Artículos Asociación Española de Vendaje Neuromuscular
Artículos Asociación Española de Vendaje Neuromuscular
Artículos Asociación Española de Vendaje Neuromuscular
Artculos cientficos
Aqu tiene a su disposicin referencias a artculos cientficos sobre vendaje
Los artculos sealados con asterisco (*) estn restringidos y requieren ser
Para su informacin, esta pgina se actualiza mensualmente.
1. AKBARI, M - Effects of Skin Stretch Sensory Stimuli on Balance in Patients with Diabetic
Neuropathy >>Ver artculo
2. AKINBO, SR - Comparison of the Effect of Kinesiotape on Pain and Joint Range of Motion
in Patients with Knee Joint Osteoarthritis and Knee Sport Injury >>Ver artculo *
3. AYTAR, A - Initial effects of kinesio taping in patients with patellofemoral pain
syndrome: A randomized, double-blind study >>Ver artculo *
4. ALEXANDER, CM - Does tape facilitate or inhibit the lower fibres of trapezius? >>Ver
5. ALEXANDER, CM - What is the effect of taping along or across a muscle on
motoneurone excitability? A study using Triceps Surae >>Ver artculo
6. ASPEGREN, D - Conservative treatment of a conservative treatment of a female
collegiate volleyball player with costochondritis >>Ver artculo
7. BAE, JH - Effects of taping technique applied to muscles causing pain on cervical
movement and pain >>Ver artculo *
8. BARNES, T - Chiropractic adjustments plus massage and kinesio taping in the care of
an infant with gastroesophageal reflux >>Ver artculo
9. BARNES, T - The Therapeutic Taping Method: Genuine Value-Added Therapy >>Ver
10. BASSETT, KT - The use and treatment of kinaesthetic taping for musculoeskeletal
conditions: a systematic review >>Ver artculo
11. BAUTMANS, I - Rehabilitation using manual mobilization for thoracic kyphosis in
elderly postmenopausal patients with osteoporosis >>Ver artculo
12. BAYRAKCI TUNAY, V - Comparison of the instant effects of kinesio and McConnell
patellar taping on performance in patellofemoral pain syndrome >>Ver artculo
13. BICICI, S - Effect of athletic taping and kinesiotaping on measurements of functional
performance in basketball players with chronic inversion ankle sprains >>Ver artculo
14. BOSMAN, J - Lymph Taping and Seroma Formation Post Breast Cancer >>Ver artculo
15. BRANDON, R - The use of Kinesio Tape in patients diagnosed with Patellofemoral pain
(PFP) >>Ver artculo
60. HINMAN, RS - Immediate effects of adhesive tape on pain and disability in individuals
with knee osteoarthritis >>Ver artculo
61. HOMBRADOS - Efectos del Kinesiotaping sobre el rendimiento deportivo: Estudio de la
variacin de datos ergoespiromtricos con aplicacin de Kinesiotaping en el
diafragma >>Ver artculo
62. HONTECILLAS MARTNEZ, R - Efectividad de la neuroestimulacin elctrica
transcutnea (TENS) de alta frecuencia frente al vendaje neuromuscular en pacientes
con dismenorrea primaria >>Ver artculo
63. HOWELL, ER - Conservative care of De Quervain's tenosynovitis/ tendinopathy in a
warehouse worker and recreational cyclist: a case report >>Ver artculo
64. HSIEH, T - Does Elastic Taping on the Triceps Surae Facilitate the Ability of Vertical
Jump? >>Ver artculo
65. JANWANTANAKUL, P - Vastus lateralis and vastus medialis obliquus muscle activity
during the application of inhibition and facilitation taping techniques >>Ver artculo
66. JARACZEWSKA, E - Kinesio Taping in Stroke: Improving Functional Use of the Upper
Extremity in Hemiplegia >>Ver artculo
67. JIMNEZ MATA, I - El kinesiotaping aplicado a alumnos con NEE: experiencia en un
