Sid's Adventures in Spain FINAL Ebook Version
Sid's Adventures in Spain FINAL Ebook Version
Sid's Adventures in Spain FINAL Ebook Version
Jane Cronin
SIDS ADVENTURES IN SPAIN was originally a series of articles in the Costa Blanca News. Here are some readers comments: I look forward to reading about Sid every week to see what he is up to. I must say that my understanding of Spanish has improved a great deal! hilary temperley- greenwell Sids adventures are not only humorous, but are packed full of new vocabulary. Its such a great way to learn the language far better than having to wade through pages of dry grammar!!
gail chapman
I read the Spanish first and when I dont understand a word or section, I read the English. I then find that going back to the section later makes it all clearer.
dave forster
For more information about Jane Cronins work and teaching products visit:
LAS AVENTURAS DE SID EN ESPAA fue originalmente una serie de artculos en el peridico ingls Costa Blanca News. Aqu estn algunos comentarios de los lectores: Espero con ilusin leer sobre Sid cada semana para saber lo ltimo de sus aventuras. Tengo que reconocer que mi comprensin del espaol ha mejorado mucho. hilary temperley- greenwell Las aventuras de Sid son no solo graciosas, sino que tambin estn repletas de vocabulario nuevo. Es una manera maravillosa de aprender el idioma mucho mejor que luchar con pginas de gramtica seca.
gail chapman
Lo leo en espaol primero y cuando no entiendo una palabra o una seccin, lo leo en ingls. Cuando vuelvo a la misma seccin ms tarde est todo aclarado.
dave forster
Jane Cronin
Moyhill Publishing
Copyright 2010 Jane Cronin. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author. The Moral right of the author has been asserted. First published in 2010 by Moyhill Publishing. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental. Illustrations by Sara lvarez Cronin and Jane Cronin. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN 978-1-905597-25-3 Designed & typeset by Moyhill Publishing. Printed in UK. The papers used in this book were produced in an environmental friendly way from sustainable forests.
Moyhill Publishing, Suite 471, 6 Slington House, Rankine Rd., Basingstoke, RG24 8PH, UK. Order online at
With thanks to Sara and Emma lvarez Cronin for their help with translation, to Adrian Wrigglesworth for English proofreading and especially to M Nieves Romero Romero for her detailed corrections and comments.
Authors Notes
Translation is a fascinating and complicated activity and there is almost never just one way of doing it. The original language of this story is English, and it has been an interesting challenge to find the words and expressions in Spanish which are as close as possible to the English meaning, whilst still reading like authentic Spanish. My intention is not to provide definitive solutions to this puzzle, but to arouse the interest of the reader in the complexities of language. At the same time, I hope you get to know and love Sid as much as I have.
Nota de la autora
La traduccin es una actividad fascinante y complicada, y casi nunca hay un nico modo de hacerla. El idioma original de este cuento es ingls, y ha sido un reto interesante buscar las palabras y expresiones en espaol que se acercasen ms al sentido del ingls, mientras se lea como espaol autntico. Mi intencin no es ofrecer soluciones definitivas a este rompecabezas, sino estimular en el lector un inters en lo complejo que es el idioma. Al mismo tiempo, espero que lleguis a conocer y a apreciar a Sid tanto como yo.
Contents 1-20
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. A Giant Leap For Sid.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 First Impressions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Looking The Part.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Feeling At Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Keep Right. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Seagull Has Landed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Looking For Begoa.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Over The Threshold.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Meeting The Neighbours.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 A Passing Ship.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Missing Documents.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Queuing.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 New Friends.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Sid And The Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 The Expat Social Club.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Trying To Be Legal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Chris The Plumber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Spanish Lessons.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 The Street Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 The Goggle Box.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Contenido 1-20
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Un Gran Salto Para Sid.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Primeras Impresiones.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 La Imagen Adecuada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sintindose Como En Casa.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Mantngase A La Derecha.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ha Llegado La Gaviota.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Buscando A Begoa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Cruzando El Umbral.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Conociendo A Los Vecinos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Un Barco Que Pasaba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Documentos Que Faltan.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Haciendo Cola.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Nuevos Amigos.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Sid Y Los Medios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 El Club Para Expatriados. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Intentando Ser Legal.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Chris El Fontanero. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Las Clases De Espaol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 El Mercadillo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 La Caja Boba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Contents 22-40
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. The Singles Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 The Invitation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Paella Preparations.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Sylvias Visit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 The Exhibition.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Out And About.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Sylvias Trip.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 A Low Point.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Life After Sylvia.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Sister Mary.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 The Day Trip.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 The Community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 The Extraordinary Meeting.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Being Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 The Village Fiesta.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 The Radio Interview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 The TV Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 The Studio.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 On Location.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 The Price Of Fame.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Contenido 22-40
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. El Club De Solteros.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 La Invitacin.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Preparando La Paella. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 La Visita De Sylvia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 La Feria.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Saliendo Por Ah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 El Viaje De Sylvia.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Tocando Fondo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 La Vida Despus De Sylvia.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 La Hermana Mary.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 La Excursin.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 La Comunidad.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 La Junta Extraordinaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Siendo Vicepresidente.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 La Fiesta Del Pueblo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 La Entrevista De La Radio.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 El Programa De Tele.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 El Estudio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 En El Exterior.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 El Precio De La Fama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Contents 41-60
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. The Leg Waxing.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dubious Celebrity.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fresh Air.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cordoba.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bingo!.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Summer Fayre.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marriage Problems.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Negotiating Terms.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bullfight.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Reunion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urban Planning.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Dump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The First Communion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Grand Tour.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Returning Home.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In The Dales.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home Sweet Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Capital.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson Learnt.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Big Celebration.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
162 166 170 174 178 182 186 190 194 198 202 206 210 214 218 222 226 230 234 238
Contenido 41-60
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. La Depilacin De Piernas.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Celebridad Dudosa.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aire Fresco.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crdoba.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bingo!.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Feria De Verano. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problemas Matrimoniales.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Negociando Un Acuerdo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Corrida De Toros.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Reencuentro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Planificacin Urbanstica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Vertedero. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Primera Comunin.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Gran Recorrido.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volviendo A Casa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . En Los Valles De Yorkshire.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hogar Dulce Hogar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leccin Aprendida.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Una Gran Celebracin.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
163 167 171 175 179 183 187 191 195 199 203 207 211 215 219 223 227 231 235 239
fter many months of anxious preparation, Sid finally boarded the plane that would take him away to his new life. He first had the idea nearly two years ago when he responded to an advertisement, which in turn had led him to take a short trip to Spain, all expenses paid, to look for a new home. It had all seemed quite exotic at the time, as Sid had never even seen real palm trees before, only going to Skegness for his holidays in the past. Sid had never been back to Spain since to see exactly what it was he had chosen on that occasion, and in fact the whole trip now seemed like a distant dream. As the plane banked in the blue skies getting ready to land, Sid looked through the window and marvelled at the sea glistening in the sunshine, the stark contrast of brown earth dotted with green gardens, white houses and blue swimming pools, all so different from that green and grey world that Sid was leaving behind. As the planes wheels touched the runway, he felt a flutter in his tummy, a mixture of nervousness and joy, and realized that it was a very long time since he had felt such strong emotions. As he walked into the airport building it was all noise and confusion, people shouting, greeting friends and jabbering in that unknown language which Sid felt sure he would be able to speak in a very short time. He had been good at French at school, and even though that was over fifty years ago he was quietly confident. After picking out his somewhat battered suitcase, purchased for family holidays way back in 1957, Sid walked out into the bright sunshine and looked around him. For the first time he realized that he was
not appropriately dressed. He glanced down at his tweed jacket, grey flannel trousers and brown brogues and made a mental note to devote some time to adjusting his wardrobe to a Mediterranean lifestyle. Sid climbed into a taxi, gave the address of a hotel he had been recommended to spend his first few nights in Spain and sat back to view the scenery. There was a delightful informality about everything he saw around him, so alien to someone who had spent all his life in a village in the Yorkshire dales. Sid was used to being able to identify all the cars in his street and know where each one would be parked every night. There was never any need for anyone to sound a horn. Here there were people, cars, taxis and a terrible racket everywhere and Sid found himself clutching the edge of his car seat as his taxi shot off at an incredible speed. My goodness thought Sid. I think this new life of mine is going to be full of surprises!
vestido adecuadamente. Baj la mirada y observ su chaqueta de tweed, sus pantalones de franela, y sus zapatos gruesos de cuero, y decidi dedicar un poco de tiempo para renovar su armario adecundolo al estilo de vida mediterrneo. Sid se subi a un taxi, entreg la direccin de un hotel que le haban recomendado que pasase sus primeras noches en Espaa y empez a observar el paisaje. Haba una informalidad encantadora en todo lo que vea a su alrededor, tan extrao para alguien que haba vivido toda su vida en un pueblo de los valles de Yorkshire. Sid estaba acostumbrado a saber identificar todos los coches de su calle y donde estaran aparcados cada noche. Nunca haba una razn por la que pitar el claxon. Aqu haba personas, coches, taxis y un ruido estruendoso por todas partes, y Sid se encontr aferrndose al asiento de aquel taxi cuando se fue disparado a una velocidad increble. Dios mo! pens Sid. Creo que mi vida nueva va a estar llena de sorpresas!.
2 For the first time he realized that he was not appropriately dressed. Por primera vez se dio cuenta de que no estaba vestido adecuadamente.
s Sids taxi sped along the road, he felt as though he was in a dream, flying through the air. There were so many different sights and sounds to take in that he could hardly catch his breath. He couldnt believe how the traffic around him seemed to weave in and out from one lane to another without crashing. Back home in Yorkshire Sid only drove his car once a week to visit his sister for Sunday lunch and then take her out for a ride through the dales. He couldnt really imagine himself driving here in Spain, although he knew it was one of things he would have to do. As the road straightened out and the airport was left behind, they drove through a beautiful area of lakes whose waters almost lapped against the road side. The lakes had a mysterious air with reeds and wild birds and a quaint ruined stone tower. To his surprise Sid noticed a beautiful flock of flamingoes standing nonchalantly in full view of the road. There was a small group of people walking along one of the embankments dividing the lakes armed with binoculars and rucksacks and Sid made a mental note to find out more about bird watching activities once he was settled. At the other side of the road Sids attention was suddenly caught by a huge fluorescent sign in the shape of a lightly clad female. Sid gaped at it as the taxi drew closer and he saw it was fixed to a low brick building painted in garish colours with a canopied entrance and some rather expensive cars parked nearby. Sid was not sure exactly what this building was, although he noticed that the line of windows at the side each had its own small air-conditioning unit.
ientras el taxi de Sid iba velozmente por la carretera, se senta como si estuviese en un sueo, volando por el aire. Haba tantas vistas y sonidos que asimilar que le costaba respirar. No poda creer cmo el trfico se entrecruzaba de un carril a otro sin chocarse. All en Yorkshire Sid solo conduca su coche una vez a la semana para comer los domingos con su hermana y luego llevarla a dar una vuelta en coche por los valles. No se imaginaba conduciendo aqu en Espaa, aunque saba que sera una de las cosas que tendra que hacer. Cuando la carretera se volvi recta y el aeropuerto fue quedando atrs, condujeron por una zona preciosa de lagos cuyas aguas casi alcanzaban la carretera. Los lagos tenan un aire misterioso con juncos y pjaros salvajes y una torre de piedra pintoresca. Sid se sorprendi al ver una hermosa bandada de flamencos despreocupados a plena vista de la carretera. Haba un pequeo grupo de personas caminando por uno de los diques que dividan los lagos armados con prismticos y mochilas y Sid pens que debera averiguar algo ms sobre esas actividades de observacin de aves una vez se hubiese instalado. Al otro lado de la carretera la atencin de Sid fue captada de repente por un letrero fluorescente con la forma de una mujer ligera de ropa. Sid se qued boquiabierto conforme se acercaba el taxi y lo vio pegado a un edificio bajo de ladrillo pintado con colores chillones con la entrada cubierta por un toldo y unos coches bastante caros cerca de ah. Sid no estaba muy seguro de qu era ese edificio, aunque observ que la fila de ventanas del lado tena sus propios pequeos sistemas de aire acondicionado.
2. First Impressions
It must get very hot in there he thought. Finally the taxi drew near to another large area of houses. This time they were all brilliant white and set out in long rows lined with palm trees and interspersed with larger buildings. Night time was starting to fall and lights appeared here and there across the urban landscape. Sid looked into the distance and noticed for the first time a dramatic sunset light up the evening sky. The whole firmament had become a glorious mixture of reds, violets, oranges and pinks. Sid had rarely witnessed such a magnificent sight and tried hard to explain this to the taxi driver. The taxi turned off and started to head towards the coast. As the road swept around to run alongside the sea, Sid gasped in wonder. Across a magnificent bay the moon was rising in a cloudless sky and shedding its borrowed light across the waters. How lucky I am! thought Sid with a deep sigh of satisfaction. He couldnt really remember what had brought him here in the first place, but he felt sure at that moment he was in the place he wanted to be.
2. Primeras Impresiones
Deber calentarse mucho ah dentro pens. Finalmente el taxi se acerc a otra enorme zona de casas. Esta vez eran todas de un blanco brillante, dispuestas en filas largas con palmeras, e intercaladas con edificios ms grandes. Caa la noche y luces aparecieron por aqu y por all atravesando el paisaje urbano. Sid mir haca la lejana y vio por primera vez una impresionante puesta de sol que iluminaba el cielo. Todo el firmamento se convirti en una gloriosa mezcla de rojos, violetas, naranjas y rosas. Sid raramente haba visto un paisaje tan magnfico e intent explicrselo al conductor del taxi. El taxi gir y empez a dirigirse hacia la costa. Mientras la carretera se alineaba con el mar, Sid suspir asombrado. A lo largo de una baha magnfica la luna se elevaba en un cielo sin nubes y repartiendo su luz reflejada en el agua. Qu suerte tengo! pens Sid con un suspiro de satisfaccin. No poda recordar qu fue lo que le trajo aqu en primer lugar, pero en ese momento se sinti seguro de que estaba en el lugar en el que quera estar.
2 There were so many different sights and sounds to take in that he could hardly catch his breath. Haba tantas vistas y sonidos que asimilar que le costaba respirar.
y the time Sid arrived at his hotel he was already exhausted with all the excitement of the day. He fell into bed and went straight to sleep, vaguely noticing the air-conditioner humming in the background and the sound of people laughing and shouting in the street below. As it was already past midnight Sid thought it was odd that so many people, including small children, seemed to be out and about, but he assumed there must be some special reason. At seven oclock the following morning Sid woke up with a start. He looked around in confusion unable to remember where he was, but soon the events of the previous day came flooding back. Despite his tiredness the night before he was happy to see that he had remembered to put on his flannelette pyjamas and had folded his clothes neatly on the bedside chair. Breakfast was in half an hour, so having completed his ablutions, and rinsed his socks in the foot bath thoughtfully provided, Sid got himself ready for the day. He had an appointment to view his new home later in the week, allowing a few days to relax and have a good look around incognito. An hour later, Sid emerged from the hotel equipped for his days adventure. He was wearing a large straw hat to protect his head from the sun and had of course taken the extra precaution of covering his face with high factor sun cream. Hanging round his neck was his camera and a pair of binoculars, whilst his money pouch was fixed firmly around his waist. Although he thought that reports of dishonesty in the area were probably greatly exaggerated, it was always better to be safe rather than sorry. He had briefly toyed with
uando Sid lleg a su hotel ya estaba agotado por toda la emocin del da. Se tir a la cama y se durmi enseguida; vagamente notaba el zumbido del aire acondicionado al fondo y el sonido de la gente rindose y gritando en la calle. Como ya era pasada la medianoche, a Sid le pareci extrao que tantas personas, incluyendo nios pequeos, estuviesen fuera en la calle, pero supuso que haba algn motivo especial. A las siete de la maana siguiente Sid se despert de un salto. Mir a su alrededor confuso sin poder recordar donde estaba, pero enseguida los acontecimientos del da anterior le volvieron a la mente. A pesar del cansancio de la noche anterior, se puso contento al ver que se haba acordado de ponerse su pijama de franela y haba doblado su ropa con cuidado en la silla al lado de la cama. El desayuno era dentro de una media hora, as que despus de terminar su aseo, y aclarar sus calcetines en el lavabo para los pies instalado con tanto detalle, Sid se prepar para el da. Tena una cita para inspeccionar su nuevo hogar ms adelante en la semana, lo que le permita unos das de relajacin y as investigar sus alrededores de incgnito. Una hora ms tarde Sid sali del hotel preparado para la aventura del da. Llevaba puesto un gran sombrero de paja para proteger su cabeza del sol y por supuesto haba tomado la precaucin de cubrirse la cara de crema solar de alto factor. Colgado de su cuello llevaba su cmara de fotos y unos prismticos, mientras colocaba su rionera bien sujeta en su cintura. Aunque pens que los informes sobre la deshonestidad en la zona eran probablemente muy exagerados, siempre vala ms prevenir que curar. Haba considerado la posibilidad de no
the idea of not wearing a vest but decided this might be a little too rash, so kept it on under his white polyester shirt with fine vertical stripes. To get himself into a continental frame of mind Sid had rolled up his sleeves to the elbow and had opted to wear his only pair of light khaki Bermuda shorts, bought in case he won a holiday competition to Benidorm in 1972. The outfit was completed by socks reaching just below the knee and brown leather lace up shoes. As Sid looked down at his feet he had a feeling that these were not entirely appropriate so he resolved to acquire a pair of sandals as soon as possible.
3. La Imagen Adecuada
llevar camiseta interior pero decidi que eso era posiblemente un poco atrevido, as que se qued con ella puesta debajo de su camisa de polister con rayas finas en vertical. Para hacerse ms europeo Sid haba remangado su camisa hasta los codos y haba elegido ponerse su nico par de bermudas, compradas por si acaso ganaba un concurso para unas vacaciones en Benidorm en 1972. El conjunto estaba completado con unos calcetines que le llegaban justo debajo de las rodillas y unos zapatos con cordones de cuero marrn. Cuando Sid se mir a los pies tuvo la sensacin de que no eran totalmente apropiados as que se decidi comprar unas sandalias lo antes posible.
2 An hour later, Sid emerged from the hotel equipped for his days adventure. Una hora ms tarde Sid sali del hotel preparado para la aventura del da.
id strolled out of his hotel down the busy narrow street trying not to look like a typical tourist by goggling at everything he saw. He did not want people to think that he felt in any way out of place. After twenty minutes of nervously dodging children, dogs, manholes, motorbikes, scaffolding, strolling ladies and rushing delivery men Sid was relieved to see ahead of him and an acceptable looking caf with a terrace. He managed to clear a path and collapsed into the nearest seat. He addressed the waiter in his best Spanish: Una taza de t ingls por favor seor. Imagine his astonishment when the waiter replied: Cuppa tea mate? Milk n sugar? Be with you in two tics. Whilst Sid sipped his mug of tea, which he had to admit was a lot nicer than the one he had been served for breakfast at the hotel, Sid observed the scene around him. Actually he did more than observe, he also heard and smelt an entirely new world. It was as though the volume was turned up too high, with one noise competing with another to be heard. The general hum of traffic was interspersed with sounding horns, screeching tyres and running engines. Through the door of the caf came the noise of a gaming machine and a television set playing pop song videos. At a table next to him there was a large family made up of several loud adults all talking at the same time and two or three small children screaming to make themselves heard. They also had a crying baby who was ignored for a while, and then picked up and cuddled in a noisy, demonstrative manner. As he listened more carefully, Sid also realized he could hear the waves of the sea just a few metres away and some dogs barking in the distance.
4. Feeling At Home
Even the smells here were different from the damp green air of Yorkshire. There was a sweet smell of baking coming from one of the nearby shops, whilst some of the ladies walking passed left in their wake a strong aroma of Spanish cologne and there was the mixed scent of exotic tobaccos, coming from a variety of cigarettes and cigars quite different from those back home. Back home, thought Sid. He repeated the words to himself again: Back home. He had made the decision that this alien and chaotic place would be his home from now on, but he wondered how long it would take for him to really feel at ease. He was gazing out at the blue sea, glinting between picture-book palm trees and shining white balustrades when an elegant Spanish lady crossed his path. For some reason he suddenly remembered his dear sister Mary who would be waiting anxiously to hear from him. How could I be so selfish! he thought, and he decided to go in search of a shop that would sell some postcard images of his amazing new place of residence.
Incluso los olores de aqu eran distintos del aire verde y hmedo de Yorkshire. Haba un dulce aroma de pastelera que provena de una de las tiendas cercanas, mientras, algunas de las seoras que paseaban, dejaban una estela de fragancia intensa espaola y haba una mezcla de aroma de tabacos exticos que venan de una variedad de cigarrillos y puros bastante distintos a los de casa. De casa pensaba Sid. Se repiti las palabras otra vez: De casa. Haba tomado la decisin de que este lugar catico y ajeno sera su hogar de ahora en adelante, pero se pregunt cunto tiempo tardara en sentirse cmodo. Estaba mirando el mar azul, destellante entre palmeras de dibujo y blancas y brillantes balaustradas, cuando una elegante mujer espaola se cruz en su camino. Por alguna razn se acord de repente de su querida hermana Mary quien estara ansiosa por saber algo de l. Cmo puedo ser tan egosta! pens, y decidi ir en busca de una tienda que vendiese postales con imgenes de su increble nuevo lugar de residencia.
2 It was as though the volume was turned up too high, with one noise competing with another to be heard. Era como si hubiesen subido el volumen demasiado, con un sonido compitiendo con otro para ser odo.
fter a couple of days of taking it easy, Sid decided it was time for his first big challenge which was to hire a car. He had a few days left before viewing his new house for the first time, and as he only had a vague idea where it was, he needed to start exploring the area. The process of car hire was very easy as the lady in the office spoke excellent English and was extremely efficient. She gave Sid several instructions and pieces of paper, all of which seemed to make sense. Sids real concern was whether he would be able to drive on the right as he had never done this before, and the lady did not understand when he asked if there was a Spanish Highway Code. Sid walked with some trepidation towards the car, which was a small Italian model that he had somehow never imagined himself driving. He slid into the drivers seat, looked around him, took a very deep breath and turned the key in the ignition. The car jolted forward and stalled, making Sids heart miss a beat and start to race. He looked down at the controls and realized that the car had been left in gear; something which Sid had been taught many years ago was never necessary to do. Calming himself down with another deep breath, he checked that the gears were now in neutral and started the engine whilst turning his head left and looking through the window in a vague search for the rearview mirror. For a split second he was amazed that Spanish cars didnt have a rearview mirror, until he realized his foolish error. Slowly the car edged forward and Sid indicated his intentions with the windscreen wipers. As he moved out on
ras un par de das de tranquilidad, Sid decidi que era hora de su primera gran hazaa, que era alquilar un coche. Le quedaban unos das antes de ver su nueva casa por primera vez, y como solo tena una vaga idea de dnde estaba, necesitaba empezar a explorar la zona. El proceso del alquiler de coche fue muy fcil ya que la seora de la oficina hablaba muy bien ingls y era extremadamente eficiente. Le dio a Sid una serie de instrucciones y papeles, los cuales parecan tener sentido. La verdadera preocupacin de Sid era si sera capaz de conducir por la derecha ya que nunca lo haba hecho antes, y la seora no entendi cuando pregunt si exista una Gua de Normas de Trfico espaola. Sid camin de forma trepidante hacia el coche, que era un pequeo modelo italiano que nunca se haba imaginado conduciendo. Se introdujo en el asiento del conductor, mir a su alrededor, respir profundamente y gir la llave de contacto. El coche se cal, haciendo que el corazn de Sid se perdiese un latido y luego latiese rpidamente. Mir abajo a los controles y se dio cuenta de que el coche haba sido dejado con la marcha puesta; algo que Sid haba aprendido muchos aos atrs que nunca era necesario hacerlo. Calmndose otra vez y tomando aire, cheque que las marchas estuviesen en punto muerto y encendi el motor mientras giraba la cabeza a la izquierda buscando el retrovisor de una manera perdida por la ventana. Por una fraccin de segundo se asombr que los coches espaoles no tuviesen espejo retrovisor, hasta que se dio cuenta de su error tonto. Lentamente el coche fue hacia adelante y Sid indic sus intenciones con los limpiaparabrisas. Al adentrarse en la
5. Keep Right
the road he went for another gear change and smashed the back of his hand against the car door. Ouch Sid cried out loud, as he struggled to change hand, change gear and keep the car in a straight line, whilst a saloon car full of teenagers overtook him on what Sid thought with horror was the wrong side. Gradually Sids car juddered and stumbled forward until it came to a roundabout. Panic seized Sid by the throat when he saw the movement of traffic ahead of him, more akin to fairground dodgems which he had never particularly liked even when young. His foot went instinctively to the brake and he nearly projected himself through the windscreen as he heard the screech of tyres and a loud horn blast right behind him. Oh well, here goes, he thought, with the fatalism of a parachutist on his first leap, as his car made another lurch into the stream of fast moving traffic. Sid clung to the wheel in terror as he got swept along and around the roundabout three times. Eventually he came to his senses and checked his rearview mirror once more through the window, smashed the back of his hand against the door and turned on the wipers whilst boldly cutting right across the path of yet another irate-looking local.
5. Mantngase A La Derecha
carretera quiso cambiar de marcha y se dio un golpe en la mano contra la puerta del coche. Ay! grit Sid, mientras intentaba cambiar de mano, cambiar de marcha y conseguir que el coche siga en lnea recta, mientras un turismo lleno de adolescentes le adelantaban por lo que Sid pens con horror, era el lado incorrecto. Gradualmente el coche de Sid vibr y tropez hasta llegar a una rotonda. El pnico se adentr en Sid al ver el movimiento del trfico enfrente, ms parecido a los coches de choque de la feria, los cuales no le haban gustado ni de joven. Su pie fue instintivamente al freno, y casi se meti en el parabrisas mientras oa el chillido de neumticos y un alto pitido detrs de l. Bueno, all vamos, pens, con la fatalidad de un paracaidista en su primer salto, mientras su coche intent de nuevo meterse en el rpido trfico. Sid se sujet al volante con terror mientras se arrastraba hacia la rotonda, donde lleg a rodearla hasta tres veces. Al final se espabil y busc el espejo retrovisor una vez ms por la ventana, se golpe la parte de atrs de la mano contra la puerta y puso los limpiaparabrisas mientras repentinamente, cruz el camino de otro lugareo ms de aspecto enfadado.
2 Slowly the car edged forward and Sid indicated his intentions with the windscreen wipers. Lentamente el coche fue hacia adelante y Sid indic sus intenciones con los limpiaparabrisas.
t last the big day came when Sid had to meet up with his estate agent Frank and be accompanied to a place called the Notary. Sid had no clear idea what this was but realized it was an important step to actually getting into his house at last. Sid was astonished when Frank had casually instructed him to take twenty thousand euro cash along with him. Despite being told that this was quite normal in Spain, he found himself whispering the request to the bank cashier and cringing with embarrassment when she all but shouted in reply: If you want twenty thousand euros you have to order the money and come here again tomorrow morning. He thought everyone at the bank would turn round and stare, but no one seemed to bat an eyelid. The next morning, after picking the money up in a big brown envelope, Sid went to meet Frank at a town centre coffee bar, something else he thought was odd and made him feel a little like a wartime spy. As he walked out of the hotel wearing his best suit and carrying a small briefcase full of important documents and a large amount of cash, he really started to feel the part and found himself looking furtively over his shoulder and thinking up secret codes like The seagull has landed. Frank shook Sids hand warmly and checked he had everything he needed on him, including his passport, which Sid was relieved to find he had remembered at the last minute. Frank then explained that he had yet more pieces of paper that needed signing, this time something to do with his electricity and water connections. Sid really preferred to be in control of things like this himself, but Frank explained that things
or fin lleg el gran da, en el que Sid tena que quedar con su agente inmobiliario Frank y ser acompaado a un lugar llamado la Notara. Sid no tena ninguna idea clara de qu era, pero se dio cuenta de que se trataba de un paso importante para por fin entrar en su casa. Sid se sorprendi cuando Frank le instruy con aire de naturalidad, que se trajese veinte mil euros en efectivo. A pesar de que le dijo que era algo bastante normal en Espaa, se encontr susurrndole a la cajera del banco y encogindose de vergenza cuando ella prcticamente grit: Si quieres veinte mil euros tienes que pedir el dinero y volver aqu maana por la maana. Pens que todos en el banco se daran la vuelta y le miraran fijamente, pero a nadie le pareci interesar. A la maana siguiente, despus de recoger el dinero en un sobre grande y marrn, Sid fue a quedar con Frank en una cafetera en el centro de la ciudad, otra cosa que le pareca rara y que le haca sentir como a un espa en tiempos de guerra. Al salir del hotel con su mejor traje, llevando un maletn pequeo lleno de documentos importantes y muchsimo dinero, empez a sentirse de verdad como un espa y se encontr mirando furtivamente por encima del hombro y pensando en cdigos secretos como Ha llegado la gaviota. Frank le estrech la mano a Sid efusivamente y, comprob que tena todo lo necesario, incluyendo el pasaporte; Sid se senta aliviado por haberse acordado de l en el ltimo minuto. Frank, le explic que tena todava ms papeles que necesitaban ser firmados, esta vez tena algo que ver con sus conexiones de electricidad y agua. Sid, realmente quera tener el control de estas cosas, pero Frank le explic que las cosas
were done so differently in Spain that it was better to leave it to the experts. With the coffee paid for by Frank they walked to the Notarys office and found themselves waiting for a very long time. Frank seemed to have plenty to do with a constant stream of mobile phone calls. As the morning wore on he seemed to get more and more irate, even cursing under his breath at times, but when he caught Sids eye he always remembered to smile brightly. Sid thought his job must be full of stress and was glad that he himself had now retired. At last they were ushered into a plush office and told where to sit. Sid felt completely out of his depth as torrents of Spanish flowed over his head, papers were passed around and the brown envelope disappeared across the table. His passport was taken away and given back again and from time to time he heard his name mispronounced. He had a strange feeling of distance and at one point thought he might faint. When Sid finally made it back onto the street he declined Franks kind offer of a celebratory drink and staggered back to his hotel.
6. Ha Llegado La Gaviota
en Espaa se hacan de forma totalmente diferente, y que lo mejor era dejrselo a los expertos. Con el caf pagado por Frank, caminaron hacia la oficina de la Notara y se encontraron esperando mucho tiempo. Frank pareca tener mucho que hacer con un flujo constante de llamadas por el mvil. A medida que pasaba la maana pareca enfadarse cada vez ms, incluso diciendo palabrotas en voz baja de vez en cuando, pero cuando su mirada se encontraba con la de Sid siempre se acordaba de sonrerle. Sid pens que su trabajo debera ser muy estresante y se senta aliviado de estar jubilado. Por fin fueron llevados a un despacho lujoso y les dijeron donde sentarse. Sid se sinti completamente perdido mientras torrentes de espaol fluan por encima de su cabeza, se pasaron papeles y el sobre marrn desapareci de un lado a otro de la mesa. Se llevaron su pasaporte y luego se lo devolvieron, y de cuando en cuando escuchaba su nombre mal pronunciado. Tena una extraa sensacin de distancia y por un momento pens que se desmayara. Cuando Sid finalmente lleg a la calle, rechaz la oferta amable de Frank de ir a celebrarlo tomando algo y se fue tambalendose de vuelta a su hotel.
2 Frank seemed to have plenty to do with a constant stream of mobile phone calls. Frank pareca tener mucho que hacer con un flujo constante de llamadas por el mvil.
he morning after the visit to the notary Sid woke up once more in his hotel room and noticed a set of keys lying on his bedside table. The events of the day before came flooding back to him and he remembered that today was the big day when he was finally going to enter his house. The keys had a label which simply said Parcela 36, Sid knew that the name of his house design was Begoa and he also had a piece of paper with a sketched map of its location. It should be easy enough to find, thought Sid, with his usual cheery optimism. Over the last few days his driving had become much more confident and he had even picked up the odd local habit like not using his handbrake at traffic lights. He found the Spanish way of driving rather exhilarating, as it brought out the more carefree side of his personality. After about twenty minutes on the road Sid turned into the area his piece of paper suggested and was impressed by the gleaming white villas that met his eye. They were somewhat larger than his new home, but he was clearly in a good neighbourhood. After about two blocks he noticed that some of the houses were still incomplete. There were cement mixers in the front gardens and a small group of workmen in overalls was sitting around on the pavement with flasks and sandwiches obviously having a break. Sid thought this was odd as it was only ten oclock in the morning. As his car moved forward Sid discovered that the road itself had not been completed and there were all kinds of obstacles: concrete blocks, open manholes and electric wiring impeding his progress. Rather alarmingly, the sketch
a maana despus de la visita al notario, Sid se despert una vez ms en su habitacin de hotel y not unas llaves encima de la mesilla de noche. Los acontecimientos del da anterior le inundaron la cabeza y se acord de que hoy era el gran da, por fin iba a entrar en su casa. Las llaves tenan una etiqueta que simplemente pona parcela 36, Sid saba que el nombre de su casa era Begoa y adems tena un trozo de papel con un mapa dibujado con su ubicacin. Ser fcil encontrarlo, pens Sid, con su optimismo habitual. Durante los ltimos das, su conduccin haba ganado confianza y hasta se le haba pegado alguna costumbre local como no usar el freno de mano en los semforos. Encontr la forma de conducir espaola excitante, ya que sacaba su lado ms libre. Despus de unos veinte minutos en la carretera, entr en la zona que le haba indicado el trozo de papel y se qued impresionado por los chalets blancos y brillantes que encontr. Eran ms grandes que su nueva casa, pero evidentemente estaba en un buen vecindario. Despus de dos manzanas empez a notar que algunas de las casas todava estaban incompletas. Haba hormigoneras delante de los jardines y un pequeo grupo de trabajadores en monos sentados en la acera con termos y bocadillos, obviamente tomando el descanso. A Sid le pareci raro ya que tan solo eran las diez de la maana. Mientras su coche avanzaba, Sid descubri que la carretera misma no estaba terminada y haba en ella todo tipo de obstculos: bloques de hormign, alcantarillas abiertas y cables elctricos impidiendo el progreso. Se dio cuenta con
he had in his hand no longer resembled anything he could see through his windscreen. Must have taken a wrong turning thought Sid, but he was unable to work out which way he should now turn. As he crawled and stumbled along, praying that he was not damaging his hire car or going to be apprehended for trespassing, Sid eventually returned to an area of asphalted road and breathed a huge sigh of relief. After driving on a few more metres he decided to park his car and get out. The houses in this road were smaller but still gleaming white with low walls around tiled front terraces and open boxes with thick black cables near each front gate. Sid stepped over a tool box and approached a workman, extending his piece of paper like a peace offering and smiling bravely. The workman took the paper and shouted Paco! Suddenly a short, stocky man appeared from behind a house, held out his hand for Sids set of keys, and made a beckoning motion with a word that sounded like benga. Sid thought this must be some kind of indigenous dialect and followed meekly behind.
