GUIa Super Street Fighter IV PC S U1 U2
GUIa Super Street Fighter IV PC S U1 U2
GUIa Super Street Fighter IV PC S U1 U2
En esta gua encontrars los Super Combos y Ultra Combos de todos los personajes, as
como los Ataques Especiales de los personajes nuevos. Puedes encontrar ms informacin
sobre los personajes que ya aparecan en Street Fighter IV en la Gua que publicamos en
su da.
Para conocer el resto de ataques no reflejados en estas guas te bastar con consultarlos
pausando tu combate.
Todos los controles que aqu se muestran son para cuando los personajes miran a la
derecha. Cuando ests mirando a la izquierda todos estos controles se invertirn.
Nota: Si tienes problemas para ver bien las imgenes de alguna ficha puedes consultarlas en
mayor resoulucin en las correspondientes galeras. Galera I, Galera II, Galera III
ndice de personajes
Todo un campen de Muay Thai, ha desarrollado toda una tcnica nueva, mucha
ms acrobtica, a partir de las enseanzas de su maestro, Sagat.
El otrora hroe de Metro City acab en la crcel, de la que escap. Ahora, como
fugitivo, sigue buscando pelea con sus puos invencibles.
Este joven jamaicano mezcla el kickboxing con sus otras dos pasiones: la capoeira y
el reggae, lo que hace que su estilo de lucha sea muy particular.
Aunque es todo un Sir britnico, no duda en usar las puos cuando la situacin lo
requiere. Sus orgenes aristocrticos hacen de su estilo de boxeo el ms elegante que
se puede ver.
El 39 heredero de Bushinryuu de la escuela Ninjutsu vuelve a luchar pues tiene la
corazonada que pronto acabar la paz en el mundo, y est dispuesto a evitarlo.
Este campen turco de lucha con aceite Yagli Gures viaja por el mundo en busca de
aventuras y luchadores a los que vencer.
Aunque parece, y es, una letal ninja kunoichi, Ibuki lo nico que quiere es llevar
una vida normal.
Letal y misteriosa, a esta agente de S.I.N. le encanta jugar con sus rivales, usando
las tcnicas ms impredecibles.
A pesar de su aspecto jovial, Makoto es una autntica maestra del krate.
Su estilo de lucha es similar al de Ryu y Ken, pero tiene ataques ms variados que
estos, sobre todo en cuanto a ataques bajos y patadas horizontales se refiere.
Tiene poderes psquicos, lo que le permite volar y desparecer para volver a aparecer
al lado de su enemigo y atacarlo por sorpresa.
Es una luchadora muy gil, que combina ataques de puos y patadas con potentes
ataques de energa, entre ellos el Seismic Hammer, puetazo en el suelo que
provoca un pequeo terremoto.
Su especialidad es el kung fu, y ha logrado crear un estilo propio. A pesar de su
enorme constitucin es un personaje bastante rpido y sus ataques producen
bastante dao, es el personaje con ms resistencia tras Zangief. Su punto dbil, no
tiene ataques con proyectil.
Especialista en lucha libre mexicana, su ligera constitucin lo hace un personaje
muy gil con un estilo de lucha muy vistoso.
Su estilo de lucha es una mezcla de muchas artes marciales, por lo que su pasado
sugiere entrenamiento militar. Esto lo hace especialista en muchas clases de ataques,
de potentes patadas a efectivos agarres y mucho ms.
Uno de los jefes finales de la saga y hermano del maestro Gouken. Es un personaje
demonaco y con poderes sobre naturales, como el teletransporte que le permite
llevar a sus enemigos al infierno y traerlos de vuelta.
Hermano de Akuma y maestro de Ryu y Ken. Es responsable del desarrollo y
perfeccionamiento del Hansatsuken, el estilo de lucha que ense a sus pupilos.
Su constitucin menuda la convierte en uno de los oponentes ms rpidos, adems
de ser una luchadora de corto alcance, sin ataques a distancia pero con buenos
Entrenado en el ejrcito, tiene un estilo de lucha muy de cuerpo a cuerpo. Aunque es
muy buen atacante destacan igualmente sus tcnicas defensivas, por lo que se
convierte en un luchador muy completo.
Gracias al yoga y la meditacin ha logrado desarrollar habilidades increbles, como
expulsar fuego por la boca y estirar las extremidades de su cuerpo como si de goma
se tratase.
Como boxeador, su especialidad son los ataques en los que maneja los puos,
aunque su estilo es mucho ms agresivo y violento que el boxeo tradicional.
Aunque es torero, sus ansias de matar lo convierteron en un experto en savate
(boxeo francs), ninjutsu y lucha en jaula. Es de los pocos luchadores del juego que
usa en arma, en su caso unas garras de metal que utiliza en algunos ataques.
El estilo de lucha de Ryu es una variante del karate llamada Hansatsuken, que
aprendi de su maestro Gouken. Sus tcnicas se basan mayoritariamente en patadas
y puetazos cuerpo a cuerpo y en ataques de energa, como el mtico Hadoken.
Al igual que Ryu, se form con Gouken en el arte del Hansatsuken. Por eso su estilo
de lucha se asemeja tanto al del japons, aunque con ciertas diferencias,
bsicamente en los combos. El Shoryuken de Ken es mucho ms poderoso que el de
su amigo.
Su especialidad son las patadas de todo tipo: giratorias, a gran velocidad, tanto altas
como bajas. Al igual que Ryu y Ken, domina una variante del Hadoken, llamada en
su caso Kikoken, que vara por la forma en que es lanzada y la distancia a la que
llega, que es menor.
Luchador de sumo bastante gil a pesar de su enorme envergadura. Su especialidad
es la la Hundred Hand Slap (bofetada de cien manos).
Tras ser manipulado genticamente se convirti en una bestia y desarroll tcnicas
como las descargas elctricas y ataques extremadamente salvajes.
Especialista en Kung Fu, ha creado su propio estilo, que incluye combos con
ataques de energa.
Es la mayor admiradora de Ryu, por lo que imita su estilo de lucha, Hadoken
incluido, aunque su menor entrenamiento hace que no sea tan potente como el de su
dolo y el de Ken.
Poderosa psquica. Su poder espiritual y sus habilidades psquicas le dan la ventaja
en la batalla ya que puede adivinar los movimientos de su oponente y repeler la
energa que usan en su contra.
Otro luchador venido del infierno. Utiliza dos estilos de lucha principalmente, el
Sou y el Ki, que incluyen varios tipos de patada y golpes con la mano abierta.
A veces es considerado como un luchador cmico y con ataques dbiles que son
una mala copia de los de Ryu y Ken-, pero lo cierto es que si se saben utilizar sus
tcnicas es un personaje que puede ser tan efectivo como cualquier otro.
Focus Attacks
A Focus Attack (sometimes known as a Saving Attack) is done by pressing the Medium
Punch and Kick buttons at the same time. This combines both defense and offense in one
powerful package.
Your character will enter a special preparation pose, which will absorb one attack which
is usually referred to as having Super Armor and then they'll unleash a move in
Your character can only absorb one attack, and only then if it's not a throw or armor
breaking move. Two or more attacks will knock your character out of their Focus Attack.
There are three levels of Focus Attacks depending on how long you hold down the buttons.
Level 1: Simply tap the buttons or release after a split second. Your character will launch a
weak attack.
Level 2: Hold the buttons for about a second and you'll see your character flash. then
release. This causes you to do a medium powered attack which will open up the other
fighter for a combo if it lands.
Level 3: Hold the buttons for about 2 seconds. This causes you to flash yellow and the
resulting attack is unblockable, you can also combo after this move if it lands.
Absorbing a hit with a Focus Attack also builds Revenge Meter, used for executing an Ultra
Throwing and Counter Throwing
Throwing is done by pressing the Light Punch and Kick buttons at the same time when
you're close to your opponent and holding back or towards. You can break your opponent's
throw attempt by pressing the Light Punch and Kick buttons at the moment they try to
throw you.
Ultra Moves
This is basically an enhanced super move, which you can execute by doing the same
motion as your character's super move, but pressing all three punch or kick buttons instead
of just one.
You can only perform an Ultra move by building up your Revenge Meter so its over halffull, then the word "Ultra" will light up meaning you can execute one. You build up
Revenge Meter by taking damage.
Your Revenge Meter does not transfer over to the next round.
Super Moves
These are usually an enhanced special move. Most times they are executed by doing a
double motion and pressing a punch or kick button.
Your Super Bar is the Blue meter at the bottom of the screen. The word, "Super!" appears
when you've fully charged it, and then you can perform your character's applicable Super
EX Moves
EX moves are executed by pressing two punch or two kick buttons after doing the
respective motion for a move. For example to execute Ryu's EX Hadoken (Fireball) you
would do the down, down-forward, forward motion and press the Light and Medium punch
buttons. Some players find it easier to press all three buttons at one time to help ensure their
EX moves come out.
Doing an EX move takes away some of your Super meter.
You can dash forwards or backwards by double tapping the joystick towards or away.
Focus Attack Dash Canceling
Sometimes referred to as a 'FADC' or a 'SADC'. After executing some special moves, you
can Dash Cancel by pressing and holding the buttons for your Focus Attack and hitting
forward twice and then releasing the Medium Punch and Kick buttons to cancel the
animation to set up more hits in a combo.
This also takes part of your Super meter to do.
Getting up quickly after a knock down
When you're being knocked down, you can get up quickly by tapping down on the joystick
when you're just about to hit the ground. Your character will rise up faster than they
normally would, but this doesn't work with throws and some other attacks.
Super Armor and Armor Breaking
Some EX-Moves and all Focus Attacks allow you to absorb one attack, this is often referred
to as having Super Armor.
But all of the characters have some moves that will negate this effect, and these are called
Armor Breaking attacks.
Also remember that while Super Armor allows you to absorb one attack, you can still be
Taunting (Personal Action)
You can taunt your opponent by pressing both Hard Punch and Kick buttons at the same
General notes
Street Fighter 4 uses the traditional 6 button layout in most Capcom fighting games. The
gameplay is 2-D, even though the graphics are 3-D. Characters move along a 2-D plane,
and the camera will make 3-D flourishes based on what's currently happening.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Abel is a heavy hitting grappler with a lot of tricks and traps to confuse and ensnare the
opponent. He also has quite a few mixup attacks to keep the other player guessing, not to
mention a powerful command grab that punishes those who freeze under his pressure. His
dash is also great with very little recovery, allowing him to move across the screen much
Elbow (Launcher)
This hits twice with the second hit launching the opponent into the air. After you launch the
opponent you can grab them with Falling Sky, land your Ultra 1 or Super.
Abel quickly throws his arm out to attack the opponent, and holding toward and pressing
Punch or Kick buttons will result in two more attacks. The range of the initial attack is
determined by the strength of the Punch button pressed, with the heavier versions being
slower but traveling farther and doing slightly more damage.
The first attack can be blocked high or low, but the follow-up Punch attacks must be
blocked high, and the Kicks low. The Punch attack string will combo for three hits, but
Kick follow ups never combo. All follow-ups after the initial hit are unsafe if blocked,
though. Also, the third hit whether you do it with Punch or Kick is an Armor Breaking
Kick versions of the followups hit low. Also, you can FADC anywhere up to the first two
hits of Change of Direction; FADC after the second hit of either the Kick or Punch input
and you can combo into quite a few things, most notable a crouching Hard Punch into Ultra
1. FADC for this move is also useful in making it safe in case it is blocked.
Abel's Change of Direction can be very punishable, especially at high levels of play, so
many players tend to either combo into this move or use it very sparingly. If you want to
combo into this move, you'll have to rely on the Medium version of Change of Direction.
The Hard version can be used for a handy punish because of its range.
EX Version: This attack can absorb a single hit and continue on to attack the opponent. It's
also fast and has just as much range as the Medium version. This is one of Abel's options in
terms of reversals, but it's still unsafe on block like the non-EX version.
The opponent will often times try to keep Abel from getting inside by using single-hitting
'poke' attacks, in these cases, your EX Change of Direction is a very valuable tool, because
it can blow through these moves scoring you some damage and a knock down, setting up
other aspects of your offense.
Wheel Kick
Abel turns in place and swings his legs over for an overhead attack that must be blocked
high. The range and the startup of the move are dependent on the strength of the Kick
To make this move safe, you have to execute it from the proper distance and know how far
it will travel. Use the version that will place you as far from the opponent as possible while
still hitting them since the recovery of each kick isn't too different.
Abel's Wheel Kick has complete lower-body invincibility on startup but it can still be
thrown (and it's very slow) so it can't be used as a reversal. If you do happen to catch
someone out of the air with the kick it will place them in an untechable knockdown. It's a
great move for flipping over low attacks and pokes due to the invincibility though, so if you
are getting harassed by low pokes then use this move to counter them.
EX Version: This is just as fast as the Light version, has the range of the Medium, hits
twice, knocks down grounded opponents and goes through projectiles making it a very
valuable tool in your arsenal.
While this recovers twice as fast compared to the regular Wheel Kicks, it's still pretty
punishable if you do it from the wrong distance. It still doesn't have any invincibility to
normal moves so it cannot be used as a reversal through a 'meaty' attack, but it's a really
great EX move.
As a final tip, do not try to finish an opponent off by chipping them with this move. That
tactic is so obscenely popular that everyone is watching for it.
Marseilles Roll
Abel rolls forward. This distance he travels is determined by the strength of the Kick button
pressed, with Hard traveling the furthest and Light the least distance.
During the roll you cannot be hit by any attacks, but the startup and recovery can be
punished with an attack or throw. Also, Abel is vulnerable to throws (including command
grabs) the entire time he is rolling. If you make your rolls obvious or you start to spam this
move you will get thrown out of it consistently. You can still avoid attacks with the Roll
Where this move really shines is after landing an untechable knockdown, where your
opponent cannot get up quickly, because you can roll to either side of the character to
confuse them on which side you'll attack or throw from creating a very powerful mix
up situation.
Abel's Roll can also work well to avoid some projectiles and advance across the screen.
Remember in these situations that the Light version recovers the fastest and you'll want to
recover outside of your opponent's throw range.
EX Version: The EX Marseilles Roll travels the same distance as the Hard version while
having total strike invincibility on startup, but it's still vulnerable to throws. It can be very
risky to use when you're getting up off the ground, especially against characters like
Zangief, T.Hawk, Hakan and Akuma, but it's still an effective escape tool if you activate in
on an early crossup.
Tornado Throw (Command Grab)
Abel's Tornado Throw's range is determined by the strength of the button pressed with
Light having the most range but dealing the least damage, Hard is the opposite.
All Tornado Throws slam the opponent a half-screen away from Abel where he must Roll
to keep attacking them as they're standing. Also, this command grab is totally invincible to
throws, but vulnerable to attacks, so you can be hit out of it before it grabs the opponent..
There's a large amount of moves you can use to "tick" into this grab, such as Crouching
Light Kick or the Step Kick. The recovery of this move is very punishable if you whiff
though, and lots of players like to neutral jump or backdash to avoid being grabbed, so
make sure you have a read on your opponent before you do anything risky.
EX Version: The EX Tornado Throw has the same range as the Medium version and it's
totally invulnerable to attacks but not to throws.
This is a good option on wakeup if your opponent is pressuring you endlessly with attacks
as you're standing. It's also good to use if your opponent keeps trying to hit you out of your
close range offense with Light Attacks.
Sky Fall (Anti Air Grab)
A grab that can only snag aerial opponents. It has good range but it's slow and lacks
invincibility, making it almost impossible to use as an anti-air.
The Light Sky Fall has the most range of all three versions. Most Abel players like to whiff
this move to build EX meter from full screen if they are fighting a defensive player or
You can combo into this move using Abel's Elbow Launcher or an anti-air Change of
Direction for really good damage. Besides that, you won't find a lot of uses for this attack
unless you're extremely good at predicting someone jumping away from your mixups.
EX Version: This has invincibility frames along with the same range as the Light version.
It still does the same damage as the Hard version though, so don't waste meter applying it
in combos. Because the startup is still slow, it's hard to use as an anti-air unless you can
accurately predict a jump.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Heartless
Abel charges at the opponent with a "grab" that can be blocked. It's incredibly easy to
combo into this Super since Abel has great hit confirms such as his Change of Direction.
You can also land his Super off of juggle attacks like the Elbow Launcher as well. Heartless
is also invincible on startup to attacks and throws, so you can use it as a desperado reversal.
The only problem is that Abel's EX moves such as EX Tornado Throw and EX Change of
Direction are so good you might not want to use your Super. Also, this Super has awful
range and the relative invincibility of the move tends to not be a factor at mid range and
Ultra 1 Soulless
Ultra 1
During the initial part of this move, while Abel is running forward, he is completely
invulnerable to projectiles. It's also very easy to combo into this Ultra because Abel's
combos naturally progress towards the required juggles for this combo to land.
You can use the Elbow Launcher to juggle into this Ultra, but you have to wait until the
opponent begins to descend if you want the juggle to land properly. If you catch an
opponent high enough with an anti-air (EX) Change of Direction, you can also land this
Because of its great range and speed, it has its use in many scenarios where you need to
punish moves. It's also useful to punish backdashes, if you can make the correct read on
your opponent.
Ultra 2 Breathless
Ultra 2
This Ultra is a fast-moving command grab with many properties to make it a game changer
against certain characters. After the Ultra is initiated, Abel crouches down and cannot be hit
by high attacks. He also gains one-hit Super Armor and cannot be thrown, either. You can
hold down the kick buttons to delay the Ultra, or press a punch button to cancel it entirely.
Once you let go of the Kick buttons, Abel dashes forward and he is strike invincible until
the first active frame of the Ultra. He is however completely throwable once he is no longer
crouching in place meaning that you can be thrown out of the Breathless dash portion by
Medium Punch Change of Direction
4 Hits
207 Damage
This is your standard punish combo when you're outside of close range. Crouching Medium
Kick has more range but is a bit slower.
Change of Direction
juggle with Ultra 1
12 Hits
504 Damage
You must Focus Attack Dash Cancel (FADC) the first hit of your Change of Direction for
this to work. This is one of the main ways for you to combo into your Ultra 1. It's
absolutely imperative that you master this set up. Highly damaging.
punched or kicked out of everything you do. So be patient, wait for an opening and poke
carefully until you can get into a better position.
Abel has below average reversals, so they have to be applied situationally and you have to
read the opponent's habits in order to apply the correct reversal at the right time.
Use an EX Tornado Throw if the opponent is pressuring you with close-range pokes on
wakeup. If you notice a pattern with the opponent's tick throws, Tornado Throw (not EX!)
through his throw attempts. EX Change of Direction is good against normals that lock Abel
down (not Light Punches or Kicks, though).
Abel's backdash has very poor range so use it sparingly as an escape tool. EX Rolling is an
okay option on wakeup if the opponent is trying to cross you up.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Bio and Story Artwork
Character Overview
Adon is a fast offense-based character with a great aerial and ground power game. He has
multiple armor breaking moves, his walkspeed is quick and he has a great throw game.
On a lower note Adon's stamina is below average and his offense is heavily based around
his Jaguar Kick, which quite a few of the cast can handle with the proper defense since it's
somewhat telegraphed.
While his options are mostly safe on block, Adon has trouble against characters that
offensively counter him. Your execution skills also need to be very good in order to
guarantee good damage output with Adon.
+ Excellent overhead attack, which you can combo after landing.
+ Has several Armor Breaking moves, difficult to consistently Focus Attack him.
+ Fast movement speed.
+ Strong poke and footsie game.
Must be blocked high. You can combo afterwards if you land it, but it is mildly difficult to
do so.
Special Moves
Rising Jaguar
This is Adon's anti-air special move. You can also easily apply it in combos for necessary
knockdowns and damage. The Light version travels at the shallowest angle making it best
for combos outside of point blank range. The Medium version travels at a higher angle and
the Hard version attacks at the steepest angle, making it best for anti-air situations.
The invincibility of this move varies between the versions you choose. The Light Rising
Jaguar has lower-body invincibility, the Medium Rising Jaguar has upper-body invincibility
and the Hard version has total invincibility. Despite this varying invincibility, it takes a
while compared to other Dragon Punches for Adon's Rising Jaguar to get to a hittable state,
so you will want to be very careful trying to use it as a late anti-air.
The hitbox for the Light and Medium version of this move makes it tough to use as a
reversal because it is so high off the ground. A couple of characters can poke underneath it
at mid range. The Hard version's hitbox does not have this problem so this will be the one
you will relying on for reversals.
EX Version: This attack has more invulnerability than the Hard Kick Rising Jaguar along
with a bigger hitbox and more juggling potential.
If you land the first hit of the EX Rising Jaguar, the next two hits will auto-combo. The
bigger hitbox comes into play here really well and will catch way more aerial attacks than
the regular versions. It will also combo a lot easier from canceled normal attacks.
Jaguar Kick
Adon pauses and then lunges forward with an arcing kick that can hit standing, crouching,
grounded or aerial opponents. It also breaks armor and it is safe on block against nearly the
entire cast, although it can be blocked low. Performing this move gets you in close to do
Adon's poke and throw game.
Adon's main offensive strategy largely depends on whether or not characters can counter
his Jaguar Kicks. Since this move is one of the few very safe ways for Adon to approach
someone, an experienced player will be watching for it. Being unpredictable will help you
gain an offensive edge on your opponents with this move.
The Light version is the slowest Jaguar Kick, but it's the most safe on block. Use it to close
the distance on characters that can't counter your Jaguar Kick easily. The Hard version
which travels straight down is great for punishing those mashing on throw techs. Cancel
into it from a crouching Medium Punch to build meter and do chip damage. The Medium
version works well as a basic approach option.
The ideal range to strike with this move is when Adon hits the opponent in the head with
the end of his foot. At this range even grapplers will have a tough time punishing this move.
EX Version: This is twice as fast as the Light version and is an overhead attack. It also
knocks down and travels a little farther than the Medium version. It's safe on block just like
the other versions as well, making it a very valuable move.
One of the biggest features of the EX Jaguar Kick it's its invincibility to projectiles, so you
can use it to counter fireball happy characters on reaction and score a valuable knock down
so you can apply more pressure.
Also, if you only connect one hit of this against a jumping opponent, it's possible to juggle
them after wards with a Rising Jaguar or even Adon's Ultra 2 if you're close enough.
Air Jaguar Kick
You need to jumping up or towards to execute this move. Like the regular Jaguar Kick, this
can be blocked high or low. This changes the trajectory of Adon's jump and can be useful
when the other fighter tries to anti air you.
The Light version travels the shortest distance but covers the most vertical space at the
slowest speed. The Hard version is the opposite. This attack doesn't break armor and can be
difficult to hit crouching opponents with it, but if it lands you can start a combo from it
unlike the regular Jaguar Kick.
It's possible to Cancel into this move from a Jumping Light Kick or other moves. This is
important for countering Focus Attacks. It also gives the opponent less time to perform a
reversal against your Air Jaguar Kicks.
Since it's punishable on whiff, it's very important to make contact with this move in some
way. It's also very difficult to pull off "Instant Air Jaguar Kicks" where you perform the
move at the very beginning of your jump, but it is possible.
EX Version: This is a slightly faster attack than the regular version. It hits twice, knocks
the opponent down and does more damage. It can still be blocked low, though.
It also adds a short period of projectile invulnerability, although the window is so small and
the trajectory this move travels along allows you to avoid fireballs anyway.
Jaguar Tooth
Adon jumps off the wall and does a fast dive kick towards his opponent. A good surprise
attack if you mix it up consistently on your offensive barrage.
This move is very telegraphed, so if you abuse it you'll probably eat a big damage combo or
Ultra. It's not a bad idea to try to bait counterattacks by using a version that lands far away
from your opponent, but the recovery this move has makes that strategy risky. You can also
use it to escape the corner if the opponent isn't expecting it.
The Light version is the most unsafe if blocked, but offers you a little frame advantage if
you land it. Medium is safe on block and gives you a combo opportunity if it connects.
Hard is safe on block but is neutral on hit unless you are in the corner. The strength of the
button determines the distance traveled.
You can use the Hard version of this attack to punish projectiles from full screen, but your
timing has to be very good since the startup of this move is slow.
EX Version: This is slightly faster, travels farther than the Hard version and knocks down.
It also places the opponent in a spinning state where you can juggle into both of Adon's
Ultras or a Rising Jaguar, if your enemy is in the corner. It's also safe on block.
An extra bonus to this EX move is its complete invulnerability to projectiles. Use it to get a
knockdown and close the distance.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Jaguar Varied Assault
Super, Punch follow up
Super, Kick follow up
Adon launches into a series of attacks that changes depending on if you do nothing (Jaguar
Varied Assault), mash Punches (Thousand Jaguars) or hold a Kick button (Jaguar Assassin).
Doing nothing at all makes Adon finish by bouncing the opponent off the wall with a knee
and elbow attack. The Mashed Punch version will cause him to knock his enemy down and
the Kick version makes him finish the Super with a Rising Jaguar. Choose whichever
version you think will be an advantage to you position-wise, as the damage difference
between the three variations isn't that big.
Being able to Focus Attack Dash Cancel and utilize his EX moves are very crucial to
Adon's play style, so it's not often you'll actually be able to use his Super. The damage is
reasonably high though and Adon does have some basic hit confirms into it.
Adon leaps forward with a series of Jaguar Kicks. This Ultra will go straight through
fireballs and you can control the range of the initial kick with your joystick.
It is possible to juggle into it with attacks such as a Rising Jaguar Focus Attack Dash
Cancel or an EX Jaguar Tooth in the corner. You won't get the full damage, but it will
Adon beats his opponent up in the air before doing a dramatic kick finish on the ground.
Adon's Ultra 2, Jaguar Avalanche, is easier to combo into and it's typically the one you see
most players use.
You can Focus Attack Dash Cancel a Rising Jaguar to combo into this but sometimes the
damage output of this Ultra is fairly low, especially if your Ultra is only charged halfway.
Make sure you build up more as much meter as possible by using Focus Attacks to absorb
additional damage to make this worth your while.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
EX-Rising Jaguar
5 Hits
278 Damage
This combo only works with your opponent in the corner. One of the few uses for the nonEX Jaguar Tooth.
Air Jaguar Kick
Ultra 2
10 Hits
457 Damage
A simple, but damaging combo if your opponent leaves themselves open to a jump in
attack. You should be absolutely sure you'll land this though.
Here are a few ways of doing it. Remember, Adon must jump straight up or up-towards to
perform his Air Jaguar Kick.
Another method.
Like the example above, but pressing down gives you a few more frames of animation to
'hide the input' so you can get out your Air Jaguar Kick.
It's important that you execute these EXTREMELY quickly. If you're having trouble, hit
training mode and turn on button inputs, so you can see where you might be messing up at.
This will take some practice to get down, but it opens up some solid possibilities for Adon.
Tips on Getting Inside
Adon's Jaguar Kicks are his main method of getting close to his opponent to begin his poke
and throw game.
Since this is well known, even among moderately experienced players, you'll want to be
feinting potential Jaguar Kicks along with other moves.
If you are attacking with a barrage of Jaguar Kicks, try and throw in Air Jaguar Kicks along
with a Jaguar Tooth just to be unpredictable and throw off your opponent's timing.
If you're finding yourself getting countered out of all of your special move options, just
start walking forward using Adon's quick walk speed to pressure the opponent
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Vs. Character Notes
Costume Colors Story Artwork
Character Overview
Guide by Nyoronoru
The demon is back and he's powerful. He has a myriad of offensive and defensive options
that can be incredibly daunting to any opponent. Akuma's mixups are some of the best in
the game and he has quite a few safe approaches and escapes, not to mention the damage
and stun on his combos are definitely above the SSF4 average.
However, Akuma has the second worst stamina and stun behind Seth, so a couple of big
combos can take him out fast. The tradeoff to Akuma is that there is a much smaller margin
of error when it comes to his techniques because you can lose rounds faster than almost
everyone. Akuma's defensive options are so good however that you can almost nullify this
weakness if you play with precision.
+ Power character. Big combos, big damage.
+ Air Fireballs.
+ Several safe approach moves.
+ Great anti-airs, including the Raging Demon.
+ A fast dash with very little recovery.
+ A diverse wakeup game.
+ Fastest walk speed in the game.
- Small room for error with low stamina and stun.
- Has very few reliable ground normals for poking.
- Ground fireball is not suited for zoning.
- Neutral jump normals are not good for air-to-ground counters.
- Requires extremely good spacing in order to maximize his approach options.
Notable Normal Moves
Standing Hard Kick (Double Kick, Roundhouse Loop)
Nasty move. Knocks characters out of focus attacks and you can combo after it with a
variety of crouching normal attacks, all of which are special cancelable. See the Combos
section for more details.
If both hits of the move land on a blocking opponent, it is completely safe and places both
characters in a neutral frame state. Unfortunately, there are some characters who will be
able to duck under the second hit of this attack and punish you. These characters are:
Blanka, Cammy, Cody (Variable), C.Viper, Chun-Li, Dee Jay, Dhalsim, Evil Ryu,
Juri, Ken, Rose, Rufus, Ryu, Yang, Yun
A fairly standard projectile where the strength of the button pressed determines the speed it
travels. Use it to pester defensive opponents at far range. In FADC combos, a fireball is
necessary to stun the opponent while Akuma dashes in and continues his big damage. See
the Combos section for more details.
EX Version: This version hits twice, knocks down and is safe to use at point blank range.
Good for keeping up knockdown momentum or making a dropped combo safe. Also, if you
land this in the corner, you can follow up with a Shoryuken for extra damage.
Air Fireball (Zankuu Hadouken)
One of the best projectiles in the game for controlling both the ground and air. To maximize
its effectiveness you must understand its properties. The Light version travels the slowest
and travels at the steepest angle, and the Hard version travels the fastest at the shallowest
angle. No matter the strength of the fireball thrown, Akuma has a small amount of ground
recovery after each one so you must make sure your fireball makes contact with the
Akuma can throw these fireballs out very close to the ground, both right after he jumps and
right before he lands. You don't want opponents jumping over them or slipping underneath
them to attack you. Throwing air fireballs out raw against opponents who are not knocked
down can be very risky, so you'll want to choose your angles carefully.
Merely jumping back and throwing fireballs can be effective in small doses, but there are
quite a few strategies to put an end to runaway tactics. Using them as your opponent wakes
up is very effective as it forces them to block, then you can apply a safe offensive mixup.
If the opponent starts using Focus Attacks to absorb your air fireballs, do a Demon Flip to
attack them while they are dashing out of the animation. If you time it correctly the
opponent will be forced to block your upcoming attack. Also note that if you manage to
land your air fireballs against an airborne opponent then you can juggle the opponent with a
Shoryuken or an EX Hurricane Kick before they land.
EX Version: This attack throws out two fireballs that are the Medium and Hard versions.
These are very hard to avoid for any character and buys even more time for Akuma to
attack the opponent as they are pinned down.
Red Fireball (Shakunetsu Hadouken)
All red fireballs start up at the same speed, but the Light version recovers the fastest while
only hitting once. The Hard version hits three times but recovers the slowest, Medium hits
twice and is a mix of the two. If you're in a projectile war, then this projectile can force
your opponent to respect Akuma since he can throw multi-hit projectiles without EX meter.
The bad news is that Akuma can't control the speed that the fireball travels, making it easy
for any character to jump over and avoid. The startup is heavily telegraphed and easily
punishable if not done from the right distance, so you'll rarely have a chance to fire off red
fireballs unless you are performing FADC combos or trying to chip opponents while they
are standing up.
EX Version: The EX Red fireball is a three-hit projectile with the Light version's recovery
along with some extra damage. Not really worth using meter on unless you are very much
in a particular situation where it is required.
Demon Flip (Hyakki Shuu)
When Akuma flips forward to attack, the Kick button pressed determines how far he travels
before you can choose an option. As a reminder, the Demon Flip is a pretty heavily
telegraphed move. If you just throw it out there as a full screen approach then most
characters will either jump back or backdash to punish you. Lots of good Akuma players
will throw an air fireball to cover the path of their Demon Flip or will cancel into their
Demon Flip from a normal move.
Kick (Dive Kick): Many characters have a lot of trouble defending against this
move and to maximize your offense you'll want to be using the dive kick as the
opponent is standing up from a knockdown. If you land this kick at any height you
can combo immediately into a number of moves. It stays active the entire time until
Akuma reaches the ground, and it is safe on block. Just an altogether great attack.
Punch (Palm): An armor breaking attack that places the opponent in an untechable
knockdown if it lands. Also safe on block. If you whiff with this attack Akuma lands
instantaneously next to the opponent, perfect for a throw or a dragon punch FADC
attack. This does not have as many active frames as the Dive Kick so it's easier to
whiff. If you want to assuredly make contact with this move you must activate it
late. It can be blocked high or low, but the real power of it is in its left-right mixup
on the ground.
Throw (Flip Grab): This is activated by pressing the throw buttons. Akuma's throw
range on this attack is pretty small and you have to be precise. If you know your
spacing then it should not be too difficult to land this. Akuma's throw whiff
animation in this attack has more recovery than both his Dive Kick and Palm, so
you can be punished.
No Input (Slide): Pressing nothing will cause Akuma to perform a slide kick that
hits low. Very unsafe if blocked, but it knocks down on hit.
EX Version: This has the same startup as the regular Demon Flip, but it auto-tracks
towards wherever the opponent is standing. It also travels through the air much faster.
You can cancel this version of the Demon Flip into EX Air Fireballs, which is useful for
getting instant-air fireballs that will lock your opponent down. It also helps for getting big
damage combos on the ground since you'll land while the opponent is being hit.
Hurricane Kick (Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku)
Akuma spins forward and if this move lands he juggles the opponent for good damage. The
strength of the button pressed determines the distance traveled, and only the Hard Kick
version is safe on block. The Light Hurricane Kick cannot hit crouching opponents but the
Medium and Hard versions can, offering you a high damage combo option if the opponent
is being comboed while crouching.
The Light Kick version is by far the most important, as it allows you to juggle the opponent
into a Shoryuken or sweep anywhere on the screen. Comboing into Akuma's Light
Hurricane Kick is extremely important for damage, stun and knockdowns. Certain
characters can not get hit with a sweep after a Light Hurricane Kick though. These
characters are:
Abel, Blanka, Dudley, Gen, Ibuki, Juri , Ken, M. Bison (Dictator), Makoto, Rufus,
Another use for the Aerial Hurricane Kick is a crossup attack. If you land this attack from
air-to-ground, then Akuma can sweep the opponent as they are falling. Unlike the Light
Hurricane Kick combo from the ground, nearly all characters can be swept after a crossup
Aerial Hurricane Kick.
EX Version: Unlike the other Hurricane Kicks where you move forward, Akuma spins in
place for big damage. It also places the opponent in a spinning knockdown where you can
follow up with a Shoryuken in the corner. If you use it in the air, it will stop Akuma's
trajectory and cause him to descend vertically. This is useful for avoiding ground attacks or
Shoryuken (Dragon Punch)
Akuma's anti-air, and a very good one. The strength of the button pressed determines the
amount of invincibility Akuma has when performing his dragon punch with the Hard
version having the most invulnerability. Naturally, a whiffed or blocked dragon punch is
extraordinarily unsafe.
If you are comboing after a Light Hurricane Kick and want the most meter the Hard Punch
Shoryuken is the way to go. If you want to perform an FADC combo using the Shoryuken
then you should always FADC after the second hit of the Hard Shoryuken. If you want to
do a wakeup shoryuken and you are not sure when to FADC to safety, don't forget that you
can FADC at any time up until the third hit of the Hard Shoryuken.
EX Version: Akuma is completely invincible until he reaches the peak of his Shoryuken
when EX is used. It also does more damage and a lot more stun, making it applicable in
combos where you need to finish off or stun the opponent.
Teleport (Ashura Senkuu)
Doing this causes Akuma to slip through opponents and move around the screen. He cannot
be struck or thrown during this time but he does have a small bit of recovery at the end of
the teleport. The teleport movement is dictated as followed:
Some characters have quite a few problems with this teleport, mainly grapplers and anyone
that can't attack across the screen quickly.
Still, the teleport is such a popular wakeup option that there have been many strategies
devised to counter it. Keep an eye on your opponent's placement before committing to the
teleport. If you are in the corner, it would be a much better idea to just simply block and
force your way out.
Akuma poses and then moves forward very quickly to grab the opponent. The Super
version of the Raging Demon is actually called a zero-frame grab, meaning that if the
opponent does not jump before the flash of the Super's activation they will always get
grabbed as long as they are in range. The range on this Super is very good but the damage
is pretty low as a trade-off for using all your EX bars.
There are several easy setups for this grab Super. Empty jumping is popular, along with
intentionally whiffing a Demon Flip Palm attack. Remember that since it starts up in zero
frames, there's no way for the opponent to counter it with any move after the flash of the
At first glance this Ultra may appear to be the exact same as Akuma's Super, but there are
some varying properties. The first example is that Wrath of the Raging Demon has some
startup invincibility allowing you to go right through some attacks unlike the Super Demon.
It moves slower than the Super Demon and it does not have zero-frame startup, meaning
that the opponent can smack you out of it with a throw-invincible move or just jump away
from you to escape it.
One of the most important facts that is overlooked about Akuma is that he can cancel all of
his normals on whiff or contact into his Raging Demon. The reason why this is normally
harmless is because the Ultra is a command grab meaning that you can't combo into it from
any attack that causes hit or block stun. The reason why this isn't so harmless after all is
because you can use normals to extend the range of your Ultra or to trick your opponent
into counterattacking when they shouldn't. You'll want your opponent to commit to a move
that has a decent amount of recovery, and slide straight through it with the invincibility
frames of the Raging Demon.
The most popular use of the Ultra is as an anti-air. To do this properly, it's best to cancel the
Ultra from a sweep as your opponent is descending from their jump since performing a
sweep decreases the size of Akuma's hitbox considerably, making him harder to hit. The
sweep also gives Akuma added range on his Raging Demon and the startup invincibility
frames will help you blow through whatever aerial attack your opponent is using.
Akuma spins and throws his leg out in a very slow arc. At first glance this Ultra seems
rather worthless. It can't be landed directly after a Focus Attack, it whiffs on crouching
opponents and it has a large amount of startup. The input is also fairly annoying, making it
difficult if not impossible to use as an anti-air.
However, Akuma can cancel into this Ultra from his Teleport. There are many normal
moves that can be canceled into a Teleport and into Demon Armageddon thus making it a
comboable Ultra for Akuma. Using this knowledge comboing from a Focus Attack is now
possible. Lastly, the second input for this Ultra does not have to be directly upwards to
work. Going in either the up-back or up-forward directions will work as well.
Another use for the Demon Armageddon is to counter people trying to chase down your
Teleport Escape. There are quite a few characters such as Yun and Yang that can punish
your Teleport on reaction with special moves, but you can counter their punish attempts
with this Ultra.
The Raging Demon is such a good Ultra for controlling the pace of the match, and the
Demon Armageddon is a tough Ultra to hit confirm into. These two facts make it difficult to
choose Ultra 2 for Akuma, but if your playstyle is based around quick hit confirms then this
Ultra is recommended.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
4 Hits
147 damage
Untechable knockdown combo.
EX Fireball
5 Hits
192 Damage
Another hit confirm combo. Works well if the opponent is crouching while being hit and
shoves the opponent towards the corner.
Dash Forward
Hard Shoryuken
Dash Forward
Hard Red Fireball
5 Hits
219 Damage
If you do a reversal Shoryuken and plan on FADCing it, then use this combo if it lands. It's
a reward for guessing correctly.
Hard Punch
Demon Armageddon
3 Hits
420 Damage
Hit confirm to Ultra 2. The teleport cancel must be done extraordinarily fast.
Raging Demon Shortcut
At first glance the Raging Demon input looks a little daunting. It is a very unique Ultra
input, but quite a long one compared to the other Ultras in the game. Luckily for Super
Street Fighter 4 players, there is a shortcut to do the motion. This applies to both the Super
and the Ultra Raging Demon. Instead of inputting the Super command one-by-one like
You can input the last three inputs of the Raging Demon at the same time to get the same
result. It makes canceling the Ultra from a normal much easier and faster and also provides
much less room for error.
Tips and Tricks
Akuma's air fireballs can cover almost all of his defensive openings, if you use them
correctly. Since reversals are the name of the game in Super Street Fighter IV you may
realize the value in the opponent never being able to do a reversal without getting punished
for it. Light Air Fireballs give you the most approach time from the front after a
knockdown. The same rule applies to Medium Air Fireballs, except that it's harder for the
opponent to jump away from it.
If someone is trying to meet you air-to-air, simply throw out a Hard Air Fireball to interrupt
them. Air fireballs can also cover the path of the Demon Flip, and the EX Air Fireball
makes all of the previous options a whole lot easier.
Akuma's mixups are so varied and powerful that they are referred to as the "vortex" in
discussion circles. Once you have a knockdown, Akuma has several options to get right
back in the opponent's face safely over and over again. Never let up pressure with Akuma
once you are on an offensive roll and keep knocking the opponent down with crossup
Hurricane Kicks, Demon Flips, combos into your Shoryuken/Sweep, EX Fireballs and
throws. All of these options are amplified in strength by Akuma's extremely fast walk
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Vs. Character Notes
Costume Colors Story Artwork
Character Overview
Guide by Nyoronoru
Balrog is one of the strongest characters in Super Street Fighter IV. He has above average
stamina, a huge amount of ways to attack the opponent and a great anti-air game. He also
has more armored moves than any other character along with the most armor breakers. His
pokes are very hard to punish and his jabs are the best in the game. Couple this up with
very good walk speed, strong short jump and meterless combos into his Ultra 1 and Balrog
is a very dangerous beast.
Balrog's weaknesses lie in his wakeup game. Most of the time he has to commit to an EX
attack to try and escape from continuous knockdown pressure. Balrog also has the worst
Focus Attack in the game. He has several mixups but nearly all of them are punishable if he
guesses incorrectly, forcing him to adopt a linear playstyle that makes him easier to counter.
He also has no crossup attack.
+ Has a huge amount of armored moves.
+ Easy and meterless combos to Ultra.
+ Confusing tick throw setups.
+ Dominant normal anti-airs.
+ A fast dash with very little recovery.
+ Has very few problems with projectiles.
+ A great punish and rushdown game.
+ Is very strong when his opponent is cornered.
- Has no two-hit normal attacks.
- Relies on resets or EX to perform big punishes.
- One long-range Cancelable normal move, and it's slow.
Balrog's most basic special attack. You can use this to apply straightforward pressure,
especially with the Light version. Just throwing this punch out constantly against good
players is a very bad idea, since it is fodder for Focus Attacks. To prevent this, you should
cancel from a normal attack with a lot of range, like Balrog's Crouching Medium Punch.
This attack is unsafe if you are too close to the opponent when it's blocked, opening you up
to either Dragon Punches or throws. Try to attack so that the opponent blocks the end of
Balrog's glove.
EX Version: This offers you a nice amount of frame advantage if you land it, though you
can't combo after connecting with it. It's also completely safe on block no matter how deep
it is blocked except against grapple characters like Zangief and T. Hawk.
Dashing Uppercut (Running Upper)
An uppercut that will whiff on crouching characters and has no special use. The Light
version of Dashing Uppercut is just as unsafe as the Light Dash Punch. Since most players
are accustomed to blocking your regular dash punches, it is entirely possible that they will
not react fast enough to punish your whiffed Upper. It's an okay anti-air especially against
players that like to neutral jump to counter regular dash punches.
You can't combo after you land it and whiffing crouching opponents is not something you
will want to do against experienced players.
EX Version: The EX Uppercut is much more useful than its regular counterpart. You can
combo afterwards with a Crouching Light Punch or Kick and it's safe on block except
against grapplers. It still whiffs on crouching characters, though. Using the frame advantage
of this move is the key to unlocking Balrogs damaging combos.
Another advantage of the EX version is that the recovery on whiff is very quick, making it
a good wakeup option against crossups.
Dashing Low Punch (Running Low Straight)
Balrog steps forward and slides down with a punch that must be blocked low. While it's a
good chance for a mixup, most players block low against all of your rush punches anyway.
Also, all of the regular versions are very unsafe on block. If you space them correctly, its
possible to use the moves blockstun to push the opponent out of punishing range.
EX Version: Compared to the regular Low Punches, this version is a lot safer on block.
Use this attack to keep opponents wary of your low and high options.
Dashing Overhead Punch (Running Swing Blow)
Balrog winds up a bit and them slams down an overhead attack. All versions of this attack
are punishable on block. It's a really great mixup, one of Balrog's best since it's difficult for
even experienced players to see it coming. You'll want to be very unpredictable with this
attack if you want to land it, though.
Since most Balrog players end their attack strings with a Dashing Punch for chip damage,
switch it up between the Dashing Punch, EX Low Punch and (EX) Overhead Punch to be
confusing and unreadable.
If the Overhead Punch is used randomly without any sort of setup most players will knock
you out of it with some sort of reversal or just neutral jump and punish you. If you manage
to land the Overhead Punch, you can follow it up easily with a crouching Medium Punch
canceled into whatever move you want next. Some small characters require a crouching
Light Kick followup instead but this is rare.
EX Version: The EX Overhead Punch is just as unsafe as the Light Punch version on block
but the super armor can be a lifesaver as it prevents an opponent from poking you out of the
slow startup.
Dashing Low Uppercut (Running Low Smash)
Balrog steps sideways and throws out a smashing punch that is meant to be used as a
standalone armor breaker. All of the versions are unsafe on block, but the Light version can
be hard to punish if you space it correctly. This attack knocks the opponent down and far
away, forcing the opposing character to the corner.
