Examen Biologia 1º Eso

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Cules son las cuatro capas en las que se divide la Tierra? Explcalas
Cules son las cuatro condiciones que hacen posible la vida en la Tierra?
Qu tres caractersticas diferencias a los seres vivos de los no vivos?
De qu est formada la materia viva?
Qu es una clula?
Explica quin enunci la teora celular y explica sus tres puntos ms importantes
Explica las tres funciones vitales que realiza todo ser vivo.
Los seres vivos estn formados por dos tipos de biomolculas Cules son? Explcalas
Explica la funcin de las siguientes biomolculas y di de que tipo son:
- los glcidos:
- el agua:
- los cidos nucleicos:
- las sales minerales:
- los glcidos:
- los lpidos:
- las protenas:

5. Cules son los 4 elementos bsicos de una clula? Explcalos

6. Cules son las caractersticas de la clula procariota? Dibjala
7. Cules son las caractersiticas de la clula eucariota? Dibjala
8. Qu tipo de clula es la que forman la mayora de los seres vivos?Qu dos tipos existen?
9. Qu es la nutricin? Explica sus cuatro pasos
10. Existen dos tipos de nutricin Puedes explicarlas?
11. Otra de las funciones de los seres vivos es la relacin Puedes explicar que s y qu rganos
intervienen en ella?
12. Explica la reproduccin y qu tipos de reproducciones hay
13. Crees que un organismo celular puede realizar las funciones de relacin? Explcalo con tus
palabras y pon un ejemplo.
14. Haz un esquema sobre la organizacin de los seres vivos
15. Explica cules son los cinco reinos en los que se clasifican los seres vivos y di que tipo de
criterios se ha usado para clasificarlos.
16. Define:

organismo unicelular:






1. Which are the four layers of the Earth?
2. Complete the text about the conditions neccesary for life:
All the conditions __________ for living beings to develop because:
It has:_______________ due to the __________ from the__________ and the presence of
the _____________. And it has ____________, mostly in ________ state.
It provides: __________ that are essential for life, such as ____________ and carbon
dioxide. And it provides a ____________ base for organisms as__________ __________
inhabit it.
3. Match the terms with the definitions:

Is the gaseous layer that covers the Earth


Is made up of the water on the planet


Is made up of all the living beings that live on it


Is the solid part of the Earth that is made up of

rocks and minerals.

4. Which are the three common characteristics in all living beings?

5. What is Matter made up?
6. What is the difference between organic and inorganic biomolecules? Write examples
7. What is the smallest unit of a living being which can carry out the vital functions?
8. Explain the three vital functions:
9. Which two types of nutrition can living beings exhibit? Explain
10. What are the two types of reproduction?
11. Explain what is a cell, its three basic common structures and draw the two types and put
their parts:
12. What type of organelle is in charge of performing photosynthesis?
13. Complete the definition of nutrition:
Nutrition is a set of__________ that provide the cells of living beings with the___________
they need to build their components and obtain __________ .
14. Explain the process of photosynthesis and draw a plant with the process.
15. What is the interaction? Explain the stages
16. Explain the two types of reproduction
17. What is taxonomy?
18. Put the names in order from the narrowest to the broadest
(order kingdom genus class species family phylum)
19. What are the five kingdoms of living beings?
20. What kind of living being is a multicellular autotroph without tissues?

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