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Perkins Fault Finding Guide for Diesel Engines il i, oe @ PerkinsFault Finding Guide for Diesei Engines Pubfigation 801 TPD 0104 1128 All rights resorved Parkins Engines Lid, Baterhorouah. EnalandEXAMPLES OF SERVICES ASSISTANCE Service iTany problems occur with your engine or the components fitted to it, vour Parlors distributor can make the necessary repairs and will ensure that cry the correct parts ate fitted and that the work is done correctly Certain components can be supplied by your Perkins distributor throug! the Perkins Power Exchange system. These will enable you to reduce the ‘cost of some ropairs. Extended warranty ‘The sngine warranty period can be extended to two years. For deteils got in contact with your nearest Perkins distributor, Service literature Workshop manuals and other service publications are availabie from your Perkins distibutor at @ nominal cost. Training Local training on correct engine operation, overhaul and service is available at sume Perkins distributors. 1f special raining is needed, your Percins distributor can give details of how to get this at the Product Education Department, Peterborough, or other main centres.PERKINS COMPANIES AUSTRALIA sas ey SSE Santonon $125, Veer, Austin. ‘ge. a Oa Tel 30816, France SO Se Dank Solo Pski” 642908 QREAT BRI otenorcugh, PET SNA, Fala. "Behrens 678 Tle S50. ose" etme Ma Gora? Bei 12 ‘afb Com ay eta) 9eRS oie” SER Pot Japan eineneakd Gules, 14-2 Akasa, Fehrs, ae 1, anon (NBA Tair Toe s2nanza Pes 2 an Bei agen ag. ‘ein: a sb. Teme et. oooRsin sn ana aon, tw ave Parking datbutrs in most counts. Petins Engines Lis, SSRASLR SMES he show companies ese given deatCONTENTS INTRODUCTION STARTING PROBLEMS — Low cranking speed — Cold engine will not start ~ Engine is difficult to start ~ Engine starts and stops Engine will not start cold of hot ENGINE MISFIRES LACK OF POWER EXCESSIVE FUEL CONSUMPTION BLACK EXHAUST . ENGINE KNOCKING BLUE/WHITE EXHAUST EXCESSIVE LUBRICATING OIL CONSUMPTION. POOR COMPRESSION OVERHEATING EXCESSIVE CRANKCASE PRESSURE ERRATIC RUNNING. VIBRATION LOW OIL PRESSURE HIGH OIL PRESSURE : EXAMPLES OF SERVICE ASSISTANCENTROOUCTION is Faull Finding Guide should assist in the identitying of the Sbabie cause of the problems which can occur. Having identified blem, & romedy can be applied elevant Workshop Manual shiould be consulted for any required ne just injection equipment fitted to diesel engines is manulactured csivemely tight Wlerances and cannot tolerate the ingress of any particles. Therefore, i the fuel injection equipment, such as the “iL pump, the {uel injection pump of the atomisers are suspect, then {au pment should be removed {rom the engine to the specialised Stinjection equipment workshop for testing and repair, or new lacement components fitted. MARNING ‘oval of the seais, of the breaking of the seals, on {uel injection hips, will render any warranty claim on an engine, aull and void. © commencing any work on a Perkins engine, ensure that you "derstand what the complaint is, For example, if the user complains nat ine engine is knocking, can you hear the knock which is being ‘omplained about ( hacomes necessary {0 use new parts, ensure that the parts you are genuine Perkins Parts. Your authorised Perkins parts counter Supply the proper part agains! the Perkins engine serial number.STARTING PROBLEMS oe ENGINE STARTS AND STOPS — ENGINE WiLL NoT START | ‘COLD OR HOTLOW CRANKING SPEED BAD ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN BATTERY, STARTER MOTOR AND EARTHCheck with the user or his supplier that the oll brand an wsemeewomsemgpr| js in accordance with the approved list, See the relevant th ature, Ensure that the battery js to the manufacturer's apeciticatlon. Check 1 —mmnccnaniar| Toalery capacily and replace if neceusary. ‘Check for corroded oF loose connections. Clean, tighten or remake menace} connections as necessary using the correct cable specification ney | CHECK he vollage drop atthe starter motor withthe starter gwilohed o ‘Check with the manulacturer's specification, — Replace of repale Have aulo-olocietelan anton motor | "Snwestigate furtherCOLD ENGINE WILL NOT STARTen pee| Peter o the Perkins nanabook, check ina the book being used Ist ‘he engine type with the problems Check the continuity of the olectical circult In the cole stasting eo bby an indented voltage at the healer lerminsis when swilcher 9 ‘The CAY “Thermostae” is fitted to many types of Parking engines on with the air cleaner ‘or hose romoved from the ineketion manors Tunctioning of the unit can usually ne seen, When the unit Is switched to the “heat” of “H” position, the “Thermos! Should glow and as the fuel valve in the unit opens, a fame should 90 Tenot, then there Is either no iwel availabe, oF the = Thermasiar! i= 3 Glow plugs can aigo be found titled in Perkins engines. When 12 voll slew | lugs are first switched on, there is an iniial current af bon! Al apo | Selling fo about 10 amperes after about 10 seconds, wit termina! va ye of F112 volts, Some instine fust injection pumps are fitted with an oxeass fue) device. Shook ‘hat tha remote controls are operating salieinctoriy 1 'Start Pitot” aids are used, ensure the equipment is used! sirctiy 90 lothemanufacturersinsinuctions, Never affempt fo ise haters yc} ‘with sther lype starting aids Where necessary, check the specilication of the tet ot —— grins! the relevant Service Literate See sections ‘LOW RANKING SPEEDS" on pags & ENGINE IS DIFFICULT TO START” on naan 10 ENGINE WILL NOT START” on page 14ENGINE {S DIFFICULT TO START Assuming thal the problems COW CRANKING SPEED ‘ane COLD ENGINE WILL NOT START have Deen resolved, proceed as follows: AIRLIN THE FUEL SYSTEM, RESTRICTED FUEL FEED PIPE on BLOCKED VENTINTHE FUEL TANK DEFECTIVE FUEL LIFT PUMP c ~~ STICKING VALVES ee OR, I INCORRECT VALVE TIP CLEARANCE [CNG ORRECT FUEL PUMP TIMING oR RECT. ramammr | oe the syster ofr 9s inthe relevant service fioyahure: creer Renew fuet iter element(s), check tit pump operation, if insufficient fuel '2 Hlowing, eopair — rapiace tue! iit pum. Adlust valve tip clearance according to the relevant manual. Inspec Sareea | ‘valves: guides, springs And rocker assersily for wer mem] CeCK alt aspects OF vaWvE and tuo! pump timing accarsing {© the Tolovant mana me fr| Examine the complete exhaust system, checking ‘or dents oF ‘inks the pipes, check for broxen mutters {Cheek that the correct part number is fied, Replace or service 4 | ‘Momisers, ume.ENGINE STARTS AND STOPS LOW PRESSURE FUEL PIPES ON SUCTION SIDE, FOR LINE CRACKS OR LOOSE CONNECTIONS ALLOWING AIR P———————r= <0 THE SYSTEM,Ensure that the fel tevol fn the Ian fs sultictant, if toe fave Ah my al eevee | ait To be drawn into the system at niervals, consequently stonning be emt | Bleed the fuel system as instructod In the rotovant Service iterates > Rectity as necassary, _—— | check and reality as necessary Ensure that the fuel return pipe from the injection pump is not restritine fuel return in any way no locked, kinked, alc.. as this will case Ihe engine fo slew a= ts ‘Check ale eleanerisloment, re-naw if dirty. Ensure thal no rosie | Is prasent in induction pipingENGINE WILL NOT START See Sections | LOW CRANKING SPEED page 6 COLO ENGINE DOES NOT START page 8 ENGINE IS DIFFICULT TO START page 10Ensure that thaee is sulficienl Iver Inthe tank Ensure that the engine stop cantras oparation is functioning, ani is Seren | {the run positien. Ensure items in these sections are in ard. Check by removing Ine ‘uel Injection pump ingpection plate (o= falovant