Notas Grado 32
Notas Grado 32
Notas Grado 32
Las nominaciones para los treinta - tercer grado son hechas por los
diputados de cada uno de los Estados despus de consultar con sus colegas
activos en cada estado. Las nominaciones son enviadas luego a todos los
miembros activos del Consejo Supremo para la boleta electoral. Tras
eleccin, los candidatos esperan la prxima reunin anual cuando el grado
es otorgado en forma completa ceremonial.
Debo tomar todos los grados a la vez?
Aunque a menudo han programado reuniones de grado-confiriendo rito
escocs para permitir el 32 que debe alcanzarse en un plazo relativamente
breve, no es necesario para un solicitante completar todo su trabajo a la
vez. Un candidato es elegido en realidad cuatro veces, una vez cada uno en
el Lodge, el Consejo, el captulo y el consistorio y paga una cuota por cada
Puede optar por tomar los grados de cada cuerpo por separado durante un
largo periodo de tiempo en lugar de una serie de reuniones concentrada.
A ser testigo de todos los grados del rito escocs sobre la iniciacin?
Puesto que hay veinte y nueve grados en la estructura del rito escocs,
muchos que requieren preparacin escenario elaborado, no siempre es
prctico para un valle ejemplificar o trabajar cada uno durante una sesin
de conferir grados. El Consejo Supremo ha establecido unas normas
mnimas en cuanto al nmero y seleccin de ttulos que se presentarn.
Estas normas se pueden y se han incrementado por muchos valles para dar
a los candidatos como completo un programa como el tiempo y permiten
instalaciones. Grados no ejemplifica o trabajado son comunicadas o revel
en esencia a los candidatos. Se espera que miembros, despus de la
iniciacin, volver con frecuencia a las reuniones del rito escocs o
reuniones y presentaciones de grado testigo anteriormente no se haban
Es necesaria la memorizacin?
Un candidato no est obligado a memorizar los grados de rito escocs,
signos, contraseas, fichas o apretones. No hay exmenes se dan ya sea
durante el trabajo de grado ni para la admisin a las reuniones de otros
Qu evidencia de membresa es necesario para la admisin a las reuniones
del rito escocs?
Tras la iniciacin, un miembro gana entrada a las reuniones de su propio
valle previa presentacin de una tarjeta de las cuotas actuales. Los
7th degree Provost and Judge. This degree teaches us to judge righteously,
without respect to person, and that one law and one custom shall apply to
all Let justice be impartial, tempered with deserved mercy.
7th degree Provost and Judge: "We learn that impartial justice protect
person, property, happiness and reputation." These degrees teach us to
judge with patience and impartially.
8th Intendant of the Building. This degree teaches that each new honor is
meant to be a step toward perfection in the moral code;
8th degree Intendant of the Building: We should strive for perfection by
using the great principles of "God's inherent love, charity, morality and
9th Master Elect of Nine. The lessons taught in this degree are that we
should be careful not to be too zealous in executing justice, even in a good
cause, and that we should avoid injuring or harming any person by hasty or
irresponsible action.
9th degree Elu of the Nine: Scottish Rite virtues are at the very heart of this
degree, truth, candor and generosity. We should use these to shape our lives
and conduct.
10th Master Elect of Fifteen. The teachings of this degree are that
ambition and jealousy can tempt men to evil deeds, that righteousness will
eventually triumph over evil, and that evil doers will be punished
10th degree Elu of the Fifteen: This degree teaches toleration of others.
Everyone has the right to his own political or spiritual views
11th Sublime Master Elected. This degree dwells on good citizenship. Evil
doings should be punished. Honesty and respect for others should be
rewarded. Be earnest, honest and sincere.
11th degree Elu of the Twelve: This degree teaches sympathy. We should
sympathetic to our brother masons and to all mankind as well.
