Marc Torrens

Marc Torrens

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  • Inteligencia Artificial. El camino hacia la ultrainteligencia

    National Geographic, RBA

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    • Sergio Parra
  • The Big Promise of Recommender Systems

    Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

    Recommender systems have been part of the Internet for almost two decades. Dozens of vendors have built recommendation technologies and taken them to market in two waves, roughly aligning with the web 1.0 and 2.0 revolutions. Today recommender systems are found in a multitude of online services. They have been developed using a variety of techniques and user interfaces. They have been nurtured with millions of users’ explicit and implicit preferences (most often with their permission)…

    Recommender systems have been part of the Internet for almost two decades. Dozens of vendors have built recommendation technologies and taken them to market in two waves, roughly aligning with the web 1.0 and 2.0 revolutions. Today recommender systems are found in a multitude of online services. They have been developed using a variety of techniques and user interfaces. They have been nurtured with millions of users’ explicit and implicit preferences (most often with their permission). Frequently they provide relevant recommendations that increase the revenue or user engagement of the online services that operate them. However, when we evaluate the current generation of recommender systems from the point of view of the “recommendee,” we find that most recommender systems serve the goals of the business instead of their users’ interests. Thus we believe that the big promise of recommender systems has yet to be fulfilled. We foresee a third wave of recommender systems that act directly on behalf of their users across a range of domains instead of acting as a sales assistant. We also predict that such new recommender systems will better deal with information overload, take advantage of contextual clues from mobile devices, and utilize the vast information and computation stores available through cloud-computing services to maximize users’ long-term goals.

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  • User-Involved Preference Elicitation

    Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2003)

    When searching for multi-attribute services or products, understanding and representing user’s preferences is a crucial task. However, many computer tools do not afford users to adequately focus on fundamental decision objectives, reveal hidden preferences, revise conflicting preferences, or explicitly reason about tradeoffs with competing decision goals. As a result, users often fail to find the best solution.
    From building decision support systems for various application domains, we have…

    When searching for multi-attribute services or products, understanding and representing user’s preferences is a crucial task. However, many computer tools do not afford users to adequately focus on fundamental decision objectives, reveal hidden preferences, revise conflicting preferences, or explicitly reason about tradeoffs with competing decision goals. As a result, users often fail to find the best solution.
    From building decision support systems for various application domains, we have observed some common areas of design pitfalls, which could lead to undesirable user behaviors and ineffective use of decision systems. By incorporating findings from behavior decision theory, we have identified and accumulated a set of principles for avoiding these design pitfalls: 1) provide a flexible order and choice in preference elicitation so that users can focus on fundamental objectives, 2) include appropriate information in a decision context to guide users in revealing hidden preferences, and 3) make tradeoff attributes explicit to facilitate preference revision and flexible decision making. We describe these principles and the corresponding interface affordances, and discuss concrete scenarios where they have been applied and tested.

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  • Visualizing and Exploring Personal Music Libraries

    5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval

    Nowadays, music fans are beginning to massively use mobile digital music players and dedicated software to organize and play large collections of music. In this context, users deal with huge music libraries containing thousands of tracks. Such a huge volume of music easily overwhelms users when selecting the music to listen or when organizing their collections. Music player software with visualizations based on textual lists and organizing features such as smart playlists are not really enough…

    Nowadays, music fans are beginning to massively use mobile digital music players and dedicated software to organize and play large collections of music. In this context, users deal with huge music libraries containing thousands of tracks. Such a huge volume of music easily overwhelms users when selecting the music to listen or when organizing their collections. Music player software with visualizations based on textual lists and organizing features such as smart playlists are not really enough for helping users to efficiently manage their libraries. Thus, we propose new graphical visualizations and their associated features to allow users to better organize their personal music libraries and therefore also to ease selection later on.

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  • Effective Interaction Principles for Online Product Search Environments

    The 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence

    To find products in online environments, people increasingly rely on computerized search tools. The performance of such tools depends crucially on an accurate model of their users' preferences. Obtaining such models requires an adequate interaction model and system guidance.