Service tleratur),turh the engine and ches that the ins mmmjae| Shine puny fs rotating. I! noM, remove Hana chee the quill five) shot Stine rive (ining) goare andvor tne aysitary foe injecsion pump deve serangementENGINE MISFIRES, eceeeecal| INCORRECT TYPE, OR CROSSED HIGH PRESSURE PIPES prurmrwmnmnumms J ts) THE FUEL SVSTEM, RESTRICTED FUEL FEED PIPE, On INCORRECT VALVE TIP CLEARANCES. eC DEFECTIVE FUEL LIFT PUMP ee DAOKEN OR WEAK VALVE SPRINGS, STICKING VALVES, On INCORRECT VALVE TIP CLEARANCES JCORFECT FUEL PUMP TIMING OR INCORRECT VALVE TIMING om=mememnnmen DEFECTIVE Of INCORRECT TYPE FUEL INJECTION PUMP, (DEFECTIVE OR INCORRECT TYPE ATOMISERS POOR COMPRESSIONS OVERHEATING 2 ea——»-| ‘Check alr cleaner/alement condition. Cheek for dents or kinks in th hoses and pines nd examine the induction manittdl for nity obsir No. foutloton fuel Check rotation of pump and engine fring order far corract aie (099 Jeetion pups is given i rlovant Sarvion Litre Reter to Section “Engine is diltielt te start” on page 19 Remove oullet pipe anc check there is sufficient ue) mvnilain fron th Tift pump, i} In dowal replace Vall Refer to relevant Service literature to check valve spring mown toad. Aayust valve tp clearances Ccheck engine timing by referring to the relevant Service titers (Check that he correct part number is tiled. Remave equisment ts 1) ‘Specialised fucl injection workshop for checking and servicinnLACK OF POWER Satien the complaint by a road fest, ensuring thatthe engine reaches incl opevating temperature and thatthe tesl conditions are in order, STOP CONTROL ENGINE SPEED CONTROL OR ITS RESTRICTED MOVEMENT | hiniwTHe FUEL SYSTEM, RESTRICTED FUEL FEED PIPE, CHOKED FUEL FILTERS OR BLOCKED FUEL TANK VENT. CORRECT FUEL INJECTION PUMP TIMING OR INCORRECT VALVE TIMING EXHAUST SYSTEM pestnicrion [mm DEFECTIVE OR INCORRECT TYPE ATOMISERS CTIVE OF INCORRECT TYPE FUEL INJECTION PUMPTEST CONDITIONS — Ensure vehicle or machine load is not axcassive Tyre sizes and pressures are as recommended, mcncmnlper| — The road wheels rotate freely and no brakes aro binding = Ensure axle drive ratios aro 10 correct specication, = The cluteh or free-wheeling system is functioning correctly = Consider accessories fitted (wind resistance with vehicles) —— Ensure it sn the fully “run” position, Check that all engine speed control finkages are ree and thal swan ———$ aera Giachiohad ‘Check ais cleanor/eiement condillon. Cheek for dents or tinxs —mmmneemenlB| Hoses and pipes and examine the induction manitold tor obstructions, iE cen] Rafer fo the section “Engine is dticull fo start” on page 19 omove outlet pipe and check there Is sulficient fuel available from the it pump, if in doubt replace the unit, ‘Check all aspects of fuel pump and valve timing according 10 ec] relevant Service literature [Examine the complete exhaust system, checking for denis or kinks eal the pipes, cheek for broken mutters. ‘cheek turbocharger for ANoxcassive alt inlet depression —ailinductlon pipes and joinis are in order | Soo — festricted exhaust irom turbine \ cetevant mnmesipee | — tow of high air dotvery pressure if Bane = tow oil pressure and/or poor oil drain | eieraten | fect injection pump tuathing J Gn boost controlled engings, ensure there are no leaks 90 1 rom Induction manifald te fast pump. Check that the corteet part number is titled, Remove tre uaiipon | he speciatisc’ hel Injection workshop Tor ehecsing ane ser panei | Sev relevant Service tMerature for correct valve tip cle mater to he "POOR COMPRESSION section on poneEXCESSIVE FUEL CONSUMPTION Jeol a husk consumption test t9 contirm the compiaint ensuring that the “conditions are in o¢der 2s in section "Lack of power" on page 16. DILUTION OF THE LUBRICATING OIL BY FUEL O1L, eeeeereeso DARECT FUEL INJECTION PUMP TIMING