If your opponent is abusing Focus Attacks in an attempt to catch your dash punches, then
this is the direct answer to it.
EX Version: EX Low Smash cannot be punished on block except by grapplers, making it a
good use of EX meter if you want to force the opponent to stop Focusing. Even if the
opponent releases a Level 2 Focus Attack, you'll absorb the hit and keep going to smash
them out of it. Level 3 Focus Attacks are too slow to break you out of your Low Smash.
Turn Punch (TAP)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Balrog spins in place and then moves forward for an armor breaking attack that looks
similar to his normal Dash Punch. This attack is invulnerable on startup to attacks and
The longer you hold down the buttons the more powerful the Turn Punch becomes. Balrog
shouts out the number as he turns to let you know how far he is charged up. If you hold
down the buttons long enough you can deal out an obscene amount of damage with just one
hit, but it takes an insanely long time to charge it up to a level that does the crazy amounts
of damage. Also, the longer you charge the Turn Punch, the more unsafe it becomes on
This attack has quite a lot of startup, so many people will be able to just hit you out of it.
You should really only use it if you are fighting someone who likes to use projectiles a lot,
or in very specific match ups. Don't forget that you can charge any of your other special
attacks while the Turn Punch is in motion.
Buffalo Headbutt
Balrog is invulnerable to throws, attacks and projectiles during the startup of Buffalo
Headbutt. The Light Punch version comes out the fastest and travels the least horizontal
distance. It's mildly useful as an anti-air because of the startup invincibility, but most
opponents will not be jumping at you when you have a down charge.
Because of the way the hitbox is situated on Balrog's head, it can be difficult hitting
opponents who do low moves on your wakeup. It's also fairly simple for opponents to jump
safely against you, since the Headbutt starts up slowly for a reversal attack. The
invincibility of the move wears out while Balrog is still in the air so it's possible for crossup
attacks to still land if they are timed right.
The whiff recovery of this move is really massive, making it easy for characters to punish
any random attempts at trying to interrupt their blockstring. If you're trying to do a
desperation counter, it's best to stick with the EX Headbutt.
If you land any version of the Headbutt, you can go right into Ultra 1. This applies even if
you are standing facing the corner. The Headbutt is also Balrog's most damaging combo
EX Version: The EX Buffalo Headbutt has much more invincibility and will never trade
hits as an anti-air. It also moves Balrog the farthest forward and extends his attack hitbox
vertically making it easier for him to intercept attacks on the ground.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Crazy Buffalo
Since Balrog has incredibly good hit confirms, it's a piece of cake to combo into this Super.
You can Cancel from a variety of moves, with the most popular being the Dash Punch. If
you hold down either the Punch or Kick buttons, Balrog will perform straight punches or
uppercuts. You can change it up by swapping button holds as Balrog is moving forward.
Crazy Buffalo is totally invulnerable to projectiles during the first swing, making it
invaluable in a matchup where Balrog has to deal with fireballs. Whether or not you
deliberately stock EX for this Super is up to both your playstyle and the character you are
Balrog's EX moves are exceptionally good compared to most characters. The ability to
constantly gain Ultra Meter by having your super armored moves absorb hits might be too
valuable to pass up.
Ultra 1 Violent Buffalo
Ultra 1
336 - 491
Like his Super, Violent Buffalo is invulnerable to projectiles during the startup punch. Most
opponents won't throw a fireball once they notice that you are charged for this Ultra, or
they will throw them very sparingly when you don't have a charge ready. Balrog can combo
into this Ultra from his Buffalo Headbutt, and since it's really easy to combo into the
Headbutt with Balrog you are almost guaranteed to land this Ultra in every game unless
you really have trouble closing the distance between you and your opponent.
If you do the Headbutt to Ultra combo, the buttons you press afterward are important for
the maximum amount of damage. The setup changes according to the list below:
Midscreen: Kick for first hit, Punch for second, Kick for rest.
Corner, High Juggle: Punch for first two hits, Kick for rest.
Anti-Air Trade: Punch for first two hits, Kick for rest.
These juggles change depending on the strength of headbutt as well, so this list is still not
definite. For Hard Punch Headbutts, it's best to go with the first option for catching the
opponent in the air.
Ultra 2 Dirty Bull
Ultra 2
205 - 399
This is a command grab Ultra, which is a rarity for a charge character. It doesn't do much
damage, but it does a huge amount of stun.
This Ultra cannot be jumped out of once the Ultra cinematic freeze begins. The downside is
that the range of this Ultra is really short, forcing you to land it point blank.
Since the damage is very low and Balrog is not a character based around stunning the
opponent, most players are sticking with Ultra 1 which gives much more in terms of
options and damage opportunities.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
4 Hits
119 Damage
Untechable knockdown combo.
Overhead Punch
EX Dashing Uppercut
A quick combo into Super. Canceling into Crazy Buffalo is very easy, especially from a
Dash Straight.
Tips and Tricks
If you find yourself the victim of lots of Focus Attacks, just begin charging some Level 1
Turn Punches along with a mix of Dashing Smashes. If you don't want to take the risk with
either of those moves, simply keep cancelling Dash Punches from Crouching Light Punch
or Medium Punch for a constant two-hit safe combo that will keep breaking Focus Attacks.
Simply Chaining two Light Punches together as an armor breaker works really well too.
Don't forget that during any special move, Balrog has several ways of maintaining charges
for other attacks. A simple example is Balrog's Turn Punch, which allows you to store both
a down and back charge during its execution. After you have landed several knockdown
moves, you can use your stored charge to build meter from a whiffed attack while your
opponent stands up. Another easy example is after Balrog is done juggling the opponent
using Ultra 1. Simply charge a Turn Punch and a Dash Straight while the combo is going on
and unleash both once the opponent is knocked down.
Staying Charged Up
Balrog can keep his Dash Punches and Headbutt charged up even while executing some of
his special moves. Also, with his Low Dashing Punch attacks, you can execute them by
going from a down-back to down-forward position and the instant he's out of his Low Dash
Punch he can Headbutt, because you're never losing your downwards charge.
This sets up a lot of cheese and unpredictability with the Boxer. He can use his Low
Dashing Punches to advance on his opponent while using Headbutts to go through
projectiles and counter moves. Having most of his moves readily available makes him all
the more deadly and unpredictable. This involves playing in a risky style, but the damage
output can make it worth it
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Vs. Character Notes
Costume Colors Story Artwork
Character Overview
Blanka is a trickster character with strong defense and a deadly 50/50 offense. Once the
green beast gets a life lead it gets monumentally more difficult to defeat him. He has great
pressure tactics and can capitalize on knockdown a lot more proficiently than other
characters. Blanka's punish game is also very powerful with great ranges on his Slide and
Blanka Ball.
Blanka has trouble with characters that have excellent punish tactics. Since Blanka's only
invincible reversal doesn't knock down opponents on the ground, there are many characters
that can punish Blanka's reversal tactics on hit. Characters that can shut down the Beast
Roll or Blanka's short jump can also make it very difficult for Blanka to stage an offense.
+ Quick walkspeed and good movement options.
+ Nasty okizeme (wake up game) with electricity, throws and Blanka Balls.
+ Great pokes and anti-air normals.
+ Amazing corner escape game.
+ Small crouching hitbox.
+ Can avoid and punish projectile tactics extremely well.
+ A very fast armor breaker.
+ Extremely powerful Ultra that has fast startup.
- No reliable method of comboing into either Ultra.
- Blanka Ball is one of the most unsafe special moves in the game.
- Reversal game can be very weak.
- No combos into untechable knockdown.
- Low damage combo game.
Notable Normal Moves
Rock Crusher (Overhead)
Blanka's overhead attack. You must hold down the Medium Punch button in order to give
the move overhead properties. Unfortunately, it takes quite a while to come out so you'll
more than likely be attacked before it hits.
Should you land the fully charged Rock Crusher, you can link it into multiple moves such
as your Crouching Medium Kick or Ultra 1.
harder than others. It's also vulnerable to Focus Attacks, so make sure your opponent
cannot see it coming.
The button pressed determines the distance Blanka travels as he spins forward for an attack.
This is either a really good or bad move depending on the character and situation you are
facing. A few characters have a lot of trouble dealing with this move and you'll want to be
pestering them with it. It has great range and speed along with armor breaking properties.
The Light Beast Roll is the safest on block as it flies back the farthest. It is still possible for
quite a few characters to punish this though. Hard Beast Roll lands the closest on block and
is easily punishable by Ultras and other heavy hitting combos. On hit, the move is nearly
always safe other than a few fast Ultras that can punish it (such as Cammy's Ultra 1).
If you perform the Hard Beast Roll in a combo and it lands within its first few active
frames, it will knock the opponent down. This is really great to prevent being punished on
hit for using the Beast Roll and gives you a chance to Hop closer to the opponent without
being attacked.
All Beast Rolls recover quickly on whiff, meaning that an intentional whiff of the Roll into
a throw is a very strong technique.
EX Version: Using EX causes the Beast Roll to travel a little faster than the Hard version
while being invulnerable to projectiles during its forward flight. It's just as punishable as
the Light Beast Roll on block.
The EX Beast Roll knocks down in its first few active frames, meaning that using it in
combos is a worthwhile endeavour since you can FADC for tricks.
(Piano Rapidly)
Electric Thunder (Electricity)
Mashing on the punch buttons will generate high-priority electric attacks from Blanka. The
hitboxes for Blanka's electric powers are very dominant if you are in range and they offer
large amounts of frame advantage on block.
The Light version comes out the fastest, but has the smallest range and offers the least
frame advantage. Hard is vice versa. All versions of Electric Thunder take five inputs or
more to be activated, which forces players to memorize pianoing techniques.
Blanka's Electricity loses completely to low attacks such as sweeps. The upside to this is
that if you activate it closely enough to the opponent they will be unable to throw out an
attack (because extending their hitbox will allow them to get hit) or walk away due to the
range of the attack forcing them to block.
The multi-hitting properties of the attack also prevent Blanka from being hit with Focus
Attacks while he is generating his electricity. Be careful with this though.
Don't try to use this on wakeup unless someone poorly times their safe jump. It has no
invincibility and the startup is very slow, making it tough to interrupt attacks.
EX Version: EX Electricity has the same range and startup as the Hard version and it does
slightly more damage. Not really a useful EX move at all.
Backstep Roll (Rainbow Ball)
Blanka hops back for a bit and then descends on his opponent for an attack that knocks
down. You can control the path of Blanka with whatever version you choose with Light
Kick traveling the least distance. Unfortunately this attack is very vulnerable to Focus
Attacks, invincible reversals and Ultras especially if you choose to land in front of the
opponent. It's definitely a move you'll want to be using sparingly as Blanka.
EX Version: This version on the other hand is really great but not for its intended purpose.
It offers total invincibility as Blanka hops backwards and it gives Blanka total manual
control as he flies forward. Using this move Blanka can traverse the entire screen and
escape the corner. It is difficult to stop the EX Backstep Roll as it will usually hit opponents
trying to get in its way. This is a great move to save EX for as there aren't too many
characters gifted with corner escape moves.
Don't try attacking with the EX version unless you are going for a chip KO, because it is
still vulnerable to Focus Attacks. Even if you try to dodge the Focus Attack by landing
behind the opponent, good players will dash and throw you when you land. Blanka has
almost instant ground recovery when he lands from this move, but it's still vulnerable.
Vertical Roll (Up Ball)
Blanka's anti-air special move. The strength of the button determines how far Blanka
travels and how many active frames (hitting frames) the move has, with the Light version
having the least range but the most active frames. This attack is really unsafe on whiff and
it doesn't offer any invincibility, so you have a high probability of trading hits or losing to
When it comes to using the Up Ball as a reversal, its use in this regard is questionable.
Since the Up Ball doesn't knock down and your opponent recovers from the hit before you
recover from the attack, there are quite a few characters that can punish the Up Ball on hit.
The regular Up Ball has no invincibility either, so using it as a reversal or anti-air is really
EX Version: Up Ball offers some startup invincibility, making it extremely unlikely that
you will trade hits. It also travels slightly farther than the Hard version and has just as many
active frames as the Light version. Blanka's best anti-air move by far.
Since this move has invincibility, you can use this move as a reversal to blast through
moves from your opponent. It knocks down on hit, but if this move is blocked you will be
in an extremely punishable situation. In other words, this really is an all-or-nothing reversal
should you use it.
Surprise Back or Forward (Backward or Forward Hop)
This move is faster than Blanka's dash, and you can store a down charge for Up Ball while
moving forward just in case. The hop is invincible to throws and low attacks after Blanka
leaves the ground, making this a powerful surprise approach option.
This move gives Blanka a lot of potential for mixups. After you knock the opponent down,
you can repeatedly hop over them to force them to guess whether to reversal, tech a throw
or backdash. After hopping a bunch of times you can choose to throw, shock them with
Electricity, Up Ball or Beast Slide(to punish a backdash). Don't forget that hopping around
and over a charge character will disrupt their back charge.
Coward Crouch
Blanka ducks down and can avoid almost any projectile in the game, minus Juri's ground
fireball and Akuma's air fireballs. You can even duck under low Tiger Shots with this.
Blanka will stay crouched until you move your joystick in another direction. You also have
the option to Hop out of the Coward Crouch if you like.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Grand Shave Roll
A very damaging Super, but it's a little hard to combo into it outside of a punish since
Blanka's hit confirms aren't too spectacular. It does quite a lot of chip damage just in case
you need to finish with a chip KO although the opponent can easily just perform an
invincible reversal to knock you out of it.
Since Blanka relies on his EX moves quite a lot, it's not a good idea to deliberately save for
this. Blanka needs EX for invincible reversals, anti-airs and corner escapes.
If you are in a situation where you need to turn the tables in your favor, then you can go for
something called the ambiguous Ultra crossup. In order to use it, you have to throw the
opponent forwards (Blanka's biting throw) then perform Lightning Cannonball while
walking forward very slightly using the forward motions of the Ultra. Blanka will descend
on the opponent and it will be very difficult for the opponent to guess which way to block
as they stand up. It's a high risk, high reward technique which should be used sparingly.
Ultra 2 Shout of Earth
Punch Motion
Kick Motion
Depending on the buttons you press, a different version of this Ultra will come out. The
Kick version causes Blanka to slam electricity all over the ground and the Punch version
summons an anti-air electric column.
The Kick version is a great counter to fireball throwers, and it's also good for chip damage
against a lot of characters without aerial or invincible options. The recovery of this Ultra is
massive, so you must be very certain that your chip KO attempt is not avoided. During the
Kick version of Shout of Earth Blanka is invincible only to projectiles, not attacks.
The Punch version is a very damaging and quick anti-air. While Blanka does have good
anti-air options from a down-back position, this is a big way to capitalize on a jumping
opponent. The spacing is specific though, so you must be careful since the recovery of this
version is almost three times longer than the Kick version.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
HP Blanka Ball
4 Hits
288 Damage
The link between Blanka's Crouching Medium Kick and his Standing Light Punch is a slow
Lightning Cannonball
5 Hits
426/466 DMG
A one-frame link into Lightning Cannonball. Very difficult. Probably not a feasible option
unless you are very desperate.
Tips and Tricks
Against characters that can always punish your Beast Roll, you have to attempt other
options to get inside and do damage. Blanka's good pokes can help you force your way into
the opponent's range to begin your confusing crossup attacks and throw mixups. Rely on
your sweep and your crouching Medium Punch to get close.
If you want to play Blanka effectively you should be able to buffer Electric Thunder at your
leisure using one of several techniques. All of these are demonstrated by Quakefingers. It
takes five inputs of any punch button to generate Electricity and the last button pressed
determines the version that is generated.
Never do a Beast Roll or an Anti-Air Roll if you are in the corner with your back to the
wall. This forces Blanka to land closer to the opponent on recovery, leaving him open to
Ultras and other heavy punishes.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Heavy contributions to this guide by Nyoronoru
Cammy is a super-offensive high-execution character. With powerful links into big combos,
Cammy can really lay on the hurt once she gets in. She also has an excellent anti-fireball
game and really nasty throw tech baits.
Cammy's weaknesses lie in defensive players who can tech throws well, aggravating her
already limited throw range. Focus Attacks are also an annoyance since her armor breaker
is incredibly slow, not to mention that her approaches require very specific spacing.
Cammy drops quickly to the ground and spins forward for a strike that must be blocked
low. This is Cammy's primary combo ender, and it sets you up for a pressure game after
you recover since you end up in the opponent's face.
All versions of this move are unsafe on block, so you'll never want to be poking with Spiral
Arrow unless you're the opponent will block the very end of the move (still unsafe, just not
as much).
When doing a combo, you'll want to end with either Medium or Hard Spiral Arrow
depending on how close to the opponent you are. Most of the time you'll want to be relying
on the Hard version. The best way to check is to see if both hits of the Hard Spiral Arrow
land in your preferred combo.
The Hard Spiral Arrow is two hits, but you have to be very close for both to land. You can
FADC the first hit of the Hard Spiral Arrow, which is great if you make a mistake and don't
want to be punished.
If you land the Light or Medium version of Spiral Arrow in the corner at the right range
you can follow up with a Cannon Spike for more damage. Don't miss out on this, because a
Cannon Spike can also lead to a combo into Ultra 1 if you have the meter!
EX Version: This move is essentially the same as the Hard version, except it travels a little
farther and it is completely invulnerable to projectiles during most of its initial forward
movement. Use this move to setup knockdowns against projectile characters.
Cannon Spike
This is Cammy's anti-air and reversal attack of choice. It travels very far horizontally, has a
huge amount of active frames and also has a nice amount of startup invincibility. The
button pressed determines how far Cammy flies into the air with the Hard version traveling
the farthest. The Hard version also has the most invulnerability on startup, so it will be the
one you use most often.
Like many other Dragon Punch-type moves, Cannon Spike can be Focus Attack Dash
Canceled. This works great for making it safe as a reversal and as a setup for landing your
Ultra 1 or another Cannon Spike.
It might be tempting to abuse this move since Cammy flies a good distance away on block
but any reasonably good player will be able to punish you, some much more heavily than
EX Version: EX Cannon Spike has an extra frame of invulnerability and does 50 more
damage than all of the other versions. There aren't too many uses for this unless you want to
make absolutely sure that no one can interrupt your Cannon Spike or you really need the
extra damage.
Quick Spin Knuckle
Cammy spins forward in the air and then throws her fist out. The strength of the button
determines the distance she travels and the amount of time it takes before she strikes. If you
land any version of this move, you can juggle with your Ultra 1 or the Medium version of
your Super anywhere on the screen. You can also Cancel out of Spin Knuckle into your
Super, but only from the first hit.
Unfortunately this move is telegraphed to an extraordinary extent due to the large startup
time making it easy for the opponent to block or counter. It offers a lot of frame advantage
on block but it's still not a wise idea to try to use this move unless you are going for a
surprise attack or setup.
During the aerial portion of this move, Cammy is invincible to attacks and projectiles. This
is good for avoiding some fast pokes or fireball barrages, but since it has slow startup it can
be baited from a player or simply blocked on reaction. Against characters with fast
recoveries on their projectiles or attacks it is best to use other moves.
EX Version: This version starts up just as fast as the Medium version and it has slightly
more invincibility. It also travels farther than the Hard version. If you are really desperate
you can use it to try and escape crossups, but there's not too much use for it otherwise.
Hooligan Combination (Frankensteiner)
Air Throw
Slide Kick
EX Slide Kick
Cammy spins forward very quickly and depending on your choice of action does something
different. If you press the throw buttons Cammy will attempt to throw the opponent from
the Hooligan Spin, and if you press nothing at all Cammy will attempt a very unsafe slide
kick that must be blocked low.
The Hooligan Throw will only grab characters who are standing or jumping; not crouching.
Because of this, most players will just duck under your Hooligan Spin and wait. If you try
to grab them anyway, Cammy will instantly recover right next to them where you will more
than likely be forced to tech a throw.
The Hooligan Slide is extremely unsafe on block and since everyone will be crouching to
avoid your Hooligan Throw anyway, the slide is extremely useless. If you decide to go for
the slide kick you can FADC it just in case it is blocked, though this is a big waste of meter.
EX Version: The EX Hooligan Combination travels through the air MUCH faster than the
regular version. It also auto-tracks the opponent and locks onto their position. These two
properties make it difficult to react to, but you'll still want to be careful because the Throw
and Slide properties are the same.
The speed and angle of this move is a great counter to projectile throwers. This adds itself
as one more anti-projectile option for Cammy, provided that you react quickly.
Cannon Strike (Dive Kick)
This is Cammy's best special move by far and defines her as a character. She can only
activate it when she jumps forward, and the Light version travels at the steepest distance
with the Hard traveling the shallowest.
This dive kick has tremendous frame advantage when it is blocked, and it also offers
enough frame advantage on hit to land several combos. Cammy can really wreck shop on
certain characters with bad anti-air attacks with this move. The closer the opponent blocks
this to the ground, the more time you have to move around while the opponent is forced
into blockstun.
EX Version: Cammy's EX Cannon Strike can be activated regardless of the direction you
jump, unlike the regular version. The EX Cannon Strike also offers a lot more frame
advantage on block and hit.
The extra frame advantage is important for landing big combos with Cammy. If you land
the EX Cannon Strike close enough to the ground, you can combo into Ultra 1 easily.
The real use of this move is to punish people for attempting to tech throws. In order to do
this, you must activate this dive kick as closely to the ground as possible to get the Instant
EX Cannon Strike. See the section below the Combos for more details.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Spin Drive Smasher
Cammy performs a powerful Spiral Arrow with a followup Cannon Spike. This Super is
pretty fast and the startup is invincible. Due to Cammy ducking low to begin her spin this
Super is a solid counter to projectiles at mid range. You still have to have pretty good
reactions to use this to go through fireballs though, just like with Gyro Drive Smasher.
If you want to go through fireballs with this Super, it's best to rely on the Hard version
which travels the fastest. Whether or not you use this Super is up to your playstyle. Many
Cammy players would rather save EX meter for Cannon Spike FADC combos or EX
Cannon Strike. Having the ability to do a reversal safely or to change your aerial trajectory
at any time is very powerful in comparison to just doing extra damage in a combo.
If you want to build a large life lead or finish off the opponent then this Super is for you.
It's a piece of cake for Cammy to combo into it since she has great hit confirms and it also
does above-average damage for a Super Combo.
It's rare for Cammy players to select this Ultra because Gyro Drive Smasher is more
reliable in matches. However, there are certain specific matchups where this Counter Ultra
can be useful to you.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
cr.LK, cr.LPLink cr.MP xx HK Spiral Arrow
5 Hits
181 Damage
Basic punish and pressure combo.
5 Hits
266 Damage
Another variation of a Cammy crouching combo. Good to use as part of tech traps against
crouching opponents.
head as they are standing. Cannon Strike doesn't cross up the opponent, but if you attack at
this angle a huge amount of reversals will either whiff or do very little damage (such as
Juri's EX Pinwheel Kick or Rufus's EX Messiah Kick).
It is impossible to be a great Cammy player and at the same time be unable to do an Instant
EX Cannon Strike. It's very important to be able to activate it quickly and close to the
ground. The priority of the move will beat quite a few normal attacks or non-invincible
special moves..
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Vs. Character Notes
Costume Colors Story Artwork
Character Overview
Heavy contributions to this guide by Nyoronoru
Chun-Li is one of the best zoning characters in SSF4 with a very strong poking and solid
fireball game. Her mixups are good, a lot of her options are safe and like any other great
character in the game, she has no problem landing her Ultras in a match.
Other advantages include top-tier throwing ability, a dominating aerial game, fast walk
speed and a great Focus Attack. She also has powerful juggle options which opens up some
big damage portals.
Disadvantages are that she lacks good anti-air options against strong jump-ins (such as dive
kicks) requiring good spacing to counter aerial opponents. She also has below-average
stamina, decreasing the room for mistakes. Her wakeup game is also questionable, with
only one true reversal attack that is an extreme risk to take.
+ Fast walk speed.
+ Has exceptional pokes and is great at whiff punishing.
+ Tick throw game is unmatched.
This is an automated crossup attack, but since Chun-Li only travels a specific distance
when flipping over you can create an ambiguous crossup situation where the opponent can't
tell which way to block.
This move can be easily countered by Dragon Punches and the like so you'll have to apply
it very carefully on knockdowns. Try to time it so that you won't get hit by Ultras either.
Hop Kick
Chun-Li steps forward and kicks the opponent in the shins. The recovery of this move is
fast and it can tick into a throw.
Head Stomp [Aerial Only]
This attack is unsafe if blocked so don't try to get too cute with it. Try to use it if you catch
someone with a jumping Hard Punch.
Wall Jump
If you are near a wall with Chun-Li, press in the opposite direction to jump off the wall.
This sort of approach is really risky because most players will merely jump backwards and
hit you out of the air. Chun-Li travels pretty slowly with this technique so it's not a good
corner escape either.
(In the air)
Air Throw
Chun-Li can grab opponents out of the air, and this throw has good range too. Air throws in
AE 2012 have great priority and can grab people out of quite a few things as long as they
are airborne.
Special Moves
Lightning Legs (Hyakuretsukyaku)
Chun-Li unleashes a flurry of leg strikes. If you do it at the right distances and you don't
keep mashing after the opponent has been pushed out of range, this attack is safe on block
no matter which version you use.
This is a good move to end a combo with, if you do not have EX meter or a down charge.
All versions give you some frame advantage on block or hit, but since this attack tends to
push opponents a good distance away on block or hit it's unlikely that you will find a
combo opportunity.
EX Version This is one of Chun-Li's strongest moves. It's damaging, starts up quickly, is
easy to combo into and is safe on block. It's possible to land Ultra 1 in the corner or Ultra 2
anywhere on screen after you connect with it. You can also land two sets of EX Lightning
Legs consecutively, or you could land EX Spinning Bird Kick afterwards in the corner.
Fireball (Kikoken)
Chun-li's fireball. The Hard version travels the fastest but fizzles out the quickest, Light is
the opposite. You'll probably only be using the Light version, since you can walk behind it
and use it as a shield for a safe approach.
If it lands, you can sweep the opponent. If they block it, it sets up an Overhead Flip Kick or
a jump in for you. If they try to jump over it, meet them in the air with a jumping Hard
Punch, a Neutral Jump Hard Kick or Anti Air Flip Kick.
EX Version: This hits twice and comes out really fast. Other than trying to chip someone
for a KO or to try to win a desperation fireball war, there really aren't that many uses for the
EX Kikoken, especially considering Chun-Li has much better uses for her EX meter.
Overhead Flip Kick (Hazanshu)
One of Chun-Li's best mixup options. She flips up in the air for a split attack that must be
blocked high. The Light version comes out the fastest, but travels the least amount of
distance compared to the other versions. If you land her Overhead Flip Kick it gives you
enough frame advantage to combo afterwards, and if it's blocked Chun-Li is completely
safe from counter attacks.
This can work very well against projectiles, but it needs to be spaced and timed correctly.
The Hard Kick version is often your best bet when you're around sweep distance against a
projectile throwing opponent, and this can shut down a lot of their fireball options from this
range, depending on the match up.
The primary weakness of this move is that it is susceptible to Focus Attacks and invincible
reversals. Try not to be predictable with this attack. Also, this move is very susceptible to
whiff punishing.
EX Version: This causes Chun-Li to flip upwards much faster but come down slower. It
also knocks down and has a small invincibility window. A good move if you want to
capitalize on a knockdown or if you want to give an opponent less time to react to your
Spinning Bird Kick
This move has a lot of startup before Chun-Li begins spinning, so it's not good for
approaches. All versions are unsafe on block. The upside to all of this is that this move does
a huge amount of damage, so it works well in combos when you don't have better options.
Unfortunately, that's really the only use for this version of the move.
EX Version The EX Spinning Bird Kick is a really good move and definitely Chun-Li's
best reversal. It starts up extremely quickly and works well in juggle combos. Since she is
considered airborne when she does it she can't be thrown.
Even if all the hits don't land, any hit will knock the opponent a full-screen's distance away.
It's still unsafe on block though and there is a small vulnerable box between Chun-Li's legs
where she can be hit out of it. Knowing when and when not to use this move is key
otherwise you will simply be rushed down endlessly.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Super Lightning Legs (Senretsukyaku)
This Super's speed is not to be underestimated. It's starts up in only one frame, meaning that
you can punish anything that takes longer than a frame to recover, making this the fastest
non-command grab punish move in the game.
Any move that offers you frame advantage on hit, like Chun-Li's Far Standing Hard Punch
or her Far Standing Medium Punch will allow you to easily link and combo into this Super
as well.
The strength of the button pressed determines the distance that Chun-Li travels before she
hits the opponent. It doesn't determine the speed of the move in any way though, meaning
that Chun-Li can traverse almost half-screen in only one frame to punish a move. The
downside to this is that Senretsukyaku cannot go through projectiles.
Chun-Li has a lot of great EX moves, though. Her EX Overhead Flip Kick is good for
knockdowns, EX Lightning Legs is one of the best EX moves in the game and EX Spinning
Bird Kick is great for reversals. Because of this, you should only use your Super as a
finisher or to gain a large life advantage.
Chun-Li dashes forward to land a kick hit which is very similar to her Super. This Ultra is
really fast, travels a bit over half-screen and it is invincible to projectiles for most of the
startup. The projectile invincibility is a big factor in matches as it forces fireball characters
to approach Chun-Li, especially when she has a life lead.
The only flaw with the anti-projectile status of this Ultra is that it loses to slow projectiles
like Guile's Sonic Boom or Dhalsim's Yoga Fire since the invincibility runs out before the
projectile can pass through Chun-Li. If you time it extremely well you can still avoid these
projectiles, but it is still difficult to do.
What's really great about this Ultra other than the anti-projectile properties is that you can
juggle into it, but only in the corner. Juggles into the cornered Ultra 1 can be started from
EX Lightning Legs, EX Spinning Bird Kick, Target Combo or a Jumping Hard Punch
Only certain characters will be juggled for the full cinematic of the Ultra in the corner. The
other characters will get dropped out of the combo when Chun-Li attempts to launch them
in the air. This is not dangerous for Chun-Li as she will recover before they stand.
Target Combo
Target Combo
If you land this Target Combo, you can combo into any of your juggle attacks such as EX
Spinning Bird Kick or Ultra 2. Other than that there's not too many reasons to use it since
there are easier more damaging combos you can use in that sort of punishing situation
where you have time to land this Target Combo. The initial hit of this Target Combo is also
very unsafe on block and Chun-Li steps pretty far forward when doing it, so it only
exacerbates the situation.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
EX Lightning Legs
5 Hits
156 Damage
Bread and butter combo. You can do a few more or less Crouching Light Kicks and this
will still work.
4 Hits
146 Damage
If you fish for Crouching Light Punches against your opponent and they land, end with this
Link combo.
EX Lightning Legs
juggle with EX Spinning Bird Kick
7 Hits
246 Damage
Use this when Chun-Li meets her opponent in the air. You can sub in a Head Stomp 3x if
you can't EX Spinning Bird Kick, although this will do less damage.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Bio and Story Artwork
Character Overview
Cody is a heavy-hitting frame-trapping rock-throwing tank of destruction. When Cody has
momentum and traps the opponent at short range they are at his mercy. He has a truckload
of options, baits, feints and counters that can meet almost any situation along with powerful
attacks that deal lots of stun. His Focus Attack covers great range with its big horizontal
hitbox and his projectile has incredibly fast recovery. Lastly he has no problem comboing
into his Ultras, adding to his amazing damage output.
Cody's weaknesses lie around his wakeup and mobility. His only reliable reversal is EX
Zonk Knuckle and without EX he is completely helpless against rushdown. Cody's
backdash is also poor, covering little range and being very slow. In terms of mobility, Cody
walks very slowly. This worsens his throw game considerably and hurts all his approaches
to begin his damaging offense.
+ Deadly firepower, can stun quickly.
+ Great normal anti-airs.
+ Far-reaching punish game.
+ Easy combos into damaging Ultra 1.
+ Projectiles have very fast recovery.
+ Incredible range and damage on his overhead attack.
+ Large amounts of frame advantage on all normal moves.
- Extremely limited options on wakeup and against pressure.
- Very slow walk speed.
- Short range on backdash.
- Projectile can't win fireball wars.
- Tough time chipping opponents safely.
Notable Normal Moves
Stomach Blow
A great move for Cody as it moves him forward, helping him close the distance a little
better against the opponent. If it lands, it gives Cody a huge amount of frame advantage to
continue a combo. If it's blocked, Cody is still left at frame advantage (meaning that the
recovery of the move is faster than the amount of blockstun it inflicts).
Crack Kick
This attack hops over low attacks before it hits the opponent. Just like Stomach Blow, Cody
has a little bit of frame advantage after it is blocked. Unfortunately, Crack Kick loses to
throws on startup and it whiffs on crouching opponents.
You can use the whiff of this move to your advantage since the animation makes it look like
it should hit. It just might bait out a counter-attack from your opponent or let you go for a
This move juggles the opponent on hit, so there are certain moves you can land afterwards,
though you have to react quickly.
Jaw Crusher
One of Cody's best anti-air options. The hitbox is exemplary.
Hammer Hook
Cody's powerful overhead attack. Unlike other overhead attacks though this one is really
unsafe on block. If you land this on a standing opponent, it's possible to combo afterwards.
This is a pretty rare scenario though.
Prisoner Slide
Cody slides forward on his back. On top of this attack looking a little weird, it's unsafe on
block and hit. It's hard to punish it if you do it from the right ranges though and it's good for
closing short distances.
You can use this attack to duck under jumping attacks from certain characters and it also
has a really great hitbox for beating the startup of many attacks.
Crouching Light Kick
An incredible normal move for Cody. This move comes out in three frames (fastest speed
for a normal move in SF4) meaning that there are a ton of things you can punish due to its
speed and range. You can also use it as a poke to harass the opponent with.
Anti-Air Attacks
Cody's anti-air normals. Both depend on specific spacing to be successful.
Neutral Jump Hard Punch
This attack has a really nasty high-priority hitbox. It also knocks the opponent down if it
connects air-to-air.
Jumping Medium Kick
Cody's crossup attack. You have to position yourself more steadily with this move
compared to other crossups.
Special Moves
Bad Stone or Knife Throw
Held Stone
Cody's rocks aren't traditional projectiles. They have slow startup which makes it
impossible to combo into them, but if they're blocked they give Cody a lot of frame
advantage to move around in.
Winning fireball wars with this move is tough because of the slow startup. The best use for
the rocks is to build meter and to harass your opponent. The quick recovery on this makes it
hard to punish if you space your rock throws carefully.
You can delay the rock throw by holding the button used to activate it. Good for throwing
off the timing of those trying to avoid your projectiles. If you hold onto the rock long
enough it will do more damage upon contact with the opponent.
This command can also be used to throw the knife. The knife travels pretty quickly and it
knocks down. Unfortunately, you cannot delay the knife throw and it's not possible to
combo into it.
EX Version: This version of this attack hits twice and travels a little farther than the Hard
version. It also starts up faster than the regular versions of Bad Stone and travels through
the air faster.
Since the opponent is placed in much longer hitstun with EX Bad Stone compared to the
regular versions it gives you really big combo opportunities if you land it at close range.
Unfortunately even with the faster startup it is not possible to combo into EX Bad Stone
without a counter-hit.
A great way to use EX Bad Stone is as a frame trap. Canceling into this from a crouching
Medium Punch or crouching Hard Punch will catch throw tech mashers and give you a
huge combo opportunity.
Criminal Upper
Cody's damaging combo ender where he uppercuts the opponent into a spinning
knockdown. It's really easy to combo into this move and it gives Cody some time to apply
wakeup pressure even though the opponent can tech the knockdown. Ultimately this is the
go-to combo ender for the best damage output.
All versions of the Criminal Upper are punishable on block, with the Light version being
hardest to punish. Even then, you'll want to be really wary of ending blockstrings with this
move as many characters have plenty of fast moves that can reach you.
You can negate projectiles using the tornado portion of Criminal Upper, giving Cody a
potential meter-building edge in fireball wars. You can cancel EX projectiles using EX
Criminal Upper, but it's definitely not worth it.
You can also FADC the initial hit of Criminal Upper just in case you need to correct a
mistake or force crouching opponents to stand up. One downside to this move is that the
tornado portion of the move takes a very long time for its hitbox to become active, meaning
that it's almost impossible to use as an anti-air.
If you are using this move in a combo, don't forget that the harder the punch button, the
farther forward Cody steps. This is important if your hit-confirm combo is pushing you out
of range.
EX Version: EX Criminal Upper comes out twice as fast as the normal Criminal Uppers
and does more damage. EX Criminal Upper has good juggle potential in combos with the
tornado portion of the move.
This EX move has some throw and strike invincibility slightly after startup. Unfortunately
this invincibility doesn't cover the attacking portion of the move where Cody sticks out his
fist, so it's hard if not impossible to use as a reversal. Also the recovery of this move is so
large that a lot of characters can respond with an Ultra.
Ruffian Kick
Another combo ender for Cody where he performs a sliding kick attack. Contrary to
Criminal Upper, Ruffian Kick is used for positioning after combos. The Light version
knocks the opponent down hard right in front of you, allowing you to setup a mixup game
with overheads and throws. The Medium version knocks the opponent into the
corner/creates space for you, and the Hard version launches the opponent allowing certain
You can combo into the Light and Medium versions very easily, but the Hard Ruffian Kick
will whiff on crouching characters. You must force the opponent to stand up using either a
Criminal Upper FADC combo or a crouching Hard Punch. All versions of Ruffian Kick are
unsafe on block, but if you perform the Medium Ruffian Kick at maximum distance it can
be difficult for some characters to punish.
The Hard Ruffian Kick has no invincibility frames despite its anti-air status. The hitbox on
it is very good though, making it unlikely that the Ruffian Kick will be beaten outright by
jump-in attacks.
EX Version: This is the same as the Light Ruffian Kick, but the startup and traveling
portion are faster and the sliding part of the move is invulnerable to projectiles. If you're
losing projectile wars with Cody, don't forget you have this move at your disposal.
EX Ruffian Kick has invulnerability to throws at the beginning of the move where Cody
hops off the ground. The slow startup time and the lack of strike invincibility still makes it
a very risky reversal though.
(Hold, Release)
Zonk Knuckle (Bingo Punch)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Cody's Zonk Knuckle is his only viable reversal without EX meter. Regardless of the punch
button used all versions are the same, but the longer you hold the button down the more
powerful the Zonk becomes. Zonk Knuckle is equipped with a huge amount of upper-body
invincibility, making it possible to go straight through projectiles or obvious attacks at the
right ranges.
There are downsides to this move though. The startup is extremely long, making it an
extremely telegraphed reversal. You also cannot FADC this move, and to top it off it's very
unsafe on short-range block. The regular Zonk has zero throw invincibility, and no lower
body invincibility.
Like Cody's other special moves, if you perform this at maximum distances it can be
difficult for some characters to punish though it's best not to bet on the opponent's reactions
during a match. It's still useful to use if the opponent is relying on heavy pokes to keep you
You can combo into both the regular and EX versions of this move. Comboing into the
normal version probably isn't worth it due to Cody having better damage and knockdown
options for combo enders. It is definitely worth your while to combo into the EX Zonk
Knuckle if your intent is to combo into Ultra 1.
EX version EX Bingo requires you to hold down two punch buttons for about a little
longer than a second in order to charge. It's just slightly faster than the normal version, but
it's a double-hitting move where you can FADC the first hit to make it safe. It's also totally
invulnerable to any attacks and throws for the entire startup of the move.
This is by far Cody's best reversal, but it's even more unsafe on block than the regular
version and it's almost as slow. If you're having trouble getting pressure off of you with this
move, practice watching for openings in your opponent's offense (such as when they go for
tick throws) before releasing this attack.
Knife Pickup
Doing this command over Cody's knife will allow him to pick it up. Cody's knife causes his
normals to become safer on block at the sacrifice of being somewhat slower than his
regular normals. The knife also adds chip damage to all of Cody's normal attacks. Using
this Cody can consistently deal block damage to defensive characters, not to mention it also
gives his normal attacks a lot more range.
Cody will drop the knife if you perform a Focus Attack, Super or Ultra. He'll also drop it if
he gets hit. What's great is that you can block while you are picking up the knife, so
choosing to grab it will not put you at risk of taking damage.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Dead End Irony
Depending on the button pressed, a different Ruffian Kick will initiate Dead End Irony.
This Super can be canceled into from Cody's Hard Ruffian Kick or Criminal Uppers. It's
also really easy to hit confirm into since Cody has long hit confirms. All versions of the
Super can pass through projectiles. The Light version hits low, and the Hard version can be
used as an anti-air.
Cody's wakeup and reversal game is said to be one of the worst in the game though, so
depriving yourself of EX meter completely only aggravates this problem. EX Zonk
Knuckle FADC is Cody's safest and best wakeup option and one that you should hold onto
Cody swings his arm forward in a slow arc, and if it lands he does a series of punches
ending in a flashy jaw crushing Criminal Upper. You can use this Ultra as an anti-air if you
have fast reactions, and it's not too difficult to combo into.
You can FADC a Hard Ruffian Kick or an EX Zonk Knuckle to combo into this Ultra. Both
of these setups are a little hard to achieve (the first requires a standing opponent, the second
requires three EX bars) but with careful hit-confirming you can definitely land this Ultra.
Ultra 2
Properties: None
Cody kicks some dust at the opponent, and during this time he is totally invulnerable to
projectiles. He then swings a wrench at the opponent and finishes them off with a pipe
swing. You cannot use this Ultra as an anti-air like Final Destruction; the followup wrench
strikes will usually fail to juggle the opponent in front of you with very few exceptions.
The startup for this Ultra is fast. You can combo into this Ultra from EX Bad Stone
anywhere on the screen. You can also combo into Last Dread Dust from standing Medium
Punch, although this is a little difficult. Using this knowledge this means that Cody has two
comboable Ultras, but with different setups.
Whichever Ultra you use is up to your personal style, but don't forget that Ultra 2 does
more damage and comes out faster along with having more range. These properties make it
more suitable for punishes rather than combos. Another important feature of Ultra 2 is the
amount of chip the initial sand-kick does.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
Another basic knockdown combo which places the opponent farther away from Cody; a
good combo if your back is to the wall or you intend to corner the opponent.
Last Dread Dust
15 Hits
479 Damage
Standing Medium Punch to Ultra 2 is a fairly difficult link. Once you get the timing down
though you now have access to an Ultra that you can combo into without using EX meter.
EX Bad Stone
Last Dread Dust
17 Hits
604 Damage
The cancel from Hard Punch to EX Bad Stone only combos if the Hard Punch was a
counter-hit. EX Bad Stone to Ultra 2 works anywhere on the screen and it is not difficult to
combo whatsoever.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Guide by Nyoronoru
C. Viper is a powerful mixup and crossup character with great offensive options from a
multitude of ranges. One of the most difficult characters to play in Super Street Fighter IV,
her power and zoning game is matched by very few. Her strengths lie in her ability to feint
and counter, her tendency to constantly shove players into the corner, and the ability to
combo into her Ultras easily. She is also one of the only two characters who can Super
Jump, making it extremely difficult to lock her down.
Her downsides are that out of all of her normal moves there are none which paticularly
stand out as a go-to or useful move. Because of this, Viper is weak in short-range
encounters against characters like Abel, Cammy, or Dictator. She also has low stamina and
a slow reversal game, making it difficult to play defensively. Her Focus Attack is extremely
slow and her dash is laggy as well. Lastly, making an execution mistake with C. Viper
usually comes with far worse consequences compared to other characters.
+ Extremely powerful, can get big damage off of very little meter.
+ Deadly juggle game, especially in the corner.
+ Can stun characters extremely quickly.
+ Her bread and butter combo forces opponents to fight with their backs to the wall.
+ Her Ultras are very damaging and easy to combo into.
+ Can pressure from anywhere on the screen.
+ Very ambiguous crossup moves along with an overhead.
- Poor stamina and stun rating.
- Reversal options are slow, making them easy to jump safely against.
- A very high execution requirement to pull off her best tricks.
- Normal move anti airs are almost non-existent.
- Is a big victim of characters that can avoid her Burn Kick naturally.
Notable Normal Moves and Unique Attacks
Super Jump
Viper can use the jets on her shoes to jump to great heights, both forward, backward, and
neutrally. If you combine this tactic with your Burning Kick it can be extremely difficult to
hit Viper out of the air.
Viper's Super Jump has more uses than just jumping really high though. She can use the
Super Jump to cancel any of her cancelable normals and her Seismic Hammer. Another fact
is that Viper can cancel the Super Jump into Ultra 1 or 2 or another special move. Using
this you can sequentially cancel a normal attack into her Ultra for a very difficult but
worthwhile combo.
Double Kick
Viper hops forward and throws her leg out for a fast two-hit attack. Considering that she
already has a great Focus-breaking move, this attack isn't too useful. She does step pretty
far forward when doing it though.
This move comes out automatically as a regular normal when close to the opponent, so be
Viper Elbow (Overhead)
Viper does an overhead attack that is safe on block (except against grapplers). A really great
move as it will hop over low attacks completely and it is super quick. You must use this
move in your playstyle to keep players guessing, otherwise they will merely block low for
the entire duration of your ground offense.
Hyper Viper Knee
The main jumping normal you'll want to be using. It has incredible priority as the active
hitbox stays out for a very long time. It also does an extraordinary amount of hitstun and
can cross up. Just overall a fantastic move.
Crouching Hard Punch
This is Viper's main zoning normal, one you'll want to be threatening your opponent with
repeatedly. Nearly all of her damaging combos begin with this move.
