Oasis - Wonderwall - Cifra Club

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Wonderwall Oasis (versa simplificaday Gintro 4) en? Ge A7/4 en? 6 4 Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it aT/4 back to you en? s ba fy now you should've somehow realized what you gotta Ansa do en? ‘ ba ama E don't believe that anybody feels the way I do cd AT/4 About you now en? s eackbeat, the word is on the street that the fire in o4 Ais your heart is out en? s ba rim sure you've heard it al) before but you never arcay realy had a doubt en? « 4 Ansa T don't believe that anybody feels the way T do cn? GD AT/A about you now 3 bs en? and all the roads we have to walk are winding 3 o4 en7 and alll the lights that lead us there are blinding 3 4 here are many things that 1 6 b4/ee En? Arse would Tike to say to you but T don't know how AT(4) ATIA Poel co en? ¢ en? Because maybe You're gonna be the one that coon? cn? co en? 6 en? ang after al) co en? G You're my wonderwall En? (deixe 0 Em? soar) en7 s ba Today was gonna be the day but they'll never throw it a7/4 back to you 7 6 04 By now you should've somehow realized what you're not a7/4 en7 6 oa arya T don't believe that anybody feels the way T do En7 G 04 A7/4 About you now 9 4 en? fang all the roads that lead you there were winding 3 ba En? ‘and all the Tights that light the way are blinding 8 ba There are many things that 1 6 ba/re en7 arya would like to say to you but 7 don't know how <9 em? es? said maybe You're gonna be the one that co en? 6 cn? c9 en? 6 en? and after al) 9 en? ¢ En? You're my wonderwall DAIFH Em7

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