Sufi Jos

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Los sufijos son aquellas partculas que se le agregan a una palabra(despues, y no antes como los prefijos), para de esta

forma indicar en qu caso gramatical se encuentra, o modificar de alguna manera su significad. Un ejemplo en espaol: el sufijo s, o es. al agregarlo a una palabra, le da un significado de plural ej: carro, carros Los sufijos en ingles mas usados son los siguientes:

- Able forma adjetivos a partir de verbos. No se aplica a sustantivos. Significa able, ible : -to reason/reasonable = razonar/rasonable -to drink/drinkable = beber/bebible

-Ess e Ine estos dos sufijos permiten cambiar el gnero (masculino/femenino). Ambos convierten un sustantivo masculino a femenino : -emperor/empress = emperador/emperatriz -poet/poetess = poeta/ poetisa

-Ful este sufijo es agregado a sustantivos para formar sustantivos y adjetivos. significan ada, ado, ido, oso : -color/colorful = color/colorido -wonder/wonderful = maravilla/maravilloso

- Ment este sufijo se utiliza para convertir algunos verbos en sustantivos. Haciendo que en el idioma espaol se obtenga la extensin or, cin, mento -to enlarge/enlargement = agrandar/agrandamiento -to move/movement = mover/movimiento

- Ance este sufijo convierte verbos a sustantivos. Si los verbos terminan en e cambian la e por a para que el sufijo permanezca invariable. Significan ancia, encia, cion. -to insure/Insurance = asegurar/seguro -to guide/guidance = guiar/gua

-Ness Con este sufijo convertimos adjetivos calificativos en sustantivos. Pero si el adjetivo termina en y se

cambia esta por la i antes de ser agregado el sufijo. Significa dad, eza -Dark/darkness = oscuro/oscuridad -Sick/sickness = enfermo/enfermedad

- Ly El sufijo ly permite tranformar un adjetivo calificativo o un sustantivo en un adverbio, aadiendo el significado mente. Los adjetivos terminados en le simplemente cambian la e por y; los terminados en ly, convierten la y en i y se le agrega ly; a los terminados en ue cambian la e en ly; a los terminados en ll agregan slo y; los terminados en ue cambian la e por ly. -bad/badly = malo/malamente -open/openly = abierto/abiertamente -clear/clearly = claro, claramente

-Y este sufijo es utilizado en ingls con 3 propsitos: Se aade a sustantivos para convertirlos en adjetivos y expresar semejanza o para indicar abundancia. Y en caso de que un sustantivo finalice en e convierte la e simplemente en y. Significa ado, oso y raramente significa able; Utilizado para obtener el disminutivo, para el efecto si finaliza en consonante esta se repite. significa ito, ita. noise/noisy = ruido/ruidoso water/watery = agua/acuoso anger/angry = enojo/enojado

- Cal Este sufijo convierte sustantivos. en adjetivos. Sustantivos terminados en c solamente agrega al. Significa ico, ica -medic/meical = mdico/mdico (a) -alphabet/alphabetical = alfabeto/alfabtico(ica)

- Ous este sufijo equivale al sufijo oso, osa del espaol, con el trasformamos un sustantivo en adjetivo y de acuerdo al procedimiento siguiente : Sustantivos terminados en r basta agregar ous; los terminados en e cambian e por ous; el terminado en y la cambia por i y agrega ous, al sustantivo terminado en o agrega us, los terminados en on elimina la n y se reemplaza por us. -fury/furious = furia/furioso -danger/dangerous = peligro/peligroso

- Less Este sufijo altera a los sustantivos para obtener adjetivos. Y es muy til con los comparativos. Es un sufijo tipo negacin y el cual significa sin, in,. -hoe/hopeless = esperanza/sin esperanza -worth/worthless = til/intil

-Ship agregando este sufijo a un adjetivo obtenemos un sustantivo y se consigue derivar sustantivos a partir de sustantivos y verbos. Se emplea de una manera muy variada para denotar: cualidades abstractas, arte o destreza, dignidad, oficio, cargo, o ttulo, la duracin de una accin, Y Por lo general significa cion, a. -dictator/dictatorship = dictador/dictadura -citizen/citizenship = ciudadano/ciudadana

- Th este sufijo se agrega a los nmeros cardinales para obtener nmeros ordinales. Y agregado a verbos le imprime un sentido potivo. -ten/tenth = diez/dcimo -five/fifth = cinco/quinto

- Tion El sufijo tion equvale a -cion,y -or del espaol, y permite transformar verbos en sustantivos, acorde a la siguiente gua : Verbos terminados en la consonante t, simplemente agregan ion; los verbos terminados ate, ute, eliminan la e y agregan ion; los verbos terminados en la vocal e que no forme parte de ate/ute, cambian la e por a y se les agrega tion. -to pollute/pollution = contaminar/contaminacion -to educate/education = educar/educacin