7. Buscando A Begoa
desconcierto, de que el dibujo que tena en su mano ya no se pareca a nada de lo que vea por el parabrisas. Me debo haber equivocado de camino pens Sid, pero no era capaz de averiguar por dnde deba girar. Mientras avanzaba tropezando, y rezando para no daar su coche de alquiler o para que no le detuviesen por entrar sin autorizacin en propiedad privada, Sid finalmente volvi a una zona de carretera asfaltada, y suspir profundamente con alivio. Despus de conducir unos cuantos metros ms, decidi aparcar su coche y bajar. Las casas en esta calle eran ms pequeas, pero aun eran blancas y brillantes con muros bajos alrededor de terrazas y cajas abiertas con cables negros y gruesos al lado de cada puerta. Sid pas por encima de una caja de herramientas y se acerc a un trabajador, mostrando el trozo de papel como una ofrenda de paz y sonriendo con valenta. El obrero cogi el papel y grit Paco!. De repente un hombre bajito y fuerte apareci de detrs de una casa, sac la mano para coger las llaves de Sid, e hizo un gesto de invitacin con una palabra que sonaba como benga. Sid pens que sera un dialecto indgena y le sigui tmidamente.
2 Rather alarmingly, the sketch he had in his hand no longer resembled anything he could see through his windscreen. Se dio cuenta con desconcierto, de que el dibujo que tena en su mano ya no se pareca a nada de lo que vea por el parabrisas.
id turned the key in the lock of the shiny wooden front door of his new home. As the door swung open he gasped at what he saw before him. No amount of sketches or computer drawings could have prepared him for this exquisite, open-plan interior. Sid had never owned anything so pristine and stylish. The brown tiled floors gave an impression of open space and contrasted with the whiteness of the walls and ceilings. Large modern windows allowed the sunshine to pour into the room. Sid stepped carefully across the room to the kitchen area set into an alcove at the back. He made another gasp as he saw fitted units and electrical equipment belonging to an era he had only just become aware of. Sid nervously shuffled through his bunch of keys to open his patio doors. A brand new terrace lay at his feet, still muddy and rough around the edges, but there, in the sunshine, waiting to be used. The next door to be opened led to a bathroom. For some reason this door opened across the toilet itself, blocking the corner of the washbasin and making any manoeuvre within the room an impossibility. Sid took this in as a minor detail which was not going to diminish his joy. Next Sid ventured up the broad open staircase, beautifully decorated with flowered tiles, to his two bedrooms, bathroom and balcony. All was exactly as it should be, except that the arrangement was slightly different from what he had remembered, as one of the bedrooms was cone-shaped rather than the expected rectangular. Sid tried hard to dismiss this as another insignificant detail amidst all this Mediterranean chic.
id gir la llave en la cerradura de la brillante puerta principal de madera de su nuevo hogar. Al abrir la puerta dio un grito sofocado al ver lo que tena delante. Ningunos de los bocetos, ni los dibujos digitales, le haban preparado para este exquisito interior de planta abierta. Sid nunca haba sido dueo de algo tan inmaculado y estiloso. El suelo de baldosas marrones le daba una sensacin de espacio abierto y contrastaban con la blancura de las paredes y el techo. Enormes ventanas modernas permitan que la luz inundase la habitacin. Sid atraves cuidadosamente por la habitacin hasta la cocina situada en el hueco de una esquina del fondo. Suspir de nuevo al ver los armarios empotrados y el equipamiento elctrico, perteneciente a una era de la que haba tomado conciencia haca poco. Sid busc entre el puado de llaves de forma nerviosa para abrir las puertas de su patio. A sus pies encontr una terraza nueva, todava sucia con barro y desigual por los laterales, pero ah esperando en el sol, para ser usada. La siguiente puerta que abri fue la del aseo. Por alguna razn la puerta se abri cruzando delante del retrete, bloqueando la esquina del lavabo y haciendo que cualquier movimiento dentro del bao fuera una imposibilidad. Sid se lo tom como un pequeo detalle que no iba a disminuir su alegra. Despus Sid subi las anchas escaleras, bellamente decoradas con baldosas de flores, hasta sus dos habitaciones, aseo y balcn. Todo estaba exactamente como debera ser, excepto que la disposicin era un poco distinta de lo que recordaba, ya que una de las habitaciones tena forma de cono en vez del esperado rectngulo. Sid intent con todas sus fuerzas olvidar este otro insignificante detalle en medio de toda esta elegancia mediterrnea.
Sid could not quite believe that this beautiful house was really his, and it then briefly crossed his mind that he didnt really have proof that it was his, no papers signed and sealed, just a bunch of keys handed to him by someone. He felt a sudden sense of isolation; where was Paco? And didnt Frank say that he would be with him today? Sid couldnt quite remember what all the arrangements had been. This brief moment of doubt quickly dissipated at the sound of knocking coming from downstairs, followed by a call: Hello! Is anybody there? Sid ran down the stairs, his hand reaching for a non-existent rail, as the front door opened wide to reveal a friendly-looking middle-aged couple. Hello! Im Joan and this is my husband Jim. Were your next-door neighbours! There was no doubt that these were fellow countrymen and Sid recognized their strong Midlands accents. Sid had always imagined living amongst Spanish people, but at that moment he felt a huge wave of relief at the sense of familiarity Joan and Jim brought with them. It was as though he was greeting old friends.
8. Cruzando El Umbral
Sid no se poda creer que esta bella casa fuera suya de verdad, y de forma breve cruz su mente el hecho de que verdaderamente no tena pruebas de que fuese suya, no haba papeles firmados ni sellados, solo un puado de llaves que se las haba dado alguien. De repente sinti una sensacin de aislamiento: Dnde estaba Paco? Y no haba dicho Frank que estara con l ese da? Sid no pudo recordar muy bien los planes que se haban hecho. El breve momento de duda desapareci con el sonido de alguien tocando la puerta de abajo, seguido de unas voces: Hola! Hay alguien ah?. Sid baj las escaleras corriendo, buscando con su mano un pasamanos inexistente, mientras la puerta se abra y apareca una amistosa pareja de mediana edad. Hola! Soy Joan y este es mi marido Jim. Somos tus vecinos!. No haba duda de que eran compatriotas y Sid reconoci su acento fuerte de la zona central de Inglaterra. Sid siempre se haba imaginado viviendo rodeado de espaoles, pero en ese momento sinti una enorme ola de alivio a la sensacin de familiaridad que trajeron Joan y Jim. Era como si estuviese saludando a viejos amigos.
2 The front door opened wide to reveal a friendly-looking middle-aged couple. La puerta se abra y apareca una amistosa pareja de mediana edad.
id greeted Joan and Jim warmly and apologized for having nowhere to sit down. Joan sent Jim off to get some folding chairs and explained to Sid that his furniture package would probably arrive in another day or two. Im afraid Ive only been here half an hour, so I cant offer you a cup of tea said Sid as Joan and Jim settled into their chairs into the middle of the living room. Oh, dont worry! You can come round to our house any time for anything you need! said Joan warmly as she cast her eye around the room. Mmmm, I think your living room is slightly bigger than ours. Can I have a look upstairs? Of course! said Sid as Joan disappeared. So, where are you from then? asked Jim. Within seconds Sid discovered that Jim knew the area he was born and had even stayed overnight in the guesthouse opposite his sister Marys. Its a small world! said Jim. Indeed it is! said Sid, as Joan rejoined them. Weve got the same problem with the downstairs toilet. interrupted Joan. Weve been down to the builders office every day to try and get them to fix it. And the rail for the stairs youll need to get that sorted, its a death trap. Your guest bedroom is a funny shape isnt it? Joan did not wait for Sids response before she explained that they had been in their house for just over two weeks and therefore knew the ropes. Youll have to keep on at them unfortunately. You know what the Spanish are like, all maana, maana. Nice people, and they always prefer it if you speak a bit
id salud a Joan y Jim afectuosamente y se disculp por no tener sillas donde sentarse. Joan mand a Jim a por unas sillas plegables y le explic a Sid que sus muebles probablemente tardaran un da o dos en llegar. Lo siento, solo llevo aqu media hora as que no podr ofrecerles una taza de t dijo Sid, mientras se sentaban Jim y Joan en medio del saln. No te preocupes! Puedes pasarte por nuestra casa cuando quieras, para lo que necesites! dijo Joan de manera afectuosa mientras miraba a su alrededor. Mmmm, creo que tu saln es un poco ms grande que el nuestro. Puedo mirar arriba? Claro! dijo Sid mientras Joan desapareca. Bueno, de dnde eres? le pregunt Jim. En cuestin de segundos, Sid descubri que Jim conoca la zona donde naci e incluso, haba pasado una noche en la pensin que haba enfrente de la casa de su hermana Mary. El mundo es como un pauelo! dijo Jim. La verdad es que s! dijo Sid, a la vez que entraba Joan. Tenemos el mismo problema con el bao de abajo interrumpi Joan. Hemos estado en la oficina del constructor todos los das intentando que nos lo arreglen. Y el pasamanos de la escalera, necesitas que te lo pongan, es muy peligroso. Tu habitacin de invitados tiene una forma rara no?. Joan no esper a la respuesta de Sid, y comenz a explicar que llevaban dos semanas en su casa y por lo tanto saban cmo funcionan las cosas. Desafortunadamente tendrs que ir tras ellos. Ya conoces a los espaoles, siempre maana, maana. Buena gente, y siempre prefieren que hables un poco
of Spanish. Im hopeless but Jim can get by, cant you love? So dont worry about that, if you need any translating Jimll do it for you. Just let us know when you want to go down there. Down where? said Sid, feeling that he was losing the thread. The builders office. We practically live there! Theyre sick of us down there. The girls very nice but she doesnt speak a word of English. Did you meet Paco? Hes the man you want, but hes very elusive. Actually, weve only seen him once. Would you like us to show you round the urbanization? Oh yes, thanks, that would be very nice, said Sid. For the first time Sid noticed that he still had a trench across the front of his house. For some reason this had escaped his attention earlier. This presumably meant that some essential pipes or cables were not yet in place. They walked across the plank provided and started their tour of the estate. It wasnt as near completion as Sid had hoped. There was a hole where the swimming pool would be but most of the houses at least had their foundations laid, which, according to Jim, was a good sign.
de espaol. A m no se me da nada bien pero Jim se defiende, a que si cario? As que no te preocupes por eso, si necesitas un traductor Jim te ayudar. Solo dnoslo cuando quieras bajar hasta all. Bajar dnde? dijo Sid, sintindose como si hubiese perdido el hilo de la conversacin. A la oficina del constructor. Prcticamente vivimos ah! Estn hartos de nosotros. La chica es muy simptica pero no habla nada de ingls. Conociste a Paco? Ese es el hombre que necesitas, pero es muy difcil de localizar. La verdad es que solo le hemos visto una vez. Quieres que te enseemos la urbanizacin? S, gracias, eso estara muy bien dijo Sid. Por primera vez Sid se dio cuenta de que todava tena una trinchera delante de su casa. Por alguna razn antes se le haba pasado. Esto quera decir que algunos tubos y cables aun no estaban en su sitio. Pasaron por encima de la tabla de madera proporcionada para cruzar y comenzaron su inspeccin de la urbanizacin. No estaba tan cerca de su terminacin como haba esperado Sid. Haba un agujero donde debera estar la piscina, pero al menos a la mayora de las casas se les haba puesto los cimientos, que, segn Jim, era buena seal.
2 The urbanization wasnt as near completion as Sid had hoped. La urbanizacin no estaba tan cerca de su terminacin como haba esperado Sid.
oan and Jim lent Sid some chairs and a fold-up bed and filled his kitchen with essential supplies before setting off to lay siege once more to the builders office. They seemed delighted to take Sid under their wing and he was only too grateful for their help, despite his usual independence. They explained all kinds of things to him about living in Spain that Sid knew absolutely nothing about and he was impressed by their knowledge and wisdom. After a day or two Sid received a voice message in Spanish on his brand new mobile phone. After listening six times he identified the words muebles and also understood jueves which he knew meant Thursday, so assumed that was when his furniture would at last be delivered. When Thursday arrived Sid got up especially early and waited with anxious anticipation on his balcony which was the only place his mobile phone seemed to work. He didnt dare move away from his post, even when Joan and Jim insisted on taking him out for a drink, so in the end they brought some bottles and three wine glasses round to him instead. Several hours and wine bottles later, as darkness was beginning to fall, Sids mobile phone suddenly rang. He jumped out of his skin, spilling some wine on his trousers which made Joan and Jim laugh rather a lot. He pressed the green button with a shaky finger and said Hola as clearly as he could. He heard a voice making strange noises which could barely be described as words; they were more like a flow of guttural sounds with some sort of questioning tone at the end.
oan y Jim le prestaron a Sid, unas sillas y una cama plegable y llenaron la cocina con las provisiones esenciales antes de ir a asediar una vez ms, a los de la oficina del constructor. Parecan encantados de cuidar a Sid y l les estaba muy agradecido por su ayuda a pesar de su independencia habitual. Le explicaron todo tipo de cosas sobre la vida en Espaa de las que Sid no tena ni idea y estaba impresionado por sus conocimientos y sabidura. Tras varios das Sid recibi un mensaje de voz en espaol en su nuevo telfono mvil. Despus de escucharlo seis veces identific las palabras muebles y tambin entendi jueves lo que saba que quera decir Thursday, as que supuso que sera entonces cuando por fin traeran sus muebles. Cuando lleg el jueves Sid se levant especialmente temprano y esper impaciente, con antelacin en su balcn que era el nico lugar donde tena cobertura. No se atrevi a moverse, incluso cuando Jim y Joan le insistieron para ir a tomar algo, as que al final, ellos trajeron algunas botellas y tres copas a su casa. Tras varias horas y botellas de vino, cuando ya empezaba a oscurecer, el mvil de Sid son de repente. Salt de golpe, cayndosele el vino en los pantalones lo que hizo que Joan y Jim se riesen un buen rato. Presion el botn verde con un dedo tembloroso y dijo: Hola de la forma ms clara que pudo. Oy una voz haciendo sonidos extraos que casi no se podran definir como palabras; eran ms como una corriente de sonidos guturales con una especie de tono de pregunta al final. Decidido a no desanimarse contest:
Determined not to be put off Sid replied S, Sid. Errr en mi casa. The guttural noise continued unabated and Sid passed the phone over to Jim in panic. Jim grabbed the phone and shouted: S, s, Sid eerr, What? Lo siento inglesi . Que? What? Oh dammit, the bastards speaking some sort of dialect! Why cant these people speak proper Spanish! and flung the phone back to Sid in disgust. Sid held the phone in his hand as though it was a time bomb about to explode, and jumped when it rang once more. Hola he tried again, bracing himself for the jumble of sounds that came back over the airwaves. Eventually he thought he heard the name of the urbanization which he had only just found out himself. S, s. Sunny Dreams. S, s. Errr, Mi go in calle, mi go in calle he shouted as he rushed downstairs and into the middle of the street. As he caught a glimpse of a delivery van weaving its way in the distance he jumped up and down and waved his arms around in desperation. When the van finally turned into Sids road he felt like Robinson Crusoe being rescued by a passing ship.
S, Sid. Eemm en mi casa . El sonido gutural continu sin disminucin y Sid le pas el mvil a Jim aterrado. Jim cogi el mvil y grit: S, s, Sid, eemm, what? Lo siento inglesi que? What?- joder, el cabrn habla algn tipo de dialecto! Por qu esta gente no habla en espaol normal?! y le lanz el mvil de vuelta a Sid indignado. Sid sujet el mvil como si fuese una bomba de relojera a punto de explotar, y salt cuando son una vez ms. Hola intent de nuevo, preparndose para el lo de sonidos que le volvan en el aire. Eventualmente pens haber odo el nombre de su urbanizacin el cual, se acababa de enterar. S, s. Sunny Dreams. S, s. Emmm, Mi go in calle, mi go in calle grit mientras corra escalera abajo hacia la calle. Cuando vio el camin conduciendo en zigzag a lo lejos comenz a saltar y a agitar los brazos con desesperacin. Cuando el camin por fin entr en la calle, Sid se sinti como Robinson Crusoe rescatado por un barco que pasaba.
2 When the van finally turned into Sids road he felt like Robinson Crusoe. Cuando el camin por fin entr en la calle, Sid se sinti como Robinson Crusoe.
fter a couple of weeks in his new home Sid gradually started to get used to his surroundings and his days took on some sort of routine. He found he did not need to set his alarm in the morning because he was woken up at 8 oclock on the dot by an angle-grinder in one of the nearby unfinished houses. He wasnt sure what was being ground, but it was taking a long time. Next several cement mixers would start up and the voices of workmen, sometimes shouting orders or sometimes just chatting together, would accompany him throughout the morning, whilst at ten oclock sharp all the mechanical noises stopped for a break of exactly half an hour. Sid also started to see other newcomers arriving in the houses around, but he was rather too reserved to go out of his way to greet them, and left this task to Jim and Joan who were fast becoming the hub of the whole urbanization. Joan knew everybodys business, which was a comfort in a way, and Jim was a fountain of knowledge about all things Spanish. Jim and Joan gave everyone advice about life in Spain as well and kept saying how important it was to be legal. As Sid had never been illegal in his life, apart from once when he forgot to pay a parking fine in 1967, he thought this was rather strange. However, he was in a different country now and was happy to receive any advice, especially as his estate agent Frank was no longer answering his mobile. So one morning, after the eight oclock angle-grinder but before the ten oclock work break, Sid set off to make
espus de varias semanas en su nuevo hogar, Sid gradualmente se fue acostumbrando a sus alrededores y sus das empezaron a tener cierta rutina. Encontr que no haca falta poner el despertador por las maanas, porque le despertaba a las ocho en punto una mquina radial en una de las casas en construccin cercanas. No estaba seguro de lo que estaban pulverizando pero tardaba mucho. Despus empezaran a funcionar varias hormigoneras y las voces de los obreros, algunas veces gritando rdenes y otras simplemente charlando, le haran compaa durante la maana, mientras que a las diez en punto todos los sonidos mecnicos se pararan para un descanso de justo media hora. Adems Sid empez a ver a ms gente llegar a las casas de alrededor, pero era demasiado reservado para ir a darles la bienvenida, y les dej esta labor a Jim y Joan que rpidamente se estaban convirtiendo en el centro de poder de la urbanizacin. Joan conoca los asuntos propios de todo el mundo, lo cual era confortante en cierta manera, y Jim era una fuente de sabidura sobre todo lo espaol. Jim y Joan tambin daban consejos a todo el mundo sobre la vida en Espaa y no paraban de repetir lo importante que era ser legal. Como Sid nunca haba sido ilegal en su vida, a parte de una vez cuando se le olvid pagar una multa por aparcar mal en 1967, pens que esto era un poco extrao. Pero en fin, ahora estaba en un pas diferente y estaba agradecido por recibir cualquier consejo, especialmente ya que su agente inmobiliario Frank no le contestaba al mvil. As que una maana, despus de la mquina radial de las ocho pero antes del descanso de las diez, Sid march para
himself legal at the town hall, clutching the only official papers he could find: his passport and a bank receipt for his house payment. He went to a counter and repeated the sentence he had rehearsed about getting something called a padron. The young man pointed to a very long queue which Sid meekly joined. After a very long wait Sid made it to the front of the queue and repeated his sentence, offering his passport to a rather sour looking lady. She scowled at Sid and asked him in heavily accented English if he owned his house. Yes said Sid, gingerly producing his bank receipt. With a disapproving shake of the head she handed Sid a rather long list of documents, said something in Spanish under her breath and then turned away to answer the phone. At home Sid contemplated the list in dismay as he was starkly reminded that he had no documentary proof that this lovely house was his. Even simple things like utility bills seemed somehow unattainable, as he had no contracts, and apparently no official address. He couldnt really understand how this had happened as he was usually so careful about paperwork. As he climbed into bed that night Sid was as close to tears as he had been for many years.
hacerse legal en el ayuntamiento, agarrando firmemente los nicos papeles oficiales que encontr: su pasaporte y un recibo del banco por el pago de su casa. Fue a un mostrador y repiti la frase que haba estado practicando para conseguir algo llamado padrn. El hombre joven seal una cola enorme a la que Sid se uni tmidamente. Tras una larga espera Sid consigui llegar al frente de la cola y repiti su frase, ofreciendo su pasaporte a una mujer que pareca amargada. Mir a Sid frunciendo el ceo y le pregunt en un ingls con un acento muy fuerte si era propietario de su casa. S dijo Sid, entregndole nerviosamente el recibo del banco. Con un movimiento de cabeza de desaprobacin, le dio a Sid una larga lista de documentos, dijo algo en espaol en voz baja y despus se gir para contestar al telfono. En casa Sid contempl la lista con consternacin al recordar que no tena ningn documento que probase que su preciosa casa era suya. Incluso cosas como las facturas de servicios parecan algo inalcanzable, dado que no tena contratos, ni aparentemente direccin oficial. No poda entender cmo haba podido pasarle esto ya que normalmente era muy cuidadoso con los papeles. Aquella noche al meterse en la cama, Sid sinti muchas ganas de llorar como no haba sentido en muchos aos.
2 She scowled at Sid and asked him in heavily accented English if he owned his house. Mir a Sid frunciendo el ceo y le pregunt en un ingls con un acento muy fuerte si era propietario de su casa.
fter several experiences of Spanish bureaucracy Sid started to get the hang of it. Turn up extremely early, be prepared for a very long wait indeed (packed lunch advisable), dont expect anyone to be nice to you and most of all, dont expect to achieve what you set out to do. Sid found that as long as he kept these basic principles in mind he could confront the unknown world of paperwork in a foreign country with a certain degree of equanimity. The one thing Sid found impossible to get to grips with however was the Spanish method of queuing. Whatever he did it always seemed to be wrong. Sometimes he would walk into an office and find to his delight that there wasnt a queue at all, just groups of people standing around the room, some chatting, some on the phone, some sitting down attending to children or even reading a newspaper. Sid thought this was a very friendly Spanish idea of using a waiting room a bit like a social centre and he would cheerfully stride to the counter. All of a sudden there would be flutter of reaction, people making irritated comments and the person at the counter looking flustered. He would instantly realize his mistake and feel mortified that people thought he had done it on purpose. On other occasions there were mysterious machines which issued numbers on little bits of paper, and sometimes these numbers were colour-coded as well depending on which counter they corresponded to. When he wasnt in the wrong place in a queue, Sid found he was either in the wrong queue or in the right queue at the wrong time or inevitably with the wrong pieces of paper. Then there was the time when he
ras varias experiencias con la burocracia espaola Sid empez a cogerle el tranquillo. Llegar extremadamente temprano, estar preparado para estar en cola mucho tiempo (se recomienda llevar algo de comida), no esperar que nadie sea amable contigo y lo ms importante, no esperar conseguir lo que te proponas. Sid se dio cuenta de que si mantena estos principios bsicos en mente, podra afrontar el mundo desconocido del papeleo en un pas extranjero, con cierto grado de ecuanimidad. La nica cosa que Sid encontr imposible de entender era el mtodo espaol de hacer cola. Cualquier cosa que hiciese, pareca estar mal. Algunas veces entraba en una oficina y estaba encantado de encontrar que no haba cola, solo grupos de personas de pie por la sala, algunos charlando, otros hablando por el mvil, otros atendiendo a nios o incluso sentados leyendo el peridico. Sid pens que esto era una forma espaola muy simptica de usar una sala de espera un poco como un centro social y l iba hacia el mostrador con alegra. De repente haba una reaccin general, gente haciendo comentarios enfrentados y la persona del mostrador, con aspecto nervioso. Instantneamente se daba cuenta de su error y se senta mortificado porque la gente pensara que lo haba hecho aposta. En otras ocasiones haba mquinas misteriosas que daban papelitos con nmeros, tambin haba papelitos de distintos colores dependiendo del mostrador al que pertenecan. Cuando no estaba en el sitio equivocado de la cola, Sid pareca estar o bien en la cola equivocada o bien, en la cola correcta pero no a la hora que debiese o inevitablemente, con los papeles equivocados. Y luego hubo aquella vez que estuvo en la cola
12. Queuing
queued for nearly three quarters of an hour in what he was certain was the right queue and with the right papers, only to find the queue had changed its purpose half an hour earlier. Obviously everyone around him had understood this, but Sid felt exactly like he did the time he fell asleep on a train to Scarborough in 1972 and woke up to find it had changed its destination to Hull. Everyone else had realized and got off ignoring Sids sleeping form in the process. On this particular occasion Sid smiled to himself philosophically and thought Oh well, at least in Spain we have the sunshine to cheer us up! He had noticed earlier in the morning that the sky was unusually dark but hadnt really taken much notice. Whilst in the queue he had heard a loud whooshing noise but assumed it was some sort of machine. As he tucked his papers back into his carefully organized ring file and walked through the door he stopped dead in his tracks. What looked like the inside of the Niagara Falls was tipping down right in front of his nose. Sid simply could not believe his senses. Even in Yorkshire, he had never seen rain like it.
tres cuartos de hora en lo que crea que era la cola correcta y con los papeles correctos, para luego encontrarse que la cola haba cambiado su propsito media hora antes. Obviamente todos los dems lo haban entendido, pero Sid se senta como cuando se qued dormido en un tren con rumbo a Scarborough en 1972 y al despertarse se enter de que haba cambiado su destino a Hull. Todo el mundo se enter y baj, ignorando a Sid que dorma mientras tanto. En esta ocasin Sid se sonri y filosficamente pens: Bueno, por lo menos en Espaa tenemos el sol para animarnos! Se haba dado cuenta de que esa maana el cielo estaba inusualmente oscuro pero no hizo mucho caso. Mientras estaba en la cola, haba odo un sonido como de viento muy alto, pero pens que sera algn tipo de mquina. Al guardarse los papeles en su carpeta bien organizada y salir por la puerta se par muerto. Lo que pareca ser el interior de la cascada Nigara estaba cayendo delante de sus narices. Sid simplemente no se lo poda creer. Ni siquiera en Yorkshire, haba visto llover as.
2 Even in Yorkshire, he had never seen rain like it. Ni siquiera en Yorkshire, haba visto llover as.
on el paso del tiempo Sid gradualmente adquiri un pequeo crculo de amigos y conocidos. Estaba Kurt el alemn que viva solo y sala a correr enfrente de la casa de Sid todas las maanas, exactamente a las nueve y diez camino a la playa; estaban los dos ancianos suecos que le daban los buenos das al pasear a los perros sobre las once, estaban Jim y Joan por supuesto y un grupo grande de parejas inglesas que parecan llevarse muy bien entre ellos, aunque de vez en cuando, una pareja visitara a Sid para charlar y despellejar a otra pareja mientras se tomaban el t con galletas. Sid normalmente estaba invitado a participar en las actividades de este grupo, y en ocasiones ira, pero la mayora de las veces prefera seguir siendo muy suyo, como les oa a veces comentar. El mejor amigo de Sid en Espaa era Manuel. Manuel tena un pequeo bar en el pueblo y era el hombre ms optimista que Sid jams haba conocido. El primer encuentro de Sid en el bar fue un poco incierto. Lo haba visto en varias ocasiones y le apeteca entrar, pero su timidez innata y su inseguridad para nuevas experiencias, le impidieron tirarse de cabeza a la piscina. Sola pasar delante lentamente, observar a la clientela espaola y luego acelerar al bar ingls llamado Viva Espaa al otro lado de la carretera, sintindose un poco avergonzado de s mismo. Pero, un da mientras l pasaba se dio cuenta de que haba una celebracin y Manuel, el dueo estaba fuera gritando animadamente y echando champn en copas, que luego iba dando a todos los que pasaban cerca. Ven paca, hombre le grit a Sid, llamndole con seas que no le dejaba ninguna duda a Sid de que se refera a l mismo. Gracias dijo Sid con educacin, y se qued ah de
Sid politely said Gracias and stood sipping his champagne whilst the chattering of those standing around washed over him in waves. Every now and again someone looked towards him as they were talking, so Sid smiled politely, hoping they were saying something nice. He saw the English people sitting opposite outside the Viva Espaa looking across and felt a mixture of superiority and acute embarrassment. Eventually Sid picked up that Manuel had just become a grandfather for the first time. This realization encouraged Sid enormously and he waited for his moment to approach Manuel, shake his hand warmly and congratulate him in the best Spanish he could muster. This effort on Sids part caused a commotion amongst the Spanish who repeated his words several times, laughing their heads off and slapping him on the back, nearly spilling his glass of champagne. From that moment onwards Sid became a regular at Bar Manuel and soon became an accepted part of the scene. Every day Sid and Manuel would teach each other a word from their language, and their efforts, but especially that of Manuels to speak English, were accompanied by shrieks of laughter from everyone else in the bar.
pie tomando a sorbitos su champn mientras el charloteo de los que estaban a su lado le pasaba como olas por encima. De vez en cuando, alguien le miraba mientras hablaban, as que Sid sonrea educadamente, deseando que dijeran cosas buenas. Vio a los ingleses sentados delante del Viva Espaa mirando al otro lado de la calle y senta una mezcla de superioridad y vergenza extrema. Al final Sid pill que Manuel acababa de ser abuelo por primera vez. Este descubrimiento le anim mucho y esper su momento para acercarse a Manuel, darle la mano y felicitarle con su mejor espaol. Este esfuerzo por parte de Sid caus conmocin entre los espaoles que repetan las palabras varias veces, partindose de risa y dndole en la espalda, casi tirndole su copa de champn. Desde aquel momento Sid se convirti en un cliente regular en el bar Manuel y pronto fue aceptado como parte del escenario. Todos los das Sid y Manuel se enseaban una palabra de sus idiomas, y sus esfuerzos, especialmente los de Manuel para hablar en ingls, eran acompaados por carcajadas de todos los dems en el bar.
2 Manuel the owner was outside the bar shouting excitedly and pouring champagne into glasses. Manuel, el dueo, estaba fuera gritando animadamente y echando champn en copas.
espite Sids great friendship with Manuel, and his gradual inclusion into Manuels family circle, he still found himself more in contact with his fellow countrymen than anyone else. He started to watch local English language television, listen to local English radio and several times a week he picked up copies of the English press which he would read with great interest. Over the weeks certain themes started to become familiar which gave him a general impression of what was happening to his fellow countrymen in Spain. There seemed to be a lot of problems with essential services: post, telephone, water, electricity. All the things that everyone took for granted in the UK, seemed to create endless difficulties here, which disorientated people tremendously. Some people responded with the strength of character one associated with the London blitz, whilst others seemed to sink into despair, writing long tedious letters of complaints. On the more cheerful side of things, there seemed to be almost universal praise for local health services, something that Sid found comforting to know in case he should ever need them. He was also very impressed by the amount of charity work going on. People really seemed to want to pull together to help others, and Sid made a mental note to get involved with something of this sort a bit later on. At the back of his mind he thought his experience of nursing his dear wife Audrey in her final months could be used to help others, but he was not yet ready to meet this challenge. The papers were also full of adverts for services and products designed for the expat. There were businesses of all sorts, along with entertainers, specialists and therapists. Many
pesar de la gran amistad de Sid con Manuel, y la gradual inclusin en su crculo familiar, todava se senta ms en contacto con sus compatriotas que con otras personas. Empez a ver la televisin local en ingls, a escuchar la radio local inglesa y varias veces a la semana coga copias de la prensa inglesa, que lea con gran inters. Al pasar las semanas, ciertos temas empezaron a destacar lo que le daban una impresin general de todo lo que les estaba pasando a sus compatriotas en Espaa. Pareca haber muchos problemas con los servicios esenciales: correo, telfono, agua, electricidad. Todas las cosas que en el Reino Unido se tomaban por sentadas, parecan crear dificultades infinitas aqu, lo que desorientaba a la gente enormemente. Algunos respondan con la fuerza y el carcter que uno podra asociar al bombardeo de Londres, mientras que otros parecan hundirse en la desesperacin, escribiendo largas cartas aburridas llenas de quejas. En el lado ms optimista, pareca haber una casi universal alabanza a los servicios sanitarios, algo que a Sid le result reconfortante por si acaso los necesitaba. Tambin estaba impresionado por la cantidad de obras benficas que estaban en marcha. La gente, de verdad quera unirse para ayudar a otros, y Sid pens en involucrarse en alguna de ellas ms adelante. En su interior, medit sobre lo que supuso su experiencia cuidando a su querida mujer Audrey en sus ltimos meses, aquello podra ser til para los dems, pero todava no estaba preparado para tal desafo. Los peridicos tambin estaban llenos de anuncios de servicios y productos diseados para el expatriado. Haba negocios de todo tipo, junto con artistas, especialistas y
adverts made claims like: unique in Spain, fully legal UK qualifications all of which seemed to raise more questions than they answered in Sids mind. English radio also got Sid thinking. He did not think his own Spanish was particularly good, but he was sure that the presenters were saying Spanish words in a very English way. He wondered whether the Spanish would recognize some of the place names themselves. Even so, Sid enjoyed hearing a lot of the songs he remembered from bygone eras and would keep the radio going in the background as he pottered round the house. As if all of this wasnt enough, Joan and Jim kept nagging Sid about going along with them to some club for expats that they attended every week. This meeting seemed to be the source of a lot of their information as well as providing them with an endless supply of entertainment and new friends. After some persuasion Sid reluctantly agreed to go with them and see what this club was all about. After all, he didnt have to join anything, and it would be good for him to broaden his horizons a little more.
terapeutas. Muchos anuncios informaban cosas como: nico en Espaa, totalmente legal, titulado en el Reino Unido, todos los cuales parecan hacerle ms preguntas a Sid que respuestas. La radio inglesa tambin le haca pensar. No pensaba que su espaol fuese especialmente bueno, pero estaba seguro de que los presentadores decan palabras espaolas de forma muy inglesa. Se preguntaba si los espaoles mismos reconoceran algunos de los nombres de lugares. An as, le gustaba escuchar muchas canciones que recordaba de pocas anteriores y dejaba la radio puesta toda la maana mientras andaba por casa. Como si todo esto no fuera suficiente, Joan y Jim no paraban de intentar convencerle que se fuese con ellos a un club para expatriados al que ellos asistan todas las semanas. Esta reunin pareca ser la fuente de mucha de su informacin adems de propiciarles un montn de entretenimiento y nuevos amigos. Despus de bastante insistencia Sid consinti en ir con ellos para ver de qu se trataba este club. Despus de todo, no se tena que apuntar a nada, y sera bueno para l abrirse el horizonte un poco ms.
