Because I Wrote

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Because I Wrote (by Enrique Lihn)

Well maybe in a quiet year

Ill think, Heres what poetry did for me:
kept me from being happy, that much was Porque Escrib (de Enrique Lihn)
denied me,
but I wrote. Ahora que quizs, en un ao de calma,
piense: la poesa me sirvi para esto:
I wrote, was a poor kind no pude ser feliz, ello me fue negado,
of beggar boggled with pride, pero escrib.
and also put a few readers to death,
reached my hand into doors Ive never seen, Escrib: fui la vctima
a girl, in another world, dropped at my feet. de la mendicidad y el orgullo mezclados
y ajustici tambin a unos pocos lectores;
But I wrote. I had that rare assurance, tend la mano en puertas que nunca, nunca
the illusion youve got the world in our he visto;
hands- una muchacha cay, en otro mundo, a mis
what a perfect illusion! like a baroque christ pies.
with all its needless cruelty.
I wrote, my writing was like the rot Pero escrib: tuve esta rara certeza,
on wilted flowers but flowers after all, la ilusin de tener el mundo entre las manos
daily bread from the barren soil, qu ilusin ms perfecta! como un cristo
a shell of thorns and roots. barroco
con toda su crueldad innecesaria
I took all these words from life Escrib, mi escritura fue como la maleza
like a child after tinsel, pebbles by the river- de flores cimas pero flores en fin,
things with a magic to them, completely el pan de cada da de las tierras eriazas:
useless una caparazn de espinas y races
but they always manage to renew their
charm. De la vida tom todas estas palabras
como un nio oropel, guijarros junto al ro:
The kind of madness that makes an old man las cosas de una magia, perfectamente
trail along mimicking pigeons intiles
was that I got instead of being good for pero que siempre vuelven a renovar su
something. encanto.
Writing brought it on me, everyone doubted
my real existence, La especie de locura con que vuela un
(days of my writing, the strangers home). anciano
Those who were useful and those who did detrs de las palomas imitndolas
the using me fue dada en lugar de servir para algo.
I say theyll all die off because I wrote, Me conden escribiendo a que todos
and doing that means working shoulder to dudarn
shoulder de mi existencia real,
with Death, stealing a few of her secrets. (das de mi escritura, solar del extranjero).
At first the river is a vein of water, Todos los que sirvieron y los que fueron
at least for a moment there at that height, servidos
then it ends in an ocean no one notices digo que pasarn porque escrib
whos churning his way through life. y hacerlo significa trabajar con la muerte
Because I wrote I was an abomination codo a codo, robarle unos cuantos secretos.
but the sea forms part of my writing itself En su origen el ro es una veta de agua
line of surf where a verse breaks into foam all, por un momento, siquiera, en esa
I can make poems over and over again. altura
luego, al final, un mar que nadie ve
de los que estn bracendose la vida.
Porque escrib fui un odio vergonzante,
pero el mar forma parte de mi escritura
lnea de la rompiente en que un verso se
yo puedo reiterar la poesa.

Estuve enfermo, sin lugar a dudas

y no slo de insomnio,
I was sick, no doubt about it, tambin de ideas fijas que me hicieron leer
and not just from insomnia, con obscena atencin a unos cuantos
also from fixed ideas that made me read psiclogos,
a good few psychologists with obscene care, pero escrib y el crimen fue menor,
but I wrote and the crime got less, lo pagu verso a verso hasta escribirlo,
line by line I paid till it was written, porque de la palabra que se ajusta al
because words that fit in the abyss abismo
give off a bit of dark intelligence surge un poco de oscura inteligencia
and by that light many a monsters life is y a esa luz muchos monstruos no son
spared. ajusticiados.

Because I wrote I never helped the hangman Porque escrib no estuve en casa del
or gave way to loving God verdugo
or stood for men as gods ni me dej llevar por el amor a Dios
or ran for favorite scribbler ni acept que los hombres fueran dioses
or found poverty disgusting ni me hice desear como escribiente
or power desirable ni la pobreza me pareci atroz
or washed or dirtied up my hands ni el poder una cosa deseable
or had virgin girlfriends ni me lav ni me ensuci las manos
or pharisees for pals ni fueron vrgenes mis mejores amigas
or in spite of anger ni tuve como amigo a un fariseo
tried to break my enemy. ni a pesar de la clera
quise desbaratar a mi enemigo.
But I wrote and Im dying on my own,
because I wrote because I wrote Im alive Pero escrib y me muero por mi cuenta,
porque escrib porque escrib estoy vivo.

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