Jorge R. López Benito

Jorge R. López Benito

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--- Public Profile Info ---

Serial entrepreneur with more than 25 years of…


Artículos de Jorge R.



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  • Gráfico European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
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    Bilbao-Bilbo, Basque Country, Spain

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    Bilbao-Bilbo, Basque Country, Spain

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    San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain

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    Getxo, Basque Country, Spain

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    Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area

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    Logroño, Autonomía de La Rioja, Spain

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    Brussels Metropolitan Area

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    Brussels Metropolitan Area

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    Erandio, Basque Country, Spain

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    Logroño Area, Spain

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    Los Angeles Metropolitan Area

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    Bilbao Area, Spain (Vivero Científico Tecnológico - E.T.S. de Ingeniería)

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    Brussels Metropolitan Area

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    Brussels Metropolitan Area

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    Logroño Area, Spain

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Logroño Area, Spain

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    Logroño Area, Spain

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    Logroño Area, Spain

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    Badajoz Area, Spain

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    Parlamento de Cantabria (Santander)

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Shanghai City, China

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    Madrid Area, Spain (WAYRA España - Telefónica)

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

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    Bilbao Area, Spain

Licencias y certificaciones

Experiencia de voluntariado

  • Gráfico CONETIC

    Member of the National Experts Working Group of 'Data and Artificial Intelligence'


    - actualidad 10 mes

    Potenciamiento económico

  • Gráfico XR4Europe

    Individual Member (from XR4ALL)


    - actualidad 5 años 7 meses

    XR4Europe is the result of the XR4ALL project supported by the European Commission’s H2020 programme which ran from December 2018 to August 2021.

    This new pan-European association was created by members of the XR4ALL consortium together with European territorial clusters in order to continue and amplify the actions of XR4ALL. It benefits from the recognition of the European institutions and constitutes the adequate legal framework to defend the interests of the XR community towards these…

    XR4Europe is the result of the XR4ALL project supported by the European Commission’s H2020 programme which ran from December 2018 to August 2021.

    This new pan-European association was created by members of the XR4ALL consortium together with European territorial clusters in order to continue and amplify the actions of XR4ALL. It benefits from the recognition of the European institutions and constitutes the adequate legal framework to defend the interests of the XR community towards these institutions, but also to bring to its members all the services that will support them in their development.

  • Gráfico Internet Society


    Internet Society

    - actualidad 8 años 1 mes

    Ciencia y tecnología

    The Internet Society (ISOC) is an international, non-profit organization founded in 1992 to provide leadership in Internet-related standards, education, access, and policy. It states that its mission is "to promote the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world".

  • Gráfico Startup Europe Week

    Co-Organizer (Spain)

    Startup Europe Week

    - actualidad 8 años 11 meses

    Potenciamiento económico

    European-wide event (300+ regions) focused on bringing together regional development officers, entrepreneurs, and local ecosystem leaders to build momentum on how EU regions can successfully support / impact entrepreneurs.

  • Gráfico Singularity University

    SingularityU Official Chapter Member

    Singularity University

    - actualidad 7 años 8 meses

    Ciencia y tecnología

    SingularityU Bilbao is an inclusive setup for lively discussions of the themes of accelerating exponential technologies, and their positive impact on startups, the enterprise, industries and society at large.

    As a Singularity University Chapter, we are a local community-driven group working collaboratively with Singularity University. We bring together bright, passionate, action-oriented people including local entrepreneurs, innovators executives, policy makers and others who are…

    SingularityU Bilbao is an inclusive setup for lively discussions of the themes of accelerating exponential technologies, and their positive impact on startups, the enterprise, industries and society at large.

    As a Singularity University Chapter, we are a local community-driven group working collaboratively with Singularity University. We bring together bright, passionate, action-oriented people including local entrepreneurs, innovators executives, policy makers and others who are focused on leadership to make an impact. Our Chapter is open to Singularity University Alumni and all members of our community who are interested in exponential technologies and their positive impact on the lives of individuals, the larger society and the world.

    The leadership of our Chapter is by individuals who are affiliated with Singularity University and authorized to create a local community and events. We look forward to new members, who are interested in applying exponential technologies to address humanity’s grand challenges, as our community is our greatest asset and can accomplish the most by working together.

  • Gráfico STEAM Foundation

    Booster & Catalyst

    STEAM Foundation

    - actualidad 5 años 10 meses


    From STEAM Foundation we promote STEAM values ​in education and support vocational actions to inspire girls in science and technology. We also introduce teachers the concept of digital storytelling as well as inquiry-based science teaching techniques in order to develop, improve and enhance their teaching skills and practices.

    We are a group of people from backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics that believe in the concept of STEAM as a catalyst for the…

    From STEAM Foundation we promote STEAM values ​in education and support vocational actions to inspire girls in science and technology. We also introduce teachers the concept of digital storytelling as well as inquiry-based science teaching techniques in order to develop, improve and enhance their teaching skills and practices.

    We are a group of people from backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics that believe in the concept of STEAM as a catalyst for the effective interaction between ARTs and STEM disciplines through emerging technologies as augmented and virtual reality.

    STEAM Foundation objectives:

    Catalyze interaction between STEM & Arts.
    Engage educational community to grow and share.
    Foster intellectual curiosity, creativity & team work.
    Help students gain a better understanding of concepts.
    Promote meaningful use of digital technologies for learning.
    Support vocational actions to involve girls in science and technology.

    Helping children and youth grow achieving their dreams!

  • Gráfico Bilbao Startup City

    Founder & Board Member (Vocal de la Junta Directiva)

    Bilbao Startup City

    - 1 año 2 meses

    Potenciamiento económico

    Asociación para impulsar el ecosistema de startups de Euskadi.