centro educativo >>Ver artculo
68. JO, DE - The Effect of Kinesio Taping on pain and function of shoulder >>Ver artculo
69. KAHANOV, L - Kinesio taping, Part 1: an overview of its use in athletes >>Ver artculo
70. KAHANOV, L - Kinesio taping: an overview of use with athletes, Part II >>Ver artculo *
71. KARADAG-SAYGI, E - The role of kinesiotaping combined with botulinum toxin to
reduce plantar flexors spasticity after stroke >>Ver artculo
72. KARATAS, N - The Effect of KinesioTape Application on Functional Performance in
Surgeons Who have Musculo-Skeletal Pain after Performing Surgery >>Ver artculo
73. KARLSSON, S - Kliniska erfarenheter av kinesiotape hos svenska sjukgymnaster med
kinesiotapeutbildning (en sueco) >>Ver artculo
74. KASE, K - Changes in the volume of the peripheral blood flow by using Kinesio Taping
>>Ver artculo
75. KASE, K - Examination and Consideration of the Effects of the Stretch Rate of Kinesio
Taping on the Skin: Second Report >>Ver artculo
76. KASE, K - Kinesio Taping for Lymphoedema and Chronic Swelling >>Ver artculo *
77. KATAOKA, Y - Effect of Kinesio Taping and Low-strength Exercises on Blood Pressure
and Peripheral Circulation >>Ver artculo
78. KAYA, E - Kinesio taping compared to physical therapy modalities for the treatment of
shoulder impingement syndrome >>Ver artculo
79. KERKOUR, K - Bandages adhsifs lastiques de couleur : description et application
pratique (en francs) >>Ver artculo
80. KILBREATH, SL - Gluteal taping improves hip extension during stance phrase of
walking following stroke >>Ver artculo
81. KIM, CH - The efficacy of Kinesio taping in patients with a low back pain >>Ver
82. KIM, DH - The Effects of Taping on the Forward Head Posture During Computer Work
>>Ver artculo
83. KIM, DY - The Effects of Balloons Blowing and Kinesio Taping on Vital Capacity >>Ver
84. KIM, KS - Effect of taping method on ADL, range of motion, hand function and quality
of life in post - stroke Patients for 5 weeks >>Ver artculo *
85. KIM, SH - The Effect of Kinesio-Taping on the Change of Muscle Strength and
Endurance in Trunk Flexion and Extension in Chornic Low Back Pain (CLBP) >>Ver
86. KIM, YK - Taping Therapy for Neck Pain Based on Postural Reflexes >>Ver artculo *
87. KNEESHAW, D - Shoulder taping in the clinical setting >>Ver artculo
88. KNIGHT, AC - Effects of previous lateral ankle sprain and taping on the latency of the
peroneus longus >>Ver artculo *
89. KRALOVA, D - Model ppadov studie: Role kinesio tejpu v optimalizaci pohybovho
stereotypu ramennho pletence u volejbalist >>Ver artculo *
90. KUCIEL-LEWANDOWSKA, J - The use of kinesiotaping in the after trauma therapy of
damaged peroneus nerve-case description >>Ver artculo
91. LAN, TY - Immediate Effect and Predictors of Effectiveness of Taping for
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Prospective Cohort Study >>Ver artculo *
92. LEE, JG - Taping Therapy for impingement Syndrome of Supraspinatus
>>Ver artculo *
93. LEE, JH - Balance Taping Therapy for Osteoarthritis of Knee - Is the balance taping
therapy truly effective? >>Ver artculo *
94. LEMMEN, K - Het Effect van Cure Tape op de ervaren pijn na verstandskiesextractie
>>Ver artculo *
95. LENTINO, C - Soft-tissue surgery and Botulinum toxin treatment in hemiplegic
subjects with lower limb spasticity. >>Ver artculo
96. LIN, J - A Regional Interdependent Approach For The Treatment Of Symptoms For An