2 He started to watch local English language television and listen to local English radio. Empez a ver la televisin local en ingls y a escuchar la radio local inglesa.
fter lunch one day Sid got himself ready to go along to his first social club meeting. Although his driving was now quite proficient, Joan and Jim insisted on taking him along. They seemed to be exceptionally anxious that he should attend the club with them although he wasnt quite sure why. As they drove along to the large restaurant where the meeting was to take place, Joan and Jim filled him in on what to expect. There were lots of new people to meet, social trips, dinners and walks which he could sign up to and there was always a really interesting speaker to listen to as well. This week the speaker was an expert in personal well-being, a subject that Sid had to admit, he knew very little about. When they arrived at the venue Jim rushed off to buy the drinks and Joan stood with Sid in the queue to pay their euro ticket to get into the meeting. Once they were in the room Joan walked quickly over to a lady who was sitting alone. She then turned round to check that Sid was behind her and said Oh, Sylvia, its very nice to see you! Would it be alright if we sat with you? This is my friend Sid, the one I told you about. Sylvia blushed slightly for some reason and smiled at Sid in a most pleasant way as she removed various scarves, bags and diaries from the three available seats at her table. As they waited for the meeting to start Joan told Sid all about Sylvia and told Sylvia all about Sid in a way that Sid found slightly embarrassing. He responded by turning to Jim as he arrived with the drinks and discussing the latest urbanization problems with him in rather a loud voice. After a while he realized everyone had gone quiet around him and
n da, despus de comer Sid se prepar para ir a su primera reunin en un club social. Aunque su conduccin era ahora bastante competente, Joan y Jim insistieron en llevarle. Parecan especialmente ansiosos de que asistiese al club con ellos, aunque no tena muy claro por qu. En el viaje hacia el enorme restaurante donde la reunin tendra lugar, Joan y Jim le explicaron todo lo que podra acontecer. Haba un montn de gente nueva que conocer, excursiones sociales, cenas o paseos a los que se poda apuntar y siempre haba un ponente interesante al que escuchar. Esta semana el ponente era un experto en bienestar personal, un tema del que Sid tena que admitir, no saba mucho. Cuando llegaron al restaurante, Jim fue corriendo a comprar las bebidas y Joan se puso con Sid en la cola y as pagar su entrada de un euro para acceder a la reunin. Una vez dentro Joan camin rpidamente hacia una seora que estaba sentada sola. Luego se dio la vuelta para asegurarse que Sid estaba detrs de ella y dijo: Oh, Sylvia, qu gusto verte! Te importa que nos sentemos contigo? Este es nuestro amigo Sid, del que te estuve hablando. Sylvia se sonroj por alguna razn y le sonri a Sid de una manera muy agradable mientras quitaba varias bufandas, bolsos y agendas de los tres asientos libres en su mesa. Al esperar a que empezase la reunin Joan le cont a Sid todo sobre Sylvia y le cont a Sylvia todo sobre Sid de una manera que a Sid le pareca embarazosa. Respondi volvindose a Jim mientras llegaba con las bebidas y discutiendo los ltimos problemas con la urbanizacin en voz alta. Despus de un rato, se dio cuenta de que todo el
a rather shaky lady was standing with a microphone in her hand making some announcements about a coach trip. As she finished Joan shouted out in a loud voice, Where will the pickup points be please? and then wrote down everything that was said in reply as if her life depended on it. Then it was the turn of the main speaker who did his best to convince the assembled company of the benefits of toxinfree food, meditation and repeating self-improving mantras throughout the day. Sid observed his fellow listeners and wondered who in the audience was likely to be taking any of this advice on board. Certainly not Jim who was gently nodding off to sleep, nor Joan who seemed to be distracted by her own thoughts. At the end of the meeting Joan and Jim rushed off to talk to some other friends, leaving Sid and Sylvia alone. Sylvia seemed flustered and Sid smiled at her as kindly as he could and then beat a hasty retreat to the mens toilets.
mundo a su alrededor se haba callado y una mujer temblorosa estaba de pie con un micrfono en la mano hablando sobre una excursin. Cuando termin Joan grit: Cules sern los puntos de recogida? y anot todo lo que le respondi como si la vida dependiese de ello. Luego le lleg el turno al ponente principal que hizo lo que pudo para convencer al pblico de los beneficios de la comida sin toxinas, meditacin y repetir mantras para la autosuperacin durante todo el da. Sid observ al resto de oyentes y se pregunt quin del pblico iba a seguir aquellos consejos. Seguro que Jim no, pues se estaba quedando dormido, ni Joan, que pareca distrada en sus propios pensamientos. Al final de la reunin Joan y Jim se fueron corriendo para hablar con otros amigos, dejando a Sid y Sylvia solos. Sylvia pareca nerviosa y Sid le sonri tan educadamente como pudo y luego, se retir con prisas al aseo de hombres.
2 Sylvia blushed slightly for some reason and smiled at Sid in a most pleasant way Sylvia se sonroj por alguna razn y le sonri a Sid de una manera muy agradable.
a vida en la urbanizacin Sunny Dreams estaba normalmente soleada, pero ocasionalmente era ms una pesadilla que un sueo. Desde algunos ngulos, el lugar pareca muy atractivo con sus filas ordenadas de casas blancas, cada uno con su respectivo patio y verja. Desde otros ngulos se poda ver campo escabroso lleno de basura, e incluso dentro de los bordes de la urbanizacin haba zonas sin acabar, paredes medio construidas, aceras descuidadas y por supuesto la piscina inacabada. Tambin escaseaban las instalaciones comunes. Faltaba el alumbrado en muchas zonas haciendo que sean inseguras por la noche. Tambin haba habido una oleada de robos que caus la alarma general e hizo que algunas personas convirtieran sus hogares en fortalezas. Adems, haba edificios a medio construir con montones de cemento seco y ladrillos rotos tirados por ah. Esto era claramente muy peligroso, no menos para las jvenes familias de la urbanizacin. El tema de conversacin en la urbanizacin era sobre la necesidad de formar una comunidad de propietarios, Sid averigu que era la forma oficial para regular la vida comunal y recaudar fondos para arreglos y manutencin. Sin embargo, en Sunny Dreams esto pareca ser un problema, porque los constructores no haban completado la obra y por lo tanto no estaba oficialmente reconocida por las autoridades. A pesar de todos sus esfuerzos para resolver la situacin los constructores simplemente no queran ayudar. Sid, se haba ido de Yorkshire para escaparse de todo el papeleo y dolores de cabeza con que se encontraba todos los das
but it seemed that they had followed him over to Spain, and he found it hard not to get involved by trying to apply some of his own common sense to the situation. As a result he found himself hosting an impromptu, non-official community meeting in his front room. Joan and Jim were there of course, along with Kurt, Bill and Marion, Mick and Julie, Sandra and her two boys, the two Swedes Anita and Erik who thankfully left their dogs outside, Phil and Sandy, Roger and Linda and a selection of other individuals who Sid was not able to put names to. Sid opened the meeting by saying that, although the urbanization was still not officially registered with the town hall because of builders delays, the residents of Sunny Dreams needed to pull together and stand up for their rights. This opening statement received no opposition, only serious nods. At this point Marion suddenly piped up with a long tale about what had happened to her last time she tried to register as a resident at the town hall, and this was followed by Sandra explaining her problems getting her children into the local school. Phil and Sandy explained their difficulties at the health centre and everyone agreed that all of these problems were the result of the builders not fulfilling their promises. As he listened it slowly dawned on Sid that a lot more than Yorkshire common sense was going to be needed here.
en su trabajo, pero por lo visto le haban seguido hasta Espaa, y le fue difcil no involucrarse, intentando aplicar algo de su propio sentido comn a la situacin. Como resultado se encontr actuando como anfitrin de una reunin de comunidad, espontnea y no-oficial en su saln. Joan y Jim estaban ah por supuesto, junto con Kurt, Bill y Marion, Mick y Julie, Sandra y sus dos hijos, los dos suecos Anita y Erik que gracias a dios dejaron los perros fuera, Phil y Sandy, Roger y Linda y una seleccin de otros individuos a los que Sid era incapaz de poner nombre. Sid comenz la reunin diciendo que, aunque la urbanizacin no estuviese registrada oficialmente por el ayuntamiento debido al retraso del constructor, los residentes de Sunny Dreams necesitaban unirse para defender sus derechos. Esta declaracin de apertura no recibi ninguna negacin, solo gestos serios de afirmacin. En ese momento Marion de repente relat una historia larga sobre lo que le haba pasado la ltima vez que intent empadronarse en el ayuntamiento y esa, fue seguida por Sandra explicando sus problemas para apuntar a sus hijos en un colegio local. Phil y Sandy explicaron sus problemas en el centro de salud y todo el mundo estaba de acuerdo en que todos estos problemas eran el resultado de las promesas no cumplidas por los constructores. Mientras escuchaba, Sid se daba cuenta poco a poco de que aqu necesitara mucho ms que su sentido comn de Yorkshire.
2 Despite many efforts to resolve the situation the builders were simply not being helpful. A pesar de todos sus esfuerzos para resolver la situacin los constructores simplemente no queran ayudar. 65
id had always been a home loving person who enjoyed pottering around on his own. He had recently bought a computer and was brushing up his rather poor IT skills, he had made a bird bath and enjoyed watching the various types of wildlife that appeared on his terrace, he had filled the house with pot plants and had also started experimenting with some Spanish recipes in the kitchen. One day, whilst he was intent upon cooking up a mixture of pork, garlic and tomato he suddenly noticed a slight dripping noise above his head. He looked up and sure enough, there was a small damp patch up on the ceiling, right above the cooker. Now whats above that? he thought, as the truth dawned on him: it was the bath where he had left some pot plants soaking. Sid raced upstairs, knelt down on the bath mat and put his ear against the panel at the side of the bath. Drip, drip, drip came the sound, and Sids heart sank. Clearly action had to be taken very quickly. He knew he had a home insurance policy somewhere amongst his paperwork, but he had never got round to looking at it, and of course it was all in Spanish. Suddenly he remembered that he had recently been introduced to someone called Chris the plumber who had handed him a business card. He pulled the card out of his wallet and quickly dialled Chriss mobile number. No problem, mate, give me half an hour and Ill be with you came the cheery response, much to Sids relief. He spent the next thirty minutes watching the damp patch expand alarmingly, and the dripping
noise get louder and louder, until at long last Chriss van pulled up and the doorbell rang. Chris was a cheery chappie in his mid-forties with a strong cockney accent, a beer belly and an assortment of tools hanging out of his pockets. He climbed up onto the cooker and touched the wet patch on the ceiling while Sid cringed in case the plaster broke. He then went up to inspect the bath, pulling out the side panel and thrusting his head into the hole. Yep, Ill do that for you, no problem, just a loose joint said Chris, as he instantly located the correct tool and went to work. In two minutes the dripping noise had stopped and Chris emerged once more with a grin. Thatll be two hundred euros, mate. How much? said Sid in horror. Well, its an emergency call and there is a Sunday supplement. Its a skilled job were talking about here. Sid was stunned but found the cash and handed it over with trembling hands, whereupon Chris tramped downstairs and straight out of the house, leaving Sid to clean up the mess. As he heard the van screech down the road he resolved to read through his insurance papers with a dictionary as soon as he possibly could.
rpidamente, y el sonido del goteo hacer ms y ms ruido, hasta que por fin la furgoneta de Chris aparc y son el timbre. Chris era un tipo alegre de cuarenta y tantos, con un fuerte acento de barrio londinense, una barriga cervecera y un arsenal de herramientas colgados de los bolsillos del pantaln. Se subi encima de la cocina y toc la mancha de humedad en el techo mientras, Sid se encogi por si acaso el yeso se parta. Despus subi al bao para inspeccionar la baera, sacando el panel lateral y metiendo la cabeza en el hueco. S, ya te lo hago sin ningn problema, solo una junta suelta dijo Chris, mientras localizaba la herramienta adecuada al instante y se puso a trabajar. En dos minutos el goteo par y Chris se levant con una sonrisa en la cara. Eso sern doscientos euros, amigo. Cunto? pregunt Sid horrorizado. Bueno, es una llamada de emergencia y hay un suplemento siendo hoy domingo y estamos hablando de un trabajo especializado. Sid se qued atnito pero encontr el dinero en efectivo y se lo dio con manos temblorosas, y a continuacin Chris baj rpidamente las escaleras y sali por la puerta, dejndole a Sid el trabajo de limpiar todo. Al or la furgoneta chirriar a lo largo de la calle, decidi leer los papeles del seguro con un diccionario tan pronto como pudiese.
2 Chris was a cheery chappie in his mid-forties with a strong cockney accent and a beer belly. Chris era un tipo alegre de cuarenta y tantos, con un fuerte acento de barrio londinense y una barriga cervecera.
The teacher was an attractive young Spanish lady of about twenty five called Pilar. She greeted everyone very graciously and asked each person their name in Spanish. Most people, including Sid, were able to cope with this exercise quite well, apart from one lady who was deaf and another one who put her hand up and said Should I say Me llamo Hilda or Soy Hilda? The teacher answered her in Spanish, which threw everybody; although it seemed that the general gist was that either way was fine. Pilar then proceeded to speak in Spanish for the rest of the hour. Sid understood enough to realize that she was actually speaking slowly and carefully using simple words. However, he was unable to follow everything that she said. He looked around the room and saw a range of facial expressions ranging from deep frowning and utter distress on the one hand to fixed attention and smug superiority on the other. However, nobody actually looked as though they were enjoying the experience. At the end of the hour Sid joined several fellow students for a cup of coffee in the bar next door. Reactions to the class were mixed, but for his part Sid had already made his decision. He would persevere until he learnt to speak Spanish, come what may.
La profesora era una espaola joven y atractiva de unos veinticinco aos llamada Pilar. Salud a todo el mundo con gracia y le pregunt a cada persona su nombre en espaol. La mayora de las personas, incluido Sid, fueron capaces de hacer el ejercicio, aparte de una mujer que estaba sorda y otra que levant la mano y dijo Digo Me llamo Hilda o soy Hilda?. La profesora le contest en espaol, lo cual ech para atrs a todo el mundo, aunque pareca que la idea general era que las dos formas valan perfectamente. Entonces Pilar sigui hablando en espaol el resto de la hora. Sid entendi lo suficiente para darse cuenta de que en realidad ella estaba hablando lenta y cuidadosamente usando palabras simples. Sin embargo, fue incapaz de seguir todo lo que deca. Mir alrededor de la clase y vio una mezcla de gestos oscilando entre ceos fruncidos y total consternacin por un lado, y atencin fija y superioridad por el otro lado. Sin embargo, nadie pareca disfrutar de la experiencia. Al final de la hora Sid se reuni con varios compaeros de clase para tomar un caf en el bar de al lado. Haba una variedad de actitudes frente a la clase, pero por su parte Sid ya haba tomado su decisin. Seguira hasta haber aprendido a hablar espaol, pasara lo que pasara.
2 He would persevere until he learnt to speak Spanish, come what may. Seguira hasta haber aprendido a hablar espaol, pase lo que pase.
id persevered with his Spanish classes, and although they caused him a few headaches he was determined to continue, unlike many of the people he started out with on that first day. Obviously, what he most needed to do was speak the language to real Spanish people, and it always amazed Sid that this should prove such a difficult thing to achieve. He was rather fond of street markets and would try out different ones in his quest to track down all the ingredients he needed for his Spanish cooking adventures. He found these weekly forays into neighbouring Spanish towns an ideal opportunity to practise his Spanish, although his attempts were not always as successful as he would have liked. One beautiful morning in December Sid decided to enjoy the day by driving out to a new village to see what the market had to offer. Before he left the house he hung out some washing and swept his terrace, marvelling yet once more how he had managed to live in a place with such glorious winter weather. He could well imagine that back in Yorkshire everyone would be rushing around in the cold and wet buying things in for Christmas as though their lives depended on it. Here, with the sun shining brightly, none of those things seemed to matter anymore. Sid drove along a quiet country road lined with orange and lemon groves, passing the occasional new development preparing to provide homes for more people like himself, and finally arrived at his destination. The town was small and not particularly prepossessing, with its squat buildings and narrow streets, but Sid was used to looking past these for those little
id perseveraba en sus clases de espaol, y aunque le causaban algunos dolores de cabeza, estaba determinado en seguir, al contrario de algunas personas con las que haba empezado el primer da. Obviamente, lo que ms necesitaba era hablar el idioma con personas espaolas, y Sid siempre se quedaba asombrado que esto fuese una prueba tan difcil de superar. Le gustaban bastante los mercadillos y acuda a varios, para buscar y conseguir los ingredientes que necesitaba, para aventurarse con la cocina espaola. Encontr que estas incursiones semanales en los pueblos espaoles cercanos, le daban la oportunidad ideal para practicar su espaol, aunque sus intentos no eran tan exitosos como le hubiese gustado. En una maana estupenda de diciembre Sid decidi aprovechar el da para conducir hasta un pueblo nuevo para l, y ver lo que el mercadillo tena para ofrecerle. Antes de marchar de casa tendi la ropa lavada y barri la terraza, maravillndose de cmo podra vivir en un sitio con el tiempo tan magnfico en invierno. Poda imaginarse a la gente en Yorkshire corriendo con el frio y la humedad, comprando cosas para la Navidad como si su vida dependiese de ello. Aqu, con el sol brillando, ninguna de esas cosas ya pareca importante. Sid condujo por una carretera tranquila bordeada de limoneros y naranjos, pasando al lado de alguna nueva obra que se preparaba para proporcionar hogares para gente como l, y finalmente lleg a su destino. El pueblo era pequeo y no muy atractivo, con sus casas achaparradas y calles estrechas, pero Sid estaba acostumbrado a no hacer caso a esto,
shops and bars hidden away in the back streets which held so much fascination and rough charm. Having parked his car several streets away Sid entered the market and surveyed the scene. There was a sense almost of the exotic with the array of bright colours against the backdrop of white houses and blue skies, and although the market was full there was a strange quietness of people peacefully going about their business. It was an atmosphere that Sid adored. He strolled down the road, dodging the pushchairs and prams, family groups and couples, and the inevitable shopping trolleys laden with enough vegetables to feed a large family for a week and was slightly abashed at how small his needs were in comparison. Eventually Sid spied a stall full of herbs and spices with one or two individuals inspecting the goods and asking details. Sid was fascinated and drew closer to listen, until his turn came and he asked which herb would be good to ease joint pain, as well as adding to fish. The answer that came back was both interesting and very informative. At least, thats what the Spanish people behind him thought. Sid didnt understand a single word apart from muy bueno which he heard several times and on that basis bought the herb on offer.
19. El Mercadillo
buscando esas tiendas y bares escondidos en las callejuelas que guardaban tanta fascinacin y encanto primitivo. Aparcando el coche a varias calles de distancia, Sid entr en el mercadillo y observ la escena. Haba un fuerte contraste de exotismo y colores llamativos, las casas blancas, un cielo azul, y aunque el mercadillo estaba lleno, haba un cierto silencio de gente yendo cada uno a su aire tranquilamente. Era un ambiente que Sid adoraba. Se pase calle abajo, esquivando carricoches, grupos de familias y parejas, y los inevitables carritos de compra que cargaban con suficientes verduras para alimentar a una familia grande durante una semana y le choc la comparacin, con sus pocas necesidades. Por fin Sid divis un puesto lleno de hierbas y condimentos con uno o dos individuos inspeccionando la mercanca y preguntando detalles. Sid estaba fascinado y se acerc para escuchar, hasta que lleg su turno y pregunt qu hierba sera la mejor para el dolor de articulaciones, adems de condimentar el pescado. La respuesta que volvi era a la vez interesante e informativa. Al menos, eso es lo que los espaoles detrs de l pensaban. Sid no entendi ni una palabra aparte de muy bueno que escuch varias veces y en funcin de eso se compr la especia.
2 Sid spied a stall full of herbs and spices with one or two individuals inspecting the goods. Sid divis un puesto lleno de hierbas y condimentos con uno o dos individuos inspeccionando la mercanca.
id was not a great television watcher but even so he was a little put out to discover that the only channels he could get on his TV were in English. It seemed absurd that he couldnt watch Spanish television in Spain and he suspected that the builders had just not bothered to get him connected up, probably thinking that he wasnt interested. One day on his usual trip to town he visited an electrical shop and requested a standard Spanish aerial. This was no problem to Pedro the electrician, whose only confusion was where on earth Sids house actually was. Sid had got used to this problem and now carried round with him a laminated hand-drawn street plan to prove to people that his house did actually exist. Pedro copied down the directions with a slight air of disbelief, as though Sid was in fact making it all up, and said he would be round maana por la maana, another part of the ritual Sid was now wise to. However, on this occasion Pedro was true to his word, arriving on Sids doorstep at eight thirty in the morning, aerial and tools in hand, ready to do the job, and by nine oclock Sid had a whole range of channels available which he could flick through at his leisure. Sid spent most of that day dipping in and out of various Spanish channels to get an idea of what was available. As soon as Pedro left he turned on the first channel and found a very serious discussion about current affairs. A rather hard-faced lady was expressing an opinion very forcibly and didnt seem to need to breathe at all in between torrents of incomprehensible Spanish.
id no era un gran aficionado a la televisin pero de todas formas, le molest el hecho de que los nicos canales que tena en la tele eran en ingls. Pareca absurdo que no pudiese ver la tele en espaol en Espaa y sospechaba que los constructores no se hubiesen molestado en conectarle a la antena, ms bien pensando que no estara interesado. Un da en su visita habitual al pueblo, entr en una tienda de electrodomsticos y pidi una antena espaola normal. Esto no fue ningn problema para Pedro el electricista, cuya nica confusin era que dnde demonios estaba la casa de Sid. Sid se haba acostumbrado a este problema y llevaba siempre encima un plano hecho a mano y plastificado para hacerles ver a los dems, que su casa exista de verdad. Pedro copi la direccin con aire de incredulidad, como si Sid se lo estuviese inventando todo, y dijo que estara maana por la maana, otra parte del ritual que Sid ya estaba acostumbrado. En cambio en esta ocasin Pedro fue fiel a su palabra, llegando a la puerta de Sid a las ocho y media de la maana, antena y herramientas en mano, preparado para hacer el trabajo, y a las nueve Sid ya tena todo tipo de canales con los que podra investigar cuanto quisiera. Sid pasara casi todo el da entrando y saliendo de varios canales espaoles para hacerse una idea de lo que haba disponible. En cuanto Pedro se fue, encendi el primer canal y encontr una discusin muy seria sobre temas de actualidad. Una mujer con la cara un tanto dura expresaba su opinin de forma contundente y pareca no tener que respirar entre los torrentes de espaol incomprensible.
Sid then turned to the second channel and found it was taken up with a childrens broadcast. He wasnt above watching puppets and cartoons if it helped his Spanish, but there was no way he could cope with it spoken in squeaky voices. He fared no better with the other channels, one was full of people sitting around in armchairs practically screaming at each other, another was a quiz programme which Sid actually understood a little but only because the questions appeared written on the screen. On yet another channel there was a football match in which someone had clearly just scored a goal, as the one word gol seemed to fill about five minutes of air-time. Later on Sid tried out the local channels with similar results. Town council meetings, local school prize-givings and street festivals were the order of the day, followed later on at night by some rather explicit adult material that made Sid blush even though he was on his own. Determined not to give in Sid eventually found a channel that seemed to be mostly adverts. Strangely enough he was able to follow these very well and by the end of the day had learnt a few of the jingles and was able to sing along to them.
Entonces Sid cambi al segundo canal y vio que se emitan programas de nios. No le dira que no, a ver marionetas y dibujos animados si le ayudaban a aprender espaol, pero no haba manera de que pudiese pillar nada con esas voces de pito. No tuvo ms suerte en los dems canales, uno estaba lleno de gente sentada en sillones casi gritndose los unos a los otros, otro era un concurso del que Sid entenda algo pero solo porque las preguntas aparecan escritas en la pantalla. En otro canal haba un partido de ftbol en el cual era claro que alguien acababa de marcar un gol, ya que la palabra gol pareca llenar cinco minutos de tiempo de emisin. Ms tarde Sid prob los canales locales con la misma suerte. Reuniones de ayuntamientos, entregas de premios de colegios locales y fiestas callejeras que estaban a la orden del da, seguidas luego por la noche por material adulto bastante explcito que hizo sonrojar a Sid aunque estaba solo. Determinado en no tirar la toalla, Sid por fin encontr un canal que pareca ser nicamente de anuncios. Lo extrao es que pudo seguirlos bastante bien y al final del da haba aprendido algunas de las canciones publicitarias y poda cantar a la vez que la tele.
2 Sid understood a little but only because the questions appeared written on the screen. Sid entenda algo pero solo porque las preguntas aparecan escritas en la pantalla.
ne day Sid sat on his balcony with his book, his glass of wine, and his new companion Smokey the cat who had adopted him a few weeks before, and reflected on his life and friendships. He was quite a self-sufficient person who was happy with his own company, but just once in a while he did feel lonely. Jim and Joan were good neighbours, but they were a couple, and preferred the company of other couples. They were also kept busy with various family commitments like most of the other English people he knew. Sid had been on his own since dear Audrey had died and his son Charles, for reasons best known to himself, had not kept in touch with him. He had made the effort to join various social groups including ramblers, bird watchers and a Spanish cookery class, but still had not made any particular friends. Sid gazed across the view of white houses, green orange groves and blue skies and resolved to do something about it. A week later, Sid was getting himself ready to attend a singles dining club which he had seen advertised. Although he knew it was foolish, he found himself taking more than usual care with his appearance. He was always immaculate, but he was not very good at making his clothes match, which he now attempted to do with some difficulty. As he entered the restaurant Sid had a sudden attack of acute shyness, such as he had not experienced since attending his first dance with girls in 1955. However, he was quickly approached by a very extrovert lady organizer who established his identity, introduced him to the rest of the party and told
n da Sid se sent en su balcn con su libro, una copa de vino, y la compaa su nuevo amigo Smokey, el gato que haba adoptado a Sid, unas semanas atrs, y reflexion sobre su vida y sus amistades. Era una persona bastante autosuficiente que era feliz con su propia compaa, aunque de vez en cuando se senta solo. Jim y Joan eran buenos vecinos, pero eran pareja, y preferan la compaa de otras parejas. Adems siempre estaban ocupados con asuntos familiares como la mayora de los ingleses que conoca. Sid haba estado solo desde que su querida Audrey muri y su hijo Charles, por motivos que guardaba para s, no se haba mantenido en contacto con l. Haba hecho el esfuerzo de meterse en varios clubs sociales como el de senderismo, observadores de pjaros y clases de cocina espaola, pero todava no haba hecho ninguna amistad especial. Sid contempl el paisaje de casas blancas, naranjales verdes y el cielo azul y, decidi hacer algo para remediarlo. Una semana ms tarde, Sid se estaba preparando para ir a un club de cenas de solteros que haba visto anunciado. Aunque saba que era una tontera, se encontr tomando ms cuidado de lo normal con su aspecto personal. Siempre iba impecable, pero no se le daba muy bien combinar la ropa, cosa que estaba intentando hacer ahora con dificultad. Al entrar en el restaurante, a Sid de repente le entr un ataque de timidez extrema, tanto como la primera vez que fue a un baile con chicas en 1955. En cambio, rpidamente se le acerc una organizadora muy extrovertida que verific su identidad y le present al resto del grupo y le dijo dnde
him where he should sit. Although Sid did not particularly like being told what to do, at that moment he felt quite grateful. During the first course Sid made polite conversation with those around him and concentrated a little more than was necessary on his avocado and carrot soup. He feared people were finding him hard work to talk to, but seemed unable to do anything about it. After a while he noticed that the people at the other end of the table were having a much jollier time chatting and laughing away and wished he was feeling as relaxed as they obviously were. Suddenly he caught the eye of one of the ladies on that side of the table and to his shock realized that he recognized her. It was Sylvia who Joan and Jim had rather clumsily tried to pair him off with some months before. He froze, soup spoon mid-air next to his pale yellow tie, not knowing how to react. Sylvia smiled warmly and gave him a little wave before returning to the conversation. Sid foolishly released his spoon to return the compliment sending it crashing back into his soup with a splash. There followed a full minute of the most embarrassing commotion during which he was aware of Sylvia trying not to look as he mopped himself down.
se deba sentar. Aunque a Sid no le gustaba demasiado que le digan qu hacer, en ese momento estaba muy agradecido. Durante el primer plato Sid convers agradablemente con los que tena a su alrededor y se concentr un poco ms de lo necesario en su sopa de aguacate y zanahoria. Tema que la gente le encontrase algo pesado por entablar una conversacin, pero no saba que poda hacer para remediarlo. Despus de un rato se dio cuenta de que la gente del otro lado de la mesa, se lo estaban pasando mucho mejor hablando y riendo, y dese sentirse tan relajado como ellos aparentaban estar. De repente cruz miradas con una de las seoras que estaban en ese lado de la mesa y se llev un susto al darse cuenta de que la conoca. Era Sylvia, con quien Joan y Jim le intentaron emparejar con tanta torpeza haca unos meses. Se congel, la cuchara se qued a medio camino junto a su corbata de color amarillo plido, sin saber cmo reaccionar. Sylvia le sonri afectuosamente y le salud ligeramente con la mano antes de volver a la conversacin. Sid solt la cuchara tontamente para devolver el saludo, dejndola caer de golpe en la sopa y salpicndose. Qu situacin tan embarazosa, transcurri un minuto entero en el que sinti una vergenza extrema durante el cual, se percat de que Sylvia intentaba no mirarle mientras l se limpiaba apresuradamente la ropa.
2 There followed a full minute of the most embarrassing commotion. Transcurri un minuto entero en el que sinti una vergenza extrema.
fter their meal the Singles club adjourned to the coffee lounge to continue socializing. Sid was aware of Sylvia talking to the same group of friends on the other side of the room and noticed when she moved away from them and walked in his direction. By the time he realized she was actually coming to talk to him it was too late to panic. Look at that tie! said Sylvia. Ive got some very good stain remover at home but Im not sure it would shift that stain. What a pity! Its a lovely tie as well. The suit you can dry-clean so thats not a problem. As she spoke she touched his tie and then brushed her hand down his suit in a way Sid found strangely comforting. It also took him a moment to realize that she was speaking to him in a broad Yorkshire accent. Sid spluttered something in reply and then asked Where are you from? To their astonishment they had been born and brought up in villages only a few miles apart and both knew the same places. Sylvia even remembered the sweet shop run by his great-aunt Gladys. Sid invited Sylvia to sit down on some armchairs as they continued the conversation. He learnt that Sylvias husband Gordon had passed away quite suddenly three years ago, a year after moving to Spain. It had been a big struggle for Sylvia to keep going but she had now managed to rebuild her life in Spain and had never considered moving back to the UK. She had several children and grandchildren who came to visit her regularly and she was involved in a lot of activities.
espus de la cena, el club de solteros se fue al saln para continuar las conversaciones. Sid era consciente de que Sylvia, estaba hablando con el mismo grupo de amigos en el otro lado de la sala, y not cuando ella se separ del mismo e iba en su propia direccin. Para cuando l se dio cuenta de que ella iba para hablar con l era demasiado tarde para entrar en pnico. Mira esa corbata! dijo Sylvia. Tengo un quitamanchas muy bueno en casa pero no s si podr con eso. Qu lstima! Adems es una corbata muy bonita. El traje lo puedes llevar a la tintorera as que ese no es ningn problema. Mientras hablaba le toc la corbata y luego pas la mano por el traje de una forma que Sid lo encontr curiosamente reconfortante. Tambin le cost un rato darse cuenta de que le estaba hablando con un fuerte acento de Yorkshire. Sid balbuce algo en respuesta y luego pregunt De dnde eres?. Para sorpresa de los dos, haban nacido y se haban criado en pueblos a pocas millas de distancia y ambos conocan los mismos lugares. Sylvia incluso recordaba la tienda de golosinas que tena su ta-abuela Gladys. Sid invit a Sylvia a sentarse en unos sillones para continuar con su conversacin. Se enter de que el marido de Sylvia, Gordon, haba fallecido de forma repentina haca tres aos, un ao despus de mudarse a Espaa. Fue muy duro para Sylvia seguir adelante, pero ahora se haba acomodado en Espaa y nunca haba considerado la opcin de volver al Reino Unido. Tena varios hijos y nietos que la visitaban regularmente y, adems estaba involucrada en muchas actividades.
Im so glad to see you again after that time I met you with that awful couple what were their names? Er, Jim and Joan said Sid. Theyre neighbours of mine actually. Well, Im sure theyre very nice people, but I nearly died when they introduced me to you, all nudging and winking. What was all that about? Sid laughed his head off at Sylvias imitation of Joans bossy way of speaking and her rather overbearing manner. He was not surprised to discover that Sylvia had done amateur dramatics and belonged to a local drama group. She also worked hard at her Spanish and went swimming twice a week. When he learnt that she also used the internet and kept up with her grandchildren on Facebook he felt slightly overwhelmed. In a lull in the conversation Sid suddenly said I cook. Sylvias eyes opened wide and a big smile crossed her face. A man who cooks! Well I am impressed! Are you any good at Yorkshire pudding? Sid then told her about his efforts at cooking paella and before he knew it had invited Sylvia to his house to try some. Well I dont know if I should accept such a forthright invitation, laughed Sylvia, and added, I tell you what, Ill bring the stain remover.
22. La Invitacin
Me ha encantado volver a verte despus de aquella vez en la que te conoc con esa horrible pareja, cmo se llamaban? Eemm, Jim y Joan dijo Sid. Son mis vecinos de hecho. Bueno, seguro que son buena gente, pero casi me muero cuando nos presentaron, dndome codazos y guindome el ojo. De qu iba todo eso? Sid se ri a carcajadas, mientras Sylvia imitaba las maneras tan mandonas de hablar que tiene Joan y su forma de ser tan dominante, y no se sorprendi cuando se enter de que Sylvia haba hecho teatro de aficionados y perteneca a un grupo local de teatro. Adems, ella se esforzaba mucho con su espaol; y nadaba dos veces por semana. Cuando se enter de que tambin usaba internet para mantenerse en contacto con sus nietos en Facebook, se sinti un poco abrumado. En una pausa de la conversacin, Sid dijo de repente Yo cocino. Los ojos de Sylvia se abrieron como platos y una sonrisa recorri su cara de oreja a oreja. Un hombre que cocina! Estoy impresionada! Se te da bien el Yorkshire pudding?. Sid entonces le cont cmo se esforzaba para cocinar paella y antes de darse cuenta, haba invitado a Sylvia a su casa para probarla. Bueno no s si debera aceptar una invitacin tan directa ri Sylvia, y aadi: Hacemos una cosa, yo te llevar el quita-manchas.