  • Socio Fundador / Founder

    MuniJazz - Festival de Jazz de Munilla

    - actualidad 21 años 4 meses

    Arte y cultura

  • Presidente / Chairman

    Asociación de Amigos de Munilla

    - 18 años

    Arte y cultura

  • Gráfico Asociación de Informática Social (AiS)

    Socio Fundador y Presidente / Founder and Chairman

    Asociación de Informática Social (AiS)

    - actualidad 27 años 2 meses

    Ciencia y tecnología

    Nexo de unión entre la informática y los sectores con desigualdades y exclusión en el acceso a la tecnología. Aportamos valor siempre enfocados en asociaciones, entidades o centros principalmente no gubernamentales y sin ánimo de lucro, en aquellas acciones que se puedan mejorar a través de la informática -

  • Socio Fundador y Presidente / Founder and Chairman

    Asociación de Cine y Video TELÓN23

    - 4 años 1 mes

    Arte y cultura

  • Gráfico Universidad de Deusto

    Comité Organizador Primeras Jornadas “Informática y Sociedad” JIS 97

    Universidad de Deusto

    - menos de un año

    Ciencia y tecnología

  • Gráfico Universidad de Deusto

    Coordinador Grupo de Informática Social (GiS)

    Universidad de Deusto

    - 5 años


    El GIS (Grupo de Informática Social) es un grupo formado por alumnos, licenciados y profesores, fundamentalmente de Informática pero abiertos a cualquier formación, con el objetivo de explorar las aplicaciones de la informática y las nuevas tecnologías a todo lo etiquetable como "social", concretado en educación, personas con necesidades especiales, infancia, tercera edad, personas en riesgo de exclusión, etc.

    Desde el GIS y sin ánimo de lucro lo mismo formamos como ayudamos al…

    El GIS (Grupo de Informática Social) es un grupo formado por alumnos, licenciados y profesores, fundamentalmente de Informática pero abiertos a cualquier formación, con el objetivo de explorar las aplicaciones de la informática y las nuevas tecnologías a todo lo etiquetable como "social", concretado en educación, personas con necesidades especiales, infancia, tercera edad, personas en riesgo de exclusión, etc.

    Desde el GIS y sin ánimo de lucro lo mismo formamos como ayudamos al desarrollo de software a medida de una ONG que participamos en programas de formación tecnológica para colectivos desfavorecidos, que investigamos las nuevas posibilidades que existen para tratamiento de dislexia o analizamos los crecientes problemas de los ancianos para enfrentarse al mundo moderno.


  • ORAL COMMUNICATION:_ "Application of Augmented Reality in Chemistry Teaching"

    XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de la Química | Universidad de Zaragoza (España)


    Augmented reality (AR) is the combination of real environment and virtual elements that have the task
    of enriching reality with information or other elements. In this sense, chemistry, and organic chemistry
    in particular, are disciplines for which students require an adequate spatial vision to understand the
    concepts and we propose that augmented reality can support and promote spatial skills.
    Although different studies…


    Augmented reality (AR) is the combination of real environment and virtual elements that have the task
    of enriching reality with information or other elements. In this sense, chemistry, and organic chemistry
    in particular, are disciplines for which students require an adequate spatial vision to understand the
    concepts and we propose that augmented reality can support and promote spatial skills.
    Although different studies have been carried out in recent years on the use of augmented reality in this
    context, it is necessary to deepen into its application from a multidisciplinary point of view, being in
    close contact with the developers of the applications and considering the needs and criteria of
    professors of different levels and students.
    To this end, this project has counted on the collaboration with the company CreativiTIC, through its
    MetAClass Studio platform. From our side, we needed to create markers and the linked chemical
    structures, which students can then visualise the molecular structures in 3D directly from their mobile
    devices. The development has been carried out in a multidisciplinary way and covering different
    educational levels, from Secondary Education to University.

    Finally, we conducted an evaluation of this tool to qualitatively assess whether students achieved a
    better understanding and improved their visualisation of molecular structures.
    This project demonstrates how the appropriate use of augmented reality allows for a better
    understanding of chemical structures and their reactions, as well as increasing student motivation, but
    also highlights the need for proper teacher training and the appropriate implementation of the

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  • CHAPTER BOOK_: 'Tendencias en innovación y transferencia del conocimiento: de la universidad a la sociedad.' CHAPTER: "Modelización teórica y uso de la realidad aumentada en el diseño de metaversos didácticos"

    Pags. 625-651 / Dykinson


    En la actual sociedad del conocimiento, la innovación docente constituye una dinámica esencial de cara a incrementar la calidad de la educación en todos sus niveles. Es, por tanto, uno de los pilares sobre los que se construye la excelencia a nivel global y que puede conducir al progreso de la sociedad, ya que…


    En la actual sociedad del conocimiento, la innovación docente constituye una dinámica esencial de cara a incrementar la calidad de la educación en todos sus niveles. Es, por tanto, uno de los pilares sobre los que se construye la excelencia a nivel global y que puede conducir al progreso de la sociedad, ya que se erige en una importante fuerza motriz de esta.

    Cuando hablamos de innovación, podemos referirnos, de un lado, a la implementación de una mejora específica, y de otro, al proceso a partir del cual se identifican y se estructuran dichas mejoras. La innovación concebida solo como una mejora más es insuficiente para lograr la competitividad, es necesaria una transformación holística, constante y permanente, que afecte a todo el proceso y suponga un cambio de actitud dentro de la organización en cuestión.

    ISBN: 9788411224925
    ISBN electrónico: 978-84-1122-492-5

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  • ORAL COMMUNICATION_: "Aplicación de la Realidad Aumentada en la Enseñanza de la Química"

    Jornada de Innovación Educativa UR-CRIE 2022 #InnovaDocenteUR | Universidad de La Rioja (España)

    La realidad aumentada es la combinación entre el entorno real y elementos virtuales que tienen el cometido de enriquecer la realidad con información u otros elementos. En este sentido, la Química y, más concretamente, la Química Orgánica son unas disciplinas que precisan de una adecuada visión espacial para su completa comprensión y donde la realidad aumentada puede apoyar y fomentar la habilidad espacial.

    Aunque en los últimos años se han llevado a cabo diferentes estudios sobre el…

    La realidad aumentada es la combinación entre el entorno real y elementos virtuales que tienen el cometido de enriquecer la realidad con información u otros elementos. En este sentido, la Química y, más concretamente, la Química Orgánica son unas disciplinas que precisan de una adecuada visión espacial para su completa comprensión y donde la realidad aumentada puede apoyar y fomentar la habilidad espacial.