Adult Female Long Distance Runner With Patellar-Femoral Pain Syndrome >>Ver
97. LINDBCK, A - Smrtreducering hos nackpatienter efter naprapatbehandling och
kinesiotape? >>Ver artculo
98. LIPIMSKA, A - The influence of kinesiotaping application on lymphoedema of an upper
limb in women after mastectomy >>Ver artculo
99. LISN-PRRAGA, JF - Efectos del estiramiento isquiotibial sobre el patrn de
activacin muscular del erector spinae durante la flexoextensin del tronco >>Ver
artculo *
LIU, Y - Motion Tracking on Elbow Tissue from Ultrasonic Image Sequence for
Patients with Lateral Epicondylitis >>Ver artculo *
LOU, MY - The Use of Kinesio Tape for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome >>Ver artculo
LUQUE SUAREZ, A - Efectividad a corto plazo del vendaje neuromuscular y
vendaje funcional en la correccin del retropi pronado y supinado >>Ver artculo
MARTIN, T - Use of Kinesio Tape in Pediatrics to Improve Oral Motor Control
>>Ver artculo
MARTNEZ-GRAMAGE, J - Efecto inmediato del kinesio tape sobre la respuesta
refleja del vasto interno ante la utilizacin de dos tcnicas diferentes de aplicacin:
facilitacin e inhibicin muscular >>Ver artculo *
MARUKO, K - Kinesio Taping with Aqua-Therapy for Pediatric Disability Involving
Neurological Impairment >>Ver artculo
MERINO, R - Efecto del Kinesio Taping en el rango de movimiento de la cadera y
zona lumbar en triatletas. Un estudio piloto >>Ver artculo
MIKOLAJEWSKA, E - Allergy in patients treated with kinesiology taping: A case
report >>Ver artculo
MORI, A - Activation of Cerebral Cortex in Various Regions After Using Kinesio
Tape >>Ver artculo
MURRAY, H - Effects of Kinesio Taping on Muscle Strength after ACL-Repair
>>Ver artculo *
MURRAY, H - Effects of Kinesio Taping on Posture and Presence of Upper
Extremity Pain >>Ver artculo
NEVES, AC - Bandas Neuromusculares - Um complemento na abordagem da
fisioterapia - Ombro doloroso >>Ver artculo
NEVES, AC - Bandas Neuromusculares: Um complemento na abordagem da
fisioterapia mastectomia >>Ver artculo
NIKCEVIC, L - Application of kinesio taping on the patients with leg paresis and
recurvatum after acute ishemic inslult >>Ver artculo
NOSAKA, K - The Effect of Kinesio Taping on Muscular Micro-Damage Following
Eccentric Exercises >>Ver artculo
OPTP - Therapeutic Taping Techniques a comparison of methods and products
>>Ver artculo
OSBORN, K - Tape it up: Kinesio taping facilitates movement, while offering
support >>Ver artculo
OSTERHUES, DJ - The use of Kinesio Tapingin the management of traumatic
patella dislocation. A case study >>Ver artculo *
PARK, K - Effects of Balance Taping Therapy for Elders with Leg Pain >>Ver
artculo *
PARK, SL - A Case Study: Effects of Taping Approach on the Shoulder Pain
>>Ver artculo *
PARK, YS - Effects of a taping method on pain and ROM of the knee joint in the
elderly >>Ver artculo *
PREZ SORIANO, P - Influencia del vendaje neuromuscular sobre la presin
plantar durante la marcha >>Ver artculo *
PREU, L - Der Einfluss von Kinesio-Tape auf die Muskelaktivitt des M. vastus
medialis und M. vastus lateralis >>Ver artculo
PYSZORA, A - What is the role of a physiotherapist in palliative care? Cases
report >>Ver artculo
RAMREZ-VLEZ, R - El Kinesio Taping no afecta a la morfologa y funcin
vascular en sujetos sanos. Estudio piloto >>Ver artculo
RENSHAW, D - Lymphoedema Management. Involving the patient in treatment
choice and implementation of care >>Ver artculo
RIBEIRO, MO - The use of the Kinesio taping method in the control of sialorrhea