2 Sid invited Sylvia to sit down on some armchairs as they continued the conversation. Sid invit a Sylvia a sentarse en unos sillones para continuar con su conversacin.
id was a great believer in doing things properly and as Sylvias visit got nearer, he approached the arrangements with military precision. Although there was no suggestion of romantic involvement, it was impossible for Sid to think of the occasion in the same way as he had when Kurt the German had sampled his paella a few weeks earlier. Sid divided his plans into three categories preparation and cooking, serving and eating and general ambience, and was determined to leave nothing to chance. He had done his research on paella and knew that the best strategy was to keep the recipe as simple as possible, whilst using the best possible quality ingredients. With this in mind he spent several mornings at various markets picking out his rice, spices and vegetables and queued at the best butchers in town for the exact cuts of meat he required. Two nights before the meal, Sid woke up in a sweat in the middle of the night realizing that he hadnt thought about the dessert. How stupid! But what should he do? He tossed and turned for half an hour until he decided that fresh fruit was the answer and went back to sleep thinking about chopping up pineapples. He wasnt worried about the drink as he had stocked up such a wide range of wines, beers and refreshments that there was nothing Sylvia could want that he hadnt got. The day before Sylvias visit he took out his paella gas cooker and cleaned it and rewashed his paella pan, checked on his olive oil and salt and decided that absolutely nothing could go wrong. All that was left was to pop down the road
id era un hombre al que le gustaba hacer las cosas bien y al tiempo que se acercaba la visita de Sylvia, iba organizando todo con precisin militar. Aunque no se tratase de una comida romntica, era imposible para Sid, pensar en la ocasin, de la misma manera que cuando Kurt el alemn vino a casa unas semanas antes para probar su paella. Sid dividi sus planes en tres categoras: preparar y cocinar, servir y comer y el ambiente en general, y no estaba dispuesto a dejar nada a su suerte. Haba hecho investigaciones sobre la paella y saba que la mejor estrategia era mantener la receta tan simple como se pudiese, usando ingredientes de la mejor calidad posible. Con esto en mente, pas varias maanas en diferentes mercados escogiendo el arroz, las especias y verduras, e hizo cola en la mejor carnicera del pueblo, para que los trozos de carne fuesen exactamente los requeridos. Dos noches antes de la comida, Sid se despert sudado a media noche dndose cuenta de que no haba pensado en el postre. Qu estpido! Pero qu poda hacer? Dio vueltas en la cama durante media hora hasta que decidi que fruta fresca era la solucin, y se volvi a dormir pensando en cortar pias. No estaba preocupado por las bebidas, ya que haba almacenado una amplia gama de vinos, cervezas y refrescos para que no hubiera nada que a Sylvia le apeteciese y que Sid no tuviese. El da antes de la visita de Sylvia, sac el pulpo de butano y lo limpi, y volvi a limpiar la paellera, revis su aceite de oliva y sal, y decidi que absolutamente nada poda salir mal. Lo nico que quedaba era bajar a la tienda a la maana
the next morning for fresh shrimps and a red pepper and he was home and dry. Next he had to think about the meal itself, and this gave him slightly more anxiety. He would normally use the terrace but he was still overlooked by the neighbours and didnt want them all gossiping. Also, it could get uncomfortably hot at times so he decided that indoors was safer. He then worried about the table: if he had everything laid out in advance it would look too intimate, but if he asked Sylvia to help him it would make him look disorganized. He decided he would have it half ready and would put the paella into the centre of the table to serve. He would just have to keep his hands steady to avoid disaster. And finally, the ambience: should he or should he not have background music? His own taste for Yorkshire colliery brass bands just did not seem right and his newly acquired Spanish flamenco music would be far too corny. He looked through his small selection of CDs, realizing that both Barry Manilow and Hits of the 60s made him look rather sad. He finally decided to have some Spanish radio music on in the background and hope for the best.
siguiente y comprar gambas frescas y un pimiento rojo y tendra el xito asegurado. Despus tena que pensar en la comida en s, y esto le dio un poco ms de ansiedad. Normalmente usaba la terraza pero todava estara en el punto de mira de sus vecinos y no les quera cotilleando. Adems podra hacer un calor incmodo, as que pens que dentro de casa sera ms seguro. Luego se preocup por la mesa: si la tuviese puesta ya por adelantado parecera demasiado ntimo, pero si le peda ayuda a Sylvia parecera muy desorganizado. Decidi dejar la mesa medio puesta y traera la paella al centro de la mesa para servirla. Solo tendra que mantener las manos sin temblar, para as evitar desastres. Y por ltimo, el ambiente: Debera o no poner msica de fondo? Su gusto por las bandas de msica de las minas de Yorkshire simplemente no quedara bien, y su nuevo CD de msica flamenca sera demasiado cursi. Revis su pequea coleccin de CDs, dndose cuenta de que Barry Manilow y Los xitos de los 60 le haran parecer un poco pattico. Al final, decidi poner la radio con msica espaola y esperar lo mejor.
2 Sid woke up in a sweat in the middle of the night realizing that he hadnt thought about the dessert. Sid se despert sudado a media noche dndose cuenta de que no haba pensado en el postre.
id durmi mucho mejor de lo que esperaba la noche antes de la visita de Sylvia, y se despert media hora ms tarde de lo normal. Esto hizo que empezase mal el da, pero lo compens desayunando mientras barra y fregaba el suelo. Esto no le pareca bien, pero las circunstancias lo requeran. A las once Sid tena todo preparado. Le quedaba una hora de espera antes de poder ponerse a cocinar, y dos horas antes de que llegase Sylvia. Se sent, se levant, despus se pase por la casa imaginando cmo la vera una visita y pensando en qu decir sobre cada habitacin, si Sylvia le peda que le ensease la casa. Luego decidi limpiar el bao una vez ms. La siguiente cosa que preocup a Sid fue si Sylvia se haba olvidado del da por completo y no vendra. Le dio vueltas a la idea de llamarla con el pretexto de preguntarle si coma conejo, pero pens que parecera demasiado ansioso. Adems si se hubiese olvidado sera muy embarazoso. No, mejor dejarlo y ver qu pasa. Entr en su habitacin y se mir de arriba abajo en el espejo. Se senta satisfecho con su look, arreglado e informal y, se asegur dos veces de que sus zapatos estaban limpios. Por supuesto estaban impecables, como toda la casa. Para rematar los ltimos cuarenta minutos decidi servirse una copa de vino y sentarse en la terraza con un libro. Tres copas y un prrafo ms tarde, a las doce menos cuarto, pens que ya no era demasiado temprano para entrar en la cocina y empezar a cocinar, y antes de darse cuenta, las cosas iban a toda marcha, y son el timbre.
Sylvia stood at the front gate looking ravishing. She was wearing a floral dress with a shawl draped around her shoulders and some very fetching dangly earrings. She also smelt extremely nice. Im sorry Im a bit early she said. I was worried about not finding it, but I got here quicker than I thought. Oh thats fine said Sid, Do come in. Im just in the kitchen cooking. Oh good! said Sylvia. Do you mind if I watch? Ive always wondered how to do a proper paella. Well, Im still only learning, said Sid, But please take a seat and Ill show you how Im getting on. Sid poured Sylvia a glass of wine and refilled his glass. Everything started to go into a haze. He felt like a master chef demonstrating his technique and Sylvia was a most appreciative audience. The serving and eating of the meal all went like a dream and none of his fears were realized. He forgot about the radio completely and in no time they were sitting on the terrace eating fruit and drinking yet more wine in the afternoon sun. They were getting on very well indeed.
Sylvia estaba delante de la puerta del jardn con un aspecto encantador. Llevaba puesto un vestido floreado con un chal sobre sus hombros y unos pendientes largos muy atractivos. Tambin, desprenda una fragancia agradable. Perdn por llegar un poco temprano dijo. Estaba preocupada por si no encontraba este sitio, pero al final he llegado antes de lo que pensaba. Ah, no pasa nada dijo Sid. Pasa pasa. Estoy en la cocina cocinando. Oh qu bien! dijo Sylvia. Te importa si miro? Siempre me he preguntado cmo se hace la paella tradicional. Bueno, todava estoy aprendiendo dijo Sid. Pero, por favor sintate y te enseo como voy. Sid le sirvi una copa de vino a Sylvia y volvi a llenar la suya. Todo empez a nublarse. Se sinti como un chef profesional demostrando su tcnica y Sylvia era una espectadora muy agradecida. El servir y comer de la comida pas como un sueo y ninguno de sus temores se realiz. Se olvid de la radio por completo y en poco tiempo, estaban sentados en la terraza comiendo fruta y bebiendo an ms vino al sol del atardecer. Se llevaban muy bien.
2 Sylvia stood at the front gate looking ravishing. Sylvia estaba delante de la puerta del jardn con un aspecto encantador.
t the end of the afternoon with Sylvia she promised to get in contact with him again soon to return the invitation. Sid felt more than a little excited at the prospect, but tried very hard to put it out of his mind. He was far too old and wise to give in to the pleasant sensation that he had fallen in love. That was a ridiculous idea and only appropriate to people much younger than himself. In any case, Sylvia had a large circle of friends whose company she enjoyed and she no doubt considered him in exactly the same way. However, he could not stop his heart giving a little flutter when the phone rang a week later and Sylvias voice was on the line with a cheery, Hello Sid, how are you? She went on to invite Sid to go with her to an exhibition about life in Spain the following Saturday. Theyre really good, Ive been to one or two before she said, as though Sid might need some encouragement. The arrangements were made and he looked forward to the weekend ahead. Sid was generally inclined to avoid big crowds, so was slightly taken aback by the hustle and bustle of the exhibition when they arrived. They had to join a long queue to sign in, which required filling in a form as well as paying some money. They were then handed a bag full of brochures and leaflets and launched into a noisy hall area full of people touting their trade. Sids attitude was to keep himself to himself and shy away from the various approaches made by salespeople as he passed their stands, whilst Sylvia took a completely opposite line. She chatted away to everyone and listened intently to all their
l final de la tarde, Sylvia le prometi contactar con l pronto, para devolver la invitacin. Sid se sinti un poco ms que emocionado al respecto, pero intent con todas sus fuerzas quitrselo de la cabeza. Era demasiado mayor y sabio para dejarse llevar por la agradable sensacin de estar enamorado. Era una idea ridcula y solamente apropiada para gente mucho ms joven que l. En cualquier caso, Sylvia tena un amplio crculo de amistades con quienes se diverta y que sin duda, ella le apreciaba de igual modo. Sin embargo, no pudo evitar que su corazn diese un vuelco cuando son el telfono una semana despus y era Sylvia la que estaba al otro lado con un animado: Hola Sid qu tal? . Invit a Sid a que la acompaase a una exhibicin sobre la vida en Espaa el siguiente sbado. Estn muy bien, he estado un par de veces antes dijo, como si Sid necesitase que le convenciera. Fijaron hora y Sid ya esperaba ansioso la llegada del fin de semana. Normalmente Sid evitaba los espacios llenos de gente, por lo que se ech un poco atrs al ver el bullicio cuando llegaron a la exhibicin. Se tuvieron que poner en una larga cola para entrar, la cual requera rellenar un formulario adems de pagar las entradas. Tras eso se les dio unas bolsas llenas de propaganda y fueron precipitados a una sala llena de comerciales solicitando clientes. La actitud de Sid era ir reservado y evitar el contacto con los comerciantes que se le acercaban mientras paseaba al lado de los stands, mientras Sylvia hizo todo lo contrario. Habl con todo el mundo y escuch atentamente, todas las ofertas
sales pitches. Every now and again she would look over to Sid and roll her eyes or open them wide with interest. From time to time Sid wandered away to make his own investigations. He nearly obtained eternal life from one stand of enthusiastic evangelists; he accepted various promotional gifts and listened to a detailed explanation of the workings of solar heating. He didnt intend to buy it, but found the technology interesting none the less. As Sylvia caught up with him once more they were both drawn to a stand selling hot tubs. Now that is something I would like! said Sylvia, and Sid had to admit the idea rather appealed to him as well. They talked to the salesman who clearly assumed they were a married couple and Sid found himself filling in yet another form to express his interest in a home visit. Sid and Sylvia then went their separate ways once more, and by the time they met up for a drink in the bar Sylvia had bought herself some earrings and a candle, and Sid had bought a funeral plan. He wasnt too sure why Sylvia found this so amusing.
25. La Feria
que le proponan. De vez en cuando miraba a Sid balanceando los ojos o abrindolos con inters. De vez en cuando Sid se alejaba para hacer sus propias investigaciones. Por poco obtuvo la vida eterna en un stand de evangelistas entusiasmados; acept varios regalos promocionales, y escuch una charla detallada de cmo funciona la energa solar. No pretenda comprar nada, pero la tecnologa sin embargo la encontraba interesante. Cuando Sylvia se acerc a Sid otra vez, fueron atrados hacia un stand que venda baeras de hidromasaje. Esto s que no me importara tenerlo! dijo Sylvia, y Sid tuvo que reconocer que la idea tambin le gustaba. Hablaron con el comerciante que supuso que estaban casados y Sid se vio rellenando otro formulario expresando su inters en una visita a domicilio. Sid y Sylvia se separaron una vez ms, y al volver a quedar para tomar algo en el bar, Sylvia ya se haba comprado unos pendientes y una vela, y Sid una pliza de decesos. No estaba seguro de por qu Sylvia se ri tanto.
2 Sylvia invited Sid to go with her to an exhibition about life in Spain. Sylvia invit a Sid a que la acompaase a una exhibicin sobre la vida en Espaa.
id and Sylvias friendship was blossoming. They enjoyed each others company and looked forward to their time together, all the more precious because they both also led separate lives. One interest they found they had in common was in exploring new territory and finding opportunities to practise speaking Spanish in places where they werent treated as tourists. On the morning of one such trip Sid gave his car a thorough clean and then went to pick up Sylvia. They set forth to discover a small village picked out at random from the map. They drove along chatting and laughing about their previous excursions, including their comical attempts to communicate with the Spanish. Sid always listened intently and tried to make sense of what he heard, but had great difficulty in answering, whereas Sylvia was happy to chat away, using the little Spanish she knew but with absolutely no idea what was being said back to her. They pulled into the village and parked in a little square. People were going about their daily lives, talking on street corners and greeting friends from passing cars in a way that Sid found irritating but charming at the same time. They strolled round in the sun admiring the old buildings and the surrounding countryside and then sat on a bar terrace to watch the world go by. Next to them sat a middle-aged Spanish couple who smiled across at them and said something. Sid thought he heard the man say ingleses so he replied with an embarrassed: S. That was all the encouragement Sylvia needed to launch into a monosyllabic conversation which involved much waving
a amistad de Sylvia y Sid estaba floreciendo. Disfrutaban de su compaa y esperaban impacientes su prxima cita para estar juntos, aun ms valioso porque ambos llevaban vidas separadas. Un inters que tenan en comn era el explorar tierras nuevas, y encontrar oportunidades para practicar su espaol, en lugares donde no se les tratase como turistas. En la maana de una de esas excursiones Sid limpi el coche minuciosamente y luego pas a recoger a Sylvia. Se pusieron en camino para descubrir un pueblo pequeo elegido al azar en un mapa. Fueron de camino hablando y riendo sobre sus excursiones anteriores, incluidos los cmicos intentos de comunicarse con espaoles. Sid siempre escuchaba atentamente e intentaba dar sentido a lo que oa, pero tena una gran dificultad al momento de contestar, mientras Sylvia estaba contenta hablando, usando el poco espaol que conoca pero sin la menor idea de lo que se le contestaba. Entraron en el pueblo y aparcaron en una plaza pequea. La gente segua con su vida diaria, hablando en las esquinas de las calles y saludando a amigos desde coches que pasaban de un modo que a Sid le result irritante pero encantador a la vez. Pasearon bajo el sol admirando los edificios antiguos y el campo de alrededor y luego se sentaron en la terraza de un bar para ver cmo pasa la vida. A su lado estaba sentada una pareja de espaoles de mediana edad que les sonrieron y dijeron algo. Sid pens or al hombre decir ingleses as que contest con un s vergonzoso. Eso era el suficiente estmulo que necesit Sylvia para lanzarse en una conversacin monosilbica que inclua mucho
of arms and smiling. Sid understood very little of what the Spanish people said but was pretty sure he heard the words polica and jubilado at some point. What a delightful couple! said Sylvia as they left. Hes a retired policeman, said Sid. Really! I would never have guessed! exclaimed Sylvia. How clever of you to pick that up! As they drove home along the meandering country road they saw a Guardia Civil officer up ahead waving his hand. Oh no, here we go said Sid. Can you get my documents out please? Sylvia opened the glove compartment but it was completely empty. Sid realized to his horror that he had emptied everything out for cleaning that morning and had completely forgotten to replace it. Sid sheepishly rolled down the window and stared at the officer as he said: Documentos, por favor. Even Sylvia was lost for words. Just at that moment another car pulled up behind them and Sid could not believe his eyes when he saw the friendly retired policeman walking over. He spoke to the officers and then leaned through the window and said: They need to see your documents. Sylvia instantly went into action gesticulating wildly and pulling faces to explain their predicament. Their new friend turned to speak to the Guardia Civil and they were waved on with a smile. When they finally got out of sight Sid had to resist the urge to hug and kiss Sylvia there and then.
movimiento de brazos y sonrisas. Sid entendi muy poco de lo que decan los espaoles, pero estaba bastante seguro de haber odo las palabras polica y jubilado en algn momento. Qu pareja ms encantadora! dijo Sylvia al marcharse. l es un polica jubilado dijo Sid. De verdad! Nunca lo habra adivinado! exclam Sylvia. Qu listo eres por haberlo entendido! Al conducir de vuelta a casa por la sinuosa carretera de campo, vieron a un agente de la Guardia Civil enfrente agitando su mano. Vaya, ya empezamos dijo Sid. Puedes sacar mis papeles por favor?. Sylvia abri la guantera pero estaba completamente vaca. Sid se dio cuenta con espanto de que lo haba sacado todo para limpiar esa maana y que se haba olvidado volverlo a meter. Sid baj la ventanilla tmidamente y mir fijamente al agente mientras le deca: Documentos por favor. Hasta Sylvia se qued sin palabras. Justo en ese instante otro coche par detrs de ellos y Sid no se lo poda creer cuando vio que el simptico polica jubilado caminaba en su direccin. Habl con los agentes y despus se asom por la ventanilla y dijo: Necesitan ver vuestros documentos. Sylvia rpidamente empez a gesticular como una loca y a poner caras para explicar su problema. Su nuevo amigo se gir para hablar con la Guardia Civil y les dejaron ir con una sonrisa. Cuando finalmente desaparecieron del alcance de la vista Sid tena que resistirse las ganas de besar y abrazar a Sylvia all mismo.
2 They set forth to discover a small village picked out at random from the map. Se pusieron en camino para descubrir un pueblo pequeo elegido al azar en un mapa. 105
as best he could and went straight off to an internet caf to catch up with her news in detail. What Sid read did not fill him with much cheer. Sylvia really was embroiled in some big family issues and he also got the feeling there was more that she was not telling him. Finally the day arrived to pick Sylvia up at the airport. Despite all his foreboding Sid could not wait to see her and stood at the barrier like an excited child. He was afraid that their reunion would be awkward but as usual Sylvias grace and charm dealt with the situation, and as they drove back home she chatted away recounting anecdotes about her grandchildren and catching Sid up with her news. So, since you didnt write to me now youve got to tell me everything thats happened while Ive been away. Sid had no idea what to say, so after some hesitation he gave her a detailed account of the fluctuations in the flamingo population on the salt lakes which were unusual for the time of year, to which Sylvia listened with rapt attention.
pudo y se fue directo a un cibercaf para ponerse al da con sus noticias en detalle. Lo que ley no le llen de mucha alegra. Sylvia estaba metida en unos problemas verdaderamente importantes en su familia y tuvo la sensacin de que no le estaba contando todo. Finalmente lleg el da de recoger a Sylvia del aeropuerto. A pesar de su presentimiento Sid se mora de ganas de que Sylvia llegase, y la esper en la barrera con la ilusin de un nio. Tema que la reunin fuera incmoda pero como siempre, la gracia de Sylvia y su encanto solucionaron el problema, a la vuelta a casa no par de hablar de ancdotas sobre sus nietos y ponindole al da con sus noticias. As que, como no me escribiste tendrs que contarme todo lo sucedido mientras estaba fuera. Sid no tena ni idea de qu decir, as que despus de dudar un poco le dio un informe detallado sobre las variaciones de la poblacin de flamencos en las salinas que eran raras en esa poca del ao, a lo que Sylvia escuch con total atencin.
2 He missed Sylvia more than he had ever thought possible. Echaba de menos a Sylvia, ms de lo que crea posible.
id was delighted to have Sylvia back in his life after her trip away although he found that he was unable to shake off the feeling that something had changed in their relationship. He understood perfectly that Sylvia was still worried about her family but he somehow sensed a shift in her feelings which she wasnt admitting. However, he didnt mention the matter to her; instead he tried to carry on as if everything was normal. One evening they had arranged to go out for a meal in a local restaurant, without realizing that this coincided with some live music. As they finished their main course and were waiting for their dessert Sylvia leaned across to Sid and said I really need to talk to you about the future. Just as the word future left her mouth a loud announcement came from the corner of the small stage that the entertainment was about to begin and would they put their hands together please for Mr. Freddie Asteroid singing Transylvanian Rhapsody. Sylvia gave one of her characteristic eye-rolls and made a signal to Sid that they would have to talk later. Sid was not a great fan of tribute singers at the best of times, but in these circumstances the gyrating and pouting Freddie Asteroid was enough to make him scream. He suddenly became decisive and said Lets get out of here, producing his wallet and standing up to leave. Sylvia responded immediately so they paid the bill and left the restaurant rather unceremoniously without leaving a tip. In the car outside Sylvia finally managed to explain to Sid what was wrong. She had started to think that perhaps she should move back to the UK for a longer period of time, maybe
id estaba encantado de volver a tener a Sylvia en su vida despus de su viaje, aunque se vio incapaz de quitarse la sensacin de que algo haba cambiado en su relacin. Entendi perfectamente que Sylvia siguiese preocupada por su familia pero de algn modo, notaba un cambio en los sentimientos de Sylvia que ella no quera admitir. Pero no le mencion este asunto; en lugar de eso, intentaba seguir como si todo fuese normal. Una tarde haban quedado para cenar en un restaurante, sin darse cuenta de que esto coincida con msica en directo. Al terminar su plato principal y esperando el postre, Sylvia se acerc a Sid y le dijo: Necesito hablar contigo del futuro. Justo en ese instante en el que pronunciaba la palabra futuro, se anunciaba en voz alta en la esquina del pequeo escenario que el espectculo iba a comenzar y que le diesen un fuerte aplauso a Mr Freddie Asteroid que iba a cantar Transylvanian Rhapsody. Sylvia balance los ojos a su manera tan caracterstica y le hizo una seal a Sid de que hablaran luego. Sid no era gran fan de los que rendan homenajes a otros cantantes y mucho menos en aquel instante en que los movimientos grotescos de Freddie Asteroid era lo que le bastaba para hacerle gritar. De repente se volvi decidido y dijo: Vmonos de aqu, sacando su cartera y levantndose para salir. Sylvia reaccion inmediatamente, as que pagaron y salieron del restaurante de forma brusca y sin dejar propina. Fuera y en el coche Sylvia por fin pudo explicar a Sid que le pasaba. Estaba pensando que quizs lo mejor fuese volver al Reino Unido por una temporada, incluso para siempre, tena
even for good, she was not yet sure. The problem was that while she was going through this period of indecision she felt she was being unfair to Sid. She was worried that in the end she would have to let him down, and thought that perhaps it would be fairer to part for a while until she was sure about what she was doing. This explanation hit him like a ton of bricks, but after a long discussion with Sylvia he realized that her mind was made up and that she really wanted to end their relationship for a while. Sid felt numb as he drove her back home, said goodbye and then made his way back to his own house. He was torn between believing her completely and wondering whether this was her way of saying that their relationship really wasnt what she wanted. Either way he felt at a loss to know how to deal with his feelings. Over the next few days poor Sid became very upset indeed. He thought about how wonderful Sylvia was and how foolish he had been to believe that someone like her would really want to spend time with him. It was a very low point in Sids adventures in Spain.
sus dudas. El problema estaba en que mientras estuviera en este periodo de indecisin se senta injusta con Sid. Tema que al final le tuviera que decepcionar, y pens que sera ms justo separarse por un tiempo, hasta que estuviese segura de lo que iba a hacer. Esta explicacin le cay encima como una tonelada de ladrillos, pero tras un largo debate con Sylvia se dio cuenta de que ella tena las ideas claras y que realmente quera dejar la relacin por un tiempo. Sid durante el trayecto de regreso se senta insensible y al dejarla, simplemente le dijo adis y se dirigi a su casa. Tena un dilema, no saba si creer completamente la explicacin que le estaba dando o bien, si esto era su manera de decir que su relacin no era lo que ella realmente buscaba. De cualquier forma se sinti perdido y no saba cmo ocuparse de sus sentimientos. Con el paso de los das, el pobre Sid se sinti en realidad muy disgustado. Pens en lo maravillosa que era Sylvia y lo tonto que haba sido pensando en que alguien como ella realmente quisiese perder el tiempo con l. Estaba en un momento muy bajo en sus aventuras en Espaa.
2 It was a very low point in Sids adventures in Spain. Estaba en un momento muy bajo en sus aventuras en Espaa.
fter several days of solitude, Sid decided to face the world again without Sylvia. He realized he had neglected some of his friends so his first stop was to Manuels bar to catch up with him and his family. They were exactly the same and greeted Sid with genuine warmth. He heard about Manuels elderly mothers hip operation and his baby grandsons teething, and as usual struggled to say anything back beyond smiles and the occasional muy bien as he admired photos of the baby. On his way home Sid decided to call in on Joan and Jim. They were not really his favourite people, but on the other hand they had been there for him since the beginning and had looked after him in their own way. Joan did not seem her usual self as she invited Sid into the living room and fussed around making tea and arranging biscuits on a plate. When Jim appeared she withdrew from the conversation and left the two men together. So, whats happening with you then? was Jims opening gambit, but before Sid could answer Jim started holding forth on the subject of women in general, and Joan in particular, and what awkward animals they all were, and how men did not stand a chance of understanding them. Sid had always found Jims views annoying, and today was no different, but for some reason he found his simplified male outlook on life strangely comforting. He leaned forward to refill his glass with whisky and stared into the fireplace as Jim droned on about the injustices of married life. When Sid finally staggered back home it was well past
espus de varios das de soledad, Sid decidi enfrentarse al mundo de nuevo sin Sylvia. Se dio cuenta de que haba descuidado a algunos de sus amigos, as su primera visita fue al bar de Manuel para ponerse al da con l y su familia. Estaban exactamente iguales y saludaron a Sid con un afecto sincero. l escuch como a la madre de Manuel ya muy mayor, la haban operado de la cadera, y como a su nieto le estaban saliendo sus primeros dientes mientras, como siempre, a Sid le costaba responder con ms que sonrisas y algn muy bien a la vez que admiraba las fotos del beb. De camino a casa, Sid decidi pasar a visitar a Joan y Jim. No eran realmente personas de su agrado, pero por otra parte le haban apoyado desde el principio y le haban cuidado a su manera. Joan no pareca la misma al invitar a Sid a entrar en el saln y se preocup en prepararle un t y colocar galletas en un plato. Cuando apareci Jim se retir de la conversacin y dej a los dos hombres juntos. Bueno, qu hay de tu vida? fue el primer comentario de Jim, pero antes de que Sid le respondiera Jim empez a hablar sobre el tema de las mujeres en general, de Joan en particular, y qu seres tan complicados que eran y que los hombres no tenan ninguna posibilidad de entenderlas. Sid siempre haba encontrado las ideas de Jim muy pesadas, y hoy no era diferente, pero por algn motivo encontr que su punto de vista simplificado y machista era reconfortante. Se inclin hacia delante para rellenar su vaso de whisky y contempl la chimenea mientras Jim hablaba montonamente sobre las injusticias de la vida matrimonial. Cuando Sid por fin se fue tambaleando a su casa era
midnight. With a great deal of concentration he managed to get his front door open and closed again behind him, make his way upstairs to the bedroom and fall onto his bed in a drunken stupor. At about four in the morning he woke up to find himself on top of the bed freezing cold and dehydrated. On his way back from the bathroom now ready to get properly into bed he noticed the flashing light of his answering machine. He instantly assumed there was a message from Sylvia, but in fact it was his sister Marys voice that came over loud and clear. Hello Sidney. Its Mary here. Im just phoning to tell you that Ive booked a flight to come and see you. Im arriving next Friday at half past four. If you cant meet me Ill find my own way to your house. Im sure Ill manage. See you then. Bye. Sid couldnt help but laugh to himself. Mary had no chance whatsoever of finding his house on her own and he would have to go and meet her. He couldnt even feel annoyed that she hadnt checked with him before booking her flight. He thought that a visit from Mary might be just the tonic he needed.
pasada la medianoche. Con mucha concentracin logr abrir su puerta y cerrarla detrs de l, subir la escalera hacia el dormitorio y caerse en la cama en un sopor borracho. Sobre las cuatro de la madrugada se despert encima de la cama muerto del fro y deshidratado. Al volver del bao, preparado ya para meterse en la cama vio la luz de su contestador parpadeando. Al instante supuso que era un mensaje de Sylvia, pero en realidad era la voz de su hermana Mary que despuntaba alta y clara. Hola Sidney. Soy Mary. Te estoy llamando para decirte que he reservado un vuelo para ir a visitarte. Llego el viernes que viene a las cuatro y media. Si no me puedes ir a buscar, encontrar el camino a tu casa sola. Estoy segura de que me las arreglar. Hasta luego. Adis. Sid no poda evitar rerse. Era absolutamente imposible que Mary encontrase el camino a su casa sola, y l tendra que ir a buscarla. Ni siquiera poda enfadarse que no le hubiese preguntado antes de reservar su vuelo. Pens que una visita de Mary podra ser el tnico que l necesitaba.
2 He leaned forward to refill his glass with whisky as Jim droned on. Se inclin hacia delante para rellenar su vaso de whisky mientras Jim hablaba montonamente.
ids sister Mary was fifteen years older than him and had looked after him since he was a baby. Mary was like a mother to Sid and this relationship had continued throughout their adult lives. Mary was now an elderly lady and over the years had become a little eccentric. However, Sid always held her in the highest regard and treated her with the utmost consideration and affection. Sid was a little doubtful about Marys ability to travel on her own, and she did arrive in a rather hysterical state of mind, but once the trauma of the journey was over and she had settled into her new surroundings, Mary returned to her usual self. Mary had always got up extremely early, so on the first morning after her arrival Sid walked into the kitchen to find that she was already up and inspecting the contents of cupboards. You could do with some more potatoes, was her morning greeting. I dont eat many potatoes these days, Mary. I prefer rice or salad, replied Sid patiently. Thats rabbit food, was Marys retort. No wonder you look so skinny. But Im healthy, and you wouldnt want me to get fat, would you? Theres nothing healthier than a potato, said Mary. Sid allowed Mary to win the potato conversation, and went on to another subject. What would you like to do today? Oh, I dont mind. Ill fit in with whatever youre doing. I wont get in your way, was Marys reply. Youre not in my way. Im happy to do whatever you want.
ary la hermana de Sid era quince aos mayor que l y le haba cuidado desde que era un beb. Mary era como una madre para Sid y esta relacin haba continuado durante su madurez. Ahora Mary era una seora muy mayor y con los aos se haba vuelto un poco excntrica. Sin embargo, Sid siempre le tena un aprecio enorme y la trataba con mucha consideracin y afecto. Sid dudaba un poco de la capacidad de su hermana para viajar sola, y es cierto que lleg en un estado algo histrico, pero una vez que pas el trauma del viaje y se acomod en su nuevo entorno, Mary volvi a ser la misma de siempre. Mary siempre se haba levantado muy temprano, as que la primera maana de su llegada Sid entr en la cocina y se la encontr ya despierta y cotilleando lo que tena en los armarios. Te hacen falta ms patatas fue su saludo de buenos das. No suelo comer muchas patatas ltimamente, Mary. Prefiero arroz o ensalada contest Sid con paciencia. Eso es comida para conejos contest Mary. No me extraa que ests tan delgaducho. Pero estoy sano, y no querras que engordase verdad? No hay nada ms sano que una patata dijo Mary. Sid permiti que Mary ganase la conversacin de la patata, y sigui con otro tema. Y, qu te gustara hacer hoy? Ah, me da igual. Me adaptar a cualquier cosa que ests haciendo. No te molestar fue la respuesta de Mary. No me molestas. Estoy encantado de hacer lo que t quieras.
Well we could sit somewhere in the sun and watch the world go by. That would be nice. Ive brought my knitting with me. Im making squares for refugee blankets, poor devils. Fine, said Sid a little doubtfully. An hour later Sid and Mary were sitting at a table in the town square, surrounded by balls of wool of different colours. Sid had his head buried in a newspaper to avoid catching the eye of anyone he knew. Meanwhile Mary was keeping up a constant monologue, catching Sid up with the antics of her neighbours, friends and family, whilst she worked away at her squares. She was completely oblivious to the stares of passers-by, and to the fact that Sid was clearly not listening to a single word she said. On several occasions dogs and small children had to be pulled away to stop them grabbing the coloured balls, and at one point there was a quite a scene as someone tried to take a chair over to another table and Mary struggled to make sure all the colours stayed in the right order. Sid meanwhile was torn between several emotions: embarrassment at the spectacle Mary was creating, irritation at the thought that she was doing it all on purpose, and sadness to imagine just how hilarious Sylvia would have found the scene, had she been there to witness it.
Pues nos podramos sentar en algn lado al sol y ver pasar a la gente. Eso estara bien. Me he trado mi lana para tejer. Estoy haciendo cuadraditos para mantas de refugiados los pobres! Bien dijo Sid de forma dudosa. Una hora ms tarde Sid y Mary estaban sentados en una terraza de la plaza del pueblo, rodeados por bolas de lana de diferentes colores. Sid tena la cabeza sumergida en un peridico para evitar ver a alguien que le pudiese reconocer. Mientras tanto, Mary estaba haciendo un constante monlogo, poniendo a Sid al da con sus vecinos, amigos y familia mientras, segua ocupada con sus cuadraditos. Estaba completamente inconsciente de cmo la observaba la gente que pasaba, y de que Sid claramente no estaba escuchando ni una palabra de lo que le deca. En varias ocasiones perros y nios pequeos deban ser alejados para evitar que cogiesen las bolas de colores, incluso hubo un momento de confusin cuando alguien intent coger una silla para llevrsela a otra mesa y Mary evit que los colores se desordenasen. Sid mientras tanto senta varias emociones: vergenza por el espectculo que estaba montando Mary, irritacin al pensar que todo eso lo haca aposta, y tristeza al imaginar lo gracioso que le parecera la escena a Sylvia, si hubiese estado para verlo.
