobrino / Sobrina
Cousin Primo / Prima
Father / Mother-in-law Suegro / Suegra
Son / daughter-in-law Yerno / Nuera
Brother / Sister-in-law Cuado / Cuada

Antes de realizar la prctica con este vocabulario es necesario explicar un caso posesivo
muy utilizado en ingls con estas palabras: s - Possesive - El caso
posesivo: s

Ms propiamente llamado CASO GENITIVO, es la forma en que se establece la posesin o

pertenencia de algo. Se emplea:

a) Si el poseedor es una persona o un animal:

My father's car (El auto de mi padre)

The tiger's teeth (Los dientes del tigre)

b) Con organizaciones o grupos de personas (aunque el uso de of (de) tambin es


Trade union's elections (= the elections of the trade unions) - Las elecciones de los
The company's results (= the results of the company) Los resultados de la compaa

c) Con lugares:
The village's church (La iglesia de la aldea)
Colombian's surface (La superficie de Colombia)

d) Con expresiones de tiempo: today, tomorrow, yesterday, week...

This week's trip (El viaje de esta semana)

Monday's meeting (La reunin del lunes)

Si el sustantivo es singular se pone ('s), si es plural se pone slo el apstrofe al final de la

palabra ( ' ):

The Colombian ladys grace (La gracia de la mujer colombiana)

The Colombian ladies grace / (La gracia de las mujeres colombianas)

Cuando el poseedor es un objeto o un ser inanimado se utiliza normalmente la estructura

"of + sustantivo":
The price of the house (El precio de la casa)
The depth of the river (La profundidad del ro)


a. Traduzca el siguiente texto y conteste las preguntas.

This is a picture of Pedros family. Pedros father is Mr. Mauricio

Collins. He isnt from England. Hes from Lima Per. Mr. Collins is
a taxi driver.

Mrs. Helga Collins is from Panam. Shes a teacher.

Susan is Pedros sister. Shes eleven years old. Jorge is a baby.

Pedro and Jorge are Mr. and Mrs. Collins sons. Susan is their

1. Who is Mauricio Collins? 6. What is Mr. Collins occupation?

2. Who is Helga Collins? 7. What is Mrs. Collins occupation?
3. Who is Susan? 8. Where is Mrs. Collins from?
4. Who is Pedro? 9. Where is Mr. Collins from?
5. Who is Pedro? 10. Is Lima in England?

b. In your notebook, write sentences to answer the questions.

1. Who are Michaels parents? George and Lilly are Michaels parents.
2. Who is Joes nephew?
3. Who is Steves sister?
4. Who are Sarahs grandparents?
5. Who is Lolas granddaughter?

c. Traduzca el siguiente texto que habla acerca de la familia de Jerry y con base en la
informacin realice el correspondiente rbol genealgico.

JERRY: Hi, my names Jerry. Im married and my wifes name is Megan. We have one
son. His name is George and hes two years old. I have one sister, Brenda. Shes married
and her husbands name is Marlon. They have two children. Their daughters name is
Tracy and she has a brother, his name is David.
And my parents? Well, my fathers name is Arthur and my mothers name is Susan.
Were a very happy family, I think.
d. Escriba una descripcin de su familia similar a la que hace Jerry. Si quiere puede
utilizar algunas fotos para hacer su rbol genealgico.
e. Complete el Crucigrama de
acuerdo al rbol genealgico de la
familia Simpson.


1. Herb is Lisa's
3. Herb is Homer's...
5. Homer is Jackie's
6. Marge is Herb's
8. Abraham is Marge's
9. Marge is Abraham's
10. Patty is Lisa's
11. Jackie is Bart's
12. Clancy is Maggie's
16. Ling is Bart's


2. Bart, Lisa and Maggie are Clancy's

4. Clancy and Jackie are Homer's
7. Maggie is Selma's
13. Ling is Selma's adoptive
14. Homer is Patty and Selma's
15. Abraham and Mona are Lisa's
17. Jackie is Homer's
18. Bart is Patty's
TPICO GENERATIVO: Whats your name?

Los questions words son las palabras especficas que se deben colocar al inicio de la
frase pregunta en ingls. Cuando se utilizan estos no se responde con las respuestas
cortas s o no, sino que se responde con una oracin completa (S+V+C).

Ejemplo: Whats your name?

Im David Taylor. (The answer is a sentence)

Los ms comunes son:

Es utilizado solo para preguntar por personas:

Who is the best football player in the world?
Who are your best friends?
Who is that strange guy over there?