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  • Solution Generation with Qualitative Models of Preferences

    International Journal of Computational Intelligence

    We consider automated decision aids that help users select the best solution from a large set of options. For such tools to successfully accomplish their task, eliciting and representing users' decision preferences is a crucial task. It is usually too complex to get a complete and accurate model of their preferences, especially regarding the trade-offs between different criteria.We consider decision aid tools where users specify their preferences qualitatively: they are only able to state the…

    We consider automated decision aids that help users select the best solution from a large set of options. For such tools to successfully accomplish their task, eliciting and representing users' decision preferences is a crucial task. It is usually too complex to get a complete and accurate model of their preferences, especially regarding the trade-offs between different criteria.We consider decision aid tools where users specify their preferences qualitatively: they are only able to state the criteria they consider, but not the precise numerical utility functions. For each criterion, the tool provides a standardized numerical function that is fixed and identical for all users and used to compare solutions. To compensate for the imprecision of this qualitative model, we let the user choose among a displayed set of possibilities rather than a single optimal solution. We consider the probability of finding the most preferred solution as a function of the number of displayed possibilities and the number of preferences. We present a probabilistic analysis, empirical validation on randomly generated configuration problems and a commercial application. We provide mathematical principles for the design of the selection mechanism, guaranteeing that users are able to find the target solution.

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  • Context-aware Computing for Business Traveler Care

    IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2004

  • Towards an Intelligent Mobile Travel Assistant

    Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

    Travel has many situations where context-aware computing can bring important benefits. In this paper, we describe an approach for integrating context-aware computing to a mobile travel assistant. Travel plans, generated using reality [2], are enriched within compact and powerful structures, called User Task Models. These structures are transferred to a mobile device enabling the support for the traveler during his trip.

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  • Context-aware Mobile Assistants for Optimal Interaction: a Prototype for Supporting the Business Traveler

    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces

    Travel has many situations where context-aware computing can bring important benefits: pointing out notorious delays or bad weather during the planning phase, allowing the user to replan for handling unexpected situations, or suggesting flight alternatives to avoid strikes.This paper briefly describes an approach for integrating context-aware computing to a mobile travel assistant. We show how context-aware techniques can ease user interaction within mobile device applications. The presented…

    Travel has many situations where context-aware computing can bring important benefits: pointing out notorious delays or bad weather during the planning phase, allowing the user to replan for handling unexpected situations, or suggesting flight alternatives to avoid strikes.This paper briefly describes an approach for integrating context-aware computing to a mobile travel assistant. We show how context-aware techniques can ease user interaction within mobile device applications. The presented ideas are illustrated with a scenario using a first version of a working prototype called Pocket reality.

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  • Designing Example-critiquing Interaction

    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces

    In many practical scenarios, users are faced with the problem of choosing the most preferred outcome from a large set of possibilities. As people are unable to sift through them manually, decisions support systems are often used to automatically find the optimal solution. A crucial requirement for such a system is to have an accurate model of the user's preferences.Studies have shown that people are usually unable to accurately state their preferences up front, but are greatly helped by seeing…

    In many practical scenarios, users are faced with the problem of choosing the most preferred outcome from a large set of possibilities. As people are unable to sift through them manually, decisions support systems are often used to automatically find the optimal solution. A crucial requirement for such a system is to have an accurate model of the user's preferences.Studies have shown that people are usually unable to accurately state their preferences up front, but are greatly helped by seeing examples of actual solutions. Thus, several researchers have proposed preference elicitation strategies based on example critiquing. The essential design question in example critiquing is what examples to show users in order to best help them locate their most preferred solution.In this paper, we analyze this question based on two requirements. The first is that it must stimulate the user to express further preferences by showing the range of alternatives available. The second is that the examples that are shown must contain the solution that the user would consider optimal if the currently expressed preference model was complete so that he select it as a final solution.

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  • reality: a Scalable Intelligent Travel Planner

    The Eigthteenth ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC-2003), 2003, p. 623-630 ACM Press, 2003

    Many information systems are used in a problem solving context. Examples are travel planning systems, catalogs in electronic com- merce, or agenda planning systems. They can be made more use- ful by integrating problem-solving capabilities into the information systems. This poses the challenge of scalability: when hundreds of users access a server at the same time, it is important to avoid excessive computational load.
    In this paper, we present an approach, called reality, that allows to…

    Many information systems are used in a problem solving context. Examples are travel planning systems, catalogs in electronic com- merce, or agenda planning systems. They can be made more use- ful by integrating problem-solving capabilities into the information systems. This poses the challenge of scalability: when hundreds of users access a server at the same time, it is important to avoid excessive computational load.
    In this paper, we present an approach, called reality, that allows to significantly extend the reach of electronic commerce in travel. Our application addresses in particular the challenge of modeling customers’ personal preferences and providing solutions that are tailored to just those preferences. In contrast to existing technology, which allow to optimize only a small and predefined set of prefer- ences, our tool allows a wide variety that can accurately model the preferences of different customers.

