Curso Ingles B1 (Módulo 2) B1

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You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.


Can / could / be able to

Present perfect
Expresar cantidades
El genitivo sajn
Pronombres objeto
Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos


Can y could son formas invariables (no se conjugan) y aparecen siempre seguidas
de un verbo en infinitivo (sin to).
Can slo se utiliza en las oraciones en presente y could es su forma en las oraciones
en pasado, aquellas que implican un tono de cortesa o en oraciones condicionales.
Estos son los principales usos de can y could:
Expresar capacidad para hacer algo:
She can swim very well. ([Ella] Sabe nadar muy bien).
She could swim very well. ([Ella] saba nadar muy bien).
Pedir algo de forma educada:
Can I have a beer, please? (Me pone una cerveza, por favor?).
Could I have a beer, please? (Me podra poner una cerveza, por favor?).
Expresar posibilidad o imposibilidad de hacer algo:
I can give you her phone number. (Puedo darte su nmero de telfono).
I could give you her phone number. (Podra darte su nmero de telfono).
Expresar y pedir permiso:
Can I smoke here? (Puedo fumar aqu?).
Could I smoke here? (Podra fumar aqu?).
Forma negativa: se aade not detrs de can y could: cannot / could not.
I cannot / cant believe it! (No me lo puedo creer!).
We cannot / cant meet tonight. (No podemos quedar esta noche).
Forma interrogativa: El sujeto se coloca entre can/could y el verbo en infinitivo.
She can play the saxophone > Can she play the saxophone?
You can drink alcohol > Can you drink alcohol?

Exercise1. Complete the sentences with can or could. In some sentences you can use
both options although the meaning changes:
1. Mike can/could drive, but he doesnt have a car.
2. Smoking can/could be dangerous for your health and those around you.
3. When we were kids, we can not/could not go to bed very late.
4. Extreme rain could /cancause the river to flood the city.

Be able to corresponde a la expresin en espaol ser capaz de.

El verbo to be nunca aparecer en infinitivo, sino que se conjugar en cualquier
tiempo verbal y siempre de acuerdo con el sujeto de la oracin.
Despus de la preposicin to debe aparecer un verbo en infinitivo.
La negativa o interrogativa se hace segn el tiempo verbal usado del verbo to be.
It seemed difficult, but I was able to learn the list of irregular verbs.
(Pareca difcil, pero fui capaz de aprenderme la lista de verbos irregulares).
I will be able to speak fluent English very soon.
(Ser capaz de hablar ingls fluido muy pronto).
She is not able to pronounce the word literature correctly.
(Ella no es capaz de pronunciar la palabra literature correctly).
Are you able to sing a song in English?
(Eres capaz de cantar una cancin en ingls?).
Debemos tener en cuenta que en muchos casos podemos usar tanto can como be able
to en una misma oracin. Como en espaol, la diferencia de significado de ambos
verbos es mnima.
Ejercicio2. Complete the sentences with can or be able to:
1. When Tom went to Wales, he can/was able to save a lot of money.
2. Can/are able to they play paddle well?
3. She was not able/ cant to not understand the plot of the film.
4. My girlfriend cannot come/ is not able to with us to the Rolling Stones concert.

Presente simple del verbo to have + el participio pasado del verbo principal.
I have spoken
They have not spoken
Has she spoken?
Se usa para hablar de acciones pasadas que tienen importancia en el presente:
a) Acciones que ocurrieron recientemente en el pasado sin especificar el momento
Ive found a book in the street. (Me he encontrado un libro en la calle).
b) Con el adverbio just para expresar acciones que acaban de ocurrir:
Weve just meet your friends. (Acabamos de ver a tus amigos).
c) Acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y que duran hasta el presente. Normalmente
se usan con la preposicin for (durante), seguida de un periodo de tiempo, o con
since (desde) seguida de un punto en el tiempo:
I live in Mlaga for six years. (Vivo en Mlaga desde hace seis ao).
We havent met since 2006. (No hemos quedado desde el 2006).

d) Para hablar de acciones que hemos o no hemos realizado alguna vez. Aqu usamos
os adverbios already y yet:
I have already done it. (Ya lo he hecho).
I havent done it yet. (No lo he hecho todava).
e) Con el superlativo:
Hes the tallest man Ive ever seen. (Es el hombre ms alto que jams he visto).
f) Con las expresiones: Its the first/ second/ third time
Its the first time Ive been here with you.
(Es la primera vez que es estoy aqu contigo).
g) Con expresiones de tiempo que indican un periodo que an no ha terminado:
today, this week, this month, this year, this morning
I havent gone to the supermarket this morning.
(No he ido al supermercado esta maana) > [La maana an no ha acabado].

El present perfect de can se forma utilizando como participio been able to:
I havent been able to interview the applicant
(No he podido entrevistar al candidato)
She has been able to make all the phone calls in a few hours.
(Ella ha podido hacer todas las llamadas telefnicas en unas pocas horas)
Have they been able to arrange a meeting with Frank?
(Han podido concertar una reunin con Frank?)
Exercise3. Use since or for:

Ive lived in Valencia ___ since or for _____ five years.

