How To Read
Circuit Diagrams—Part I
‘The beginner with no pi
ence of radio beyond
of a broadcast or TV
self with a few hurdles to
can begin to assimilate principles. One
is recognizing components by names an=
other is recognizing them in the “sign
language” of circuit diagrams. Here's
an introduction to circuit reading —
associating the components with the
jagram, and determining how they are
veted together.
.N you see a radio circuit diagram for the
Wis time it is likely to be about as com-
prehensible as something written in a for-
eign language you've never learned, However,
compared with the effort you'd have to put into
learning to read, say, German or Freneh, learning
to read circuit diagrams is a snap. A circuit dia-
gram merely makes use of some standardized
symbols that represent various radio and eleetri-
cal components or devices. It is much easier to
draw these symbols than it is to draw pictures
‘of components. Furthermore, the actual com-
ponents will differ in details of appearance, eve
though they may have exactly the same electrical
function, In practice, therefore, the symbol is
much more useful than a picture; the function
doesn’t change even though the construction
styles do change.
‘The symbols are the “words” of circuit lan-
guage. The “sentences” describe the way in
which the components are connected together
electrically. These are formed by drawing lines,
representing wires or other kinds of eonduetors,
between the appropriate connection points on the
symbols. This is a much more compact form of
epresentation than a picture diagram or “pic-
torial,” as Fig. 1 shows. Here we have th
circuit, that of a simple wavemeter and indica~
tor, drawn in both styles. The “schematic” at the
left can be understood at a glance by anyone
August 1963
having a little familiarity with the sign lan-
guage of cireuit diagrams. ‘The “pictorial” at,
the right would require some study before one
could be sure just what the collection of parts is
supposed to do, even when the reader is fairly
experienced. Its virtue is that someone with no
electrical background whatsoever could assemble
and wire it. Unfortunately, blind copying of this
kind adds nothing to one’s fund of knowledge.
In this simplification and reduction to essen:
tials, something has to be sacrificed. The eireuit,
diagram sact \y attempt at pictorial repre-
sentation. The circuit does not show where parts are
physically located in the equipment, nor does it try
to show which leads must be short and which may
be Long. This information must be obtained from
supplementary material, such as photographs
and the written text of an article. Together, these
give a reasonably-experienced reader all he
Js to know to produce a workable piece of
equipment. It can be done in a relatively small
space—compare an ordinary “construction”
article with the “wire from A to B” method
used for a similar piece of equipment in a set of
kit instructions! It also permits accenting the
really important features without, cluttering up
the landseape with minor details that could be
handled in half a dozen different ways without
the slighest effect on the equipment. performance
The language of circuit diagrams has to be
standardized if all readers are to interpret it in
the same way, just as the spelling of words has to
meet some agreed-upon standards. Such stand-
ards do exist for many circuit symbols.’ There
probably never be a “fina!” set of standards,
for the obvious reason that the art keeps expand-
ing and new deviees, requiring new symbols, are
constantly being developed. The currently-
mple, include almost
ymbols for semiconductor devices. ‘These,
published standards, for exa
no §
T American Standard Y32.2-1954, Graphical Symbole
for Blectrical Diagrams, American Standards Association,
70 East 45th St., New York 17, N. is hoped, will be added to the standardized
list in the near future. However, most of the
symbols we use in amateur work are covered, and
in this article we will confine ourselves to those
symbols you are most likely to meet in diagrams
of amateur equipment.
A line between two symbols, or parts of sym-
bols, represents an electrical connection. If it is a
simple line, no particular type of wire or other
conductor is implied. In the actual piece of
equipment, one terminal of one con ight
be soldered directly to a terminal on the other
, the two might be
separated by several inches, or feet, and con-
nected by wire, metal strip, or tubing. In most
actual construction, of course, the wiring will be
done with either leads furnished on the com-
ponent (e.g,, small resistors and capacitors) or
with “hook-up” wire which may range in size
from No. 12 to No. 22 gauge, depending on the
current to be earried,
Once this nonspecific nature of the connection
line is understood, there is only one point that
needs to be clarified. There are times when it is
impossible to avoid having one connection line
cross over another in the drawing, When it must
be done it is simply done as shown at A below,
although in nearly all other eases a line touching
(0) a)
a symbol means that there is electrical contact.