Pivot Kick (Far Standing Hard Kick)
If this move makes contact with an aerial opponent it will place them in an untechable
Special Moves
Thunder Knuckle
Viper slides forward or up with her fist covered in electricity. The Light Thunder Knuckle
can be blocked high or low and it has the slowest startup time. The Medium Thunder
Knuckle is a standard combo ender. The Hard version is used as an anti-air and as a reversal
The Medium Thunder Knuckle is the best way for Viper to chip an opponent. Canceling
from a Crouching Medium Punch or Kick adds up to a simple combo that can't be retaliated
against at close range. It's also one of the best and easiest ways to break armor, making it
difficult to Focus Attack against C. Viper. The Light Thunder Knuckle is almost the exact
same as the Medium except that Viper ducks lower, making it harder to counter-attack her
with high moves. Viper can also duck under projectiles with the Light Thunder Knuckle.
The Hard Thunder Knuckle juggles the opponent to where you can land it twice on an
airborne enemy. If you catch someone high enough with it, you can also combo into Ultra
1. If that's not enough, you can also FADC the Hard version to land Ultra 1 in the corner as
well. Using the Hard Thunder Knuckle as an anti-air works because of its startup
invincibility. The startup of this move is slow compared to other anti-air special moves, so
you'll have to be careful.
If you are using the Hard Thunder Knuckle as a reversal, don't forget that it's not suited for
dealing with crossups. It also starts up in seven frames (a typical dragon punch reversal
starts anywhere from three to five frames) making it very slow, so you'll have to make sure
your opponent has committed to an attack before using it. Despite its slow startup, it does
have a nice amount of startup invincibility. The invincibility does not overlap the attacking
portion of the move though.
You can cancel (feint) the Thunder Knuckle by pressing any two punch buttons after you
start it up. You can use this to trick the opponent into blocking, and then throw them. You
can also use this technique to lower the recovery time of normal moves, most notably your
crouching Hard Punch. If you want to use it for that purpose though then you should always
cancel the Hard Thunder Knuckle, as it has the fastest feint recovery.
EX Version: This travels the entire width of the screen in a fast dashing motion. If it lands
it places the opponent in a crumple stun where you can combo them (though you have to be
fast!). It's an easy way to land Ultra 1, but the probability of someone getting hit with this
move is almost zero due to the huge startup. If you need to punish a really laggy move from
far away then this just might be the move you need. The closer you activate this to the
opponent, the harder it will be to combo them if it hits.
Burning Kick (Ground version)
Viper performs a cross-kick that can negate projectiles. Using this attack for ground
pressure is a very risky thing to do because it starts up slowly and doesn't break armor. It
also is at frame disadvantage on block meaning that grappler characters will be able to grab
you. It also starts up too slowly to be used in any combo and cannot cross up opponents.
Overall, there are not very many reasons to use this move other than to build meter
The Burning Kick can dodge low attacks as C. Viper does jump slightly off the ground to
perform her flaming cross-kick. Viper's hittable box is completely airborne on the very first
frame of activation, making it possible to use this move as a reversal against a low poke on
the ground. It's still unlikely that this move will intercept anything though.
Despite the fact that Viper summons flames on both sides of her body for this move, the
hitbox for the attack only appears on the side that the opponent is on. It also reaches up
rather high and isn't active for very long despite its appearance.
EX Version: EX Ground Burning Kick starts up three times faster than its regular
counterparts. It also has a big chunk of startup invincibility. If you are really desperate to
get pressure off of you as a Viper player you can use this as a reversal. It can still avoid low
attacks just like a regular Burning Kick but the EX version is much more unsafe on block
and can be heavily punished.
Aerial Burning Kick
C. Viper's Aerial Burning Kick is a lot different than her grounded one. Not only do all
three versions start up faster than their ground counterparts, but the hitbox for the move is
much wider and is active for a much longer time. The same movement properties still apply
with the Hard version moving Viper the farthest and the Light version stopping her in place
when jumping forward.
C. Viper can combo into her Aerial Burning Kick from a Seismic Hammer Super Jump
combo, or she can use the move for ambiguous crossup attacks. The Hard version can now
cross up opponents when activated closely to the ground.
You can also cancel into the Aerial Burning Kick from jump-in attacks as long as the
normal move makes contact with the opponent in some way. Since the blockstun of the
canceled normal move overlaps the execution of the Burning Kick, it forces the opponent to
guess which way to block.
Because the hitbox for this move is positioned higher than the Ground Burning Kick, it is
possible for some opponents to duck under them using the properties of certain normal
moves. You must take this into account especially if you try to attack with this move
without any setup beforehand.
EX Version: This starts up much faster than the regular Air Burning Kicks, but it has no
invincibility whatsoever. The upside to this move is that it knocks the opponent higher,
allowing more juggles afterwards (such as more EX Aerial Burning Kicks).
Seismic Hammer
Viper slams her fist into the ground which creates a quake that knocks down and juggles the
opponent. Depending on the button pressed, the location of the quake changes. You can
cancel this attack on hit or block with a Super Jump to either jump to safety or to combo
into a Burning Kick. This attack must be blocked low at all times.
You can use this move to force fireball throwers to respect your options, but against
characters with more damaging projectiles such as Sagat you might want to try other tactics
since Viper has low stamina. Against someone with weak or slow projectiles this move can
be really good. The downside to its good punish properties is that it is impossible to combo
into this move without an initial counter-hit.
To feint (cancel) the Seismic Hammer, simply press any two punch buttons after the startup.
The stronger the Seismic Hammer, the faster it can be cancelled. This doesn't help much in
combos since the motion is more complicated than a Thunder Knuckle Cancel but it can be
play some deadly mind games with your opponent as they don't know which Hammer has
the ability to hit, or whether or not you are about to pull out the powerful EX Seismic
EX Version: The EX Seismic Hammer covers about 70% of the visible floor in front of C.
Viper. It's one of the best EX moves in the game and it has a large amount of startup
invincibility. It's safe on block against everyone in the cast because Viper can Super Jump
away from the opponent while they are still in blockstun. It also starts up faster than the
regular version, giving the opponent less time to react. The faster startup time also means
that you can finally combo into the move.
This is C. Viper's go-to reversal because of the invincibility, but unfortunately the
invincibility doesn't last for the entire duration of the move. It's also easy to jump safely
against because of the amount of startup time. It's also easy to react late to the move and
stuff it with a normal attack after the invincibility wears off. If you are really trying to use
all your options you can Cancel the EX Seismic Hammer to give yourself an invincible
"empty" reversal that allows you to avoid crossup attacks while minimizing risk to yourself.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Emergency Combination
Viper has some pretty easy hit confirms into her Super, examples being a crouching
Medium Kick or a Medium Thunder Knuckle. The problem is that EX Seismic Hammer
and FADC combos are integral to Viper's offensive game. You should only cancel into this
Super if you are certain it will finish the opponent off.
The Light Super starts up the slowest but travels the farthest. The Hard version starts up the
fastest but travels the least. For Super Canceling purposes, it is best to stick with the Hard
version since the damage doesn't change by version. There is slight invincibility on startup
with all versions of the Super but it is nothing noteworthy.
C. Viper slams her fist down for an explosive Seismic Thunder Punch and then juggles the
opponent with a bunch of wide-ranging Burning Kicks. This attack can juggle aerial
opponents but it cannot be used as an effective anti-air. When comboing from an aerial
juggle, you'll want to wait until the back of the opponent is level with Viper's shoulders
before activating the Ultra.
If there's one thing that Viper does not have a problem with, it is landing Burst Time. This
is one of the easier Ultras to combo into assuming your execution skills are up to the
task from one of the following techniques.
Hard Thunder Knuckle Trade (you must dash immediately and perform the Ultra)
Ultra 2
276 - 410
Despite being an aerial-only dive-kick Ultra, Burning Dance is very similar to Viper's Burst
Time, but with easier comboability. As an example, rather than canceling the Super Jump
Canceled normal attack into the Ultra immediately (since Viper has to stay grounded to use
Ultra 1) you can cancel the Super Jump, wait a bit longer until Viper is airborne and then
perform the Ultra.
Another example is the EX Seismic Hammer combos. Rather than relying on really
difficult and meter-consuming tricks, you can do EX Seismic Hammer, Super Jump and
combo into Ultra anywhere on screen. You can still do the same Super Jump Canceling
techniques with this Ultra, but you have to do them from heavier normal attacks than
Because this Ultra is easier to combo into, it doesn't do as much damage as the first Ultra.
That is the tradeoff. If you're a new player you might want to go for an Ultra that you can
land consistently before you move on to Burst Time.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
2 Hits
180 Damage
Pressure combo. Crouching Medium Kick comes out slower but has more range.
EX Seismic Hammer
Super Jump
Hard Burning Kick
3 Hits
290 Damage
Viper's big punish combo if your opponent whiffs something close to you.
EX Seismic Hammer
Super Jump
EX Seismic Hammer
juggle with Ultra 1
7 Hits
558 Damage
Corner-Only Ultra juggle.
Super Jump
EX Seismic Hammer
Super Jump
Medium Thunder
Knuckle, juggle with Hard Thunder Knuckle
4 Hits
402 Damage
Corner-only and distance-specific, but this is Viper's biggest stun combo outside of focus
attack or jump-in combos.
Super Jump
Ultra 2
30 Hits
405 Damage
The most basic combo into Ultra 2.
EX Seismic Hammer
Super Jump
Ultra 2
30 Hits
435 Damage
The closer you are to the opponent after neutral juming the easier this combo is.
This is incredibly useful for the Seismic Hammer Super Jump combos. It allows Viper
more time to approach the opponent after the knockdown since the Burning Kick isn't
performed so high. Lastly, if you want to cross up an opponent on the ground using Burning
Kicks this is the only reliable quick way of doing it.
Super Jump Canceling into Ultra Tips
If you want to do the Super Jump Cancel into Ultra 1 or 2 from a standing normal attack,
simply do the two quarter circles in such a way that the first quarter circle ends in an upforward position. The notation shows the movement below. Because the first part of the
motion includes the Super Jump Cancel, the second part must be done very quickly. Most
Viper players do not bother with the tricky process of Super Jump Canceling into Ultra 1
and simply rely on the methods described above in the Burst Time section, but it's still a
nice tool to have.
If you want to Super Jump Cancel from a crouching normal attack you'll want to fit it into
the above notation somewhere in the first quarter circle, usually at the point where the
joystick is down-forward. Super Jump Canceling from a standing normal attack is a lot
easier since you can fit the attack in during the forward input of the first quarter circle.
For Super Jump Canceling into Ultra 2 from something like a standing Hard Punch or a
Seismic Hammer, the concept is exactly the same except with Kicks instead of Punches and
the motion reversed. You only have to wait just a little longer so that Viper is airborne.
A complicated attack where you cancel your crouching or standing Hard Punch into a
Thunder Knuckle Feint and then use the small recovery of that feint to do another
crouching Hard Punch. This adds really big damage and stun to Viper's combos. While you
can do the entire thing raw input-wise, there is some tricks you can use to make the combo
Start with a crouching Hard Punch. After pressing the button hold it down and do a quartercircle back motion, then release the Punch button to get a Hard Thunder Knuckle (This is
called a Negative Edge technique). Immediately move your joystick to a down position and
hit two punch buttons (Medium and Hard) to cancel the Hard Thunder Knuckle. Then right
after you cancel the Thunder Knuckle, hit the same two punch buttons again to get another
crouching Hard Punch.
The combo described above definitely takes practice, but once you get accustomed to the
motion it's not too difficult. While you might be able to survive as a Viper player without
using the Fierce Feint Fierce, you're missing out on big damage if you don't use it. It would
also do you well to research Negative Edge techniques.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Guide by Nyoronoru
Dan is a unique character in that he is canonically the worst character in the game, but it is
quite possible to win and even dominate with him. He has an okay reversal game, a good
armor-breaking move, a decent approach move along with some frame traps (and a good
Focus Attack).
The only problem is that his normal moves are absolutely horrible, unquestionably the
worst ever with nearly all of them being incredibly slow with very few being able to combo
into special moves at anywhere but super-close range.
Dan is the only character with the deadly Legendary Taunt though. He also has the best and
most varied Personal Actions in the game. Though he might have been completely ignored
in previous Street Fighter titles, Dan is here to prove he's no joke.
+ Legendary Taunt.
+ Only character who can cancel a Super's animation into an Ultra.
+ Personal Action #9 is the best in the game.
+ Has some useful frame traps.
+ Long-range backdash.
+ Has the most annoying Hurricane Kick in the game.
- Normal moves are really slow.
- Hurricane Kick is his only decent approach option.
- Weak mid-screen combos and weak juggles.
- Projectile has pathetic range.
Dan's fireball. The startup and recovery are both faster than Ryu's Hadouken, but the range
is kind of bad. It can still cancel out other fireballs though, and if the opponent is forced to
block the fireball then Dan is safe from counter-attacks. This property makes the fireball
more like a normal poke than a projectile.
Despite the appearance of these tiny green fireballs, they actually do a lot of damage. More
than Sagat's Tiger Shots if you want to make a comparison.
The strength of the button pressed determines the distance the fireball travels. The Light
and Medium version are pretty worthless but the Hard version travels a decent enough
distance to be useful. Great for building meter if you are full screen. Alternate between
taunts and fireballs for maximum effect.
EX Version: EX Gadouken is much better in that it hits twice, travels farther than the Hard
version, does a lot of hitstun and sets up some FADC shenanigans for Dan. It also allows
Dan to recover much faster than his opponent if this is blocked, giving you some time to
close the distance or apply more pressure.
Koryuken (Uppercut)
Dan's uppercut attack. The recovery of this move is awful, but the Medium and Hard
versions have startup invincibility and all versions can be Focus Attack Dash Canceled. As
a late anti-air, this move is really solid and gives Dan excellent air defense.
The Light version is almost completely worthless because of the long recovery and zero
invincibility. However, if you land this on a jumping opponent you can combo into Ultra 2
EX Version: This uppercut has invincibility until the peak of the move and hits twice on
startup. This will blow straight through any jumping attack. This might be the one EX
attack you would save meter for if you weren't already collecting EX for your Legendary
Taunt. Also, both hits of the EX uppercut can be canceled with a Focus Attack.
Dankukyaku (Hop Kicks, Dan Kicks)
Unquestionably Dan's best move and the one you will be abusing to win. The button
pressed determines how far Dan travels, with the Medium version hitting twice and the
Hard version three times. This attack breaks armor and all versions are safe on block to the
point where Dan can tech all throw attempts.
This attack is dutifully named Hop Kicks because it can avoid low attacks completely. This
attack can also hit crouching characters, making it much better than Ken and Ryu's
Hurricane Kick moves.
The Medium and Hard versions are safe on block except against Zangief's SPD, T.Hawk's
Typhoon, Hakan's Ultra 1 and a few Super Moves. The Light version of the Dan Kicks is
really weird in terms of trajectory, but it leaves both players at even frames on block
meaning it is a completely safe move against even grapplers. Against characters with poor
normals and/or reversals Dan can dominate them up close with this move and its wonky
moving hitbox.
The aerial version of this move is similar to the other Hurricane Kicks in the game. If you
catch someone in the air with it they will be knocked down where you can juggle them with
a single hit of EX Koryuken or Ultra 2 in the corner.
EX Version: EX Dankukyaku is slightly more unsafe on block than the regular Dan Kicks
but when it is used from the right ranges it is almost impossible to punish. It auto-combos
the opponent and knocks them down in front of Dan, but it does less damage than the
regular versions.
EX Hop Kicks also starts up faster than the Medium and Hard versions of this move, letting
you combo a bit easier from some normal attacks. The EX Aerial Dankukyaku stops Dan's
forward or backward momentum completely, allowing him to avoid some ground traps or
Super and Ultra Moves
Super 1 Legendary Taunt
Super 1
Anger, Confusion
Properties: None
The best Super in the game. You can cancel into this Super just like any other. It's also the
only Super in the game that you can cancel into an Ultra, allowing you to set up some
combo shenanigans and fakeout tricks. After all, who would expect a man taunting,
hollering and whooping to pull out a nasty surprise attack?
The second-best Super in the game. Dan does a bunch of attacks that end in an uppercut. If
you whiff with this Super, Dan performs an expert Saikyo dance meant to bait the opponent
into falling into the nest of punches and kicks.
Dan's hit confirms are the worst in the game, so your only hope of landing either of these
Supers is through a miracle and/or luck, the basic tenets of Saikyo.
Dan summons the almighty Saikyo no Hadou power and fires off a big green fireball that
fizzles out pretty quickly. It's not too hard to combo into this Ultra and amazingly enough,
it's almost totally safe on block in case you fail. The epic explosion of power causes Dan's
body to fly out of the range of quite a few attacks. Be sure to taunt if your opponent is
helpless to punish you.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
Hard Gadouken
2 Hits
140 Damage
You must be reasonably close for this to work.
EX Dankukyaku
4 Hits
185 Damage
Easy combo that gives Dan a mid-range option.
Hard Dankukyaku
4 Hits
245 Damage
Your best punish combo from the ground without using meter.
Hard Dankukyaku
5 Hits
315 Damage
Regular jump-in combo.
EX Dankukyaku
5 Hits
266 Damage
Corner-only juggle combo.
Hard Koryuken
3 Hits
252 Damage
Cross-up combo. You can go for heavier attacks after the crossup if you are confident it will
Hard Gadouken
Legendary Taunt
Ultra 1
9 Hits
422 Damage
Saikyo Combo. Bonus points for running away for the rest of the match if you land this.
Hissho Buraiken
19 Hits
435 Damage
A quick and powerful Super punish.
Hard Koryuken
Dash Forward, Ultra 2
6 Hits
387 Damage
Dan's most straightforward and consistent way to combo into Ultra 2.
Hard Koryuken
Dash Forward
2 Hits
240 Damage
A method for tacking on extra damage after a Koryuken FADC combo.
Hard Gadouken
Dash Forward
Hard Dankukyaku
6 Hits
322 Damage
Dan does have good FADC combos that utilize his close standing Medium Punch.
Notable Normal Moves and Unique Attacks
Standing Medium Kick
One of Dan's few worthwhile pokes.
Jumping Medium Kick
Dan has a good crossup. No joke.
Close Standing Medium Punch
This move is important for extended FADC combos because it does a huge amount of
Taunt (Personal Action)
Your most important move as it causes great mental distress to your opponent. Before each
game, you must make a crucial decision of which taunt to use, so choose wisely.
Recommended taunts are Personal Action #9 and #5. There are certain scenarios where
taunts achieve their maximum effectiveness. Performing them after achieving a large life
lead. After landing an Ultra or a reversal uppercut. Try to find the best scenario to activate
your taunt in.
Jumping Taunt (Yahoo)
Taunting while jumping gives Dan the power of the Saikyo Super Jump. You can also hit
the opponent with your jumping taunt to interrupt an attack. Taunting in the air takes a lot
more effort than a regular taunt so watch your ground recovery.
Crouching Taunt
Another taunt variation. Like the Jumping Taunt this also has a hitbox on Dan's fist. It
doesn't do any physical damage, but it wounds pride. Bonus points if you interrupt an Ultra.
Taunt and Win
If you beat someone with Dan without taunting, then you have not truly won. There's no
downside to taunting excessively with Dan. Make sure to taunt after knockdowns, after
running away, after landing an Ultra and so forth. Out of all the shoto characters it appears
only Dan has the tools to abuse the psychological high ground in a fight. To Taunt Cancel,
just tap your joystick quickly to flee to safety. Backdashes already have invincibility, so
running away is encouraged.
To perform the Ultimate Saikyo Finish, you must perform the final KO by canceling into
your Legendary Taunt. This used to be easy in Street Fighter 4, but with the creation of
Super Street Fighter 4 and the removal of post-hit KO attacks it has become a little harder.
Instead, you must cancel into the Super right before KO flashes on the screen. The easiest
way to make sure of this is to cancel from a Gadouken (using a fireball as the finishing
move gives you the most time to cancel). This will force your opponent to endure the pain
of the Legendary Taunt while having no recourse to avoid it other than a ragequit.
Dee Jay's projectile. Similar to other characters such as Chun-Li, Guile and Rose, Dee Jay
can fire off a slow fireball and then walk behind it to create a shielded approach situation.
The Light version travels the slowest, Hard the fastest but all Air Slashers have the same
startup and recovery time.
Air Slashers have average startup time but shorter than average recovery time. You should
have no problem keeping up in your occasional fireball conflict or pressuring with Air
Slashers offensively. Another neat thing is that Air Slashers are much more safe on block at
short range than traditional projectiles, so you can use them for chip damage in
Dee Jay's Air Slashers are both the core of his offense and his ultimate long range pressure
tool. The slow speed they travel along with the fast recovery time make them optimal to
approach opponents with. Try to master the positioning of your normal attacks in relation to
your fireball.
EX Version: EX Air Slasher fires out two projectiles that travel at the same speed as the
Hard Air Slasher. These are really hard to jump over for some characters so it can act as
some guaranteed chip damage or a lockdown tool. Having two projectiles come out is
useful for FADC combos but not fireball fights. The second projectile is just too slow to
punish the recovery of any opponent's projectile.
Double Rolling Sobat (Dread Kicks)
Dee Jay does a sliding hop kick. The Light version only hits once, and has Dee Jay move
the least amount of distance, but it knocks down. The Medium and Hard versions don't
knock down. Every version of Double Rolling Sobat is unsafe on block, with the Light
version being the least unsafe but still requiring extremely good spacing to be used without
being punished.
Light Rolling Sobat "hops" at the beginning of the move, allowing you to avoid low attacks
and throws for a very brief period of time. The lower-body invincibility does not overlap
the attacking portion of the move, so it is still possible for Dee Jay to get poked out of the
move by a low attack.
The Medium version leaves you at even frames on hit and right next to the opponent so you
can begin Dee Jay's poke game. Hard Dread Kicks do the most damage but pushes you the
farthest from the opponent. It's extremely easy to combo into any version of the Dread
Kicks so you can choose to go for the knockdown or for the grounded approach.
EX Version: This version is invulnerable to attacks for a brief period on startup and is
completely invincible to projectiles for the entire duration of the move. Since the hit
invincibility of the move is very short-lived and the start-up is long, it's not a good idea to
use this as a reversal. This is one of Dee Jay's best counters to projectiles though.
Jackknife Maximum (Up Kicks)
Dee Jay's anti-air attack. They all have the same startup speed, though the Light version
naturally has the least amount of recovery. The Light version has the most invincibility to
attacks and is the most reliable as an anti-air. The Medium version has some invincibility,
but not enough to cover the attack. The Hard version has zero invincibility. None of the
three regular Up Kicks are invincible to throws on startup.
Light Upkicks is a single-hit move that strikes closest to the ground. If you place the
opponent in the air with a juggle you can follow up with Medium or Hard Up Kicks for a
combo. You can also use Light Up Kicks as a desperado reversal against someone on the
ground, but it's a really bad idea as it whiffs on crouching characters.
EX Version: The EX Jacknife Maximum is a really powerful attack. Not only does it have
a nice amount of startup strike and throw invincibility, it has amazing auto-correct
properties to catch crossup attacks consistently. You can also use it as a reversal in the case
that you are very desperate to reset the situation, but EX Upkicks whiffs on crouching
Machine Gun Upper
Be sure to mash to get all of the punches out during this move, otherwise you'll get a
weakened version. This move does solid damage and is the best combo ender if you are
looking to build more EX meter while getting a knockdown. Regardless of the button
The Light version of Sobat Carnival has the quickest startup time, but has Dee Jay move
the least distance. The Hard version is the opposite with the longest startup but the farthest
distance traveled. All versions of Sobat Carnival can travel through fireballs, and it is
actually more consistent than Ultra 1 for doing so.
You will probably be using EX Up Kicks and EX Dread Kicks too much to have use for
this Super though. If you're consistently knocking the opponent down and building up a lot
of EX meter though then this Super might be just what you need as a finisher.
Almost exactly the same as Sobat Carnival, with the ability to go through fireballs still
included. You can combo into some of the hits of this Ultra from the EX version of
Machine Gun Upper, but the damage isn't that great and if you try to do it outside of the
corner, a lot of characters will drop out of the juggle allowing them to counter attack!
Also as a counter to fireballs, this Ultra doesn't travel very far at all. Many top Dee Jay
players are sticking with Ultra 2 even against projectile characters because of these reasons.
Dee Jay's summons a flurry of punches to attack the opponent. It comes out relatively
quickly, and you can either use it as an anti-air or combo into it.
EX Machine Gun Upper combos straight into Ultra 2 in the corner. If you want to combo
midscreen you have to learn the Dash Ultra technique. Dashing into Ultra 2 is a little harder
than normal with Dee Jay because his forward dash is a bit laggier than most characters.
You can also simply walk slightly forward and perform Ultra 2, but this requires incredible
precision with charge timing.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
3 Hits
96 damage
Simple untechable knockdown combo.
It's wise to end a combo with an air slasher for chip damage if the oppponent is blocking.
Sobat Carnival
Dee Jay's slide attack can go under fireballs right after it starts up. The timing is tricky and
it's much harder to go under slow fireballs. This slide does knock down and it has good
recovery, making it hard to punish.
The best use of this slide is to reposition yourself and as an anti-air. It's extremely hard for
jumping opponents to hit Dee Jay while he is sliding as long as they land on his feet.
If the slide makes contact with an aerial opponent it is possible to juggle them with Ultra 2.
This is very difficult and risky to do though.
Crouching Medium Kick
A really fast sweep move that you can combo into very easily. This sets one of Dee Jay's
best pokes and sets up his close-range game.
Anti-Airs: Standing Medium or Hard Punch
Dee Jay's normal anti-air game isn't the best but it should do a good enough job to repel
most jumpers. Standing Medium Punch is the most reliable normal.
Far Standing Hard Punch
If you land a counter-hit on a standing opponent with this move it will launch them in the
air where you can follow up with a Slide. It's an unusual property that doesn't seem to have
much use other than juggling people in the corner.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Guide by Nyoronoru
Dhalsim is a character that dominates at zoning to an extreme degree. He has options at
every range with great anti-airs, projectiles and full-screen punishes with his teleport.
Dhalsim also has a massive library of normal and special moves that add up to a good
punish game and an even better keepaway game. He also has one of the best Super Combos
in the game along with a superb zoning Ultra. While he doesn't do much damage all at
once, he doesn't need to because his punishing methods are so good.
Dhalsim weaknesses are that he has no viable "get off me" move, and his Focus Breaker is
extraordinarily slow. His dashes are very laggy and his jump is very floaty giving him few
escape options. He also has the third-slowest walking speed in the game. These things make
him very vulnerable to great rushdown and anti-projectile characters such as Akuma, Abel,
Cammy, and Viper.
+ Amazing zoning game with far-reaching normals.
+ High-priority normal anti-airs.
+ Has a great teleport for repositioning and attacking.
+ Ultra 1 is the best utility Ultra in the game.
+ Projectile is very slow and hard to avoid.
+ A normal move for every situation.
- Characters with fast offense.
- Very slow walk speed and dashes.
- Because of his dash, his Focus Attack is almost worthless.
- Floaty jump.
Dhalsim's projectile attack, and a really good one. The speed of the move is determined by
the button pressed with the startup of each projectile being the same. Most Dhalsim players
use the Light version as it is the hardest to avoid and gives Dhalsim the most time to attack
after it is on-screen. The Light version travels the farthest distance at the slowest speed
before it fizzles out, with Hard being the opposite.
Dhalsim can easily keep up or control projectile battles by using Light and EX Yoga Fires
along with a combination of Yoga Tower and standing Hard Punch.
EX Version: The EX version hits twice and does a lot of chip damage for a projectile. It
also doesn't fizzle out like all the other Yoga Fires and will keep traveling until it is offscreen or hits the opponent.
Yoga Flame
An attack that is reserved mostly for Dhalsim's combos. This breaks armor and knocks the
opponent down. If you've successfully landed a jumping attack from Dhalsim this should
be your primary combo ender.
The Light version comes out the fastest and is the most-used in terms of combos. The
Medium version comes out a little slower but it is safe on block unlike the Light version.
The Hard version comes out very slowly but it actually gives Dhalsim a little frame
advantage if it's blocked.
EX Version: The EX version comes out just as fast as the Medium version and does more
damage than the Hard version. Unless you are really shooting for a KO in your next combo
it's probably best to not use meter on this move.
Yoga Blast
A really slow non-invincible anti-air flame attack. Most Dhalsim players do not even
acknowledge the existence of the normal versions of this move as they are incredibly slow
and Dhalsim has better normal anti-airs. Light version comes out the fastest, but recovers
the slowest.
EX Version: This version on the other hand comes out extremely fast and does a decent
amount of damage along with having startup invincibility frames. Since it knocks the
opponent down it's also good for setting up a Yoga Catastrophe.
Yoga Teleport
Dhalsim warps around the screen depending on which buttons you press or direction you
choose with the joystick. This teleport starts up really quickly but has noticeable recovery.
The list below details where you end up after each motion.
You can use the teleport to either reposition yourself or attack the opponent. To perform the
"Instant Air Teleport" where you teleport a little ways off the ground to begin an aerial
assault, simply perform this shortcut motion:
Make sure that you hold up-forward long enough to get Dhalsim to leave the ground. This
is good for punishing predictable fireball throwers and it adds extra damage to Dhalsim's
combos since you can begin your combo with a jumping attack. Since you are now
attacking from the air with Dhalsim your attacks must also be blocked high. Don't attack
using this method predictably though, as most players will merely interrupt you with a fast
attack of some kind.
Try not to activate the teleport when you are at your maximum jump height. While you can
attack while descending most characters can easily punish you and in the worst case
scenario they'll be right in your face as you land.
Yoga Spear
This attack is kind of slow, but the aerial trajectory change is very fast. The angle isn't too
great for approaches and it's also bait for Focus Attacks. Most Dhalsim players use this to
go over projectiles such as Sagat's Low Tiger Shots.
Yoga Mummy
This attack is heavily telegraphed and fodder for Focus Attacks and invincible reversals.
Most Dhalsim players do not bother using it unless they are attempting a corner escape.
Still, if you do land this move against an airborne opponent you can juggle them with your
Super or Ultra 1 before you land.
Yoga Tower
An attack where Dhalsim stands high on one of his legs. This will avoid quite a lot of mid
and low attacks along with throws and projectiles. You can cancel the animation by moving
your joystick in any direction.
This attack is a really great way to avoid chip damage from projectiles and if you bait a mid
or low move with enough recovery time you can get a free throw or Super. Quick examples
are Blanka Balls and Honda's Headbutts.
The lower body invincibility of this move doesn't last too long though, so it's best to exit
and re-enter Yoga Tower in order to take advantage of the invulnerability.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Yoga Inferno
A Super that you will definitely want to be saving for. It's a fantastic anti-air attack along
with being extremely easy to land. You can cancel into this from either a Yoga Fire, a Yoga
Flame and quite a few of Dhalsim's short-range normals. Due to its versatility and damage
it's probably the best Super in the game.
Another good thing about Yoga Inferno is that it knocks the opponent down right in front of
you, letting you set up a Yoga Catastrophe. You can also juggle into this Super if Yoga
Catastrophe juggles the opponent in front of you.
A slow moving fireball Ultra. It does tons of chip damage, and if you activate it as the
opponent is standing up from a knockdown then you can use Yoga Teleport and various
high/low normals to mix up the opponent while they are forced to block. You can also use
Yoga Catastrophe to reset the zoning situation if you are getting pressured up close. It will
force the opponent to retreat and allow you to advance.
Dhalsim is only invincible during the cinematic of this Ultra, not after he begins firing. This
means that opponents can throw you out of the startup of this Ultra. If you activate it when
the opponent is too close to you, they will merely throw you and make your situation even
Most characters who have anti-projectile EX moves or Ultras cannot pass through Yoga
Catastrophe effectively. If you use it after you have knocked the opponent down you
limiting their escape options severely. It becomes even more effective if the knockdown
was an untechable one such as one from a throw.
If you manage to mix up your opponent effectively and this Ultra lands, then you can hit
the opponent with another normal move or your Super as they are falling since Yoga
Catastrophe juggles the opponent. You have to be pretty close for this to work though.
An aerial command grab Ultra that catches grounded opponents. This Ultra comes out
really quickly, and it's great for catching people who jump in recklessly towards Dhalsim as
you can catch their jump recovery with this move.
Just like Yoga Teleport, you can "Instant Air Shangri'la" by doing a motion that ends with
Dhalsim jumping off the ground. This gives you the option for a fast punish.
Dhalsim's up-close defense is very poor though, so you will have to be very confident in
your ability to keep the opponent off of you in order to give up the usefulness of Yoga
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
Yoga Inferno
11 Hits
605 Damage
You probably won't get the full damage from Yoga Catastrophe, but the damage you'll get
will be pretty good anyway. The Light Kick only works in the corner.
Yoga Low Punish
It's the same move as Dhalsim's Yoga Punish but it's a little slower and hits low. This move
is mostly avoided because of how slow it is.
Yoga Fast Low
A really fast poke from Dhalsim. Since it is so low to the ground it's hard for the opponent
to counter it with their own normal moves. The hitstun and blockstun of the move are short
Yoga Slide
Dhalsim has three slide attacks, with the range determined by the strength of the kick
button pressed. All of the slides are unsafe unless performed at maximum distance. Most
players use the Light or Medium version to tick into a grab or to avoid a jumping attack.
The Hard version knocks down but is really unsafe on block.
Yoga Sniper
A great air-to-ground poke from Dhalsim. You can also use this as an "instant overhead"
attack by jumping away and immediately activating the Hard Punch, though this is unsafe
against some characters.
Any character that has an anti-air move that knocks down should make you wary of
attacking recklessly with this move.
Yoga Dart
This is a good attack if you anticipate a long-range jump from your opponent. Simply jump
straight up and use this to stop their forward momentum.
Defense and Zoning with Dhalsim
Most of the work with Dhalsim involves putting pressure on with Yoga Fires and standing
Hard Punch, and then countering the jumping attacks from your opponent. Try to memorize
each normal for each zone that someone could potentially jump in. Standing Hard Kick is
good for far-away approach jumps. Jumping Medium Punch is good against floaty
characters. As long as you do this you should be able to zone the opponent out. Don't do a
whole bunch of unnecessary moves with Dhalsim, because the opponent will take
advantage of any recovery no matter how small to rush you into the corner and wipe you
If you are having trouble with Focus Attacks, try to teleport behind the opponent and attack
them if you see them start it up repeatedly. Another solution and the most popular one is to
chain two Light Yoga Toe Taps together. One more trick is to just backdash, although that
won't work in the corner. A last resort is to charge up your own Focus Attack to counter
theirs, but this is risky as Dhalsim's dash from a Focus Attack is the slowest in the game.
If an opponent is Focus Attacking your limbs to move in, throw out more well-spaced Yoga
Fires for them to run into. If they try to Focus through the fireball it gives you a free shot at
hitting them with an attack to do quite a lot of damage.
To sum it all up, act according to the situation. Patience is key and as long as you aren't
getting hit with unblockable Level 3 Focus Attacks you should be able to find a way to
keep the opponent out of close range. Sometimes if you have been shoved in the corner it is
completely worthwhile to take a some damage just to escape.
Dudley's uppercut move. The Hard Jet Upper comes out the fastest, but all of the regular
versions have zero invincibility making it more likely that it will either lose or trade to
jump-in attacks. The upside is that this uppercut recovers on the ground very fast, allowing
you to perform certain juggles. Hard and EX Jet Upper start up slightly slower than Ryu's
Shoryuken but faster than Sagat's Tiger Uppercut.
If you land Light Jet Upper on a jumping opponent you can immediately perform a
Ducking Upper to juggle the opponent. This sequence is pretty easy and damaging for a
meterless combo. You can also land Corkscrew Cross or Rocket Upper cleanly after a Light
Jet Upper juggle.
Each version of Jet Upper recovers extremely quickly on the ground, forcing the opponent
to begin their punishing combo very early. Hard Jet Upper hits twice where you can only
FADC the first hit. These two facts are important to remember for both offense and defense.
EX Version: The EX version has some startup invincibility and it hits twice. A good choice
for an anti-air attack. This is also Dudley's best reversal option as it starts up just as fast as
the Hard version. You can also FADC this Upper just like all the others.
Machine Gun Blow
Dudley rushes forward with a bunch of punches where the button pressed determines the
distance he travels. The Light version is the only one that is safe on block, although it's not
safe to have Machine Gun Blow blocked against grapplers.
The Light version starts up the fastest, Hard the slowest. The Light version is also good for
aerial juggles whereas the Hard and EX versions are the most damaging grounded combo
enders. If you are playing a safe ground game, it's best to cancel into the Light version for
EX Version: EX Machine Gun Blow launches the opponent at the end of the animation,
allowing you to follow up with either a Sweep Launcher, a Ducking Upper, or another
move depending on your screen location.
It is very important to combo into this move with Dudley in order to attain maximum
damage, especially in the corner. Despite the speed that this move travels at, it actually
takes a while for Dudley to get into a state where he is striking the opponent.
Cross Counter
Dudley poses with his arms down and if he is hit he takes some damage, but responds with
a counter attack. The Light version of the Cross Counter stays active the longest, Hard the
shortest, Medium in between. Don't forget that you still take damage from the attack even if
this lands, meaning that you can be KOed if you don't have enough health left over!
This is a potential wakeup option to defend against crossup attacks, since the startup of the
Counter is really fast (faster than Jet Upper) but if an opponent baits this attack out of you
they can punish you with a huge combo since the recovery is so horrendous. Cross Counter
doesn't work on armor breaking moves, but it does work on non-armor breaking reversals.
As an example, a reversal EX Messiah Kick from Rufus usually breaks a Focus Attack's
armor, but Dudley's Cross Counter will still work.
EX Version: The EX Cross Counter works exactly the same as the regular one except that
it adds 50 damage to the counter damage, and then the followup two hits do 50 damage
each. You can land your Ultra 2 after the EX Cross Counter is complete anywhere on the
screen, although it is much easier to do in the corner.
Short Swing Blow
Dudley swings back and during this time he is invincible to throws. Afterwards, he does a
followup strike that is mostly safe on block depending on how far away Dudley is when
this is blocked. This move is specifically designed to punish tech throw attempts, but since
Dudley has better frame traps with his Kidney Blow this move doesn't have too many uses.
The Light version starts up the fastest and is the safest on block, but travels the least
distance forward and does the least amount of damage. Due to the speed of this version it
will probably be the only version you need to use.
You can try to use this attack to trick the opponent during blockstrings, but due to the slow
speed and lack of reach it's more than likely you will get poked or smacked out of it, or the
opponent will just simply block. It's also bait for Focus Attacks since the regular versions
only hit once, so don't just throw it out there. Try to cancel from a normal move to give the
opponent less time to react but enough time to think you are trying to throw them.
EX Version: This travels at the same speed as the Hard version and hits three times. If you
FADC out of this and juggle into Ultra 2 you will initiate the full animation of the Ultra, but
such a juggle only works in the corner. This amount of time between the strikes is too slow
to interrupt Focus Attacks.
Ducking, Ducking Straight, Ducking Upper
Dudley ducks downward, and during this time he is invulnerable to projectiles. If you press
a Punch button, Dudley will stop his dash and attempt a Step Straight. Pressing a Kick
button will have Dudley perform an uppercut. Ducking Upper and Ducking Straight work
well in juggles but most players stick with Ducking Upper for the damage and
comboability. Both enders to the Duck are unsafe on block, though a well spaced Straight is
hard to punish.
The Light version starts up the fastest but travels the least amount of distance. If you press
no buttons at all Dudley will recover normally from his Duck and you can attempt a throw
or a different attack. You can be thrown or struck out of the move at any time, so throwing
it out carelessly or trying to use it as a substitute for Dudley's regular dash is a bad idea due
to the travel time.
A Standing Hard Kick will allow you to combo into a Medium Ducking Upper, which gives
you a chance to land your Super with a good damage bonus. It also lets you set up some
FADC combos with the Ducking Upper. If you catch someone with a juggle move such as
an EX Machine Gun Blow or a Sweep Launcher then following up with a Medium or Light
Ducking Upper is the best damage extender If you are attempting to punish a projectile,
then the Straight is the better choice.
EX Version: EX Duck starts up and travels a lot faster than the regular Ducks. It also
allows you to cancel the Duck into a Straight or Upper much faster than the non-EX
versions. Because of this, you can add a lot more damage in combos, though it usually
requires an FADC coupled with the EX Duck.
Dudley flies up off-screen and comes down on the opponent with a tornado punch. There
aren't too many uses for this move because both the regular and EX versions are very
unsafe on block. All versions of the move can cross the opponent up, but it all depends on
how you space each version of the move. The Light version travels the least distance
forward, Hard the most.
EX Version: The EX version travels the farthest while auto-tracking the opponent and it
travels way faster with some startup invincibility. Since it travels the fastest as well you can
use this to chip an opponent for a KO since it does the most chip damage out of all the
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Rocket Upper
Properties: None
Dudley does two rising uppercuts then finishes with a fancy tornado Jet Upper. It is
incredibly easy to combo into this Super as it combos from many things, including Jet
Upper, Ducking Upper, Back Swing Blow and almost all of Dudley's Target Combos.
If you aren't the kind of person that uses EX Stock much with Dudley then this Super is
definitely worth using because of the high damage. However, EX Machine Gun Blow and
EX Jet Upper are very integral to Dudley's offense and defense, so it will be unlikely that
you will have this Super locked and loaded.
Ultra 1 Rolling Thunder
Ultra 1
Dudley ducks down and dashes toward the opponent, and if he catches them he beats them
up hard. This Ultra is used almost exclusively for its ability to travel through projectiles.
The speed of the Ultra is deceivingly fast and can punish projectiles from a distance of up
to half the screen.
There is no way to combo into this Ultra other than a Focus Attack or a heavy jumping
normal attack.
Dudley throws his fist out with loads of active frames and if it makes contact the opponent
gets placed in a rinse cycle against the wall. This is Dudley's comboable Ultra, and it's
extremely easy to land. Some players are sticking with Corkscrew Cross even against
fireball characters because of how easy it is to land this Ultra. Here are the sets of moves
that can end in Corkscrew Cross.
EX Cross Counter
If you catch someone in an aerial juggle with this Ultra you won't get the full cinematic but
you'll still get a respectable amount of damage. The more hits and juggles you do leading
up the Ultra impacts how many hits of Corkscrew Cross will land.
Target Combos
Target Combo 1
A fast special cancelable Target Combo. You can link into another standing jab after this is
over, though it is very difficult to do.
Target Combo 2
Another special cancelable Target Combo, but this one starts from a low attack. No real use
for this.
Target Combo 3
If your overhead is blocked, you can do this Target Combo to make it safe on block, though
it's hard to react to such a situation. If your overhead lands, it's better to link into a
crouching Light Punch than to finish this Target Combo.
Target Combo 4
Dudley's standing Light Punch can whiff on a lot of crouching opponents. However, this
Target Combo is special cancelable and it is safe on block.
Target Combo 5
A good target combo since you can begin it from a Kidney Blow. It is not special
cancelable, but it is super cancelable. It's also safe on block to the point where you can tech
a throw attempt.
Target Combo 6
While attempting to tech throws while crouching, you can press the rest of this series to
either attack your opponent or to give yourself more space in your ground game.
This target combo is not super or special cancelable, so it doesn't have much use.
Target Combo 7
Not too many uses for this target combo due to the short range of its starting attack. It's
super cancelable though.
Target Combo 8
The last attack of this Target Combo can be cancelled into your Super. This Target Combo
gives you a really big window of opportunity to land Rocket Upper compared to the others
but since it does overall less damage due to scaling there's not much use for it.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
air with this it will knock them down, keeping opponents from jumping out of this attack.
You must incorporate this move into your gameplay as a Dudley player in order to get
players to fear your offense. Try to apply it just outside of a character's throw range to apply
the threat of the high-low mixup.
Ankle Sweep
Similar to Dee Jay's crouching Medium Kick, Dudley can knock the opponent down so
they cannot quick stand with this move. The range is good, but the startup is a bit slow.
Sweep Launcher
A long-range move from Dudley that must be blocked low. If it lands you can juggle the
opponent with certain moves, most notably your Ultra 2. The knockback of this move on
block is so big that opponents might have trouble punishing you, but it's still not a good
idea to use this at anywhere but far range.
Use this move in combination with your Dart Shot to create deadly high-low mixups.
Against characters with poor reversal options using Dart Shot and Sweep Launcher on their
wakeup is ideal.
If you land this move in the corner against certain opponents, you can juggle them up to
two more times with Sweep Launcher. Small characters cannot be juggled for three hits, so
it's often best to stop at only one juggle.
Anti-Air: Standing Medium Kick
Dudley's main anti-air normal which is best at countering attacks directly above him.
Standing Hard Punch
Dudley's standing Hard Punch shares some properties from Step Straight, but it has less
range and is a bit more unsafe on block. Still a great move to use because of its damage and
hitbox. It also starts up a lot faster than the Step Straight.
Elbow Slam and Elbow Drop
These are two of Dudley's best jumpins. Elbow Slam is particularly effective for covering
air space. Elbow Drop is good for countering other characters' normal anti-airs.
Victory Rose
This is Dudley's signature taunt where he throws a rose that tracks the opponent. It does no
damage but it does a tiny amount of blockstun or hitstun if it lands. Regrettably it comes
out way too slowly to be used safely after knockdowns like in Third Strike, meaning that
you will more than likely have to throw it at gutter trash from the other side of the screen.