OR INCORRECT VALVE TIMING OSFECTIVE OR INCORRECT TYPE ATOMISERS i= CTIVE OR INCORRECT TYPE FUEL INJECTION PUMPWith the engine stopped, check the low pressure fuel pines fer leak ———_— | and rectify. A cold running engine can cause solld {wet to wash down the eylinc | cee {A defective litt pump diaphragm can allow fuel {0 leak into the engin ‘sump (pan), Fully seals an the drive shalt of the fuel injection pump may alos fs fll to drain into the engine timing case ot auxiliary drive and then ini ‘he lubeicating oll ae cheek air cleaner/sloment condition. Check for dents or kinks In the Reler to the relevant Service tMterature to cheek valve spring lent hoses of pipes and examine the induction manitoid lor any obstructions at a known load. Adjust valve tip clearances, Check that the Thermostart is not leaking uel into the induction aennnmegse| manifold during normal operating conditions see section "Cold ensin ‘Checkall aspects of tue! pump and vaive timing according tothe reievsn ‘Service iterature, Check thal the correct par! number is lttad. Remove the equip mmr | She specialised fuel injection workshop Tor checking and sar ————— yr] Refer to the section “POOR COMPRESSION’ on page 40BLACK EXHAUST ijn the complaint by & oad test, ensuring that the engine reaches: “apersting iempersture and that the test conditions are in order ein the section “Lack of power" on page 18. OO BOOST PRESSURE (Whore turbocharger Is fitted) patmmemmeremnnmnt EXHAUST SYSTEM RESTRICTION DEFECTIVE “THERMOSTART" (COLD STARTING AID) DEFECTIVE OR INCORRECT ATOMISERS. DEFECTIVE OR INCORRECT FUEL INJECTION PUMP INCORRECT FUEL INJECTION PUMP TIMING OF, INCORRECT VALVE TIMING [Saauseaea| pipes, check for broken muftlers. | relevant Service lilerature Check air cleanar/eloment condition. Cheek for dents or kinks in tho hoses or pipes and examine the Induction manitold fer any obstructions check turbocharger for: |S cxcessive air init depression = Sihinductlon pipes snd jointe are in ore — Tow air delivery prossure. ‘stricted exhaust from turbine. = tue injection pump fuelling, — jow all pressure and/or poor ol drain, See relevant Service iterature Examine the complete exhaust system checking for dants or kinks in the Check that the “Thermostart” is nat leaking fuel into the induction ‘Check tnot the correct part number fs filled. Remove the equipment {e the specialised vel injection workshop for checking and servicing, peseeedeeeeeeceeereerees SS ESCSSCSEESS ECS Check all aspects of fuel pump and valve timing according to theENGINE KNOCKING INCORRECT TYPE OR GRADE OF FUEL. | eae eee DEFECTIVE OR INCORRECT TYPE OF ATOMISERS. beeen BROKEN VALVE SPRING/S STICKING VALVES Lanne INCORRECT VALVE TIP CLEARANCES INCORRECT FUEL PUMP TIMING OR INCORRECT VALVE TIMING buen INCORRECT PISTON HEIGHT =e ee teeeeeeepeceeeeeereeeeeeee BROKEN, WORN OR STICKING PISTON RINGS PISTON "PICK-UP", BEGINNING TO SEIZE a WORN CYLINDER BORES WORN OR DAMAGED BEARINGS GUDGEON (WRIST) PIN BEARING WORN KNOCK OR RATTLE, POSSIBLY EXCESSIVE BACKLASH ON TIMING GEARS ie 2the fuel being used is to the correct epeeiiication. See relevant Service literature, Determine the knock is faully atomiser or not Stacken off he high pressure pipe of each alomiser in turn to eliminate nme] “knocking” whilst running engine at high ide. tt the knock ceases an the slackening of! of 2 parliewlar atomiser Wel pipe then that atoriser is probably faulty Roter fo the relevant Service jiterstuve to check valve spring lengt ——— | at a given load, Adlust valve tip clearances. gox| Check al aepects of ue! pump and value tng according tothe relevant Remove cylinder head, check for any damage and check the height of the Ber pistons when at T-0.C. relative to the top of the cylinder block. See the | relevant Service erature | Repair engine —— | Repar ongine ] oo Aepalr engineBLUE/WHITE EXHAUST NOTE CONFIRM COMPLAINT BY ROAD TEST, ENSURING ENGINE REACHES NORMAL OPERATING TEMPERATURE | INCORRECT FUEL PUMP OR VALVE TIMING jeememeinaninummneciamns WORN OR DAMAGED VALVE STEM OIL DEFLECTORS. ‘VALVE GUIDES OR VALVE STEMS eon COuPABEEION Os “BLOWN” OF LEAKING CYLINDER HEAD GASKET PISTON “PICKING UP" BEGINNING TO SEIZE | SROKEN, WORN OR STICKING PISTON AINGS | Wont CYLINDER BORES| MIL-(-2"08C oF MUL-L-46152), ema Jn induction piping. cls heck timing according to retevant Service literature. ete Check coolant temperature/thermostat m—wrer=| Remove cylinder head and eeck, replace with new parts as necessary ——wmresw| Refer to the section “POOR COMPRESSION” on page 30. Ensure that the oll being used Is of the correct specitication, Le. (spec only} Jat no restrietion Is possibte Ropair engineEXCESSIVE LUBRICATING OIL CONSUMPTION ee INCORRECT VISCOSITY ONL, DILUTED OR INFERIOR O!L femme ‘OWL LEVEL TOO [Can algo cause overnoatingy r COMMUNICATION BETWEEN OIL FEED PIPE AND FUEL OIL PIPE hemmmmemee GLazeD BoRES —— WORN, BROKEN OR STUCK PISTON RINGS WORN PISTONS AND CYLINDER BORES \ WORN VALVE GUIDE BORES. WORN VALVE STEM SEALS eee 2P| The mount of i rrmer$5R-| grade and viscosity of oil to comply with the machines ambient and mnreereer| Srain-down time and engina/machine standing level. Wt the complaint {Chock all breather pipas and any breather oll strainers and oil retuin mF il under prosstire can flow from ils own pipe Into a fuel pipe with a lower Ol carry-over by an alr compressor can usually le indicated by an eee ‘unusual amount of oit draining from the air reservoir, [Any leak from the oil pressure side into the coolant can usually be eemevmnfay| Check air cleaner/element and induction pipewark tor restriction jym-| May be the result of long ling periods — Deglnze bores and re-ing —ceramfper| Cismantio and repalr, Inspecting for causes of the condiione tears | Ihe engine under normal operating conditions ‘and reclity whore neceseary, Allow tine tor new piston rings to become beddedin to the eylinder liners. nto allow will depend upon the way the engine is used Diain the oil and reli with the engine manulacturers recommended working conditions, Change the ail filler element. L a [ check tar improper practices of chacking the oil level, Le. engine cold, | persisis, check that the dipstick and tube are of the correct part number pipes in the breather system, ‘Check very earetuty tne rubbing spot of any chating pipes. Lubricating pressure through the smallest of pin holes. Lecce ‘detected by the presence of oll in the coolant ‘hie would normally be expected to show tz! in some other form, ee ‘such as engine performance or exhaust condition.POOR COMPRESSION RESTRICTION IN THE INDUCTION SYSTEM STICKING VALVE/S, BROKEN VALVE SPRING/S OR INCORRECT VALVE TIP CLEARANCES, f INCORRECT VALVE pect ee pecans ee if COMPRESSION FIGURES SHOW A PARTICULARLY LOW FIGURE ONONE CYLINDER, THEN THE MOST LIKELY CAUSE IS A CYLINDER HEAD GASKET LEAKING OR POOR VALVE SEATING PITTED VALVES AND SEATS WORN VALVE STEMS AND GUIDES = peel INCORRECT PISTON HEIGHTS —— Lo ee BROKEN, WORN OR STICKING PISTON RINGS i WORN CYLINDER BORESeenensnnp-| CROCK air cleaner/element, co-new If dity, Ensute that no restriction “possible in induction piping and manifold. tip clearances as necessary. | Cheek re-set val L may} Check timing os instructed in relevant Service literature. Remove cylinder head and cheek gasket, valves, seals and guides. Fit fnew parts as necessary len piston helghts, ensure that tolerance Is within | Ropair enginOVERHEATING Check that the machine or vehicle is not being overloaded. Check that any temperature gauge hitled to the machine Is nol Tauly, by removing the ragiator pressure cap, run the engine