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  • Intelligent Scalable Electronic Catalogs

    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)

    The world today is full of information systems which make huge quantities of information available. This incredible amount of information is clearly overwhelming Internet end- users. As a consequence, intelligent tools to identify worthwhile information are needed, in order to fully assist people in finding the right information. Moreover, most systems are ultimately used, not just to provide information, but also to solve problems.
    Encouraged by the growing popular success of Internet and…

    The world today is full of information systems which make huge quantities of information available. This incredible amount of information is clearly overwhelming Internet end- users. As a consequence, intelligent tools to identify worthwhile information are needed, in order to fully assist people in finding the right information. Moreover, most systems are ultimately used, not just to provide information, but also to solve problems.
    Encouraged by the growing popular success of Internet and the enormous business potential of electronic commerce, e-catalogs have been consolidated as one of the most relevant types of information systems. Nearly all currently available electronic catalogs are offering tools for extracting product information based on key-attribute filtering methods. The most advanced electronic catalogs are implemented as recommender systems using collaborative filtering techniques.
    This dissertation focuses on strategies for coping with the difficulty of building intelli- gent catalogs which fully support the user in his purchase decision-making process, while maintaining the scalability of the whole system. The contributions of this thesis lie on a mixed-initiative system which is inspired by observations on traditional commerce ac- tivities. Such a conversational model consists basically of a dialog between the customer and the system, where the user criticizes proposed products and the catalog suggests new products accordingly.
    Constraint satisfaction techniques are analyzed in order to provide a uniform frame- work for modeling electronic catalogs for configurable products. Within the same frame- work, user preferences and optimization constraints are also easily modeled. Searching strategies for proposing the adequate products according to criteria are described in de- tail.

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  • Using Soft CSPs for Approximating Pareto-Optimal Solution Sets

    The Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-02)

    We consider constraint satisfaction problems where so- lutions must be optimized according to multiple crite- ria. When the relative importance of different criteria cannot be quantified, there is no single optimal solution, but a possibly very large set of Pareto-optimal solutions. Computing this set completely is in general very costly and often infeasible in practical applications.
    We consider several methods that apply algorithms for soft CSP to this problem. We report on experiments…

    We consider constraint satisfaction problems where so- lutions must be optimized according to multiple crite- ria. When the relative importance of different criteria cannot be quantified, there is no single optimal solution, but a possibly very large set of Pareto-optimal solutions. Computing this set completely is in general very costly and often infeasible in practical applications.
    We consider several methods that apply algorithms for soft CSP to this problem. We report on experiments, both on random and real problems, that show that such algorithms can compute surprisingly good approxima- tions of the Pareto-optimal set. We also derive variants that further improve the performance.

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  • Smart Clients: Constraint Satisfaction as a Paradigm for Scaleable Intelligent Information Systems

    International Journal of Constraints, Volume 7, Issue 1

    Many information systems are used in a problem solving context. Examples are travel planning systems, catalogs in electronic commerce, or agenda planning systems. They can be made more useful by integrating problem-solving capabilities into the information systems. This poses the challenge of scaleability: when hundreds of users access a server at the same time, it is important to avoid excessive computational load.
    We present the concept of SmartClients: lightweight problem-solving agents…

    Many information systems are used in a problem solving context. Examples are travel planning systems, catalogs in electronic commerce, or agenda planning systems. They can be made more useful by integrating problem-solving capabilities into the information systems. This poses the challenge of scaleability: when hundreds of users access a server at the same time, it is important to avoid excessive computational load.
    We present the concept of SmartClients: lightweight problem-solving agents based on constraint satisfaction which can carry out the computation- and communication-intensive tasks on the user's computer. We present an example of an air travel planning system based on this technology.