- Hood Cuando agregamos este sufijo a un sustantivo concreto obtenemos un sustantivo abstracto. -likeli/likelihood = probable/probabilidad -mother/motherhood = madre/maternidad

- ish El sufijo ish se le agrega a sustantivos para formar adjetivos y as indicar semejanza o atenuacin. Si el sustantivo termina en e cambia la e por i y se le agregas sh. Si el sustantivo finaliza en y la conservara y se le agrega ish. Si el sustantivo termina en consonante simplemente se le agrega ish para obtener el adjetivo. -boy/boyish = nio/como nio -woman/womanish = mujer/como mujer, mujeril

PREFIJOS Prefijos que se aaden a adjetivos para formar otros adjetivos. 1. IN-: independent, incredible... a) im- (delante de p y m): imposible, immoral b) ir- (delante de r): irregular, irracional... c) il- (delante de l): illegal, illogical... 2. DIS-: dishonest, disagreable... 3. UN-: unhappy, unlikely... Prefijos que se aaden a verbos para formar otros verbos. 1. UN-: undo, uncover... 2. DIS-: disapprove, dislike... 3. DE-: decode, defrost... 4. MIS-: mislead, misunderstand... 5. MAL-: maltreat, malfunction... 6. OVER-: overdo, overcook... 7. UNDER-: underpay, undercharge... 8. FORE-: forego, foretell... 9. EN-: enrich, encourage a) em- (delante de p y b): empower, embitter SUFIJOS Sufijos que se aaden a verbos y nombres para indicar quin realiza la accin. 1. -ER: writer, runner... a) -or: actor, director... b) -ar: beggar, liar... 2. -ANT: informant, applicant... 3. -IST: artist, typist... 4. -EE (el que recibe la accin): employee,refugee 5. -EER: mountaineer, engineer... Sufijos que se aaden a un verbo o adjetivos para formar un nombre. 1. -TION: attention, description... 2. -ATION: justification, information 3. -ING: saving, mailing... 4. -AL: arrival, disposal... 5. -ITY: similarity, curiosity 6. -ACY: accuracy, privacy Sufijos que se aaden a un nombre para formar un adjetivo. 1. -FUL: beautiful, useful... 2. -LESS: careless, breathless... 3. -Y: hairy, crunchy... 4. -LY: friendly, brotherly... 5. -ISH: reddish, girlish... 6. -LIKE: childlike, lifelike

Sufijos que se aaden a adjetivos para hacer nombres abstractos. 1. -NESS: friendliness, usefulness... 2. -HOOD: neigbourhood, childhood... 3. -SHIP: friendship, township... 4. -DOM: kingdom, freedom... Sufijos que se aaden a nombres o verbos para formar adjetivos. 1. -OUS: dangerous, famous... a) -ious: ambitious, furious

prefix anti + adjective/noun anti + noun / adjective co + noun / verb dis + verb fore il + adjective im + adjective in+adjective inter + adjective ir + adjective mis + verb over + verb out + verb post + noun / verb pre + noun / verb pro + noun / adjective sub + adjective super + noun/ adjective trans + noun / verb / un + verb / adjective under + verb

meaning / use Opposite Against Together negative/opposite Befote/ in advance Opposite Opposite Opposite Between Opposite wrongly/ badly too much More Alter Befote in favour of Below greater than Across negative / opposite not enough/too little

example anti- clockwise/ anti-climax anti-theft device / anti-European cohabit dislike / disembark Foreskin / foreshadowing illegal impossible indirect intercontinental irregular mistook / mishandle overwork outnumber postgraduate pre- arrangement pro-Unions / pro-European substandard superhuman transplant /transcontinental unlock / unhappy undercook / undercharge


General Meaning


-agogy -archy -chondrion -cide -ectasia, -ectasis -ectomy -emia -enchyma -ess -ful -hedron -holic -id -ism -ist -itis -less

leading rule, leadership small grainlike structure murder, killing agent stretching out surgical removal blood condition cellular tissue female full of, having some or much geometric solid love , addiction skin rash doctrine, act, practice, condition

person disease, inflammation lack of -like, having the attributes of; In modern English, primarily quick(adj) > quickly(adv), state(n) changes adjectives to adverbs; also -ly > stately(adj), abashed(v) > changes some nouns to adjectives abashedly(adv) and some (past-tense) verbs to adverbs -omics area of biology proteomics -onomy knowledge of astronomy -onym name, word antonym , consonym , heteronym -osis process, action mitosis , osmosis -phagy, -phagia eating monophagy -phone sound, audio telephone , homophone -ship circle, state of being friendship , relationship -ward direction southward -wise direction clockwise

pedagogy , demagogy gynarchy , anarchy mitochondrion suicide , vespacide, regicide brochiectasis , telangiectasia laryngectomy , vasectomy leukemia , anaemia mesenchyma , karyenchyma actress , waitress , stewardess hopeful , useful icosahedron , tetrahedron alcoholic syphilid Protestantism , alcoholism , Buddhism , southernism dentist hepatitis , gingivitis homeless , useless


