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Procedimiento para Upgrade de VRP para S3328

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Procedimiento para upgrade de VRP para S3328

1) Configurar direccin IP en el switch y habilitar puerto para transferir imagen por TFTP En el ejemplo vamos a suponer que la IP a configurar en el switch es la y la IP de la PC es la ambas con mscara /30
<Quidway>sys Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway]vlan 1 [Quidway-vlan1]quit [Quidway]interface vlanif 1 [Quidway-Vlanif1]ip address [Quidway-Vlanif1]undo shut Info: Interface Vlanif1 is not shutdown. [Quidway-Vlanif1]interface Ethernet0/0/1 [Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1]port default vlan 1 [Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1]undo shutdown

Antes de proseguir, verificar que se puede hacer ping desde la PC al switch. 2) Verificar el espacio disponible en la memoria Flash interna
<Quidway>dir Directory of flash:/ Idx 0 1 2 Attr -rw-rw-rwSize(Byte) 869 1,962 8,191,404 Date Time Jan 01 2008 00:01:31 Sep 19 2011 13:12:24 Jan 01 2008 00:12:54 FileName private-data.txt vrpcfg.zip S3328-V100R005C01SPC100.cc

14,632 KB total (6,608 KB free) <Quidway>

3) Si no hubiese espacio suficiente en la memoria Flash interna para copiar la nueva versin, eliminar la versin actualmente instalada (en este ejemplo es la V100R005)
<Quidway>delete /unreserved S3328-V100R005C01SPC100.cc

Info:This is Next startup system software.If you delete it,there is no software to reboot successfully!Confirm to delete the file? [Y/N]:Y Warning: The contents of file flash:/S3328-V100R005C01SPC100.cc cannot be recycled. Continue? [Y/N]:Y Info: Deleting file flash:/S3328-V100R005C01SPC100.cc... Deleting file permanently from flash will take a long time if needed................................. succeeded.

<Quidway>dir Directory of flash:/ Idx 0 1 Attr -rw-rwSize(Byte) 869 1,962 Date Time Jan 01 2008 00:01:31 Sep 19 2011 13:12:24 FileName private-data.txt vrpcfg.zip

14,632 KB total (14,608 KB free) <Quidway>

CUIDADO! En este momento el equipo no tiene ninguna versin instalada. NO se debe reiniciar por ningn motivo, o quedar inutilizado. 4) Transferir por TFTP la nueva versin (V100R003) al switch.
<Quidway>tftp get S3328-V100R003C00SPC301.cc Info: Transfer file in binary mode. Downloading the file from the remote TFTP server. Please wait...\ TFTP: Downloading the file successfully. 7068108 bytes received in 158 seconds. <Quidway>dir Directory of flash:/ Idx 0 1 2 Attr -rw-rw-rwSize(Byte) 869 7,068,108 1,962 Date Time Jan 01 2008 00:01:31 Sep 28 2011 15:04:01 Sep 19 2011 13:12:24 FileName private-data.txt s3328-v100r003c00spc301.cc vrpcfg.zip

14,632 KB total (7,704 KB free) <Quidway>

5) Instalar la nueva versin

<Quidway>system-view Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [Quidway]upgrade basic-bootrom s3328-v100r003c00spc301.cc Warning: Basic BOOTROM will be upgraded. Continue?(Y/N)[N]: Y Upgrading BOOTROM,please wait for a moment... [Slot 0]: Info: BOOTROM UPGRADE OK [Quidway]quit <Quidway>

6) Especificar la imagen de booteo

<Quidway>startup system-software flash:/s3328-v100r003c00spc301.cc Info: Succeeded in setting the software for booting system. <Quidway>

<Quidway>display startup MainBoard: Configured startup system software: Startup system software: Next startup system software: Startup saved-configuration file: Next startup saved-configuration file: Startup paf file: Next startup paf file: Startup license file: Next startup license file: Startup patch package: Next startup patch package: <Quidway>

NULL NULL flash:/s3328-v100r003c00spc301.cc flash:/vrpcfg.zip flash:/vrpcfg.zip NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL

7) Salvar la configuracin y reiniciar el equipo

<Quidway>save The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]:Y Now saving the current configuration to the slot 0 ...... Info: Save the configuration successfully. <Quidway> <Quidway>reboot Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait. System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]: Y Sep 28 2011 15:38:51-05:13 Quidway %%01CMD/4/REBOOT(l)[68]:The user chose Y when deciding whether to reboot the system. Info: system is rebooting ,please wait... 8) Una vez finalizado el booteo verificar la versin instalada <Quidway>display version Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software VRP (R) Software, Version 5.30 (S3328 V100R003C00SPC301) Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Quidway S3328TP-EI uptime is 0 day, 0 hour, 40 minutes [Unit 0] EOFEA uptime is 0 day, 0 hour, 40 minutes 128M bytes DDR Memory 16M bytes FLASH Pcb Version : CX22EOFEA REV B Basic BOOTROM Version : 315 Compiled at Nov 4 2009, 15:18:00 Software Version : VRP (R) Software, Version 5.30 (S3328 V100R003C00SPC301) <Quidway>

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