2 Sid had his head buried in a newspaper to avoid catching the eye of anyone he knew. Sid tena la cabeza sumergida en un peridico para evitar ver a alguien que le pudiese reconocer.
id found that on the whole his sister Mary was fairly easy to entertain. Some of her comments were a little annoying but he generally allowed her conversation to go over his head and managed to keep his good humour. Most of the time, Mary was happy just to sit and chat and expressed little curiosity about Sids life in Spain, which he was rather relieved about. One day he took her to meet his friend Manuel who greeted her like a long lost aunt. Mary was completely lost with all the voluble Spanish but nevertheless rather enjoyed being kissed and hugged by these complete strangers. She was also introduced to Sids neighbours and Joan came round to keep Mary company several times when Sid needed to go out alone. The only request that Mary made was to visit Benidorm as she had been there on her holidays many years before and wanted to see how it had changed. Sid had not been there himself since moving to Spain, so decided that this would be an ideal opportunity to make the visit and give them both a day out. He made the arrangements with a coach trip company to coincide with Marys last day in Spain. Sid and Mary were picked up by the coach early on a glorious spring morning. Mary had insisted on making sandwiches and a flask of tea for the journey despite Sids assurances that they could survive perfectly well without them. As usual Mary won and Sid found himself munching meat paste sandwiches and individual fruit pies as he gazed rather despondently out of the window.
id se dio cuenta de que por lo general su hermana Mary era bastante fcil de entretener. Algunos de sus comentarios eran un poco molestos pero la mayora de las veces, dejaba que su conversacin le pasase por encima de la cabeza y as mantena su buen humor. La mayor parte del tiempo, Mary estaba contenta sentada y charlando y mostr muy poco inters por la vida de Sid en Espaa, de lo cual l se senta aliviado. Un da se la llev a conocer a su amigo Manuel quien la salud como si fuese una ta a la que no haba visto en mucho tiempo. Mary estaba completamente perdida con todo el charloteo en espaol pero de todas formas le gust ser besada y abrazada por esos desconocidos. Tambin Sid la present a los vecinos, y Joan se pas varias veces para acompaar a Mary cuando Sid tena que salir solo. La nica peticin de Mary fue ir a ver Benidorm ya que haba estado ah de vacaciones muchos aos atrs y quera ver cmo haba cambiado. Sid no haba estado nunca desde que se mud a Espaa, as que decidi que sera una oportunidad perfecta para ir de visita y pasar los dos, el da fuera. Lo arregl todo con una agencia de viajes en autobs, para que coincidiese con el ltimo da de Mary en Espaa. Sid y Mary, temprano, fueron recogidos por el autobs en una maravillosa maana de primavera. Mary haba insistido en hacer sndwiches y un termo con t para el viaje, a pesar de que Sid le dijese que sobreviviran perfectamente sin ello. Como siempre Mary gan y Sid se encontr masticando sndwiches de pat de carne y tartitas de fruta mientras miraba con desaliento por la ventana.
Once they arrived in Benidorm they strolled around the streets looking at the array of English pubs and tall hotels. Some areas reminded Sid of a typical English seaside town, but once they got to the old part of the town he could recognize its Spanish charm. They then walked along the promenade enjoying the sunshine and admiring the long stretches of sand, until Mary once more grew tired and asked to sit down. They found an English tea room with a view of the sea front and settled down to poached eggs on toast and yet another pot of tea. After this Mary got her knitting out and started talking again whilst Sid gently dozed off to sleep. When he woke up he found that Mary was chatting to the people at the next table, so he left her to it and sat staring at the exotic mixture of people walking past. There was such a variety of people, different nationalities, different ages and different styles of dress. Nobody seemed to be bothered by anyone elses appearance, in fact the whole atmosphere was much more cosmopolitan than Sid had expected. After a while he turned to his sister with a relaxed smile and said, Off home tomorrow, Mary! Youre happy now, but youll miss me when Im gone was Marys ominous reply.
31. La Excursin
Una vez llegados a Benidorm pasearon por las calles viendo la cantidad de bares ingleses y hoteles altos. Algunas zonas recordaban a Sid al tpico pueblo costero ingls, pero cuando llegaron al casco antiguo de la ciudad reconoci su encanto espaol. Luego pasearon por el paseo de la playa disfrutando del sol y admirando los largos trazos de arena, hasta que una vez ms Mary se cans y pidi sentarse. Encontraron un saln de t ingls con vistas al paseo martimo y se pusieron a comer unos huevos escalfados con tostadas, y otra tetera de t ms. Despus de esto Mary sac su lana para tejer y sigui hablando mientras Sid lentamente se qued dormido. Cuando se despert encontr a Mary hablando con otra gente de la mesa de al lado, as que la dej que siguiese, y se qued mirando a la mezcla extica de personas que le paseaban enfrente. Haba tanta variedad de personas, diferentes nacionalidades, diferentes edades y diferentes estilos de vestir. Nadie pareca molesto por la apariencia de los dems, de hecho el ambiente era mucho ms cosmopolita de lo que Sid se haba imaginado. Despus de un rato se volvi hacia Mary con una sonrisa relajada y dijo, Maana ya te vas a casa, Mary! Ests contento, pero me echars de menos cuando me vaya fue la respuesta amenazante de Mary.
2 The only request that Mary made was to visit Benidorm. La nica peticin de Mary fue ir a ver Benidorm.
hings had moved forward on Sids urbanization and after a long fight they were now legal and registered with the town hall. This meant that they could form a community of owners to organize the maintenance of communal areas and establish their own set of norms and conditions. Having spent most of his working life dealing with budgets and papers, Sid shied away from any responsibility for the smooth running of Sunny Dreams. Also, he knew many of the people who lived there, and although they were acceptable to have as neighbours, he did not want to get involved with their housing problems. However, Sid need not have worried, because at the first official community meeting when the call went out for a volunteer to be president, two people immediately put themselves forward. First in line was Jim with the strong vocal support of his wife Joan, and in hot pursuit was a man from Finland who nobody knew by the name of Eetu. Sid wondered why Joan and Jim were so anxious to take on this role, so he could only assume they had no idea what it involved. Unfortunately, and quite unwittingly, Joan and Jim had made some enemies on the urbanization, so when the presidency was put to a vote, Eetu the unknown Finn won by a small majority. A Spanish man from Madrid who only visited occasionally agreed to be vice-president, and within a short time the whole matter was decided. Sid of course voted for Jim partly out of loyalty and partly on the principle of better the devil you know, and was left consoling him and Joan at the end of the meeting when everyone else had left.
as cosas haban progresado en la urbanizacin de Sid y despus de una larga lucha, ya era legal y estaba inscrita en el ayuntamiento. Eso quera decir que podan formar una comunidad de propietarios, para organizar el mantenimiento de las zonas comunes y establecer sus propias normas y condiciones. Despus de pasar la mayor parte de su vida laboral trabajando con presupuestos y papeleo, Sid eluda cualquier responsabilidad para la buena organizacin de Sunny Dreams. Adems, conoca a mucha gente que viva all, y aunque eran aceptables como vecinos, no quera involucrarse con los problemas de sus viviendas. No obstante, Sid no se deba haber preocupado ya que en la primera reunin oficial de la comunidad, cuando se pidi algn voluntario para ser presidente, dos personas se presentaron en seguida. El primero en la fila fue Jim, con el apoyo enrgico de su mujer Joan, y pisndole los talones en segundo lugar fue un finlands que nadie conoca llamado Eetu. Sid se preguntaba por qu Joan y Jim se empeaban tanto en asumir el papel, as que supuso que no tenan ni idea en qu consista. Desgraciadamente, e inconscientemente, Joan y Jim haban creado varios enemigos en la urbanizacin, as que cuando se vot la presidencia, Eetu, el finlands desconocido, gan con una pequea mayora. Un espaol de Madrid que solo visitaba de vez en cuando la urbanizacin, acept ser vice-presidente y en poco tiempo el asunto se resolvi. Por supuesto, Sid vot por Jim en parte por lealtad, y en parte con el espritu de ms vale lo malo conocido, y se qued para consolarle a l y a Joan al final de la reunin, cuando todos los dems se haban ido.
Jim was not one to accept defeat and within days he was plotting his revenge. He seemed to undergo a strange transformation and to Sids amazement he found them both scouting around the urbanization looking for things to complain about to the president, presumably to wear him into submission. Things that had never bothered them before like missing light bulbs and cracked paving suddenly became the cause of increasingly intense indignation and disgust. Sid kept himself firmly on the sidelines of this activity, observing the couples behaviour with astonishment. One afternoon when he arrived home after a bird watchers meeting they came rushing round to his house with an air of manic excitement. Joan was waving several sheets of paper in the air Look what weve got! she cried. Sid took the papers and glanced through them. They contained a series of complaints and a list of signatures calling for an extraordinary general meeting in which the intention was to stage some sort of coup. With a sigh Sid added his signature to the list and waited for the inevitable question. Um, we were wondering whether you would like to be vicepresident said Jim. Sid gave in without a fight in the face of such overwhelming force of character.
32. La Comunidad
Jim no era el tipo de persona que aceptaba la derrota y en pocos das estaba planeando su revancha. Parece que se transform de una manera extraa y para el asombro de Sid, les encontr a los dos explorando en bsqueda de situaciones para quejarse al presidente, supuestamente para cansarle hasta hacerle rendirse. Cosas que nunca les haba molestado antes, como bombillas que faltaban y pavimento con grietas, se convirtieron de repente en motivos de indignacin y disgusto cada vez ms intenso. Sid se qued firmemente al margen de esta actividad, observando el comportamiento de la pareja con asombro. Una tarde cuando lleg a casa despus de una reunin de observadores de aves, ellos corran hacia su casa con un aire de excitacin frentica. Joan agitaba varias hojas de papel en el aire. Mira lo que tenemos! grit. Sid cogi los papeles y les ech un vistazo. Contena una serie de quejas y una lista de firmas para convocar una reunin general extraordinaria con la que tenan la intencin de dar una especie de golpe. Con un suspiro Sid aadi su nombre a la lista y esper la pregunta inevitable. Eh, nos estbamos preguntando si te apetecera ser el vicepresidente dijo Jim. Sid se rindi sin pelea ante esa fuerza de personalidad tan aplastante.
2 Joan was waving several sheets of paper in the air Look what weve got! she cried. Joan agitaba varias hojas de papel en el aire. Mira lo que tenemos! grit.
awn broke over the Sunny Dreams urbanization on the day of its extraordinary general meeting, and Sid decided to take an early morning walk. As he passed Joan and Jims house he saw them seated on their front terrace talking together very intently. They were clearly plotting their strategy for the meeting, with the air of generals the night before a major battle. Sid arrived early at the local restaurant to find that most of his neighbours were already there waiting. At one end of the bar was a rather diverse group including the Swedish couple, Kurt the German and a few English couples formerly of Joan and Jims social circle. Near them were some Spanish people smoking and talking loudly amongst themselves, and in the middle of this group sat Eetu the Finn. In the opposite corner was a tight huddle of people with determined looks on their faces. These were Joan and Jim and their supporters who immediately called Sid over to join them. Sid stood and talked to them for a while but resisted all efforts to make him sit down amongst them. When he walked away and sat alone with his coffee he overheard Joan say: Dont worry about Sid, he always keeps himself to himself, but hes on our side really. About ten minutes before the meeting three very well dressed Spanish people with brief cases walked into the bar. One was a heavily set man in his fifties and the other two were smart women in their thirties, one of whom Sid knew spoke several languages fluently. The man spoke briefly to Eetu and they then went over to a table to set out papers and open up
their laptop computers. Gradually people moved their chairs round to face this group and the meeting commenced. Eetu opened the meeting by saying several sentences that nobody understood. They sounded like a mixture of Spanish and English but with a strong Baltic twang. At the end of his speech he gave a smile and one or two people applauded hesitantly. The administrator looked quizzically at the interpreter but she just shrugged her shoulders. At this moment Jim stood up and started a long speech denouncing the deficiencies of Eetus management. Every point he made was accompanied by a cheer from his supporters and jeers from the opposition. Sid couldnt quite believe how people who had seemed perfectly normal before had suddenly transformed themselves into archenemies. The interpreter was just about managing to keep up until the Spanish contingent waded into the fray, at which point the whole meeting descended into complete chaos. The administrator called for order and finally got the silence he needed. Jim he said. You wish to be president, but who do you propose as your vice-president? Jim puffed up his chest with pride while Sid felt himself start to cower. Sid! he shouted in triumph. Sid? the whole meeting replied in unison, whereupon the vote was unanimous and Jims army won the day.
sacar papeles y abrir sus porttiles. Poco a poco la gente gir sus sillas para mirar hacia este grupo y empez la reunin. Eetu comenz la reunin diciendo algunas frases que nadie entendi. Pareca una mezcla de ingls y espaol con un fuerte acento bltico. Al final de su discurso sonri, y una o dos personas aplaudieron de forma indecisa. El administrador mir a la intrprete con curiosidad pero ella encogi los hombros. En este momento Jim se levant y comenz un largo discurso denunciando la gestin ineficaz de Eetu. Cada punto que deca vena acompaado por un coro de apoyo de sus simpatizantes y burlas de la oposicin. Sid no poda creer, cmo gente que pareca normal de repente se convirtieron en archienemigos. La intrprete ms o menos estaba mantenindose al paso de Jim, cuando los espaoles entraron en la discusin, momento en el que la reunin se convirti en un caos absoluto. El administrador pidi orden y finalmente consigui el silencio que necesitaba. Jim dijo, deseas ser presidente, pero a quin eliges como vicepresidente? Jim se llen el pecho de orgullo mientras Sid empezaba a acobardarse. Sid! grit de forma triunfal. Sid? pregunt la reunin entera al unsono, con lo cual el voto fue unnime y el ejrcito de Jim arras.
2 You wish to be president, but who do you propose as your vice-president? Deseas ser presidente, pero a quin eliges como vicepresidente?
t first Sid thought that Joan and Jim had absolutely no idea what they were taking on when they decided to fight for the presidency of Sunny Dreams. On reflection however, he realized that they knew exactly what they were doing. With Sid on his side Jim could take all the credit for being president and land him with all the work. It came as no surprise therefore when Jim popped round to the next day and said, I was wondering whether you could have a look at this list of problems Sid. I would do it but weve got family coming next week. The following morning he took a walk around the area looking at all the nooks and crannies that he didnt usually notice, and made a mental note of all the jobs that needed doing. He was secretly quite pleased with this new role as it filled up some of the empty moments in his time. He seemed to have more and more of those lately and was glad of something to distract him and make him feel useful. On his journeys out and about he started calling in at ironmongers, do-it-yourself shops and builders yards to price up material and get advice. He found that this activity helped him to improve his Spanish as well, which he had been neglecting of late. As well as these practical tasks, Sid started to pay more attention to the residents of Sunny Dreams. In particular there was a Spanish lady living on her own who really looked as though she could do with some help. Until a few weeks ago she was always in the company of her husband, but now she dressed in black and was always alone. Sid was rather ashamed
l principio Sid pensaba que Joan y Jim no tenan ni idea de lo que estaban haciendo cuando decidieron luchar por la presidencia de Sunny Dreams. Pero, pensndolo bien, se dio cuenta de que saban exactamente lo que hacan. Con Sid a su lado Jim poda atribuirse todo el mrito de ser presidente y dejarle todo el trabajo a l. Por lo tanto no le sorprendi para nada cuando Jim se acerc a su casa al da siguiente y dijo: Me preguntaba si podras mirar esta lista de problemas Sid. Yo lo hara, pero mi familia viene la semana que viene. A la maana siguiente pase por la zona mirando hasta el ltimo rincn donde no se haba fijado antes, y tom nota de todas las cosas que necesitaban arreglo. En el fondo, estaba bastante contento con su nuevo papel ya que, rellenaban espacios vacos de su tiempo. ltimamente pareca tener cada vez ms y le gustaba tener algo con lo que distraerse y sentirse til. En sus salidas por ah, empez a entrar en ferreteras, tiendas de bricolaje y talleres de construccin para enterarse de precios de materiales y recibir consejos. Tambin encontr que esta actividad le ayudaba a mejorar su espaol, que haba dejado de lado recientemente. Adems de estas tareas prcticas, Sid empez a prestar ms atencin a los residentes de Sunny Dreams. En particular, haba una seora espaola viviendo sola que verdaderamente, pareca necesitar ayuda. Hasta haca unas semanas, siempre estaba en compaa de su marido, pero ahora vesta de negro y estaba siempre sola. Sid se senta avergonzado al pensar
to think that he had never spoken to her, not even to express his condolences for her loss. One morning he was standing in front of the ladys house looking at the rather sorry state of her garden when she appeared at the front door and came over to him. Fortunately for Sid she spoke very slowly and clearly so he managed to understand almost everything she said. She introduced herself as Carmen and said she was concerned about the uneven kerb outside her house which was dangerous to passers-by. Sid said he would do what he could and then asked her if she needed any more help at all. Carmen invited Sid into her living room and pointed to some pictures that needed hanging on the wall. She started to say that these were the jobs her husband usually did, but then started to cry. She apologized and told Sid that her husband had died very recently, just a few months after they had moved here from the north of Spain to retire. It was our dream to enjoy our retirement here together said Carmen sadly. Sid hung up Carmens pictures and promised to call in again in a few days.
que nunca haba hablado con ella, ni siquiera para darle el psame. Una maana se par delante de la casa de la seora mirando su deteriorado jardn cuando, apareci por la puerta y se dirigi hacia l. Afortunadamente para Sid hablaba muy despacio y claro as que, consigui entender casi todo lo que le deca. Se present como Carmen y dijo que, estaba preocupada por la acera irregular de delante de su casa, que era peligroso para los transentes. Sid dijo que hara lo que pudiese y le pregunt si necesitaba alguna otra ayuda. Carmen invit a Sid a pasar a su saln y le seal unos cuadros que haba que colgar en la pared. Empez a decir que estos trabajos eran los que sola hacer su marido, pero comenz a llorar. Se disculp y le dijo que su marido haba fallecido muy recientemente, unos meses despus de mudarse del norte de Espaa, tras jubilarse. Era nuestro sueo disfrutar de nuestro retiro juntos en esta zona dijo Carmen con tristeza. Sid colg los cuadros de Carmen y prometi volver a visitarla en un par de das.
2 It was our dream to enjoy our retirement here together, said Carmen sadly. Era nuestro sueo disfrutar de nuestro retiro juntos en esta zona dijo Carmen con tristeza.
fter two years in Spain, Sids life had settled into a peaceful but busy routine. What with his responsibilities as community vice-president, his bird watching activities, the walking club and the Spanish lessons he had plenty to fill his time. He had also joined an international group which worked to conserve the local environment and every week he visited a different street market and tried out a new Spanish recipe. Sid was not a man of many friends, but had become almost a member of Manuel the barmans family. One day he called in for a drink and a chat and found the younger members of their family trying on costumes for the local fiesta. This was Sids second year in the town, but the first time he had really paid any attention to this annual event full of noise and colour. Manuel handed Sid a leaflet with a description of all the different activities and explained as clearly as he could what it was all about. Sid promised to watch the parades, which involved various members of Manuels family. Manuel was particularly keen for Sid to go along to the main square on the night before the main fiesta day. You can dance all night and maybe you will find a girlfriend! he said, with as many gestures as words. Sid wanted to learn more about the fiesta so went along to an exhibition in the local library and watched the official inauguration of festivities in which Manuels daughter and niece performed traditional dances. He was surprised at how few of his compatriots from Sunny Dreams had made the
espus de dos aos en Espaa, la vida de Sid estaba llena de paz pero con una rutina muy ajetreada. Con sus responsabilidades de vicepresidente de la comunidad, sus actividades de observacin de aves, el club de senderismo y las clases de espaol tena suficiente para llenar su tiempo. Tambin se haba unido a un grupo internacional que trabajaba para conservar el medio ambiente de la zona, y todas las semanas visitaba distintos mercadillos y probaba nuevas recetas de la cocina espaola. Sid no era hombre de muchos amigos, pero casi se haba convertido en miembro de la familia de Manuel, l dueo del bar. Un da se pas para tomarse algo y charlar y se encontr a los jvenes de la familia probndose trajes para las fiestas locales. Este era el segundo ao de Sid en el pueblo, pero la primera vez que prestaba atencin a este evento anual lleno de ruido y color. Manuel le dio a Sid un folleto con la descripcin de todas las diferentes actividades y le explic tan bien como pudo, de qu se trataba todo. Sid prometi ver los desfiles en los cuales, participaban varios miembros de la familia de Manuel. Manuel estaba especialmente interesado en que Sid fuera a la plaza la noche antes del da principal de la fiesta. Puedes bailar toda la noche y quizs encuentres una novia! dijo, con tantos gestos como palabras. Sid quera saber ms sobre la fiesta, as que se fue a una exposicin en la biblioteca local y vio la inauguracin oficial de las fiestas en la que la hija y la sobrina de Manuel, participaban en los bailes tradicionales. Estaba sorprendido de los pocos residentes de Sunny Dreams que haban hecho el
effort to attend these events, although there were a few more of them for the free giant paella. On the night of the dance Sid made an extra effort with his appearance and prepared himself to stay up past his usual bedtime. As he walked into the square Manuel called him over to join his family group. Everyone commented on how smart he looked and Sid couldnt help feeling a thrill at being included in such an animated family party. All around the square were groups of teenagers, parents with small children and a whole mixture of local Spanish society, all waiting for the action to start. After what seemed like an eternity the band finally got going and gradually couples, mostly of the older generation, got up to dance. As the evening wore on Sid was persuaded to dance with Manuels mother, then his aunt and then various young nieces in between glasses of beer and voluble Spanish conversation, most of which went over his head. Around midnight Sid suddenly noticed his neighbour Carmen sitting quietly on her own on the other side of the square. Emboldened by alcohol and the cover of darkness, Sid went over and offered his hand to Carmen for a dance. As they turned around gently to the music, Sid saw Carmen smile for the first time.
esfuerzo de asistir a estos eventos, aunque fueron unos pocos ms para la paella gigante gratis. La noche del baile, Sid hizo un esfuerzo especial en su apariencia y se prepar para mantenerse despierto ms all de la hora en la que acostumbraba irse a la cama. Al llegar a la plaza, Manuel lo llam para que se uniese al grupo familiar. Todos comentaron sobre lo arreglado que iba y Sid no pudo evitar sentir alegra por estar incluido en una fiesta familiar tan animada. En la plaza haba grupos de adolescentes, padres con nios pequeos y una gran mezcla de la sociedad local espaola, todos esperando a que empezase la accin. Despus de lo que pareci una eternidad, la banda de msica por fin empez a tocar y gradualmente unas parejas, principalmente de mayor edad, salieron a bailar. Al pasar la noche convencieron a Sid para bailar con la madre de Manuel, luego con su ta y con varas sobrinas jvenes, entre caas y conversaciones en espaol, la mayora de las cuales le entraron por un odo y le salieron por el otro. Cerca de la medianoche Sid de repente se percat de su vecina Carmen, sentada sola tranquilamente al otro lado de la plaza. Envalentonado por el alcohol y protegido por la oscuridad, Sid se acerc y le ofreci la mano a Carmen para bailar. Mientras giraban suavemente al son de la msica, Sid vio sonrer a Carmen por primera vez.
2 You can dance all night and maybe you will find a girlfriend! said Manuel. Puedes bailar toda la noche y quizs encuentres una novia! dijo Manuel.
ids relationship with Carmen was strictly platonic and conducted with a certain formality and respect. At first Sid would call round to Carmens house to do a bit of gardening or some small repair work, but as their friendship grew he would sometimes pop round for a cup of coffee and a chat. Whenever he did this he was amused that Carmen made sure the front door was wide open so that anyone walking past could see into the room. Sid hoped that the reason was to keep up appearances, rather than to protect herself from his advances. Carmen was a great radio listener and would spend hours each day listening to chat shows on Spanish radio stations. They obviously kept her company and it frustrated Sid that he was unable to understand most of what was talked about. Carmen started to recommend certain programmes to him and gradually he acquired his own taste for Spanish radio, especially in the car. One day as he was driving along a country road over a range of mountains he gradually lost the signal and started picking up an English channel instead. Sid no longer bothered much with English radio but found himself listening to quite an interesting interview with a man who made model ships in his underbuild. At the end of the programme the presenter said that he would like to interview people with any kind of hobby or activity that might be of interest to their listeners and gave out a contact number. As Sid drove along admiring the scenery it occurred to him that other people might be interested to hear about his
bird watching and environmental pursuits. He made a mental note to contact the radio station some time. The very next day Sid was talking to Joan over the fence only to hear that Jim was going to participate in a local English television programme about how to run an urbanization community. Sid managed to keep his thoughts to himself about Jims suitability for this task, but this once more convinced him that he could talk about something he did actually know a lot about. On an impulse Sid picked up the telephone and contacted the radio station. A week later Sid was in a recording studio with a very perky presenter who was showing him how all the technology worked. He was invited to put on some headphones and told to relax, as everything would be fine. As the last tune played before his interview Sids heart was pounding so violently he was sure it would be heard over the radio waves. Joining me in the studio today is Sid, a lifelong bird watcher and conservation specialist. Good morning Sid were the last words Sid remembered when he thought about the interview later. However it would seem that he managed to hold his own on his favourite subject for a full ten minutes without stopping to draw a breath.
observacin de aves y de medio ambiente. Pens contactar algn da con la radio. Al da siguiente, Sid estaba hablando con Joan por encima de la verja y se enter de que Jim iba a participar en un programa de la televisin inglesa, sobre cmo dirigir una comunidad de vecinos. Sid guard silencio sobre la capacidad de Jim para cumplir esta tarea, pero esto le convenci de que poda hablar en la radio sobre algo que s conoca bien. En un impulso, Sid cogi el telfono y contact con la emisora de radio. Una semana ms tarde, Sid se encontraba en un estudio de grabacin con un presentador muy animado ensendole cmo funcionaba todo. Le invit a colocarse los cascos y le dijo que se tranquilizase asegurndole que todo saldra bien. Mientras sonaba la ltima cancin antes de su entrevista, su corazn le palpitaba tan violentamente que estaba seguro que los oyentes podran escucharlo. Hoy me acompaa en el estudio Sid, un observador de aves de toda la vida y especialista en la conservacin del medio ambiente. Buenos das Sid. Esas fueron las ltimas palabras que Sid recordaba de la entrevista. Sin embargo, pareci que consigui hablar durante diez minutos seguidos sobre su tema preferido sin respirar.
2 His heart was pounding so violently he was sure it would be heard over the radio waves. Su corazn le palpitaba tan violentamente que estaba seguro que los oyentes podran escucharlo.
a maana despus de su experiencia con la radio, Sid se dio su habitual paseo por la urbanizacin y varias personas le pararon para felicitarle por la entrevista. Deberas hacerlo ms a menudo dijo uno de sus vecinos. Eres un buen conocedor del tema y tambin es interesante de escuchar. Sid no pudo evitar sentirse bien despus de esos comentarios. Un par de das ms tarde tuvo que pasar por casa de Jim para hablar sobre asuntos de la comunidad. Jim le salud con ms entusiasmo de lo normal y le invit a tomar algo. A propsito Sid, he dado tu nmero de telfono a la compaa de televisin Sunshine, espero que no te moleste dijo Jim. Qu? contest Sid, casi ahogndose con su bebida. Bueno, solo mencion que te conoca, y me preguntaron si crea que podras estar interesado en hacer algunos programas sobre pjaros y dems. Dije que te preguntara primero pero insistieron en tener tu nmero. No te importa, verdad? Conociendo bien a Jim, a Sid le pareci imposible creer esa versin de la conversacin. Estuvo a punto de decrselo, pero cambi de opinin. Si no hubiese sido por la insistencia de Joan y Jim, l nunca habra hecho algunas de las cosas que haba hecho. A pesar de lo pesados que eran, les deba mucho. Al final solo dijo: Habra preferido que me hubieses preguntado antes, pero no pasa nada. Suspir, agit la cabeza y le dio una breve sonrisa. Saba que no te importara Sid. Estars genial dijo Joan. Efectivamente, al da siguiente recibi una llamada de la
people at the TV station were very young and dynamic and seemed to know exactly what they were doing. Before he knew it he had agreed to present a series of programmes about the natural environment called Nature in Spain. Sid was more enthusiastic about the content than about the prospect of actually presenting the programmes, but was assured he would be given all the help he needed and that there would be no problems at all. Sid had a month to get himself prepared for recording. Firstly he had to decide on his topics and put them into some sort of order. He then had to simplify the information to make it interesting to people who knew nothing about the natural environment. Finally, he had to write his scripts in a way that was entertaining and lively. He enjoyed this work and devoted the first hours of the morning to it every day until it was completed. Much harder was to work out what he should wear, how he should sit or stand, and how to speak into a camera. He spent many hours alone trying out different postures and clothes in front of a mirror. In the end he decided to go for a sporty casual look, including an uncharacteristic open-necked t-shirt.
cadena de televisin para concretar una primera reunin. La gente en el estudio de televisin era muy joven y dinmica y parecan saber exactamente lo que hacan. Antes de darse cuenta, haba acordado presentar una serie de programas sobre el medio ambiente llamado La Naturaleza en Espaa. Sid estaba ms entusiasmado con el contenido que con el hecho de presentar los programas, pero le haban asegurado toda la ayuda que necesitase y que no habra ni un problema. Sid tena un mes de preparacin para las grabaciones. Primero tena que decidir los temas y ponerlos en cierto orden. Luego tena que simplificar la informacin, de tal modo que fuese interesante para la gente que no supiese nada del medio ambiente. Finalmente, tena que escribir sus guiones de forma que fuesen entretenidos y animados. Le gust este trabajo y le dedic las primeras horas de la maana todos los das hasta que lo termin. Mucho ms difcil era elegir la ropa, cmo debera sentarse o estar de pie, y cmo hablara a la cmara. Se pas muchas horas slo probando distintas posturas y conjuntos delante del espejo. Al final decidi ir por el look informal deportivo, incluyendo una camiseta de cuello abierto nada tpico de l.
2 He spent many hours alone trying out different postures and clothes in front of a mirror. Se pas muchas horas slo probando distintas posturas y conjuntos delante del espejo.
he day came for Sid to go to the television studio to start recording. The idea was to film all his introductions first and then do the rest on location on future dates. He arrived at the studio to find the director, Marcus, on the phone with a furious expression on his face. When I say today, I mean yesterday! he yelled, and slammed the phone down. He looked up at Sid and said, Honestly Sid, you just wouldnt believe the day Im having. First of all, the cameraman phones in with flu so I have to get a replacement. Now his car has broken down so hes having to get a lift from a neighbour, that is when the neighbour gets back from the airport. Goodness knows what time hell get here. We were supposed to have a special backdrop for you but my wonderful secretary, who has now walked out on me, forgot to order the material. She was useless anyway, Im glad to get rid of her. She spent more time crying and talking to her boyfriend on the phone than actually doing any work. Ive got an absolutely stinking headache and Im trying to get some money out of our advertisers. I mean, how do they think we run this company, on thin air? Sid did not know what to say in response to this tirade so he put on an expression which he hoped looked sufficiently sympathetic. What he really wanted to do was to talk through his ideas for the introductions, rather than listen to someone elses problems. Um, what time do you think well get started? he asked weakly. Well, we should have started already, was Marcus only
leg el da en que Sid tena que ir al estudio de televisin para empezar a grabar. La idea era grabar todas sus introducciones primero y hacer el resto, en el exterior, en fechas futuras. Lleg al estudio para encontrar al director, Marcus, hablando por telfono con una expresin furiosa en la cara. Cuando digo hoy, quiero decir ayer! grit y colg con un golpazo. Mir a Sid y dijo: De verdad Sid, no te puedes imaginar el da que llevo. Primero el cmara llama para decir que est con gripe y tengo que encontrar un sustituto. Ahora, este tiene su coche averiado y tiene que pedirle a un vecino que le traiga, eso es, cuando el vecino vuelva del aeropuerto. Dios sabe a qu hora llegar. Deberamos haber tenido un fondo especial para ti pero, mi maravillosa secretaria, que ya ha dimitido, se olvid de pedir el material. Era intil de todos modos, me alegro de haberme deshecho de ella. Se ha pasado ms tiempo llorando y hablando con el novio por telfono que trabajando. Y yo tengo un dolor de cabeza de demonios y estoy intentando conseguir dinero de nuestros anunciantes. A ver, cmo creen que funciona esta empresa, con aire fresco? Sid no saba qu responder a esa perorata, as que mostr una expresin facial que esper, pareciese suficientemente comprensiva. Lo que l realmente quera hacer era exponer sus ideas para las introducciones, y no escuchar los problemas de los dems. Eh, a qu hora crees que empezaremos? pregunt con voz dbil. Bueno, deberamos haber empezado ya fue la nica
reply. Anyway, Ive got to make some more phone calls. Sid, would you do us a favour and make a cup of tea, mines with milk and two sugars. The kettles over there. Sid was more than a little surprised at this request but decided he would show willing and went to fill the kettle in the toilet washbasin. He looked round to see who else he could offer a cup of tea to. The only other person in the room was a chain-smoking Spanish man staring at a computer screen. He was just about to speak to him when Marcus came and looked over his shoulder. No, no, Joaqun. I told you to cut that bit out! Marcus turned to Sid and rolled his eyes. Joaqun is our editor. Hed be wonderful if he actually understood English. At that moment a cheery-looking man with a camera walked through the door. Thank god! said Marcus. Paul, this is Sid. Sid, Paul. You two can get on with it cant you? Paul grinned at Sid reassuringly and got straight on with setting up his camera. Dont you worry he said quietly. Well have this done and dusted and be back home for lunch. You know what youve got to say, dont you? Oh yes said Sid, absolutely.
38. El Estudio
respuesta de Marcus. De todas formas tengo que hacer algunas llamadas ms. Sid, haznos el favor de preparar un t, el mo es con leche y dos de azcar. All est el hervidor. A Sid le sorprendi bastante esta peticin, pero decidi mostrarse dispuesto, as que se fue a llenar el hervidor en el lavabo del bao. Mir a su alrededor para ver si haba alguien ms a quin pudiese ofrecer una taza de t. La nica persona que se encontraba en el estudio, era un espaol que fumaba cigarrillos uno tras otro mientras vea el monitor de un ordenador. Estaba a punto de hablar con l cuando Marcus se acerc y mir por encima de su hombro. No, no, Joaqun. Ya te dije que cortases ese trozo!. Marcus se gir hacia Sid y mir al cielo. Joaqun es nuestro editor de pelculas. Sera maravilloso si entendiese nuestro idioma. En ese momento un hombre con aspecto alegre y con una cmara entr por la puerta. Gracias a dios dijo Marcus. Paul, este es Sid. Sid, Paul. Vosotros dos os las podis arreglar solos, verdad? Paul le sonri a Sid de modo tranquilizador y se puso enseguida a montar la cmara. No te preocupes dijo en voz baja. Lo tendremos todo hecho antes de la hora de comer. Sabes lo que tienes que decir no? S dijo Sid, por supuesto.