in children with cerebral palsy >>Ver artculo
RODRGUEZ MOYA, A - Efecto del vendaje neuromuscular a corto plazo en la
fuerza en la extensin de rodilla >>Ver artculo
ROHRS, C - Einflu von farbigen, elastischen Tapes auf die Beweglichkeit der
>>Ver artculo
ROUSSOS, N - Poland syndrome. Use of kinesiotaping in improving back pain
and numbness of the upper limb >>Ver artculo
SAAVEDRA-HERNNDEZ, M - Short-Term Effects of Kinesiotaping Versus Cervical
Thrust Manipulation in Patients With Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical
>>Ver artculo *
SALVAT, I - Efectos inmediatos del kinesio taping en la flexin lumbar >>Ver
artculo *
SANADA, Y - Actual Examples of Improvement of Functions in Patients With
Cerebral Central Nervous Diseases in Clinical Practice and the Effects of Kinesio
Taping >>Ver artculo
SNCHEZ-ZURIAGA, D - Efectos del estiramiento isquiotibial sobre el patrn de
activacin muscular del recto del abdomen durante la flexoextensin del tronco
>>Ver artculo *
SANTOS, JCC - The influence of Kinesio Taping in the treatment of shoulders
subluxation at Stroke >>Ver artculo
SCHNEIDER, M - The Effect of Kinesio Tex Tape on Muscular Strength of the
Forearm Extensors on Collegiate Tennis Athletes >>Ver artculo
SEGURA-ORT, E - Anlisis de correlaciones entre los resultados de una prueba
de esfuerzo y de la prueba de 6 minutos marcha en poblacin sana >>Ver artculo *
SIMONEAU, GG - Changes in ankle joint proprioception resulting from strips of
athletic tape applied over the skin >>Ver artculo
SIMSEK, TT - The effects of Kinesio taping on sitting posture and functional
independence in children with myelomeningocele: report of four cases >>Ver artculo
SLIWINSKI, H - The effect of Kinesio Taping applications on motor activity in
children with developmental defects >>Ver artculo *
SLUPIK, A - Effect of Kinesio Taping on bioelectrical activity of vastus medialis
muscle. Preliminary report >>Ver artculo
STAHL, A - Clinicians Overview & Case Study: Post Operative Neuroma & RSD
>>Ver artculo
SZCZEGIELNIAK, J - Kinesiotaping in physiotherapy after abdominal surgery
>>Ver artculo
THELEN, MD - The Clinical Efficacy of Kinesio Tape for Shoulder Pain: A
Randomized, Double-Blinded, Clinical Trial >>Ver artculo
TSAI, CT - Effects of Short-Term Treatment with Kinesiotaping for Plantar
Fasciitis >>Ver artculo *
TSAI, HJ - Could Kinesio tape replace the bandage in decongestive lymphatic
therapy for breast-cancer-related lymphedema? A pilot study >>Ver artculo
VERA-GARCA, F - Efecto del Kinesiotaping sobre la respuesta refleja de los
msculos bceps femoral y gemelo externo >>Ver artculo *
VITHOULK, I - The effects of Kinesio-Taping on quadriceps strength during
isokinetic exercise in healthy non athlete women >>Ver artculo
WILLIAMS, A - Breast and trunk oedema after treatment for breast cancer
>>Ver artculo
YASUKAWA, A - Management of abnormal tone of the upper extremity in
children and young adults >>Ver artculo
YASUKAWA, A - Pilot study: Investigating the effects of kinesiotaping in an acute
pediatric rehabilitation setting >>Ver artculo
YASUKAWA, A - The Functional Effects of Kinesio Taping in an Acute Pediatric
Rehabilitation Setting >>Ver artculo
YOSHIDA, A - The Effect of Kinesio Taping on Lower Trunk Range of Motions
>>Ver artculo
ZAJT-KWIATKOWSKA, J - Application of Kinesio Taping for treatment of sports
injuries >>Ver artculo *
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