Significado not, without to, towards in the process of, in a particular state a- anof completely ab- absaway from ad-, a-, ac-,af-, ag-, al- movement to, change into, addition , an-, ap-, at-, as-, at- or increase

anteanti- antauto-

before, preceding opposing, against, the opposite

self all over, all around completely having, covered with affect with (added to nouns) because to be (added to adjectives) bitwo com- co-, col-, con-, with, jointly, completely corcontraagainst, opposite counteropposition, opposite direction down, away completely removal, reversal dedownward, undo deciten dia-, dithroung, across dis-, dinegation, removal, expulsion put into or on bring into the condition of en- emintensification out upward completeley ex, e-, efprevious extraoutside, beyond hemihalf

Ejemplos atheist, anemic aside, aback a-hunting, aglow anew abashed abdicate, abstract advance, adulterate, adjunct, ascend, affiliate, affirm, aggravate, alleviate, annotate, apprehend, arrive, assemble, attend antecedent, ante-room anti-aircraft, antibiotic, anticlimax, Antartic automobile, autobiography bespatter, beset bewitch, bemuse bejewelled befog becalm biceps, bicycle combat, co-pilot, colude, confide, corrode contraceptive counter-attack, counteract descend, despair, depend, deduct denude, denigrate de-ice, decamp deflate, defect decibels, decimal diagonal disadvantage, dismount, disbud, disbar engulf, enmesh enlighten, embitter entangle, enrage exit,exclude, expand exalt, extol excruciate, exasperate ex wife extracurricular hemisphere


beyond, more than, more than normal under

hypersonic. Hyperactive hypodermic, hypothermia infertile, inappropriate,impossible, incurable influence, influx, imbibe infrared, infraestructure interact, interchange intramural, intravenous non-smoker, non-alcoholic obstruct, occult, offend, oppose macroeconimics, macrobiotic magnify, magnificent megaphone, megabucks microscope, micorbe mistake, mislead outperform outbuilding, outboard overconfident, overburdened, overjoyed perimeter postpone pre-adolescent, prelude, precondition pro-African proconsul propulsion prologue repaint, reappraise, reawake semicircle, semi-conscious submarine, subsoil sub-lieutenant sub-tropical synchronize, symmetry transnational, transatlantic translate telescope, telephone

in-, il-, iminfrainterintranonob-,oc-, of-, opmacromagnimegamicromisoutoverperipostpre-

not, without in, into, towards, inside below between, among inside, within absence, negation blocking, against, concealing large great huge small wrongly surpassing, exceeding external, away from excessively, completely round, about after in time or order before in time, place, order or importance favouring, in support of acting for motion forwards or away before in time, place or order


against, opposite half, partly at a lower position sub- suc-, suf-, sug-, lower in rank sup-, sur-susnearly, approximately syn- symin union, acting together across, beyond transinto a different state telefar


three beyond extreme not, without reversal or cancellationof action or state beneath, below lower in rank not enough one, single

tricycle, triangle ultraviolet, ultrasonic ultramicroscopic unacceptable, unreal, unhappy, unmanned unplug, unmask underage, undercarriage undersecretary underdeveloped unicorn, uniform, unilateral



Sufijos (Suffixes)
Sustantivos ac, ic acy, cy agogy archy al ant, ent ary ation ess ism ist ity ive er, or less osis ography ogram tude Verbos ate ify ize, ise kinesis Adjetivos able, ible acious, icious escent holic iferous il, ile itis mania oid ose ous Significado like, pertaining to state of being leading rule, leadership pertaining to full of like, connected with that wich is female doctrine, belief dealer, doer state of being like person who lack of condition writing, description state of Significado to make to make to make movement Significado capable of full of becoming love, addiction producing, bearing pertaining to , capable of disease, inflammation an irrational but irresistible motive for a gelief or action resembling, like full of full of Ejemplo cardiac, aquatic democracy, obstinacy, sufficiency pedagogy, demagogy gynarchy, anarchy rehearsal, maniacal, portal, logical eloquent, verdant dictionary, honorary irritation actress, waitress, stewardess civil, docile, Buddhism dentist, realist, artist sagacity quantitative professor, teacher, advisor, montaineer homeless, useless psychosis, hypnosis ideogram, geography, stenography fortitude, certitude Example compensate, consecrate, mitigate quantify, magnify, petrify capitalize, harmonize, revolutionize telekinesis Ejemplos delectable,portable, legible audacious, avaricious, evanescent, pubescent alcoholic, workholic pestiferous, vociferous civil, docile hepatitis, gingivitis kleptomania, megalomania, mythomania avoid, anthropoid verbose nauseous, ludicrous

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