Angeles and I have known each other _____ since or for ___ 1998.
I havent eaten anything ____ since or for ____ breakfast.
My parents have been married ___ since or for _____ more than fifty years.
Israel has been an independent country ___ since or for ___ 1948.
Ive been really busy. I havent been out ___ since or for ___ about two weeks.
We havent seen Luis and Manoli ____ since or for ____ last Tuesday.
Graham has had his Porsche _____ since or for ___ nearly a year.
Danny has been in Michigan __ since or for ______ two years.
I havent had a good steak____ since or for ____ ages.

Exercise4. are these sentences correct or no?

a. Emma ___ Hasnt seen this film on TV. (not/to see) YES
b. When ___has_ she ___phone____ the office? (to phone) YES
c. ___have____ your cousins ___arrived__ yet? (to arrive) YES
d. John ___hasnt gone________ on a trip through Spain. (not/to go) YES
e. _____have____ they ever ___been_______ to Nerja? (to be) YES

Manuel _________hasnt repaired____ his sister's bike. (not/to repair) YES

g. What __have____ you ____drop__ in the kitchen? (to drop) YES

h. I _____have bought_______ a new laptop. (to buy) YES

Usamos much (mucho) para acompaar a los sustantivos incontables sobretodo en
oraciones negativas e interrogativas.
She doesnt have much money. (Ella no tiene mucho dinero)
We dont need much wine for the recipe.
(No necesitamos mucho vino para la receta).

Usamos many (muchos) para sustantivos contables en plural.

She has got many problems with her laptop.
(Ella tiene muchos problemas con su ordenador porttil)
Many students live here because its very cheap.
(Muchos estudiantes viven aqu porque es muy barato).
Usamos a lot of/ lots of/ plenty of (mucho/a/os/ as) para las oraciones
afirmativas (singular, plural, contable o incontable).
She has a lot of money. (Ella tiene mucho dinero)
He has plenty of time. (l tiene mucho tiempo)
Exercise5. Put much, many, a lot of, lots of, or plenty of:

It doesnt cost __MUCH/LOSTS OF_____ money to go to Germany.

You need _MANY/MUCH______ eggs for an omelette
There is ___A LOT OF/ MANY___ ice-cream in the kitchen.
I know __MANY/ MUCH________ nice places to visit.

3.1 FEW/ A FEW

Usamos few (pocos) con sustantivos contables en plural. El sentido es negativo.
You have few friends.
(Tienes pocos amigos)
Usamos a few (unos pocos) con sustantivos contables en plural. El sentido es
You have a few friends.
(Tienes unos pocos amigos)

Usamos little (poco) con sustantivos incontables. El sentido es negativo.
We have little money. Dont buy anything.
(Tenemos poco dinero. No compres nada)
There is little wine in the fridge. We have to buy more.
(Hay poco vino en el frigorfico. Tenemos que comprar ms)
Usamos a little (un poco) con sustantivos incontables. El sentido es positivo.
We have a little money; we can buy an ice-cream!
(Tenemos un poco de dinero; podemos comprar un helado!)
There is a little wine in the fridge; take two glasses, please.
(Hay un poco de vino en el frigorfico; coge dos vasos, por favor)

Some y any son determinantes indefinidos y se usan con los sustantivos incontables
o plurales, es decir, cuando no se puede usar a.
Usamos some (algo de/ unos/ algunos) siempre en oraciones afirmativas. Y en
oraciones interrogativas solo para hacer ofrecimientos o pedir algo.
I have some interesting films. (Tengo algunas pelculas interesantes)
I need some sugar. (Necesito algo de azcar)
Do you want some coffee? (Quieres un poco de caf?
Can I have some milk? (Puedo tomar algo de leche?)
Usamos any solo en oraciones negativas (ningn) o interrogativas (algn). A veces
no se traduce. Puede aparecer en oraciones positivas y significa cualquier.
Do you have any interesting book? (Tienes algn libro interesante?)
I dont need any sugar. (No necesito azcar)
Please, give me any pen. (Por favor, dame cualquier bolgrafo)
a. Do you know ___ANY____ good gym in Mlaga?
b. Would you like ____SOME____ more cherries?
c. I want to visit __SOME____ interesting museums in Madrid.
d. Are there ___ANY__ letters for me on the table?


Usamos how much para hacer preguntas con un sustantivo incontable:
How much bread do you want for the dinner?
(Cunto pan quieres para la cena?)
How much milk does she drink a day? (Cunta leche bebe ella al da?)

Usamos how many para hacer preguntas con un sustantivo contable plural:
How many biscuits can I eat? (Cuntas galletas me puedo comer?
How many languages can you speak? (Cuntos idiomas hablas?).
Exercise7. Complete with how much/ how many:
1. how much/ how many:letters has he sent today?
2. how much/ how many: people have you met tonight?
3. how much/ how many: wine will you order?
4. how much/ how many: flour do you think we will need to make the cake?
5. how much/ how many: money will it cost?
6. how much/ how many: time does it take to clean the whole house?

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