Here no contact is indicated. If a connection is
to be made between two wires in a diagram it is
usually shown by a dot, as at B, (However, the
dot is not actually required in such a case; the
connection ein be shown as at C.) A “four-way”
connection preferably should not be drawn as in
D, because of the similarity to a plain cross-over;
confusion is avoided by showing such a connee-
tion as in E.
We have intimated above that not all connee-
tions in a circuit are made with actual wires,
Nearly every circuit has an array of “common”
connections; examples are the connections to one
side (usually the negative side) of the plate-sup-
ply souree used for the various vacuum-tube
circuits in a multitube arrangement. These
common con ‘tions usually are made to the
metal chassis, as a matter of convenience and
sometimes as a matter of specific design. In draw
ing circuits it is eustomary to show such “chassi
ground” connections by the chassis symbol
shown at A at top of next. column, When you see
collection of such symbols in a diagram you
appreciate immediately that all of them are
actually one multiple electrical connection. Using
the chassis symbol in this way invariably makes
the diagram easier to read, because without
(ay a)
the symbol it would be necessary to show line
connections between all those same points,
Usually, the chassis symbol also indicates a
part of the circuit that could be connected di-
reetly to earth without any effect on the circuit's
operation. If an actual earth conneetion is called
for, the “ground” symbol shown at B will be
used. In some diagrams you will find this symbol
used as an alternative for the chassis symbol, to
indicate a connection to chassis without reference
to an actual earth connection. In other words,
the two symbols are more-or-less interchange
able, although in QS7 diagrams we prefer to
use the chassis symbol for an actual chassis con-
Special cases in wiring occasionally come up.
Sometimes a shielded wire or cable is called for.
‘Such wire consists of one or more insulated eon-
ductors inside a metal tube usually made by
braiding fine bare wire so the whole assembly will
be flexible. When grounded, this tube shields the
conductors from electrical fields which otherwise
might induce unwanted currents in them. The
presence of the shield is indicated by a broken,
somewhat-elliptieal symbol around the wire,
as in A and B below. Usually the shield will
be grounded or connected to the chassis, in
which case the symbol for this is added as in C.
Coaxial cable, which is basically shielded wire
but is used where rf. current is to be carried,
has a special symbol of its own, shown at D
Here, too, the shield symbol usually will be
shown grounded.
Finally, although it is not a part of the actual
wiring, you should recognize the symbol for a
shield or shielding. It is simply a dashed line,
often formed in the shape of a rectangle, around
the symbol for a component, or set of com-
ponents, which actually are enclosed in a shielding
container. (An intermediate-frequency trans-
former is a typieal example of a shielded device
of this type.)
i) i) (3) «00
f- oo + -o-
Examples of shielded wire ond coaxial cable. The wire
(left) is the type with @ single inner conductor. Multi-wire
cable of similar construction is often used. The cooxial
cable shown (right) is @ small type (RG-58/U). Cable of
this general construction is available in several different
meters, for handling various power levels.
OST forWith the “hooking up” out of the ws
now get down to the component s
y, we ean
mbols them-
You rarely meet, a circuit that doesn’t have
at least one resistor in it. While resistors eome in a
wide variety of sizes and shapes, the same basie
symbol, shown below at A, is used for all of ther
Inits plain form, t bol represents a “
resistor —one having just a single value. If the
resistor is “tapped,” having a connection made
Commonly used types of resistors. The resistors grouped
dt the left have fixed values. In general, the larger the
resistor the higher its power rating. The four types shown
in this group include a 10-watt wire-wound, and 2-watt,
|.watt, and Y2-watt composition resistors. A tapped wir
wound resistor is in the center, with a slider-type (adjusta~
ble) wire-wound at its right. On the far right is @
‘composition “control,” or variable resistor.
somewhere in its body that permits another value
of resistance to be secured from the same resistor,
the presence of the tap is indieated as shown in
B. More than one tap, when needed, may be
added to the basie symbol.