    Aunque en los últimos años se han llevado a cabo diferentes estudios sobre el empleo de la realidad aumentada en este contexto, es necesario profundizar en su aplicación desde un punto de vista multidisciplinar, estando en contacto estrecho con los desarrolladores de las aplicaciones y teniendo en cuenta las necesidades y criterios de profesores de diferentes niveles y de los estudiantes.

    Para ello este proyecto ha contado con la colaboración de la empresa CreativiTIC, mediante su app metAClass Studio. Se han creado marcadores y estructuras químicas, que los estudiantes usaban para visualizar las estructuras en 3D desde sus dispositivos móviles. El desarrollo se ha llevado a cabo de forma multidisciplinar y abarcando diferentes niveles educativos, desde FP Básica a Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Universidad.

    En el trabajo se demuestra cómo la adecuada utilización de la realidad aumentada permite una mejor comprensión de las estructuras químicas y sus reacciones, además de aumentar la motivación del estudiantado, pero destaca también la necesidad de una correcta formación del profesorado y la adecuada implementación de la tecnología.

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  • ARTICLE:_ "Metaversos didácticos: la realidad aumentada en la enseñanza del lenguaje indirecto y figurado en inglés"

    CIINECO 2022 | Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente, Educación y Transferencia del Conocimiento


    La enseñanza de aspectos pragmáticos del lenguaje en el aula de inglés como lengua extranjera ha sido tradicionalmente un área deficitaria. En concreto, dos fenómenos lingüísticos destacan por la escasa atención que se les presta en los libros de texto y materiales didácticos: los actos de habla y el lenguaje figurado (metáfora, metonimia, etc.). Ambos fenómenos comparten características que les hace ser especialmente difíciles de abordar en la enseñanza de segundas lenguas:…


    La enseñanza de aspectos pragmáticos del lenguaje en el aula de inglés como lengua extranjera ha sido tradicionalmente un área deficitaria. En concreto, dos fenómenos lingüísticos destacan por la escasa atención que se les presta en los libros de texto y materiales didácticos: los actos de habla y el lenguaje figurado (metáfora, metonimia, etc.). Ambos fenómenos comparten características que les hace ser especialmente difíciles de abordar en la enseñanza de segundas lenguas: (1) su naturaleza indirecta (todo o parte de su significado ha de ser inferido más allá del significado literal de la expresión) y (2) su dependencia de la información contextual tanto para su producción como para su interpretación (los hablantes necesitan tener en cuenta variables sociales y contextuales como el poder y la distancia social, u otras variables culturales en su realización).


    La metodología utilizada en relación al objetivo (1) es de naturaleza inductiva/empírica, basada en el uso dos corpus: iWeb [] para la modelación de los actos de habla y ReframeCovid para la selección de las metáforas conceptuales.

    En relación al objetivo (2) se ha hecho uso de la aplicación Augmented Class! [] para el diseño de los materiales docentes en formato RA.


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  • ORAL COMMUNICATION_: "TFGs-producto en humanidades: un ejemplo de aplicación de la realidad aumentada a la enseñanza de segundas lenguas"

    Jornada de Innovación Educativa #InnovaDocenteUR 2021 | Universidad de La Rioja (España)

    La profunda transformación del modelo productivo, así como la digitalización de la sociedad del conocimiento, demanda perfiles de trabajo con conocimientos y habilidades digitales para poder integrarse en grupos multidisciplinares. Un punto de acceso al mercado laboral es, sin duda, el desarrollo del TFG. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo explorar una vía para fomentar la realización de TFGs de naturaleza aplicada y con una finalidad profesional, cuyo objetivo final es la creación de un…

    La profunda transformación del modelo productivo, así como la digitalización de la sociedad del conocimiento, demanda perfiles de trabajo con conocimientos y habilidades digitales para poder integrarse en grupos multidisciplinares. Un punto de acceso al mercado laboral es, sin duda, el desarrollo del TFG. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo explorar una vía para fomentar la realización de TFGs de naturaleza aplicada y con una finalidad profesional, cuyo objetivo final es la creación de un producto, poniendo así a los estudiantes en contacto con las necesidades del mundo empresarial y con conceptos como la divulgación, la comercialización o el impacto social de su trabajo.
    Método. El proyecto de innovación ha consistido en un estudio de caso. Las investigadoras han dirigido y han hecho un seguimiento y posterior evaluación de un TFG-producto, cuya finalidad ha sido aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la carrera al diseño y creación de materiales docentes para la enseñanza de la metáfora conceptual en lengua inglesa a estudiantes de primaria mediante la aplicación de realidad aumentada AugmentedClass!

    El estudio de caso revela que la realización de TFG-productos permite: (1) potenciar el perfil digital del egresado en el área de Letras y Educació, (2) fomentar el interés del estudiante por desarrollar trabajos con alto impacto social, a través de la confluencia con un Proyecto de Innovación Educativa del Centro de Recursos e Innovación Educativa de la Consejería de Educación, y (3) iniciar al alumnado de Letras y Educación en la colaboración con el sector privado (a través de la colaboración con una empresa riojana de realidad aumentada, CreativiTIC).

    Por otra parte, también ha permitido reflexionar sobre la naturaleza de la rúbrica de evaluación de los TFGs de la Facultad de Letras y de la Educación para dar cabida a la evaluación de trabajos aplicados de naturaleza profesional y orientados a la generación de productos digitales.