12th Grand Master Architect. This degree teaches that the Mason, as he
learns to use the tools and instruments of his trade and skill, also learns to
contemplate the many aspects of life and deal with them as a child of God,
steadily advancing to those heights of experience which we call perfection.
12th degree Master Architect: This degree teaches faith in moral and virtues
and in God. "Life is what each man makes of it; the optimist turns a trial into
a blessing.
13th Master of the Ninth Arch. This degree teaches that difficulties and
dangers, however great, should not deter the true and faithful brother from
progressing onward to perfection. It teaches the great truth that the finest
things in life come only as the result of constant and often painful effort.
13th degree Royal Arch of Solomon: This degree teaches liberty in our mind
and our hearts, motivated by duty and honor.
14th Grand Elect Mason In the Scottish Rite. This degree is the summit of
Ancient Craft Masonry. As the crowning degree of the Lodge of Perfection, its
essence is the holiness of God and reverence for His Holy Name. God will
not hold him guiltless that takes His Name in vain. Council of Princes of
14th degree Perfect Elu: In the degree we learn to reflect and look into
ourselves. We should strive to be true to ourselves and our God.
15th Knight of the East or Sword. This degree teaches the important
lessons of loyalty to conviction and devotion to right.
15th degree Knight of the East of the Sword or of the Eagle: In this degree
"we learn fidelity to obligations and perseverance of purpose under
difficulties and discouragement."
16th Prince of Jerusalem. This degree teaches loyalty to truth and fidelity
to duty.
16th degree Prince of Jerusalem: This degree teaches "heroism of patience,
the nobility of self-sacrifice" and compassionate judgment, along with
charity, fidelity and brotherhood.
17th Knight of the East and West. The lessons of this degree are that
loyalty to God is man's primary allegiance, and the temporal governments
not founded upon God and His righteousness will inevitably fall.
17th degree Knight of the East and West: The lessons of this degree are that
loyalty to God is man's primary allegiance, and the temporal governments
not founded upon God and His righteousness will inevitably fall.
18th Knight of the Rose Croix of HR D.M. Las enseanzas en este grado
son que el hombre debe tener un nuevo templo en el corazn donde Dios es
adorado en espritu y en verdad y que debe tener una nueva ley de amor
que todos los hombres en todas partes pueden entender y practicar. Este
grado afirma los principios generales de la universalidad y la tolerancia.
18th degree Knight of the Rose Croix: Este grado ensea que las fortalezas
de la vida y es vienen de Dios. La rosa significa el amanecer y la Cruz es un
smbolo sagrado de la antigedad en muchas culturas. A ser tolerantes de
otras fallas y errores.
Fe en los principios morales, en virtud y Dios, es tan necesaria para la
direccin de un hombre, como instinto para la direccin de un animal.
-- Albert Pike
19th Grand Pontiff. This degree proclaims the spiritual unity of all who
believe in God and cherish the hope of immortality, no matter what religious
leader they follow or what creed they profess. It is concerned primarily with
the perennial conflict between light and darkness, good and evil, God and
19th degree Pontiff: The lessons of this degree are learned from the past
and how it affects the present and the way we live in the future. We always
strive to endure, produce and improve the world as it surrounds us.
20th Master ad Vitam. This degree is a drama of the American spirit
confronting the challenge of disloyalty and treason. Masonic principles and
leadership are subjected to a crucial test. The degree demonstrates the
Masonic condemnation of all who conspire against the security of the nation
and the happiness of our people.
20th degree Master of the Symbolic Lodge: This degree shows us Liberty,
Fraternity and Equality. These teach moral, religious and philosophical
understanding. This degree helps one to comprehend Deity, forces of
nature, good and evil.
21st Patriarch Noachite. This degree teaches that Freemasonry is not a
shield for evil doing and that justice is one of the chief supports of our
21st degree Noachite, or Prussian Knight: The lesson from this degree is to
learn that arrogance; defamation and cowardice are unworthy attributes of a
mason, and that humility, modesty and courtesy are the true virtues of men
and Masons.