‘The solid arrowhead in the
cates that the resistance is table in value.
Other than this, it does not give any indication
of the physical construction of the resistor. The
adjustment might be by means of a slider on a
tor, for example, Or it might
moving contact on a wire-wound or
composition “control.” Note that with this
symbol there are three terminals, the adjustable
tap and the two outside ends of the resistor, so
this symbol ean be adjustable voltage
divider or the other hand,
n through
the basic resistor symbol, simply indicates that
the total resistance is continuously variable. This
symbol has only two terminals, although the
actual component frequently will have three; one
end connection is left unused in that ease.
mbol at C indi
August 1963
‘The basie capacitor symbol is shown at A
below, and just as in the case of the resistor, this
nbol as it stands implies that the eapacitor is
xed” — that is, it has just a single value of
capacitance. Again, the symbol stands for_all
sorts of fixed eapacitors, from tiny ceramic disks
to bulky potted high-voltage types, with dielee-
tries ranging from vacuum to oil-filled paper.
Electrolytic capacitors are “polarized’
th n de. eireuits one terminal must be eon-
nected to the positive side of the voltage source
and the other to the negative side, ‘The proper
polarity is frequently shown on the eireuit dia
gram by putting a + sign near the side of the
capacitor that should be connected to the positive
side. Frequently, also, the other side is labeled —
Note, however, that these -+ and — signs are not
a required part of the symbol, although it is Q87"
practice to use them.
A special type of fixed-eapacitor symbol is
shown at C. This is the “feedthrough” eapacitor,
used particularly in high-frequency radio cireuits
for bypassing. In this type the cireuit being
bypassed goes into one terminal, indieated by
one of the small circles, and out the seeond termi-
nal. The rf. bypassing takes place internally to
the curved capacitor “plate,” which is always
grounded to the chassis. This type of capacitor is
especially useful where the circuit goes through
the chassis, or other metallic sheet, from one side
to the othe
‘Two common types of continuously-adjustable
or “variable” capacitors used for tuning rf.
w cy «cr
Fixed capacitors come in various shapes, sizes, and types of
construction. At the left ore @ paper tubular capacitor,
two sizes of molded mica capacitors, and three types of
ceramic capacitors (two sizes of disks, and a tubular with
‘axial leads). The large metal can is an electrolytic filter
capacitor (in this case, several capacitors in one can, which
js @ common connection for all units). Beside it is @ small
electrolytic with wire leads. The small capacitor at the far
right is a feed-through type useful at v.h.f.
41circuits are shown symbolically at A and B
below. The first symbol may stand for any of
several physically-different types. One of these is
the “air” type, which has a set of metal plates
on a rotatable shaft, interleaving with a similar
set of stationary or fixed plates. A second is thi
the “compression” type, in which the spacing
between two sets of leaf-spring plates is changed
by screw adjustment. The two sets of plates are
‘ulated from each other by thin mica wafers,
A third is the “piston” type, in which a metal
cylinder is moved in or out of a conducting tube
by serew adjustment. The cylinder and tube are
insulated from each other. Small capacitors are
often used as “trimmers” —that is, set to a
desired capacitance value experimentally in the
equipment and thereafter left alone. A capacitor
used for this purpose may be (but does not have
to be) so indicated by putting a small T alongside
the straight line representing the fixed plate.
When the arrow is added to the basie capacitor
symbol to show that the capacitor is variable
the curved line represents the movable plates,
‘The “split-stator” capacitor symbol is shown
at B. This is an “air”-type capacitor having two
sets of rotor plates and two sets of stator plates.
‘The former are mounted on the same shaft; in
‘A few samples of variable capacitors; there ore innumera-
ble styles of these, and only a few are shown here. From
left to right, a mica compression trimmer, a tubular trim-
mer, @ single-section variable, ond a dual-section or
“splt-stator”’ variable. The latter can be used either as a
balanced capacitor or as two separate sections
driven by a single control shaft.
effect, there are two identical variable capacitors
operating together. Capacitors of this type are
used in “balanced” or “push-pull” circuits,
Whatever the eapacitor symbol, itis customary,
to use the curved line to indicate the side of the
capacitor that goes to the grounded or lowe
potential side of the circuit. An apparent excep-
tion is the electrolytic capacitor, in which case the
curved line usually indicates the side connected
to negative d.c. voltage.