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  • ARTICLE_: "Stories of Tomorrow: Colonizando Marte desde el Aula. Crea tu propia historia en Realidad Virtual y Aumentada"

    Revista Comunicación y Pedagogía nº 329-330 | Especial Realidad Extendida en Educación | ISSN:1989-5623

    STORIES es una plataforma educativa basada en tecnologías de Realidad Virtual RV) y Realidad Aumentada (RA) que junto a una innovadora aplicación de narración digital (‘storytelling’) permite al alumnado desarrollar y publicar por si mismos historias sobre una misión colonizadora a Marte. STORIES está diseñada para la enseñanza en disciplinas STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas) ofreciendo a profesores y alumnos el concepto de narración digital, así como técnicas de docencia en…

    STORIES es una plataforma educativa basada en tecnologías de Realidad Virtual RV) y Realidad Aumentada (RA) que junto a una innovadora aplicación de narración digital (‘storytelling’) permite al alumnado desarrollar y publicar por si mismos historias sobre una misión colonizadora a Marte. STORIES está diseñada para la enseñanza en disciplinas STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas) ofreciendo a profesores y alumnos el concepto de narración digital, así como técnicas de docencia en ciencias basadas en la investigación a través de las cuales desarrollar y mejorar las habilidades y prácticas educativas. La narración digital es enriquecida con innovadores interfaces de Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada que dan apoyo a las historias creadas. Los trabajos llevados a cabo en el aula (dibujos, pinturas, maquetas, dioramas y construcciones, objetos y paisajes en 3D, animaciones, videos científicos u obras de teatro de divulgación de ciencia) se dividen en diferentes escenarios que se integran en historias dentro de la plataforma, las cuales quedan disponibles en forma de libros electrónicos ofreciendo diferentes aplicaciones para la creación de mundos 3D, entornos en Realidad Virtual y experiencias en Realidad Aumentada que dan vida a las historias de los y las estudiantes.

    La RV y la RA proporcionan uno de los aspectos más importantes del aprendizaje que ninguna otra tecnología puede igualar: la experiencia.

    La plataforma STORIES es el resultado del proyecto ‘STORIES OF TOMORROW’), proyecto de investigación y desarrollo financiado por la Comisión Europea (en el marco Horizonte 2020, No. 731872) que ha involucrado a 15 socios de 10 países diferentes.

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  • BOOK_: "Enterprise Augmented Reality Projects: Build real world, large-scale AR solutions for various industries"

    Packt Publishing

    The book is intended to enthusiasts of emerging and interactive technologies, interested in building AR applications for any market field, from the beginning step-by-step, and learning about the latest tools to develop them. No prior Augmented Reality experience is required.

    In this book we will explore in detail the aspects of developing AR-based applications for six different enterprise sectors, starting from the market needs and choosing the most suitable tool in each case. The book…

    The book is intended to enthusiasts of emerging and interactive technologies, interested in building AR applications for any market field, from the beginning step-by-step, and learning about the latest tools to develop them. No prior Augmented Reality experience is required.

    In this book we will explore in detail the aspects of developing AR-based applications for six different enterprise sectors, starting from the market needs and choosing the most suitable tool in each case. The book helps you learn the basics of Unity and to get you comfortable with Unity Asset, materials, and resources and set the base for the following AR projects. With step by step project execution, the book will enable you to build industrial AR applications by practicing real-world projects for various industries like Marketing, Retail, Automation, Manufacturing, Tourism, and Training. While building projects, you will be introduced to various AR frameworks used in the enterprise environment such as Vuforia, EasyAR, ARCore or ARKit, used by themselves or integrated into the Unity 3D engine for building AR markers, 3D models, and components of an AR app.

    By the end of the book you will have learnt how to use different commercial AR frameworks as well as Unity, a great tool on which you can base most of your AR projects.

    Key Features
    Learn to use leading AR development frameworks such as ARCore, ARKit, and Vuforia across key industrie | Identify the market potential of AR in different business sectors for designing visual solutions | Build multi platform AR projects for various platforms such as Unity, Web, iOS, and Android.

    ISBN-10: 1789807409
    ISBN-13: 9781789807400

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  • CHAPTER BOOK_: 'Advances in Information and Communication Networks: FICC 2018' Co-author CHAPTER: "User-Driven Intelligent Interface on the Basis of Multimodal Augmented Reality and Brain-Computer Interaction for People with Functional Disabilities"

    Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 eBook ISBN 978-3-030-03402-3 Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-03401-6

    Book Title: Advances in Information and Communication Networks
    Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Volume 886)
    Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
    eBook ISBN 978-3-030-03402-3
    Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-03401-6
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03402-3_43

    The book, gathering the proceedings of the Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2018, is a remarkable collection of chapters covering a wide range of topics in areas of information…

    Book Title: Advances in Information and Communication Networks
    Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Volume 886)
    Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
    eBook ISBN 978-3-030-03402-3
    Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-03401-6
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03402-3_43

    The book, gathering the proceedings of the Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2018, is a remarkable collection of chapters covering a wide range of topics in areas of information and communication technologies and their applications to the real world. It includes 104 papers and posters by pioneering academic researchers, scientists, industrial engineers, and students from all around the world, which contribute to our understanding of relevant trends of current research on communication, data science, ambient intelligence, networking, computing, security and Internet of Things.

    This book collects state of the art chapters on all aspects of information science and communication technologies, from classical to intelligent, and covers both theory and applications of the latest technologies and methodologies.

    Presenting state-of-the-art intelligent methods and techniques for solving real-world problems along with a vision of the future research, this book is an interesting and useful resource.

    Get the book at

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  • BOOK_: "La Mochila de Najma" - ISBN 978-84-09-16016-7

    Agencia de la ONU para refugiados palestinos (UNWRA - United Nations)

    La mochila de Najma es un libro de Realidad Aumentada, una herramienta para crear una conciencia crítica sobre la situación de las personas refugiadas de Palestina que repasa los prejuicios culturales y de género de la juventud vasca sobre la misma y, en particular, sobre las mujeres refugiadas de Palestina.

    Textos, Fotografías, Ilustraciones, Diseño, Producción y Edición.

    ISBN: 978-84-09-16016-7

    La mochila de Najma es un libro de Realidad Aumentada, una herramienta para crear una conciencia crítica sobre la situación de las personas refugiadas de Palestina que repasa los prejuicios culturales y de género de la juventud vasca sobre la misma y, en particular, sobre las mujeres refugiadas de Palestina.

    Textos, Fotografías, Ilustraciones, Diseño, Producción y Edición.

