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Resumen 3com 4500

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El viernes lleg el 3com 4500, switch layer 2/3 administrable.

. Es un switch que promete mucho cuando se trata de aliviar la congestion de la red, con uplinks de 1 Gigabit, manejo de capa 3, listas de control de acceso (ACL), calidad de servicio (QOS), preparado para VoIP, administrable por SMNP

Administrable una vez que logras entrar! Bajemos el manual pues

Una hora mas tarde, la Gua de Referencia Rpida, la Gua de Referencia de Comandos y la Gua de Configuracin mostraban con que prolijidad se puede hacer documentacin, pero sin dejar muy claro cmo se hacen las cosas esenciales.


1. 2.

Conecte el cable de consola al switch y al puerto serie de la PC, con el switch apagado; Use un programa de comunicaciones (como HyperTerminal) con estos parmetros: 19200, 8, N, 1, sin control de flujo;


Encienda el switch, que presenta toda la informacin del arranque y nos invita amablemente a presionar ENTER;

4. 5.

Username: admin, Password: en blanco por defecto, no encontr nada en la documentacin; Disfrtelo!

An no se puede administrar para ello hace falta asignar una IP a la VLAN, pero eso es otro captulo de la historia.

Continuando 3com 4500 Administrable

Luego de conectarse al switch por el puerto serie, podemos asignar una IP a la VLAN para continuar la configuracin via web:

1. 2.

Presionar ENTER para obtener un prompt; Si an no esta logueado:

Username: admin Password: (en blanco por defecto);

3. Entramos a la configuracion:

<4500> system-view


Configuramos una IP para la Vlan 1 (p. ej.

[4500] interface vlan-interface 1 [4500-Vlan-interface1] ip address 255.255.255 [4500-Vlan-interface1] quit

5. Agregamos una ACL para ingresar via web (ej. acl 2080 para ingresar desde la ip

[4500] ip http acl 2080 [4500] acl number 2080 [4500-acl-basic-2080] rule 0 permit source 0 [4500-acl-basic-2080] rule 1 deny [4500-acl-basic-2080] quit [4500] user-interface vty 0 [4500-ui-vty0] acl 2080 inbound [4500-ui-vty0] authentication-mode scheme [4500-ui-vty0] set authentication password simple xxxx [4500-ui-vty0] quit
6. Configuramos la contrasea del usuario admin:

[4500] local-user admin [4500-luser-admin] password simple mynewpass [4500-luser-admin] quit

7. A partir de aqu ya podemos conectarnos via web poniendo la IP del switch en el navegador, con el usuario y contrasea que configuramos, y la primera tarea imprescindible es guardar la configuracin del switch; 8. Notas: 1. 2. El prompt del switch va variando segn el entorno; La Vlan por defecto es la 1 y no se puede eliminar;

Disclaimer: estos pasos pueden contener alguna imprecisin, dado que estn tomados de memoria de hace un par de meses, aunque contrastados con el propio archivo de configuracin del switch.

Como conectarse

Using HyperTerminal in Windows to Access 3com Switch

An initial, basic configuration on a 3com switch is fairly simple. You will need a serial cable to connect a computer to the 3com switch in order to access the switch through HyperTerminal. HyperTerminal can be found on windows by clicking START, go to PROGRAMS, then toACCESSORIES, then go to COMMUNICATIONS, and click onHyperTerminal. After the program appears, make up a name and enter it in the space provided, choose an icon then click OK.

Look in the drop down menu

at Connect using:. Choose the port that your serial cable is hooked to on your computer (usually COM1) from the switch. Then click OK.

Click Restore Defaults, then click OK. You now have an open connection to the 3com Switch. Now, hit enter until you have a login prompt. Configuring the switch at the Command Line in HyperTerminal At the login prompt, type admin, then hit enter. At the password prompt, just hit enter. Initially, there is no password. You are now logged on to the 3com switch and can start configuring. The switch may be configured in any order.

There are 3 basic items that need to be configured: 1) Enter a system password. 2) Enter system information. 3) Enter IP information.

System Password

To set a system password, at the top-level menu, type system password then hit enter. It will then prompt you to enter the old password (if this is the first time, just press enter), enter your old password and hit enter. It will then prompt you to enter a new password, enter a new password, and when prompted enter the new password again. After you enter the new password a second time, it will display The command line interface password has been successfully changed.
System Information

At the top-level menu, type system information or type sys info for short, as long as you type enough information to uniquely identify each word, you will get the same results. After you hit enter, you will be prompted to enter a name for the system. Any name you wish to use to identify your switch may be used, then press enter. Now, the prompt is

asking for a contact. A persons name to contact if something happens needs to be entered here. Finally, the last prompt asks for a location. Just enter a room number or place where the switch can be found.

IP Information for the switch

At the top-level menu, type ip interface define and hit enter. It will prompt you to enter an ip address. Enter the ip address you want to assign to the switch, in our case we used, then press enter. Now you will be prompted to enter the subnet mask. Enter the appropriate subnet mask, in our case it was Press enter and you will be prompted for a default gateway. Enter the appropriate gateway, in our case it was, and hit enter. For the next two prompts, SLIP IP and SLIP subnet mask, just enter through. After entering through the SLIP prompts, the system will display all the items related to ips for the switch.

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