Lo usamos para preguntar por lugares:

Where is the library?
Where do you live?
Where are my shoes?

Es utilizado solo para preguntar por tiempo o fechas:

When do the shops open?
When is his birthday?
When are we going to finish?

Es utilizado para obtener explicaciones, razones o motivos:

Why do we need a nanny?
Why are they always late?
Why does he complain all the time?

Normalmente la respuesta empieza con because

Es usado para preguntar por algo en especfico:

What is your name?
What is her favourite colour?
What is the time?

Se emplea cuando necesitamos escoger una opcin de una pequea

serie de alternativas:
Which drink did you order the rum or the beer?
Which day do you prefer for a meeting today or tomorrow?
Which is better - this one or that one?
Se usa para preguntar por la manera en que se hizo algo:
How do you cook paella?
How does he know the answer?
How can I learn English quickly?

Con How se construyen muchas otras expresiones que son usadas para preguntar:

How much Hace referencia a cantidades o precios; se utiliza con nombres incontables:
How much time do you have to finish the test?
How much is the jacket on display in the window?

How many Hace referencia a cantidades; se utiliza con nombres contables:

How many days are there in April?
How many brothers and sister do you have?

How often Se utiliza para preguntar por la frecuencia con que se realiza una accin:
How often do you visit your grandmother?
How often does she study?

How far Lo usamos para preguntar acerca de distancias:

How far is the university from your house?
How far is the bus stop from here?

How old Se usa para preguntar por la edad:

How old are you?
How old is your father?


A. Construya las preguntas con What / Who / Where / How? Tenga en cuenta las
respuestas. Traduzca.
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your parents? Theyre fine.
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the bus stop? At the end of the block.
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your children? Five, six, and ten.
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ these oranges? One thousand three hundred pesos.
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your favorite sport? Skiing.
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the man in this photo? Thats my brother.
7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your new shoes? Black

B. Escriba las preguntas para las siguientes respuestas. Traduzca.

1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Im from Australia
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ My address its 876 Snow Road.
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Im Peruvian.
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Im with my sister.
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hes twenty years old.
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Because I am sick.
7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Im fine, thank you.

C. Llene los espacios con el Question Word". Traduzca.

1. ................ are my keys? They are on the table.
2. ................ is the problem? Im ill.
3. ................ is your favorite singer? Adele.
4. ................ is your birthday? In two weeks.
5. ................ old are you? I'm ten years old.
6. ................ is your telephone number? 321 9517845
7. ................ are you from? Im from Mexico.
8. ................ is your best friend? Pablo.
9. ................ is your [email protected]
10................. are you? I'm fine, thanks.
11................. is your graduation? Next week.
12................. is she crying? Because she is sad.
13................. is your last name? Gonzalez.
14................. is your favorite actor? Anthony Hopkins.
15................. old is your cat? Two years old.

D. Escoja la opcin correcta.

1. _ _ _ is the concert?
a. What b. Who c. Why d. When

2. _ _ _ is Cristiano Ronaldo from?

a. How b. When c. Where d. Why

3. _ _ _ are you so happy? I'm getting married!

a. When b. How c. What d. Why

4. _ _ _ is your brother? He is still sick.

a. Why b. How c. Where d. What

5. _ _ _ are you late? Because of the traffic.

a. Where b. When c. Why d. How

E. Una cada pregunta con su correspondiente respuesta. Traduzca las oraciones


1. Where is your house? a. because I'm sick.

2. How are you? b. spaghetti.
3. When is the school party? c. on Herzl Street.
4. Why are you home today? d. I'm great, thank you.
5. Who is your best friend? e. Anna
6. What is your favorite food? f. on July 15th

F. Complete las preguntas con el correspondiente Wh question word y escriba una

respuesta para cada pregunta.

_ _ _ _ _ are the kids? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

_ _ _ _ _ is the baby in bed? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ is the test? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ are the oranges? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ old is your sister? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ color is the dress? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ are my shoes? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ are you home every day? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ is on the table? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ are you excited? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ is your birthday? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ is that woman? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
TPICO GENERATIVO: That is my English book

Son aquellos que se utilizan para determinar la ubicacin de las cosas y son los

THIS (Este /esta) THESE (Estos / estas)
This flower is beautiful. (esta flor es These pencils are in the box. (Estos lpices
Hermosa) estn en la caja)
THAT (Eso /esa /aquel /aquella) THOSE (Esos / esas /aquellos /aquellas)
That is my dog.(ese es mi perro) Those stars are in the sky. (Esas estrellas estn
en el cielo)

A diferencia del idioma espaol, en el que se determina la proximidad con ESTO, ESO y
AQUELLO, en el idioma ingls slo se utilizan dos grados de proximidad: THIS, para
sealar lo que se encuentra ms cerca del sujeto, y THAT para lo que est ms alejado.