    ISBN: 978-84-09-16016-7
    DEPOSITO LEGAL: M-36369-2019

    Año de la publicación del material educativo: 2019
    ¿En qué ámbito se puede implementar esta propuesta? EDUCACIÓN FORMAL Y NO FORMAL
    ¿Es necesaria la participación de la ONGD? NO

    Derechos Humanos (agua, alimentación, territorio, infancia y adolescencia, memoria histórica, etc), Educación en valores solidarios, Interculturalidad, Migración y refugio


    De 16 a 18 años

    Castellano y Euskera



    Najmaren Motxila

    Najmaren motxila Errealitate Areagotuko liburu bat da. Liburua Palestinako errefuxiatuen egoeraren inguruko kontzientzia kritikoa sortzeko tresna da, eta euskal gazteek egoera horri buruz eta, bereziki, Palestinako emakume errefuxiatuei buruz dituzten kultura- eta genero-aurreiritziak berrikusten ditu.

    ISBN: 978-84-09-16017-4
    LEGE GORDAILUA: M-36370-2019

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  • ARTICLE_: “Realidad Aumentada: Poder ser transversal en el Aprendizaje, AugmentedClass y EuropeanValley”

    Revista Conocimiento y Pedagogía - Aumentame EDU (Salamanca 2018) - Asociación Espiral Educación y Tecnología (Barcelona)

    The EuropeanValley project, from the European School of Madrid, explores these
    methodologies, taking technology transversely to any subject or line of learning.
    CreativiTIC specializes part of their development to education with platforms such as
    AugmentedClass, which allows creating and sharing educational projects in RA without
    needing technical knowledge, where the RA provides powerful spaces and different
    learning enviroments.

    El proyecto EuropeanValley, desde el…

    The EuropeanValley project, from the European School of Madrid, explores these
    methodologies, taking technology transversely to any subject or line of learning.
    CreativiTIC specializes part of their development to education with platforms such as
    AugmentedClass, which allows creating and sharing educational projects in RA without
    needing technical knowledge, where the RA provides powerful spaces and different
    learning enviroments.

    El proyecto EuropeanValley, desde el Colegio Europeo de Madrid, explora estas
    metodologías llevando la tecnología de manera transversal a cualquier asignatura o línea
    de aprendizaje. La empresa CreativiTIC especializa parte de su desarrollo a la
    educación con plataformas como AugmentedClass, la cual permite crear y compartir
    proyectos educativos en RA sin necesidad de conocimientos técnicos, donde la RA
    provee de poderosos espacios y entornos de aprendizaje diferentes.

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  • PAPER_: "A Storytelling Platform for Deeper Learning in STEM Combined with Art-Related Activities"

    International Journal of Education and Learning Systems / WSEAS - 5th Int.Conf. on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and Industry, Corfu Island, Greece

    Abstract: - The STORIES storytelling platform provides the means and the tools along with the necessary collaborative and personalization functionalities to introduce students and monitor their performance in extended episodes of deeper learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) combined with artrelated activities (visual and performing arts, music, movie making, 3D design). The platform introduces students in a progressive exploration of the different technologies…

    Abstract: - The STORIES storytelling platform provides the means and the tools along with the necessary collaborative and personalization functionalities to introduce students and monitor their performance in extended episodes of deeper learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) combined with artrelated activities (visual and performing arts, music, movie making, 3D design). The platform introduces students in a progressive exploration of the different technologies that can be accommodated from the system, from simple text and video uploading to advanced augmentations of students’ artifacts.

    Key-Words: - Storytelling, Collaborative, STEAM, STEM, Authoring, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality,
    Problem Solving, Deeper Learning.

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  • ARTICLE_: "Aportaciones de la Realidad Aumentada en la inclusión en el aula de estudiantes con Trastorno del Espectro Autista"

    UCOPress / EDMETIC - Revista de Educación Mediática y TIC Vol. 7, Núm. 2 (2018): Bases neuro-educativas y socio-emocionales para trabajar con videojuegos en contextos de aprendizaje

    En el siguiente artículo se presenta una experiencia llevada a cabo en un Centro Educativo de la ciudad de Logroño, con el objetivo de utilizar la Realidad Aumentada para explicar contenidos científicos a un alumno con Trastorno del Espectro Autista. A lo largo de tres sesiones, el estudiante pudo aprender contenidos de Ciencias Naturales, concretamente los cambios de estado y el ciclo del agua, a través de actividades realizadas con Realidad Aumentada, que posteriormente llegó a explicar a sus…

    En el siguiente artículo se presenta una experiencia llevada a cabo en un Centro Educativo de la ciudad de Logroño, con el objetivo de utilizar la Realidad Aumentada para explicar contenidos científicos a un alumno con Trastorno del Espectro Autista. A lo largo de tres sesiones, el estudiante pudo aprender contenidos de Ciencias Naturales, concretamente los cambios de estado y el ciclo del agua, a través de actividades realizadas con Realidad Aumentada, que posteriormente llegó a explicar a sus compañeros. De este modo, se intentó dar respuesta a algunos de los principales déficits que presentan este tipo de personas: por un lado, la comunicación y la interacción social y, por otro, el aprendizaje de aquella información de naturaleza más abstracta como así lo confirman los resultados encontrados.En definitiva, recursos como la Realidad Aumentada ayudan a afianzar el proceso de aprendizaje de alumnos con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo, y en consecuencia, aumentan la posibilidad de establecer relaciones sociales con otras personas, facilitando así su integración en el aula ordinaria.

    Lainez, B., Chocarro de Luis, E., Busto, J.H., & López, J. (2018). (2018). Aportaciones de la Realidad Aumentada en la inclusión en el aula de estudiantes con Trastorno del Espectro Autista. EDMETIC, Revista de Educación Mediática y TIC, 7(2), 120-134, doi:

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  • PAPER_: "An experience of the application of Augmented Reality to learn English in Infant Education".