unl coolant ‘worris up and using a thermometer in the radiator compare its reading fa that of the gauge filled to the machine COOLANT LEVEL TOO Low LUBRICATING OIL LEVEL TOO HIGH (ia LOOSE FAN BELT DEFECTIVE WATER PUMP. CHOKED, DEFECTIVE OR INCORRECT RADIATOR, HOSES OR PRESSURE CAP f FAULTY THERMOSTAT ae RESTRICTION IN THE INDUCTION MANIFOLD DEFECTIVE THERMOSTART EXHAUST SYSTEM RESTRICTION CYLINDER HEAD GASKET LEAKING OR CRAGKED CYLINDER HEAD [remem _——————— INCORRECT FUEL INJECTION PUMP TIMING OF. INCORRECT VALVE TIMING. [ DEFECTIVE OR INCORRECT TYPE ATOMISERS OR FUEL PUMPWith engine cold cheek the level of the coolant. Check for twaks wemermen Or | Check for improper practices of checking the oil evel, Level engine! Mnachine and allow denin-down time. ‘Check there i# about ‘sin (10mm) depression on the longest ra bell(s) by normal hand pressure. cot the ‘with radiator eap removed and the thermostal removed, check there is, memwepior| 5 swirl of coolant in the header tank. With remote tanks, remove the thermostat trom a cold engine, momentarily start the engine when coolant should Be pushed aut by the water pump, trom. the ‘hermostat housing, {Back tlush the coaling system with pressurised water. Remove all hosos {or inspection, Cheek the radiator and prossuro cap part number and momen te operation with the mianulacturers spec. Ensure the airflow through | the radiator is not impedes. [Eesaeeeceeeseeey ‘Check that the thermostat opens at the correc! temperature and It is ——— pe the correct part number ‘Check air cleaner/element condition. Check for dents or kinks in the mnjor| hoses or pines and examine the induction manitold lor any | ‘obstruction Le —t ‘Check that the thermostarl is nat leaking luel Inta the induction manitota ne ‘under normal operating conditions [Examine the complete exhaust gystom for dante oF hinks in the pines ae ‘and check for any damage to the multlers, “nis can sometimes be detected by bubbles In coolant and by comparing | evlinder pressures. Remove cylinder head for inspectian or replacement smvm——npr-|[ Check nspecs of uel purmp and vale timing according tote relevant Serve Herature [check tor correct part number and arrange for testing in speciatised eon ‘warkshop,EXCESSIVE CRANKCASE PRESSURE NOTE IT IS ASSUMED THAT ON A COMPLAINT OF THIS NATURE, OIL IS BEING BLOWN OUT EXTERNALLY, Le. OUT OF DIPSTICK TUBE. ere. SESE SESS dEUS] PISTON PICK-UP BEGINNING TO SEIZE WORN CYLINDER SORES BROKEN, WORN OF STICKING PISTON RINGS CYLINDER HEAD GASKET LEAKING. ey CHOKED BREATHER OR PIPE bh DEFECTIVE EXHAUSTER (i fitted) —-—— ‘emove the engine breather and pipe ané check for restriction. Rectity eo as necessary. — this would permil alr to enter the engine causing Ensure thal there are no leaks in the vacuum syste Jankease pressure. Repair engine.ERRATIC RUNNING DEFECTIVE STOP CONTROL OPERATION, STICKING THROTTLE OR RESTRICTED MOVEMENT RESTRICTION IN THE INDUCTION SYSTEM AIRIN THE FUEL SYSTEM, wee BLOCKED FUEL TANK VENT. RESTRICTED FUEL FEED PIPE beret (CHOKED FUEL FILTER DEFECTIVE FUEL LIFT PUMP. ——— STICKING VALVE/S, BROKEN VALVE SPRING/S OR INCORRECT VALVE TIP CLEARANCE a INCORRECT FUEL PUMP OR VALVE TIMING cae DEFECTIVE ATOMISERS OR INCORRECT TYPE DEFECTIVE FUEL INJECTION PUMP———per-| Ensue tat the operation ofthese is free, and are not fouling in any way. heck sr cleaner element, re-new i ality, Ensure that no vesrction i possi in induction piping ané mane, Ensure thal these are of the correct type and Tring order. 