Man Ussualy

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Man: What do you usually do on Saturday?

Woman: I wake up at 8 a.m. Then I take a shower and

go to work. I have lunch with my friends at about 1 p.m.
Man: Hold on! You dont have breakfast?
Woman: No, I dont have time. I am always in a hurry.
Man: I need to have breakfast everyday. It gives me
energy for the rest of the day.
Woman: Oh, but I have a cup coffee and a muffin at
the office.
Man: and what do you do after work?
Woman: I sometimes go to a bar and have some beers
with my friends. Would you like to come with us next
Man: Sure. It sounds great.

Traduccin en espaol

Hombre: Qu haces usualmente el sbado?

Mujer: Me despierto a las 8 a.m. Luego tomo una
ducha y voy a trabajar. Almuerzo con mis amigos
alrededor de la 1 p.m.

Hombre: Espera! No desayunas?

Mujer: No, no tengo tiempo. Siempre voy de prisa /
tengo prisa
Hombre: Yo necesito desayunar todos los das. Me da
energa para el resto del da.
Mujer: Oh, pero tomo caf y como un panque en la
Hombre: y que hace despus del trabajo?
Mujer: A veces voy a un bar y tomo algunas cervezas
con mis amigos. te gustara ir con nosotros el prximo


to wake someone up
Her mother wakes her up at 8 o'clock.

Su madre la despierta a las ocho.

to wake up
I wake up very early.

Me despierto muy temprano.

to get up


to make the bed

hacer la cama

to get dressed


to get ready


to have a shower


to have a bath


to have a wash


to clean your teeth

lavarse los dientes

to brush your teeth

cepillarse los dientes

to wash your hair

lavarse el pelo / la cabeza

to dry your hair

secarse el pelo

to brush your hair

cepillarse el pelo

to comb your hair


to dry your hands

secarse las manos

to have a shave


to clean your shoes

limpiarse los zapatos

to put on makeup

maquillarse / pintarse

to put in your contact lenses

ponerse las lentillas

to put in your false teeth

ponerse la dentadura postiza;

ponerse los dientes postizos

to have breakfast

desayunar / tomar el desayuno

to have lunch

almorzar / comer

to have dinner


to cook lunch, to get lunch ready

hacer la comida

to feed the cat / dog

dar de comer al gato / perro

to water the plants

regar las plantas

to switch on the radio / television

poner la radio / televisin

to listen to the radio

escuchar el radio

to watch television / telly

ver la televisin / tele

to go to school / work / university / the


ir al colegio / al trabajo / a la
universidad / a la oficina

to catch the bus / train

tomar / coger* el autobs / tren

to start work

empezar a trabajar / entrar a trabajar

to get home (from work)

llegar a casa

to go home

ir a casa

to get undressed

desvestirse / desnudarse

to go to bed


to set the alarm clock

poner el despertador

to have a rest

tomarse un descanso / echarse una


to fall asleep


to oversleep

quedarse dormido

to have a sleepless night

pasar la noche en vela

to suffer from insomnia

tener insomnio / sufrir de insomnio

*Note: Be very careful with these two verbs depending on which Spanish speaking
country you are in.
In Spain, it is very common to use the verb "coger".
However, this has a completely different, sexual meaning in certain South American
countries. So, if you are in South America, it's safer to use "tomar".
What time do you get up?

A qu hora te levantas?

How often do you go to the cinema?

Con qu frecuencia vas al cine?

Cada cunto vas al cine?

I go to the cinema once / twice a

week / month / year.

Voy al cine una vez / dos veces a la

semana / al mes / al ao.

I sometimes / never go to the theatre.

I often go to the theatre.

A veces / Nunca voy al teatro.

Voy al teatro a menudo.

How long does it take you to get to


Cunto tardas en llegar al trabajo?

Where do you live?

Dnde vives?

How much coffee do you drink?

Cunto caf bebes?

What do you usually have for


Qu sueles desayunar?

How do you get to school?

Cmo llegas al colegio?

What time do you go to bed?

A qu hora te acuestas?


A lot of these verbs are reflexive e.g. to wash my hair = lavarse el pelo.
In English, the verb does not change but the possessive adjective before hair
changes to reflect who is doing the action.
In Spanish, the verb is reflexive and changes to reflect who is doing the action.
Note: normally in Spanish, it is not normally necessary to use the subject pronoun
(Yo, T, l, Ella, Nosotros, Vosotros, Ellos, Ellas). However, if you need to distinguish

between a girl and a boy then it is possible to include it (see below).

I wash my hair.

Me lavo el pelo.

You wash your hair.

Te lavas el pelo.

He washes his hair.

Se lava el pelo

She washes her hair.

Se lava el pelo.

We wash our hair.

Nos lavamos el pelo.

You wash your hair.

Os lavis el pelo.

They wash their hair.

Se lavan el pelo.

He washes his hair in the morning but

she washes her hair in the afternoon.

l se lava el pelo por la maana pero

ella se lava el pelo por la tarde.

Para escribir sobre algo que hacs todos los das, se utilizan expresiones como:
"always" ( que significa siempre), o "every day" ( que significa cada da),
"usually"( que significa usualmente),
" in general"(Que significa en general), "generaly"(que significa
y el tiempo a usar es el presente.

Por ejemplo, te escribo mi rutina diaria en espaol y luego la paso al ingls:

Todos los das me despierto a las 7 de la maana.
Every day I wake up at 7 a.m..
Usualmente,en el desayuno como tostadas con manteca y tomo cafe.
In breakfast, usually I eat toasts with lard and coffee.
A las 8 de la maana voy al liceo
At 8 a.m. I go to High school.
Vuelvo a casa a las 12 y almuerzo con mi madre y mi hermana.
I return to home at 12 a.m., at 1 o'clock I take lunch with my mother and my
Luego, miro televisin o hago los deberes.
Then, I watch TV or I do my homework.
Cuando tengo tiempo me gusta escuchar msica o ver una buena pelcula

When I have time I like listening music or seeing a good movie.

A las 10 de la noche ceno. Por lo general como carne o pollo con pur o
At 10 p.m. I have dinner,generaly I eat meat or chicken with mash or salad.
A las 11 me voy a acostar porque tengo que levantarme temprano.
At 11 pm. I go to bed because I have to get up early.

Mi Rutina

I get up everyday at seven o clock, Then

I have a Shower,
after that, I have Breakfast and go out
to take the bus for go class.
I finish my classes at twelve, then I have
luch at the University's Restaurant.
At two pm, I go to study to the library,
then at five pm I go home.
At home I watch television one hour,
Then I have dinner. After that,
I play at the computer and finally at ten
pm I go to sleep

Me levanto todos los das a las siete en punto,

luego me ducho,
despues de eso, desayuno y salgo a tomar el bus
para ir a clases.
Termino mis clases a las doce, luego almuerzo
en el restaurante de la Universidad
A las dos de la tarde, voy a estudiar a la
biblioteca, luego a las cinco de la tarde me voy
a casa
En casa veo televisin una hora, y luego ceno,
despues de eso
Juego en el computador y Finalmente a las diez
de la noche me voy a dormir

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