Estos adjetivos concuerdan en nmero, ya sea en singular o en plural, con el sustantivo al

que acompaan, mientras que en gnero no existen diferencias entre masculino y

This flower is beautiful. Esta flor es hermosa.

This car is dirty. Este automvil est sucio.

That house is expensive. Aquella casa es costosa.

That dog is bad. Aquel perro es malo.

These apples are cheap. Estas manzanas son baratas.

These pencils are in the box. Estos lpices estn en la caja.

Those stars are in the sky. Aquellas estrellas estn en el cielo.

Those boys are my friends. Aquellos nios son mis amigos.

El adjetivo demostrativo THIS tambin puede utilizarse para presentar a alguien:

John, this is Mike. (John, este es Mike).

Tambin se utiliza THIS para comenzar un relato de manera coloquial:

This is the story (Esta es la historia)

THAT sirve para indicar algo que ha ocurrido o algo que alguien ha dicho.
That was an incredible story. (Ha sido una historia increble).


A. Complete con That, This, These, That. Traduzca.

1. _ _ _ _ _ _ men are from Spain. 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ mouse is broken.

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ foot is dirty. 6. _ _ _ _ _ _ roofs are made of wood.
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ scissors are very sharp. 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ box is empty.
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ children don't have any parents. 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ trousers are made in
9. _ _ _ _ _ _ men are waiting for the bus. 10. _ _ _ _ _ _ tomato is very big.

B. Complete con That, This, These, That. Traduzca.

1. _ _ _ _ _ _ book here isn't very interesting but _ _ _ _ _ _ books over there are great.
2. Take _ _ _ _ _ _ glass here and put it in the cupboard, please!
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ is the funniest film ever! We can't stop laughing.
4. Jane, come and smell _ _ _ _ _ _ flowers! Aren't they lovely?
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ young man on the other side of the street is my brother.
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ are my keys. Put them in your pocket and don't lose them!
7. I love _ _ _ _ _ _ shoes on _ _ _ _ _ _ shelf over there. Can you show them to me, please?
8. Terry, can you hold _ _ _ _ _ _ bag for a minute, please? It's very heavy.

C. Reescriba las siguientes oraciones cambiando de singular a plural, o de plural a

singular, segn la informacin de la oracin inicial. Traduzca.

1. This child likes chocolate. 6. These tomatoes are green.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chocolate. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ green.
2. That man works in an office. 7. That knife is made of silver.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in an office. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ made of silver.
3. These women study Japanese. 8. That loaf of bread is freshly baked.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Japanese. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ freshly baked.
4. Those geese make a lot of noise. 9. These wolves are hungry.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a lot of noise. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hungry.
5. This mouse doesn't like cheese. 10. This person is friendly.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cheese. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ friendly.
D. Existen algunos contextos en los que se puede confundir it y this, pero como se ha
explicado anteriormente it es un pronombre personal mientras que this es un
demostrativo. Complete las siguientes oraciones con it o this. Traduzca.

1. The bar is very noisy and there are a lot of drunk people in the street. _ _ _ _ _ _ makes
the neighbours angry.
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ is important to brush your teeth every day. _ _ _ _ _ _ helps to keep your teeth
3. Take _ _ _ _ _ _ book and put _ _ _ _ _ _ on the shelf, please!
4. I can't find my keys! _ _ _ _ _ _ means that I can't get inside until my husband comes
back from work.

E. Realice los dilogos como lo indican los ejemplos. Use colores y adjetivos diferentes.

A: Is this your umbrella? A: Are these your boots?

B: No, it isnt. B: No, they arent.
A: Are you sure? A: Are you sure?
B: Yes, That umbrella is brown and B: Yes, those boots are dirty and
my umbrella is black. my boots are clean.

1. Hat 2. Gloves 3. Watch. 4. Glasses. 5. Pen


C.R. DOS SANTOS, Manuel. English Here, English There Plus, Student Book 1, Mc Graw
Hill, 2000.
MURPHY, Raymond. Grammar in Use. A Self Study Reference and Practice for
Intermediate Learners of English. Cambridge University Press, Four Edition, 2012.
REDSTON, C. Cunningham, G. Face2Face Pre-Intermediate Students Book. Cambridge,
London. Cambridge University Press. 2005.

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