Staying in the Zone
Dudley has a lot of mixups and frame traps, but in order to get inside he needs to use a
variety of tools. Use Step Straight and your standing Hard Punch to consistently counterpoke the opponent so that they don't throw out attacks to try and stop your forward
advance. Dudley's crouching Light Attack comes out in three frames and has good range, so
you can use it as a solid poking tool.
Once in short range, abuse the frame advantage of Kidney Blow to begin frame traps and
mix up your combo enders with Light Machine Gun Blow and Light Duck. Cancel normal
attacks into your Duck to give the opponent less time to react to the upcoming mixups.
Once your opponent has become incapable of reacting to your offense, start using your Dart
Honda's signature torpedo attack. Against certain characters this move can be their worst
nightmare, but against other characters you'll want to sparingly use this move. Most Honda
players try to avoid just throwing out raw Headbutts from mid range or farther because
there are many characters that can respond with an Ultra, jump, or invincible reversal.
Each version of the Headbutt has its own uses. The Light version has the complete lowerbody invincibility on startup, so it works well as a counter. It's also the hardest Headbutt to
punish because it has the fastest recovery. On the downside, the startup of the Light Sumo
Headbutt has the slowest startup of the three and it travels a very short distance.
The Medium and Hard versions are the ones you use to punish the opponent's mistakes, as
they do the big damage Honda is so feared for. Don't use the Medium or Hard version as an
anti-air as they have zero invincibility.
EX Version: EX Sumo Headbutt has invincibility that covers Honda's entire body during
the beginning of the move. It also has much faster startup, is as safe on block as the Light
version and has a huge amount of active frames. These properties make it popular to use as
a sudden surprise attack or reversal.
In order to use this as an anti-air properly, try to wait as long as possible so that the
invincible frames overlap the opponent's jumping attack frames.
(Piano Rapidly)
Hundred-Hand Slap (HHS)
You need to input at least five punch buttons in order for Honda to start striking the
opponent. It doesn't matter which buttons you press until you get to the fifth one because
that one determines the strength and speed of the move. In order to get this move out
consistently from something simple like a crouching Light Punch, follow this tutorial by
Mr. SNK.
Most players try to stick with the Hard version as much as possible since Honda steps
forward the farthest when slapping the opponent. If your opponent has a really strong
defense going against Honda, try to FADC the Hundred Hand Slap to surprise them with a
quick Oicho Throw. This is an entirely optional strategy as the HHS does plenty of chip
damage on its own and builds a lot of meter at the same time.
Whiffing with this move opens you up to jumping attacks from the opponent which is why
it's best to always stick with the Hard HHS. The Light and Medium versions are almost
completely ignored because of the whiffing problem. Hard HHS also gives you the most
frame advantage on hit making followup combos possible.
All versions of this move are safe on block provided that you make contact with the
opponent in some way. HHS also starts up reasonably fast so it's hard to counter on
EX Version: EX Hundred Hand Slap gives Honda a huge amount of mobility with joystick
control, but it doesn't offer nearly as much frame advantage as the regular HHS. It also
forces you to lose your back charge in order for the move to hit, so it's not very useful at all.
Sumo Splash
U. Light
U. Med
U. Hard
D. Light
D. Med
D. Hard
Honda flies up with his stomach outstretched and down for a buttslam, barging through
anything in his way. All of the regular versions of this move have a huge amount of
invincibility to throws, attacks and projectiles but the invincibility wears off before the
move gets to a hitting state.
Because of the lack of invincibility air-to-air, you cannot use this move as an anti-air
effectively. Using this move as a reversal is also risky due to how slow it is not to mention
it lacks armor breaking properties on the descending portion. It's still possible to use it as a
desperado reversal since it's hard to interrupt Honda out of the move, but anyone
moderately experienced will be able to counter you out of this every time.
For reversal purposes, you'll want to be using the Light version. It's the hardest to counter
with a Focus Attack and gives the opponent the least amount of time to anti-air you if they
block the initial attack. The Light Sumo Splash is also the safest on block.
The Medium and Hard versions can cross the opponent up, and can be a real nightmare
against characters with bad reversal options. If you want to cross up with this move you
should wait until the opponent has been knocked down first to make your crossup more
ambiguous. The Hard Sumo Splash is unsafe and can be thrown on block, so be careful.
EX Version: EX Sumo Splash starts up way faster than the other Sumo Splashes, and it's
the only version of the move where the invincible startup overlaps the hitting state of the
move. In other words, this is a great anti-air option that is also very damaging in combos.
EX Headbutt tends to be a bit more reliable as an anti-air due to its speed though, so there's
not much use for this move.
Oicho Throw
Honda's command grab. It's reasonably good because Honda has good tick throw setups,
most starting from crouching Light Punches or Kicks. None of the Oicho throws are
invincible in any way, but the startup for each is pretty fast.
Light Oicho Throw has the most range but the least damage, and Hard is vice versa. This
throw is Honda's answer to characters who are good at defending against his high damage
offense and forces them to think twice about just holding down-back the entire match
against him.
EX Version: The EX Oicho Throw has the same range as the Light version while having
the damage properties of the Medium version. There are very few uses for this, given how
valuable EX meter is to Honda and the damage difference being so little compared to the
Light version (not to mention it doesn't have any invincibility).
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Super Killer Head Ram
Honda does two heavy-hitting headbutts for a huge amount of damage. If you've been
successfully defeating your opponent without the use of EX make sure you can put this
Super to use as the crazy damage it inflicts will psychologically overwhelm the opponent.
You can cancel into this Super from Hundred Hand Slap or an up-close Headbutt which
makes it easy to tack on huge damage within your combos. There are several normals that
will allow you to cancel as well such as crouching Medium Kick but most of those don't
have good range.
This Super can go straight through projectiles and it's actually more reliable (and faster)
than Honda's Ultimate Killer Head Ram for doing so. It also recovers really fast for a
blocked Super Combo, making it difficult to punish.
Honda goes for a Sumo Headbutt and if it lands he slams the opponent and beats them up.
This attack goes through projectiles on startup, but it travels and starts up so slowly that
even if you manage to go through a projectile there's no guarantee you'll punish in time.
There is no way of comboing into this Ultra other than a Focus Attack or a heavy jumping
attack. The startup is kind of slow so you can't use it as an anti-air. As an upside, this move
is completely invulnerable to projectiles until Honda hits the opponent or lands (which is
unlike other anti-projectile Ultras that tend to run out of the invincibility).
Honda's strengths don't lie too heavily in his Ultra Combos and it's unlikely you will find
use for this particular one except as a direct punisher.
A command grab Ultra where Honda buttslams the opponent hard. This Ultra is a zeroframe grab, meaning that if the opponent is in range of this Ultra upon activation there is no
way for them to escape unless they performed a throw-invincible move before the
cinematic began.
The only downside to this Ultra is that the range is roughly the same as a normal throw
meaning that you have to pull off some tricky shenanigans in order to get into range to land
it. Still, since you don't have a high probability of landing either Ultra you might as well
have one that gives you a slightly less improbable chance of being used.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
Hard Sumo Headbutt
2 Hits
240 Damage
A short-range punish combo.
Hard HHS
9 Hits
260 Damage
A really damaging combo. Make sure you have the method down for getting Hundred Hand
Slap cancels consistently.
Hard HHS
5 Hits
400 Damage
You have to cancel the HHS early, usually before the fourth hit.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Guide by Nyoronoru
El Fuerte is a pure mixup and stun character that also doubles as a grappler. He has fast
footspeed, fantastic bait and feint techniques and a huge momentum-based offense game.
There is no other character who can capitalize so heavily on knockdowns like Fuerte can,
and it shows in his domination during okizeme. Fuerte also has very good punish Ultras
and solid anti-fireball tactics and is the only character in SSF4 with an infinite.
El Fuete's biggest problem is his damage output. He has to make quite a few successful
educated guesses to inflict significant damage. Also, one wrong guess by El Fuerte could
lead him to eating really big damage which hurts him badly since his stamina is pretty low.
Fuerte's options after he is knocked down are also really poor, forcing him to take really
risky gambles to avoid knockdown pressure. His normal attacks are also sub-par, not
allowing much in terms of pokes or space control.
+ Has multiple moves that initiate hard knockdowns.
+ 50/50 mixup game on opponent's wakeup.
+ Best wall jump in the game.
+ Very damaging Ultras.
+ Focus Attack has great range.
+ Incredible mobility options and fast walk speed.
+ Infinite combo.
- Poor poking game.
- Wakeup game is very weak.
- Extremely short backdash.
- Low damage output over time.
- Has few safe offensive options.
- Has no way of comboing into either Ultra other than a Focus Attack.
Special Moves
Habanero Forward Dash
Tostada Press
Fajita Buster
follow with
Gordita Sobat
Calamari Slide
El Fuerte dashes forward at the opponent at high speed. Depending on the button you press
afterwards, El Fuerte will perform a different attack. The EX version of this attack has twohit super armor, which is really great for blowing through normal moves and projectiles to
begin El Fuerte's mixups. During the run portion of this move, you can cancel it into the
Habanero Backwards Dash.
LP: Sudden Stop. Repeatedly dashing and stopping the dash is good for baiting responses
from opponents. There is a bit of recovery time after ending the dash but it's very short.
MP: Tostada Press. Fuerte attempts a splash attempt that must be blocked high. It's unsafe
on block, but it knocks down on hit. Usually because of the frenetic nature of El Fuerte's
offense some opponents have trouble punishing this move, but against experienced players
you really don't want this blocked.
You can control El Fuerte's drop point using the joystick giving you the potential to steer El
Fuerte past the opponent to do a crossup attack. Unfortunately, this requires you running up
very closely to the opponent, which is risky as you could get hit with a jump-back attack or
This move is briefly invincible to attacks and projectiles after Fuerte leaves the ground. It's
not a bad idea to use it if someone is trying to control your run pacing with fireballs. It also
has great priority as it is coming down and it has the potential to beat uppercuts and other
special anti-airs (especially if you strike the opponent's back).
HP: Fajita Buster. A flying grab attempt that can only catch standing opponents. Like
Tostada Press, the startup of this move is invincible to attacks and projectiles and you can
control where Fuerte drops with the joystick.
Whiffing with this move is a really bad idea, and is just as bad as whiffing a Tostada Press
completely. It will give the opponent even more time to punish you.
LK: Back Dash. It's the same as Sudden Stop except Fuerte takes a backdash at the end. If
you don't like canceling back and forth into the Habanero Dashes then use this.
MK: Gordita Sobat. El Fuerte takes a small jumping kick that can avoid low attacks but
can still be thrown. Surprisingly, it's safe on block against even grappling moves and gives
quite a lot of frame advantage on hit. There's still not much use for this move though unless
you want to cancel into your Super with it.
HK: Calamari Slide. This slide attack is really unsafe on block, but it has a lot of active
frames making it easier to catch backdashes. Another component of Fuerte's high-low
mixup game since it strikes low. Also, this attack can go under fireballs.
follow with
Habanero Backwards Dash
Tostada Press
Propeller Tortilla
The same dash as before except Fuerte runs backwards. After you execute this Fuerte will
run straight to the opposing wall and back to the opponent again. The properties and
locations of the attacks are a little different during the Backwards Dash.
Just like the Habanero Forward Dash, the EX version of this move has two-hit super armor.
During the run portion of this move, you can cancel it into the Habanero Forward Dash in
case you need to correct your spacing.
LP: Sudden Stop. Stops the dash.
MP: Tostada Press. If the opponent tries some sort of attack that chases your Habanero
Backwards Dash (or even tries dashing after you) you can use this to quickly jump
backwards and body slam the opponent. This attack is a little more safe than the Forward
Dash Tostada Press but not by much so don't get try to get fancy.
HP: Propeller Tortilla. A command grab that can latch onto standing or crouching
opponents. This is definitely one of the choice attacks you will use as part of the Habanero
Dash mixup as it is one of Fuerte's best moves.
It's unsafe on whiff so you'll have to be very careful not to miss. If you want to make
contact with this move without fail, try to position Fuerte with the joystick so that he falls
in front of the opponent.
LK, MK or HK: Picadillo Jump. El Fuerte jumps at the wall. There are several unique
attacks Fuerte can perform when he jumps off the wall with his Wall Jump commands. If
Fuerte is not close to a wall when he does this move he'll just shout and jump at nothing. If
you like to make lots of noise with El Fuerte to annoy your opponents this is another
(Hold, then release)
Quesadilla Bomb
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Hold down a Kick button for a certain amount of time and release it. El Fuerte will do a
dashing chest slam and knock the opponent down(except for the Level 1). The longer you
hold down the button, the more powerful the attack becomes. Charge times are listed below,
and do not forget this refers to a real clock, not the in-game one.
It doesn't matter which kick button you use to charge Quesadille Bomb. Each version starts
up in the exact same amount of time and has the exact same high risk on block. Even
though this attack is very unsafe on block, El Fuerte tends to fly back quite a distance
making it such a surprise that some people might have trouble punishing it. Regrettably, the
only way to combo into the Quesadilla Bomb is from Fuerte's standing Hard Punch.
There are not too many uses for this move because of the high risk and low reward. The
best use for it is as a surprise attack if your opponent keeps trying to aggressively approach
you. Don't ever use the Level 1 version, because it is unsafe on hit and does poor damage.
EX Version: This starts up at the same speed and has the same recovery on block as the
regular versions, but it does more damage. If you're really desperate to hurt the opponent,
use this as a surprise attack. It takes 7 in-game seconds to charge.
Guacamole Leg Throw
El Fuerte's anti-air grab attack similar to Alex's Air Knee Smash from Third Strike. It has a
nice amount of startup invincibility and as long as Fuerte makes contact with the opponent
they will always be knocked down. The Light version starts up the fastest and travels at the
shallowest arc while having the least startup invincibility. The Hard version is the opposite,
with Medium right in the middle.
Regrettably, the invincible frames of this move do not overlap the active frames meaning
that it's hard to use this as an anti-air against opponents who like to throw out high-priority
limbs while jumping. The Light version is good for building meter full-screen against an
opponent due to how quickly it recovers on the ground.
It's not difficult at all to combo into this move, from either Far or Close Standing Hard
Kick. The damage it offers is great for Fuerte and it also places the opponent in an
untechable knockdown situation which is the ideal situation you want to take advantage of.
EX Version: This attack has a massive amount of invincibility frames that cover the entire
startup of the move and some of the recovery. It also has a lot less recovery than the normal
versions, though it does have the same startup as the Hard Guacamole Leg Throw.
Ultimately El Fuerte's best anti-air move.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super El Fuerte Dynamite
This Super starts up really fast, making it a good punishing attack if you have fast reactions.
The Light version starts up the fastest, but travels the least distance. Hard is the opposite.
All versions of the move have startup invincibility but cannot reliably travel through
projectiles, and if you want to use this Super as a reversal you should always use the Light
El Fuerte has some interesting hit confirms into his Super, and there's a high probability
you will build enough EX meter should the momentum of the match be in your favor.
Sometimes there are matchups where EX meter comes into play for El Fuerte though (EX
Guacamole vs. Rufus), so don't expect to get a Super every time.
A command grab Ultra that will only grab grounded opponents. It is possible to control El
Fuerte's initial jump path with the joystick and because of the range you can cover it is
quite simple to punish projectile throwers.
The best use of this Ultra is to punish people who jump recklessly towards or away from
you. This Ultra has a lot of startup invincibility, meaning that El Fuerte will be able to sail
straight through jumping attacks. If you time it correctly El Fuerte should land on their
shoulders during their jump recovery. This is extremely important to remember because
jumping away from El Fuerte's mixups is a popular tactic.
El Fuerte crouches down and goes for a sliding grab with his legs. This is an unblockable
command grab and the startup is extremely fast. After the Ultra animation is complete, it
sets up a free knockdown situation for you.
Like Ultra 1, you can punish people who recklessly jump at you with Ultra Spark. You can
also punish projectiles since this Ultra has complete projectile invincibility (though it has
short range). You won't be able to punish people jumping away from you with Ultra Spark
because of the short range, so choose your Ultras carefully.
A popular tactic is to do an EX Habanero Run through a projectile, activate Sudden Stop
and then fire up Ultra 2 to punish the projectile thrower's recovery. Be sure to check the
frame data to see how many moves you can punish with Ultra Spark.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
Habanero F. Dash
Sudden Stop
Habanero F. Dash
Sudden Stop
Habanero F. Dash
Sudden Stop
3 Hits
261 damage
See the description of the RSF Infinite below.
Habanero F. Dash
Calamari Slide
2 Hits
190 damage
A close-range punish combo that leads to an untechable knockdown.
The standing Hard Kick has to be done from a distance. Also this combo is much easier
when the opponent is crouching.
El Fuerte Dynamite
10 Hits
344 Damage
There are not too many characters that can combo from an overhead in Super Street Fighter
4. Also, to link into the standing Light Kick correctly you must wait until El Fuerte hits the
Habanero F. Dash
Gordita Sobat
El Fuerte Dynamite
11 Hits
489 Damage
Outside of the RSF infinite this is definitely the most damage El Fuerte can do at once.
5 Hits
147 Damage
El Fuerte is not a very combo-centric character (excluding his infinite combo) but this is a
good choice for a combo since it is entirely composed of links. Doing a couple of Light
Punches and then deliberately stopping is a good way to catch those mashing reversals.
This move is one of El Fuerte's best knockdown attacks. Not only is it safe on block at long
range, but it has loads of active frames that can catch backdashes much more proficiently
than the Habanero Dash Calamari Slide. You must use this move to force the opponent to
respect your low-hitting option.
Jumping Hard Punch
This is El Fuerte's crossup attack, and it's a really good one because of how hard it is for the
opponent to tell which way to block. This is the main jumping normal attack you will want
to be using.
Air Throw
The range on this air throw is average, but air throws in SSF4 have great utility value. Easy
examples for using this air throw include catching Honda's Headbutts or Dictator's EX
Devil's Reverse on wakeup.
Just like a grounded throw, this sets up an untechable knockdown situation for Fuerte.
(Near Wall)
Wall Jump
If you are near a wall, press in the opposite direction to jump off of it. El Fuerte's wall jump
is a little better than most characters in that he actually gains forward momentum from it.
You can use all your regular jumping normals after you leap off of a wall, and you can also
control where you land with the joystick.
Try to bait attacks by holding back after doing a wall jump, then run up with the Habanero
Dash's Calamari Slide or Gordita Sobat to punish.
You can also use this to escape the corner if the opposing character does not have good
aerial counter options.
(Near Wall)
Flying Tostada Press
This Tostada Press is exactly the same as the one from the Habanero Forwards and
Backwards Dash, but since you jump off the wall the opponent can see it coming from a
mile away and can also easily punish you. Be very careful using this move.
(Near Wall)
Flying Fajita Buster
The Fajita Buster is exactly the same as the one from the Habanero Forward Dash. It can
only grab standing opponents, but it's a good sneak attack since most people would expect
an attack from a wall jump to be a move that has to be blocked high.
El Fuerte Mixups and Strategy
El Fuerte operates heavily off of the knockdown. How you get the first knockdown is
important and how much damage you take before you get it is important in determining
whether or not you win or lose. Because of this, you'll want to have an extremely good
understanding of all of the reversal options that your opponents have so that you can avoid
them or bait them properly.
You'll want to carefully study your opponent's wakeup habits before you commit to
something too heavily. If they jump neutrally, you can tag them with a Tostada Press. If
they jump torwards you run backwards and grab them with a Tortilla. If they backdash
repeatedly, do a Calamari Slide to catch them. Keep eliminating the opponent's options and
keep the momentum going. If you've sufficiently scared your opponent into reacting on
wakeup then the match has turned in your favor and you can apply slightly riskier setups
for more damage.
Run, Stop, Fierce Infinite
El Fuerte's infinite is very simple on paper, but a little difficult in execution. The idea is to
take a close standing Hard Punch and cancel it into a Habanero Forward Dash, thus
removing the recovery frames on the Punch. You then stop the dash using Sudden Stop and
go straight into another Hard Punch. Repeating this sequence is possible because El
Fuerte's Habanero Forward Dash makes up for the knockback that such a heavy attack
usually causes. The notation for the infinite looks like so.
While at first glance this looks way too good and abusable, keep in mind that damage
scaling in Super Street Fighter 4 cuts down on damage and stun severely after about four or
five repetitions of this infinite. Good El Fuerte players know this, so they usually end the
infinite with a Calamari Slide for the knockdown, a Tortilla Propeller reset, or a Sudden
Stop and throw reset.
El Fuerte does not have good options for big damage outside of his Ultras, and being
proficient at doing at least two repetitions of this infinite is one of the requirements to
becoming an above-average El Fuerte player.
This is a really great fireball and you'll want to be using it in blockstrings or a mid-range
zoning battle. The startup is average, but the recovery is quick. The short recovery makes it
much easier to anti-air jumping opponents if you have spaced your fireballs correctly.
The Light version travels the slowest, Hard the fastest. Because of the faster recovery, a
blocked fireball is safer than normal, allowing you to apply safe pressure outside of the
range of your Axe Kick.
EX Version: This version hits twice but does not knock down. It's okay for extra damage,
but the real use for this is to perform an FADC combo into Evil Ryu's Ultra 2.
Red Fireball (Shakunetsu Hadouken)
Evil Ryu's red fireball is a complete copy of Akuma's red fireball. The Light version does
one hit and recovers the fastest, while the Hard version is a three-hit fireball attack that
recovers the slowest. You'll rarely want to use these unless you are:
Trying to win a long-range fireball war against characters like Sagat and Ken.
Because of the startup and recovery of this move, it's really easy to jump over on reaction.
Don't throw these out anywhere but long range.
EX Version: The EX Red fireball is a three-hit projectile with the Light version's recovery.
There's no reason to use this fireball unless you are trying to chip KO someone on their
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku (Hurricane Kick)
Evil Ryu's Hurricane Kick is similar to Akuma's in that it juggles the opponent for multiple
hits in either the air or on the ground. The Light version is the most important, as it allows
you to juggle into a Shoryuken for extra damage.
You can combo into this Hurricane Kick pretty easily and it knocks the opponent down. It
also goes through fireballs while Evil Ryu is flying across the ground. Whether the
Hurricane Kick is safe on block is currently unknown, but this version of the Hurricane
Kick cannot strike a crouching opponent that is blocking.
The aerial version of the Hurricane Kick can cross up. The Light version drops at the
steepest angle so it's the best version to use. Evil Ryu cannot do anything after a Hurricane
Kick crossup since it knocks the opponent far away similar to Ryu's Hurricane Kick.
EX Version: This has Evil Ryu spin in place for a multi-hitting attack. It's a great combo
ender and can lead to both Ultra 1 and Ultra 2 in the corner.
In the air, this stops Evil Ryu's jumping momentum completely while he hovers in the air,
and then he descends. There is not much use for the Aerial EX Hurricane Kick unless you
are trying to avoid a ground trap of some sort.
Shoryuken (Dragon Punch)
A great anti-air special move. The Medium and the Hard version hit twice and work well in
juggles. The Hard Shoryuken has the most invincibility so it's the most reliable for antiairing.
If you land the Light Shoryuken on an aerial opponent or if you trade hits with the Light
Shoryuken while anti-airing you can combo into Ultra 1 easily.
EX Version: This version of the Shoryuken has a massive hitbox that can intercept quite a
lot of attacks. Evil Ryu also takes a huge step forward when performing this uppercut, just
like Sagat. It hits three times which gives a lot of time to FADC, but whether or not this
move has invincibility is unknown.
Axe Kick
Evil Ryu swings his forward leg up and brings it down for a powerful strike. The regular
versions of this move do not hit overhead despite their appearance, and only the Hard
version knocks down.
The Light version of this move comes out the fastest but is the most unsafe on block. It's
tough to punish this move though because Evil Ryu pushes the opponent so far away. On
hit it leaves both opponents at even frames and places you right in the opponent's face,
which gives you the opening to land your Raging Demon.
The Medium version is a lot safer on block while starting up a little slower than the Light
version, and if you manage to land it you can combo out of it anywhere on the screen. This
adds big damage to Evil Ryu's combos and is definitely the choice version to use.
The Hard Axe Kick can't be comboed into, but if it makes contact with the opponent it
knocks them down. The best way to use this version is to punish opponents who are
mashing throw techs. Simply cancel into this move from a crouching Light Punch to
counter-hit throw tech attempts.
EX Version: This attack is an overhead and it also knocks down while being just as fast as
the Medium version. Use this in blockstrings to force the opponent to respect your high and
low options. A popular tactic is crouching Medium Kick canceled into EX Axe Kick, since
it's a long-range low poke into a long-range overhead attack.
Teleport (Ashura Senkuu)
Evil Ryu's teleport is good for escaping mixups if you have your back to open space, but in
any other scenario it's not a good idea to use it. It has slow startup, travels slowly and can
be punished by almost every member of the cast if they can see it coming. The list below
details each version.:
The only one that really has any use is the second in the list. Do not teleport if your back is
to the wall. It might be tempting to abuse this move because the startup is fully invincible,
but the recovery window is massive.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Raging Demon
The Super Raging Demon is actually called a zero-frame grab, meaning that if the
opponent does not jump before the flash of the Super's activation they will always get
grabbed as long as they are in range. The range on this Super is very good but it has no
startup invincibility, making it impossible to use as an anti-air.
There are several easy setups for this grab Super. Empty jumping is popular, along with
intentionally whiffing a Hop Kick. Remember that since it starts up in zero frames, there's
no way for the opponent to counter it with any move after the flash of the activation. If they
do an invincible move before the flash, you will get hit out of the Raging Demon.
(Hold to charge)
Ultra 1 Messatsu Gohadou
Ultra 1
341 /403 / 431
A fireball Ultra that is incredibly easy to combo into. It does low damage for an Ultra but
there are so many situations where you can land it that it acts as a nice damage boost to a
lot of combos. Here is a list of potential Ultra 1 scenarios.
Shoryuken FADC
You can charge up this Ultra by holding down the punch buttons. The longer you charge it,
the more damage it does. Unfortunately, the only real way to land a fully charged Ultra 1 is
after a Focus Attack crumple. If you charge it the entire way and you land it at point blank
range, it does even more damage with an extra cinematic thrown in.
Shoryuken FADC
The only way to land the full head-crushing cinematic of Messatsu Goshoryu is to make
sure that the first hit lands. If it doesn't, Evil Ryu will merely juggle the opponent three
times for a simple Ultra combo. Even in a non-cinematic state, this Ultra does deal quite a
significant amount of damage.
Target Combos
Target Combo
The use of this target combo is unknown. It's not special cancelable, and it is not safe as a
NOTE: Not every potential combo has been listed, just the ones that are noteworthy.
EX Hurricane Kick
8 Hits
Damage 220
Another good link combo that does nice damage.
4 Hits
Damage 280
Meterless punish combo that is easy to do.
EX Hadouken
Ultra 2
17 Hits
Damage 516
This will combo into the full Ultra cinematic. It's tough to do outside of the corner though.
Light Shoryuken
juggle Ultra 2
10 Hits
Damage 344
A standard combo into Ultra.
Notable Normal Moves
Crouching Medium Kick
This move has a crazy amount of range and it hits low. It's also special cancelable. Because
Evil Ryu throws his body downward and forward to use this move, canceling it into a
fireball actually places Evil Ryu closer to the opponent than before. This is important for
getting into Axe Kick range.
Hop Kick (Senbukyaku)
Evil Ryu takes a slow hop towards the opponent, and during this time he can leap over low
attacks completely. He can still be thrown, though. Also, this attack can be blocked high or
low.It's only safe on block at the farthest possible range, so you'll want to space this move
very carefully.
Whiffing this move intentionally to approach the opponent is a popular tactic. Canceling
the Hop Kick into the Raging Demon is a great move to close the gap and get some
Overhead Chop (Zugai Hasatsu)
A double-hitting overhead attack, just like Akuma's. Use this along with your Crouching
Medium Kick to mix up the opponent.
Manual Dive Kick (Tenma Kuujinkyaku) [Air Only]
A quick dive kick that can change your aerial trajectory. The only way to combo from this
move is to strike the opponent at ankle height. If you land too high with this move, you can
be thrown easily.
Jumping Medium or Light Kick
Since Evil Ryu retains Ryu's crossup moves, both of these moves will still work. Jumping
Light Kick is a more ambiguous crossup, but it's harder to combo from.
Evil Ryu Strategies
This section will be expanded on later in time. For now, it appears that the Axe Kick is the
move that will determine Evil Ryu's competitive worth.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Fei Long is a character that is based around controlling space in the air and on the ground
while punishing whiffed moves. He has a brutal control of game pace along with a deadly
corner pressure game. The entire focal point of Fei Long's gameplan is to force the
opponent into the corner with his combos and pokes and then keep them there as long as
There are holes in his gameplay though. He has no long-range cancelable moves, forcing
him to get very close to the opponent for knockdowns and damage. His low game is also
weak, making it hard for him to force opponents to crouch block. Lastly, his armor breaking
game is one of the worst in the game, meaning that you'll have to constantly force your way
into the opponent's zone to get them to stop Focusing.
+ The ability to punish whiffed moves from a lot of ranges.
+ Can really lay on the damage off punishes.
+ Combos carry opponent to the corner quickly.
+ Has strong pokes to control the opponent's movement.
+ A great crossup game along with an overhead.
+ Can perform invincible reversals without meter.
+ Has incredible reach on his Focus Attack.
- Has trouble with defensive tactics at mid range and farther.
- Anti-fireball EX moves are slow or inefficient.
- No cancelable low attacks.
- Walkspeed is slower than average.
- Has to space his rekkas with extreme care.
- Ultra combos are either very risky or have little utility.
Special Moves
Rekka Kens
Fei Long's lunging Rekka Kens are the core part of his offense as they all knock down and
carry the opponent to the corner. You'll want to poke with the Light Rekka Ken as it is the
safest on block. In order to make sure the Light Rekka is absolutely safe from quick
punishes is to poke with the very end of Fei Long's fist. Any other distance is very risky.
The Medium and Hard Rekka Kens are meant to be used either as punishers or combo
enders. Don't try to poke with these, as the recovery on block is quite massive even if
spaced well. Regardless of the Rekka version, never cancel into a second Rekka on a
blocking opponent due to its unsafe block disadvantage.
Don't whiff any Rekkas if you can help it. The whiff recovery of Rekka Kens is really long,
even if you whiff with the Light version. If you are comboing with Rekkas, you can
actually switch up the strengths of the Rekka as you combo into each one. So if you can
confirm that one Rekka has landed, immediately start canceling the last two hits into Fierce
Rekka Kens.
In order to beat out Focus Attacks with Rekkas you'll have to cancel VERY quickly on
reaction to the flash of striking the Focus Attack's armor absorb. You'll also have to cancel
into a Light Rekka to get out the fastest second hit possible to beat the armored strike.
EX Version: The first two hits of this move are completely safe on block and are very
effective as pokes. It also has the range of the Medium Rekka Ken while having the Light
version's startup. This move can negate fireballs using the flames on Fei's arms, but it is
never used for that purpose.
This move works great to punish moves that are outside of your Light Rekka range since it
travels more distance in the same amount of frames. It also works great to get in on
characters, but since you are left at a slight frame disadvantage it's hard to apply pressure
with this move after it's done.
Shienkyaku (Flame Kick)
Fei Long's anti-air special move, and a very effective one. All the versions have startup
invincibility and can be FADC'd on block.
The Light version is completely useless, as the invincibility doesn't overlap the attacking
part of the move, making it the most likely to trade. The Medium version is the best anti-air
due to having an extra frame of invulnerability. It also does more damage, so it's best to use
the Medium Flame Kick as a reversal.
The Hard Flame Kick is a two-hit attack that does the most damage out of the regular
versions, but you can only FADC the first hit. This means that it's better to use the Medium
version for FADC combos to get better damage output.
The Hard version is the best meterless combo ender, but it's not the best anti-air version.
The reason for this is that there are quite a few characters that fall out of the second hit of
this move, which means that it's best to use the Hard version for point-blank punishes only.
EX Version: EX Shienkyaku has an extra frame of invulnerability and is Fei Long's most
damaging EX move. If you're in a matchup where meter management isn't that high of a
priority, then end combos with this move for stunning amounts of damage or to lay on
heavy punishes in anti-air situations.
Rekkukyaku (Chicken Wing)
(First Hit)
Fei Long's Chicken Wing is a deadly move, but it's also a bit complex and requires a bit of
finesse to use properly. All three versions have slow startup and require a different kind of
spacing in order to maximize their effectiveness.
The Chicken Wing has the notorious downside of flying over quite a few crouching
opponents. If your opponent has a very small crouching hitbox, chances are you will not be
able to hit them with the first two hits of the move. The reason why this is very bad is
because Chicken Wing only breaks armor on the first hit, meaning that the opponent can
absorb the well-spaced last hit of the Chicken Wing and crumple you with a Focus Attack.
The Light and Medium versions have startup invincibility and are fast enough to pressure
the opponent with without too much fear of retaliation. The Light version is unsafe on
block though, and if you land too close to the opponent you can be thrown. Use the Light
Chicken Wing to attack those Focus Attacking at close range and try to space it so you land
outside of throw range.
Medium Chicken Wing has nice range, and it's safe on block except against grappling
moves like T.Hawk's Typhoon. You can use this to close the distance, but the slight frame
disadvantage on block means that it's hard to pressure your opponent if they block this. If
you land it, you're at frame advantage and have extra room to attack the opponent with
The Hard Chicken Wing has the slowest startup and the farthest flying arc. It also has no
startup invincibility. The upside to this move though is that if it lands, you can combo from
it with quite a few moves, the most popular being Standing Hard Punch and
Standing/Crouching Light Punch. This really helps for adding to Fei's damage output, but
the lack of invincibility and the slow startup mean you should use this move very sparingly.
EX Version: This starts up just as slowly as the Hard verison, but it travels at a lower arc
making it harder to crouch under. It's also completely invincible to projectiles for the entire
duration of the move minus some of the recovery.You can combo from EX Chicken Wing
just like the Hard version. It won't be as damaging, but it's a great damage addition to Fei's
anti-projectile game.
The EX Chicken Wing also has a huge amount of startup invincibility while traveling
farther than the Hard version, which gives it great potential as a reversal from mid range. If
you're getting pressured with weak crossups, you can use this move to flip your way to the
other side of the screen.
Tenshin (Flip Grab)
Fei Long's Tenshin is the slowest standing command grab in the game, making it hard to set
up. It's seven times slower than Zangief's SPD and almost three times slower than Abel's
Tornado Throw. It also has no invincibility of any kind and the range is around the same as
a normal throw.
Still, if you can correctly guess when the opponent will not attack as they are getting up
from a knockdown, you can use this move to really lay on the hurt. Landing Tenshin gives
you enough frame advantage to combo a Standing Hard or Medium Punch which leads to
some big combos.
Another trick to land this command grab is to cancel into it from a normal move. While
most command grabs won't work if you do this, Tenshin starts up so slowly that you can
cancel into it from a Standing Light Punch to cover some of the startup and allow you to
land the move. This technique is very hard to counter from the opponent if you do it from
the right range. Don't forget that Fei Long's Standing Light Punch whiffs on roughly half
the cast when they are crouching.
EX Version: EX Tenshin has slightly faster startup and a LOT more range than the regular
Tenshin. Because of the addition to its range, you can cancel into this move from a
Crouching Light Punch on a cornered opponent giving the opponent very little time to react
before they are grabbed.
The same techniques that you use to land the regular Tenshin also apply to this EX move.
Definitely worth spending meter on if you are fighting a defensive opponent.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Rekkashinken
Fei Long does a series of five Rekka punches in a row. It's a fairly basic Super, one that is
easy to hit confirm into and has the ability to travel through projectiles. The damage on
Rekkashinken is higher than average, so you can really lay on some damage in combos
with this move.
The button pressed determines the distance Fei Long travels between punches. Because of
this, you'll always want to be using the Hard Rekkashinken whenever possible. The startup
time on each version is exactly the same, and since Rekkashinken starts up so quickly it's
possible to punish the recovery of certain blocked moves like Akuma's sweep.
This Super does NOT break armor, meaning that it's not a good answer to Focus Attacks.
It's best to use Chicken Wings to try to break through Focus Armor.
Ultra 1 Rekkashingeki
Ultra 1
Fei Long's flashy Ultra 1 has a lot of uses, but it's also weak in a lot of areas. It has very
slow startup, making it hard to use in punishing situations or as a counter. It has startup
invincibility, but there's not enough of it to go through fireballs reliably.
This Ultra works well in juggles though. A Flame Kick FADC combo into this Ultra nets
reasonable damage. You can also juggle with this Ultra after a Chicken Wing air combo, but
this gets you a pathetic damage addition and should probably only be used in a do-or-die
Just like Fei Long's Super, this Ultra does not break armor. Once again, it's better to try to
use the Rekka series or the Chicken Wing to break armor instead of relying on your Super
or Ultra.
Ultra 2 Gekirinken
Ultra 2
Fei Long's Counter Ultra has quite a lot of utility value. It will counter everything except
moves that break armor. It will also counter reversals that normally break armor but do not
have the armor-breaking property. For example, Rufus's EX Messiah Kick when used as a
reversal will usually break armor but this Ultra will still counter it.
When you have this Ultra stocked, you can use it to defend yourself against common
approaches against things such as dive kicks and jump-ins if you have fast enough
reactions. This limits approaches and forces the opponent to attempt empty jumps.
Where this Ultra really shines is when you have been knocked down. If you have this Ultra
stocked and are getting up from a hard knockdown, the opponent's choices are very limited
when it comes to jump-ins or crossups. Since Gekirinken has 0-frame startup, it's not
possible to safe-jump it. Ambiguous dive kicks are also rendered worthless. In other words,
the best time to pick this Ultra is against characters that have strong games on your wakeup
such as Yun, Yang, and Ken.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
Hard Rekka Kens
4 Hits
250 Damage
This is the ideal punish combo if your opponent messes up in front of you midscreen. It will
carry them to the corner.
2 Hits
170 Damage
There's enough frame advantage after a close standing Medium Punch hits to do almost
anything. Comboing the opponent into an untechable knockdown is a great choice.
EX Flame Kick
5 Hits
360 Damage
This takes off a huge chunk of the opponent's health bar off a jump-in.
Hard Rekkashinken
6 Hits
450 Damage
Tenshin gives you a lot of combo options afterwards. This is a very powerful option if you
have Super stocked.
The best jump-in to use if you're coming down on top of an opponent. It will beat out other
anti-airs and can also double as a fake crossup.
Fei Long General Strategy
Fei Long can be played in a lot of styles. You can play a footsies game with careful spacing
and whiff punishing with the occasional surprise attack or you can go on an offensive run,
forcing your opponent to make risky decisions by not giving them time to contemplate their
next move.
When attacking with Fei Long, you have to use your overhead. This forces the opponent to
constantly switch between standing and crouching block, throwing off their defense. Don't
poke too recklessly with your other moves. Just keep trying to push the opponent's back to
the wall as much as possible.
If the opponent is trying to force their way into your space, use your crouching Light Punch
canceled into Light Rekka to stop their advance. Crouching Medium Punch is a fast poke
that forces oppponents to respect your space as well. It is also imperative that you control
the airspace above you. Try to buffer Flame Kicks while you are poking with normal moves
to prevent a jumping surprise attack.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Vs. Character Notes
Costume Colors Story Artwork
Character Overview
Gen is a character that excels in the normal move category. Equipped with some of the best
normal moves in the game, Gen can switch between two stances to get the best library of
moves available to him. Gen's stance-based moveset also equips him with two Supers and
two sets of Ultras.. Because of the usefulness of his moveset, Gen also has a very good
punish game along with a superb crossup game.
Gen's weaknesses lie in the fact that he depends on EX to get his only good reversal. He
also has to constantly switch stances tenuously in order to bring out the full potential of the
character. His stamina is below average and he doesn't have a fast mixup game on the
ground. Lastly, his damage output without the use of meter is below average.
+ Incredible crossup game.
+ Great jumping normals along with a useful jump arc.
+ Super long range overhead.
+ Ultra Combos cover great distance and space.
+ Best pokes have great range.
+ Can walk quickly, regardless of stance.
+ Quick backdash.
+ Great throw range along with kara throws.
- Low damage meterless combo game, desperately needs FADC.
- Often has to jump to get a mixup going.
- Must constantly change stances to maintain effective gameplay.
- Hard to combo into Ultras.
- Low stamina and stun.
- No short-range combos into untechable unknockdown.
- Very weak reversal game.
Special Moves
Stance Change (Mantis or Crane)
The Crane and Mantis stances of Gen are the core of his gameplay. When Gen starts the
game, he is always in Mantis stance. You can switch stances at any time, even while
blocking and attacking. Even if the stance changing animation is visible, it does not drop
Gen's guard in any way.
Switching stances while performing combos or doing spacing battles is important in order
to keep up pressure or to hold off the opponent. Mantis stance has good long range pokes
and has better offensive capabilities. Crane's mixup game is stronger than Mantis's, with a
better crossup and a really long range overhead attack.
You can only access two special moves and one Super/Ultra per stance. Keep this in mind
before you attack. Lastly, walking in Crane stance is also much faster than walking in
Mantis Stance.
(Piano Rapidly)
Hyakurenko (Hands) [Mantis Stance Only]
When it comes to this hand-chopping move, you'll want to rely only on the Hard or EX
version to get damage. All versions of this move are safe on block, and if you land any of
them deep enough you can link into other moves, though this is extraordinarily difficult.
Canceling into this attack from a long range move such as Mantis Crouching or Standing
Medium Kick is a great way to build meter and put on some pressure, but don't forget that
this move inflicts a rather small amount of damage at any range other than point blank.
Whiffing this move is one of Gen's few ways to build meter. It's also functional in FADC
combos since the frame advantage of this move is large on hit.
If you're having trouble with piano inputs, check out these tutorials by Mr.SNK and
EX Version: EX Hands has Gen take the largest step forward while chipping which makes
followup combos a bit easier. It also helps for landing more hits of the move.
Gekiro (Up Kicks) [Mantis Stance Only]
On appearance, this move looks like a useful anti-air for Gen. However, the startup
invincibility for each Gekiro is extremely limited, making it likely that the move will lose
or trade with a jump-in. When it comes to using this as a reversal, the lack of invincibility
also comes into play, not to mention that the Light Gekiro is the only version that can hit
crouching characters.
You can apply this move well in combos though. Forcing the opponent to stand using your
Mantis Standing Hard Punch allows you to combo into any version of the Gekiro and if you
get the timing down, you can land a nice amount of damage in a combo.
Timing the hits of Gekiro once the juggling starts is pretty difficult once the opponent is in
the air. For the Hard Gekiro, performing the initial hit then pausing until the opponent is in
front of you before continuing tends to be the best method. Try out the best timing for
yourself in training mode because many reports have said that different timings will work.
EX Version: The EX version of this move has a lot more invincibility than the regular
Gekiros making it a very reliable anti-air. It also strikes crouching characters, making it
good as a reversal, though it is not safe on block.
Another added bonus of this move is that you don't have to time the button presses after
you've knocked the opponent into the air. Once the opponent falls in front of you you can
just mash out the rest of the hits for guaranteed damage. Don't try applying the EX version
in combos unless you need the extra range.
Jyasen (Roll Attack) [Crane Stance Only]
Gen's rolling attack functions solely as a combo ender or as a safe way to apply chip
damage. Since this move has no invincibility it can't be used to dodge or avoid anything
other than a high attack. All versions have the same startup, block recovery and whiff
recovery but the Light version has the largest initial hitbox.
Gen's only cancelable normals in Crane Stance are his standing Light Punch and his
crouching Medium Punch. Because of this, Crouching Medium Punch is really your only
cancelable option to use this move to get into close range.
This move isn't safe against really fast moves like Supers or grappling moves, but it's safe
nearly all the time. It's a damaging combo option, but it's rarely used due to the unlikeliness
of having a back charge while close to the opponent.
EX Version: EX Roll Attack is completely invulnerable to projectiles for the first two
rolling parts of the attack. The startup and block recovery are exactly the same as the
normal versions though, making them too slow to punish projectile throwers reliably.
Oga (Wall Jump, Wall Dive) [Crane Stance Only]
Gen's wall dive attack is a bit tricky to manipulate, but once you get the hanging down this
becomes a very important move. Gen's Wall Dive is an overhead attack that must be
blocked high. It also breaks armor and travels across the screen at a reasonably fast speed.
The button pressed determines how high Gen jumps on the wall before he drops for an
If you choose to hold back after activating Gekiro, Gen will stop his wall dive and drop to
the ground. There's not really any use for this other than trying to bait an attack, but Gen
falls so slowly to the ground that it's hard to punish anything. He also doesn't gain any
meter from this feint.
If you let your joystick go to neutral after jumping to the wall, Gen will do a short-range
dive kick. This is safe on block(except against fast moves like grappling attacks), but it's
hard to hit the opponent with. You do gain meter for whiffing in this fashion though.
If you hold your joystick forward after reaching the wall, then Gen will do a much fartherranged dive kick. This is a little less safe on block than the earlier dive kick, opening you
up to more punishes. However, if you angle the kick into the opponent's ankles, the wall
kick is much more safe. This is also probably the best option to use to both pressure and
build the most meter in an offensive situation.
Holding up after you reach the ceiling lets you perform one of three drop kicks from the
ceiling. The angled drop kicks are hard to hit opponents with unless they're trying to chase
you in the air. The drop-down dive kick is the best one because it's extremely difficult to
anti-air and it has the potential to cross up if the opponent doesn't move from his position.
These dive kicks are unsafe on block to the point where Light Attacks and throws can
connect, so be careful.