    IEEE - XIX Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa, SIIE 2017 - 19th International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE) and the 8th CIED Meeting/ 3rd CIED International Meeting (November 9-11, Lisbon)

    The current study presents an educational experience using augmented reality technology which aims to improve vocabulary acquisition and grammatical structures in English while introducing curricular contents of emotional intelligence in a CLIL approach. The presented Didactic Unit incorporates Augmented Reality activities to encourage autonomous learning through exploration which also include self-evaluation. The proposal incorporates images and audio to facilitate content learning and…

    The current study presents an educational experience using augmented reality technology which aims to improve vocabulary acquisition and grammatical structures in English while introducing curricular contents of emotional intelligence in a CLIL approach. The presented Didactic Unit incorporates Augmented Reality activities to encourage autonomous learning through exploration which also include self-evaluation. The proposal incorporates images and audio to facilitate content learning and introduce phonetics from the Infant Education stage using narrations and songs. The evaluation that has taken place in six different classrooms points out a very positive acceptance of the methodology by the students. Besides, the learning results have significantly improved, which may be, to some extent, related to the used methodology. Technology: AugmentedClass!

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  • CHAPTER BOOK_: 'Innovación Educativa del área de Radiología y Medicina Física' CHAPTER: "Realidad virtual e imagen 4D holográfica como nuevas técnicas de imagen inmersiva para simplificar la comprensión visual en actividades de formación en imagen médica"

    Asociación de Profesores Universitarios de Radiología y Medicina Física (APURF). Salamanca, 2017 ISBN 9780244300661

    En este momento hay varios sistemas de software en el mercado que generan una visualización de las imágenes que simula una imagen tridimensional (3D). A pesar de ello, los médicos, estudiantes e
    investigadores generalmente visualizan las imágenes en monitores bidimensionales (2D) y, en el mejor de los casos, en monitores 3D, por lo que pierden una gran parte de las ventajas que proporciona la representación espacial 3D. Por ello, es necesario desarrollar nuevas tecnologías. En este sentido…

    En este momento hay varios sistemas de software en el mercado que generan una visualización de las imágenes que simula una imagen tridimensional (3D). A pesar de ello, los médicos, estudiantes e
    investigadores generalmente visualizan las imágenes en monitores bidimensionales (2D) y, en el mejor de los casos, en monitores 3D, por lo que pierden una gran parte de las ventajas que proporciona la representación espacial 3D. Por ello, es necesario desarrollar nuevas tecnologías. En este sentido, recientemente han aparecido en el mercado sistemas que van más allá del estado del arte y transforman las imágenes en experiencias 3D realmente inmersivas. En este capítulo se repasa el estado actual de este tema dirigido a la imagen médica. Una de sus más importantes aplicaciones podría ser la formación en imagen médica. (pags. 177-183)

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  • ARTICLE_: "Augmented Coaching Ecosystem for Non-obtrusive Adaptive Personalized Elderly Care on the Basis of Cloud-Fog-Dew Computing Paradigm"

    40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) Opatija, Croatia (2017) -

    The concept of the augmented coaching ecosystem for non-obtrusive adaptive personalized elderly care is proposed on the basis of the integration of new and available ICT approaches. They include the multimodal user interface (MMUI), augmented reality (AR), machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), and machine-to-machine (M2M) interactions. The ecosystem is based on the Cloud-Fog-Dew computing paradigm services, providing a full symbiosis by integrating the whole range from low-level…

    The concept of the augmented coaching ecosystem for non-obtrusive adaptive personalized elderly care is proposed on the basis of the integration of new and available ICT approaches. They include the multimodal user interface (MMUI), augmented reality (AR), machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), and machine-to-machine (M2M) interactions. The ecosystem is based on the Cloud-Fog-Dew computing paradigm services, providing a full symbiosis by integrating the whole range from low-level sensors up to high-level services using integration efficiency inherent in synergistic use of applied technologies. Inside of this ecosystem, all of them are encapsulated in the following network layers: Dew, Fog, and Cloud computing layer. Instead of the "spaghetti connections", "mosaic of buttons", "puzzles of output data", etc., the proposed ecosystem provides the strict division in the following dataflow channels: consumer interaction channel, machine interaction channel, and caregiver interaction channel. This concept allows to decrease the physical, cognitive, and mental load on elderly care stakeholders by decreasing the secondary human-to-human (H2H), human-to-machine (H2M), and machine-to-human (M2H) interactions in favor of M2M interactions and distributed Dew Computing services environment. It allows to apply this non-obtrusive augmented reality ecosystem for effective personalized elderly care to preserve their physical, cognitive, mental and social well-being.

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  • ARTICLE_: "User-driven Intelligent Interface on the Basis of Multimodal Augmented Reality and Brain-Computer Interaction for People with Functional Disabilities"

    IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON-2017) -

    The analysis of the current integration attempts of some modes and use cases of user-machine interaction is presented. The new concept of the user-driven intelligent interface is proposed on the basis of multimodal augmented reality and brain-computer interaction for various applications: in disabilities studies, education, home care, health care, etc. The several use cases of multimodal augmentation are presented. The perspectives of the better human comprehension by the immediate feedback…

    The analysis of the current integration attempts of some modes and use cases of user-machine interaction is presented. The new concept of the user-driven intelligent interface is proposed on the basis of multimodal augmented reality and brain-computer interaction for various applications: in disabilities studies, education, home care, health care, etc. The several use cases of multimodal augmentation are presented. The perspectives of the better human comprehension by the immediate feedback through neurophysical channels by means of brain-computer interaction are outlined. It is shown that brain-computer interface (BCI) technology provides new strategies to overcome limits of the currently available user interfaces, especially for people with functional disabilities. The results of the previous studies of the low end consumer and open-source BCI-devices allow us to conclude that combination of machine learning (ML), multimodal interactions (visual, sound, tactile) with BCI will profit from the immediate feedback from the actual neurophysical reactions classified by ML methods. In general, BCI in combination with other modes of AR interaction can deliver much more information than these types of interaction themselves. Even in the current state the combined AR-BCI interfaces could provide the highly adaptable and personal services, especially for people with functional disabilities.