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  • A Multi-Agent System for Planning Meetings

    Workshop Hispano-Luso de Agentes Fisicos (WAF-2001)

  • Constraint Satisfaction for Modelling Scalable Electronic Catalogs

    Lectures Notes on Artificial Intelligence, LNAI Vol. 2001

    Many information systems are used in a problem solving context. Examples are travel planning systems, catalogs in electronic commerce, or agenda planning systems. They can be made more useful by integrating problem-solving capabilities into the information systems. This poses the challenge of scalability: when hundreds of users access a server at the same time, it is important to avoid excessive computational load.
    We present the concept of smart clients: lightweight problem-solving agents…

    Many information systems are used in a problem solving context. Examples are travel planning systems, catalogs in electronic commerce, or agenda planning systems. They can be made more useful by integrating problem-solving capabilities into the information systems. This poses the challenge of scalability: when hundreds of users access a server at the same time, it is important to avoid excessive computational load.
    We present the concept of smart clients: lightweight problem-solving agents based on constraint satisfaction which can carry out the computation - and communication-intensive tasks on the user’s computer. We present an example of an air travel planning system based on this technology.

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  • CCL: Expressions of Choice in Agent Communication

    The Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems (ICMAS-2000)

    When shall I fly to New York? Which airline should I choose? How are these related to which airport I arrive at, to how I might travel into the city and to where I choose to stay? Many current and potential applications of agents involve reasoning and communicating about multiple interrelated choices.To date however, most proposals for communication in agent systems have provided little or no direct support for the type of communication required by these applications. To address this need, this…

    When shall I fly to New York? Which airline should I choose? How are these related to which airport I arrive at, to how I might travel into the city and to where I choose to stay? Many current and potential applications of agents involve reasoning and communicating about multiple interrelated choices.To date however, most proposals for communication in agent systems have provided little or no direct support for the type of communication required by these applications. To address this need, this paper describes the Constraint Choice Language (CCL) - an agent Content Language designed to support agent problem solving by providing explicit representations of choices and choice problems.

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  • A Multi-Agent Recommender System for Planning Meeting

    Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents 2000)

    In this work we address the problem of arranging meetings for several participants taking into con- sideration constraints for personal agendas and transportation schedules. We have implemented a multi-agent recommender system that solves the problem.
    Building such applications implies to consider two main issues: collecting information from dif- ferent sources on the Internet, and solving the problem itself. We show that multi-agent systems that use constraint satisfaction for modelling and…

    In this work we address the problem of arranging meetings for several participants taking into con- sideration constraints for personal agendas and transportation schedules. We have implemented a multi-agent recommender system that solves the problem.
    Building such applications implies to consider two main issues: collecting information from dif- ferent sources on the Internet, and solving the problem itself. We show that multi-agent systems that use constraint satisfaction for modelling and solving problems can be very suitable for this kind of systems.

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  • Constraint Choice Language (CCL), Language Specification v2.01

    EPFL, Departement d’Informatique. Technical report No. 99/320

    This document gives the specification of version 2.01 of the Constraint Choice Language (CCL). CCL is designed as a language to be used for agent communication which directly supports the expression of choice and choice problems in the content of agent messages. This version of CCL has been adopted by FIPA as a standard FIPA-compliant content language named FIPA-CCL.

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  • Smart clients: Constraint Satisfaction as a Paradigm for Scaleable Intelligent Information Systems

    The Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99)

    Manyinformation systems are used in a problem solving context. Examples are travel planning systems, catalogs in electronic commerce or agenda planning systems. They can be made more useful by integrating problem-solving capabilities into the information systems. This poses the challenge of scaleability: when hundreds of users access a server at the same time, it is important to avoid excessive computational load. We present the concept of smart clients: lightweight problem-solving agents based…

    Manyinformation systems are used in a problem solving context. Examples are travel planning systems, catalogs in electronic commerce or agenda planning systems. They can be made more useful by integrating problem-solving capabilities into the information systems. This poses the challenge of scaleability: when hundreds of users access a server at the same time, it is important to avoid excessive computational load. We present the concept of smart clients: lightweight problem-solving agents based on constraint satisfaction which can carry out the computation -and communication- intensive tasks on the user’s computer. We present an example of an air travel planning system based on this technology.