All dive kicks juggle the opponent right in front of Gen where he can follow up with a
multitude of moves, including a few of his Ultras, both of his Supers, knockdown attacks
such as Gekiro and Mantis Sweep. The reward is high, but it's hard to land this move on
someone familiar with it. Try to mask the charge time for this move using Hyakurenko or
EX Version: Spending EX on this move only impacts the startup. When Gen turns and
jumps toward the wall, he is completely invulnerable to projectiles and cannot be thrown.
He has no strike invincibility though and since this move takes so long to get to a hitting
state it's best not to try to use this as a reversal.
Super and Ultra Moves
Mantis Super Zan'ei
M Super
Gen poses and slides across the ground for a multi-hit attack that juggles the opponent. This
Super starts up pretty quickly, making it a good punishing attack. After the Super is
compete, you can juggle the opponent with Gekiro or with an Ultra combo.
The startup of this Super is completely invulnerable to projectiles, attacks and throws. The
Light version has the most invincibility, but travels the least amount of distance. If you
want to punish projectile throwers you'll have to activate it when the projectile is right in
front of you at mid range.
The startup of this Super is completely invulnerable to attacks and throws. It can only strike
people in the air though. It's possible to combo into this from some juggles such as the
Crane Crouching Light Kick.
Unless you really need the extra damage or you need to punish an aerial opponent, it's best
to try to save up for a Zan'ei hit confirm instead.
This Ultra is exactly the same as Gen's super Zan'ei, but there's two negative quality
differences. For starters, this Ultra is much slower. It also has far less invulnerability. These
two factors really hamper its utility value.
There's a couple of ways to combo into it such as any version of the Oga Wall Dive and the
Crane Crouching Light Kick.
Gen performs a Hyakurenko, and if he strikes on the first active frame then he pokes you
full of Focus damage. This has the potential to be a grave threat to the opponent since it
forces them to make a decision after this Ultra knocks them down.
Regrettably, it's not easy to combo into this Ultra. There is a difficult link from EX
Hyakurenko, but most players try to land this move after a Zan'ei juggle. Also, since this
Ultra doesn't deal guaranteed damage, you will have to be very confident in your mixup
This is a dive kick Ultra that is designed to punish fireball throwers or reckless ground
moves. There's no way to combo into it, but as an upside you can activate it in any direction
you jump. Teiga is only invincible to projectiles only, so it is possible for it to get beaten by
normal attacks, though it's unlikely.
Most Gen players like to jump backwards and see if the opponent does a reckless attack to
try and follow them, and then they activate this Ultra. This is a bit of a gamble though and
doesn't quite work as well as the anti-air Crane Ultra 1.
Target Combos
Target Combo 1
This target combo only works in Mantis stance. The purpose of this target combo is to
either provide a link from crouching throw techs or to extend an FADC combo at close
range. The Crouching Medium Kick is special and super cancelable.
Target Combo 2
Another special cancelable Target Combo, and this one is more reliable and damaging in
combos. Like before, this Target Combo can only be done in Mantis stance. It's easy to link
into the initial standing Hard Punch(which forces the opponent to stand)
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
Target Combo 2
Hard Gekiro
10 Hits
200 damage
A close range link combo.
5 Hits
160 damage
Gen's standing Medium Punch(Mantis) offers a lot of frame advantage on hit. Use this to
your advantage in combos at any range.
EX Hyakurenko
12 Hits
197 Damage
Because Gen's crouching Medium Kick(Mantis) moves him far forward, you can get a lot
of damage out of EX Hyakurenko.
EX Rolling Attack
8 Hits
318 Damage
Crane jump-in combo.
juggle Mantis Crouching Hard Kick
3 Hits
168 Damage
Easy crossup combo.
juggle Gekiro
15 Hits
442 Damage
You must switch stances to Mantis after the first move.
juggle Crane Ultra 1
4 Hits
429 Damage
You can only link your Crane Super and Ultras after a Crane jumping Hard Kick.
Zan'ei, juggle Mantis Ultra 1
20 Hits
647 Damage
The comeback combo.
press the button almost at the same time as your throw inputs and it should noticeably
increase your throw range.
Mantis Standing Hard Punch
This move forces the opponent to stand, allowing combos into Hard Gekiro. Only the first
hit is cancelable.
Mantis Crouching Hard Kick
This sweep has great range. Use it for punishes.
Crane Standing Medium Punch
Gen's overhead has slightly slow startup, but the range is absolutely incredible and it hits
twice. Just a really great move.
Crane Standing or Crouching Hard Punch
Both of these moves are slow, but they do incredible damage for normal moves. Standing
Hard Punch hits twice and is more reliable in offense-based maneuvers.
Crane Crouching Hard Kick
Gen's best anti-air normal. Also does above average damage for a normal attack.
Crane Crouching Light Kick
This move launches the opponent, and afterwards you can combo into pretty much
anything. Unfortunately, the only way to hit confirm into this move is after a jump-in
If you react quickly enough to this move landing, you can juggle into either Ultra 1, both
Supers, Mantis Crouching Hard Kick and so forth.
Crane or Mantis Jumping Medium Kick
Regardless of the stance you are in, Gen's jumping Medium Kick can cross up the
opponent. The Crane version in particular is very ambiguous and hard to block.
Gen General Strategy
To play Gen effectively it's important that you always try to defend your airspace. The
reason for this is because Gen excels extremely well if he can keep the opponent on the
ground as much as possible. The overhead in Crane Stance along with the standing Medium
Kick in Mantis Stance are just incredibly good at keeping the opponent off guard while
respecting your options.
Because of his special jump arc, Gen's crossup game is one of the best. The unusually long
jump arc with such a short height also helps in punishing fireball throwers. Even if your
jumping attack is blocked, Gen has great frame traps with his Mantis Standing Hard or
Medium Punch. If your opponent doesn't fall for frame traps, simply start your throw setups
using your kara throws.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Guide by Nyoronoru
Gouken is a hard hitting zoning char with powerful resets and great damage in his combos.
His fireball is great at zoning players out and forcing opponents to engage him. Gouken can
also switch to attack mode quickly with his Demon Flip to catch the opponent off guard,
letting him switch up between offense and defense. Most of Gouken's combos end with the
opponent being flung far away where Gouken can begin his two-sided zoning game.
Gouken has some real problems with defense though. All of his reversals are extremely
sub-par, forcing him to take very risky guesses on wakeup. Gouken also has no good link
combos from Light Attacks and has to rely on the opponent to make major mistakes in
order to land his big damage.
+ Can really lay on the hurt when he gets a hit confirm.
+ Can set up a real maze with his fireballs.
+ Has an incredibly good reset game.
+ Corner pressure is really brutal.
+ A fast forward dash.
+ Great range on his Focus Attack.
+ Untechable knockdowns are the name of his game.
- Really bad backdash.
- Has very few reliable ground normals for poking.
- Fireball has slow startup, so it's hard to use at mid range.
Gouken's projectiles have the same startup and recovery regardless of the version used.
You'll want to be using the Light version and Medium version to pressure opponents at mid
screen and farther, and the Hard version to catch people jumping at you recklessly. The
recovery on all the fireballs is pretty short, so as long as the opponent doesn't react before
the fireball has left Gouken's hand you should be able to defend yourself.
All of Gouken's fireballs juggle the opponent, so you can follow up with a variety of
moves, including your Ultra (if you are in the corner). The most common juggles off antiair fireballs is the Hard Senkugoshoha or the Demon Flip Sweep attack.
Gohadoukens give Gouken a lot of frame advantage if they are blocked. Because of this,
you can set up some really brutal corner pressure, locking the opponent down with
crouching Hard Punch, far standing Hard Kick and a fireball barrage. The frame advantage
also helps for allowing the opponent less time to react to your Demon Flip.
Just like any other fireball in the game, Gohadouken can be used in FADC combos to add
on some extra damage or to get a hard knockdown in your combo. Also while all of the
Gohadoukens can be charged by holding the button down, it's generally unwise to do so as
the startup is so incredibly long.
EX Version: EX Gohadouken throws out the Light and Medium versions that are very
difficult to avoid. Because they take up so much space and they juggle just like the regular
fireballs, they're ideal for chipping an opponent close to KO or to get a powerful juggle
combo that turns the tides in your favor.
Be wary if you are fighting a character with good anti-projectile attacks, because the
recovery of the EX version is longer than the recovery of the regular version making it
more likely for you to be punished with such tactics.
Running Palm (Senkugoshoha)
This rushing Palm attack from Gouken has a variety of uses, both for combos, as a long
range attack and punishing fireballs. Only the Light Running Palm is safe on block; all
other versions can be heavily punished!
The Light Running Palm is a meter-building tool for Gouken. It's also the fastest one which
allows him easy combos off faster hit confirms such as close standing Medium Kick. If the
opponent has made a mistake in front of you, but you are unsure if you have enough time to
land a more damaging punish, then this move will offer the knockdown you need.
The Medium and Hard versions have invincibility after the brief pose at the beginning of
the move, allowing them to bypass attacks, throws and projectiles. This invincibility doesn't
cover the attacking portion of the move where Gouken sticks out his palm, so it's possible
to get interrupted at the end of the move. It's still good if you can predict a fireball coming
The Medium version will connect easily from both crouching and standing Hard Punch at
any range whereas the Hard version will only combo from from those at very close range.
Keep this in mind for combos. If you want to land a Running Palm from an anti-air fireball
juggle, all that really matters is how far the opponent is when the fireball hits.
EX Version: EX Senkugoshoha is a two-hit attack that only launches on the second hit.
You can combo into this just as easily as the Medium version. If you land this move
midscreen, you can dash forward and perform a variety of moves such as EX Hurricane
Kick or your Sweep. You can also just follow up with the Hard Palm as an easy damage
The juggles from this move are extremely powerful in the corner, due to the ability of
Gohadoukens to juggle afterwards. It also allows you more reset opportunities with your
normal attacks.
Hurricane Kick (Tatsumaki Gorasen)
A. Light
A. Medium
A. Hard
Gouken's grounded Hurricane Kick does not have any startup invincibility of any kind, but
it can be used as an anti-air due to its good hitbox. Still, its use in this regard is very risky,
so most players use the move to add on damage in juggles. This especially applies in the
corner or after an EX Senkugoshoha.
All of the Hurricane Kicks can be FADCed on the first hit. If you have really fast reactions,
you can FADC the Hurricane Kick and juggle into Ultra 1. The Light version starts up the
The aerial Hurricane Kick has several uses; comboing after a jumping Medium Punch or to
try and escape the corner. The only version of this attack you need is the Hard version to
escape corners and to add damage. It's a bit too slow to be used in air-to-air counters, so it's
best to just stick with one of your jumping normals.
EX Version: EX Tatsumaki Gorasen is completely invincible on startup, allowing you to
use it as a reversal. If you catch an opponent with it, you can FADC the first hit and land
Ultra 1. The only problem is that it's a very slow reversal, making it hard to catch
opponents who pressure you with Light Attacks.
Because of the invincibility of the move, it is very possible to use as an anti-air, although
it's a bit slow compared to other invincible anti-airs in the game. This move is also really
damaging, so apply it in juggle combos.
The aerial EX Hurricane Kick can have its travel path altered by holding the joystick
forward or backwards. It's max range of distance traveled doesn't go any farther than the
Hard version, so don't bother trying to use it to escape corners.
Demon Flip (Hyakki Shuu)
Slide Kick
Dive Kick
Gouken's Demon Flip is one of the very few ways he can approach the opponent safely.
After Gouken begins his descent, you have several options. Since the button depressed
determines how far Gouken flips, you can bait anti-airs by traveling the right distance and
punish when you land.
Punch: Pressing this will cause Gouken to perform an aerial parry attack that can
absorb a single hit. It's possible to go through some multi-hit moves, but it all
depends on the juggle mechanics of the anti-air being parried. This counter motion
can be broken by armor breaking attacks so be mindful of certain matchups.
Kick: Gouken's dive kick is active until it reaches the ground (and it's safe on
block) and regardless of how high the dive kick is when it starts, you should be able
to combo into either a standing Hard Punch or a standing Medium Kick easily if the
Dive Kick lands.
The dive kick itself is tough to counter and the ground recovery is short, but since it
takes so long for Gouken to flip to the opponent's location it's quite possible to get
intercepted by a jump back attack. This attack can also be blocked low, despite it
being an aerial attack.
Throw: The demon flip throw has to be spaced very carefully in order for it to land.
There is also more ground recovery on whiff than any other move. Still, this move
is the go-to move when you reset the opponent during a combo string. It's damaging
and sets up a great knockdown situation for you.
Nothing: Pressing nothing will have Gouken perform an unsafe slide kick. There's
no real use for this unless you're comboing after a juggle in some way (such as an
anti-air fireball juggle)
EX Version: This move has a humongous amount of startup invincibility, covering the
startup flip and some of the travel path. This is probably Gouken's best reversal, but the
problem is that it takes so long for Gouken to get to a state where he can attack that this can
be easily countered.
EX Demon Flip has the same startup as the regular Demon Flip, but it auto-tracks towards
wherever the opponent is standing. It also travels through the air much faster.
Counter (Kongoshin)
Gouken's counter will work on any move that is not a throw or armor breaking. The punch
button determines which tiype of attack the counter can intercept. Light counters lows,
Medium counters mids and Hard counters high attacks. After Gouken gets struck, he has
complete invulnerability until the counter ends.
This one of Gouken's reversal options, but it's quite easy to punish and guessing which way
the opponent will attack can often get you killed. It's still good if you see an obvious attack
coming though such as a crossup for example.
If you absorb an attack with this move, you'll get "grey damage" just like with a Focus
Attack. Also, you can use this counter against projectiles, but it's not worth it unless the
opponent is in close proximity with his own projectile (like Akuma and his air fireballs).
One of the best uses for this move is to punish crouch techs. Poke the opponent carefully
and if they are attempting to tech a throw, go for a low counter to lay on the hurt.
EX Version: EX Kongoshin can counter a move regardless of where it strikes Gouken,
eliminating the guessing game. It doesn't do more damage than the regular version though,
but it's a nice reversal if you can't predict the opponent's next attack direction.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Forbidden Shoryuken
This Super has really slow startup, so it's not good for punishes. It has good potential as an
anti air because it is completely invincible on startup, but the slow speed really hinders it.
The damage of ths Super is good, but if you don't connect the initial punch of the move the
damage is lessened considerably (such as during juggles). It's not hard to combo into, but
Gouken's EX moves are far better than anything this Super could offer.
Shin Shoryuken is a very damaging Ultra that has two variations. The full cinematic does
more damage than the non-cinematic variation though, so you should always try to combo
into the former. It's not hard at all to combo into this Ultra once you have the right amounts
of EX but it doesn't really have any use outside of juggles. Combos into Ultra include:
Throw (backwards)
Forward jumping medium punch (must catch opponent high, pathetic damage)
This Ultra has slow startup just like the Super, so it's hard to use as an anti-air unless you
can anticipate a jump.
Unlike its Third Strike counterpart, Denjin Hadouken is a blockable Ultra. It gains some
unique properties though in exchange which make it a viable Ultra depending on your
playstyle. For example, the fireball now wallbounces the opponent allowing followups.
This is one of two Ultras in the game that actively inflict stun on the opponent. You can
charge the Ultra by holding down the Kick buttons, and the longer you charge the more
damage and stun you will do. Naturally, the longer you charge the move the harder it is to
land from combos.
Another unique property of the Ultra is that it can add stun to a blocking opponent. While
the game won't allow a full stun if someone is blocking, it can set them up for an easy stun
afterwards especially if their stun limit is close to being reached. Keep in mind that the stun
inflicted on a blocking opponent is scaled by 50% compared to a non-blocking one.
The worst qualities of this Ultra are that it doesn't inflict as much damage as Shin
Shoryuken, it's too slow to be used as a counter or punish (you can be thrown out of the
startup too), It's difficult to take advantage of the wallbounce unless your opponent's back is
to the wall, and the stun-based mixup game is poor compared to guaranteed damage.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
5 Hits
116 damage
Gouken's chain combo from light attacks.
Hard Senkugoshoha
2 Hits
240 damage
Meterless punish combo.
Medium Senkugoshoha
3 Hits
249 Damage
A slightly more damaging meterless combo.
Light Senkugoshoha
2 Hits
160 Damage
A very quick and easy punish combo.
Light Gohadouken
Medium Senkugoshoha
4 Hits
310 Damage
Simple and effective FADC combo.
EX Senkugoshoha
juggle Ultra 1
7 Hits
617 Damage
Hit confirm to Ultra 1. If you get the non-cinematic version it does 100 less damage.
An overhead attack that has slow startup but is fast once it gets going. The range is pretty
Tenma Kuujinkyaku (Manual Dive Kick) [Air Only]
Performing this motion at the peak of Gouken's forward jump will cause him to change
trajectories and do a dive kick attack. It is extremely difficult to combo from this move, so
use it for approaches instead. It's faster than your Demon Flip Dive Kick so it's harder to
react against.
Jumping Medium or Light Kick
Both of these attacks can crossup for Gouken. Comboing from the Light Kick is really
tough unless it's done deep but you might be able to tick into a throw instead. Medium Kick
is much more reliable and can be done much more "deep" than the Light Kick.
Jumping Hard Kick or Neutral Jump Hard Punch
Both of these moves slam the opponent into the ground if they make contact in air-to-air
situations. You can also perform them during juggles such as after EX Senkugoshoha in the
Throw (Backwards)
Gouken's backwards throw launches the opponent. You can land a large amount of attacks
when the opponent descends behind you. These options include juggling into both of your
Ultras, your Super, into a cancelable normal and so forth. Choose whichever is best for the
Gouken General Strategy
Gouken doesn't have any combos from his light attacks that lead into anything important.
Because of that, all of your damage will come solely from forcing your opponent to flinch
or make the wrong decisions. The payout for Gouken's tricks is very big but it's difficult to
capitalize on a defensive opponent.
You're going to want to be looking for damage resets and ambiguous crossups as much as
possible because these set up the best situations for Gouken. If you're not close to the
opponent, then your Demon Flip Dive Kick is really your only option to get in and start the
frame traps. Don't make it easy for your opponent to counter your Dive Kick; try to feint
your approach with empty jumps and fireballs.
Gouken's fireballs have slower than average startup but good recovery, so it's not hard at all
to win fireball wars. Since Gouken also has so much trouble getting in on a lot of
characters, the fireball is a great tool to chip opponents at long range and force them to
come to him instead.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Guile is a character that is designed solely for a zoning playstyle. Despite having only two
special moves, he has a large amount of useful normals that function very well defensively.
Keeping pressure off of yourself and chipping the opponent down slowly while giving them
few offensive recourses is the best way to play Guile.
Guile has a number of issues though. His jump has a short arc, making it very difficult for
him to escape corners. He also has no long range cancelable normal move, making it
difficult to shove the opponent back into his preferred zone. Guile also has poor damage
options and unreliable Ultra combos.
+ Has the fastest recovery in the game projectile-wise.
+ Strong defense with normals.
+ Can move quickly with fast walkspeed and special Kicks.
+ Solid anti-air game.
+ An air throw.
+ A fast overhead attack.
- Has a real rough time escaping corners.
- Doesn't have good combo options outside of jump-ins.
- Longest-ranged cancelable move has short range.
- Without meter has to commit extremely heavily to wakeup defense
- Slow backdash and terrible crossup game.
Special Moves
Sonic Boom
Guile's classic Sonic Boom projectile is the heart of his defense. You must throw these out
whenever possible to use them as long range pokes. The recovery on each normal Sonic
Boom is insanely fast and the button pressed only determines the speed the Boom travels.
The Light Sonic Boom is the most popular as it's the hardest to avoid, but you'll want to be
varying up the speeds at different distances to keep opponents on their toes. To charge
quickly, you'll want to throw your joystick into the back or down-back position
immediately after throwing a Sonic Boom in order to maximize your charge time so you
can throw out a barrage of Booms.
When and how you throw the Sonic Boom should be dependent entirely on your
positioning so that you can prepare an anti-air for any situation should the opponent try to
jump over the Boom. You need good knowledge of all the matchups in the game so you can
be prepared for potential jumping attacks and jumping angles.
Guile is always at frame advantage if a Sonic Boom is blocked at close range, which gives
him even more time to reposition himself defensively. In the corner, Sonic booms offer
enough frame advantage on hit to lead into big combos.
EX Version: This double-hitting Sonic Boom has slower startup and much worse recovery
than the regular Sonic Boom, but the travel speed is way faster. So fast, that it's great for
long range punishes against attacks such as Blanka's Beast Roll.
The most popular use for this move is for showing off in corner combos or for long range
punishes. You can also use it as a sudden surprise attack mid screen, which is remarkably
effective against Focus Attacks or armored moves since the two hits are very fast in
Flash Kick
Guile's Flash Kick is his only reversal and a solid anti-air, though you have to be extremely
careful when you use it because it has a full half-second of ground recovery. You can FADC
this move to make it safe so it is at the very least not a do-or-die special move once you
have meter.
The Light Flash Kick has the most invulnerability out of all the normal Flash Kicks. This
makes it the best anti-air and reversal. The Medium version's invincibility doesn't overlap
the attacking portion of the move, and neither does the Hard version. The Hard Flash Kick
has a really good hitbox in front of the move, but that's only after it becomes active.
If you hit the opponent with the later portion of the move, you cannot FADC and it does
less damage. Be careful of how close you are to the opponent before you use this attack. As
a final note, the Flash Kick should really be used very specifically in application either to
break armor or get pressure off of you. The bad recovery of this move cannot be
emphasized enough, and should be an incentive for you to rely on normal anti-airs.
EX Version: EX Flash Kick has all the best qualities from the regular Flash Kicks. It has
the best hitbox from the Hard version and the same invulnerability as the Light version. Use
this as a surefire anti-air. When it comes to reversals, EX Flash Kick doesn't really do
anything Light Flash Kick can't do.
This version of the Flash Kick also does the most damage, but you don't want to use it in an
FADC combo because the first hit of the move is not as damaging as the regular Flash
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Double Flash
Guile's super has a huge amount of startup invincibility and is only slightly slower than the
Flash Kick special move. This makes it a really damaging anti-air counter, but the motion
for the Super and the amount of meter it takes to use is a real problem, especially with the
usefulness of Flash Kick FADC.
One upside to this Super is that landing this Super outside of the corner leads to free juggles
into Flash Explosion or Sonic Hurricane, with Flash Explosion doing a lot more damage.
It's sort of an extra bonus for using all your meter since Guile's Ultras are not that
Target Combo
A very useful target combo for Guile; the initial hit must be locked low, and the second
must be blocked high. If you're on the attack with Guile then this can be very helpful.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
4 Hits
146 damage
Guile's best combo without a charge. Feel free to add or subtract jabs in this combo.
Guile High Kick
juggle Hard Flash Kick
3 Hits
314 Damage
This combo is best used at post stun.
EX Flash Kick
4 Hits
314 Damage
Another jump-in combo.
EX Sonic Boom
3 Hits
220 Damage
A punish if you only have a back charge. The Hard Punch must be done closely to the
4 Hits
112 Damage
Guile's crouch tech combo option.
Notable Normal Moves and Unique Attacks
Standing or Crouching Hard Punch
Standing Hard Punch is a move used as a poke and as a mid-range anti-air attack. It's an
altogether very useful move and starts up reasonably fast, but it tends to lose to dominating
The Crouching Hard Punch is Guile's most reliable anti-air against people jumping on top
of him. You should try to position yourself with Sonic Booms so that opponents will land
on this attack if they jump over.
Spinning Back Knuckle
Guile's best ranged normal. Use this to shove opponents backward. If the opponent is
Focusing through your Sonic Booms, throw this out to stop them.
Straight Chop
Guile's overhead is fast and has great range. If you tend to go on the offensive with Guile
then this is a great tool.
Guile High Kick
A slow anti-air from Guile that is mostly used in post-stun combos. Can only anti-air
extremely obvious jump-ins.
Knee Bazooka
One of Guile's best moves because it allows him to move forward to reposition himself
while charging! You can also use this attack to tick into a throw.
Rolling Sobat
Guile takes a little hop kick backwards, This move can hop right over low attacks, but it
can still be thrown. This move is also completely invulnerable to projectiles, but you'll only
want to jump over fast ones. This will help you avoid chip damage while charging your
next Sonic Boom.
Reverse Spin Kick
This move will only come out if you are close to the opponent. If it lands, you can link into
some of your other normals, though this is very hard to do. It's also completely invulnerable
to low attacks, acting as a good tech trap.
Shades of Glory
This attack speaks for itself. Flash Kick FADC into Shades of Glory is a combo all players
should aspire to complete.
Air Throw
Guile's air throw is one of the best in the game due to its range. It also sets up a knockdown
situation for you depending on which way you decide to throw the opponent. This will beat
out the opponent in a lot of air to air situations and it can be a great counter to a lot of aerial
special moves.
Jumping Light Kick
Guile's crossup attack. Must be positioned very carefully and landed deep in order to
combo from it.
Guile General Strategy
Guile's gameplan is focused around keeping the opponent in a particular zone while
keeping himself out of the corner at all times. This does not mean backing up continuously.
Rather, you should try to force the opponent to react to your Sonic Boom in the ways that
you want and force your way forward instead. There should be a planned response to every
avenue that a person uses to avoid your Sonic Boom.
The two things you should note above all else are the pushback of your moves and the jump
arc of your opponent. Using the Spinning Back Knuckle is not just important for damage,
but to force the opponent out with pushback. If you anti-air with crouching Hard Punch do
not forget this sets the opponent right in front of you; this is just one example of how
important it is to space correctly.
Guy's Izuna has a number of uses for either closing the distance or attacking the opponent.
The button pressed determines the distance you travel, and this is very important for baiting
moves. Deliberately stopping short of the opponent with the Elbow Drop or flying over
their heads on wakeup are two effective bait techniques.
If the opponent is either standing or jumping near you when you press the Punch button,
they will be thrown for a large amount of damage. It also sets up the next knockdown
situation for you. If the opponent is crouching, you will always get a late Elbow Drop
instead. This is sometimes very dangerous because there are a lot of characters that can
duck under the move.
The recovery of this move is huge if you choose not to press a Punch button and decide to
land, but the Elbow Drop option has almost no ground recovery so it's easier to stage an
offense. Also, it's not possible to combo out of the elbow drop unless done very deep, and
even then the link is risky.
Generally you'll want to use this move for only three reasons. The first is to bait anti-airs
with long recovery and then punish. The second is to get an easy approach against
characters without good anti-airs. The third reason is to attempt a mid-combo reset on
opponents who like to stand-block through hitstrings.
EX Version: EX Izuna's only difference from the regular versions is that it auto-tracks to
the opponent's location. It also moves a little slower through the air, which is a surprising
quality for an EX move.
Hozanto (Shoulder Slam)
Guy's Shoulder Slam has an interesting set of uses. The Light version is the fastest, and it's
the only one that can be comboed into, though Guy has better combo enders outside the
corner. The Medium and Hard version are slow but damaging. Only the Light version is
safe on block. While the Medium and Hard versions are not as safe, the pushback can make
the move hard to punish.
All regular versions of the Hozanto can pass through fireballs on startup. In order to
effectively go through fireballs, you're going to have to wait until the fireball is almost right
in front of you before executing the move. How quickly you want to be able to go through
the fireball is entirely up to the version chosen.
This move can lead to Ultra 1 after an FADC in the corner, but you have to be incredibly
EX Version: EX Hozanto's only use is in juggles. It's easy to use after your Target Combo
1. It does not have any invincibility to projectiles, but you can FADC it into Ultra 1 in the
corner just like all the other moves.
Bushin Senpukyaku (Hurricane Kick)
Guy's Hurricane Kicks have a variety of uses, with each version having its own unique
property. Follow carefully on the bulleted list below.
The Hard version is best for juggles in the corner following your Target Combo 1 or Light
Shoulder Slam in the corner. The other versions have their defined uses, but the risk in
using this move is massive as you can never make it safe in any way.
EX Version: EX Bushin Senpukyaku is Guy's best reversal and anti-air on the ground. Not
only is it the most damaging, but it features a ton of invincibility to all attacks. Regrettably,
this move will always be a very risky reversal option that should only be used if you are
absolutely sure the opponent is going to attack.
Another option for this version is to apply it in juggles just like the Hard Bushin
Senpukyaku. Make sure you get all four hits.
Run Command
Slide Kick
Shadow Kick
Guy's Run Command is great for catching up to the opponent after throws or a completed
Target Combo 1. It's also functional in mid-combo resets or as a combo ender. You have
three options once the Run starts.
Light Kick (Stop): Pressing this will stop the Run. Guy has a noticeable amount of
recovery at the end of this. However, if you cancel into Run from a blockstring such
as Target Combo 2 and immediately Stop, then it is extremely hard to punish Guy
and it puts him into throw or crouching Light Kick range.
Medium Kick (Slide): This move is extraordinarily unsafe on block, but it's
possible to make it safe using FADC. The best place for this move is a combo ender
as it acts as an untechable knockdown for Guy. It also functions as Guy's best longrange punish move. Unfortunately, Guy cannot slide under projectiles with this
Hard Kick (Overhead): Guy flips over for an overhead attack during the run. If the
opponent is crouching, they'll only get hit once, but if they get hit standing, they get
hit twice for big damage. This attack is unsafe on block, but it's possible to space it
correctly so that it's hard to punish. Try to activate it as early as possible so that you
get pushed away out of the opponent's range.
EX Version: EX Run has two-hit Super Armor, allowing you to cruise through two attacks
before striking the opponent. This is really effective if you're trying to get through
projectiles, but you have to predict the opponent's next fireball for it to work well.
Given the amount of time it takes before Guy can strike the opponent with one of his Run
options, this is not a good wakeup move.
Kaizen Izuna Otoshi (Air Izuna Drop)
Guy's air throw is a bit different in that it requires a special move command rather than the
throw buttons. Despite this, it starts up in the same amount of time as a throw on the
The only difference in the versions is where you want to grab the opponent. For opponents
around Guy's ankles use the Light version. For those around Guy's waist level, use the
Medium version. For those above Guy's shoulders, use the Hard version.
This throw is really damaging, but the input almost requires a pre-emptive strategy that
involves your opponent jumping out of your offense. You can instant-air this move from the
ground, but the Izuna is not invincible in any way so it can't be used as an anti-air without
getting stuffed nearly all the time.
EX Version: This version of the move has complete invincibility on startup, allowing you
to slip past air-to-air attacks. It also does slightly less damage, but it can really help for
countering anti-air special moves.
Unfortunately, the invincibility doesn't really help with the fact that you have to
successfully predict a jump, rather than react to it, to land this move. This also applies to its
instant anti-air use from the ground.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Bushin Hasoken
This Super has complete invincibility on startup, but it whiffs on crouching characters. You
can use it as an anti-air if you like due its invulnerability.
This Super is pretty damaging, and it's easy to land from a Shoulder Slam super cancel or a
Target Combo 1 juggle in the corner If you need to gain a significant life lead then there
shouldn't be a problem using Bushin Hasoken.
This is Guy's comboable Ultra that is a mimic of his Final Fight target combo. Guy has a
couple of straightforward methods for comboing into his Ultra but there's no way to juggle
into Guy's Ultra 1 outside of the corner. Here's a list of Guy's moves that lead to it in the
EX Shoulder FADC
Target Combo 1
Juggling into Ultra 1 from the Shoulders requires strict timing. You must perform the Ultra
just as they start to descend in the corner. Also if you perform a Target Combo 1 juggle, you
will not be able to rejuggle into Ultra 1 using EX shoulder as a followup.
Unlike a lot of Super and Ultra command grabs in the game, Bushin Muso Renge is NOT
an instant-grab Ultra. This means that even if you start it up close to the opponent, they will
always be able to jump away as long as they are not doing anything that would prevent
them from escaping.
There are a couple of strategies for landing this Ultra. The first is to apply it in a character
matchup where the character has moves that land close to you with frame disadvantage,
thus making this a guaranteed Ultra. The second is to bait the opponent into trying to tech a
throw, and grab them with this Ultra instead because it is completely invincible on startup.
This Ultra has good range, about 10% farther than a regular throw, so don't underestimate
its potential punish value. This doesn't need to be stated, but this Ultra is really damaging as
Target Combos
Target Combo 1
Guy's first Target Combo is a damaging and useful one, but Guy's standing Light Punch
does not strike crouching characters. This TC also juggles the opponent where you can land
an EX Hozanto anyhwere on screen or a Hurricane Kick/Ultra in the corner.
Regrettably, none of the moves within this Target Combo are safe on block except for the
standing Light Punch, meaning that you can't use this TC as a safe poke.
Target Combo 1 (Variation)
This variation of Target Combo 1 has you throw the enemy behind you. Useful if you have
your back to the wall, because you can then reset the opponent with a normal move once
they are launched behind you.
It's also good to use to keep the opponent in the corner, where Guy excels. This move does
not offer an untechable knockdown as it's possible for the opponent to quick stand.
Target Combo 2
This Target Combo is very useful for Guy because it does not whiff on crouching
characters. Also, Guy's standing Medium Punch has really great range for a poke. Unlike
Target Combo 1, the end of this TC is special-move cancelable. It's easy to link into as well.
Important Note: For more detailed variations of these combos, visit this page.
Target Combo 1, juggle EX Hozanto
5 Hits
286 Damage
Basic quick punish combo.
Target Combo 1
juggle EX Hozanto
7 Hits
244 damage
Guy's most standard combo. As a reminder, Target Combo 1 only works on standing
characters. Feel free to rearrange the start of the combo with crouching Light Punches
Target Combo 2
Run -> Slide
5 Hits
182 damage
Your second-most common combo. Works on crouching characters. Untechable
Target Combo 2
Target Combo 1
juggle Hard Bushin Senpukyaku
8 Hits
329 Damage
Corner-only juggle, but the initial portion works anywhere on screen.
EX Hozanto
3 Hits
256 Damage
Crouching Hard Punch is a great tech trap.
Notable Normal Moves and Unique Attacks
Far Standing Medium Kick
Guy's best mid range poke. Safe and quick, and gives you enough time to do a reaction
anti-air if someone jumps over it. Also since Guy lifts his forward leg up to attack the
opponent, it's harder to hit Guy's lower body when he performs this move.
Close Standing Hard Kick or Crouching Hard Punch
Close Standing Hard Kick is a big damage addition to Target Combo 1 if you use it as the
starting move and then perform the link. It whiffs on crouching characters though. It's also
a functional anti-crossup move.
Crouching Hard Punch allows a late link into Guy's standing Medium Punch and it doubles
as a great tech trap.
Bushin Slide
Guy's slide sweep has a couple unique traits. For starters, if you strike with the very tip of
the move, it won't knock down on hit and it's safe on block.
You cannot go under projectiles with this move, despite the appearance. It knocks down if
you land it deep on an opponent, but in this scenario it is also very unsafe on block.
The best use for this move is to catch characters with backdashes using the option select
shown here.
Crouching Medium Kick
Guy's crouching Medium Kick is a great meaty attack to use on certain wakeup situations
due to the active frames. It's safe on block and will duck under a lot of moves as well.
Crouching Medium Punch
Guy's best anti-air. Opponent must land on top of your arm for the move to be successful.
Also special cancelable, meaning that you can anti-air with this move, then cancel it into
Run -> Stop to get close.
Jumping Medium Kick
Guy's crossup move. Due to his floaty jump, you can make this move incredibly ambiguous
and hard to block. Practice your timing after throws.
Ninja Sickle [Ground or Air]
The grounded version of this move takes a while to start up, but Guy's initial leg strike is
fully invincible from the waist down, making this move an excellent tech trap. If the first
hit lands, the second hit will auto-combo and launch the opponent into the air where you
can juggle them with certain moves in the corner.
The same rule applies to the aerial version of this move, but this version is really hard to
land unless you predict a jump from the opponent.
Neck Breaker (Overhead)
Not only does this overhead hit twice, but it is also remarkably quick for its range. Be sure
to use this move to put the pressure on blocking opponents, since it is safe at mid range.
Elbow Drop [Air Only]
Guy's elbow drop is one of his best moves. You can use it if you jump in any direction, and
it will stop your trajectory and cause you to descend quickly. This has even more potential
as a bait technique than the Elbow Drop from Guy's Izuna Flip. Also, it's much easier to
combo from.
Wall Jump
Guy can jump off the wall with these commands, but his wall jump is kind of slow. Just like
with a regular jump, you can cancel the trajectory of this move with an Elbow Drop.
Guy General Strategy
Guy has a stable offense, but very poor defense. Thus, in order to prevent being completely
overwhelmed you must be prepared to fight the opponent back into your preferred zone.
This means you must stand at a range where both standing Medium Kick and crouching
Medium Punch are effective as pokes and anti-airs.
You'll want to be tech trapping the opponent a lot using crouching Hard Punch or far
standing Medium Punch during strings. Staying within standing Medium Punch range is of
the utmost importance, otherwise you lose a lot of the effectiveness of Guy's normals.
The next component of Guy's game is resets. Attempting to grab people unaware by
canceling into the Bushin Flip mid-combo is a popular tactic. Performing the next variation
of Target Combo 1 also is a big target for normal move resets in the corner. Guy's crouching
Medium Punch anti-air is special cancelable, so you can Run under the opponent after you
reset them. There are a lot of possibilities, so custom setups are required.
Light: 6 seconds.
Medium: 9 seconds.
Hard: 12 seconds.
The above times refer to real time, not the in-game clock. The great thing about Hakan's Oil
Shower is that you can stack the oil times by repeatedly oiling up, making your oily state
last much longer.
Also, Hakan does build meter while he pours oil on himself, so this also doubles as a way
to gain meter quickly. Be wary while oiling yourself up, because if you are interrupted then
the oiled-up time period will be shorter.
Once oiled, Hakan gains a lot of extra power-ups. His command grab range increases, his
normals gain unique properties and his forward-moving attacks gain much more range.
Hakan also gains damage increases on a lot of his moves while oiled. His forwards and
backwards dash also get a range increase.
Another bonus of being lubricated is that you can cancel your forwards or backwards
(much harder) dash with normal attacks. This means that Hakan is the only character in the
game that can combo out of a Level 1 Focus Attack. It also helps as a surprising offensive
strategy where you can get close to the opponent with frame advantage.
Doing the trick described above with a backdash might help with countering an attack due
to a backdash's invincible frames, but it's highly unlikely due to the vulnerability of a
normal move as a counter. You also have to cancel the backdash with a normal at an
extremely fast speed which makes it very hard to utilize.
EX Version: EX Oil Shower only has two unique properties. The first is that it oils up
Hakan for 15 seconds and the second is that it is completely invulnerable to projectiles
while Hakan is pouring oil on himself. It's not a good idea to try and abuse the second
property, as EX Oil Shower has a huge vulnerability window that is as long as the Hard
Oil Rocket
O. Light
O. Medium
O. Hard
Hakan's 360 command grab is very damaging, but without oil it is tough to use. All
versions of the command grab have the same range (around the range of a regular throw),
but Hakan shoots out the opponent much closer to him if he uses the Hard version, giving
you less time to oil up after the knockdown.
Ticking into this grab is very difficult because you have to get within throw range safely.
Also, since this grab starts up at the same time as a regular throw, it's perfectly possible that
you can get thrown out of this move. Still, you get great damage and a lot of meter (and oil)
for landing this move.
When oiled, this command grab gains an incredible amount of range on all versions. The
Light version gains the most range while oiled, and it's not unusual for Hakan to be able to
grab opponents from almost half-screen away with this move. It is because of this
command grab that Hakan is so dangerous while oiled.
EX Version: EX Oil Rocket is completely invincible to attacks on startup, but not to
throws. Unfortunately, it doesn't gain any improved range and it only rockets the opponent
the same distance as the Medium, which gives you barely enough time to oil up.
When you are oiled up, this command grab gains the same range as the Medium version. It
also gains more damage just like the rest of the oiled up Oil Rockets.
Oil Dive
O. Light
O. Medium
O. Hard
A running command grab that can only catch standing or jumping opponents. The use for
this move is extremely limited, because it has no invulnerability and poor speed. While
Hakan can't be hit by low attacks once he leaps, it defeats the purpose as he is trying to
catch a standing opponent, not a crouching one.
One use for this move is to apply it in mid-combo resets such as a crouching Medium Kick
canceled into Oil Dive. However, the recovery of this move is so bad that it is a
tremendously risky option. The Light version has the least amount of range and fastest
If you hold down the kick button(s) to have Hakan run in place, he actually gets a much
larger grab range upon release. This doesn't really help with anything though. When Hakan
is oiled, Oil Dive only gets increased range and damge.
EX Version: This version has more range than the Hard version, but it has no
invulnerability and does not fix any of the poor qualities of the regular version. Oiling up
does not change anything but range or damage.
Oil Slide and Body Press or Oil Shower
O. Light
O. Medium
O. Hard
Hakan's oil slide is the core of his offense. The button pressed determines the range
traveled, and the Light version has the fastest startup time. The moment you hit the
opponent you can press either a punch or kick button to get more damage or more oil. The
kick button will always initiate Light Oil Shower regardless of the button pressed.
If you activate this move at the right distance so that the very end of the move is blocked by
the opponent, it cannot be retaliated against. This requires that you know the exact distance
each Oil Slide will travel, otherwise you can be very easily punished! Comboing into this
move is another option, but it's usually limited to punishes.
When oiled, the speed and range of this move while traveling is increased, making it easier
to land long-range punishes.
You can FADC this move the moment it makes contact with the opponent. This gives you
an option to either get very close to the opponent for a sudden attack or just to make the Oil
Slide safe on block in case you messed up the spacing.
EX Version: EX Oil Slide travels as far as the Hard Oil Slide, but it is completely
invulnerable to projectiles.
When oiled, this move travels incredibly far, making the oiled EX Oil Slide one of the
longest-ranged anti-projectile moves in the game.
Guard Position
Hakan crouches down and during this time he cannot be thrown. His entire upper body also
becomes completely invincible. Unfortunately, this move is not considered a true "special
move" by the engine, so you cannot use it as a reversal. Also, you have to hold the joystick
downwards to keep Hakan crouching, but he doesn't stay down for very long.
You can use this move to dodge quite a lot of mid and high attacks along with projectiles.
Try the Guard Position out in training mode, as you may be surprised at which moves it is
able to avoid.
One of the best features of this move is that you can cancel Oil Dive and EX Oil Shower
with it. Don't forget this, because both moves are very unsafe if left alone! Also, canceling
Oil Dive into Guard Position repeatedly can build tons of meter for Hakan.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Flying Oil Spin
O. Super
This Super is the exact same move as Hakan's Oil Dive, except that it does way more
damage. Also, the button pressed determines which kind of invulnerability you get while
you run forward.
When oiled, the range of this Super increases along with the damage.
Hakan's 720 grab has great range, and it is completely invulnerable on startup making it a
great wakeup counter due to its speed. Ticking into this grab using the Hakan Tackle or an
Oil Slide FADC is a popular tactic. As long as the opponent is not jumping or performing
an invincible counter of some kind before the Ultra cinematic begins, this move should
always grab them.
When oiled, the only thing that changes is damage. Hakan does not get any range or speed
The best anti-air Ultra in the game where Hakan oils himself and lies down. Oil
Combination Hold will initiate against any jump that hits Hakan or any move special or
normal that is considered airborne by the game engine. Because of this, this Ultra is a great
counter against characters that depend heavily on an aerial game.
It's also possible to combo into this Ultra, either from a Focus Attack (waiting until the
opponent starts to fall onto the ground) or a jumping Medium Punch. The damage won't be
as good, but at least it can add a little bit to Hakan's anemic combos.
The startup of this Ultra is extremely fast and Hakan is fully invulnerable, so don't be afraid
to counter aerial attacks with this move.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
Hard Oil Slide, Body Press
3 Hits
220/230 Damage
The strongest meterless punish combo that Hakan has. The crouching Medium Kick is a
low option.
juggle Ultra 2
9 Hits
371 Damage
You must contact the opponent air-to-air with the jumping Medium Punch.
This move is great for getting into grab range with Hakan. It's the only one of his command
normals that can move him without being oiled.
Also, this move can act as an anti-air because of its high hitbox, allowing you to counter
jump-ins by striking behind the opponent.
Hakan Spear
This attack has good range, and it does a lot of damage for a command normal (150).
Step Low
This kick from Hakan doesn't have much range, but it will interrupt a LOT of attacks. If
you're getting pestered by low moves, then this is your answer.
Also this move is special cancelable, adding to the option select list.
Front Kick
No real use for this move. Okay range, but Step Low is a bit better because it's harder to
Step Knee
Hakan takes a big step forward for an ankle kick that must be blocked low.
When oiled, this attack knocks down along with the extra range.
Air Throw
This throw has the same startup as a ground throw, and it's great for catching people trying
to jump out of your offense. Air throws in general have great utility value in AE, so don't
forget you have this move.
Hakan General Strategy
Hakan's defense is extremely bad, close to the worst in the game. To counter this, you must
keep the opponent out and not get knocked down. You must keep up a wall of normal
moves to force the opponent to stay at a certain range, and then move in for your command
throw and air throw game.
Oiling up with Hakan is of the utmost importance. Hakan without oil is extremely limited
in attack power, especially with his really bad unoiled 360 grab range. When at full screen,
you should be constantly stacking oil (and meter) with Oil Showers and Oil Dives canceled
into Guard Position. This way, you can constantly be a threat no matter the range.
Because Hakan's ground offense is terrifying with oil, there will be a lot of jumping attacks
to try to stop you. It's absolutely imperative that you recognize which anti-air attacks will
work in order to keep people guessing on the ground.