Inductors and Transformers
‘The basic inductor symbol, like the ones for
resistors and capacitors, gives no information
about the type of induetor. It is shown at A
below. It represents an induetance of fixed value
in this form, and it can stand for a simple rf.
coil wound on a form, for a multi-layer coil, a
universal-wound coil, or even for one wound on
an iron core. Like the resistor symbol, it can be
E 4
Typical inductances used at radio frequencies. Left,
multisection “pie"-wound rf. choke, ond o small
wound" coil, Next to these is @ tapped coil such as is
sed in small transmitters. The inductor at the right is
continuously variable; a roller makes contact with the wire
8 the form is rotated by the control knob.
(al to)
shown tapped (B), or adjustable (C and D). Cis
used for inductors having a moving contact; an
examples the “roller” type which has a traveling
contact on a bare-wire coil, the contact position
being changed as the coil is rotated. This symbol
also would be used for a coil having a movable
spring clip to make contact with any part of the
bare-wire winding. Incidentally, there are two
ndamental types of induetor symbol, one hay-
ing open loops as shown at A, B, C and D, and
one having elosed loops as shown at E. The open
loop type is the preferred one and is used in QST’
diagrams. However, most older diagrams of the
pre-standards period used the closed-loop induc-
tor symbol, and you may run across it now and
then in books and periodieals.
If the inductor has an iron core or slug it may
be indicated by two straight lines placed along-
side the inductor symbol, as in A below. ‘This
particular symbol would be used for an iron-core
choke in a power-supply filter, for example. B
shows a continuously-variable iron-core inductor
such as a slug-tuned rf. coil. However, the iron-
core symbol is not a required part of the induet-
ance symbol. It simply represents a little addi-
ww (8)
QST for
(e)Iron-core inductances. Left, an inductor of the type used in
power-supply filters (filter choke). Right, an adjustable
inductor for radio frequencies. Adjustment of inductance
is made by moving @ small cylindrical powdered-iron
core in and out of the coil, which is wound on the form,
tional information about the induetor when the
person who draws the circuit wishes to supply it.
‘The practice in QST drawings is to use the iron-
core symbol only for inductors intended for
working at power-supply or audio frequencies, or
on direct current; the core is not shown in in-
ductors operating at radio frequencies,
‘There is no hard-and-fast rule covering the
number of loops in the inductor symbol. Four
are used in most cases, but sometimes it is neces~
sary to use more. For example, in the symbol for
inductor with two fixed taps shown earlier,
four loops are used. But if a large number of taps
a) )) tc)
‘ vVY :
has to be necommodated the number of loops ean
be expanded as necessary.
A transformer is essentially two (or more)
inductors magnetically coupled, and the basie
ymbosl for it is shown at A below. If the trans-
former has an iron core it ean be shown as at C.
In QST’ drawings the iron-core symbol is used
only for transformers working at power-supply
and audio frequencies. The core is omitted from
the symbols for transformers operating at radio
frequencies even though the actual transformer
may have ‘This helps make it easier
to differentiate between the two classes of trans-
formers in glancing over a diagram:
As in the case of simple inductors, the number
of loops in a transformer symbol may be inereased
if necessary. You will also frequently see trans-
former symbols in QST’ in which one or more
windings will be shown by only taro loops. Th
are used to indicate low-impedance or low-
voltage windings. Thus the symbol at B would
stand for an rf. transformer with an output
“ink,” while the one at D would be typical of a
power transformer having « high-voltage center-
tapped secondary (four loops with a tap) and a
low-voltage filament secondary (two loops).
(To be continued)
Transformers. The rf. coil at the left is
typical of the tank coils used in trans
mitters, ond hos @ low-impedance output
‘winding or "link." A transformer for audio-
frequency amplifiers is shown in the center.
The unit at the right is representative of
power-supply transformer construction,