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  • Interchangeability for Case Adaptation in Configuration Problems

    The Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-98)

    We address in this paper the adaptation of a case when a complete constraint model of the underlying problem is given. The idea is to apply methods from constraint based reasoning that allows the detection of "similar" solutions, which can be used to adapt a selected case to a new situation. We consider applications like configuration wherea complete constraint model is available. For these applications, it is often advantageous to use a case-based approach because constructing a solution from…

    We address in this paper the adaptation of a case when a complete constraint model of the underlying problem is given. The idea is to apply methods from constraint based reasoning that allows the detection of "similar" solutions, which can be used to adapt a selected case to a new situation. We consider applications like configuration wherea complete constraint model is available. For these applications, it is often advantageous to use a case-based approach because constructing a solution from scratch requires often more interaction than taking a complete solution (case) and adapt it to fit the current requirements.

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  • Java Constraint Library (JCL)

    Workshop on Constraint Reasoning on the Internet. Third International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-97).

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  • Java Constraint Library: bringing constraints technology on the Internet using the Java language

    Workshop on Constraints and Agents. The Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97).

    Distributed problem solving on the web is becoming more and more important. Client-server architectures are often confronted with server overload. The pro- cess of browsing a large number of alternative solu- tions is particularly tedious. In this paper, we present a methodology for distributing the computation between server and client. The ides is to formalise the problem as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). This formalisation supports a natural decomposition of the task into two…

    Distributed problem solving on the web is becoming more and more important. Client-server architectures are often confronted with server overload. The pro- cess of browsing a large number of alternative solu- tions is particularly tedious. In this paper, we present a methodology for distributing the computation between server and client. The ides is to formalise the problem as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). This formalisation supports a natural decomposition of the task into two subtasks: generation of the CSP by the server from its database, and generating and browsing the solutions on the client. In this way, the browsing process runs locally and can be very fast, while the server is only accessed once during the pro. ceas. We provide the Java Constraint library (JCL) for implementing the agent that solves the CSP on the client. We illustrate the concept on the example of planning air travel.

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  • Online Fashion Community System and Method

    Expedida US US13966077

    In an online fashion community system users provide personal image content, such as digital user fashion images that include users themselves modeling multiple fashion items as an ensemble, as the basis of community interaction. Users also provide information about the multiple fashion items, including information linking to a provider of each fashion item and fashion data such as brand, color, style, etc. User interface system allows users to search among, access, and interact about the user…

    In an online fashion community system users provide personal image content, such as digital user fashion images that include users themselves modeling multiple fashion items as an ensemble, as the basis of community interaction. Users also provide information about the multiple fashion items, including information linking to a provider of each fashion item and fashion data such as brand, color, style, etc. User interface system allows users to search among, access, and interact about the user fashion ensembles.

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  • User to User Recommender (acquired by Apple, Inc.)

    Expedida US US7962505

    Disclosed are embodiments of systems and methods for recommending relevant users to other users in a user community. In one implementation of such a method, two different sets of data are considered: a) music (or other items) that users have been listening to (or otherwise engaging), and b) music (or other items) recommendations that users have been given. In some embodiments, pre-computation methods allow the system to efficiently compare item sets and recommended item sets among the users in…

    Disclosed are embodiments of systems and methods for recommending relevant users to other users in a user community. In one implementation of such a method, two different sets of data are considered: a) music (or other items) that users have been listening to (or otherwise engaging), and b) music (or other items) recommendations that users have been given. In some embodiments, pre-computation methods allow the system to efficiently compare item sets and recommended item sets among the users in the community. Such comparisons may also comprise metrics that the system can use to figure out which users should be recommended for a given target user.

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  • System for Browsing through a Music Catalog using Correlation Metrics of a Knowledge Base of Mediasets (acquired by Apple, Inc.)