Ibuki's most important poke for footsies. Great range, hard to interrupt, special cancelable.
Crouching Medium Punch
Ibuki's best option-select normal. Buffer moves such as Tsumuji from it for the best results.
Crouching Hard Punch or Standing Hard Kick
These are two anti-airs for Ibuki, although both are slow. The Crouching Hard Punch is
jump-cancelable, so you can chase the opponent down if you make contact with the move.
Standing Hard Kick at far range will anti-air people that jump in front of you, but if the
opponent is right on top of you then close Standing Hard Kick will come out instead, which
is just as good of an anti-air and is jump-cancelable.
Backhand Punch
This attack has good range and hits twice, but there are better pokes for Ibuki.
Close Standing Hard Kick
This will launch the opponent into the air where you can follow with a jumping Hard Kick
to slam them back down. Mostly used during post-anti-air juggles.
Ibuki's best anti-air move. It hits twice, but the first hit will juggle the opponent and it's the
only part of the move that is special cancelable.
Canceling into Light or Medium Kasumi Gake from this move is very popular, but you
have to cancel on reaction to your anti-air landing.
Spin Kick
A really good poke for Ibuki. It's fast, hard to interrupt with low moves and is special
cancelable. This means that you can harass opponents by cancelling into Tsumuji from it. It
shares similarities to standing Medium Kick in that regard.
Reverse Spin Kick
One of Ibuki's longest-ranged pokes. It also has a great hitbox and it leads into Target
Combo 7.
Hammer Kick
Ibuki's overhead attack is slow, but you can combo from it if it connects. Also if the
opponent tries to jump away, this overhead will slam them back into the ground.
Sazan (Slide)
Ibuki's best approach move. It's safe if blocked at maximum range and gets you into poke
distance. It can also be used as an anti-air as long as Ibuki's head is far from the jump-in.
The next best use for this move is to avoid projectiles. Another tool for Ibuki's anti-fireball
game, though this move has a slightly difficult time ducking under slow projectiles.
Bonsho Kick
Ibuki hops quickly into the air with this move, but the range isn't that great. It's a nice move
to jump over low attacks though.
Super Jump
Pressing down and up quickly in succession will initiate a super jump from Ibuki. This
move has some really interesting uses. The first is that it makes it easier to land a crossup
from farther away, though it does give the opponent more time to react to a jump.
Another great use is that you can cancel the Super Jump into special or Ultra moves. While
this is difficult to put into practice, it makes it so that all moves that are not special
cancelable but Super Jump cancelable can now be made to be special cancelable in a
roundabout manner.
An example of this in practice is Target Combo 10. The second hit of that move is not
special cancelable, but if you Super Jump and then cancel that into a special move, it allows
you to stay on the ground and perform a chipping cancel (Tsumuji) or an approach cancel
(Kasumi Gake).
Air Throw
This throw has the same startup as a ground throw, and it's great for catching people trying
to jump out of your offense or trying to counter you air-to-air.
Crossup Attacks
Ibuki's jumping Light Kick is her best crossup and the hardest one to block. It also does
enough hitstun to easily land combos on the ground afterwards.
Jumping Medium Kick is much harder to cross up with, but if you do it's extremely hard to
block for the opponent.
Jumping Attacks
Jumping Hard Kick is Ibuki's best air-to-air. It will slam the opponent into the ground if it
Jumping Hard Punch is Ibuki's best jump-in attack if you're not relying on her target
Neutral Jump Medium Kick is the best air-to-ground counter move.
Special Moves
An aerial dagger toss where the button pressed determines the thrown angle. Ibuki has a lot
of recovery on these kunais, so you're going to have to be very careful when you throw
The kunai has two uses. The first is to use the Hard Kunai at long range to chip opponents.
The second is to use the Light Kunai to mix the opponent up on wakeup. There are two
main methods for mixing up with the kunai, with the first being a low-to-the-ground instant
air kunai and the second being a maximum height Light kunai.
For the second method, you must perform it just as the opponent is standing up to make it
as ambiguous as possible. It doesn't matter if you use the first technique or the second as a
badly timed kunai that misses the opponent will get you killed.
Keep in mind that despite this move's "projectile" status, it is not classified as a projectile
by the game engine. This means that normal and special moves can actually knock away
your kunai. For this reason only it's a really bad idea to try to use the Kunai as a jump-in
attack, because anti-air special and normal moves will blow through it.
EX Version: EX Kunai throws out two kunai at a very shallow angle. This is only really
useful for chip damage or to break through armored moves chasing you such as Boxer's EX
special moves.
Ibuki flips through the air with this special move, but there's really no use for it as Ibuki's
regular jump does the job just fine when it comes to crossups and kunai throws.
It's possible to ambiguously cross up with kunais using this move, but the slow travel speed
through the air makes it almost impossible to apply after a knockdown.
Neck Breaker
A sliding attack that breaks the neck of the opponent and performs a hard knockdown. This
is Ibuki's choice move as a combo ender since it gives her a lot of time to choose her mixup
options. This move must be blocked low. Don't try to apply it outside of combos or
punishes, because you can be punished very badly if this move is blocked.
The Light Neck Breaker travels the least distance, but all versions have the same startup
time. Despite the fast sliding speed of the move, the startup is rather slow.
EX Version: EX Neck Breaker is completely invulnerable to projectiles for the entire
duration of the move, making it a top anti-projectile option. It doesn't start up any faster
than the regular Neck Breakers though.
This version also does more damage than the regular Neck Breaker, but it leaves you much
farther away from the opponent after the knockdown.
Despite the animation of the move, this special attack is not a grab. Because it has non-grab
properties, it is possible to apply it in ground juggles. It also means that the move is
blockable (and it is very unsafe on block). This move doesn't build much meter on whiff,
Kasumi Gake
Ibuki's teleport dash is mostly used to catch up with the opponent after a knockdown or as a
very sudden surprise move into a throw. The easiest example of the first use is after a
backwards throw.
The other use for it as after canceling it from the first hit of an anti-air juggle with Agemen.
This allows followup juggles but requires quick reactions and confidence in your anti-air
Ibuki's regular Kazegiri doesn't see much use because of the lack of strike invulnerability
and her better combo enders. The attack is completely invulnerable to throws making it a
120 / 90
140 / 110
This is Ibuki's most important special move, as it's the core of her knockdown, chip damage
and meter building game. The Light version only allows two hits, but it starts up the fastest
allowing for a tighter blockstring from standing Medium Kick or Spin Kick.
While just throwing out the Tsumuji by itself is a bad idea, buffering from Ibuki's good
cancelable normals makes it a great move. It's safe on block and if you manage to land a
chance hit it leads into the all-important knockdown for Ibuki (provided that the Medium or
Hard Tsumuji was used).
Medium and Hard Tsumuji start up a little slower, but you can input the second command
listed above to have Ibuki either complete the slices or knock the opponent down with a
sweep. The second option is far more important since Ibuki needs the knockdown more
than any other character in the game to be successful.
EX version: EX Tsumuji doesn't offer any extra time to attack the opponent on
knockdown. What it does offer is a free juggle into extra damage in the corner, which is its
only real use.
Hien has Ibuki jump into the air for a double-hitting overhead attack. After it makes contact
with the opponent and Ibuki jumps backwards, she can throw a Kunai to cover her escape.
This is a move you'll want to use sparingly though. Any character with a strong long range
punish move will be able to punish you (and go through or under your kunai). Almost every
character has an answer to a blocked or incoming Hien.
Hien is a very popular damage reset option since it's not possible to combo into it. The
Light version starts up the fastest but is the most unsafe on block, so you'll have to choose
your options wisely.
EX Version: EX Hien will auto-track to the opponent's position and then perform a
damaging knockdown. It's almost impossible to punish this version of the move on block
outside the corner because Ibuki will land so far away. It also does a ton of chip. An overall
great option against a lot of slow characters.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Kasumi Suzaku
Ibuki's Super can only be used in the air, but it doesn't deter its usefulness. the main
situations and methods for using Kasumi Suzaku are:
You can use this Super at the very beginning of your jump or as high in the air as you need
to be. The button pressed determines the angle of the Kunai being tossed, making it the
exact same as your Kunai special move. This is important for when you want to chip the
Ultra 1 Yoroitoshi
Ultra 1
Ibuki's Yoroitoshi is not an instant-grab Ultra, meaning that opponents will be able to jump
out after the cinematic begins. This means that in order to land this Ultra, you must land it
as a punish against a move with frame disadvantage. An easy example is Adon's Jaguar
This Ultra does have a lot of range though. Also, if it doesn't make contact, Ibuki will throw
out a huge projectile that is hard to avoid and will catch anyone who neutral jumped to
avoid the Ultra. This projectile is unsafe if it's blocked at close range though.
Ultra 2 Hashinsho
Ultra 2
Ibuki's main comboable Ultra, though it requires a difficult Super Jump Cancel(SJC) to
land. It's possible to SJC into this move from a couple of moves, the most popular being
standing Medium Kick. To learn about SJC, read the section about it near the end of the
Another feature of this Ultra is its full projectile invincibility, which allows Ibuki to punish
projectile throwers even more heavily than before. The range of Hashinsho is also much
farther than it appears, which makes it much more reliable as a punishing tool.
Target Combos
Target Combo 1 [Air Only]
Ibuki's most damaging jump-in target combo. Works great for breaking anti-air focus
attacks or for attacking opponents who crouch too early.
The only downside of this Target Combo is that on small characters the second hit tends to
whiff. In those scenarios, it might be a better idea to try a different aerial target combo.
Unique to this Target Combo is the fact that you can use it no matter which direction you
Target Combo 2 [Air Only]
This is a very reliable double hitting aerial target combo that can be used for angled jumps
only. This isn't as damaging as Target Combo 1, but its reliability in hitting small characters
counts for more in fights.
Target Combo 3 [Air Only]
Ibuki's third aerial target combo doesn't do as much damage or hitstun as the first two target
combos, but it's great for crossups (or fake crossups). Ibuki's already has a very confusing
crossup game, so this is another trick to use.
Like Target Combo 2, this can only be used during an angled jump.
Target Combo 4
Ibuki's most important target combo. The last punch is special cancelable, setting up easy
knockdowns with Neck Breaker and other moves. It's Ibuki's best punish option on the
ground and is very easy to link into after a crossup.
Target Combo 5
No real use for this target combo. The end isn't special cancelable, you have to begin the
target combo at mid range which is awkward, and if you've managed to get close enough
for a far standing Light Punch then you'll want to be linking into standing Medium Kick
Target Combo 6
This target combo offers a reset opportunity for Ibuki, but it's largely avoided because you
tend to always land in front of the opponent while he has just recovered. This target combo
is also very dangerous to use against anyone with a dragon punch or invincible anti-air
Target Combo 7
The initial kick for this target combo has great range, and the next hit is an overhead. An
underused target combo.
Target Combo 8
This target combo suffers the same problem as Target Combo 6 in that you are sacrificing
damage and a knockdown at point blank range for a potential reset.
Target Combo 9
The really good part about this target combo is that you can stop at the Medium Kick and
cancel it into a special move. This makes the initial chain an easy hit confirm for Ibuki,
though she tends to have better normals than her standing Light Kick for confirming at that
Another bonus of the initial part of this target combo is that it makes Super Jump Canceling
into Ultra 2 extremely easy.
Target Combo 10
A really great target combo when fighting against Focus Attack abusers. Ibuki's sweep has
good range and the second part of this target combo is jump-cancelable just like Target
Combos 6 and 8.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
Target Combo 4
EX Neck Breaker
6 Hits
252 Damage
Ibuki's most basic punish combo.
4 Hits
123 Damage
Untechable knockdown combo. Standing Light Punch whiffs on some characters while they
are crouching.
Hammer Kick
Target Combo 9 (MK)
Hard Tsumuji
6 Hits
225 Damage
One of a couple of combos after an overhead.
Target Combo 4
EX Tsumuji, juggle EX Raida
8 Hits
315 Damage
One of Ibuki's many corner combos.
Ibuki General Strategy
Ibuki has a very specific range in which all of her pokes are very effective. That range is
where her far standing Light Punch will be blocked by the opponent. From there, Ibuki can
perform all her overheads and mid-range target combos with ease. It's also the best range
for her to jump so she can land a crossup (or fake crossup).
Once you knock the opponent down, it's all about the Kunai toss. The Light Kunai is the
one you will be relying exclusively on as you cross up for an attack. The opponent will
have to watch Ibuki carefully to see which way to block, which is not easy. If the opponent
tries to Focus->Backdash out of the Kunai, try to chase them down with your Slide.
It's important as well not to get knocked down with Ibuki. Her low stamina and stun
coupled with bad reversal game will always be a factor in a match, so it's best not to try too
many gambles against characters with strong knockdown games.
Ibuki SJC into Ultra 2
If you want to do the Super Jump Cancel into Ultra 2 from a standing normal attack, simply
do the two quarter circles in such a way that the first quarter circle ends in an up-forward
position. The notation shows the movement below.
If you want to Super Jump Cancel from a crouching normal attack you'll want to pump out
the motions extremely quickly. This is difficult to do, so most players add links to combos
to give themselves more time to pump out the Ultra motions.
Canceling into Ultra 2 from Ibuki's Target Combos is easy because you can tactically
perform quarter circles while continuing the combo and complete the motion above. Be
sure to remember that during Target Combos 4 and 9 (MK).
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Bio and Story Artwork
Character Overview
Guide by Nyoro
Juri is a character with the ability to land killer damage in a flash or zone the opponent out
for long periods at a time. She also has a great toolset with two solid normal anti-airs, great
range on her cancelable normals, multiple juggle options, and a dive kick that can be used
in three jump directions without EX.
Her weaknesses include her slow ground speed, which weakens her throw game. She also
has a very slow overhead without much range, and her close poking combos do low
damage. She desperately needs to store fireballs to be a threat with damage or spacing and
it can be very difficult to hold onto fireball charges while fighting.
+ With fireball charges, can land some very damaging combos.
+ Great anti-air and air-to-air normal game.
+ Long-range low game.
+ Can chip and zone effectively while building meter quickly.
+ Quick forward dash.
+ Powerful juggle combos.
+ Kara throw range is top 5 material.
- Lower than average health and stun.
- A weak reversal game.
- Overhead is very slow.
- Backdash is laggy.
- Relies on fireball charges to get significant damage.
- No quick long-range punish move.
- Have to be on-point with execution to keep defense solid.
Notable Normal Moves and Unique Attacks
Sekku (Overhead)
Juri's overhead has very slow startup, but once Juri is airborne she can't be thrown or
interrupted with low attacks. It's also safe on block. You can't combo from this move
without the help of Feng Shui Engine.
Neutral Jump Hard Kick
One of Juri's best air normals since it covers both sides. Best to use after Juri's Counter has
landed or as a general air-to-ground attack.
Jumping Hard Punch
Juri aims her foot downward for this attack, and if she makes contact with the opponent at
any time with this move then it knocks them down.
This move is very interesting because it actually forces Juri to drop faster than normal. This
means it makes certain safe jump setups easier to do. It also has a continuous active
window, meaning that it stays out for as long as Juri is in the air.
Jumping Medium Punch
If this move makes contact with an opponent in the air, it will juggle them where you can
follow up with one of these options.
Ultra 2
A really great air-to-air attack. You can also cancel it into your dive kick in the air, though
it's really hard to connect with opponents in this manner. It's much easier to do if you
rejuggle the opponent with another jumping Medium Punch and then cancel that into a dive
kick, since Juri is higher up.
Because you can cancel this into a dive kick while Juri is still in the air, that means you can
jump in with this attack on a grounded opponent and cancel it into a dive kick for an aerial
combo. This is especially potent with the EX Dive Kick since it leads to Ultra 2.
Unfortunately, that sort of strategy doesn't have much weight unless you are absolutely sure
your jumping Medium Punch is going to land.
Jumping Light or Medium Kick
Juri's crossup attacks. Very reliable and can be activated late. Jumping Light Kick in
particular is very difficult to block correctly, but it deals less hitstun than jumping Medium
Special Moves
Kasatushi (Counter)
Juri's counter comes out incredibly fast. It's a potential wakeup option because of the speed
it comes out at, making it extremely hard to safe-jump. However, since it takes a tiny bit of
startup for the counter to become active, you'll want to be careful about opponents attacking
you on the ground with well-timed strikes as you are standing.
The Light version has Juri quickly speed behind the opponent, which is good if you want to
perform a fast side-to-side mixup. Medium has you run away from the opponent to create
space, and Hard initiates a neutral jump meant to catch fighters off guard. Ultimately it's
best to try to create space or attack from the other side of the opponent.
Juri's counter loses to all armor-breaking attacks, which includes reversals that normally do
not break armor by themselves. That being said, don't activate the counter on an opponent's
wakeup. Also, Kasatushi obviously does not work against throws.
One of the best properties of this move is its ability to counter projectiles. This can prevent
chip KOs against you while you are standing up or can allow you to get closer against
opponents who have slow recovery on their projectiles.
EX Version: EX Kasatushi starts up even faster than the regular Counter, and you can steer
where Juri travels with the joystick! It's also a much more viable wakeup option due to its
speed of activation.
Most players hold up-forward to cross the opponent up and make it difficult for them to
react with a reversal.
Fuhajin (Fireball Kick)
R. Light
R. Medium
R. Hard
Juri's fireball kick is the core of her chip and meter building game. After you perform the
motion, you can hold down the button to charge a fireball, but if you decide not to you'll
just get a regular knockdown combo. The initial stage of this attack can absorb fireballs
though it requires strict timing.
This is a potential combo ender for Juri because the soft knockdown allows you to get right
into the opponent's close range zone. If you choose to store the fireball after the
knockdown, it'll give you even more offensive pressure options. It's also a safe blockstring
ender allowing you to perform unpunishable strings.
Constantly storing fireballs at mid range allows you to build meter and force opponents to
respect your zoning option since it's impossible to tell which fireball has been stored. Also,
if you release a fireball charge while charging another, a fireball will not come out, meaning
that you can perpetually charge and build large amounts of meter quickly.
The Light Fuhajin release is meant to stop opponents on the ground and push them back.
Medium is the same purpose. Hard Fuhajin release is an anti-air that has to be done preemptively to be effective.
It bears repeating how good this move is close up to the opponent. It can be used as a frame
trap and it's always safe on block. Releasing the fireball at close range actually results in
Juri having frame advantage as long as it is blocked. On hit, a fireball release opens up big
damage portals for Juri.
EX Version: You cannot charge EX Fuhajins, but the buttons you press determine which
way the EX two-hit fireball travels. All EX Fuhajins knock down. Light+Medium summons
a low striking attack, Medium+Hard is a mid-level strike and the Light+Hard version is an
anti-air that can juggle the opponent into specific moves.
You're going to want to use this if opponents are harassing you with Focus Attacks or
obvious jump-ins. Juri has less risky anti-airs than her EX Fuhajin though.
Senpusha (Pinwheel Kick)
Juri's pinwheel kick is her most damaging combo ender. Whether or not you want to end
your combos with Fuhajin or Senpusha is entirely up to whether you want more damage or
more knockdown time at the end of your combos.
The Light Senpusha leaves the opponent standing on hit. It's also very difficult to punish on
block if spaced correctly, which makes it a real pain for characters without fast moves to
deal with. The Medium and Hard versions knock down with Hard Senpusha starting up the
slowest. These versions are really unsafe on block.
Each pinwheel kick is low-invincible and unthrowable once it starts spinning. Senpusha can
only really be applied in combos though, so this feature isn't too useful.
EX Version: Juri's best reversal. Although it has a nice amount of startup invincibility, it
doesn't overlap the attacking portion of the move. It's still very good as a wakeup counter
EX Senpusha is also completely invulnerable to projectiles until Juri stops spinning. You
can also slightly control the distance that Juri travels with the joystick.
EX Senpusha is incredibly unsafe on block, making it easy to punish. Also, you can FADC
the startup of this move to make it safe, though this requires you to pre-emptively sacrifice
three bars since only the very beginning of the move can be canceled.
Shikusen (Dive Kick)
Juri's dive kick is a great move because it can be used in any jump direction and as long as
you angle the attack into the opponent's feet, it's safe from counter-attacks. The Light
version has the steepest angle, Hard the shallowest and you'll want to be very careful that
this attack is not blocked above the opponent's legs.
This attack is mostly used to counter certain moves while you are jumping. Examples
include an opponent recklessly dashing towards you or throwing projectiles to try to catch
your jump recovery. Countering projectile throwers is by far its most popular use since it's
easy to dive kick over most fireballs.
Once you make contact with the opponent, just mash on any of the kick buttons to get the
rest of the series out.
EX Version: EX Shikusen can only travel at the Medium version's angle, and it starts up at
the same speed as all the other Shikusens. The big advantage of this move is that it
wallbounces the opponent allowing you damaging followups such EX Senpusha or Ultra 2.
If you don't have Ultra 2 chosen or if you want to conserve meter, you can try juggling with
Light Senpusha or the Fuhajin storing attack.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Fuharenjin
Juri's Super is a fairly standard damage addition to combos since its total damage is higher
than the average Super combo's damage level. Canceling into it from a normal or a
Senpusha is the best way to go about landing this Super.
The Light version of this Super has Juri stand in place and throw out fireballs. The Medium
version has Juri move a little bit forward during the cinematic and the Hard version has her
take a big step backwards.
The reason for this button-based movement is because Juri's Super has trouble landing
against cornered opponents, so you'll want to use the Hard Fuharenjin if the opponent has
their back to the wall.
If the opponent is standing anywhere else on screen, the Medium version tends to be the
Juri's main comboable Ultra. It's too slow to be reliably used as an anti-air, but there are a
lot of simple juggles and combos that allow you to land it for good damage. Check the list
Jumping Towards Medium Punch canceled into Light/EX Dive Kick (ground or air,
air requires second jumping Medium Punch juggle)
EX Dive Kick
Light Fuhajin release, cancel into Focus Attack Level 2 (easier but less damage)
Whichever Ultra you pick depends on what kind of matchup you're up against. Against
characters with bad reversals you'll definitely want to use Ultra 1 to pin them down with
damaging combos and deadly blockstrings. Ultra 2 is a bit more in the "guaranteed
damage" department.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
cr.LK, cr.LK, Link cr.LK xx M Senpusha
7 Hits
142 damage
If you're crouch teching with Juri, use this combo.
cr.HP xx H Senpusha
5 Hits
240 Damage
Juri's best meterless punish without a fireball charge.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Ken is one of the best "jack of all trades" characters in SF4. He has strong reversals, deadly
knockdown tactics and one of the longest-ranged kara throws in the game. While characters
that have lots of effective tools take a while to master, Ken is definitely worth the practice.
Ken's weaknesses are his walk speed, the lack of range on his Focus Attack and his
extremely poor backdash. His Ultras are either weak in combos or tough to land. These
weaknesses are not very substantial, but they're enough to be a hindrance.
+ Has a strong anti-air game.
+ Reversal game is reliable with a shoryuken that cannot be safe jumped naturally.
+ Combos carry opponent to the corner quickly.
+ Can combo into sweep for a knockdown game.
+ A great crossup game along with an overhead.
+ Can build meter quickly with all of his special moves.
+ Incredible range on his kara throw.
- Fireball has slower than average recovery.
- Slow anti-projectile attacks.
- Walkspeed is slower than average.
- Short range on a very slow backdash.
- Can't rely on Ultra combos as tools.
Notable Normal Moves and Unique Attacks
Inazuma Kick
A quick but low-damage overhead attack from Ken. Leaves you at frame disadvantage on
hit, meaning that you'll have to be careful not to get counter-hit out of a followup attack.
Step Kick
One of Ken's best normal moves. This poke is safe when blocked at mid range and pushes
Ken into attack range. Since Ken recovers so quickly he can counter opponents with a
Shoryuken FADC or bait them with a backdash into a sweep.
You won't want to overdo it with this move, because a well-timed Focus Attack or neutral
jump attack will hit you if you're predictable.
Step Kick also serves as the "trigger" for Ken's kara throw. Simply activate this move and
press the throw buttons slightly afterwards to cancel the animation and get insane throw
Thunder Kick (Hold for feint)
This move has Ken take a big step forward for a slow overhead attack that does a nice
amount of damage. Generally only a good move to use once or twice a game if you're sure
your opponent won't react.
You can hold the kick button used to activate this move to have Ken step forward with a
feint. Still a bit slow, but if it's really unexpected you can use it as a surprise attack to get
into throw or dragon punch range.
Crouching Medium Kick
A safe and quick low poke for Ken. Cancelable into special moves and useful in forcing the
opponent to crouch block.
Close Standing Hard Kick
Ken's most damaging cancelable normal. Good for meterless punishes.
Jumping Light or Medium Kick
Ken's crossup attacks. Light Kick is more ambiguous but does less hitstun.
Neutral Jump Medium Kick
Ken's best air-to-ground counter for opponents who rush him on the ground recklessly.
Target Combos
Target Combo 1
The only time you'll ever really land Ken's Target Combo is in a close-range punish
situation... and usually the standing Light Punch link into crouching Hard Punch is a better
substitute for this Target Combo.
Because Ken doesn't have easy links into his Target Combo and it has a tendency to whiff
on certain crouching hitstun animations, it's not used very often.
Special Moves
Hadouken (Fireball)
Ken's fireball is fairly straightforward. You can use it to pester opponents, but beware using
it at mid range as its not at all hard to punish its recovery. The Light version travels the
slowest, and is the most tedious for an opponent to avoid.
Fireballs are effective for building meter at long range or for extending FADC combos with
Ken. However, fireballs are unsafe if blocked at short range by the opponent, so check your
range before you let a fireball loose.
Also keep note that Ken's fireball startup speed is slightly slower than the average, making
his blockstrings with fireballs a little less tight than other characters. Remember this when
canceling into fireballs at mid range.
EX Version: A double-hitting fireball that doesn't knock down. The only use for this is for
stronger FADC combos, chip damage or to challenge Focus Attacks at mid range. It's also
safe on block at short range unlike the regular version.
Shoryuken (Dragon Punch)
Ken's signature dragon punch attack is very powerful and all three versions of the move
have a large usefulness factor.
Light: Has enough invincibility to act as a quick counter. If you don't have two or
more bars of EX, then this is the best reversal or counter if you know a move is
coming. The fast recovery can really come into play and make this move tough to
punish if you are sure it will be unexpected by the opponent. Only a good anti-air if
you see an obvious jump coming.
Medium: The best anti-air Shoryuken because it has the most invincibility out of
the normal versions. It also does more damage than the other regular DPs as well.
You cannot use this version as a ground counter though because it is very likely that
the second hit will whiff, leaving you wide open.
Hard: This version shares similarities to the Light version. It's not a good anti-air
option because the hitbox positioning will often cause it to trade. It's a great
grounded counter though if you have the meter to FADC since you can cancel up to
the second hit in case it is blocked.
Another strong feature of the Hard Shoryuken is its wide range with its ability to
catch backdashes. This means you can use it in chip KOs if you're sure the opponent
won't be able to counter it otherwise.
If you try to use the Light or Hard Dragon Punch as a normal (late) anti-air, they will more
than likely trade or get outright beaten. Even though you can follow up traded dragon
punches with a quick aerial EX Hurricane Kick it's still best to rely on the Medium version
just to ensure that you don't lose out on damage trades when anti-airing.
EX Version: EX Shoryuken is a packaged version of all the best parts of Ken's dragon
punches. It has a huge chunk of startup invincibility, does the most damage, hits four times
and doesn't fail to juggle opponents when it hits on the ground.
Despite these fantastic qualities, EX Shoryuken is only really good if you want to spend
meter on a "guarantee" that your dragon punch will not get beaten or that your opponent
will get knocked out in the next combo.
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Hurricane Kick)
A. Light
A. Medium
A. Hard
Ken's Hurricane Kick is Ken's second primary combo ender next to his Shoryuken should
he be out of range for a dragon punch. On hit, it leaves the opponent standing. On block, all
versions of the move are unsafe. Only the first hit of this move can hit crouching
opponents, so you'll want to force your opponents to stand up mid-combo if you want to
land this move.
The Light version has fast whiff recovery, so it will allow you to sneak in for a throw. The
Medium version leaves you and your opponent at completely even frames on hit, while the
Hard version leaves you at very slight frame disadvantage on hit. Keep this in mind when
fighting grapplers.
Against opponents without zero or one-frame moves (such as Zangief's Ultra 1), the Hard
Hurricane Kick is the best one to combo into. It builds the most meter, does the most
damage and shoves the opponent the farthest to the corner.
Once Ken lifts both of his legs off the ground, his lower body is invulnerable to projectiles
and certain low attacks. The regular Hurricane Kick is a really slow anti-projectile option
though. Also, you can use this move to "corpse hop" the opponent after you've knocked
them down, which can throw off the charges of charge characters.
The regular aerial Hurricane Kick is good for changing your jump-in trajectory. Activate it
at the right time, and you can sail behind opponents or fall in front of them faster. While it's
slight difficult to combo from this move if it lands, it offers a lot of safety on block
provided that you land far enough away.
EX Version: EX Hurricane Kick is Ken's most damaging combo ender. It also pushes the
opponent the farthest towards the corner. It's the safest version on block, travels the fastest
and leaves you at frame advantage on hit unlike the normal versions. Definitely worth your
time to combo into.
EX Aerial Hurricane Kick is one of Ken's most important moves, so you must absolutely
not forget you have it. It helps Ken with approaches, and it has great priority in air-to-air
fights. As you descend on the opponent with this move, you can cross up or land in front
(very ambiguous) and since this move recovers on the ground instantaneously, you can pull
off some big combos.
You can also use this aerial version to escape corners. Simply activate it at the early stage
of your jump and Ken will fly so far away that he'll float for almost a full in-game second.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Shoryureppa
Surprisingly, this move's overall invincibility on activation is very short. Also, the angle of
the Super's movement makes it a very poor anti-air option.
This Super is one you should just generally avoid unless you are trying to look flashy. Ken
can get far more damage and safe options off of his FADC tricks.
Ultra 1 Shinryuken
Ultra 1
Ken's Ultra 1 is a solid Ultra. He can combo into it fairly easily off of Shoryuken FADC or
EX Hadouken FADC and it's a fully invincible anti-air attack. Despite the appearance of
Shinryuken, the startup is fairly slow, meaning you'll have to activate this very early on in
the opponent's jump if you want a chance to hit them out of the air.
Ken's Shoryuken -> FADC into Ultra 1 doesn't yield much damage, but if you land the
Hard Shoryuken as a counter-hit before the FADC you'll get the full animation for a heavy
amount of damage. You can also land the full animation if you FADC from the very first hit
onwards of Hard Shoryuken on aerial opponents only.
This Ultra is fully invincible on startup and projectile invincible for the rest of the move. If
you can make a good read on a projectile throw, it is possible to dash up, activate this Ultra
and go through quickly enough in time for a punish.
Comboing into this Ultra has different requirements than Ultra 1. For starters, in order to
land this move in combos the opponent has to be standing. Also, Ultra 2 starts up faster
than Ultra 1, meaning that you can now use a regular Hadouken instead of EX in an FADC
combo. This requirement makes it less combo-friendly than Ultra 1, but not by much.
Generally, you'll only want to pick this Ultra if you're in a matchup where you need to
make long-range punishes.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
cr.LK, cr.LP, Link cr.LP xx H Shoryuken
6 Hits
172 Damage
A bread and butter combo that works on all characters. To make this combo easy, do the
first two hits quickly, then delay the last Light Punch for as long as possible before you
perform the quick cancel.
too many high priority normals to "shove" his way into the opponent's zone.
Ken's knockdown game is extremely strong since his kara throw has such good range (out
of the range of crouch techs), not to mention his EX Aerial Hurricane Kick can be made
very hard to block on wakeup (and you can combo afterwards!). Don't overlook Ken's
okizeme when performing combos and go for knockdowns if you want to perform multiple
(Charge with
, Cancel with
Makoto's dash punch at first looks like a horizontal space abuser, but you'll only want to be
using this move in combos or as punishes. All Hayates are unsafe on block to a high enough
degree that every character in the game can punish them with ease. Light Hayate in
Makoto's Axe Kick is one of her choice special moves. Using it allows her to hop over low
pokes and avoid throws while safely attacking the opponent. She can only activate it while
jumping neutrally or forwards, and it can be blocked high or low.
As long as you activate this move close enough to the ground and it makes contact with the
opponent in some way, Makoto should be safe from counterattacks. It also puts you right in
close range for a mixup opportunity.
If you're having trouble getting in with Makoto you must start using this move. Light
Version comes out the fastest, Hard the slowest. You can combo from the Light or Medium
version very easily and the Hard version knocks down.
You can activate this move extremely close to the ground, which makes it extraordinarily
powerful. Practice jumping and activating this move as quickly as you can. Also, make sure
you know the right range of attack, otherwise this move will whiff and leap over opponents
on the ground.
Using this move on the opponent's wakeup will lock them in place and prevent them from
backdashing due to the active frames of the move.
EX Version: EX Tsurugi can be performed immediately from the ground and it must be
blocked high. This is a two-hit attack designed to defeat Focus Attacks.
A good move if you want a really fast overhead knockdown option. Also, the startup of the
move is projectile invincible, though this doesn't really do much for Makoto.
Oroshi (Karate Chop)
The Oroshi must be blocked high, and is another (slow) Makoto mixup option. All versions
of the move are unsafe on block, with the Light being the least unsafe. The pushback of the
move might save you from a punish, but it's best to be careful.
If the Light or Medium Oroshi lands, you can combo from them using fast attacks such as
your Crouching Light Kick. It's slightly easier to combo from Medium Oroshi but not by
much. The Hard Oroshi knocks down.
In order to make sure the opponent doesn't try to escape from Oroshi, you'll want to cancel
into it from a normal move. This gives them less time to react.
EX Version: EX Oroshi is one of Makoto's faster knockdown options. It starts up much
faster than the regular Oroshis and can be comboed into. Using the previous strategy of
canceling from a normal move makes this even harder to react to in a blockstring.
EX Oroshi also has some startup strike invincibility, but it wears off long before the move
can get to a hitting state. Also, this move is still completely vulnerable to throws.
Makoto is famous for her Karakusa and its deadly reset potential. The Light version starts
up the fastest, but has the least range. The range and startup differences on each Karakusa
are rather small, but significant enough to make a difference.
The use of this command grab is pretty straightforward; wait for the opponent to stop trying
to counter your offense and then choke them. Thus, the only thing you really need to worry
about is the situational use for the command grab.
There's a bunch of tick setups with standing Light Punch or crouching Light Kick that you
can use to trick the opponent into thinking a Karakusa is not coming.
Once you land this move, the most popular combo starter after Makoto sets the opponent
back on the ground is standing Hard Punch.
EX Version: The EX Karakusa has the same range as the Medium and has one-hit Super
Armor. Absolutely great for using when you don't want to be interrupted from your grab by
players mashing on Light Attacks or such.
EX Karakusa also starts up the fastest of all the versions, making it the hardest to react to.
Definitely a choice move for Makoto in her mixup game.
Fukiage (Upper Punch)
Makoto's anti-air special attack. Fukiage is upper-body invincible during the startup of the
move, making it a sure-fire anti-air against jumping attacks. This move can only strike
aerial opponents.
All three versions of the Fukiage have slow startup for anti-airs, so you must make a correct
guess on a jump-in to land one reliably. The heavier the version, the slower the startup.
If any Fukiage connects, Makoto can jump to cancel the recovery of the move and follow
up with an attack. You can choose to go for an aerial reset with a normal move, a Tsurugi
juggle/knockdown, or another Fukiage into Tsurugi.
If you find that opponents are constantly jumping out of your offense/Karakusas, this move
is a great answer to make them stop leaping out of your range. The forward movement of
the Hard Fukiage in particular is great for attacking people trying to jump away. This
requires a risky read though.
Generally you'll want to limit the use of Fukiage to combos and obvious jumping counters
EX Version: EX Fukiage has the startup of the Medium and does more damage. It also
moves the farthest forward.
You can use this move to catch backdashes from the opponent since they are considered
airborne, but this requires a good read or a difficult option select.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Tanden Renki
Tanden Renki increases Makoto's damage by 25%. You can cancel into it from normal and
special moves to extend combos. You cannot use EX moves while this Super is active.
Unfortunately it's really not worth burning four EX bars just to get potential damage. It's
much better to bet on guaranteed damage unless you're showing off.
The startup and some of the recovery of this Super is invulnerable, so it's possible to use as
a final desperation counter.
Ultra 1
Makoto's comboable Ultra for big damage. Because it starts up fast and has deceptive range
while being fully invincibile, you can use it as a punish or an anti-air. Ways to combo into
Seichuzen realistically include the L or M Tsurugi, a link after Tanden Renki and the
You're going to want to save this Ultra for matches where you need a fast invincible
grounded counter to an opponent's move at close range.
Makoto is fully invincible until she reaches the wall when she activates this Ultra. The
jump from the wall is not invincible but the angle the move travels at helps you to avoid a
lot of attacks anyway.
Before Makoto jumps to the wall you must press one of the Kick buttons to determine
where Makoto will go. You don't have much time to input it, so it's best to input the Kick
button as an immediate followup to the Ultra input.
There's no way to combo into this Ultra, but it has great utility due to its range and speed.
Punishing projectiles and reckless offensive moves is easy if you can see them coming.
Another great use for this Ultra is escaping the corner. Makoto has a really tough time
escaping when her back is to the wall, so this Ultra is a great way to escape. Make sure the
opponent cannot punish you with a long-ranged attack in the opposite direction.
Once you land this Ultra, you can perform several followups that are detailed in the
Combos section below to add some really powerful damage to the Ultra ender.
Target Combos
Target Combo 1
This target combo is a direct answer to people who try to Focus Attack the initial Forward +
Medium Kick. The second part of it is fairly safe on block in that you'll push yourself out of
range. The target combo itself does nice damage but doesn't really set anything up.
Target Combo 2
Another good target combo for breaking Focus Attacks. Unfortunately this target combo is
not safe on block and it's not special or super cancelable.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
st.HP xx H Hayate
2 Hits
190 Damage
Makoto's basic punish combo.
cr.LK xx L Hayate
2 Hits
120 Damage
A much faster punish combo.
Kara-Karakusa Input
To prevent the standing Light Kick from hitting the opponent you'll have to either
memorize the specific range in which to use it or activate it just as the opponent is standing
up, making it whiff through the character.
You can get by in games just fine without using the Kara-Karakusa, but it's best to know
just in case for those really annoying matchups out there.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
M.Bison is a space control character with powerful pokes and fast walk speed. The dictator
also has some of the most powerful corner pressure in the game with scissor kick and poke
lockdown. Bison also has some of the best defensive options in the game with five different
invincible reversals.
Bison isn't without his problems though. He has a lot of trouble dealing damage in almost
every situation except a point blank punish. His Ultras can't assist him well in a match and
he doesn't have a consistent anti-air option. Bison's jump is also extremely floaty, making
him very easy to anti-air.
+ Can kick you to death.
+ Deadly corner lockdown.
+ Safe chip damage game.
+ Quick backward and forward dash.
+ Multiple invincible defensive options.
+ Crossups on the ground and in the air.
+ An amazing throw game with tick setups.
- Jump is floaty which forces him to approach on the ground.
- Anti-air game at mid range or closer is very bad.
- Mixup game is weak.
- Low damage offense.
- No combos into untechable knockdown.
Notable Normal Moves and Unique Attacks
Far Standing Medium or Hard Kick
Bison's standing Medium Kick is his best mid range poke to challenge opponents safely on
the ground. It's hard to punish when spaced at max range and if the opponent tries to jump
over it you can recovery quickly enough in time to neutral jump and counter them. It's also
hard to whiff punish, so you can throw it out there to challenge space.
Standing Hard Kick is a signature move for Bison in terms of space control. It's also one of
his few anti-air attacks, though it has very little priority against aerial opponents. While it
doesn't have any real hitbox priority, the speed and coverage of the move make it a very
good attack to challenge players trying to either dash into your space or sneak in with a
command normal.
The Slide is ridiculously unsafe on block, but it's one of Bison's few untechable knockdown
options. If you notice that a player is walking around a lot and not pausing to crouch block
then you can use this move as a surprise attack. This isn't recommended though.
One great feature of this sliding sweep is that you can FADC it to make it safe or to go into
a mixup. This is a rather expensive way to get in the opponent's face, so make sure you
don't have other options first.
Hell Attack
Hell Attack is one of several aerial moves in the game that juggles the opponent into a
knockdown. It also has a ton of priority air-to-air meaning that you'll be able to beat
opponents in a lot of aerial confrontations.
This is a two-part attack, and if you choose to land only one punch then you can juggle with
special or normal moves on the ground. Popular followups include standing Hard Punch
and Hard Psycho Crusher.
If you land both punches, you can only land moves with juggle ability such as EX Psycho
Crusher, EX Scissor Kicks and both of your Ultra Combos. The process is thus simple; if
you don't have Ultra stocked, it's best to go for only one punch, but if you do, go for two.
Bison's signature scissor kicks are the core of his offense. The scissor kicks serve the
dictator well in combos, building meter or just doing general chip damage. Each version
has certain uses.
The Light Scissor Kicks are the most important one for Bison. This move is completely
safe on block at all times. It's also very fast, making it near-impossible to react against.
While it doesn't do much damage, it's perfect for safely pushing people towards the corner.
The Medium and Hard Scissor Kicks are unsafe on block to the point where they can be
easily punished, so they're almost exclusively used in combos. However if you strike with
only the second hit of the move (where Bison hits the opponent with his toe) the pushback
will make it much harder to punish. This requires very good spacing though.
Ultimately you'll want to be mixing up Light Scissor Kicks with your standing Hard Kick,
standing Medium Kick and dash forward -> throw. The Light Scissor Kick should be a fear
factor in your opponent's mind so make sure that each time you use it that it is
All versions of the Scissor Kicks are very bad at anti-airing, making them vulnerable to
neutral jumps. Also the low invincibility of each Scissor Kick takes a very long time to
become active, so you have to space and time each kick correctly out of the range of all
EX Version: EX Scissor Kicks have a big amount of invincibility to attacks, projectiles and
throws at the start of the move. This makes it a strong anti-projectile option because the
range is so far. Most opponents won't throw projectiles when they see you have a charge,
but it's still a good move to threaten with.
You should only use this move as a reversal if you are sure it's going to whiff out of the
range of an opponent's attack. This move is incredibly unsafe on block and the invincibility
doesn't overlap the attacking frames of the move.
Psycho Crusher (Torpedo)
Bison's purple flaming torpedo sadly doesn't have much use in grounded offense. All
versions are extremely unsafe on block. Even if you space it so that you strike with the very
end of the Light version, it's possible to get punished by fast moves. Also, Scissor Kicks
tend to leave you in a more favorable knockdown position in combos.
Don't give up on this move entirely though. The Psycho Crusher can cross up opponents
with the tail end of the move, making it useful to apply after knockdowns. Even if the
opponent blocks the Psycho Crusher crossup correctly, it can be very difficult to punish.
Another use of this move is ambiguous attacks in the corner. If you use a Psycho Crusher
over a knocked down opponent and have Bison fly into the corner, he will instantly recover
next to the opponent and it will be very difficult to see which side he is on. This is a really
dangerous technique that's even more powerful with EX since Bison recovers faster.
Despite the fact that Bison covers himself in purple electric flames to use this move, it has
almost no anti-air priority.
EX Version: EX Psycho Crusher is a strong wakeup option for Bison due to its large
startup invincibility window. Unlike EX Scissor Kicks this move goes through the
opponent on block.
You want to make sure the beginning of this move is blocked by the opponent so that the
blockstun allows you to escape.
You should really only use this move as a reversal against characters without strong
horizontal reversals as well. Anyone who can cover ground quickly with a special move or
Ultra will be able to punish EX Psycho Crusher.
This attack is classified as a two-hit projectile attack which makes it another anti-projectile
option. What is interesting about this property is that should you contact an EX projectile
with this move, the collision of hits will take away Bison's ability to strike the opponent
with EX Psycho Crusher.
Head Press & Somersault Skull Diver (Head Stomp and Body Splash)
Head Stomp
EX Head Stomp
EX Splash
Bison's headstomp tracks the opponent for an attack that must be blocked high. You'll want
to be careful with this move. It's not hard at all to counter with a jumping attack and the
tracking ability of the move is weak, making it likely to whiff against players walking
After Bison attacks with this move, you can control Bison's drop path with the joystick.
This is important because on hit or block you'll want to put distance between you and the
opponent since Bison has noticeable ground recovery on this move and the opponent
recovers before you land.
By pressing punch after the headstomp hits or is blocked, you can initiate a Splash attack.
This option is really unsafe to things like Focus Attacks or invincible reversals, so it's a
better idea to try and escape instead.
You'll generally want to avoid the normal version of this move and its followup entirely
because you can get better chip, positioning and safe options from your Scissor Kicks and
EX Version: EX Headstomp has a bunch of new qualities that the normal headstomps don't
have. The first is that it travels through the air faster, has better tracking at mid range and
does a lot more damage (along with chip damage). It also has some startup invincibility.
Don't try to use this move as a reversal though. It's extremely slow and easy to avoid at
close range by simply walking away. You can use it to defeat late crossups because the
startup invincibility will rush through jumping attacks, but this is super risky.
The best time to use this move is to chip opponents who have their backs to the wall. The
speed of the move and the improved angle make it almost impossible to avoid chip since
they can't walk or jump away to dodge or counterattack the move.
The EX Splash like its normal counterpart should be avoided. It's very easy to avoid this
move with a Focus Attack -> Backdash before the second hit lands, and then you'll be down
an EX bar and you'll have given your opponent more Revenge meter.