2 Sid, would you do us a favour and make a cup of tea, mines with milk and two sugars. Sid, haznos el favor de preparar un t, el mo es con leche y dos de azcar.
id survived his first day of studio recording and, all things considered, felt he hadnt done too badly. He had to stop and start quite a few times, but fortunately Paul the cameraman was very patient. Sid was glad he was well prepared as he realized that no one at the studio was listening to what he was saying. Paul always said Thats terrific! every time Sid remembered to remain smiling at the camera at the end of his piece, but this was usually followed by: Well do one more take, just in case. Between each introduction Sid had to change his shirt to make it look as though it was a different day, so made a note of which shirt went with which programme. Sids next appointment with the recording team was at a natural park where he was going to talk about a variety of rare plant species. He arrived early and plotted out his own moves from one plant to the next, realizing that this would probably all be left up to him. Eventually a battered black Audi pulled up, out of which emerged Marcus, Paul with his camera and a blond girl in her twenties. Hi Sid! said Marcus. You know Paul, dont you? This is Stacey, your producer. Sid didnt know he had a producer but was happy to have one now and greeted Stacey politely. Sid stood and watched while Marcus and Stacey discussed camera angles and gave instructions to Paul which he followed to the letter. Every now and then Paul winked at Sid, who got the distinct impression that Paul had far more knowledge and experience than he was letting on to the other two. After a very long time Sid was instructed to start talking whilst Stacey made a note of what was to be
id sobrevivi a su primer da de grabacin en el estudio y, tomando todo en cuenta, pens que no lo haba hecho tan mal. Tuvo que parar y volver a empezar varias veces, pero afortunadamente Paul, el cmara, era muy paciente. Sid se alegr de estar bien preparado dado que, se dio cuenta de que nadie en el estudio escuchaba lo que estaba diciendo. Paul siempre deca: Estupendo! cada vez que Sid se acordaba de sonrer a la cmara al final de su discurso, pero luego segua con: Haremos una toma ms, por si acaso. Entre cada introduccin Sid tuvo que cambiarse de camisa para que pareciese un da diferente, as que tom nota de qu camisa iba con qu programa. La siguiente cita de Sid con el equipo de grabacin, fue en un parque natural donde iba a hablar sobre una variedad de especies de plantas poco comunes. Lleg temprano y planific sus movimientos de una planta a la siguiente, dndose cuenta de que lo ms probable fuese que se lo dejasen todo a l. Por fin, un Audi negro y abollado apareci, del que salieron Marcus, Paul con su cmara y una chica rubia veinteaera. Hola Sid! dijo Marcus. Conoces a Paul, verdad? Ella es Stacey, tu productora. Sid no saba que tena productora pero estaba contento de tener una ahora y salud a Stacey atentamente. Sid se qued mirando, mientras Marcus y Stacey discutieron los ngulos de la cmara y, dieron instrucciones a Paul para que las siguiese al pie de la letra. De vez en cuando, Paul le guiaba el ojo a Sid; l tena la clara impresin de que Paul albergaba mucho ms conocimiento y experiencia del que dejaba ver a los otros dos. Despus de mucho tiempo, mandaron a Sid para que empezase a hablar mientras Stacey apuntaba lo que deca
39. On Location
said in each position. At times this entailed Sid squatting down next to a plant for so long that his legs went numb. As Stacey ran to help him to his feet and Paul laughed his head off, he wondered whether David Attenborough had ever had the same problem. Eventually the first programme was in the can and Stacey checked that Sid had the next programmes shirt with him to change into. The team then piled back into the Audi and followed Sids car to the next location: a salt lake to look at the bird life. Sid was delighted to see his beloved flamingos not too far away and was sure he could easily spot the other bird species he needed to fit in with his script. He went off with Paul to do some filming while Marcus and Stacey leaned on the car smoking and chatting. By the time the light started to fade at the end of the day they had managed to film on three locations, and Sid felt he was on the road to stardom.
39. En El Exterior
en cada sitio. Algunas veces, esto supuso que Sid estuviese en cuclillas durante tanto tiempo que sus piernas se quedaban dormidas. Cuando Stacey se acercaba corriendo para ayudarle a ponerse de pie y Paul se mora de la risa, se preguntaba si alguna vez David Attenborough tuvo el mismo problema. Por fin el primer programa se qued grabado y Stacey se asegur que Sid tuviese la camisa del prximo programa para cambiarse. El equipo se meti otra vez en el Audi y sigui el coche de Sid hasta el siguiente lugar de rodaje: unas salinas donde observar las aves. Sid estaba contento al ver sus queridos flamencos no demasiado lejos de su camino y estaba seguro, que poda ubicar las otras especies de pjaros que necesitaba para encajar con su guin. Se fue con Paul para grabar, mientras Marcus y Stacey se apoyaron contra el coche para fumar y charlar. Para cuando empez a anochecer haban logrado filmar en tres lugares distintos y Sid sinti estar de camino al estrellato.
2 Sid wondered whether David Attenborough had ever had the same problem. Sid se preguntaba si alguna vez David Attenborough tuvo el mismo problema.
fter the recording of Sids television series Nature in Spain several weeks went by with no news. In Sids memory it all seemed like a lot of bits and pieces and he had no idea how it would come together. He could only hope that all the notes that Stacey the producer had scribbled down would make some sense to the Spanish editor Joaqun. Eventually Sid decided to call in to the office and see how things were getting on. He was not exactly cheered to be told by Marcus that Joaqun had found a job elsewhere and that Stacey had been sacked. This is my new editor Fernando said Marcus, pointing to a chain-smoking Spaniard staring at a computer screen, and Kimberley here is my new producer. Despite Sids misgivings, he eventually got a phone call telling him that the first programme was due to go out the following week. Joan and Jim were more excited than he was and invited him to watch the first episode with them over a bottle of wine. Sid accepted this offer as he knew it would force him to watch himself, which he didnt really want to do. As the programme introduction started Joan and Jim applauded and Sid cringed. However, he was very impressed with the design of images and music put together by either Joaqun or Fernando as the words Nature in Spain appeared and were spoken by a female voice, possibly belonging to Stacey or Kimberley. He had to admit that the programme was a success and over the following weeks Sid found that he had acquired a certain celebrity status amongst his neighbours. He was also recognized on the street a few times as he went out and about.
espus de la grabacin de la serie de televisin de Sid La Naturaleza en Espaa, pasaron varias semanas sin noticias. En la memoria de Sid todo pareca un montn de trocitos y no tena ni idea de cmo se encajara todo. Solo esperaba que todos los apuntes que Stacey, la productora, haba garabateado rpidamente, tuviesen algo de sentido para el editor Joaqun. Por fin Sid decidi pasar por la oficina para ver cmo iban las cosas. No se alegr mucho al or de Marcus que Joaqun haba encontrado otro trabajo, y que Stacey haba sido despedida. Te presento a mi nuevo editor, Fernando dijo Marcus, sealando a un espaol que fumaba un cigarrillo tras otro mientras vea el monitor de un ordenador, y Kimberley, es mi nueva productora. A pesar de sus dudas, Sid por fin recibi una llamada para decirle que se iba a emitir el primer programa a la semana siguiente. Joan y Jim estaban ms ilusionados que l y le invitaron a ver su primer documental con ellos tomando una botella de vino. Sid acept la invitacin porque as se obligara a verse a si mismo, cosa que no tena ganas de hacer. Cuando empez el programa Joan y Jim aplaudieron, y Sid se encogi. Sin embargo, se qued impresionado por el conjunto de imgenes y msica diseado por, o Joaqun o Fernando cuando aparecieron las palabras La Naturaleza en Espaa, fueron pronunciadas por una voz femenina, posiblemente de Stacey o de Kimberley. Tena que reconocer que el programa era un xito y durante las semanas siguientes, Sid se dio cuenta de que haba alcanzado una cierta categora de famoso entre sus vecinos.
Sometimes people would approach him and say how much they enjoyed his programme and other times he would get the sense that they were looking at him and whispering things to each other. He could now imagine how Beckhams must feel when they pop down to the supermarket. As a result of his new-found fame Sid also received a number of invitations to speak at social clubs. He always accepted these invitations graciously and quite enjoyed going out and meeting so many new people. On one occasion he was phoned by a man called Gary who was organizing a charity event. We thought it would be good to have one or two well-known people there, to attract the crowd, said Gary. Sid was rather flattered by this and agreed enthusiastically to attend. It would be great if you could join in our main fund-raising event. Yes, of course, said Sid. What are you doing? Leg-waxing said Gary. I beg your pardon? replied Sid in alarm. Dont worry about it said Gary. It doesnt hurt that much and its all for a good cause. He gave a little laugh and Sid felt slightly sick.
Tambin fue reconocido varias veces en la calle cuando sala por ah. A veces, la gente se acercaba a l y le decan cunto disfrutaban su programa, y en otras ocasiones tena la sensacin de que le miraban y decan cosas entre ellos en voz baja. Ahora poda imaginar cmo se sentan los Beckhams cuando iban al supermercado. Como consecuencia de su nueva fama Sid tambin recibi varias invitaciones para dar charlas en los clubs sociales. l siempre acept esas invitaciones con educacin y, en realidad disfrut saliendo y conociendo a tanta gente nueva. En una ocasin le llam un hombre llamado Gary que organizaba un evento para una causa benfica. Pensbamos que sera buena idea invitar a varias personas conocidas para atraer a la gente dijo Gary. Sid se sinti bastante satisfecho por ese comentario y acept asistir con entusiasmo. Sera fantstico si pudieras participar en nuestra actividad principal para recaudar fondos. S, por supuesto dijo Sid. Qu vais a hacer? Depilacin de piernas con cera dijo Gary. Cmo? respondi Sid alarmado. No te preocupes por eso dijo Gary. No duele mucho y es para una buena causa. Se ri un poco y Sid empez a marearse.
2 Sid found that he had acquired a certain celebrity status amongst his neighbours. Sid, se dio cuenta de que haba alcanzado a una cierta categora de famoso entre sus vecinos.
id was always happy to do his bit for charity, but he wasnt quite sure how he had agreed to have his legs waxed. Just the thought of it made him feel ill and no amount of rationalization did any good. The fact that women put up with this sort of thing all the time was no comfort at all, and in any case, he had never met a woman with as much hair on her legs as he had. He was able to verify this fact every time he left the house as the weather was extremely hot and everyone was in shorts and swimwear. However, he saw no way of getting out of the arrangement. Backing out was out of the question as the event had been well advertised and no doubt the word was out that he would be participating. He was determined not to tell his neighbours though, and even managed to keep Joan and Jim in ignorance. The last thing he wanted was a contingent of Sunny Dreams residents cheering him on. Sid set off to the charity event with a strong sense of foreboding. It was a long way from Sids house and the directions he had been given were none too clear. After taking innumerable wrong turns along leafy white-walled streets he eventually came across a concrete block of business premises shimmering in the mid afternoon heat. He spied the bar he was looking for, surrounded by a beauty salon, a Chinese restaurant, an estate agent and a greeting card shop. It was a lot smaller than he had expected. As he entered the bar, his eyes took a few seconds to adjust from the bright sunlight outside. He gradually made out a stage full of sound equipment and a young man shouting into a microphone. There was a scattering of people sitting around
id siempre estaba dispuesto a hacer su parte para una causa benfica, pero no estaba seguro de cmo haba aceptado a depilarse las piernas con cera. Solo pensarlo le haca sentirse enfermo y ningn tipo de razonamiento le ayud. El hecho de que las mujeres aguantasen este tipo de cosas todo el tiempo no le consolaba, y de todas formas, no conoca a ninguna mujer con tanto pelo en las piernas como l. Poda verificar este hecho cada vez que sala de casa porque haca mucho calor y todo el mundo llevaba pantalones cortos y baadores. Sin embargo no vea ninguna posibilidad de librarse del acuerdo. Retractarse era imposible porque se le haba hecho mucha publicidad al evento, y sin duda se saba que l participaba. Aun as estaba decidido a no decirles nada a sus vecinos, e incluso logr mantener a Joan y Jim en ignorancia. Lo ltimo que quera era una tropa de sus vecinos de Sunny Dreams dndole nimos. Sid march hacia el encuentro benfico con una sensacin pesada de aprensin. Estaba muy lejos de su casa y las direcciones que le dieron no eran nada claras. Despus de equivocarse de camino en innumerables ocasiones a lo largo de calles arboladas con muros blancos, por fin encontr un bloque de hormign de locales en una luz trmula del calor de la media tarde. Divis el bar que buscaba, rodeado por un saln de belleza, un restaurante chino, una inmobiliaria y una papelera con tarjetas de felicitacin. Era mucho ms pequeo de lo que esperaba. Al entrar en el bar, sus ojos tardaron unos segundos en acostumbrarse despus de la exposicin a la luz brillante de fuera. Poco a poco, divis un escenario con un equipo de msica y a un hombre joven gritando con un micrfono.
tables and in the middle of the room stood a kind of therapists couch covered with towels. Sitting next to this was a young woman in a pink overall who turned and smiled at Sid with a sinister expression. Lets give a big hand to our next brave volunteer this afternoon Sid! the man shouted into his mike. A weak cheer came from the audience and a couple of teenage girls emerged from the darkness and guided Sid to the couch. Sid felt things were moving too fast and tried to say so but could not find the words. As he sat down he noticed a group of local journalists, with notebooks and cameras. Get the man a beer! boomed the voice of the presenter as the pink overall moved towards him. Later he remembered hearing someone say: Just relax, you wont feel a thing followed by a loud, witchlike cackle. Sids whole body tensed as he felt a warm sensation on his leg. He tried to scream but no sound would come out of his mouth. Cameras flashed, the music got louder and everything went black.
Haba poca gente sentada en las mesas y en el medio de la habitacin haba una especie de divn cubierto de toallas. Sentada al lado, haba una mujer joven con una bata rosa que se dio la vuelta y le sonri con una expresin siniestra. Dmosle un fuerte aplauso a nuestro siguiente voluntario, Sid! grit el hombre del micrfono. Un aplauso dbil sali del pblico, y un par de chicas adolescentes aparecieron de la oscuridad y guiaron a Sid hacia el divn. Sid senta que las cosas se movan muy rpidamente e intent decirlo, pero no encontr las palabras. Cuando se sent, se fij en un grupo de periodistas locales con cuadernillos y cmaras. Dale al hombre una cerveza! retumb la voz del presentador mientras la bata rosa se acerc. Ms tarde se acord de haber odo a alguien decir: Reljate, no sentirs nada seguido de una alta carcajada de bruja. Su cuerpo se tens cuando sinti una sensacin clida en la pierna. Intent gritar pero ningn sonido sali de su boca. Las cmaras se encendieron, subi el volumen de la msica y todo se volvi negro.
2 Cameras flashed, the music got louder and everything went black. Las cmaras se encendieron, subi el volumen de la msica y todo se volvi negro.
ne morning a few days after Sids leg waxing experience he was pottering around the house in his dressing gown when his front door bell rang several times. He glanced down to see that his bald left shin was exposed but there was no time to cover it up. He opened the door and standing at the front gate were Joan and Jim smiling brightly while Joan waved a newspaper and shouted: So whats all this about then? Sid had no idea what she was talking about but opened the door with a sigh and stood back as they rushed into the living room like a pair of excited children. You kept this very quiet! said Jim as Joan handed the paper to Sid. To his horror the front page headline read Charity stunt goes wrong accompanied by a picture of himself, sprawled unconscious on the floor next to some bar stools. Sid couldnt believe his eyes: It looks as though I was drunk! were his first words. Well, werent you? exclaimed Jim. Because if you werent you did a bloody good job of pretending. Both Joan and Jim broke into guffaws of laughter at this while Sid sat in stunned silence. Were going to have to keep a closer eye on you, especially now that youre famous, said Joan. Sid knew he had to explain exactly what happened to Joan and Jim, as whatever they said would become the official version of events for all of Sunny Dreams and beyond. He finished off his story with: And heres the scar to prove it extending his bald left leg. By this time Joan was laughing so much she had to mop the tears from her eyes. Thats the funniest thing Ive heard for ages. Thank you Sid, I was feeling
na maana, varios das despus de su experiencia depilatoria, Sid merodeaba por su casa en bata cuando su timbre empez a sonar varias veces. Observ que su espinilla izquierda depilada estaba expuesta pero no tuvo tiempo de taparla. Abri la puerta y se encontr frente a su casa a Joan y Jim sonrindole mientras Joan sacuda el peridico gritando: De qu va todo esto? Sid no tena ni idea de lo que le estaba hablando, pero abri la puerta con un suspiro y los dej entrar al saln como unos nios emocionados. Te lo tenas muy callado! dijo Jim mientras Joan le entregaba el peridico a Sid. Horrorizado, vio que el titular de la primera pgina deca: Acto benfico sale mal acompaado por una foto suya, tirado inconsciente en el suelo al lado de unos taburetes. Sid no poda creer lo que estaban viendo sus ojos: Parece que estaba borracho! fueron sus primeras palabras. Pero, No lo estabas? exclam Jim. Porque si no lo disimulaste muy bien. Joan y Jim empezaron a rerse a carcajadas mientras Sid estaba sentado en un rotundo silencio. Vamos a tener que vigilarte un poco ms, sobre todo ahora que eres famoso dijo Joan. Sid saba que iba a tener que explicarles a Joan y Jim exactamente lo que haba pasado, ya que lo que ellos dijesen sera la versin oficial que se difundira por Sunny Dreams y ms all. Acab su historia con: Y aqu est la cicatriz que lo demuestra ensendoles su pierna izquierda depilada. Para entonces, Joan estaba rindose tanto que tuvo que secarse las lgrimas. Esa es la cosa ms graciosa que he odo en mucho
a bit down, but youve really cheered me up! My pleasure said Sid weakly, which set Joan off again into peals of laughter. The trouble is, said Sid. Its now all over the papers. What am I going to do? Well, you could have the other leg done to match said Jim, rather unhelpfully as they both collapsed once more into hysterics. Just at that moment the phone rang and Sid picked it up nervously. Good morning Sid, its Pat here from the charity. Im just phoning to thank you so much for getting us onto the front pages. The response has been incredible. People have been phoning all morning to pledge their support. I really cant thank you enough! My pleasure said Sid for the second time that morning. For the rest of the day Sids phone did not stop ringing. As well as two or three journalists, he was bombarded with requests from local charities to help in their fund-raising efforts. Sid had to say no to most of them which was not at all easy, but by the end of the day the only thing he had agreed to was to become a walker for abandoned dogs.
tiempo. Gracias Sid me estaba sintiendo un poco decada ltimamente, Pero me has animado mucho! Un placer dijo Sid con voz dbil, lo cual hizo que Joan arrancase a rer otra vez. El problema es dijo Sid, que ahora est publicado en todos los peridicos. Qu voy a hacer? Pues podras hacerte la otra pierna para que est igual fue el intil comentario de Jim, y los dos empezaron a rerse otra vez. En ese momento son el telfono y Sid contest de un modo nervioso. Buenos das Sid, soy Pat de la sociedad benfica. Llamo para agradecerte el hecho de habernos puesto en las primeras pginas. La respuesta ha sido increble. La gente ha estado llamando toda la maana para darnos su apoyo econmico. No sabes cunto te lo agradezco! Un placer dijo Sid por segunda vez esa maana. Durante el resto del da su telfono no par de sonar. Adems de dos o tres periodistas, le bombardearon con peticiones de organizaciones locales para que les ayudase con sus recaudaciones. Sid le tuvo que decir que no a la mayora, lo cual no fue fcil, pero al final del da solo haba aceptado a pasear a unos perros abandonados.
2 The front page had a picture of Sid sprawled unconscious on the floor next to some bar stools. La primera pgina mostraba una foto de Sid, tirado inconsciente en el suelo al lado de unos taburetes.
id was not really an animal person. His cat Smokey came and went as it pleased, and he was happy to think that there was nothing or no one dependent upon him. He had only agreed to become a dog walker because he had felt somewhat pressurized after the leg-waxing debacle. At least it was a way of doing good to a fellow creature without any commitment and it had the added advantage of getting him out for some fresh air. On the appointed morning Sid arrived at the animal shelter and was rather overwhelmed by the variety of dogs that rushed up to greet him. His attention was caught by a small lady poodle which held back and eyed him from a distance. Am I allowed to choose which one I take for a walk? Sid asked the rather efficient lady organizer. No you cant, came the terse reply, but you can specify the size if you want to. Sid pointed to the poodle and said I want that size one please. The poodle was duly handed over. Sid patted the dog on her soft head and said: Come on Fluffy, were off for a walk. Fluffy responded immediately with a jump of excitement and off they went to the promenade to take in some sea air. They had a great time together and Sid felt a little guilty handing her back to the shelter. See you next week, Fluffy! he said out loud, feeling a little foolish. Sid started to look forward to his weekly dog walks, and he was just on his way out to see Fluffy one day when his phone rang. Good morning, is this Sid? said a man with a Dutch accent.
id realmente no era amante de los animales. Su gato Smokey iba y vena a su aire y Sid era feliz pensando que no haba nada ni nadie que dependiese de l. Slo haba aceptado lo de pasear perros, porque le haba dejado cierta presin despus del espectculo de depilarse las piernas. Por lo menos era una forma de hacer el bien para una criatura sin ningn compromiso, y tena la ventaja de salir a tomar el aire. En la maana acordada, Sid lleg al refugio de animales y se encontr bastante abrumado por la variedad de perros que se le acercaban para saludarle. Le llam la atencin una pequea caniche hembra que se qued atrs y le observaba desde la distancia. Puedo elegir cul quiero pasear? le pregunt Sid a la eficiente organizadora. No, no puedes contest framente, pero puedes especificar el tamao que quieres. Sid seal a la caniche y dijo quiero de ese tamao por favor. La caniche le fue debidamente entregada. Sid le pas la mano por su cabecita suave y dijo: Vamos Fluffy, nos vamos de paseo. Fluffy respondi inmediatamente con un salto de alegra y marcharon al paseo martimo para respirar el aire del mar. Se lo pasaron en grande y Sid se sinti un poco culpable dejndola de nuevo en el refugio. Hasta la semana que viene Fluffy! dijo en voz alta, sintindose un poco tonto. Sid esperaba con ilusin sus paseos semanales, y un da que estaba de camino para ver a Fluffy, le son el telfono. Buenos das, est Sid? dijo un hombre con acento holands.
Yes, speaking, Sid replied. The man said he really enjoyed Sids programmes about nature and wanted to speak to him about a project that he thought would interest him. Sid was curious and agreed to meet the man whose name was Herman that same morning at a beach bar. It was a particularly windy morning and Fluffys ears kept blowing over her head as they walked along. When they arrived at the beach bar they found Herman sitting alone with a glass of beer and a brief case. I am selling a new product said Herman, and I think you would be the ideal person to promote it. It is a device which guarantees fresh air in your home. Sid thought he had heard everything since he had been in Spain, but apparently not. Er, whats wrong with opening the windows? he asked. That is not enough! replied Herman. You need my product to cleanse your house of the poison which invades it from taps and drains. Sid listened to Herman for a while and then politely took his leave. Theres one born every minute, Fluffy he said as the wind ruffled through her fur, but fortunately, Im not one of them.
S, soy yo contest Sid. El hombre dijo que le encantaban sus programas de naturaleza y quera hablar con l sobre un proyecto que pens que le podra interesar. Sid senta curiosidad y accedi a quedar con el hombre llamado Herman esa misma maana en un bar de la playa. Era una maana especialmente ventosa y las orejas de Fluffy no paraban de irse hacia arriba mientras caminaban. Cuando llegaron al bar se encontraron a Herman sentado solo, con una cerveza y un maletn. Estoy vendiendo un nuevo producto dijo Herman, y creo que seras la persona ideal para promocionarlo. Es un aparato que asegura aire fresco en tu casa. Sid pens que ya haba odo todo desde que lleg a Espaa, pero pareca que no. Eemm, y qu pasa con abrir las ventanas? pregunt. No es suficiente! contest Herman. Necesitas mi producto para limpiar tu casa de los venenos que lo invaden desde los grifos hasta los desages. Sid escuch a Herman un rato y educadamente se despidi. Un tonto nace cada minuto, Fluffy dijo mientras el viento despeinaba el pelo de Fluffy, pero afortunadamente, no soy uno de ellos.
2 Sid patted the dog on her soft head and said: Come on Fluffy, were off for a walk. Sid le pas la mano por su cabecita suave y dijo: Vamos Fluffy, nos vamos de paseo.
ne day as Sid was walking around the urbanization he bumped into Carmen, his Spanish neighbour whom he hadnt seen for quite a while. She had not been well, but was now much better and told him she was going on a trip to Cordoba. She said something in rapid Spanish and rushed away towards her house, reappearing with a photocopy which she thrust into Sids hand. The photocopy was about a three-day trip to Cordoba for a very reasonable price in just two weeks time. Sid checked in his diary and saw that he was free. He had done quite a lot of exploring in towns and cities nearby, but had yet to discover the wonders of Andalusia, so this seemed like an ideal opportunity. Two weeks later Sid was standing at a bus stop along with Carmen and a large group of Spanish pensioners. Carmen introduced them to him one by one and they all greeted him warmly. Spirits were high and there was a lot of laughter and back-slapping amongst the men whilst the ladies all seemed to be speaking together at the same time. Sids Spanish was not up to following any of the conversations so he just stood and smiled in a friendly way. After a long discussion about the passenger list, and some very late arrivals, the bus finally left forty five minutes later than planned. There were several stops on the journey including a very long one for lunch, and they finally arrived at the hotel in the early evening. Sid just wanted to be quiet for a while, but he found that his counterparts were making complicated arrangements to meet for supper, which it seemed had to be done in a large group all at the same time.
n da mientras Sid paseaba por la urbanizacin se encontr con Carmen, su vecina espaola a la que no haba visto en mucho tiempo. Haba estado mala, pero ahora estaba mucho mejor, y le dijo que se iba de viaje a Crdoba. Dijo algo en un espaol muy rpido y se dirigi con prisa hacia su casa, apareciendo de nuevo con una fotocopia y entregndosela. La fotocopia iba sobre un viaje de tres das a Crdoba por un precio razonable dentro de un par de semanas. Sid consult su agenda y vio que estaba libre. Haba visitado bastantes ciudades y pueblos cercanos, pero le quedaba por descubrir las maravillas de Andaluca, as que le pareci la oportunidad perfecta. Dos semanas ms tarde, Sid se encontr en una parada de autobs junto con Carmen y un gran grupo de pensionistas espaoles. Carmen se los present uno a uno y ellos le recibieron amablemente. Estaban muy entusiasmados y se oan muchas risas y palmaditas en las espaldas por parte de los hombres mientras, las mujeres hablaban todas a la vez. El espaol de Sid no le permita seguir ninguna de las conversaciones, as que se limit a sonrer amablemente. Despus de una larga discusin sobre la lista de pasajeros, y algunas apariciones a ltima hora, el autobs arranc con cuarenta y cinco minutos de retraso. Pararon varias veces durante el trayecto, incluyendo una parada muy larga a la hora de comer, y finalmente llegaron al hotel al atardecer. Sid solo quera un poco de tranquilidad, pero vio que sus compaeros estaban organizando cmo quedar para cenar, cosa que por lo visto deba hacer todo el grupo a la vez.
44. Cordoba
Over the holiday Sid found that everything was done in the same way. Several times a day there were lengthy consultations about arrangements which were then ignored by half of the party, holding everyone else up. However no one seemed to find this annoying and Sid decided it was best to just tag along and do what he was told. Every now and again he was given a good-humoured slap on the back as some joke was made, presumably about his English ways. In fact, he had never felt so English is his entire life. All these minor cultural differences however were completely outweighed by the glories of Cordoba. Sid took in the wonders of ancient city with its spectacular mosque, now a Christian cathedral, its palaces and gardens, winding streets and whitewashed buildings, and soaked up the atmosphere. Whenever they stopped to rest he assured Carmen that he was more than happy to sit and read about what he was seeing while she joined in the animated conversation. On the final night of the trip Sid did not escape from the festivities and he spun Carmen round the hotel dance floor, to the delight and applause of his new Spanish friends.
44. Crdoba
Durante el viaje, Sid vio que todo se haca de la misma forma. Varias veces al da haba largas consultas sobre la organizacin que despus eran ignoradas por la mitad del grupo, haciendo perder el tiempo a los dems. A nadie pareca molestarle esta situacin as que Sid decidi que lo mejor sera seguir a los dems y hacer lo que le mandasen. De vez en cuando le daban alguna palmadita en la espalda cuando hacan alguna broma, probablemente de sus costumbres inglesas. De hecho, nunca se haba sentido ms ingls en toda su vida. No obstante, todas estas pequeas diferencias culturales fueron insignificantes gracias al encanto de Crdoba. Sid contempl las maravillas de la vieja ciudad y la espectacular mezquita, ahora una catedral cristiana, sus palacios y jardines, sinuosas calles y blancas fachadas, y se empap del ambiente. Cuando paraban a descansar, l le asegur a Carmen que estaba contento leyendo sobre lo que estaba viendo mientras ella se una a la animada conversacin. La ltima noche de su viaje, Sid no se pudo escapar de la fiesta, y dio vueltas con Carmen sobre la pista de baile del hotel, mientras sus nuevos amigos espaoles aplaudan encantados.
2 The spectacular mosque, now a Christian cathedral, its palaces and gardens, winding streets and whitewashed buildings. La espectacular mezquita, ahora una catedral cristiana, sus palacios y jardines, sinuosas calles y blancas fachadas.
45. BINGO!
hortly after Sids return from the trip to Cordoba, he accompanied Carmen to a night of bingo at the local pensioners centre. His last experience of bingo was on a wet weekend in Rhyl in 1972 which had put him off for good. He wasnt really interested in the game, but thought it would be a way of keeping contact with his new Spanish friends. He and Carmen entered the large vestibule of the pensioners centre, with its brightly painted doors and white walls covered with pictures and notice boards. She led the way into a large hall full of tables and chairs with a few people setting up a set of microphones and lights at one end, and a bar at the other where a group of pensioners stood talking. Sid was greeted with great warmth and a few jokes which he didnt understand but assumed by the gestures that they had to do with his dancing prowess. Sid laughed as though he understood every word and took his glass of beer to sit down with this small group of friends. After a while a large colourful lady came round with some bingo cards and everyone bought a few, amidst animated conversation. Another twenty minutes went by as the hall filled up with a large crowd of talkative, happy people who all greeted each other enthusiastically. The bingo seemed to be the last thing on everyones mind but to Sids surprise the noise came to an abrupt halt when a loud voice boomed from the loudspeakers announcing the start of the game. All of a sudden everyone concentrated on the task at hand. As Sid had anticipated, the exercise was very good
45. BINGO!
oco tiempo despus de la vuelta de su viaje a Crdoba, Sid acompa a Carmen a una noche de bingo en el centro local de la tercera edad. Su ltima experiencia con el bingo fue un fin de semana lluvioso en Rhyl en 1972 que le haba desanimado para siempre. Realmente no estaba interesado en el juego, pero pens que sera una buena manera de mantenerse en contacto con sus nuevos amigos espaoles. Carmen y l entraron en el amplio vestbulo del centro de la tercera edad, con sus puertas pintadas con colores vivos y las paredes blancas llenas de cuadros y tableros de anuncios. Ella iba delante, a una sala grande llena de mesas y sillas, con algunas personas montando un sistema de micrfonos y luces en un extremo, y un bar en el otro extremo donde un grupo de pensionistas estaban de pie hablando. Saludaron a Sid con mucho cario y con chistes que no entenda pero supuso por los gestos, que tenan que ver con sus habilidades como bailarn. Sid se rio como si entendiese cada palabra y cogi su cerveza para sentarse con este pequeo grupo de amigos. Despus de un rato una seora grande y vestida de colores vivos se pas con tarjetas de bingo y todos compraron algunas, mientras conversaban animadamente. Pasaron otros veinte minutos y la sala se llen de una multitud de personas habladoras y felices saludndose con entusiasmo. Pareca que el bingo era la ltima cosa en que estaban pensando pero para la sorpresa de Sid el ruido par de repente, cuando una voz retumb de los altavoces anunciando el inicio del juego. De repente todo el mundo se centr en dicha tarea. Como Sid haba previsto, la actividad le vena muy bien para su
45. Bingo!
for his Spanish. It took him several seconds to understand each number, which he then had to double check with the figure that appeared on the screen at the front. As the person in charge of the screen was also rather slow on the uptake, Sid was always lagging two or three numbers behind everyone else. As the evening wore on people rose to claim a variety of prizes displayed on a table at the side of the room, the biggest and most coveted of which was a large leg of ham. Although Sids memory of that weekend in Rhyl was now very faded, he was pretty sure the bingo prizes did not include a leg of ham. He chuckled to himself at this thought and reflected on how impossible it would be to explain it to his friends. After an hour and a half Sids interest started to flag and he surreptitiously looked at his watch. As he did so a great shout of Bingo! went up from his table as Carmen nudged him and told him he had completed a card. Sid approached the table of prizes and picked out a food mixer which he noticed Carmen had her eye on. As he handed it to her everyone cheered and Carmen fanned herself to cover her blushes.
45 Bingo!
espaol. Tardaba varios segundos para entender cada nmero, y a continuacin comprobaba la cifra que apareca en la pantalla, que haba en la parte delantera de la sala. Como la persona encargada de la pantalla tambin era bastante lenta, Sid siempre iba dos o tres nmeros por detrs de los dems. Conforme avanzaba la noche, la gente se iba levantando para recoger su recompensa de la mesa donde estaban exhibidos todos los premios, en un lado de la sala, de los cuales el ms importante y codiciado, era un jamn grande. Aunque los recuerdos de Sid de ese fin de semana en Rhyl ya eran muy borrosos, estaba bastante seguro de que los premios del bingo no incluan un jamn. Se rio pensando en eso y reflexion sobre la imposibilidad de explicar el chiste a sus amigos. Despus de una hora y media, el inters de Sid empez a disminuir y, clandestinamente mir su reloj. Mientras lo haca, oy en su mesa el grito Bingo! y Carmen le dio un codazo para decirle que haba llenado una tarjeta. Sid se acerc a la mesa de premios y escogi una batidora pues haba notado que Carmen le echaba el ojo. Cuando se la entreg, todo el mundo aplaudi y Carmen se abanic para disimular su rubor.