    Expedida US 7,797,321

    A system to navigate through a media item catalog using correlation metrics (FIGS. 1,2) from a knowledge base (400) of mediasets (FIG. 4, 1-7). The system uses a knowledge base consisting of a collection of mediasets. Various metrics (Metric 1-Metric m) among media items (m.sub.1 . . . ) are considered by analyzing how the media items are grouped to form the sets in the knowledge base (400). Such metrics preferably are stored in a matrix (100) that allows the system to dynamically build…

    A system to navigate through a media item catalog using correlation metrics (FIGS. 1,2) from a knowledge base (400) of mediasets (FIG. 4, 1-7). The system uses a knowledge base consisting of a collection of mediasets. Various metrics (Metric 1-Metric m) among media items (m.sub.1 . . . ) are considered by analyzing how the media items are grouped to form the sets in the knowledge base (400). Such metrics preferably are stored in a matrix (100) that allows the system to dynamically build appropriate navigation lists (FIG. 3) from media items that a user selects (FIG. 5).

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  • Recommender System for Identifying a New Set of Media Items Responsive To An Input Set of Media Items and Knowledge Base Metrics (acquired by Apple, Inc.)

    Expedida US 7,734,569

    Systems and methods are disclosed for identifying a new set of media items in response to an input set (or "query set") of media items and knowledge base metrics. The system uses a knowledge base consisting of a collection of mediasets. Various metrics among media items are considered by analyzing how the media items are grouped to form the mediasets in the knowledge base. Such association or "similarity" metrics are preferably stored in a matrix form that allows the system to efficiently…

    Systems and methods are disclosed for identifying a new set of media items in response to an input set (or "query set") of media items and knowledge base metrics. The system uses a knowledge base consisting of a collection of mediasets. Various metrics among media items are considered by analyzing how the media items are grouped to form the mediasets in the knowledge base. Such association or "similarity" metrics are preferably stored in a matrix form that allows the system to efficiently identify a new set of media items that complements the input set of media items.

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  • Methods and Apparatus for Visualizing a Music Library (acquired by Apple, Inc.)

    Expedida US 7,650,570

    Visualizing and exploring a music library using metadata, such as genre, sub-genre, artist, and year, is provided. Geometric shapes, such as disks or rectangles, may be divided into sectors representing genre and each sector may be further divided into sub-sectors representing artists associated with each genre. The sector's relative size generally reflects the importance of the corresponding genre within the library. Likewise, the sub-sector's relative size generally reflects the importance of…

    Visualizing and exploring a music library using metadata, such as genre, sub-genre, artist, and year, is provided. Geometric shapes, such as disks or rectangles, may be divided into sectors representing genre and each sector may be further divided into sub-sectors representing artists associated with each genre. The sector's relative size generally reflects the importance of the corresponding genre within the library. Likewise, the sub-sector's relative size generally reflects the importance of the corresponding artist within the genre which may be determined by the number of media items of the artist. Marks representing each media item may be arranged and displayed within the geometric shape to reflect the mark's corresponding genre, artist, and year. In addition, each mark may reflect an attribute, such as playcount, of the media item and each sector may reflect the mean value of an attribute of all media items within the sector.

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  • Machine Learning System to Optimize Targeting Campaigns in On-line Banking Environment 

    Presentada el US US 14/301,571

    Computer-implemented methods leverage internal data accumulated by a banking institution including merchant sales data and customer purchasing data, in order to best implement merchant offer campaigns by computing a set of "good campaigns" for a given user in real time, while maximizing the success of all active campaigns. (FIG. 1) Multiple factors (208, 210, 212, 214, 216) may be statistically evaluated and combined (218, 220) to determine the best campaigns for a given user. Other…

    Computer-implemented methods leverage internal data accumulated by a banking institution including merchant sales data and customer purchasing data, in order to best implement merchant offer campaigns by computing a set of "good campaigns" for a given user in real time, while maximizing the success of all active campaigns. (FIG. 1) Multiple factors (208, 210, 212, 214, 216) may be statistically evaluated and combined (218, 220) to determine the best campaigns for a given user. Other considerations preferably relate directly to a level of accomplishment of the active campaigns and their time remaining. Machine learning may be applied to assess a predicted level of interest of each user for the active campaigns (FIG. 3). In some embodiments, the respective weights of various factors can be changed in order to adapt the algorithm to specific business goals.

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  • Approximative Methods for Searching Pareto Optimal Solutions in Electronic Configurable Catalogs

    Presentada el US 11/534,902

    This invention comprises improved systems and methods for searching for and identifying optimal solutions to configurable electronic catalogs. These methods preferably take into account users' preferences and optimization constraints, and preferably use constraint satisfaction techniques.