22nd Prince of Libanus. In this degree, the dignity of labor is
demonstrated. It is no curse, but a privilege, for man to be allowed to earn
his sustenance by work. Idleness, not labor, is disgraceful.
22nd degree Knight of the Royal Ax, Prince of Libanus: This degree teaches,
"if a job is worth doing its worth doing well". By doing good work we improve
character and become better citizens.
23rd Chief of the Tabernacle. This degree teaches that impure thought
and selfish, unworthy ambitions are corrupting and destructive, and that a
man who forgets his duty to family, country, and God will be morally and
spiritually destroyed
23rd degree Chief of the Tabernacle: This degree teaches that the man who
forgets his duty to God, family, country, and himself will be in danger of
morally and spiritually destruction by thoughts unworthy ambition.
24th Prince of the Tabernacle. This degree teaches that a mutual belief in
one true, living God should bind men together in the service of humanity
and in a worldwide brotherhood
24th degree Prince of the Tabernacle: In this degree a Mason must show
evidence of compassion, piety and justice. After initiation he may "manifest
faithfully the social virtues in order to receive the rewards", to serve
humanity through our brotherhood.
25th Knight of the Brazen Serpent. This degree teaches that there are
desert stretches in every individual life in the history of every nation, with a
resultant breakdown of discipline and loss of faith. This degree is a clarion
call to faith-in ourselves, in each other, and in God.
25th degree Knight of the Brazen Serpent: This degree tackles the concept
of pure, celestial, eternal soul of man. He looks within his faith, life, and God
and to get a clear look at his inner self.
26th Prince of Mercy. This degree teaches the quality of mercy; that it is a
spirit of compassion and a tenderness of heart which dispose us to overlook
injuries and to treat an offender better than he deserves.
26th degree Prince of Mercy: In this degree we search for "the rewards of the
trinity of Gods attributes - wisdom or intelligence, force or strength,
harmony or beauty."
27th Commander of the Temple. This degree teaches that Scottish Rite
Freemasonry believes in the concept of a free church in a free state, each
supreme in its own sphere, neither seeking to dominate the other, but
cooperating for the common good.
27th degree Knight Commander of the Temple: This lesson of this degree
teaches us to scorn selfishness, and to uphold the knightly virtues of charity,
truth and honor. We should always strive to assist the poor, helpless and
28th Knight of the Sun. This degree using the symbolism of the tools and
implements of architecture teaches that by building high moral character
among its adherents, Freemasonry may advance man's determined quest
for the achievement of unity and good will throughout the world
28th degree Knight of the Sun, Adept: This degree teaches that our love for
God manifests itself in our love for Truth, Justice and Nobility of Soul.
29th Knight of ST Andrew. This degree emphasizes the Masonic teachings
of equality and toleration We are reminded that no one man, no one Church,
no one religion, has a monopoly of truth; that while we must be true and
faithful to our own convictions, we must respect the opinions of others.
29th degree Scottish Knight of ST Andrew: The virtues of this degree are
"Love of God, loyalty to superiors, faithful adherence to promise and active
resistance to unfair judgment."
30th Grand Elect Knight Kadosk Este grado establece las pruebas y las
ceremonias que simbolizan las experiencias que debemos experimentar en
la construccin de la excelencia en el carcter
30th degree Knight Kadosh or Knight of the Black and White Eagle: La
leccin de este grado es ser fieles a nosotros mismos, para lo que es
correcto y justo a nuestras vidas hoy. Creer en Dios, patria y nosotros
Son mal y mal y el sufrimiento, pero temporal, las discordias de una gran
armona y en su tiempo, lo conducirn por modulaciones infinitas al gran
acorde armnico de verdad, amor paz y felicidad.
Donde florece la francmasonera, all se encuentra el tipo ms elevado de la
ciudadana y el mejor nivel de vida.
-- Albert Pike