6 fied in the correct jie nenrenrfar-| Check and rectify as In section "ENGINE 1S DIFFICULT TO STAR’ page 10, ‘Check It pump operation, i insullicient fuel flow ls evident, remove | Tit pump and reetlty oF Ht replacement ——$e-| Check, reset valve tip clearance as necessary. Ccheekall aspects of tue! pump and valve timing according to the relevent ae ‘Service Mterature, (Check that the correct part number Is fled. Remove the equipment te ww“ ine specialised fuel injection workshop forVIBRATION DAMAGED FAN OR INSECURE C/SHAFT PULLEY t INCORRECT OR CROSSED HIGH PRESSURE PIPES peemmnnnnnenee STICKING VALVES Lenn 8| 'e operation of the throttle is free, and not fouling in any way. ‘Check that the engine mountings and feet are not loose oF perished, Ensure thatthe llywheet housing Is not faully or cracked, etc lades, ie. broken, bent or cracked. Check for damaged fan or fan Ensure that C/Shail pulley and fan are correcily torqued [Ensure that these are of the correct type and are fitted in the correct tiring order. Remove rocker cover, and check that the operation of the valves is free. {Check tightness of rlywheel housing, and with a clock gauge check that its. Reler to mmeemfiee| fn alignment of the Mlywheet and housing are with li ‘elevant Sorvice Hteratute p= aaah 39LOW Oil PRESSURE CATING OIL NEEDS CHANGING (DIRTY, SLUDGED OR [————— blLUTED} INACCURATE GAUGE OR WARNING LIGHT RESTRICTED SUMP STRAINER DEFECTIVE SUCTION PIPE DEFECTIVE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | isaceesecaene WORN OIL PUMP. WORN OR DAMAGED BEARINGS —— 7%Ensure that there |e sufficient oll ia the sump, and thal the correct ceeaeea| ype and grade is being used, | it autos ou dirty Drain oll, and clean engine Hushing oll. Refill with Fecommended oll, and change filter. (Change ol ane iter. ‘Trace cause, if diluted by diesel fuel, rectity as in section "EX- ‘CESSIVE FUEL CONSUMPTION” age 20.1! diluled by water, poss- Tole causes: « Defective oli cooter (Il fited) > Cylinder head gasket leaking = Porous cylinder block. Check and rectily as necessary and change oll ana tite ee ‘chock engine oll pressure by | Connecting 2 master gauge in place of the original, or (the oll {ign sich) and run enaine, | | Olt pressure OK. _— Ot pressure too tow. | | pressure gauge or | Blarning hght swt [Remove sump anc | | check that ihe sump | sate | srsinatie clas | [for cracks of bad | | relletvatweoperation. | | oit pump for wear. int to the oll pump. ] cena Repsirengine | [ciwersctonsga | [Remove oa chest | [Remar ond chek] | iHIGH OIL PRESSURE | INACCURATE O}L PRESSURE GAUGE ——— lL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE STUCKcheck with customer, ensure that the correct type and ginde of —— lubricating oll is being used. Check accuracy ofall pressure gauge, by connecting 9 master gauge in| care place of the original [ote 0 pressure nara I | oltpressute too high ‘Replace with new oil pressure| ‘eauge. LL Remove and check pressure | folie! valve operation, repair as | hecessary of fil a new replace- | ie none
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Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5/5 (6558)
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
De Everand
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
Mark Manson
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (6024)
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
De Everand
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
Mark Manson
Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5/5 (20650)
The Handmaid's Tale
De Everand
The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (13688)
Orgullo y prejuicio: Clásicos de la literatura
De Everand
Orgullo y prejuicio: Clásicos de la literatura
Jane Austen
Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5/5 (20570)
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
De Everand
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
Chris Voss
Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5/5 (3453)
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
De Everand
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