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  • Dynamic Interactive Entertainment (acquired by Apple, Inc.)

    Presentada el US US 20090222392A1

    Disclosed are various embodiments of systems and methods for generating composite mediasets from mediasets, each comprising media items, associated with a plurality of users. In some embodiments, individual and/or group recommendations are provided for creating a group playlist by aggregating user taste data for a plurality of users in a group. In other embodiments, systems and methods are provided which allow for sharing and playing of a group playlist by users in a group, each of which has a…

    Disclosed are various embodiments of systems and methods for generating composite mediasets from mediasets, each comprising media items, associated with a plurality of users. In some embodiments, individual and/or group recommendations are provided for creating a group playlist by aggregating user taste data for a plurality of users in a group. In other embodiments, systems and methods are provided which allow for sharing and playing of a group playlist by users in a group, each of which has a media playback device. In still other embodiments, systems and methods are provided for dynamically building a composite playlist that may be updated as users enter and/or leave the group. One example of an interactive entertainment application also is described for use at a venue to entertain live guests with music selections that are dynamically influenced by the guests' individual tastes.

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  • Mediaset Generation System (acquired by Apple, Inc.)

    Presentada el US 11/513,495

    Disclosed are various embodiments of systems and methods for generating composite mediasets from mediasets, each comprising media items, associated with a plurality of users. In some embodiments, individual and/or group recommendations are provided for creating a group playlist by aggregating user taste data for a plurality of users in a group. In other embodiments, systems and methods are provided which allow for sharing and playing of a group playlist by users in a group, each of which has a…

    Disclosed are various embodiments of systems and methods for generating composite mediasets from mediasets, each comprising media items, associated with a plurality of users. In some embodiments, individual and/or group recommendations are provided for creating a group playlist by aggregating user taste data for a plurality of users in a group. In other embodiments, systems and methods are provided which allow for sharing and playing of a group playlist by users in a group, each of which has a media playback device. In still other embodiments, systems and methods are provided for dynamically building a composite playlist that may be updated as users enter and/or leave the group.

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  • System And Method For Recommending Multimedia Elements (acquired by Apple, Inc.)

    Presentada el US 11/794,714

    The present invention relates to a system and method for recommending multimedia elements comprising:
    means for identifying the number of times that a user has accessed or accessed and played a musical piece or multimedia element in a certain time period, and means for arranging said identified pieces in the form of a preference or relevance profile for said user, taking into account the following indicators: number of accesses, or accesses and plays, per piece for
    said certain time…

    The present invention relates to a system and method for recommending multimedia elements comprising:
    means for identifying the number of times that a user has accessed or accessed and played a musical piece or multimedia element in a certain time period, and means for arranging said identified pieces in the form of a preference or relevance profile for said user, taking into account the following indicators: number of accesses, or accesses and plays, per piece for
    said certain time period, and
    number of accesses, or accesses and plays, per piece during a sub-period located in a last section of said certain time period.
    The method proposes a recommendation made from a plurality of preference profiles of multiple users, generally comparing the preference profile of a user with the remaining preference profiles of other users.

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  • Systems and Methods for Graphically Displaying Travel Information

    Presentada el US 10/209,259

    A system lor identifying, comparing, scheduling and purchasing travel-related services. The system is preferably configured for: (1) receiving one or more travel constraints from a user; (2) identifying a plurality of travel itineraries that satisfy at least one of said travel constraints; (3) simultaneously displaying, on a display screen, a graphical representation of each identified travel itinerary and an alphanumeric description of a currently-selected travel itinerary. The user may…

    A system lor identifying, comparing, scheduling and purchasing travel-related services. The system is preferably configured for: (1) receiving one or more travel constraints from a user; (2) identifying a plurality of travel itineraries that satisfy at least one of said travel constraints; (3) simultaneously displaying, on a display screen, a graphical representation of each identified travel itinerary and an alphanumeric description of a currently-selected travel itinerary. The user may quickly view the description of any particular displayed itinerary by selecting the graphical representation of that particular itinerary. Once the new itinerary is selected, the system highlights the graphical representation of the new itinerary and displays an alphanumeric description of the new itinerary. The system applies similar techniques in allowing users to define and view the various travel segments (and related travel constraints) that form the basis of the system's search for suitable travel itineraries.

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