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  • PAPER_: "Augmented reality for emotional and social development at Early Childhood"

    CINTE'16 - Congreso Internacional de Nuevas tecnologías y tendencias en la Educación. Campus Virtual, Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU

    Emotional competence and social communication development can be concurrently supported through intentional thought and planning on the part of the early childhood educator. In this article, we offer a proposal for teachers to effectively implement interventions to support these two areas, all within the context of augmented reality. The levels of feeling exploration, social skills and conflict resolution can be implemented using augmented reality to support children and enhance and refine…

    Emotional competence and social communication development can be concurrently supported through intentional thought and planning on the part of the early childhood educator. In this article, we offer a proposal for teachers to effectively implement interventions to support these two areas, all within the context of augmented reality. The levels of feeling exploration, social skills and conflict resolution can be implemented using augmented reality to support children and enhance and refine their social competence. Augmented reality (AR) provides an environment where exploration of feelings and interaction with equals is possible and it allows children to understand and practice social skills in a technologically-biased context. The interactive possibilities of AR enable children to explore and learn what can occur by observing how people behave and by observing the effects and consequences of that behaviour. Moreover, by using the AR application, children become active part of the interaction and they can observe how participants mutually influence each other and they can learn social skills by modeling and trying without being afraid of the results of the interaction. The article presents the implementation of a proposal for emotional and social development in early childhood.

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  • PAPER_: "Leihoa: Una ventana a la realidad aumentada en Educación Infantil"

    IEEE - XVIII Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa, SIIE 2016 - ISBN: 978-84-9012-630-1

    (English) Recent advances in technologies are being effectively applied to educational contexts. The current study presents an educational application using augmented reality technology which aims to initiate reading, introduce numbers and motivate exploration of rich vocabulary (structured in different interest centers) in English as a second language and Basque. The
    project promotes autonomous learning through exploration and inquiry. The application encourages interaction and allows…

    (English) Recent advances in technologies are being effectively applied to educational contexts. The current study presents an educational application using augmented reality technology which aims to initiate reading, introduce numbers and motivate exploration of rich vocabulary (structured in different interest centers) in English as a second language and Basque. The
    project promotes autonomous learning through exploration and inquiry. The application encourages interaction and allows content adaptability, self-evaluation and multisensory stimulus and can be successfully adopted for learning and development in Preschool

    (Spanish) Los avances en las tecnologías están produciendo un importante impacto en la educación. El presente trabajo presenta una aplicación educativa que utiliza la realidad aumentada para iniciar en la lectura y en la numeración a la vez que trabaja diverso vocabulario en Euskera e Inglés organizado en centros de interés. El proyecto fomenta las capacidades para un aprendizaje autónomo mediante la exploración e indagación y sus características de interactividad, adaptabilidad de contenidos, autoevaluación así como la utilización de estímulos multisensoriales hacen de esta propuesta una interesante vía para el desarrollo y aprendizaje en la etapa de Educación Infantil.

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  • ORAL COMMUNICATION_: "Augmented Reality as a tool for teaching chemistry at the school"

    EuCheMS Chemistry Congress -

    Teaching or learning chemistry at all educational levels is a major issue, since it involves some difficulty, especially in primary school, where is the first time students learn those contents. Therefore, it is important to use new strategies of teaching chemistry that help understanding diverse concepts, often abstracts. How to convey our concepts in an accessible way? Perhaps by using that powerful entry into the brain; visualization. New tools and challenges for chemical education are…

    Teaching or learning chemistry at all educational levels is a major issue, since it involves some difficulty, especially in primary school, where is the first time students learn those contents. Therefore, it is important to use new strategies of teaching chemistry that help understanding diverse concepts, often abstracts. How to convey our concepts in an accessible way? Perhaps by using that powerful entry into the brain; visualization. New tools and challenges for chemical education are required.

    In this work Augmented Reality (AR) is presented as the appropriate tool to explain to children (9-10 years old) two chemistry concepts: ionic bond and combustion reaction. The AugmentedClass ( platform, developed by the company CreativiTIC Innova, is used to generate the augmented reality contents for the lesson. Teachers create the augmented reality markers and contents without any technical knowledge, and when afterwards, using the mobile app (for smartphones and tablets) the appropriate markers are joined, they interact generating different actions such as text, sound, video or graphics, which are added to a live view of the real-world environment provided by the camera.

    In the case of ionic bonding, first the Periodic Table is introduced to kids and some columns (groups) are highlighted. For example, what happens if we join the lithium-marker with chlorine-marker? An animation appears in which it is observed that Li gives an electron to Cl, and thus both acquire the noble gas structure (octet rule). If two markers from the same column are joined, an animation appears indicating the error.

    About combustion reaction, some markers have been designed to understand the three necessary components in a combustion reaction. Joining the three suitable markers, it appears a flame and the formula of carbon dioxide and water.

    Both activities (ionic bonding and combustion reaction) were carried out with children and the results were excellent.

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  • ORAL COMMUNICATION_: "Virtual Reality and 4D Holography as new immersive imaging technologies to simplify visual understanding of brain diseases"

    Neurogune 2016 - Basque Neuroscience Meeting - Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience

    Abstract BOOK:

    At the moment, there is different software in the market that generates simulated 3D visualization of the images from the MRT systems. However, researchers and physicians generally carry out this visualization in 2D flat monitors and, in the best-case scenario, in a 3D screen, losing a great part of the advantages provided by the 3D spatial representation. To overcome this situation, new 3D visualization…

    Abstract BOOK:

    At the moment, there is different software in the market that generates simulated 3D visualization of the images from the MRT systems. However, researchers and physicians generally carry out this visualization in 2D flat monitors and, in the best-case scenario, in a 3D screen, losing a great part of the advantages provided by the 3D spatial representation. To overcome this situation, new 3D visualization technologies must be developed.

    In this field, new devices have recently appeared in the market, going beyond the state of the art, and transforming images into real 3D immersive experiences. Technologies such as virtual reality and holographic vision allow three-dimensional objects to appear in the surrounding environment of the observer and in combination with manipulation tools, can create interactive environments with stereoscopic, 3D visual displays and immersive interaction from a first person perspective, allowing physicians to enter the object of study and decide in the diagnosis.

    Virtual reality allows researchers to obtain a more accurate diagnosis and a new use of brain imaging results for pre-surgical planning.