2 Everyone cheered and Carmen fanned herself to cover her blushes. Todo el mundo aplaudi y Carmen se abanic para disimular su rubor.
id continued to take Fluffy for walks on a regular basis but was reluctant to commit himself to more charitable work as he was already so busy with his community role, his ecological projects and his attempts at Spanish integration, to name but a few things with which he managed to fill his time. Some years ago he had wondered whether he would get bored when he retired, but he now wondered how he had ever had time to work. One day when he was returning Fluffy to the dog sanctuary the lady in charge asked him if he could spare a few hours to help with a stall at a Summer Fayre organized at a local restaurant. As Sid had nothing planned for the proposed day he decided to say yes. We have some leaflets to give out about adoption and dog-walking, said the lady and a few items of bric-a-brac to sell to raise money. Sid arrived at the arranged time and took his place at the stall which had already been going for several hours. He was taking over from another helper called Margaret who brought him up to date with events. He found out that there were three other animal charities with stands at the fayre which Margaret thought was very bad, although Sid couldnt really understand why. Its best to just ignore them she said in a whisper. Once he was on his own, the first thing Sid did was tidy up the bric-a-brac which was all over the place. He rewrote the price labels, arranged the bags according to their size and he put some folded paper under one of the legs to stop the table wobbling. After that he started on the display boards straightening up the photos of the dogs and rearranging their
id sigui llevando a Fluffy de paseo, pero se negaba a comprometerse con otra causa benfica ya que estaba muy ocupado con su trabajo en la comunidad, sus proyectos ecolgicos y sus intentos de integrarse en la sociedad espaola, solo por mencionar algunas de las cosas con las que rellenaba su tiempo. Algunos aos antes se haba preguntado si se aburrira mucho cuando se jubilase, pero ahora se preguntaba cmo antes tena tiempo para trabajar. Un da, mientras devolva a Fluffy al refugio, la encargada le pregunt si le sobraba algo de tiempo para ayudarles con un puesto en una feria de verano organizada en el local de un restaurante. Como Sid no tena nada planeado para el da que le propuso, decidi aceptar. Tenemos folletos que repartir sobre adopcin y paseo de perros dijo la seora y algunas baratijas que vender para recaudar dinero. Sid lleg a la hora acordada y se coloc en el puesto, que ya estaba abierto haca varias horas. Iba a sustituir a otra ayudante llamada Margaret quien le puso al da acerca de los acontecimientos. Se enter de que haba tres organizaciones benficas ms para animales que tenan puestos en la feria, lo cual no agradaba a Margaret, aunque Sid no entenda por qu. Ser mejor ignorarles le dijo en voz baja. Una vez que se qued slo, lo primero que hizo fue organizar las baratijas, que estaban muy desordenadas. Reescribi las etiquetas con el precio, orden las bolsas por tamaos y puso un papel doblado debajo de una de las patas de la mesa para que parase de tambalear. Despus sigui con los tablones, poniendo rectas las fotos de los perros y reorganizando las etiquetas con
name tags. Finally he placed the leaflets in little piles in each corner for people to pick up. As he worked away he became conscious of the other charity people watching him intently. Despite Margarets warning to keep his distance Sid smiled at one of them and said; Just because its for charity doesnt mean it has to be a mess. The lady from the other stand glared back at him. You have an Alsatian on your board that looks just like one of ours she replied accusingly. Sid wondered whether she had been an estate agent in a former life. At the end of his turn Sid took the opportunity to look around the fayre. As well as charity stands there was a variety stalls with jewellery, candles, scarves, woodwork and ornaments, and in one corner there was a tarot card reader. On an impulse Sid bought a pair of earrings which were the style and colour that his former lady friend Sylvia used to wear. Without thinking any more about this sudden decision, Sid folded up the small paper bag neatly and slipped it into a section of his wallet.
sus nombres. Por ltimo, puso los folletos en pequeos montones en cada una de las esquinas para que la gente los pudiese coger. Mientras trabajaba se percat de que las personas de las otras organizaciones le miraban atentamente. A pesar de las advertencias de Margaret para que se mantuviese alejado, Sid sonri a una de ellas y le dijo: Solo porque es una organizacin benfica no significa que tenga que estar hecha un desastre. La seora del otro puesto le correspondi con una mirada furiosa: Tenis un pastor alemn en vuestro tabln que se parece mucho a uno de los nuestros respondi de forma acusadora. Sid se pregunt si en otra vida, la seora haba sido un agente inmobiliario. Al final de su turno, Sid aprovech la oportunidad para darse una vuelta por la feria. A parte de puestos de organizaciones benficas, haba una variedad de puestos de joyas, velas, bufandas, tallados de madera y adornos, y en un rincn haba un puesto de cartas de tarot. En un impulso, Sid compr unos pendientes del mismo estilo y color que sola llevar su ex-compaera sentimental Sylvia. Sin pensar ms en esta decisin repentina, Sid dobl cuidadosamente la pequea bolsa de papel y la guard en su cartera.
2 Sid bought a pair of earrings which were the style and colour that Sylvia used to wear. Sid compr unos pendientes del mismo estilo y color que sola llevar Sylvia.
unny Dreams urbanization had been in existence for nearly three years and life had settled into a routine of peaceful co-existence. Jim continued to be the community president with Sid doing most of the work. Between them they had managed to establish the norms of daily life, such as how and when the swimming pool should be used and whether or not people were allowed to sunbathe on the grass. In the early days the urbanization had been subject to a series of break-ins and opportunistic thefts but these had been cut down to a minimum by various means, including the benefit of bitter experience. Quite a few of the original residents of the urbanization had now left, some because their Spanish dream had actually turned into a Spanish nightmare, some because their business ideas had not worked out and others because their lives had simply moved on. Of the original pioneers who had arrived during those heady days three years ago only a small handful remained, including Sid himself, Joan and Jim and Kurt the German. The elderly Swedes with their big dogs had vanished and word was that the gentleman had passed away. Eetu the Fin reappeared on rare occasions, usually in the middle of August when everyone was too hot to notice him. Carmen had landed in an English speaking urbanization apparently as a result of her late husbands bad planning, but spent most of her time out and about enjoying herself. Despite Joan and Jims many faults, Sid had grown reluctantly fond of them over the years. They sometimes
a urbanizacin de Sunny Dreams ya llevaba casi tres aos de existencia y la vida se haba adaptado a una rutina de convivencia pacfica. Jim segua como el presidente de la comunidad con Sid haciendo la mayor parte del trabajo. Entre los dos lograron establecer las normas de la vida diaria, por ejemplo sobre cmo y cundo se poda utilizar la piscina y si se permitira o no que la gente tomase el sol en la hierba. En los primeros tiempos, la urbanizacin haba sido vctima de una serie de saqueos en casas y robos oportunistas, pero estos ya se haban reducido al mnimo con la ayuda de varios medios, incluyendo la amarga experiencia. Unos cuantos de los residentes originales ya se haban marchado, algunos porque su sueo espaol se haba convertido en un autntica pesadilla espaola, algunos porque sus planes de negocio no se haban cumplido y otros simplemente porque haba llegado el momento de hacer un cambio en sus vidas. De los pioneros originales que llegaron en aquellos das tan emocionantes hace tres aos, solo quedaban unos pocos, incluyendo al propio Sid, Joan y Jim y Kurt el alemn. Los suecos ancianos con sus perros grandes haban desaparecido y se rumoreaban, que el seor haba fallecido. Eetu el finlands reapareca muy de vez en cuando, normalmente a mediados de agosto cuando haca demasiado calor para que los dems se diesen cuenta de su presencia. Carmen haba aterrizado en el medio de una comunidad angloparlante ms bien por la mala organizacin de su difunto marido, pero ella pasaba la mayor parte de su tiempo por ah pasndolo bien. A pesar de los muchos defectos de Joan y Jim, Sid les haba cogido mucho cario a lo largo de los aos y casi sin querer. A
reminded him of overgrown children, but on other occasions it was more than evident that they were carrying the baggage of many years of marriage. Much to his dismay, Sid was regaled from time to time with the details of their marital discord. Joan was prone to depression and suffered from mood swings which Jim found impossible to deal with. His response to domestic tension was to hit the bottle, preferably in the company of Sid. One morning as Sid was quietly pottering around at home his doorbell rang and Jim was at his front gate looking distraught. Shes gone! he cried dramatically as soon as he entered the living room. Gone where? asked Sid. I dont know! Oh my god, what am I going to do? Jim gasped in reply. I have been such a bad husband. Here is her note. Sid read the piece of paper thrust into his hand. I have had enough. Dont try to contact me. The meat in the fridge needs eating today. Sid read out loud. You see how she looks after me? Oh my god! Sid, what should I do? Jim sat on Sids sofa and accepted a glass of whisky. After a few simple questions and a phone call Sid located Joan in her best friends kitchen. She refused to return home but was prepared to negotiate. Sid realized he was in for a long day.
veces le recordaban como si fueran nios demasiado grandes, pero en otros momentos era ms que evidente que se trataba del lastre emocional de muchos aos de matrimonio. Para su pesadumbre, de vez en cuando entretenan a Sid con los detalles de sus problemas matrimoniales. Joan era propensa a la depresin y sufri de cambios extremos de humor, que le resultaban a Jim imposible de enfrentar. Su respuesta a la tensin domstica era emborracharse a lo bestia, preferiblemente en compaa de Sid. Una maana mientras Sid haca pequeos arreglos en su casa son el timbre y all estaba Jim, en su puerta con una mirada angustiada. Se ha ido! grit de manera teatral en cuanto entr en el saln. Adnde? pregunt Sid. No lo s! Oh dios mo, qu voy a hacer? Jim exclam como respuesta. He sido un marido muy malo. Aqu est su nota. Sid ley el papelito que Jim le meti en la mano. Estoy harta. No intentes contactar conmigo. La carne que est en el frigo, es para comer hoy Sid ley en voz alta. Ves como me cuida? Oh dios mo! Sid, Qu hago? Jim se sent en el sof de Sid y acept un vaso de whisky. Despus de unas preguntas sencillas y una llamada telefnica, Sid localiz a Joan en la cocina de su mejor amiga. Se negaba a volver a casa pero estaba dispuesta a negociar. Sid se dio cuenta de que le esperaba un largo da.
2 Shes gone! Jim cried dramatically as soon as he entered the living room. Se ha ido! grit Jim de manera teatral en cuanto entr en el saln.
id had found himself in some strange situations since moving to Spain, but this had to be the strangest. He was of the old school of Englishmen who found it impossible to talk about emotions, and yet here he was acting as the go-between for this most uninhibited of couples. He was just thankful that the calls would be charged to Jims telephone account and not his own. First he had to listen to a tirade from Joan about what a bad life Jim had given her which included several personal details that he would rather not have known. When he edited these remarks for Jims benefit, he was met with, I know, I know. Im sorry. Just tell her I want her back and it will all be different. This phase of the negotiation lasted about forty five minutes, to the point where Joan hung up on Sid and Jim sobbed inconsolably. Round two started when Sid was instructed to phone Joan and ask her what she wanted Jim to do. Sids heart sank when she replied with a note of hysteria: Theres nothing I havent done for that man, and now he thinks to ask what he can do for me! This was followed by a detailed account of absolutely everything Joan had ever done for Jim. Er Joan, Joan love, er Jim says he really does appreciate everything youve done for him, and er he really does love you very much indeed said Sid, at which point the phone was slammed down once more. Just when Sid thought it couldnt get any worse, Jim launched into an account of the joys of marriage to Joan and how unbearable life would be without her. He spoke with such feeling that Sid suggested it would be more effective if he
id se haba encontrado en algunas situaciones extraas desde que se mud a Espaa, pero sta tena que ser la ms extraa de todas. l era de la vieja guardia de los ingleses que eran incapaces de hablar sobre sus emociones, y sin embargo aqu estaba actuando como intermediario para esta pareja tan espontnea. Solo le aliviaba el hecho de que las llamadas se cargaran a la cuenta telefnica de Jim y no a la suya. Primero tuvo que escuchar las alegaciones de Joan sobre la mala vida que le haba dado Jim, que incluan varios detalles personales que Sid hubiese preferido no saber. Cuando resumi estos comentarios para Jim, l le respondi: Lo s, lo s. Lo siento. Solo dile que la quiero de vuelta conmigo y que todo ser diferente. Esta ronda de la negociacin dur unos cuarenta y cinco minutos, hasta el momento en el que Joan colg y Jim empez a llorar sin consuelo. La segunda ronda empez cuando Jim le dijo a Sid que llamase a Joan para preguntarle qu quera que hiciese. A Sid se le cay el alma al suelo cuando ella contest con un tono histrico: No hay nada en este mundo que yo no haya hecho por ese hombre, y ahora se le ocurre preguntarme qu puede hacer l para m!. Sigui con una explicacin detallada de absolutamente todo lo que haba hecho ella por Jim. Eh Joan, Joan cario, Jim dice que realmente agradece todo lo que has hecho por l y que realmente, te quiere mucho dijo Sid; y en ese preciso momento el telfono se colg otra vez. Justo cuando Sid crey que las cosas no podan ir peor, Jim se lanz en una historia sobre las alegras que le haba dado su matrimonio con Joan y lo insoportable que sera la
spoke to his wife himself, but Jim said: No Sid, shell listen to you, you tell her. Sid wanted the ground to swallow him up, but felt unable to extricate himself from the situation. In response to these words of passion Joan first mentioned her need of space, and at long last the real negotiations began. Joan says she needs space said Sid. Space? asked Jim with a puzzled look. What sort of space, and how much? said Jim who seemed to be visualizing some sort of house extension. She needs to get away for a while, meet up with friends, take up a hobby, that sort of thing replied Sid. At last Sid felt that he had waded onto some firm ground and it took only another twenty minutes to agree to all of Joans terms and conditions so that they could try again. Sid was absolutely shattered at the end of all this and could only agree weakly to Jims offer of liquid refreshment. However, he sipped his drink slowly and watched as Jim drank himself into a stupor. He then covered him with a table cloth and a bath towel and let himself out of the front door.
vida sin ella. Habl con tanta emocin que Sid le sugiri que sera ms eficaz que l mismo hablase con su mujer, pero Jim dijo: No Sid, ella te escuchar, dselo t. Sid quera que la tierra le tragase, pero se sinti incapaz de huir de la situacin. Como respuesta a estas palabras apasionadas, Joan mencion por primera vez su necesidad de espacio, y por fin las negociaciones empezaron de verdad. Joan dice que necesita espacio dijo Sid. Espacio? respondi Jim con una mirada confusa. Qu tipo de espacio, y cunto? dijo Jim, al que le pareci visualizar algn tipo de ampliacin de su casa. Necesita apartarse durante un tiempo, quedar con sus amigas, tener un hobby, ese tipo de cosas respondi Sid. Por fin Sid sinti que se encontraba en tierra firme, y tardaron solo unos veinte minutos ms para ponerse de acuerdo sobre todas las condiciones de Joan y as pudiesen intentarlo otra vez. Sid se qued hecho polvo despus de todo esto y solo pudo acceder con pocas ganas a la oferta de Jim de tomar algo. Sin embargo, tom su bebida a sorbos y contempl como Jim se emborrachaba hasta quedar inconsciente. Entonces lo tap con un mantel y una toalla grande y sali solo por la puerta principal.
2 He was just thankful that the calls would be charged to Jims telephone account and not his own. Solo le aliviaba el hecho de que las llamadas se cargaran a la cuenta telefnica de Jim y no a la suya.
id siempre se haba considerado una persona pacfica, pero por algn motivo en Espaa le result difcil no meterse en problemas. Una maana durante su paseo diario alrededor de la urbanizacin se encontr con su vecino alemn Kurt y par para charlar con l. Kurt, quien Sid se haba enterado desde haca poco que l era gay, se consideraba un experto en el tema de los toros: algo que hasta el momento Sid haba evitado. Los dos hombres mantuvieron una discusin amigable sobre el tema, que termin con la pregunta de Kurt: Has asistido alguna vez a una corrida de toros Sid? No, qu va! respondi Sid, y tampoco tengo ganas. Entonces no ests en situacin de poder condenarlo dijo Kurt. Voy a una el sbado que viene. Si quieres podemos ir juntos. Sid le dio las gracias a Kurt por la invitacin, pero la rechaz educadamente. Sin embargo, mientras segua su paseo y repasaba la conversacin mentalmente, no poda evitar la sensacin de que Kurt tena razn. Tambin senta una cierta curiosidad por ir a una corrida y ver con sus propios ojos qu era lo que emocionaba tanto a la gente. Con una ligera sensacin de desconcierto llam a la puerta de Kurt al da siguiente y le dijo que le gustara acompaarle a la corrida. Excelente! dijo Kurt. Estoy seguro de que la vas a disfrutar!. Sid no estaba tan seguro, pero haba decidido hacerlo y esperaba que llegase el sbado con una mezcla de culpabilidad y emocin. Kurt le propuso a Sid que se montase en el asiento trasero de su moto, otra experiencia que era completamente novedosa. Cuando se agarr a la espalda de Kurt desesperadamente,
had happened to that quiet insurance agent from Yorkshire who had always made a point of never doing anything adventurous or out of the ordinary. The bullfight was an almost overwhelming experience of colour, sound and emotion. Sid was captivated by the whole spectacle, but still felt a terrible revulsion for the suffering of the bull. After the first exhilarating half an hour he started to cringe more and more at what he saw. By the end of the bullfight, whilst everyone, including Kurt, was cheering the fall of the final bull, Sid couldnt wait to escape. Did you enjoy it? asked Kurt as they pushed their way through the crowds. Er,um, well but Sid was saved from answering by the sight before him. There waving banners, booing and shouting murderers! at the crowd was a small group of English animal rights activists, including the lady who ran the dog sanctuary where Fluffy lived, and three of her helpers. All four ladies stared at Sid with looks of utter astonishment and condemnation. Sid was completely at a loss and did the first thing that came into his head. He smiled politely, bowed his head in greeting and said Good evening ladies. He then strutted away holding a rather surprised Kurt by the hand.
se pregunt qu haba pasado con ese agente de seguros tan tranquilo de Yorkshire que siempre insista en no hacer nada aventurero ni fuera de lo normal. La corrida era una experiencia casi abrumadora de color, sonido y pasin. Sid estaba cautivado por el espectculo entero, pero an as sinti una repugnancia terrible por el sufrimiento del toro. Despus de la primera media hora de excitacin, empez a encogerse cada vez ms por lo que vea. Al final de la corrida mientras todos, incluyendo a Kurt, aplaudan la cada del ltimo toro, Sid no vea la hora de escapar. Te ha gustado? pregunt Kurt, mientras se empujaban por el medio de la multitud. Ah, em, pues , pero Sid fue interrumpido por la imagen que tena delante de l. All, agitando pancartas, abucheando y gritando asesinos! a la muchedumbre, haba un grupo pequeo de ingleses militantes de los derechos de los animales, incluyendo a la directora del refugio donde viva Fluffy, y tres de sus ayudantes. Las cuatro seoras miraron a Sid con expresiones de estupefaccin y condena. Sid se encontr totalmente perplejo e hizo el primer disparate que le pas por la cabeza. Sonri educadamente, baj la cabeza a modo de saludo y dijo: Buenas tardes seoras. Entonces se fue pavonendose cogido de la mano de un Kurt bastante sorprendido.
2 There waving banners, booing and shouting at the crowd was a small group of English animal rights activists. All, agitando pancartas, abucheando y gritando a la muchedumbre, haba un grupo pequeo de ingleses militantes de los derechos de los animales.
espite recent events Sid continued his dog walking duties, and one day decided to make a change in his usual routine. He had heard about a new dog-friendly park which he thought Fluffy might like. She could run around freely and it even had an area especially dedicated to doggie poo. The park had the added attraction of a bar with an open air terrace, shaded under the palm trees. Sid entered the park with an excited Fluffy pulling on her lead. He let her go and sat down where he could see her play. He chatted to her in his usual way and didnt notice who the person was sitting at the next table, until he heard Hello Sid! in a familiar female voice. He turned round and to his utter astonishment saw Sylvia sitting alone, looking as beautiful as ever. Well, hello! What are you doing here? was the only thing he could think of saying. Im house and dog sitting for a friend for a week replied Sylvia. I might ask the same question of you. I didnt know you liked dogs. Oh, well. Its a long story said Sid feeling decidedly awkward. Well, if youre not doing anything else, I like long stories said Sylvia. Sid felt as though he was in a dream as he joined Sylvia at her table. In answer to his questions Sylvia explained that things with her family had improved a great deal and that she was even thinking about moving back to Spain. She was using this week to test out her feelings about such a big change, which this time would have to be permanent. Now your turn, she said. What have you been up to?
pesar de los acontecimientos recientes Sid segua con su tarea de pasear al perro, y un da decidi hacer un cambio en su rutina habitual. Haba odo hablar de un nuevo parque condicionado para los perros y pens que quizs le gustara a Fluffy. Podra corretear a su aire e incluso, tena una zona dedicada a las caquitas de perros. El parque tena el atractivo adicional de un bar con terraza al aire libre debajo de la sombra de unas palmeras. Sid entr en el parque con una Fluffy agitada tirando de su correa. La solt y se sent dnde la poda ver jugar. Habl con ella como haca habitualmente sin darse cuenta de la persona sentada en la mesa contigua, hasta que oy Hola Sid! . Era una voz femenina que le resultaba familiar. Se dio la vuelta y para su total asombro vio a Sylvia sentada sola, tan preciosa como siempre. Vaya, hola! Qu haces t aqu? era la nica respuesta que se le ocurri. Estoy cuidando la casa y el perro de una amiga durante una semanarespondi Sylvia. Te podra hacer la misma pregunta. No saba que te gustasen los perros. Pues, es una historia muy larga dijo Sid, sintindose bastante torpe. Bueno. Si no ests muy ocupado, me gustan las historias largas dijo Sylvia. Sid se sinti como en un sueo cuando fue a sentarse con Sylvia en su mesa. En contestacin a sus preguntas, Sylvia explic que las cosas con su familia haban mejorado mucho y que incluso estaba pensando en volver a vivir a Espaa. Estaba aprovechando la semana para poner a prueba sus sentimientos sobre este cambio tan grande, y que esta vez tendra que ser permanente.
Sid hardly knew where to start, so decided to explain why he was dog walking, which led him to tell her about his fateful leg waxing experience, which in turn involved telling her about his experiences on local television and radio. She also heard about his sister Marys visit, about the trials of Joan and Jim and their takeover of the community. After much laughter Sylvia said: To be honest Sid, I did hear something about you which I thought was a little odd. Oh? answered Sid, wondering what on earth was coming next. Well actually I heard a rumour that you are gay she said with a twinkle in her eye. Ah, yes, well, that can be easily explained said Sid doubtfully, and as he told Sylvia the story about Kurt and the demonstrators Sylvia laughed till she cried. It was just like old times. As Sylvia wiped the tears from her eyes her hand touched her ear and she instantly realized she had lost an earring. Its all your fault! she exclaimed. Youve made me lose an earring now! She bent over to search under her chair and Sid suddenly remembered the gift he had bought her at the summer fayre. When she sat up he handed her the small paper package containing two delicate earrings. These are for you, he said.
50. El Reencuentro
Ahora te toca dijo. Qu cosas has hecho? Sid casi no saba por dnde empezar, as que decidi explicar por qu paseaba al perro, lo que lo llev a contarle su fatdica experiencia de depilarse la pierna con cera, y que a su vez le oblig a contarle sobre sus experiencias en la televisin y la radio local. Tambin le cont la visita de su hermana Mary, las dificultades de Joan y Jim adems de la toma de poder de ellos en la comunidad. Despus de rerse mucho Sylvia dijo: Si te digo la verdad Sid, he odo algo sobre ti que me pareca un poco extrao. Ah s? respondi Sid, preguntndose qu diablos vendra despus. Pues, en realidad o un rumor de que eras gay dijo, con un brillo en los ojos. Ah, s, pues, eso es fcil de explicar dijo Sid sin conviccin, y mientras le contaba la historia de Kurt y los manifestantes, Sylvia se rea hasta que se le saltaron las lgrimas. Era como en los viejos tiempos. Mientras Sylvia se secaba las lgrimas de los ojos, su mano toc la oreja y se dio cuenta al instante de que haba perdido un pendiente. La culpa la tienes t! exclam. Ya me has hecho perder un pendiente!. Se agach para buscar debajo de su silla, y Sid de repente se acord del detalle que le haba comprado en la feria de verano. Cuando ella se incorpor, le entreg el paquetito de papel que contena dos pendientes delicados. Esto es para ti dijo.
2 Fluffy could run around freely and it even had an area especially dedicated to doggie poo. Fluffy podra corretear a su aire e incluso, tena una zona dedicada a las caquitas de perros. 201
fter their surprise meeting Sid and Sylvia agreed to keep in touch. Sylvia clearly wanted to keep things on a casual basis and Sid had no choice but to accept this. He knew that she was still in the process of deciding about her future, but found it hard not to get his hopes up about their relationship. Sid needed to keep himself busy, and as things were rather quiet at the moment in his social life, he decided to do some painting and decorating at home. Sid had been out and about so much in recent months that he hadnt realized just how much he had neglected his house. For one thing it was nearly four years since he had moved in, but apart from that he was getting rather tired of the whole interior being a uniform white. He decided to paint each room a different pastel shade and had a great deal of fun going round various do-it-yourself shops and mixing paints to find the exact colours he wanted. Once he had completed the inside of the house to his usual meticulous standards, he turned his attention to the exterior. This time he was obliged to keep to the uniform white of the rest of the houses in the community. When he looked carefully though, he realized that in his case, this had become more of a dingy grey. Rather than pay someone else to do the work, Sid managed to borrow all the equipment he needed and got started on brightening up the whole building. As Sid worked away on his house, he became more aware of the areas outside Sunny Dreams. On one side there was a huge expanse of similar urbanizations as far as the eye could see, but on the other there was an area of scrubland. Like most of his neighbours, Sid had been told by the estate agent
espus de su reencuentro inesperado, Sid y Sylvia acordaron mantener el contacto. Estaba claro que Sylvia solo quera una relacin de amistad y Sid no tena ms remedio que aceptarlo. Saba que ella todava estaba en proceso de decidir sobre su futuro, pero aun as, le result difcil perder las esperanzas sobre su relacin. Sid necesitaba algo para mantenerse ocupado, y como su vida social estaba bastante tranquila en ese momento, decidi pintar y decorar su casa. Sid haba salido tanto en los ltimos meses, que no se haba dado cuenta de cunto haba descuidado su casa. Por una parte iba a cumplir cuatro aos desde su mudanza, pero por otra, l estaba bastante aburrido del color blanco de sus paredes. Decidi pintar cada habitacin de un tono pastel diferente, y se lo pas muy bien yendo a varias tiendas de bricolaje y mezclando pinturas, para encontrar los colores exactos que quera. Una vez terminado el interior de la casa pintada de forma perfeccionista, se concentr en el exterior. Esta vez estaba obligado a mantener el blanco uniforme de todas las casas de la urbanizacin. Pero cuando se fij detenidamente, se dio cuenta de que en su caso, se haba convertido en un gris sucio. En vez de pagarle a alguien por hacer el trabajo, Sid logr conseguir prestado todo el equipamiento que necesitaba y se puso a trabajar para aclarar el edificio entero. Mientras Sid trabajaba en su casa, se volva cada vez ms consciente de los alrededores de Sunny Dreams. Por un lado, haba una extensin enorme de urbanizaciones parecidas a la suya hasta donde sus ojos le dejaban ver, pero por el otro lado, haba una zona llena de maleza. Como a muchos de sus vecinos,
that the land was to become a landscaped park, and a small group of optimists still clung to this belief. The local scaremongers however insisted it was due to become a major sewage works. Whatever its future, the land at present was an unsightly dump about which many people had protested to no avail. Sid had kept out of the arguments reported in the press as much as possible, but one afternoon as he perched on his scaffolding and peered across the horizon, he decided it was time he took some action. The following morning he went down to the town hall and demanded in his best Spanish to see the plans for the whole area. After some delay he was ushered into an office where the required plans were laid out for his inspection by a young man. To his utter astonishment he found there was indeed a landscaped park drawn over the offending area. He then noted however that the plan was twenty-five years old. When will this be? he asked. The young man looked up slowly from his computer and smiled enigmatically.
el agente inmobiliario le haba dicho a Sid que esa zona iba a ser un parque ajardinado, y un pequeo grupo de optimistas todava se aferraban a esa idea. Los paranoicos locales, sin embargo, insistan en que iba a ser una planta depuradora importante. Fuese lo que fuese en el futuro, el terreno en ese momento era un desagradable vertedero sobre el cual, mucha gente haba protestado sin xito alguno. Sid se haba mantenido todo lo que le fue posible al margen de la polmica ya documentada en prensa, pero una tarde cuando estaba subido en el andamio y contempl el horizonte, decidi que ya era hora de tomar cartas en el asunto. La maana siguiente se fue al ayuntamiento y en su mejor espaol insisti en ver los planos de toda la zona. Despus de cierto retraso, le hicieron pasar a la oficina donde los planos exigidos le fueron expuestos para su inspeccin por un hombre joven. Su asombro fue total cuando encontr dibujado un parque ajardinado en la zona que causaba tanto disgusto. A continuacin not que el plano era de haca veinticinco aos. Cundo se har esto? pregunt. El joven alz la vista de su ordenador lentamente con una sonrisa enigmtica.
2 To his utter astonishment he found there was indeed a landscaped park drawn over the offending area. Su asombro fue total cuando encontr dibujado un parque ajardinado en la zona que causaba tanto disgusto.
espus de la visita de Sid al departamento de urbanismo del ayuntamiento, escribi una carta a un peridico local para dar ms peso a la campaa con la que pretenda limpiar el descampado cerca de Sunny Dreams. En realidad no esperaba ninguna respuesta, as que se sorprendi un da cuando, al llegar a casa, encontr un mensaje en su contestador de un joven, con acento de colegio privado, llamado Rupert, expresando su inters por la carta de Sid. A pesar del coste de devolver la llamada hasta el Reino Unido, le picaba la curiosidad. Para su sorpresa, se encontr hablando con alguien del departamento de noticias de la BBC quin le dijo, que un equipo de reporteros iba a visitar la zona en un futuro prximo. Estamos buscando a gente como usted para darnos su punto de vista sobre la vida en Espaa dijo el periodista. No tenemos ningn enfoque especial; solo queremos or lo que nos quiere decir sobre la vida en Espaa en general, si le parece bien. Naturalmente Sid se sinti halagado con esta propuesta, y acord ser tan til como pudiese para el equipo de reporteros. Ya imaginaba lo orgullosa que estara su hermana Mary, al verle entrevistado en las noticias de la BBC de las tardes. Dio vueltas en su mente pensando en el tipo de frases que poda utilizar para dar una imagen buena y equilibrada, sobre las ventajas y desventajas de vivir en Espaa. Si lo hiciese realmente bien, incluso quizs le invitaran a hacer un documental sobre la zona. Quedaron con Sid en un hotel cercano para que conociese al equipo y, como de costumbre l lleg media hora antes. Se sent a contemplar las idas y venidas de los huspedes del hotel, intentando reconocer al equipo de reporteros. Despus de un rato, un hombre joven en mangas de camisa y pantaln
his hand to Sid in a hearty manner, introducing himself as Rupert. Other English residents joined them and once the whole group was gathered Rupert gave them the rundown of events. Appointments were made with each of the participants and all were reassured once more that they could just be themselves and say whatever they wanted about their life in Spain. Rupert did say that the editor was particularly interested in urban expansion issues, so he would prefer some shots on building sites if at all possible. In Sids case, Rupert thought that the waste ground outside Sunny Dreams would be ideal and so they arranged to meet there later that day. Sid met up with Rupert, along with his technical team, at the appointed place. After a certain amount of kerfuffle, Rupert commenced the interview: I have with me Sid who has lived in Spain for four years. Sid lives in this really rundown area of the coast. As you can see there is wasteland here with rubble and rubbish strewn all over the place. So Sid, how disappointed are you to be living in this dump?
52. El Vertedero
de franela gris, sali del ascensor y le estrech la mano de una manera cordial presentndose como Rupert. Otros residentes ingleses se juntaron al grupo y una vez reunidos todos, Rupert les dio el resumen de los acontecimientos del da. Organiz citas con cada uno de los participantes y se les asegur una vez ms que podan actuar de forma natural y decir lo que queran sobre su vida en Espaa. Rupert coment que al editor le interesaba especialmente el asunto de la expansin urbanstica, as que preferiran en lo posible rodar en zonas de obra. En el caso de Sid, Rupert pens que el descampado fuera de Sunny Dreams sera ideal as que quedaron en encontrarse all ms tarde el mismo da. Sid se encontr con Rupert, y el equipo tcnico, en el sitio elegido. Despus de unos momentos de confusin, Rupert comenz la entrevista: Tengo conmigo a Sid quien lleva cuatro aos viviendo en Espaa. Sid vive en esta zona de la costa prcticamente abandonada. Como veis aqu, hay un descampado con basura y escombros tirados por todos lados. As que Sid, Cmo te sientes de decepcionado al vivir en este vertedero?
2 So Sid, how disappointed are you to be living in this dump? As que Sid, Cmo te sientes de decepcionado al vivir en este vertedero?
id estaba muy frustrado por la forma tan negativa en la que le haban entrevistado los de la BBC. Sin embargo, como no tena pelos en la lengua, argument con fuerza que Espaa era un sitio maravilloso para vivir, y que los pocos aspectos negativos eran insignificantes en comparacin con todos los beneficios que Espaa ofreca. Sin embargo pareca que sus protestas cayeron en odos sordos, porque al final eliminaron su entrevista del reportaje, dejando solo historias de miseria y tristeza. Haba pasado un tiempo desde la ltima vez que Sid haba estado en contacto con sus amigos espaoles del pueblo, y pens que quedar con ellos podra ser un buen antdoto contra tanta negatividad britnica. Cuando entr en el bar de Manuel le dieron la bienvenida como a un amigo de siempre, y le sirvieron su bebida habitual. Manuel llam a su madre e hija que estaban en la cocina, quienes gritaron de alegra y le colmaron de besos. A pesar de su ausencia, Sid se dio cuenta de que su espaol haba mejorado y era capaz de entender ms que antes de ese espaol tan enrgico. Manuel puso a Sid al da con las noticias de la familia y le dijo que pronto sera la primera comunin de su sobrina Lorena. Sid saba que esto era un acontecimiento muy importante en la vida de un nio espaol y era evidente que toda la familia estaba muy orgullosa. T deberas venir tambin dijeron. Vamos a preparar una fiesta muy grande! Sid se sinti encantado y emocionado por la invitacin. A qu hora ser la misa? pregunt. No, no, tienes que venir a la casa primero respondieron. Eres uno ms de la familia.
On the morning of the big day Sid dressed up in his suit and picked up the gift he had bought for Lorena. As he approached the house he could hear shouting coming from upstairs. He called several times before Manuel eventually heard him and opened the door. We have a small problem with my grandson he said, rolling his eyes. Little Manu was refusing to put on the suit his mother had bought him for the occasion and wanted to wear his football shirt instead. The amount of screaming and yelling that this problem generated was simply incredible. Eventually the family made their way to the church all dressed up, including a disgruntled Manu. The church was full of similar families accompanying their children for their first communion. All the girls looked like little brides in white and the boys well groomed in their sailor suits. At the end of the service when the families emerged into the afternoon sun an immense explosion of fireworks made Sid jump out of his skin, whilst the Spanish relatives from very elderly to newborn, took all the noise in their stride. The day ended with a big party in Manuels bar. The adults ate, drank and most of all talked, whilst the children ran around and played until way past Sids bedtime.