Devil's Reverse
Bison's famous Devil's Reverse move has a couple of interesting uses since you can control
Bison's arc with the joystick once he sticks out his hand. Unfortunately, you really don't
want to attack with this move. The massive and obvious startup in the air when Bison flips
over makes it very easy to counter with a Focus Attack.
The best use for this move is to build EX meter. Whiffing it while holding back to fall away
from the opponent is a great way to build emergency EX bars that makes Bison so
dangerous. Be wary of how close to the corner you are shoving yourself during this
strategy. Also, watch out for horizontal Ultras that cover a lot of space.
You can actually whiff this move without pressing any buttons after Bison leaps. This is
great for surprise attacks since the animation and noise of the move make it sound the same
as a Headstomp. You also recover almost instantly on the ground if you whiff this move,
perfect for throws or crouching Light Kicks. Don't abuse this strategy though.
EX Version: EX Devil's Reverse has a good amount of startup invincibility as Bison leaves
the ground. Since you can steer Bison's trajectory away from the opponent after you flip
away you can use it to escape from the opponent.
However this reversal suffers from the same problem that EX Psycho Crusher does; strong
horizontal attacks with speed and invincibility can catch the recovery of this move very
easily. Also since this reversal isn't technically an attack it can be option selected on startup
by shoryukens and the like. It's best to only use this as a reversal against characters without
strong ground options.
The two-hit EX followup to Devil's Reverse suffers from the same problem that the two-hit
EX Splash does in that a Focus Attack -> Backdash from the opponent can avoid the
second hit of this move. It's best not to use it unless the opponent is in the corner and can't
avoid the chip of the move.
Despite the complex-looking inputs, Bison's teleport is actually fairly easy to utilize.
Follow this chart carefully.
In matches you'll only really want to be using the fourth option as a reversal to escape. All
teleports have the same amount of recovery and the Teleport is fully invincible on startup.
An opponent who predicts your Teleport will be able to punish it, even if they are playing a
slow character. It's best not to be too predictable about using it on wakeup.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Knee Press Nightmare
Properties: None
Bison's Super is completely invulnerable on startup and invincible to projectiles after
startup, making it a deadly projectile counter if you have charge. Light version has the
fastest startup but the least amount of range.
It's also easy to cancel into from either the Scissor Kick or a crouching Hard Punch as a
punish attack.
Unfortunately, Bison needs EX for a lot of options both defensively and offensively, so
you'll probably never use this Super except to show off.
This Ultra is completely invulnerable on startup and invulnerable to projectiles only during
its descent. This makes it a nice projectile counter, but the only problem is that most players
don't throw fireballs when you have a charge. Psycho Punisher must also be blocked high.
You can control the drop point of the move using the joystick. This means that you can
cross up the opponent with this move or move closer to punish projectile throwers. The
range of the Ultra is massive, much larger than it looks.
You can pull off some really ambiguous crossups with this Ultra. Even after something as
simple as a forwards throw sets up the opponent into a guessing game where they aren't
sure which side the Ultra will land on. This is a risky gamble to go for since this Ultra is
unsafe on block and invincible reversals will avoid it, but it's still a nice trick to turn the
tide against characters with bad wakeup games.
You can combo into this Ultra the same way as you do with Ultra 1 with less damage as a
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
cr.LK, cr.LK, Link cr.LK xx LK Scissor Kick
5 Hits
119 Damage
Bison's crouch tech combo. Safe on block and useful to know.
Oni is a tool-based character with a large amount of options at his disposal to engage
fighters. He has a great mixup game (especially when he has EX) along with a very
confusing reset game. Oni can really command the pace of a match with his Demon Palm
and Air Hadou Dash while controlling space with his command normals. Both of his Ultras
are very useful and powerful which add another component to his great utility game.
Oni has very poor reversal options though with a dragon punch that can't be FADC'd on
block. His backdash is also poor, traveling little distance. Oni's long-range offense is weak
with a sub-par fireball game that can be easily avoided or punished. Lastly, Oni really needs
meter to do any sort of significant damage, making him very dependent on it.
+ Very powerful combos.
+ Great frame trap moves.
+ Walk speed is very fast.
+ Good utility on both Ultras.
+ Variable reversal game, especially with meter.
+ Brutal offensive pressure with crossups and overheads.
- Lower than average stamina and stun.
- Backdash is very bad in terms of distance.
- Fireballs are very tough to utilize.
- Focus Attack has below average range.
- Cancelable pokes don't have much range.
Special Moves
Fireball (Gohadouken)
Oni's fireball only travels roughly 80% of the visible screen before it fizzles out, regardless
of the version used. The Light version travels the slowest, Hard the fastest. All of the
fireballs can be charged, and when fully charged the fireballs do not fizzle out whatsoever.
At full charge all fireballs also hit twice.
It's tough to utilize this move because the startup is slower on average compared to other
good fireballs in the game. The charge time and recovery is fairly quick, but it can still be
avoided or punished very easily. It's best to only use this move at a little less than full
screen to build meter safely.
EX Version: This version hits twice and starts up a little faster than the regular fireballs. It
also does not fizzle out at any time. This is good for comboing from long range or to punish
the startup of Focus Attacks.
Electric Fireball (Gorai Hadouken)
Oni's electric fireball is almost exactly the same as Akuma and Evil Ryu's red fireballs. The
Hard version hits three times and has the slowest recovery, where the Light version hits
once and has the fastest recovery.
The startup and recovery on this move is atrocious regardless of the version used, so there
isn't much use for it.
EX Version: The EX electric fireball has the Light version's recovery while hitting three
times just like the Hard version. No real use for this either.
Hurricane Kick (Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku)
Oni's Hurricane Kick is great for knockdowns and damage. It's a primary combo ender off
of most of his meterless combos since it gives you time to approach the opponent after a
This move can cross the opponent up in the air, but the timing is a little weird. It is also
possible to hit the opponent as they are falling from your Aerial Hurricane Kick
knockdown, but this is very hard to do. EX Version: This has Oni spin in place for a multihitting attack. It's a great combo ender and can lead to both Ultra 1 and Ultra 2 in the
In the air, this stops Oni's jumping momentum completely while he hovers in the air, and
then he descends. You can use this off of a Air Hadou Dash.
Dragon Punch (Goshoryuken)
A great anti-air special move due to its startup invincibility. It also works well in juggles to
tack on extra damage. All versions hit three times and the Hard version has the most
You can only FADC this dragon punch on hit, and it can only be canceled after the second
hit. Because of this, you cannot depend on this move to be a safe reversal even if you have
two EX meters. the FADC property is great for combos though and allows you to combo
into both of your Ultras or a Demon Palm.
EX Version: EX Goshoryuken has a bit more startup invincibility and does more damage
than the regular Goshoryuken. Other than that, there are no unique properties to this EX
Demon Slash (Rakan Dantojin)
Oni's Demon Slash is a very important move for his offensive game. It has a lot of uses for
both approaches, mixups and punishes. You can also FADC this move whenever it strikes
the opponent since Oni is considered grounded during the slashing motion.
The Light Demon Slash is safe on block except against grapplers. You can use this to
approach the opponent from mid range. If you land this move, you can FADC it, dash
forward and continue a combo for big damage since it leaves the opponent standing.
Medium Demon Slash is a little slower than the Light version, but the middle portion of the
move is invulnerable to projectiles. It's hard to punish projectile throwers with this move
though, and it's very unsafe on block. It knocks down on hit though, setting up another
mixup situation for you.
The Hard Demon Slash has the ability to cross up the opponent from mid range although it
does it rather slowly. A great mixup tool, but it can be punished with a throw or a quick
attack if the opponent blocks the crossup correctly. Try to incorporate this move into
blockstrings so that you land a reset on the opponent. This version cannot be FADC'd if it
crosses up the opponent.
EX Version: This version is completely invincible to projectiles during its forward
movement and it has the ability to cross up. A great utility move. It also juggles the
opponent much higher in the air than the regular Demon Slashes, so it's possible to follow
up with a dragon punch, Ultra or Demon Palm(corner).
Demon Palm (Sekisei Jiraiken)
This move has Oni leap into the air and slam his fist down into the opponent. It comes out
VERY FAST and is almost impossible to see coming. While it can be blocked high or low,
it is very difficult to punish this move on block. The Light version travels the least amount
of distance forward, Hard the most.
You can throw this move in the middle of your pressure strings to punish opponents trying
to tech throws. You can also use it for chip damage since it is so hard to punish. It doesn't
break armor, so be careful of those trying to intercept it with a Focus Attack. If opponents
are backdashing this move in anticipation of it, use the Hard version to catch them.
You can combo into this move from a variety of juggles, one popular example being the EX
Demon Slash. If it lands on an aerial or grounded opponent it places them in an untechable
EX Version: EX Demon Palm is just as fast as the regular versions, but it has two
important qualities that make it stand out. For starters, it is now a two-hit attack that will
break through Focus Attacks. Secondly, the initial hit of EX Demon Palm is now an
overhead attack. This gives Oni an incredibly fast and hard to avoid mixup option.
Some reports are saying that this EX move has lower-body invincibility on startup which
gives it potential as a reversal. This has yet to be verified.
This move has Oni use a pulse of demonic power to move around in the air. This move
resembles Akuma's teleport, but it doesn't have any invincibility. It also has no EX variant.
Each version of the move has a small amount of ground recovery, enough to be punished
easily if you don't space the move correctly.
The Light version travels forward and cannot hit the opponent. You'll want to avoid this one
entirely unless you are trying to catch someone jumping backwards. You can follow this
move up with a Hurricane Kick in the air to attack the opponent or to counter them in an
air-to-air situation.
The Medium Hadou Dash travels in a slightly up-forwards direction and also can be
followed up with a Hurricane Kick. If you use this move on the opponent's wakeup, it is
possible to dodge some reversals and punish them.
The Hard version is the best one to use because you can bait anti-air attacks with it. It also
has the ability to strike opponents jumping into the air to try and attack you. You can't
follow this Dash up with a Hurricane Kick, but it's still a great tool.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Raging Demon
The Super Raging Demon is actually called a zero-frame grab, meaning that if the
opponent does not jump or perform an invincible move before the flash of the Super's
activation they will always get grabbed as long as they are in range. The range on this
Super is very good and it's not too hard to get into positions to land it.
Currently reports are saying that this Super has some startup invincibility, but this has yet to
be verified. The real draw of this move is that you can use it in the air to grab opponents,
and you can cancel into the Raging Demon from the Air Hadou Dash at any time.
Oni depends on meter heavily for offense so you won't get too many opportunities to use
this Super. If you need to gain a significant life advantage to turn the tide of a match then
you should definitely set up a way to land it.
Ultra 1 Meido Gohadou
Ultra 1
350 or 450
A fireball Ultra that has a lot of great uses. It's also the only fireball Ultra in the game that
can be used in the air! It's easy to combo into and if you set up the right circumstances you
can fit it into any part of your gameplan. Combos to Ultra 1 are done through the list below.
Shoryuken FADC
EX Demon Slash
If you perform this Ultra on a grounded opponent that is within a certain range, you will get
an extra cinematic that deals a lot more damage as Oni throws a second fireball into the
opponent. It's tough to land this though.
If you use the Kick inputs instead, then Meido Gohadou actually comes out at an anti-air
angle. Oni has compete upper-body invincibility when he uses this version and it's great for
punishing jumping players.
The aerial version of this Ultra doesn't have too many uses unless you need to perform a
long distance punish while jumping or attack someone trying to interrupt your Air Hadou
Oni reaches up and then slams the ground, and if it hits Oni will launch them into a long
back-crushing cinematic for huge damage. If you land this move as a juggle, you won't get
the full cinematic but it will still do a decent amount of damage.
All of the combos that work to land Ultra 1 also work to land Ultra 2 but it doesn't always
deal more damage in those situations. Due to the nature of the spike of energy that Oni
summons it's possible to use this move as an anti-air if you react quickly enough. Oni is
also completely invincible during the fast startup of the move, making it good as a
desperate counter.
Target Combos
Target Combo 1
While Oni has stronger combos from his links, this is a nice hit-confirm that works on
crouching characters.
Target Combo 2
A very powerful target combo that is easy to link into. You're going to be comboing into
this a lot since it opens up Oni's damage portals. Regrettably, the second hit whiffs on
crouching opponents so you'll have to make sure the opponent is standing during your hit
NOTE: Not every potential combo has been listed, just the ones that are noteworthy.
Hard Gohadouken
5 Hits
Damage 163
An easy combo string that starts from a crouch tech.
EX Hurricane Kick
7 Hits
Damage 248
A basic combo that is good for corner combos due to the juggle the EX Hurricane Kick
Target Combo 2
6 Hits
Damage 356
A big damage combo that can work off of a safe approach attempt.
Target Combo 2
Hard Hurricane Kick
8 Hits
Damage 333
A nice damaging FADC combo for Oni. Note that the crouching Hard Punch forces the
opponent to stand up.
juggle Ultra 1 or 2
9 Hits
Damage 384
Either Ultra will work in this situation. Ultra 2 will do more damage, however.
Notable Normal Moves
Special Light Punch
This slightly different light punch is the leading move into Oni's Target Combo 1.
Overhead Chop (Zugai Hasatsu)
A standard two-hit overhead attack.
Special Hard Punch
Oni takes a huge step forward and throws out a wave of energy attached to his palm. This
attack can negate projectiles (not EX though) and it is safe as a poke, making it a great
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Vs. Character Notes
Costume Colors Story Artwork
Character Overview
Rose is a zoning character with great pokes and footsies. Rose also controls space very well
with a dominating presence at mid range with her high-priority normals and anti-air attack.
She also has no problems with projectile battles and can come out on top of them easily
with her Soul Reflect, Soul Spark and Slide.
Rose has a very bad reversal game though. Once she's knocked down, her subpar wakeup
game gets beaten by safe jumps and option selects incredibly easily. She also has low
damage on her standard combos, meaning that you'll have to beat up your opponent quite a
bit to get the win.
+ Best backdash in the game.
+ High-priority pokes at all ranges.
+ Can walk backwards and forwards out of attack range quickly.
+ A really strong normal anti-air.
+ Can control projectile battles in her favor.
+ Throw has amazing range.
- Focus Attack is the worst in the game.
- Hopeless reversal and escape game.
- Low damage offense.
- Ultras are either slow or not damaging.
- Fireballs have slow startup and recovery.
- Opponents who can get in close range easily give her a rough time.
Notable Normal Moves
Crouching Medium Punch
This move has an incredible amount of priority and it's special cancelable. Can be used for
option selects at mid range into Soul Spiral.
If you want to control mid range and keep opponents out, use this normal. It also whiff
recovers fast enough for you to anti-air jumping opponents.
scarf flashes blue, she can avoid low attacks. Another great poke, but watch out for the
startup time.
Anti-Air: Crouching Hard Punch
This can anti-air opponents from a ton of angles and is also very fast. Use this as your
primary counter to jump-ins.
Soul Piede
A very long-ranged poke from Rose. This is good to use against slow characters to keep
them at bay from maximum range, but be careful of the slow startup.
This is one of Rose's best moves. It's completely safe if it's blocked at maximum distance,
though it's unsafe enough at close range to be punished by Light Attacks.
You can also duck under projectiles and slip under jump-ins with this move. It has fantastic
utility and should be used often.
Rose's Soul Spark has slow startup and recovery, so you'll want to be careful using it at
anywhere but long range. Using it in blockstrings is not recommended because of the wide
frame gap it gives the opponent to attack you.
The Soul Spark is the highest-damaging non-EX projectile in the game and it also does a
nice amount of chip damage. The Light version starts up the fastest, but all Soul Sparks
recover in the same amount of time. The Hard version is the only one with frame advantage
on hit or block, meaning that it inflicts the most block and hitstun.
With the combined toolset of Soul Spark, Soul Reflect and Slide, you should have no
problem keeping up in projectile battles as long as you keep an eye on where the opponent
is standing when they throw projectiles.
This is still a move you'll want to use limitedly; mostly at long range to chip and build
meter against defensive opponents.
EX Version: The EX Soul Spark hits twice, comes out as fast as the Light version, travels
swiftly and recovers a little faster than the normal versions. The damage isn't much higher
than a regular Soul Spark, though.
Rose players mainly use her Light Punch Soul Spark, so throwing out an occasional EX
Soul Spark which travels a good deal faster can throw off an opponent's timing who's trying
to avoid your projectiles.
The best times to use this move is to safely challenge Focus Attack users at mid-range or to
blow through someone's regular fireball and hit them. EX Soul Spark is also completely
safe on block at any range as a bonus against a bad prediction.
Soul Spiral (Drills)
Considered the core of Rose's offense, the Soul Spiral is Rose's primary combo ender. It
knocks down, breaks armor, and is easy to combo into from her cancelable normals.
This move is initially confusing at first though. After all, each Drill does the same amount
of damage (as well as the EX version) so it might be a bit hard to discover which Drill to
use and when. Follow the breakdown below.
Light Spiral: This version starts up the fastest. It's comboable from Light Attacks,
but it's the most unsafe version on block. Essentially you're risking a big punish for
the most guaranteed combo. Even though this version offers the tightest
blockstrings, the frame disadvantage is not worth using in such a way. This version
isn't used often.
Medium Spiral: More safe on block than the Light version, but starts up a bit
slower so it leaves a frame gap in blockstrings. Not comboable from Light Attacks,
so it requires Medium Attacks or higher to work.
Hard Spiral: This one starts up the slowest, making it possible for opponents to
punish its startup on reaction. However if you space this version so that it strikes
near the end of the move, it can be impossible for the opponent to punish. Still
comboable from Medium Attacks, but leaves wide open blockstrings.
The normal Spirals only utility outside of combos is to get safe chip damage with the Hard
Spiral (risky) or to challenge players who repeatedly Focus Attack at mid range.
EX Version: EX Soul Spiral is Rose's only true reversal with its startup invincibility.
However, the move's invincibility runs out before it can reach an attacking state, meaning
that simple option selects can smack you out of this attack. It also doesn't get any speed
increase compared to the regular versions.
The only time you should use this is if you can read that an attack is coming. Otherwise, it's
best to just alternate between blocking and backdashing.
Soul Reflect
Soul Reflect is a move that is designed to turn the tides of fireball wars in Rose's favor. All
Reflects start up in the same amount of time, but each version performs a different action
against the fireball.
The Light version absorbs fireballs and build around 50% of one EX bar for Rose. The
Medium version reflects the fireballs back at the opponent, and the Hard version reflects
them in an up-forward direction.
Most Rose players stick with the Light and Medium versions in projectile battles both to
gain a meter advantage and to force the other player to react against their own projectile. Be
wary of characters that have fast recovery on their projectiles (such as Gouken) because a
Reflect will often leave you open to attack. Also be careful of how close you are to the
opponent before you Reflect anything.
You can attack opponents with the Soul Reflect but it's really not recommended unless
you're comboing into the Hard version. Hard Soul Reflect juggles the opponent into the air
where you can follow up with a Soul Throw (in the corner, outside of it requires FADC).
EX Version: EX Reflect comes out much faster than the regular versions and can reflect
EX projectiles back at the opponent. There really aren't too many uses for this move, so it's
best to just neutral jump or block EX fireballs instead of taking the risk of wasting a bar on
a failed Reflect attempt.
Soul Throw
Rose's regular Soul Throw isn't of much use to Rose players. It has no invulnerability and
starts up slowly for an anti-air. The only real use for the regular Soul Throws is to combo
into them from either Hard Soul Reflect or Ultra 2.
The Hard Soul Throw has the best hitbox priority should you want to take the risky gamble
of countering a jump.
EX Version: EX Soul Throw is completely invincible on startup allowing you to challenge
jump-ins and safe jump setups. Should you notice that the opponent didn't do a safe jump or
are performing late crossups than you can fight back with this move.
For regular anti-airing it's best to stick with the Crouching Hard Punch as spending meter to
constantly fight against jump-ins isn't worth the cost.
Super and Ultra Moves
A very high damaging Ultra. Unfortunately it starts up really slowly, meaning that you can
only punish some very specific moves. While you can combo into it with an EX Soul Spark
FADC combo, the amount of meter spent usually isn't worth it. You can also use it as an
anti-air, though this requires a good prediction.
Most Rose players stick with Ultra 2, but you might find a use for this Ultra in some
specific matchups.
The preferred Ultra for Rose players. Rose summons Ouroboros which surrounds her with
two projectiles for 10 seconds. During this time it is extremely difficult to engage Rose due
to this defensive barrier.
The best part about this Ultra is how it stops the offensive momentum of the opponent.
While it's not invincible on wakeup (meaning you can't use it as a reversal without getting
stuffed) if you activate it during a grounded battle then you force the other player to back
into the corner or take chip damage.
If you space it perfectly, Rose's throw range actually exceeds the range of Soul Satellite.
Space it correctly and go for sneaky throws just outside the range of the Orbs.
It's possible to combo into this Ultra using certain combo tricks, but most Rose players use
this Ultra as a momentum shifter to force a guessing game onto the field. You can also
combo out of this Ultra if it lands, increasing the overall damage output.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
cr.MP xx MK Spiral
2 Hits
160 Damage
Rose's most basic combo.
cr.MK xx HK Spiral
2 Hits
120 Damage
The same basic combo, but from a longer range.
cr.HP xx HK Spiral
2 Hits
200 Damage
Rose's point blank meterless punish combo.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Costume Colors Story
Character Overview
Rufus is a mobile rushdown character with extremely strong offensive tactics. The strength
of Rufus is the ability to get into the opponent's face quickly and place them in a four-way
mixup which can lead to some incredible damage. He also has a ton of useful tools outside
of simply rushing down the opponent making him a strong overall character.
Rufus has some real problems with defense though. Once knocked down with no meter, he
is absolutely helpless against rushdown. He also has no way to bypass fireballs without real
risk or prediction. Lastly, you must master a one-frame link to perform Rufus's normal
combo, meaning that your execution must always be on point.
+ Very damaging and deceptive offense.
+ Dive kick.
+ Has some worthwhile pokes to control mid range.
+ Walks quickly.
+ Very damaging forward throw.
+ Can sneeze and land an Ultra.
- Horrible backdash.
- Terrible reversal game.
- Can't do any real damage without the one-frame link combo.
- Has trouble against characters with projectiles that come out quickly.
- All moves have a ton of whiff recovery.
- Normal move startup is slower than average.
Notable Normal Moves
Glory Kick
An underused move for Rufus. An extremely good move that is always completely safe on
block and can be used to fish for counterhits into combos. If you're having trouble getting
into dive kick range, start abusing this move to get in.
Falcon Kick (Dive Kick) [Air Only]
The core of Rufus's offensive power and his most feared attack. Rufus can activate this
move in any jump direction and at any height. The closer you use this dive kick to the
ground the more deadly it becomes.
Should this move land, it allows enough time to go into combos easily. It also gets you into
throw range. Repeatedly doing dive kicks doesn't give the opponent a chance much room to
do a reversal and it starts an incredibly difficult-to-predict mixup game.
Once you've had a dive kick blocked, you can...
Do a standard combo into Galactic Tornado to build meter and chip the opponent.
All of these options tend to beat counter-options to your dive kick should you keep the
roulette wheel spinning.
Special Moves
Galactic Tornado
The Galactic Tornado is a powerful move for Rufus. All versions are always safe on block
and you can control how quickly Rufus moves forward with the joystick.
Galactic Tornado also knocks the opponent down, and it can nullify projectiles once Rufus
starts spinning.
You'll be applying this move in combos most of the time. Usually, Galactic Tornado is too
slow to counter projectiles on reaction.
EX Version: EX Galactic Tornado has Rufus spin in place, drawing the opponent in for an
attack that knocks down. The main purpose of this move is to give Rufus a stronger combo
from his Light Attacks.
The projectile nullification power of the move is greatly increased when EX is used as well,
destroying projectiles from many ranges.
Messiah Kick
Flip Kick
(Flip Kick)
Rufus throws his body up high for a spinning kick. Once Rufus is airborne, he flies high
enough to avoid some projectiles. This move is largely unused because of how slow it is
and because Galactic Tornado is a better combo ender.
The Light version starts up the fastest, Hard the slowest. Pressing a button after Rufus hits
the opponent will cause him to do one of three things.
Light Kick: A flip kick that knocks the opponent into the air and has a big chunk of
invincibility. You can FADC this move to combo into a variety of things or to make
it safe. Very unsafe on block.
Medium Kick: A sweep attack. It comes out slower than the flip kick, but it's
completely safe on block.
Hard Kick: A jumping slam kick. Can only be punished by zero-frame grabs.
You can delay the final attack of the Messiah Kick to play mindgames with the opponent,
especially with the invincible flip kick.
EX Version: EX Messiah is widely considered to be one of the best EX moves in the game.
It has a massive amount of startup invulnerability, can catch players trying to jump over it,
and retains the followup mindgame of the regular version.
Even if you hit Rufus out of the move, he gets reset in the air instead of being comboed.
Also with the flip kick's invincible followup (that is invincible the moment Rufus is
grounded/grab-able), it can be truly hard to tell when to punish this attack.
You can be punished heavily if the opponent waits to block until the end, but at that point
you can go for the completely safe-on-block sweep or slam followup.
Snake Strike
A non-invulnerable slow anti-air that comes out at an odd angle. Rarely used outside of
combos. One benefit is that the Light Snake Strike is airborne from the first frame onwards,
allowing you to avoid some grab attempts. This move is unsafe on block though.
EX Version: The EX Snake Strike is a powerful combo ender, almost always used after a
jumping Hard Kick juggle.
Target Combos
Target Combo 1
Rufus's Target Combo is very easy to link into after a dive kick and leads to Ultra 1. This is
a very simple and reliable method of comboing into Space Opera Symphony and you can
do other followups in the corner as well. It's also reasonably safe on block.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Spectacle Romance
A Super that's mostly used for flash. Rufus gets far more use out of his EX moves.
One of the most powerful Ultras in the game due to its ability to be landed from a plethora
of moves that are naturally landed through Rufus gameplay. Easy juggles into Ultra 1
Target Combo
Because many of these combos are simple, Ultra 1 is always a threat with Rufus. It's
generally always the picked Ultra against characters without good projectiles (or any
projectiles at all).
An Ultra that is fully projectile invincible throughout the startup and the spinning.
The only problem is that it takes a bit longer to start up than most anti-projectile Ultras.
Also, juggles into it net weak damage. Another annoyance is that if you use it as an antiprojectile move, it's tough to get full damage.
Most Rufus players pick this Ultra against strong projectile characters.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
cr.LP, st.LP, st.LP, st.LP Link st.MP
5 Hits
152 Damage
Rufus's simple link combo when he doesn't have meter to use.
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Vs. Character Notes
Costume Colors Story Artwork
Character Overview
Ryu is a powerful zoning character, one of the best of his type. His projectiles are damaging
with fast recovery while being a threat at any range. Nearly every move of Ryu has some
great utility behind them especially his powerful normals. Designed from the ground up as
a jack-of-all-trades character he is one of the most difficult characters to master while being
the most popular.
Ryu's troubles come when characters can easily shut down his fireball and low-based game.
Ryu's optimal gameplan works when he can keep opponents at bay with his low attacks and
anti-air properly, meaning that characters that can easily bypass or surpass his fireball and
low game tend to give him some real trouble.
+ High meterless damage options.
+ Exceptional normals that all serve a unique purpose.
+ Very high-rated fireball game.
+ Can easily and frequently combo into his Ultras.
+ Combos into hard knockdown easily.
+ Extremely strong anti-air game with both specials and normals.
+ Good kara throw and throw tech option select techniques.
- Backdash has short range and is slow.
- The most popular character, so the most studied.
- Poor long range punish options.
- Relies very heavily on his fireball game to succeed.
- Reversal has bad horizontal range.
Notable Normal Moves
An underused move for Rufus. An extremely good move that is always completely safe on
block and can be used to fish for counterhits into combos. If you're having trouble getting
into dive kick range, start abusing this move to get in.
Falcon Kick (Dive Kick) [Air Only]
The core of Rufus's offensive power and his most feared attack. Rufus can activate this
move in any jump direction and at any height. The closer you use this dive kick to the
ground the more deadly it becomes.
Should this move land, it allows enough time to go into combos easily. It also gets you into
throw range. Repeatedly doing dive kicks doesn't give the opponent a chance much room to
do a reversal and it starts an incredibly difficult-to-predict mixup game.
Once you've had a dive kick blocked, you can...
Do a standard combo into Galactic Tornado to build meter and chip the opponent.
All of these options tend to beat counter-options to your dive kick should you keep the
roulette wheel spinning.
Special Moves
Hadouken (Fireball)
One of the best projectiles in the game. The Punch button pressed determines the speed at
which Ryu's Fireballs travel. Light is the slowest, while Hard Punch is the quickest.
He recovers very quickly after throwing one of these out, this helps him immensely with his
'zoning' game.
A good Ryu player can constantly be pinning you down and adjusting his own position by
using his projectiles to push you into the places he wants you to be. Coupled with his anti
air attacks, his old school Fireball traps can still be viable.
Ryu has several combos which end with a Fireball as well, which gives him a lot of range
to finish off attacks with.
*Armor Breaking*
Hurricane Kick (Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku)
You can also use this in the air. The Kick button pressed determines the range and speed of
this move. All versions knock down when they hit.
The Hard Kick version will go through some projectiles, which can be a nasty surprise for
the other fighter.
This move can be good to end combos with if you're looking for a knock down. It also
works well to hit people out of their Focus Attacks and EX moves that can absorb an attack
as it is an armor breaking move.
Executing this move in the air changes the trajectory of your jump, which can be handy for
re-positioning yourself on the screen, or landing some where your opponent doesn't expect
you to be.
But Ryu's Hurricane Kick is pretty easy to counter if blocked, and should only be used in
situations where you know you'll be safe from counter attacks.
(In the air)
Air Hurricane Kick (Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku)
EX Moves
EX-Hadouken (Fireball)
This fireball hits twice, and it's great to use against people who try to match your projectile
If you hit your opponent in the corner with this move, it's also possible to juggle them with
Ryu's Ultra. You can also Focus Attack Dash Cancel after landing it and go into a EXHurricane Kick or Ultra as well, depending on your positioning. Disgusting.
*Armor Breaking*
EX-Hurricane Kick (Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku)
You can use this move in the air. The EX version has a vacuum-like effect which will pull
an opponent who's not too far away closer to Ryu's legs. This also does more damage than
the normal Hurricane Kick and can be used to juggle if you're in the right position.
If you land this when your opponent is in the corner and they're sent away spinning
while they're in the air you can juggle them with your Ultra.
(In the air)
EX-Air Hurricane Kick (Tatsumaki Senpuu-Kyaku)
*Armor Breaking*
Ultra 2 Metsu Shoryuken (Ultra Dragon Punch)
Ryu does a series of attacks ending with a powerful Dragon Punch. If you do not connect
with the first part of this move, it doesn't take off nearly as much damage. But this is one of
the most damaging Ultra moves in the game, but it's also not nearly as easy to connect with
as your Ultra 1 is.
Note, you can sub in a Hard Kick Hurricane Kick for most of Ryu's combos that end with a
Crouching Light Punch 3x, Crouching Medium Kick, Cancel into Fireball
Towards + Hard Punch (Dash Punch), Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Hard
Punch, Cancel into Fireball
Light Punch Shoryuken, when you land juggle with Super, Ultra or EX-Fireball
The timing on this can be tricky.
Jumping Hard Kick, Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Medium Kick, Cancel into
Fireball, , Focus Attack Dash Cancel, Standing Hard Punch, Cancel into Hard Punch
(Opponent in corner) Level 2/3 Saving Attack, Dash Forward, Towards + Hard
Punch, Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Hard Punch, EX-Hurricane Kick, juggle
with EX-Fireball and with another EX-Hurricane Kick
Yes, this combo is nuts.
Level 2/3 Saving Attack, Dash Forward, Level 2 Saving Attack, Dash Forward,
juggle with Shoryuken
Towards + Medium Punch, Link into Crouching Light Punch, Hard Punch
Crouching Light Kick, Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Medium Punch, Cancel
into Hurricane Kick
Normal Moves
Dash Punch (Kyubi Kudaki)
This makes Ryu dash forward and hit with his fist, you can combo into several other moves
after this attack connects.
Ryu takes a short hop forward and does an overhead punch that will hit an opponent
blocking low.
(Hold buttons)
(Release Medium Punch and Kick)
The timing on this can be very tricky. You have to juggle your opponent with Ryu's Ultra as
they're coming down.
But your reward for pulling this off is quite good. Whenever your opponent jumps in and
eats an anti air Dragon Punch you can go into this for some nice damage
Character Overview
Sagat is regarded by most players as the best character in Street Fighter 4. He has great
moves, is very powerful, plus has a high stamina rating.
He has several ways he can juggle into his Ultra and coupled with his outstanding defensive
game, he's a very formidable character.
This power has made him one of the most popular characters in the game as well, which
means most players are going to be highly familiar with your tricks, so while you probably
won't surprise people with the things you do, your tactics are still highly effective.
Special Moves
Tiger Uppercut
Like Sagat's old school Tiger Uppercut moves, this has a small window of invulnerability,
so if you do not time it correctly you can be hit out of it, but if you trade hits with this, you
can go into your Ultra to juggle the other fighter.
*Armor Breaking*
Tiger Knee Crush
This attack is very safe if you do it from the right distance and only hit once, but if you
don't know your range and or it whiffs and you opponent can see it coming, they'll be able
to punish it without breaking a sweat.
It's a solid move because of it's armor breaking properties and relative safety if you know
how to use it properly.
In Super Street Fighter 4, the 2nd hit of this move does far less damage than the first hit, so
while it's safer on block, you're also not going to take off near as much life.
EX Moves
EX-Tiger Uppercut
Whether you connect this against a standing or jumping opponent, it's possible to juggle
them with your Ultra as they're falling down. While the timing is strict here, it gives Sagat
yet another way to land his powerful Ultra.
The attack itself does more damage over the regular Hard Punch version, plus offers a bit
more invulnerability making it more difficult to be hit out of this move. A VERY good
*Armor Breaking*
EX-Tiger Knee Crush
A very short recovery time (-1 on block) makes this a very difficult move to punish.
Angry Scar
This requires 1/4th of your Super meter to execute, just like other EX attacks. It powers up
Sagat's next Tiger Uppercut so that it does more damage. This has a very fast recovery time
and can be executed in combos.
The damage values listed to the right show how much damage a Tiger Uppercut does after
performing the Angry Scar.
Super and Ultra Moves
Ultra 1
Ultra 2
Jumping Hard Kick, Crouching Medium Kick, Cancel into Low Tiger Shot
You can also end this with a Hard Tiger Uppercut if you're sure you're going hit.
Jumping Medium Punch, Crouching Medium Punch, Cancel into Tiger Uppercut
A variation on the above combo, using Sagat's high priority Jumping Medium Punch.
(With opponent in corner) EX-Low Tiger Shot, juggle with Ultra
You can also juggle with another EX-Low Tiger Shot, but it will only hit one time.
Crouching Light Kick, Link into Crouching Light Punch, Cancel into Tiger
A good way to confirm you've hit and then launch into your Tiger Uppercut.
Towards + Hard Kick (Anti Air), Ultra
This is a good anti air combo. Hard Kick knocks them up so you can juggle with your
Ultra, or a Tiger Knee/EX or regular Low Tiger Shot.
Unique Attacks
Overhead Elbow
This must be blocked high.
Fake Kick
You must press the Hard Kick button twice very quickly to do this.
Normal Moves
Note this is not a complete list of all of Sagat's normal moves, just the ones we think are
Character Overview
Although most tier lists show Sakura as the second worse character in the game, in front of
Dan, her ability to rush down opponents and dizzying them can make her a formidable
threat even to veteran players.
She has a strong mix-up game that begins on a knockdown, and also after landing her EXArcing Hurricane Kick. If you can manage to stay on your opponent and never let up
pressure, she can win a lot of matches that are supposed to be difficult for her.
Like the other console characters, Sakura is underrated by most players.
Since her vanilla Street Fighter 4 days, Sakura has gotten a few minor upgrades to improve
her play style. You can now cross up your opponents with Jumping Medium Kick, and her
new Ultra, Shinku Hadoken is both extremely easy to combo into, as well as having both
the ability to shoot straight, or at a diagonal from the ground. Because the game has also
been tweaked to balance out the entire roster, some of her matches are slightly easier.
However she still has the hardest time playing against defensive characters and players who
You will still have to play an up close game with her, but you must be more aware now than
usual since most players will know her tricks. Play her patiently, punish, and you'll get the
+ Good foot and move speed.
+ Solid set of normal moves and many can be Canceled.
+ Strong offensive pressure tactics which can lead to dizzies.
+ In Super Street Fighter 4, she can now cross up with Jumping Medium Kick.
+ EX-Arcing Hurricane Kick is bloody awesome. Has great juggling potential, it's safe on
block and leaves you at a frame advantage. Plus, you can do other tricks with it.
+ Ultra 2 is extremely easy to combo into, plus can be used as anti-air.
+ Ultra 1 still produces great damage and can also combo into.
- Low stamina ranking.
- Very few ways to do damage from a distance, needs to be up close.
- Can have a difficult time consistently applying pressure to turtling (heavy defensive)
- Has limited anti-air options.
- Relies heavily on EX-moves to win.
- Technical character; you need to have great execution and use plenty of "mind games" to
win with her.
Sakura players should look for lots of knocks downs, follow up with her Jumping Light
Kick as a cross and then combo, or threaten to throw or just stay in range to apply pressure
and wait for a lapse in your enemy's defense.
The walk up Standing Light Punch and Jumping Light Kick in particular are very good for
two reasons. These moves allow you to slip past your opponent by dashing behind them
while they're being reset in the air.
If they are not expecting you to end up on the opposite side, you can usually combo into
another EX-Arcing Hurricane Kick and eventually dizzy them. If they're expecting a cross
up dash, delay your dash command for a brief moment, you won't end up on the opposite
side of your enemy, but because they saw you dash they might THINK you are going to.
Again, this allows you to set up another combo.
If you feel your opponent is getting wise to which side they need to block on, simply throw
them instead as they land on their feet, or use two Crouching Light Kicks first and Link into
a bigger combo or again walk up and throw them.
Switching back and forth between these tactics can make it difficult for your opponent to
defend the onslaught and you'll be taking off large chunks of their life as they try to figure
out how to counter it.
Special Moves
Max Hold
Fireball (Hadouken)
Holding down the punch button used will enable you to charge up your projectile, and
releasing the button makes it come out. Charged fireballs do more damage, but travel less
You won't win projectile battles with either version of your fireball, but the speed of the
attack can confuse opponents on jump-ins thinking they can avoid it.
Just like in Vanilla Street Fighter 4, her fireball still deteriorates before it can go off screen.
*Armor Breaking*
Arcing Hurricane Kick (Shunpukyaku)
A good move to use in combos, plus the Light Kick version is safe on block, and the
Medium and Hard attacks aren't easy to punish.
You can Link into a Standing/Crouching Light Punch or Kick and follow up with another
combo after landing the Light Arcing Hurricane Kick from the right range, but the timing
can be tricky.
The Hard Kick version can be used to end combos and can even go over projectiles if timed
This still has great priority in combos, where you can chain a normal after the Light version
is thrown out to extend the combo. Hard does the most damage and can finish a combo, but
remember it doesn't knock down.
(In the air)
*Armor Breaking*
Air Arcing Hurricane Kick (Air Shunpukyaku)
Handy to escape bad situations or alter the trajectory of your jump to throw off anti-air
When your opponent sees this coming, it's easy to counter it.
EX Moves
Max Hold
EX-Fireball (Hadouken)
Travels a little bit faster than her regular Fireball, plus it's larger in size and offers unlimited
range (i.e. it never dissipates).
Also hits twice, does good damage works alright as a chip (block) damage attack as well
knocking down when it hits.
Like Sakura's regular Fireball, the EX version can also be charged by holding both Punch
buttons, this makes her attack take off more power, but it doesn't decrease the range at all.
*Armor Breaking*
EX-Arcing Hurricane Kick (Shunpukyaku)
The go to move for Sakura's combos. The last hit launches your enemy up into the air
letting you juggle with her Jump Smash or Ultra.
This attack is also safe on block, but not only that, you'll be left at a frame advantage so you
can throw other moves out there before your opponent recovers from the block stun.
Simply put this is a terrific move.
One of the few drawbacks is that sometimes the last hit (launcher) will whiff crouching
opponents, so try nailing them with a Standing Hard Punch beforehand, which stands them
up ensuring the move fully connects.
This move works well all over the screen, and in the corner you can set up some nasty
tricks to catch your opponent off guard.
(In the air)
*Armor Breaking*
EX-Air Arcing Hurricane Kick (Air Shunpukyaku)
Makes Sakura float in the air a bit longer than her regular Arcing Hurricane Kick.
*Armor Breaking*
Ultra 1 Haru Ranman
A very good Ultra. You can connect with this after a Focus Attack, a Hard jump in attack
and of course after the EX-Arcing Hurricane Kick.
After connecting with an EX-Arcing Hurricane Kick, dash forward and execute your Ultra
to juggle with it. Dashing forward lets you connect more hits and you'll want to start the
Ultra when your opponent's back is a little above Sakura's head while she's standing, or it
will miss.
Ultra 2 Shinku Hadoken
There are two versions of this move depending on if you use the Punch or Kick button.
Punch makes a huge fireball fly straight ahead, Kick fires it at an anti air angle.
Although the damage output is a lot less than her Ultra 1 Haru Ichiban, it is a very high
priority ultra than can help her against characters who jump in, and also characters who
have air tracking moves (like Akuma's Demon Flip).
You will sometimes trade hits if you use this to counter certain moves, but you'll be getting
the full damage output compared to a single hit or so from your opponent.
It is also easy to combo right after EX-Arcing Hurricane Kick, but be careful when doing
this in the corner. Doing it too early or too late may cause the ultra to whiff entirely, or give
you only one hit.
Jump in with Hard Kick, Crouching Medium Kick, Cancel into Hard Punch Fireball
You can Cancel into most of Sakura's Special Moves after the Crouching Medium Kick.
Jump in with Hard Kick, Crouching Light Punch 2x, Link into Crouching Medium
Kick, Cancel into Hard Punch Shoryuken
Timing on this can be tricky because of the Link into Crouching Medium Kick, but this is a
powerful combo.
Jump in with Hard Kick, Crouching Medium Kick, Cancel into EX-Arcing
Hurricane Kick, juggle with Jump Smash or Dash then juggle with Ultra
You need to be fairly close when you execute the EX-Arcing Hurricane Kick or it will not
Jump in with Hard Kick, Standing Hard Punch, Cancel into Fireball, Cancel into
Focus Attack
You need to have two EX bars of Super meter to Cancel out of your Fireball into a Focus
Level 2/3 Focus Attack, Standing Hard Punch, Cancel into EX-Arcing Hurricane
Crouching Light Kick, Chain into Crouching Light Punch, Link into Crouching
Hard Punch, Cancel into EX-Arcing Hurricane Kick
Good combo to use with Sakura's EX-Arcing Hurricane Kick mix up game.
Jumping Hard Kick, Crouching Medium Kick, Cancel into EX-Arcing Hurricane
Focus Attack Level 2/3, Light Arcing Hurricane Kick, Link into Crouching Light
Punch, Link into Crouching Medium Punch, Cancel into Light Arcing Hurricane
Kick, Link into Standing Light Kick, Cancel into EX-Arcing Hurricane Kick
Doesn't do a significant amount of damage, but causes a healthy amount of stun.
Jumping Hard Punch, Crouching Hard Punch, Cancel into Hard Punch Fireball,
Focus Attack Dash Cancel, Crouching Hard Punch, Link into EX-Arcing Hurricane
Kick, Ultra
This combo does massive damage to your opponent, and with a Full Ultra Meter, you can
take roughly half your opponent's life off with this nifty combo.
Normal Moves
This is not a complete list of Sakura's regular moves, just some note worthy ones.
Overhead Kick
Like Ryu's overhead punch, this move must be blocked high. Also comes out fast too.
Character Overview
+ Excellent defensive game.
+ Lots of great combos and ways to juggle his opponent.
+ Master of zoning tactics (can keep his opponent where he wants).
- Outright horrible stamina ranking the lowest in the game.
- Also gets stunned very quickly.
- His foot speed is slow.
- Damage on some of his attacks is bad, especially his Ultra.
- His Special Move commands overlap, sometimes causing you to execute a
move you didn't intend to.
Special Moves
Sonic Boom
Throws out a projectile that looks acts quite a bit like Guile's Sonic Boom, but doesn't have
as big of a radius and travels at a faster speed. That rate at which this travels depends on the
Punch button you use, Light is the slowest, Hard goes the fastest. Medium is a mix of the
While your Sonic Boom isn't as large as Guile's, it still has solid priority for knocking
jumping characters out of the air and it's not easy to avoid.
This is a very good tool in the right hands though, especially when coupled with Seth's anti
air attacks and Teleport. You can zone out a lot of characters with your projectile.
*Armor Breaking*
Spin Kicks (Hyakuretsukyaku)
You can combo with the Light and Medium Spin Kicks after a Crouching Medium Punch,
or Crouching Medium Kick. Your Hard Spin Kick has too much start up time and won't
combo after these moves.
A good attack to end combos with, plus it causes a healthy amount of stun. If blocked
though, this move isn't safe, so you should only execute it if you know you're going to
The Light version has the least amount of range, but fastest start up time. Hard has the most
range, but worst start up time.
Tanden Engine
Each button corresponds to how far the Engine will go to bring your opponent close to you.