James Clear
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (1093)
Pride and Prejudice: Bestsellers and famous Books
De Everand
Pride and Prejudice: Bestsellers and famous Books
Jane Austen
Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5/5 (20495)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: The Infographics Edition
De Everand
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: The Infographics Edition
Stephen R. Covey
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (2533)
Good Omens: A Full Cast Production
De Everand
Good Omens: A Full Cast Production
Neil Gaiman
Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5/5 (11241)
Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
De Everand
Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
J. D. Vance
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (5261)
Matar a un ruisenor (To Kill a Mockingbird - Spanish Edition)
De Everand
Matar a un ruisenor (To Kill a Mockingbird - Spanish Edition)
Harper Lee
Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5/5 (23571)
Art of War: The Definitive Interpretation of Sun Tzu's Classic Book of Strategy
De Everand
Art of War: The Definitive Interpretation of Sun Tzu's Classic Book of Strategy
Stephen F. Kaufman
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (3330)
Freakonomics Rev Ed
De Everand
Freakonomics Rev Ed
Steven D. Levitt
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (7964)
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
De Everand
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
James Clear
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (1156)
The Hobbit
De Everand
The Hobbit
J. R. R. Tolkien
Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5/5 (26299)
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
De Everand
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Susan Cain
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (3075)
Lord of the Flies
De Everand
Lord of the Flies
William Golding
Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas
3.5/5 (15101)
Where the Crawdads Sing: Reese's Book Club
De Everand
Where the Crawdads Sing: Reese's Book Club
Delia Owens
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (4216)
Where the Crawdads Sing: Reese's Book Club
De Everand
Where the Crawdads Sing: Reese's Book Club
Delia Owens
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (4203)
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
De Everand
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Carol S. Dweck
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (550)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
De Everand
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (2586)
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
De Everand
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Susan Cain
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (3049)
Pride and Prejudice: Classic Tales Edition
De Everand
Pride and Prejudice: Classic Tales Edition
Jane Austen
Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5/5 (20437)
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
De Everand
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Carol S. Dweck
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (552)
American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition
De Everand
American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition
Neil Gaiman
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (13135)
Good Omens
De Everand
Good Omens
Neil Gaiman
Calificación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5/5 (12332)
American Gods [TV Tie-In]: A Novel
De Everand
American Gods [TV Tie-In]: A Novel
Neil Gaiman
Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
4/5 (12630)