The Bear and The Travellers

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Two travellers were walking slowly along a

country road. They were going to the city because
they were looking for work. They were tired
because they had walked twenty miles and they
were hungry because they hadn't eaten all day.
Suddenly. in the woods in front of them, they saw
a huge bear. The men were terrified. One of them
ran away, climbed tree, and hid.
The other man fell to the ground and pretended
to be dead. He had heard that bears don't like
eating dead meal. The bear came towards him. It
bent down, sniffed him, and whispered something
in his ear. Then it wandered away.
After the bear had gone, the other man came
down from his tree and went to see how his friend
was. He wanted to know what the bear had said
to him.
'The bear gave me some advice', said his
companion. 'He said: Next time you go on a
journey, travel with someone who won't leave you
at the first sign of danger.'
The moral of this history is... choose your friends

Dos viajeros estaban caminando lentamente a lo largo de un
pas por carretera. Iban a la ciudad porque
que estaban buscando trabajo. Estaban cansados
porque haban caminado veinte millas y
tenan hambre porque no haba comido en todo el da.
De repente. en el bosque en frente de ellos, vieron
un enorme oso. Los hombres estaban aterrorizados. Uno de ellos
se escap, se subi rbol, y se escondi.
El otro hombre cay al suelo y fingi
estar muerto. Haba odo que los osos no les gusta
comer comida muerta. El oso se acerc a l. lo
se agach, lo oli, y le susurr algo
en su odo. Luego se alej.
Despus de que el oso se haba ido, el otro hombre se acerc
por debajo de su rbol y fue a ver cmo su amigo
estaba. Quera saber lo que el oso le haba dicho
'El oso me dio un consejo'dijo su
compaero. 'l dijo: La prxima vez que vayas en un
viaje, viaja con alguien que no te dejar
a la primera seal de peligro.
La moraleja de esta historia es ... elige a tus amigos
con cuidado!

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