Light goes the shortest distance, Hard goes the farthest, and Medium is a blend of the two.
This move isn't bad, but it has a somewhat low priority when used in a match. You want to
use this move when your opponent does something stupid and is on the ground. If your
opponent blocks this move, you can be punished.
Most Seth players avoid using this move, the EX version on the other hand...
Yoga Teleport
Doing a Shoryuken motion and pressing 3x Punch (Forward Teleport) will place you
behind your enemy, while the same motion plus 3x Kicks makes you appear right in front
of them.
On the other hand, doing a reverse Shoryuken motion and 3x Punch will teleport you
backwards about half-screen's distance and 3x Kicks will move you away to full-screen's
This is a fast move, but there's a very small window of recovery time where you can be hit
out of your Teleport as you're reappearing, but as long as you do this from the proper
distance and set this up right, you should be safe.
Since Seth has a VERY low stamina rating, proper use of your Teleport is important to get
you out of rough situations and give you a bit of breathing room. But it can also be used on
the offensive end of things when coupled with your Sonic Boom.
EX-Sonic Boom
Instead of throwing a single projectile that hits twice, Seth throws two Sonic Booms. If
both connect, this does more damage than the regular version, plus it's harder to avoid.
These also travel faster than the Hard Punch Sonic Booms you normally throw.
The drawback is that it takes longer for Seth to throw both EX-Sonic Booms than it takes
for him to toss out a single projectile, so if your opponent can anticipate these, you can be
Regardless, these work well in combos and also to bait jump-ins.
*Armor Breaking*
EX-Spin Kicks (Hyakuretsukyaku)
Almost the exact same as the Hard Kick version of the move, but this offers some
invincible frames of animation while starting up. Unless you need the invulnerability
don't use this.
EX-Tanden Engine
Executing this move requires two EX bars instead of one. The primary advantage with the
EX-Tanden Engine is that it can be used to grab the other player as they're falling down
from your attack (like a juggle) and will also grab them out of certain moves your regular
Tanden Engine would not.
One example is after juggling with a 6 hit EX-Shoryuken, you can follow up with an EXTanden Engine and continue your combo.
The Tanden Engine doesn't count as a hit, as far as combo damage scaling is concerned, so
it can be handy to add a bit of extra damage to the end of your combos, if you don't mind
cooking two EX-bars.
From max range though, this tends to miss a number of hits, so always try be at least a few
steps in when you execute your Super.
This can work well as a long-range punishing attack, but it may not be something you want
to use your whole Super bar on unless it gives you a decided advantage.
Also, the energy ball will destroy any projectiles it touches, and this move can also be used
to juggle your enemy. Like most Super moves in Street Fighter 4, the damage isn't terrific,
but this is still a good situational move.
*Armor Breaking*
Ultra 1 Tanden Stream
Moves and Strategies Frame Data Hit Boxes Bio and Story Artwork
Character Overview
Guide by DreamKing
T. Hawk is a devastating character when up close and can end matches fairly quickly with
just a few command throws. Having the highest stamina rating in the entire game allows
Hawk to sacrifice a bit of health in exchange for getting in on his opponent. The damage
output T. Hawk retains is massive for both his combos and command throws.
Hawk also has some long ranged normals that deal good damage and can help him whittle
away at his opponents health when he is not in range to score a command throw. With
multiple moves to help him get around projectiles, Hawk can turn the tide in a match if the
opponent throws one mistimed fireball.
Being the largest character in the game combined with being a grappler causes T. Hawk to
struggle against characters with a strong zoning game that much more. Without meter it can
be very tough for Hawk to advance on his opponent and he requires a ton of patience to
play effectively. In many instances you will find the opponent completely running from you
for the majority of the game and this can become very frustrating.
T Hawk also has many moves that are good on paper but lack the right properties to make
them completely effective. His Tomahawk Buster lacks invincibility on all versions except
for Ex, so without meter you will find yourself struggling with your wake up game. Even
the Ex version of Tomahawk Buster can get beaten out by quite a few different moves and
without the ability to FADC any version of the move, it is always a gamble to throw it out.
+High damage output
+Highest stamina rating in the game
+Long range normals with good priority
+Multiple moves to get around projectiles
+Easy combos that deal large chunks of damage
+Versatile Ultras that deal good damage
- Struggles heavily against projectile characters
- Requires meter usage to get around fireballs more effectively
- Ex Tomahawk Buster could be better; loses to quite a few moves
- Many players will run from Hawk the entire match
- Very few good match ups
- Slow movement and walk speed
- Requires heavy meter usage to successfully get in on opponent
Notable Normal Moves and Unique Attacks
(while jumping forward or backward)
Heavy Body Press
Much like Zangief, T. Hawk spreads himself out horizontally in the air for a large body
splash attack. This move is a great jump in attack, can be used a a cross up and when set up
properly can be very ambiguous and difficult for your opponent to block.
(while jumping forward or backward)
Heavy Shoulder
Hawk angles his elbow vertically and drops down on to the opponent with a quick attack.
This command normal is has a peculiar trait and can be quite deceiving.
Heavy Shoulder retains a very unique property in that it does not actually hit a grounded
opponent. If the opponent is either standing or crouching, this move will actually pass right
through them and not connect at all.
Although this may seem like a handicap, using this move can make for some tricky set ups.
Jumping in on your opponent with Heavy Shoulder makes it seem like you are going to
make contact, which will cause them to block. Since your attack passes through them you
can immediately go into a Mexican Typhoon command throw.
While using this attack as an air-to-air, Heavy Shoulder will make contact and deal damage
to your opponent. This move has a relatively quick start up and actually works great as an
air-to-air move, beating out a wide array of enemy attacks.
Thrust Peak
A quick downward chop that is special cancel-able. This move isn't used too often as a poke
or in combos but mainly as a tick set up. Thrust Peak leaves the opponent in a decent
amount of block stun and gives you time to buffer a command throw, Super or even Ultra 1.
Standing Hard Kick
A very long range poke that deals great damage. This is one of T. Hawk's main pokes and
can be used as an anti-air from the proper distance.
Close Standing Hard Kick
In Arcade Edition, close standing Hard Kick was given the ability to juggle an opponent on
contact and can now be used for combo variety. After close standing Hard Kick you can
combo into Ex Tomahawk Buster or go straight into Ex Condor Dive on certain characters.
Crouching Medium Punch
This poke has a decent amount of range and has great priority. Use this poke often as it will
beat out an opponent's standing pokes at mid-range quite often. This poke can also be used
up close for a tick command throw set up.
Crouching Medium Kick
A long range crouching poke that isn't quite as good as some of the shotos but still works
well when used at max distance. Using this poke up close for a command throw set up
works great due to the deceiving push back.
When crouching Medium Kick is blocked up close it pushes Hawk back quite a bit and
makes it appear as though he is no longer in command throw range when he actually is.
Change up your pokes when going for tick throw set ups and use this one to get under your
opponent's skin.
Crouching Hard Kick
A double sweep attack that is relatively fast and has good range.
This is T. Hawks version of a Dragon Punch. The Light Punch version travels the shortest
distance and works decently as an anti-air. The only version of T. Hawks uppercut that has
any invincibility frames is the EX version, so the Light, Medium and Heavy version do not
work well as wake up reversal options. Also, none the Tomahawk Busters are FADC-able,
so be sure to use them wisely. If your opponent happens to block a poorly timed uppercut,
youre going to eat a big punish.
EX Version: The EX version is your go-to choice if youre looking to get the opponent off
of you with a reversal. Unlike the non-EX versions of Tomahawk Buster, this attack hits
twice and can beat out an opponents focus attack.
Since T. Hawk can not FADC his uppercuts, you can cancel EX Tomahawk Buster into EX
Condor Dive by pressing all 3 kick buttons while Hawk is in the air. This can allow you to
dive out of trouble at the cost of one extra meter. Remember that this is not entirely safe
because if an opponent predicts your dive you run the risk of eating a long range horizontal
punish such as Ryus Super.
Ex Tomahawk Buster can also get beaten out by various attacks even as a reversal. Moves
such as Adons neutral jumping Heavy Kick or other Shoryukens that have longer
invincibility frames will knock Hawk clean out of his uppercut.
Condor Dive
By pressing all 3 punch buttons during a jump, T. Hawk will dive down forward very
quickly and attack the opponent. This move is primarily used to get around opponents who
abuse their projectile usage. Upon block, this move is highly punishable so be sure to use
the Condor Dive at the correct time.
This move can also be used to cross up the opponent when used at the correct distance.
Cross up Dive works especially well after you knock the opponent down from a command
throw or successfully hitting a Condor Dive.
You can perform the Condor Dive rather quickly once T. Hawk leaves the ground and
pretty close to the ground before you land from the jump. Adjusting the timing of your dive
can really throw off your opponents anti-air attempts and allow you to get a free knock
down and begin your close up game.
EX Version: EX Condor Dive is fully projectile invincible during the entirety of the move.
When the EX version is blocked it is much safer than its normal counter part. If the EX
Dive is blocked when making contact with the opponents head or torso, Hawk will bounce
back a good distance away making it tough to punish. You are still susceptible to fast
moving horizontal moves so be careful. If the blocked Dive makes contact closer to the
opponents legs, T. Hawk will drop down immediately right in front of the opponent and
will be completely safe.
Condor Spire
T. Hawk hops off the ground and lunges forward with a horizontal moving attack. The
heavier the punch pressed the more distance the move will travel forward. This move is
good for advancing on opponents and because of its short hop off the ground, can cause
low attacks to whiff. Using Condor Spire after block strings or option selecting a Spire after
a special cancelable poke also works well for pressuring the opponent.
Condor Spire builds a decent amount of Super meter so using the light version when an
opponent is full screen away is a good way to build meter for EX Condor Spire. You can
also use Condor Spire as an anti-air if timed correctly and can follow up with an EX
Tomahawk Buster for some extra damage.
EX Version: Much like EX Tomahawk Buster, EX Condor Spire is the version you will be
using most when trying to get past an opponents fireball game. EX Spire is projectile
invincible and travels a good distance forward allowing Hawk to punish characters trying to
keep him at bay.
Using EX Spire in a combo is one of T. Hawks main tools for dealing big damage. You can
find an example of a combo using EX Spire in the combo section below.
When used at the correct distance, Condor Spire can be difficult to punish on block. If an
opponent blocks any version of Condor Spire at close range, however, youre guaranteed to
eat a big punish.
Mexican Typhoon
Grabbing the opponent and taking to the skies, T. Hawk spins his enemy around and slams
them to the ground with this devastating command throw. When playing T. Hawk, much
like any grappler, your game plan revolves around catching your opponent with the
Mexican Typhoon. Although Hawks combos deal solid damage, successfully catching your
opponent with a command throw allows for you to begin T. Hawks okizeme game.
Each version of Mexican Typhoon plays a roll in Hawks meta game. The Light Punch
version deals the least amount of damage but leaves you closer to the opponent allowing
you to set up some very tricky mix-ups involving cross over Condor Spires and ambiguous
cross ups using Body Splash. Medium does more damage but leaves you a bit further away.
The Ex and Medium versions of Mexican Typhoon deal the same damage and leave you
almost the same distance away from your opponent after landing successfully. When
grabbing your opponent with Ex Mexican Typhoon you will be left slightly closer to the
opponent than the Medium version.
The Heavy version deals the most damage but also leaves you much farther away from the
opponent than any of the other versions. You can easily close the distance however with a
foward dash then Heavy Condor Spire or a Condor Dive. Using the forward dash, Heavy
Condor Spire method will leave you right in front of your opponent and can lead into T.
Hawk's mix up game.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Double Typhoon
T. Hawk slams his opponent to the ground causing them to bounce up; he then follows up
by spinning them multiple times in the air and slams the back down dealing a great chunk
of damage. Since Hawk relies heavily on meter to get in on his opponent, Double Typhoon
isn't used too often. But if you find yourself with the meter you can land this super in a tick
throw set up or after a Heavy Shoulder fake out.
This is the traditional grappler Ultra attack. Like Double Typhoon, this can be used in tick
throw set ups, after Heavy Shoulder and is great as a wake up reversal option. Raging
Typhoon deals a ton of damage and can really turn the tide of a match when you catch your
opponent slipping.
Important Note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
(While jumping)
(While jumping)
Ultra 2
command throw will leave you the furthest away from the opponent so after you
successfully catch them, dash forward then perform either a Heavy or Light Condor Spire.
Heavy Spire will leave you right in front of the opponent when they are getting up so you
can go straight into another command throw. If you feel they are going to be hitting buttons
on wake up you can hit them with an Ex command throw to stop their attempts.
Just like the previous command throw mix-up, once your opponent is conditioned to think
you will use heavy Spire, you can bait out their reversal with a Light Spire then punish
accordingly. These are just a few of the numerous mix-ups that fall under Hawks
metagame using his command throws.
Character Overview
This video walks you through the very basics of playing Vega, but also gets into advanced
tactics and combos. Although some of it is in German, it contains English annotations.
Movie by WWMajin
Speed and range, this version of Vega is most like his Super Turbo counterpart. His EX
moves compliment his normal arsenal really well.
Vega's main problem is that his damage is on the low end, so you're going to have to hit
your opponent a lot to finish them off. He also dizzies faster than most characters.
He lacks options to keep offensive pressure on his opponent, so most players lean towards a
defensive style with him.
While Vega is considered to be one of the worst characters in the game, Street Fighter 4 is
very balanced, so it's still possible to beat people with him consistently.
+ He's very fast.
+ Excellent range on most of his normal attacks.
+ Leaping Kick (down-forward plus Hard Kick) is a great normal attack.
+ Not easy to anti air him because of the speed and trajectory of his jump.
+ Strong 'zoning' game and tons of pokes.
+ Crouching Medium Punch is still great and can be Canceled.
+ His Ultra is great against people who throw a lot of fireballs.
+ Nice range on his Focus Attack.
- Low damage output.
- Has a low stun rating, meaning he gets dizzy quickly.
- Trading hits with your opponent is almost always a losing scenario.
- Losing your claw hurts your range considerably.
- Hard to get your opponent off of you in some situations.
Special Moves
A (2) next to an arrow means to hold the joystick in that direction for 2 seconds to 'charge'
the move.
With moves that charge by holding back or down, you can use the diagonal positions to
charge up as well. For example, if you're holding back, you can jump backwards or block
low and still maintain your charge.
When you get your execution and angles down, you can time this so it's difficult for your
opponent to correctly guess which way to block. And when they start focusing on blocking
throw them with the Izuna Drop.
*Armor Breaking*
Scarlet Terror (Flip Kick)
While this isn't as good as it was in Super Turbo, it's still a nice defensive move, especially
against jump in attacks. Damage is also good (for Vega), so you'll want to bait jumps and
connect with this whenever possible.
You can juggle with Vega's Flip Kick with a second one, but only in certain situations.
Here's the breakdown.
Light Flip Kick, juggle with EX-Flip Kick (EX only hits once).
Catch jumping opponent late with any non-EX Flip Kick, juggle again with any Flip
To juggle with the Flip Kick, you need it to only connect one time, it if hits twice you won't
be able to juggle with another one.
Back Flip
Vega flips away from his opponent. The punch version of this move lasts a little longer and
causes Vega to hop further back.
This comes out very quickly, and is sometimes the best way to escape a projectile Ultra or
Super. Not something to use frequently because it can be countered if your opponent knows
you're going to throw it out, but it's still handy in certain situations.
Claw Throw
This will make Vega throw his claw up into the air and it comes down and sticks into the
ground. Once thrown, you have to walk over the claw to pick it back up.
The button pressed determines where the claw goes. Light Punch is behind you, Medium
and Hard throw it in front of you.
There doesn't seem any reason to actually do this move, as it rids you of your claw.
Mask Throw
Takes 50% of your Super meter and makes you throw your mask on the ground. This
increases your attack power, but lowers your defense (stamina) until your mask is picked
back up.
EX Moves
(when close)
EX-Flying Barcelona Attack & Izuna Drop (Wall Dive and Throw)
Hits once on the way to the wall and then again when he's coming down. The EX version
also has better throw range than a normal Izuna Drop.
This will probably be the main move you use in combos, because you can Cancel into it
from several of his normal attacks.
It is not an effective anti-air move though, and it can be difficult to land the Wall Dive part
if your opponent is in the corner. Works best when the other fighter is mid-screen.
But this does pretty good damage, and it's probably what you'll be spending most of your
EX meter on.
Also if this trades hits on the first attack, it launches the other fighter up into the air and you
can juggle them as they come down with pretty much anything.
*Armor Breaking*
EX-Scarlet Terror (Flip Kick)
*Armor Breaking*
Ultra 1 Bloody High Claw
Vega jumps off the wall and does multiple claw slices to his opponent. You can control
which wall you dive off of by ending the motion towards the corner of choice in the
diagonally up direction.
Vega flies diagonally downwards from whichever corner he hopped off of meaning you
probably won't land this if your opponent is near the wall you jump off of. Also you need to
hit the wall before you're safe from counter-attacks.
This move goes through projectiles and is a really effective attack against fireball
spammers. Try to be inside of 3/4ths of a screen's distance to the wall, and if you react
quickly you can slice the crap out of your opponent simply for throwing out a fireball.
His Ultra comes out very quickly, so you should know almost instantly if your opponent
blocked it or not. Even if they block, you land at an alright distance away from them. You
can still be punished, but it isn't easy.
In Super Street Fighter 4, this move has been improved by making Vega hit on the way up
when he jumps to the wall. This makes his Ultra 1 MUCH better, as it can now be used as
anti air. Some players claim that this is one of the best Ultras in the game now.
Down-Forward + Hard Kick (Leaping Kick) EX-Wall Dive
Nice damage on this, and all you have to do is connect with a Leaping Kick.
Jumping Hard Punch, Crouching Medium Kick, Link into Crouching Medium
Easy combo and it doesn't require a charge.
Jumping Hard Kick, Crouching Medium Kick, Hard Kick Flip Kick
Jumping Hard Punch, Standing Hard Punch, Link into Crouching Medium Punch
Jumping Hard Kick, Crouching Medium Kick, Cancel into Light Punch Rolling
Level 2/3 Saving Attack, Dash Cancel, Down-Forward plus Hard Kick, EX-Wall
Crouching Light Punch 2x, Crouching Medium Punch, Cancel into EX-Wall Dive
Unique Attacks
Cosmic Heel (Launcher)
Vega hops forward with his leg out. If this lands it launches your opponent up into the air so
you can juggle them.
Really good move. Fast, and gives you the option to move Vega forward very quickly.
Great recovery time, and you can juggle your opponent after landing it. If you miss entirely
you can throw your opponent after wards.
Normal Moves
Note this is not a complete list of all of Vega's normal moves, just the ones we think are
Slide Sweep
A low attack with a lot of range and it should be safe if blocked as long as you hit your
opponent at almost the very end of the animation. Use it sparingly to keep your opponent
off guard, and to slide under jumping attacks and throw the other fighter when they land.
Kara Throw
The range on this Kara Throw isn't exceptional, but it's not too bad either. It's roughly the
same range of Akuma's Kara Throw in Street Fighter 3 Third Strike.
(In the air)
Air Throw
Vega's Air Throw has good range. Use this whenever you can anticipate a jump.
(3x) or
Tourou Zan (Mantis Slashes)
Yang throws out his hand for a quick slice, and during this time you can keep inputting
quarter circles and punches in order to complete the Rekka series. All regular versions can
be repeated up to two more times for a knockdown. This is Yang's best combo ender from
outside of point blank range.
The Light Mantis Slash is great to use as a poke. Because of its range, it's extremely hard to
punish. The Hard Mantis Slashes reach very far and are great as a punisher. Don't try to
pressure a blocking opponent with anything more than a single Light Mantis Slash, because
any more than one Slash can be punished. The same rule applies to the Medium and Hard
Mantis Slashes.
EX Version: This starts up a lot faster than the regular Mantis Slashes and has the range of
the Medium version. The initial two strikes of this move are very safe on block provided
that they are spaced correctly (outside of throw range).
Because this EX move initiates a spinning knockdown and recovers so quickly after the last
hit, you can perform followups in the corner with your Ultra 2 and other moves.
Kaihou (Teleport)
Yang's teleport move has zero invincibility to attacks and throws for a large portion of the
slow startup, and it has enough recovery to be punished easily. Don't try to use it as an
approach move if the opponent is standing.
The Light version travels the least amount of distance and has the quickest recovery. Use
this to catch up to an opponent if you have enough time after a knockdown such as your
forward throw or to quickly corpse hop a knocked down opponent.
EX Version: EX Kaihou is completely invincible to attacks for its entire duration and
recovers extremely quickly, making it difficult to punish unless the opponent sees it
coming. This is good for a reversal, especially if you are about to get hit with an early
crossup. Unfortunately it loses to option-select throws easily, so be sure to vary up your
Byakko Soushouda (Palm Strike)
Yang's palm attack is fantastic for catching pokes at mid range since the attack is disjointed
from Yang's body. Each version of the palm has its own use.
The Light version is a fake palm strike. Use this to bait counter-attacks and then punish
with your Dragon Kicks or Ultra. You can also use the fake Palm to trick the opponent into
blocking so that you can grab them with Zenpou Tenshin.
The Medium version doesn't knock down, and it's unsafe if blocked at short range. It starts
up the fastest out of the Palms that can strike, making it a valuable meter building tool or a
quick mid range projectile destroyer. It's easy to combo into this version and sets up some
FADC combos for you.
The Hard version starts up the slowest, but it knocks down. It also leaves you at frame
advantage on block and allows followup juggles in the corner. Use the Hard version to
attack opponents that are standing up from a knockdown. This will stuff reversals if you
perform it from the right ranges, though you'll want to be careful against certain characters
who have lots of invincibility on their reversals.
Because this move is actually considered a projectile by the game engine, you can use it to
cancel out fireballs. This really gives you an edge in full-screen meter building battles. You
also get a meter boost for canceling out projectiles so the advantage is even more profound.
EX Version: This version starts up just as fast as the Hard version and it wallbounces the
opponent. You can follow up the wallbounce anywhere on screen with the correct version
of the Dragon Kicks and you can land both of your Ultras from this move if you are close
to the corner!
This move also has complete lower body invincibility for the entire startup of the move,
making it useful as a counter. It's still a bit slow, but if you're getting harassed by low pokes
on the ground then give this a move a try.
Senkyuutai (Dragon Kicks, Roll Kick)
This move doubles as Yang's reversal and punisher and has great versatility in both
categories. The Light version has Yang perform his Dragon Kicks in the place where he
stands, and this is his best meterless reversal/anti-air move due to its invincibility and quick
startup. You can FADC all versions of the Dragon Kicks to make them safe.
Be wary of attacks that hit low on your wakeup, as it's quite possible for the Light Dragon
Kicks to whiff. Also the Medium and Hard Roll Kicks don't have any invulnerability to
attacks or throws on wakeup (they are only invincible to projectiles after the roll has
Medium Dragon Kicks is an alternate combo ender for Yang. With it, he gets a bit more
time to attack the opponent after a knockdown since he lands right next to them.
The Hard version causes Yang to roll set distances across the ground. While Yang is rolling,
he can duck under projectiles very easily. This is a great answer to projectiles at mid range
and offers a soft knockdown for you to chase down zoning characters. This also acts as a
punishing solution for moves that have long recovery outside of the reach of your Slashes.
EX Version: The EX Roll Kick is a packaged version of all the best qualities of the normal
versions. It has loads of startup invincibility for reversal purposes. It also rolls across the
ground extremely quickly and auto-tracks towards to the opponent's position.
This is much more reliable as a punishing move due to its speed and this especially applies
to its anti-fireball properties.
Zenpou Tenshin (Flip Grab)
Yang's command grab has good range, having a bit more reach than a regular throw. It has
pretty slow startup though, meaning that you will have to condition the opponent not to
backdash or reversal you out of the grab. Zenpou Tenshin starts up in 10 frames, which is
twice as slow as Abel's Tornado Throw and five times slower than Zangief's SPD.
After you land this grab you have enough frame advantage to land either your Standing
Hard Punch, Standing Medium Kick or your Crouching Medium Kick which in turn leads
to big combos. If you have stunned your opponent in the first round and they have only a
little bit of life left, use this command grab to gain meter before finishing them off.
Zenpou Tenshin is not invincible in any way, and the whiff recovery is massive. Don't rely
too heavily on this move otherwise you will get torn apart. All normal versions have the
same reach regardless of the button pressed.
EX Version: Yang's EX Zenpou Tenshin has a LOT more range than the regular version. It
also starts up slightly faster, making it more viable in tick setups.
Considering that this command grab sets up an easy Ultra combo for Yang through a
Standing Medium Kick combo, spending EX to increase the range and startup speed is
definitely worth the price.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Seiei Enbu (Starlight Waltz)
Yang poses and powers up, and during this time he summons two more copies of himself to
strike the opponent. Whatever action Yang performs, his copies will perform the same
action at a delayed time. The activation of this Super has instant recovery so it cannot be
punished. At the same time you don't want your opponent to be able to escape when you
start it, so cancel into it from something like a Roll Kick or a Palm.
When you activate Seiei Enbu is important. If you want to start a combo into Seiei Enbu
from a punish, use the Medium Palm Strike. It will keep the opponent grounded and allow
you to dash in with a combo. If you want to activate it for corner pressure, the same setup
will still work.
During the time Seiei Enbu is activated, attack your opponent with dive kicks, crossups,
overheads, Slashes and whatever else you can throw at them. This is especially effective
against characters with poor reversals. If you keep up your offense consistently it can be
hard for almost any character to escape.
Most of the time while you are rushing down your moves will combo into each other with
the help of your copies, so you can keep combos going for a long time. Stun is still applied
to all your attacks, but it is heavily scaled. Try to reset the combo counter on purpose to get
larger damage output.
Generally the only time you should use this is if you are in a matchup where EX is not
required for victory. If you're proficient enough with building meter using Yang's Palm
Strike then you shouldn't be too reserved about using Seiei Enbu since most combos
involving it do massive damage.
Yang throws out his hand and if he hits with the tip he initiates a slice and dice cinematic
for big damage. This is Yang's higher-damage comboable Ultra, and there are many setups
for it. Check out the Combos section below for all the details.
Raishin Mahhaken can be used as an anti-air if you activate it when the opponent is at the
peak of their jump. You must have reasonably quick reactions for this to work.
This Ultra has very little utility outside of combos due to its incredibly short range. If you
want an Ultra that is more effective in punishing the opponent, pick Ultra 2.
Yang crouches down and initiates a Roll Kick. During the rolling startup of Tenshin
Senkyuutai Yang is completely invulnerable to projectiles. After it makes contact, Yang
juggles the opponent in the air for big damage.
This is the best Ultra to pick to heavily punish projectile throwers or certain special moves
that would normally give Yang problems. It's also not too difficult to combo into from
either a Slashes FADC combo or a standing Medium Kick, though it is possible in some
combos that you won't get the full animation of the Ultra.
All of the setups to land Ultra 1 also work with Ultra 2, but since Ultra 2 is less damaging
it's up to you which kind of Ultra you prefer.
Target Combos
Target Combo 1
This target combo acts as a great poke for Yang. The first two stages are safe on block and
the standing Medium Punch has great range. If you complete the series, the opponent is
knocked down. You can't cancel this target combo with special moves, but you can cancel it
into Seiei Enbu.
Target Combo 2
No use for this target combo. If you have enough time to land a standing Light Kick, you
can just cancel it into Slashes for better damage.
Target Combo 3 (Air Only)
A really great air target combo that is meant to be used to interrupt anti-air Focus Attacks.
Since your jumping Medium Kick as also doubles as a crossup attack, this target combo is
useful no matter which side you land on.
This only works with a forward jumping Medium Kick. Also, you can only cancel it into
the Medium Dive Kick. Despite these restrictions, it's still very useful.
Important note: Not every possible combo is listed here. Instead, you'll find the most
common and helpful combos that you should know. There are many variations to these as
Hard Mantis Slash
4 Hits
210 Damage
Most straightforward meterless punish combo from point blank range.
Zenpou Tenshin
Zenpou Tenshin
Forward Jump
19 Hits
438 Damage
Big damage and a meterless way to combo into Ultra 1. The Raigeki Shuu MUST whiff.
juggle to Ultra 2
6 Hits
302 Damage
This combo does not initiate the full Ultra cinematic, but it does good damage nonetheless.
Dash Forward
Ultra 1
21 Hits
439 Damage
Yang's bread and butter Ultra combo. Big damage and an easy hit confirm. This also works
for Ultra 2.
Target Combo 3
While this is considered the most dominating aerial move Yang has, it's best to be careful
when using it. It has no invincibility and the only advantage it has is the speed and angle of
Yang General Strategy
Yang is a very good all-purpose character, meaning that he has a solid answer to almost
every situation. Offensively and defensively the most important way to play Yang is to
remain aware of all of your options.
Yang can be played two ways with the first being high-pressure rushdown and the second
being a mid-range poke and punish style. Against characters with poor defense especially
on wakeup you'll want to play the first style, but characters with strong ground defense that
can counter your dive kick easily will force you to play the second way.
If you are at full screen and are having trouble approaching the opponent, just begin
building meter with Palm Strikes. This will force the opponent to come to you and to time
their approach. When you see the opponent try to work their way through your Palm Strike
pattern, mix it up with fake Palm Strikes and devise a counter.
Yun exists solely for offense, and because of that his defense is weak. He can't take a lot of
hits due to his stamina ranking. There is also no way to FADC his Dragon Kicks, which is
his only invincible reversal. This forces him to stay in the opponent's face constantly to
prevent being rushed down himself.
Since Yun is so dependent on the dive kick to close the distance and apply pressure, he has
a rough time against uppercut characters like Sagat and Ken. Characters such as Viper and
Fei Long who can close the distance safely and prevent Yun from attacking also excel
against him.
+ Fast movement speed.
+ Capable of applying a lot of offensive pressure.
+ Has some very damaging combos that lead to advantageous knockdowns.
+ Dive Kick setups and command grab can be very difficult to counter.
+ Genei Jin is an incredibly effective super move.
+ Very useful target combos.
+ Nearly all of his special moves juggle the opponent.
- Low stamina rating.
- Grounded special moves require good timing and spacing to be safe.
- Requires non-stop offense.
- Cannot FADC his Dragon Kicks.
- Most invincible reversal is slow.
Special Moves
Zesshou Hohou (Lunge Punch)
Yun leaps forward with his fist out and the strength of button determines how long this
move takes to start up and the distance it travels. Light Lunge Punch travels the least
distance, but starts up the fastest.
Each version only hits once but they all knock the opponent down right in front of you.
Regardless of the version used, if you space it so that Yun strikes at the very end of the
lunge then Yun is safe from nearly all counter-attacks. This is much harder to do with the
Light Lunge Punch though.
You'll want to be using this move to approach the opponent safely. It starts up quickly for
such a long-range move and puts you safely in front of the opponent provided that you
space it correctly. This move also works well in juggles and can be comboed after quite a
few special moves, not to mention your Ultra 1.
You can FADC the beginning or the end of this move to make it safe. A great choice if you
poorly space your Lunge Punch.
EX Version: This is Yun's best EX move by far. Not only is this move safe on block, but it
leaves you at frame advantage in front of the opponent giving you time to apply a mixup. If
both hits land on a grounded opponent, you can juggle into Ultra 1 anywhere on the screen.
If you don't have Ultra 1, you can simply juggle into a Light Lunge Punch for extra
It may be tempting to abuse this move at first, but any good player will be watching for it.
It has a hard time catching neutral jumpers due to the way the move travels. Also, it's much
easier to juggle into Ultra 1 from this move in the corner, with midscreen your timing has to
be very quick.
Kobokushi (Palm Strike)
This palm attack has a surprising amount of range and does more damage than all of Yun's
specials. It has the power to negate projectiles and do lots of chip damage safely to
The Light version is a fake palm. Use it for one of two purposes; to cancel into it from a
blockstring so that you can tick into Zenpou Tenshin, or to bait opponents into attacking
you so that you can respond with a Dragon Kicks or Ultra.
The Medium and Hard versions have exactly the same damage, startup and recovery while
being completely safe on block. Use these versions to build meter full-screen or to cancel
out projectiles for even more meter. You can also use the Palm Strike on the opponent's
wakeup, since trades against reversal attacks will usually work out in your favor damagewise. It can also catch backdashes if they have short range.
The Palm Strike is classified as a projectile attack, so certain moves that can beat projectiles
can travel straight through it. You'll want to be careful since many characters have EX
moves that travel through fireballs easily and they can exploit this advantage. For this
reason, you'll want to be careful how close you are to an opponent before you start the Palm
EX Version: If the EX Palm connects, the opponent will bounce off the wall allowing for
some easy juggles into Light Lunge Punch or Hard Dragon Kicks. This move is
extraordinarily unsafe on block, but it has quite a lot of lower-body invincibility. There's
not much use for this move unless you are doing a very punish or a post-stun combo.
Nishokyaku (Dragon Kicks)
This is Yun's main anti air special move and his only invincible reversal. The Light version
comes out the fastest and has the most invincibility, making it the best anti-air.
Unfortunately, the Light and Medium Dragon Kicks whiff completely on crouching
characters meaning that you really can't use this as a reversal.
When it comes to reversals, only the Hard Dragon Kicks can be used reliably. While the
Hard version is the slowest of all the Dragon Kicks, it has a huge amount of invulnerability
to beat a lot of attacks and hits both crouching and standing characters.
The Hard version is the best one to use to avoid crossup attacks on wakeup because Yun
will fly the whole way across the screen where it is very hard to punish him.
When it comes to combos the Hard Dragon Kicks is the best ender because it knocks the
opponent down directly in front of you. You can also use the Light Dragon Kicks to combo
into Ultra 1 against certain characters. Regrettably, you cannot FADC Dragon Kicks at any
EX Version: EX Dragon Kicks starts up the fastest out of all the versions but it has the
least amount of startup invincibility. If you're trying to punish poor safe jumps then this is
an escape option. It can also hit crouching opponents unlike the Light Dragon Kicks.
Because this version recovers the fastest on the ground, it's possible to connect a Lunge
Punch after EX Dragon Kicks juggles the opponent.
Tetsuzankou (Shoulder)
This makes Yun slide forward while performing a shoulder attack. This is another potential
combo ender for Yun or a punishing attack.
The Light Shoulder starts up the fastest and is easy to combo into. It's also mostly safe on
block, but if you end up too close to the opponent some characters can reach you with Light
Attacks. It also does not knock down on hit. It's still a great move to use in a blockstring if
the opponent doesn't have a dragon punch at their disposal.
The Medium and Hard Shoulders are very unsafe on block but have the ability to pass
through projectiles during the middle phase of the move. If you do land either version you
can follow up with a Lunge Punch juggle since they knock the opponent high into the air.
All of the Shoulders can be canceled into Genei Jin. No matter which version you use to
start your Super, you should be able to combo and juggle cleanly once it starts. Since the
Light version is the only one that can be comboed into it will be your most common path to
Genei Jin.
EX Version: EX Shoulder starts up faster than the Light Shoulder and is invulnerable to
projectiles throughout the duration of the move. It is just as super unsafe on block as the
Medium and Hard versions though. It hits twice with the the second hit knocking the
opponent into the air, and works well during juggles.
Flip Grab (Zenpou Tenshin)
This command grab is a very powerful one and is one of the reasons why Yun is such a
feared opponent up close. It does no damage, but it places the opponent in enough hitstun
for you to follow up with some very damaging combos.
It has an amazing amount of range and you'll want to tick into it from either your crouching
Light Punch or Kick. Despite being a little slower than the average command grab, it's still
quite a useful move. If you aren't using Zenpou Tenshin, then you are cutting yourself off
from one of Yun's best moves.
The button pressed makes no difference in terms of range or hitstun. All versions have the
same reach. It also has no invincibility to any attacks or throws. The whiff recovery of
Zenpou Tenshin is also massive, so be very wary of opponents trying to get away from your
command grab game.
EX Version: This version has a lot more range than the regular Zenpou Tenshin, which is
quite crazy. It also starts up a little faster while being invulnerable to throws. Definitely one
of Yun's best EX moves.
Super and Ultra Moves
Super Genei Jin
Yun's Genei Jin defines him as a character due to its unique abilities. While it isn't the focal
point for Yun's gameplay like it was in Third Strike it's still good enough to deal heavy
damage to opponents while placing them in the corner. Just like in Street Fighter 3 all
moves performed during Genei Jin do zero stun.
When Yun activates this Super it has zero-frame startup, meaning that the activation cannot
be punished. Once it starts, the recovery on Yun's grounded normals change to almost zero
allowing him to attack mercilessly with pokes and hit confirms. All of Yun's special moves
also gain the faster recovery boost which allows him to perform juggles that were initially
impossible to do.
The Genei Jin also changes the way certain moves juggle and strike the opponent. For
example, the Hard Lunge Punch now does three hits when it used during Genei Jin mode
which makes juggling possible. Yun's Senpuukyaku now juggles the opponent when it did
not initially. Normal moves that would normally reset an opponent in the air now maintain
aerial juggles. Other examples exist.
Although this Super does eventually get damage scaled heavily, it's possible to reset the
opponent and go for more setups while Genei Jin is still active. Zenpou Tenshin is quite
easy to sneak into a Genei Jin pressure string. As an extra bonus Genei Jin can stay
activated throughout Yun's Ultra 1, so he can continue a juggle after the Ultra animation is
Once you've caught your opponent in a juggle, you'll want to repeatedly juggle them with
Palms, Dragon Kicks, Shoulders, Overheads, standing Hard Kick, and other assortments of
moves. Practice your ideal Genei Jin combo in training mode so that you can pull it off no
matter where you are on the screen.
Ultra 1 Youhou
Ultra 1
Yun's Ultra 1 starts up quickly and is a very easy Ultra to combo into. The startup speed
makes it possible to use Youhou as an anti-air, though you have to have fast reactions. It
can be comboed into from a variety of situations and setups. You can also juggle after this
Ultra with a Hard Lunge Punch no matter where you land it. Combo setups:
EX Lunge Punch
This is the most popular Ultra choice for Yun because it gives him easy access to extra
damage in his combos. If you activate this Ultra while Genei Jin is active, you won't get a
full cinematic of damage but you will be able to combo afterwards with a few more juggles
before your Super timer runs out.
punish projectile throwers or to punish long-distance moves that can't be reached with your
Lunge Punch.
There is no way to combo into this Ultra other than with a Focus Attack.
Target Combos
Target Combo 1
You need to still be airborne after the Jumping Light Punch lands for the second hit of the
target combo to connect. Good jump-in for breaking anti-air Focus Attacks from your
Target Combo 2
No use for this Target Combo.
Target Combo 3
You can use this combo as a two-hit poke, but Yun's sweep has average range and slow
Target Combo 4
Yun's best target combo and a very dangerous one. Yun's standing Medium Punch has
incredible range and the first two stages of this move are safe on block.
You can easily hit confirm into a knockdown with this move and it's great for whiff
punishing as well. This target combo's ability to beat out other normal attacks should also
not be underestimated.
Target Combo 5
A simple hit confirm target combo where the last move is special cancelable. Unfortunately
due to the strength of Yun's links into his Medium Punches this target combo is largely
Medium Lunge Punch
2 Hits
Damage 170
A simple combo starting from a low attack.
Target Combo 4
(Level 1), Dash Forward, Ultra 1
8 Hits
Damage 346
Very easy and terrifying combo as this dangerous target combo leads to Ultra 1 in the
Notable Normal Moves and Unique Attacks
Raigeki Shuu (Dive Kick) [Air Only]
Yun's dive kick is an incredible move for a variety of reasons. It's fast, difficult to interrupt
and can lead to big combos or a command grab depending on whether it hits or not. You'll
want to be using this move often, but when to activate it and which version to use is also
important. This move can be blocked high or low so the real mixup starts when you land.
Yun can only activate Raigeki Shuu if he is jumping neutrally or forward. You can cross up
with this dive kick to apply a mixup, so in order to do that make sure Yun's foot strikes the
back of the neck of the opponent. To make this move safe and to give yourself frame
advantage, you'll want to be hitting the opponent right in the knees or toes with this move.
This will allow Yun to recover on the ground the fastest.
The Light version travels almost straight down and is great for baiting anti-air special
attacks and crossing up. The Medium dive kick travels farther forward and is the most used
version for approaches since it's easy to angle this move into the opponent's lower body.
The Hard version is great for long-range approaches due to its shallow angle of movement,
but is the easiest to anti-air.
If you just blindly attack with this move, you'll get hit out of it a lot by anti-air normals or
standing normals. You'll want to dive kick after you knock the opponent down, or after a
charge character surrenders their charge, or after someone whiffs a ground poke. Try to
maintain an airborne state with well-spaced neutral and forward jumps so that you can dive
kick whenever you need to.
If you use this during Genei Jin, the shorter recovery now assigned to this move will allow
you to combo from it. It will also relaunch aerial opponents and move Yun's body forward,
which is important for maintaining juggles.
Character Overview
Zangief is one of the best characters in Street Fighter 4. He has arguably the top Ultra move
in the game and his attacks pack a wallop. He also has the highest stamina and stun ratings,
meaning he can take more of a beating than anyone else.
All of this power comes at a price though. Gief is slow and doesn't have much mobility. He
also can't do much damage unless he's close up, so you'll have to get used to people
constantly running away from you because you're really only effective up close.
Regardless, Zangief has the tools to be an absolute nightmare for some characters, even
though a few matches against heavily defensive characters are very difficult for him to win.
But with enough patience and some perseverance you can break down almost any defense.
This guy is an excellent fighter.
Special Moves
To execute the Spinning Piledriver (360 motion) you must hit 6 points on the joystick, you
do not have to do a true 360 motion, 225 degrees will work and you can start from any
direction. This is different from other Street Fighter games where doing a Spinning
Piledriver usually required hitting 7 points on the joystick.
The same practice applies to the 720 motion for Super/Ultra moves. This time you have to
hit 13 points on the joystick, completing a 540 degree motion to execute the move.
(360 motion)
Spinning Piledriver
The ultimate command grab. If you're close to the other player, this is a huge threat as the
range is terrific and the damage is awesome. This move is one of the biggest reasons
Zangief is such a great character in this game.
You can set this up from a variety of ways. After a jump in attack, a Crouching Light Punch
or pretty much any time you're in range you should be looking for a way to land this, or at
least make the other player feel like you're a threat to do so, and then punish them for
attempting to avoid it.
The Light Punch Spinning Piledriver has the most range, but does the least damage. Hard
Punch does the most damage, but has the least range.
But this negates projectiles if your hand touches them while you're launching yourself
forward, and if can be handy to quickly advance if you can catch your enemy off guard,
which will put you in better range for your other attacks.
Double Lariat (Quick Double Lariat with Kicks)
This move is insanely good, Zangief spins around with his arms out going through most
projectiles and a lot of attacks. Also works well as an anti air move, especially as you're
getting up, which makes it really difficult for anyone to actually jump in at Gief.
After you swing around a few times, it's pretty easy to counter this move by hitting Gief's
foot area, so you cannot just spam these all day against good players.
When this connects it knocks down your opponent which helps you set up your Spinning
Piledriver or other nasty tactics.
The Kick Lariat doesn't last as long, which can help you avoid sweeps and moves that
would normally hit you out of your Punch Lariat.
(360 motion)
Flying Powerbomb (Running Grab and Slam)
Zangief runs across the screen and if he touches his opponent he'll grab them and slam
them into the ground.
While Zangief moves at a pretty decent speed once he gets going, he unfortunately has to
wave his hands in the air like a lunatic before he actually starts moving, which will tip off
most players on what you're about to try.
Not the greatest of attacks because it's usually too easy to sniff out and counter, but on
occasion you might be able to land this in a match. The EX version on the other hand is
definitely better.
(360 motion)
EX-Spinning Piledriver
High priority grab. Pretty much any move your opponent throws out there, if you do this
command and time it correctly, it should grab your enemy before their attack can hit you.
Also when you land this, your opponent will be on the ground for a second longer than if
you connected with a normal Spinning Piledriver, giving you a bit more time to set
something else up. A very wicked move.
(360 motion)
EX-Flying Powerbomb (Running Grab and Slam)
Gives this attack Super Armor letting you absorb a single attack while you're running
towards your enemy. While the regular version is difficult to land, having Super Armor can
make a big difference if helping this connect.
(720 motion)
Super Final Atomic Buster
A really good command grab with nice damage, but your Ultra is a bit better because it lets
you save your Super meter for EX moves, plus it does more damage.
Ultra 1
Ultra 2
Having both your Super and your Ultra at your disposal is nice though, two big time
damage grabs make you very formidable.
(720 motion)
Ultra 1 Ultimate Atomic Buster
Hands down one of the best Ultra moves in the game, some would argue the best. It has a
very short start up time and it's highly damaging.
It's very demoralizing to other players to beat Gief down for the majority of the match only
to have him land one of these and even up the score, or possibly even win the round.
Although the command for this can be a challenge to pull off in a tight situation, you can
set this up a variety of ways like doing an empty jump (jumping in without pressing an
attack button) or trying to execute it on wake up, as you're getting off the ground.
This is an insanely good Ultra move, but remember that most players are highly familiar
with it and they'll be looking for you to try and land it through the match, so mix up your
game a bit and don't get too predictable with setting this up, or you'll be grabbing air.
Jumping Hard Kick, Crouching Light Kick 2x, Cancel into EX-Green Glove
Level 3 Focus Attack, Crouching Light Kick 2x, Standing Medium Punch,
Crouching Light Kick, Cancel into EX-Green Glove
Unique Attacks
Long Kick
Other Resources