En la maana del gran da, Sid se visti de traje y cogi el regalo que haba comprado para Lorena. Cuando se acerc a la casa oa gritos que procedan de la parte de arriba. Llam a la puerta varias veces antes de que Manuel le oyese, y por fin le abri la puerta. Tenemos un pequeo problema con mi nieto dijo, poniendo los ojos en blanco. El pequeo Manu se negaba a ponerse el traje que su madre le haba comprado para la ocasin; l quera ponerse su camiseta de ftbol. El volumen con el que se gritaba y chillaba por este problema, era simplemente increble. Al final, la familia se puso en camino a la iglesia, todos vestidos elegantemente, incluido un Manu contrariado. La iglesia estaba llena de familias parecidas, acompaando a sus hijos en su primera comunin. Todas las nias parecan novias en miniatura y los nios iban muy peinados, en sus trajes de marinero. Cuando acab la misa, las familias salieron al sol de la media tarde, hubo una explosin de fuegos artificiales que hicieron que Sid saltase del susto, mientras que los parientes espaoles, desde el ms anciano hasta el recin nacido, perciban como algo normal, todo ese ruido. El da finaliz con una gran fiesta en el bar de Manuel. Los adultos coman, beban y sobre todo hablaban, mientras que los nios corran y jugaban hasta muy pasada la hora en la que Sid normalmente se acostaba.
2 All the girls looked like little brides in white and the boys well groomed in their sailor suits. Todas las nias parecan novias en miniatura y los nios iban muy peinados, en sus trajes de marinero.
esde haca bastante tiempo, Sid haba tenido la intencin de explorar ms partes de Espaa, especialmente algunos de sus parques naturales donde quera dedicarse a observar las aves. Aunque disfrut mucho su viaje a Crdoba con los pensionistas espaoles, se dio cuenta de que sus intereses eran realmente diferentes y, la barrera del idioma le frustraba. En realidad no quera ir con un viaje organizado, preferira coger el coche y ver adnde le llevaban los vientos. Bueno, esa era la versin que les contaba a sus amigos, pero la realidad era un poco diferente. Pasaba muchas horas solo informndose sobre los parques naturales, trazando rutas y midiendo distancias de forma que l pudiese hacer el mejor uso de su tiempo. Llev su coche para una revisin a fondo, complement su seguro del automvil con el servicio de gra y adquiri una variedad de artculos, desde brjula y linterna, hasta repelente de insectos y un par de cordones de repuesto. Despus de varias semanas de preparacin, estaba absolutamente seguro de que l no haba dejado nada al azar. Los vecinos de Sid, Joan y Jim, estaban muy callados desde su crisis matrimonial, pero cada uno a su manera le haba mostrado su gratitud por su papel como mediador. Sin embargo, ahora no disimulaban su opinin de que Sid estaba completamente loco. Le aconsejaron en serio visitar a un psiquiatra porque, desde su punto de vista, ninguna persona en su sano juicio viajara por este pas extrao y desconocido, y mucho menos adentrarse en sus bosques donde sin duda haba bestias salvajes esperando saborear vctimas humanas. Sin embargo, en la maana de la salida de Sid, Joan, Jim y varios otros vecinos acudieron para despedirse de l.
was useful for adventurers who lost their way. Sid thanked her graciously and joked that if he didnt use it all he would bring it back for Jim. As he drove slowly out of Sunny Dreams urbanization and waved goodbye he felt a shiver of excitement all down his spine. Sid had the time of his life on his one-man birdwatching tour. He identified and photographed scores of fascinating birds. He made new friends of all nationalities, ate new kinds of food and saw natural wonders he had only dreamed of. He also started to acquire a certain look of manly ruggedness which he rather enjoyed. Finally, on the last leg of his tour he arrived in a mountain village in northern Spain to see for himself the rich green landscapes he had heard so much about. Early on the first morning he got up to the sound of torrential rain. He put on his weatherproof jacket and boots walked down to a small stone-built refuge for some coffee and toast. As he sat and peered through the mist at the grey skies and wet green hills he was suddenly hit with a sad feeling. He allowed his thoughts to wander until he realized it was possibly homesickness for Yorkshire.
Joan le dio una petaca de coac ya que haba odo, era muy til para los aventureros que se perdan. Sid le dio las gracias cortsmente y dijo en broma, que si no la usaba, la traera de vuelta para Jim. Cuando arranc y sali de la urbanizacin de Sunny Dreams saludando con la mano, sinti un escalofro de emocin por toda su columna vertebral. Sid lo pasaba como nunca en su recorrido individual observando aves. Identific y fotografi veintenas de pjaros fascinantes. Hizo nuevos amigos de todas las nacionalidades, comi nuevos tipos de comida y vio maravillas naturales con las que solo haba soado. Tambin adquiri un aspecto varonil y de tipo duro que le gust bastante. Al final, en la ltima etapa de su gira, lleg a un pueblo montas en el norte de Espaa para ver con sus propios ojos los paisajes tan frtiles y verdes sobre los que haba odo tanto. A primera hora de la maana se levant con el sonido de una lluvia torrencial. Se puso su chaqueta impermeable y sus botas de agua y camin hacia un refugio de piedra donde tomar caf con tostadas. Mientras se sentaba mirando a travs de la neblina al cielo tan gris y las colinas verdes mojadas de repente sinti una sensacin de tristeza. Dej que sus pensamientos divagasen hasta que se dio cuenta de que posiblemente senta nostalgia por Yorkshire.
2 Early on the first morning he got up to the sound of torrential rain A primera hora de la maana se levant con el sonido de una lluvia torrencial.
id returned from his tour of Spain a changed man. Not only did he look healthier and happier, he had altered on the inside as well. He had spent several days in the mountains of northern Spain in the most awful weather which meant he was unable to do a great deal other than think. By the time the clouds parted and he was able to marvel at the spectacular scenery displayed before him, he had come to understand a lot of things much better. It occurred to him that for four years he had barely given a thought to the place where he was born, brought up, married, lived and worked all his life. He had never so much as questioned this until the moment he arrived in the area that reminded him so strongly of home. The death of his wife Audrey after a protracted illness had added to his need to get away from the place as soon as his circumstances would allow, and not look back. For the first time since her death Sid relived these events in his mind and took the time alone to grieve. Sid spent the last few days enjoying the marvels of nature in Spain before driving home. On his way back in the car he felt drained but peaceful. He reached the end of his long journey late at night and when he turned off the engine of his car he sat in silence for a while admiring the freshly painted white faade of his home against the inky blue sky. He could smell the sweet aroma of his jasmine plant and hear the screeching sound of a cricket breaking through the silence. Who would have thought it? he said to himself philosophically.
id de regreso de su gira por Espaa era como otro hombre. No solo pareca ms sano y ms feliz, haba cambiado por dentro tambin. Haba pasado varios das en las montaas del norte de Espaa con un tiempo realmente horroroso, en consecuencia no poda hacer nada, excepto pensar. Para cuando las nubes se apartaron y fue capaz de disfrutar del espectacular paisaje expuesto ante sus ojos, haba conseguido entender muchas cosas y mucho mejor. Se le ocurri que durante los ltimos cuatro aos, apenas haba pensado en el lugar donde naci, se cri, se cas, vivi y trabaj durante toda su vida. Ni siquiera se lo haba planteado hasta que lleg a este lugar que le recordaba tanto a su pueblo natal. La muerte de su mujer Audrey despus de una larga enfermedad, haba intensificado su necesidad por abandonar aquel sitio tan pronto como sus circunstancias se lo permitiesen, sin mirar atrs. Por primera vez desde su muerte, Sid revivi mentalmente aquellos acontecimientos y llor por su prdida. Sid pas los ltimos das disfrutando las maravillas de la naturaleza en Espaa antes de hacer el trayecto de vuelta a casa. Ya en el coche, y de regreso, experiment una sensacin de agotamiento y de paz interior. Lleg a su destino por la noche y cuando apag el motor se qued sentado en silencio durante un rato admirando la fachada de su casa recin pintada de blanco, en contraste con el azul oscuro del cielo. Ola el aroma de su jazmn y oy el chirrido de un grillo rompiendo el silencio. Quin lo hubiera credo? se pregunt en voz alta, filosficamente.
The day after his arrival home Sid slowly started to sort himself out. The first job was to unpack his case, and as he was engrossed in this task the phone rang. A familiar voice from the past asked if she was speaking to Marys brother Sid. It was Marys stepdaughter Julie with some bad news. Mary had been found early that morning by a health visitor. She had died peacefully in the night. Sid was absolutely shattered by the news, but managed to ask about practical details and said he would make immediate plans to fly home. A few days later found Sid at the front of his local village church, surrounded by people he had known all his life. At the end of the service as he followed Marys coffin down the aisle to the back of the church he noticed a lone figure sitting with her head down on the back row. She glanced up and caught his eye with a sad smile. It was Sylvia. She was staying with family in a nearby village so had obviously heard the news and come to express her condolences. Sid was very grateful for this gesture from the only person there who belonged to his life in Spain.
El da despus de su llegada a casa, Sid empez a organizarse poco a poco. Su primera tarea era deshacer la maleta y estaba centrado en esa actividad cuando son el telfono. Una voz conocida del pasado pregunt si hablaba con el hermano de Mary, Sid. Era la hijastra de Mary, Julie con malas noticias. Un asistente sanitario la haba encontrado temprano esa misma maana. Mary haba fallecido plcidamente durante la noche. Sid se qued totalmente deshecho por la noticia, pero logr preguntar sobre los detalles puntuales y dijo que organizara su vuelo de regreso a casa inmediatamente. Pocos das despus, Sid se encontraba sentado en primera fila dentro de la iglesia de su pueblo natal, rodeado de la gente que haba conocido toda su vida. Al final de la ceremonia religiosa mientras Sid segua el atad de Mary a lo largo del pasillo de la iglesia, pudo advertir una figura solitaria con la cabeza agachada, sentada en la ltima fila. Ella alz la vista con una sonrisa triste y se miraron. Era Sylvia. Se encontraba en casa de unos familiares en un pueblo cercano y por lo visto se haba enterado de la noticia y decidi asistir para expresar sus condolencias. Sid se senta muy agradecido por este gesto, ya que era la nica persona presente que perteneca a su vida en Espaa.
2 Sid sat in silence for a while admiring the freshly painted white faade of his home against the inky blue sky. Se qued sentado en silencio durante un rato admirando la fachada de su casa recin pintada de blanco, en contraste con el azul oscuro del cielo.
utside the church Sylvia approached Sid discreetly. If youd like to meet up while youre here, heres my phone number she said. No pressure, Sid, honestly, just if you would like a chat, thats all. Thanks Sid replied, before turning away to respond to more expressions of sympathy. After a long day Sid returned to his bed and breakfast room, completely exhausted. He placed Sylvias slip of paper in his wallet before drifting off into a deep sleep. Sid had to stay in his home village for another ten days to sort out matters connected with Marys death. As the only remaining sibling, he inherited the family house from Mary. This meant spending many hours in the home sorting out Marys belongings. Once that task was completed it felt very strange to be in such an empty place that was full of so many memories. As well as sorting out Marys affairs, Sid took the opportunity to visit friends and acquaintances. As the days passed he became more and more aware of how everyones lives had moved on without him. Despite their friendliness and warm invitations, Sid realized he no longer had an important place in their world. He also found it impossible to explain to them what his life in Spain was all about. One dull afternoon Sid went off alone to walk along the lanes and riversides where he had played as a child, and on another he braved the gusty winds and drizzle to walk to the top of his favourite hill. Even with grey clouds scurrying across the skies the view beneath him was still breathtakingly beautiful. Sid stayed for as long as the cold and damp would
uera de la iglesia Sylvia se acerc a Sid discretamente. Si quieres quedar mientras ests aqu, aqu tienes mi nmero de telfono dijo. Sin presin, de verdad Sid, solo si te apetece charlar un poco, nada ms. Gracias respondi Sid antes de darle la espalda para responder a ms expresiones de psame. Despus de un da largo Sid volvi a la habitacin de su pensin, completamente agotado. Meti el trocito de papel de Sylvia en su cartera antes de entrar en un sueo profundo. Sid tena que quedarse en su pueblo natal durante diez das ms para arreglar los asuntos relacionados con el fallecimiento de Mary. Como nico hermano vivo, hered la casa familiar de Mary. Eso significaba pasar muchas horas en la casa, ordenando las pertenencias de Mary. Una vez acabada esta tarea, se sinti raro en un lugar tan vacio pero tan lleno de recuerdos. Adems de arreglar los asuntos de Mary, Sid aprovech la oportunidad para visitar a amigos y conocidos. A medida que pasaban los das, se empezaba a dar cuenta de cmo las vidas de todo el mundo haban continuado en su ausencia. A pesar de su amabilidad y sus invitaciones calurosas, Sid se dio cuenta de que ya no tena un papel importante en sus vidas. Tambin le fue imposible explicarles cmo era su vida en Espaa. En una tarde nublada Sid sali a andar solo, por los caminos y las riberas de los ros donde jugaba cuando era nio. Otra tarde, le hizo frente a las rfagas de viento y llovizna para subir a la cima de su colina favorita. Aun con las nubes grises cruzando los cielos, la vista a sus pies era de una belleza impresionante. Sid permaneci ah todo el tiempo que le permiti el fro y la
allow and then carefully walked and slid down the muddy path back to the village. On his final full day in Yorkshire Sid phoned Sylvia who invited him round to her daughters house for the afternoon. He was introduced to her family, who then left them alone to talk together over tea and biscuits. It was strange seeing Sylvia in such a different environment, but they got along together like old friends who understood each other very well. They talked about where they really felt most at home and how they both saw the future, without making any reference to their relationship. Suddenly Sylvia said I didnt see your son at the funeral. No replied Sid. To be honest I completely lost touch with him after his mother died. Its a long story. Give me his full name said Sylvia. I bet you I can trace him. Whilst they continued chatting Sylvia turned to her computer and started typing. After just a few minutes she said, There he is! Is that him? To his amazement Sid was looking at a photograph of his son Charles on the computer screen. You can write him a message if you want, said Sylvia. Oh, Ill think about it Sid replied somewhat taken aback by modern technology.
humedad, y despus baj el camino embarrado hacia el pueblo, andando y deslizndose con precaucin. En su ltimo da en Yorkshire Sid llam a Sylvia, que le invit a la casa de su hija para pasar la tarde. Le present a su familia, quienes les dejaron solos para charlar mientras tomaban el t con galletas. Era extrao ver a Sylvia en un ambiente tan diferente, pero se llevaron como viejos amigos que se entendan perfectamente. Hablaron sobre dnde se sentan mejor, y como vean el futuro, sin hacer referencia ninguna a su relacin sentimental. De repente Sylvia dijo: No vi a tu hijo en el funeral. No respondi Sid. Para ser sincero he perdido todo contacto con l despus de la muerte de su madre. Es una historia larga. Dame su nombre completo dijo Sylvia. Apuesto a que puedo encontrarlo. Mientras seguan charlando Sylvia se gir hacia su ordenador y empez a escribir algo. Despus de pocos minutos dijo: Aqu est! Es l?. A su asombro, Sid se encontr mirando una foto de su hijo Charles en la pantalla del ordenador. Le puedes escribir un mensaje si quieres dijo Sylvia. Oh, ya lo pensar respondi Sid, algo sorprendido por la tecnologa moderna.
2 To his amazement Sid was looking at a photograph of his son Charles on the computer screen. A su asombro, Sid se encontr mirando una foto de su hijo Charles en la pantalla del ordenador.
fter what felt like a lifetime away, Sid finally returned home to Sunny Dreams. Joan had been looking after his house for him and had left a bunch of flowers on the table and fresh milk, bread and other essentials in the kitchen. A pile of letters was laid on the coffee table, mostly bills and publicity material, and there were half a dozen messages on his answering machine from people reminding him about meetings or inviting him for a drink. On the morning after his arrival Sid went on his rounds in the urbanization, checking up on light bulbs and border plants and catching up on what had gone on in his absence. He noticed an unknown car parked outside Carmens house and heard from one of her neighbours that she had a new man friend in her life. Sid was delighted at this news and curious to find out whether he knew the gentleman concerned. That same evening Sid met up with his birdwatching group who were discussing the nesting habits of sand martins. At the end of the meeting Sid picked up on a longstanding disagreement he had been having with one of the members about the usefulness of sensors to detect certain species of bats. On his return home and before going to bed Sid checked through all his kitchen cupboards and made a shopping list for the next day. On his way out the following morning Sid popped in to see Joan and Jim only to find them embroiled in a new domestic conflict. Jim was a little too pleased to see him and Joan was a little too touchy for things to be completely right between them. Everything is normal there then Sid thought to himself
as he drove down to the village to call on Manuel, before picking up his shopping at the supermarket. The rest of that day was spent washing and ironing, cleaning windows and sweeping the terrace to the sound of his favourite music. Later on in the week Sid arrived at the dog sanctuary to find that Fluffy had at last found a permanent home. Sid felt unreasonably upset by this news, but hid his disappointment well enough to be entrusted with a new small friend, who he immediately named Dusty. The name seemed to follow on the same theme of household cleaning as well as reflect the colour of his new friends grey-brown coat. Sid introduced Dusty to all of Fluffys favourite places and soon they were the best of friends. After a few more days of catching up, all of Sids routines were re-established and life was back to normal. Sid had not realized just how much he had missed his life in Sunny Dreams. Despite his journeys to such beautiful parts of Spain and his return to the place he was born and brought up, he was now absolutely sure where he belonged. He knew that life would never be perfect, but he knew that he was content.
mientras conduca hacia el pueblo para visitar a Manuel, antes de hacer las compras en el supermercado. Pas el resto del da, lavando y planchando ropa, limpiando cristales y barriendo la terraza, con el sonido de su msica favorita. Ms adelante, durante esa misma semana Sid fue al refugio de animales y descubri que Fluffy por fin haba encontrado un hogar permanente. A Sid le sent mal esta noticia por motivos poco razonables, pero disimul su decepcin bastante bien para que le volviesen a confiar un nuevo amiguito, al que en seguida llam Dusty. El nombre continuaba en la lnea de la limpieza domstica y a la vez reflejaba el color del pelo gris-marrn de su nuevo amigo. Sid llev a Dusty a todos los sitios favoritos de Fluffy y muy pronto se convirtieron en grandes amigos. Despus de varios das ms para ponerse al corriente, todas las rutinas de Sid se restablecieron y la vida volvi a la normalidad. Sid no se haba dado cuenta de cunto haba echado de menos su vida en Sunny Dreams. A pesar de sus viajes a unas partes de Espaa tan preciosas y su vuelta al lugar donde haba nacido y vivido, ahora estaba completamente seguro de que estaba en su lugar. Saba que la vida nunca sera perfecta, pero saba que estaba contento.
2 After a few more days of catching up, all of Sids routines were re-established and life was back to normal. Despus de varios das ms para ponerse al corriente, todas las rutinas de Sid se restablecieron y la vida volvi a la normalidad.
t last it happened. Sylvia was back in Spain to stay. To say that it had been a long painful wait for Sid was an understatement. As much as he had accepted her decisions and kept himself occupied with other things, he was sure of his own feelings and could only hope and be patient. In some ways the prolonged absence had done them both good, and their meeting in Yorkshire bonded them together in a special way which they both understood. Gradually they re-established their routine of meeting up once or twice a week for meals and trips out, and when the moment felt right, they started to stay over at each others homes from time to time. A few weeks into their new-found relationship Sylvia proposed a trip to Madrid. Although Sylvia had been born and brought up in a small village, she had lived in big cities for most of her adult life and she considered herself more of a city than a country person. How can we say we live in this country and not even know its capital city? she argued. Sid had to admit she had a point and agreed to go along with her for a weeks holiday in Madrid. However, he had one condition, which he announced to Sylvia with great seriousness. The condition was that one day would be spent birdwatching in the mountains outside Madrid. Sid, can you see me birdwatching? said Sylvia. Ill frighten them all away! Thats the condition replied Sid, take it or leave it. Sylvia realized she had no choice and accepted the deal, and so after only a few short weeks at home, Sid was off once more on his travels.
or fin ocurri. Sylvia haba vuelto a Espaa para siempre. Decir que la espera haba sido larga y dolorosa sera quedarse corto. Aunque haba aceptado las decisiones de Sylvia y se haba mantenido ocupado con otros asuntos, estaba seguro de sus sentimientos y solo le quedaba esperar y ser paciente. De alguna manera la ausencia prolongada les haba venido bien a los dos, y su reencuentro en Yorkshire sirvi para crear un fuerte vnculo que ambos entendan. Poco a poco volvieron a establecer su rutina de quedar una o dos veces por semana para comer e ir de excursin y cuando lleg el momento, empezaron a quedarse el uno en la casa del otro de vez en cuando. Despus de las primeras semanas de su nueva relacin Sylvia le propuso un viaje a Madrid. Aunque Sylvia haba nacido y se haba criado en un pueblo pequeo, haba vivido en ciudades grandes durante la mayor parte de su vida adulta y se consideraba ms de la ciudad que del campo. Cmo podemos decir que vivimos en este pas sin siquiera conocer su capital? argument. Sid tuvo que reconocer que tena razn y acord ir con ella de vacaciones durante una semana a Madrid. No obstante le puso una condicin, la cual le coment a Sylvia con mucha seriedad. La condicin era que tenan que pasar un da observando aves en las montaas cercanas a Madrid. Sid, me ves a mi observando pjaros? dijo Sylvia. Los voy a espantar a todos! Esa es mi condicin respondi Sid, y eso es lo que hay. Sylvia se dio cuenta de que no tena otra opcin y acept el trato, as que despus de unas pocas semanas en casa, Sid se iba de viaje una vez ms.
Sylvia adored Madrid. She filled each day with visits to museums and shops, squares and restaurants. They walked along the Gran Via, strolled through the Retiro Park, visited the Rastro market and soaked up the atmosphere of the Plaza Mayor. Sid worked hard at sharing Sylvias enthusiasm, but drew the line when she suggested spending a whole afternoon in El Corte Ingls. He insisted that Sylvia feel free to spend as much time there as she liked while he prepared their day in the country. The bird watching day arrived at last and they hired a car to drive into the mountains. Sid found an ideal spot and watched patiently through his binoculars while Sylvia sat beside him turning the pages of a magazine. Just look at that beauty! he exclaimed suddenly, passing the binoculars to Sylvia. Can you see those perfect markings? Sylvia peered through the lenses. Oh yes she said handing them back and returning to her magazine. Would you like to know what its called? he asked. No, not really. Its a bird. It has wings she replied, turning another page. She glanced up at Sid and saw his expression. You told me I had to go birdwatching with you Sid, you didnt say I had to be interested.
58. La Capital
Sylvia ador Madrid. Llen cada da con visitas a museos y tiendas, plazas y restaurantes. Caminaron a lo largo de la Gran Va, pasearon por El Retiro, visitaron el Rastro y absorbieron el ambiente de la Plaza Mayor. Sid se esforz mucho por compartir el entusiasmo de Sylvia, pero se plant definitivamente cuando ella le propuso pasar toda una tarde en El Corte Ingls. l le suplic a Sylvia con empeo para que pasase todo el tiempo que quisiera all, mientras l preparaba su da en el campo. El da de observar aves lleg por fin y alquilaron un coche para irse a las montaas. Sid encontr el lugar perfecto y se qued observando con paciencia, usando sus prismticos, mientras Sylvia se sentaba a su lado hojeando una revista. Pero mira esa belleza! exclam Sid de repente, pasando los prismticos a Sylvia. Ves esas manchas perfectas? . Sylvia trat de ver por las lentes. Oh, s dijo, devolvindoselos y volviendo a su revista. Te gustara saber cmo se llama? pregunt. La verdad es que no. Es un pjaro. Tiene alas respondi, pasando otra hoja. Luego alz la vista a Sid y not su expresin. Me dijiste que tena que observar contigo Sid, no que tuviera que estar interesada.
2 A few weeks into their new-found relationship Sylvia proposed a trip to Madrid. Despus de las primeras semanas de su nueva relacin Sylvia le propuso un viaje a Madrid.
heir trip to Madrid taught Sid and Sylvia an important lesson. Sometimes they were great together, and other times they were much better a long way apart. They were different in so many ways. Sid was reserved, Sylvia was demonstrative. Sid applied himself to new challenges with military precision whilst Sylvias approach to life was far more flamboyant. Sid was a perfectionist, Sylvia was just happy if things worked out well from time to time, and equally happy to move on when they didnt. As Sid opened up his world to Sylvia, he was intrigued to see how his friends responded to her. She got on like a house on fire with Manuel and his family. She had no idea what they were saying most of the time but still managed to communicate with gestures and laughter, complimenting the elderly members and petting the children until they all adored her. From her first visit onwards every time Sid visited the bar on his own he was asked: Y tu novia? which he didnt really mind. Sylvia had a harder job with Joan and Jim. She had practically nothing in common with them and found Sids patient tolerance of them infuriating. Theyve helped me a lot said Sid. No they havent was Sylvias reply. They just make use of you when they want to. Theyd drop you tomorrow if it suited them. Sid refused to reply to this accusation, so Sylvia added: Well, you obviously like being walked all over, so good luck to you. From time to time Sid and Sylvia found something
u viaje a Madrid les dio a Sid y a Sylvia una leccin importante. A veces funcionaban muy bien juntos y en otras ocasiones estaban mucho mejor alejados el uno del otro. Eran distintos en muchos aspectos. Sid era reservado; Sylvia era extrovertida. Sid se concentraba en los nuevos retos con una precisin militar mientras Sylvia, abordaba la vida de una forma ms exuberante. Sid era perfeccionista, Sylvia estaba contenta aunque las cosas saliesen bien de vez en cuando, e igual de contenta pasando de ellas si salan mal. Cuando Sid invit a Sylvia a entrar en su mundo, le intrigaba ver cmo sus amigos la iban a recibir. Congeniaba de maravilla con Manuel y su familia. La mayor parte del tiempo Sylvia no tena ni idea de qu decan pero an as, logr comunicarse con ellos entre gestos y risas, echando piropos a los mayores y mimando a los pequeos hasta que todos la adoraron. De ese primer da en adelante, cada vez que Sid visitaba el bar solo, le decan Y tu novia? cosa que no le molestaba demasiado. A Sylvia le cost mucho ms trabajo llevarse con Joan y Jim. No tenan prcticamente nada en comn y la tolerancia paciente de Sid hacia ellos la enfureca. Me han ayudado mucho dijo Sid. No es cierto fue la respuesta de Sylvia. Solo te utilizan cuando les viene bien. Te dejaran plantado maana si les fuese conveniente. Sid rehus a responder a esta acusacin, as que Sylvia aadi: Bueno, parece que te encanta que te pisoteen, as que buena suerte. De vez en cuando Sid y Sylvia encontraban algo totalmente
completely different to do together, something which was new to both of them. One day Sid presented Sylvia with two concert tickets for a Spanish pop group. Ive heard them on the radio, theyre really good. Okay said Sylvia, but you realize well be the same age as their grandparents. Ive seen these concerts on television Sid replied. Nobodys looking at anybody else. Youll like it. They decided to have an afternoon nap to make sure they could stay awake for the concert. They arrived at the football stadium in good time which meant they had to spend over an hour queuing to be allowed in. Sylvia thought it was hilarious to have the contents of her handbag inspected by a security guard. They finally found a place to sit at the side of the arena and settled down on their cushions to watch the show, as interested in the young crowd as they were in the group. Sid was right, Sylvia loved the concert. She danced around to the music and waved her arms in the air. Sid also got quite excited by the loud volume and lights and the enthusiasm of the audience. At a quieter moment Sylvia nudged Sid: What are those kids smoking down there? Looks interesting said Sid. Why dont you go down and ask if you can try some? If its any good we can take some round to Joan and Jim in the morning.
diferente para hacer juntos, algo que era nuevo para los dos. Un da, Sid se present a Sylvia con dos entradas para un concierto de un grupo de pop espaol. Les he escuchado en la radio. Son muy buenos. Vale dijo Sylvia. Pero te das cuenta de que tendremos la misma edad que sus abuelos. He visto este tipo de concierto en la tele respondi Sid. Nadie te mira. Te va a gustar. Decidieron echarse una siesta para asegurarse de que estaran despiertos todo el concierto. Llegaron al estadio de ftbol con tiempo de sobra, lo que significaba que tenan que pasar ms de una hora haciendo cola para entrar. Sylvia pens que era divertidsimo que un guardia de seguridad inspeccionase el contenido de su bolso. Al final, encontraron un sitio donde sentarse en un lado del foro y se pusieron cmodos con sus cojines para ver el espectculo, se encontraban muy interesados tanto en la multitud de gente joven como en el grupo de pop. Sid tena razn, a Sylvia le encant el concierto. Bailaba con la msica y agitaba los brazos en el aire. Sid tambin se entusiasm bastante con el volumen y las luces, y el alboroto del pblico. En un momento ms calmado Sylvia le dio un codazo a Sid: Qu estn fumando aquellos chicos all abajo? Parece interesante dijo Sid. Por qu no bajas y les dices si puedes probarlo? Si est bien, podemos llevarlo a la casa de Joan y Jim maana por la maana.
2 One day Sid presented Sylvia with two concert tickets for a Spanish pop group. Un da, Sid se present a Sylvia con dos entradas para un concierto de un grupo de pop espaol. 237
id se acercaba a su setenta cumpleaos y su quinto aniversario en Espaa. Pasaba totalmente de la ocasin pero Sylvia crea que tenan que celebrarlo a lo grande. Se puso a trabajar organizando la fiesta sorpresa y eligi el bar de Manuel como el sitio idneo. Pidi un buffet lleno de los platos favoritos de Sid, y Manuel dijo que su regalo sera una docena de cajas de su vino preferido. Luego Sylvia se puso en contacto con todos sus amigos. Empez con algunos amigos que tenan en comn del club de solteros donde haban iniciado su relacin, luego habl con las seoras del refugio de animales y llam a un par de sus compaeros de observacin de aves. Despus Sylvia fue a la casa de Carmen a pedirle que se lo dijese tambin a los pensionistas espaoles. Carmen estaba segura de que asistiran, especialmente porque todos conocan muy bien el bar de Manuel. Por ltimo Sylvia se acerc a los residentes de Sunny Dreams, uno por uno. Solo invit a los que ella saba que se llevaban bien con Sid, dejando a Joan y Jim para el final. Por supuesto deban asistir a la fiesta, pero ella quera que supiesen quin estaba a cargo de todo. Despus de mucha actividad, Sylvia se asegur de que por lo menos treinta personas estaran esperando, para recibir a Sid en el bar, todos buenos amigos y conocidos apreciados. En la maana del cumpleaos, Sid se despert con una tarjeta de Sylvia junto a un regalo: una corbata de seda de color amarillo plido. Un par de amigos pasaron a desearle feliz cumpleaos, pero nadie mencion lo de la fiesta. Sylvia prepar una comida muy ligera y se asegur de que pasasen la tarde tranquilamente. Ms tarde encendi el ordenador de
to see something. On the screen was a picture of his son Charles with a message: Happy Birthday Dad. Hope you have a good one. You deserve it. Sid felt his eyes prick with tears. It was the first time he had heard from his son since living in Spain. At about eight oclock Sylvia persuaded Sid to pop down to Manuels bar for a birthday drink. As they walked through the door there was a great explosion of noise. Happy Birthday Sid! everyone cheered to Sids complete amazement. He was showered with presents and cards which he accepted in a daze. Sylvia called for silence while Sid gazed at the flags and balloons. And now we have a special present for a very special person she announced. To Sids astonishment he heard a familiar little bark and Fluffy came bounding over to him. Sid and Sylvia sat together amidst all the celebration. How did you manage all of this? Sid asked. Elementary my dear, except for Fluffy. That took a bit of persuading. Youre wonderful, thank you he said and another cheer rose as he gave her a kiss. I cant believe Ive reached 70 said Sid. I feel young. Thats because you are young at heart, said Sylvia, and you still have a lifetime of adventures ahead of you.
Sid y le llam para que viese una cosa. En la pantalla haba una foto de su hijo Charles con un mensaje: Feliz cumpleaos pap. Espero que lo pases bien. Te lo mereces. A Sid se le llenaron los ojos de lgrimas. Era la primera vez que oa algo de su hijo desde que se vino a vivir a Espaa. Sobre las ocho de la tarde Sylvia convenci a Sid para ir al bar de Manuel a tomar algo para celebrar su cumpleaos. Cuando entraron por la puerta hubo una explosin de ruido. Feliz cumpleaos Sid! gritaron todos. Sid estaba totalmente asombrado. Le llenaron de regalos y tarjetas que acept aturdido. Sylvia pidi silencio, mientras Sid miraba las banderitas y globos. Y ahora tenemos un regalo especial para una persona muy especial exclam. Sid, se qued atnito cuando oy un ladrido que le era familiar y Fluffy se le acerc dando saltos. Sid y Sylvia se sentaron juntos entre toda la celebracin. Cmo has logrado hacer todo esto? le pregunt Sid. Muy sencillo cario, excepto lo de Fluffy. Eso s cost ms trabajo. Eres maravillosa, gracias dijo Sid, y surgi otro aplauso cuando le dio un beso. No me creo que haya llegado a los setenta dijo Sid. Me siento joven. Eso es porque eres joven de espritu dijo Sylvia, y todava tienes toda una vida de aventuras por delante.
2 Happy Birthday Sid! everyone cheered to Sids complete amazement. Feliz cumpleaos Sid! gritaron todos. Sid estaba totalmente asombrado.
Sids Adventures in Spain is a bilingual reading book which contains a wealth of language resources for students of Spanish and English. As well as a superb language tool, it is also the humorous tale of an ordinary Englishman who decides to move to Spain on his retirement. He has no idea of the problems, challenges and joys that await him. The book tells the story of the familiar and often hilarious situations he finds himself in as he adapts to his new life. Las Aventuras de Sid en Espaa es un libro de lectura bilinge que contiene una abundancia de recursos lingsticos para estudiantes de ingls y espaol. Adems de una herramienta de aprendizaje excelente, es la historia divertida de un ingls que decide mudarse a Espaa despus de jubilarse. No tiene ni idea de los problemas, desafos y alegras que le esperan. Este libro nos cuenta las situaciones familiares y a veces muy divertidas por las que pasa Sid mientras se adapta a su nueva vida. Jane Cronin is British and has lived in Spain for 22 years, working as a teacher of English and Spanish. She now lives in San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia with her two daughters. Amongst her many activities, Jane also gives presentations in English about Spanish history and culture. Jane Cronin es britnica y lleva 22 aos en Espaa donde trabaja como profesora de ingls y espaol. Actualmente vive en San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia, con sus dos hijas. Entre muchas otras actividades, Jane da conferencias en ingls sobre la historia y cultura de Espaa.
ISBN 978-1-905597-25-3
Moyhill Publishing
9 781905 597253