Caso Codigo 2600 - Asme V

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[CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VPSSEL CODE, CASE 2600 ‘Approval Date: January 28, 2008 Code Coses will ramain available for use unt annulled by the applicable Standards Committe. Case 2600 Use of Linear Phased Array S-Sean Ultrasonic Exami- nation Per Article 4! Section V Inquiry: Under what conditions and limitations may lin- ear phased array ullrasonie examination be used pet Section V, Adicle 4 wher using au $-sean"? Reply: it is the opinion of the Committee that weld ‘examinations may be performed using $-scan phased ary ultrasonic techniques using linear seanning, provided that all of the following reguisements are met: fa) Amplitude control linearity checks shall be per formed on eueh pulser-receiver circuit inthe ultrasonic unit, () Ail individual beams used in the examination shall be calibrated to provide measurement of distance and amplitude correction over the sound path employed in the ‘examination, fej The focal law? to be used during examination shall bbe used lor ealibration (d) In addition to the essential variabies listed in “Table T-421. the Following parameters shall be considered essential variubles: {(Z) search unit element piteh, size, nomber, and gap, dimensions (2) focal cange (identify plane, depth, or sound pth ‘as applicable) (4) virtual aperture size (Le., number of elements, element width, and effective height) (4) wedge refracted angle (3) usuble wedge sweep angle (6) gngular sweep increstent “See Section I, Pant A, Nommandatony Appendix A for onleing Information For Spectteuiv NFA 3214 and Ts eerenes "kn Sse (aha called a serie secon aimattal or sep angel sean) nay tle eae the arm movertea or te ut dspsy. When had te tothe bens maser an Seven ers theo ow {hos that ponds a face meres fans trough Stined range of gles sng ihe sae got of lemenis, Ada spay, an -sc09 Seuimersued! view of all Arseane ftom a spec elements Cncoed tor delay an seencted angle. Vue serected Ss. MOE. Syrah pe ty eh feels epee ty Sores and mewarwle Pstns "A eel aw is defined an 8 peed ray operon le the Seaseh unl vcmeris are tr te delay oe otk the as tal nd reser tancacs “Tn Sangin arcing anlen me of ay, oan cl peanure RTT. erly ne ne Si An Ton ia ome (2) scan pattern to ensure coverage fe) A scan plan shall demonstrate by plotting or hy using a computer simulation that the examination sagles fre appropriate for the configuration being examined. and that the required volume of the weld and adjacent base material is covered. (f) Seaoming shall be performed using a linear scanning, technique with sn encoder. Each Finear Scan shall be paral- Tel tu the weld centerline at a constant standotf distance with the besim perpendicular to the weld centerline. (g} A minimum of two S-scans shall be performed at ‘two different invlex points form the center of the weld. (h) When multiple linear seans are required to cover the required volume of weld and base material. overlap between Tinear scans shall be a miniraum of 10% of the overall linear array Iength used, (2) A-scan data shall be recorded for the urea of interest ‘an unprocessed form with no thresholding, and al a minimum digitization rate of five tires the examination frequency. {) Data shall be displayable in A-scan, D-sean, and S-sean formats, 4k) Beam angular sweep increment employed shall be such that the beam overlap in the arcu is at least 50%: (1) Scanning speed shall he such that data drop-o0t is, less than 5% of the linear scan length und there are no ‘adjacent data line skips. (im) Data acguisiticn shal be set at a maaximum of ¢ ram (0.04 in.) increments for material less than 75: mim (3 in.) thick. and a maximiam of 2 mm (0.08 in.) foe material ‘equal to or greater than 75 min (3 in.) thick. (n) A-scan recorded data need only te retained until final flaw evaluation bas been performed, fa) The probe shall be mainiained at a fixed distance from the weld centetline by a tixed guide or mechanical (p) For cach examination, the required information of ‘7-492 and the following information shall be recored! (A) search unit type, element size and number, and. pitch and gap dimensions (2) focal law parameters, including as applicabie, tangle, focal depth, clement numbers used, and angular incremental change (3) wedge angle 1 (2800) CASE {continued} 2600 ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE {4} An angle beam examination shall be performed in () ThisCase murmber shall be shown onthe Manafaclur- accordance with T-472.1.3 for refivtors ransvarse to the e's Data Report weld axis 2 (2600)

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