    In this work, we’ve developed a new software for Virtual Reality HeadSets as ‘Oculus Rift’ and a new device for holographical vision, ‘HoloDeck’. HoloDeck is a functional multipurpose 4D holographic immersive visualization hardware and software viewer, with two 3D screens, to improve the accuracy, speed and efficiency for clinical diagnosis in nuclear medicine, clinically validated. It includes a gesture controller device, instead of a mouse or a pad, for a natural hand movement in 3D space. Both systems are integrated in a workbench that generates interactive and gesturally operable 3D models, based on the 2D DICOM images coming from MRI or microscopy equipments.

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  • ORAL COMMUNICATION_: "Augmented caRer! A Therapeutic Technology for patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)"

    2016 eHealth European Congress (Donostia - San Sebastián 2016/06/16-17)

    Autism is a neurological disorder of high prevalence and high associated costs, in special education, therapeutic and residential expenses. Its main problem, especially in children and in severe cases, is precisely the difficulty of communication and understanding of concepts considered as basics for the rest of the population.

    Nowadays, the most widespread way for communication is pictograms, graphic representations, which, alone or together, help to illustrate concepts and situations…

    Autism is a neurological disorder of high prevalence and high associated costs, in special education, therapeutic and residential expenses. Its main problem, especially in children and in severe cases, is precisely the difficulty of communication and understanding of concepts considered as basics for the rest of the population.

    Nowadays, the most widespread way for communication is pictograms, graphic representations, which, alone or together, help to illustrate concepts and situations. However, the large amount of existing pictograms (+30,000) and the difficulty in expressing verbal actions, make it challenging to communicate effectively and get the patient to integrate normally in their educational and social environment.

    Based on previous studies demonstrating that Augmented Reality (AR) technology helps to improve communication, providing a multimedia layer on static images of the pictograms; we present Augmented caRer, an AR platform that allows users (parents, caregivers, etc.) superimpose that multimedia content on the pictograms, for a later use with patients in their daily routine.

    This tool adapts the Augmented Class technology, already validated in education, which has been transferred to an educational environment of primary school with autistic students obtaining 100 % of patient attention and quick response to the examples, after failed attempts with traditional teaching methods.

    After obtaining the first positive results, it is intended to generate a database of the most commonly used pictograms and disseminate the tool for experimental use, through associations of relatives of patients or the therapeutic sector.

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  • ORAL COMMUNICATION_: "HOLODECK, The 4D Holographic Desk for Clinical Diagnosis in Nuclear Medicine"

    2016 eHealth European Congress (Donostia - San Sebastián 2016/06/16-17)

    Holodeck is an immersive visualization system that provides with a medical imaging software to improve the accuracy, speed and efficiency for clinical diagnosis in Nuclear Medicine (MRI/MRT) and Confocal Microscopy. This system integrates a workbench that generates interactive and gesturally operable 3D real models, based on the two-dimensional images coming from the existing PET/TC and Confocal systems, with total access for a cross-disciplinary tele-collaboration. This prototype is a…

    Holodeck is an immersive visualization system that provides with a medical imaging software to improve the accuracy, speed and efficiency for clinical diagnosis in Nuclear Medicine (MRI/MRT) and Confocal Microscopy. This system integrates a workbench that generates interactive and gesturally operable 3D real models, based on the two-dimensional images coming from the existing PET/TC and Confocal systems, with total access for a cross-disciplinary tele-collaboration. This prototype is a collaborative R&D project developed between CreativiTIC and CIBIR (Centre for Biomedical Research of La Rioja - Rioja Health Foundation).

    The images coming from PET/TC & Confocal microscopy are processed, transformed into 3D models and displayed in the Holodeck workbench. The models (generated by layers and independently operable and printable) are manipulated with tactile screens and gestural computation devices.

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  • CHAPTER BOOK_: 'Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. EMBEDDED ENGINEERING EDUCATION' Co-author CHAPTER 6: "Augmented Reality Interface for E2LP: Assistance in Electronic Laboratories through Augmented Reality"

    Springer International Publishing ©2016 eBook ISBN 978-3-319-27540-6 Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-27539-0

    Book Title: Embedded Engineering Education
    Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Volume 421)
    Publisher: Springer International Publishing ©2016
    eBook ISBN 978-3-319-27540-6
    Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-27539-0

    This book focuses on the outcome of the European research project “FP7-ICT-2011-8 / 317882: Embedded Engineering Learning Platform” E2LP. Additionally, some experiences and researches outside this project have been included. This book provides information…

    Book Title: Embedded Engineering Education
    Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Volume 421)
    Publisher: Springer International Publishing ©2016
    eBook ISBN 978-3-319-27540-6
    Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-27539-0

    This book focuses on the outcome of the European research project “FP7-ICT-2011-8 / 317882: Embedded Engineering Learning Platform” E2LP. Additionally, some experiences and researches outside this project have been included. This book provides information about the achieved results of the E2LP project as well as some broader views about the embedded engineering education. It captures project results and applications, methodologies, and evaluations. It leads to the history of computer architectures, brings a touch of the future in education tools and provides a valuable resource for anyone interested in embedded engineering education concepts, experiences and material. The book contents 12 original contributions and will open a broader discussion about the necessary knowledge and appropriate learning methods for the new profile of embedded engineers. As a result, the proposed Embedded Computer Engineering Learning Platform will help to educate a sufficient number of future engineers in Europe, capable of designing complex systems and maintaining a leadership in the area of embedded systems, thereby ensuring that our strongholds in automotive, avionics, industrial automation, mobile communications, telecoms and medical systems are able to develop.

    Get the book at

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  • POSTER_: "Multisensory Augmented Reality for Embedded Electronics Education"

    38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelec

    Challenges for students:

    • Understanding the mechanisms of several devices without seeing the actual interactions and functions.
    • Even in laboratory practices with electronic boards, only manipulating the devices through the availableinputs and outputs, whilst the operations happening inside the components remain invisible.
    • Consequently, abstract concepts difficult to understand.

    Innovation & Assets:

    • Direct view of a physical board augmented by computer-generated…

    Challenges for students:

    • Understanding the mechanisms of several devices without seeing the actual interactions and functions.
    • Even in laboratory practices with electronic boards, only manipulating the devices through the availableinputs and outputs, whilst the operations happening inside the components remain invisible.
    • Consequently, abstract concepts difficult to understand.

    Innovation & Assets:

    • Direct view of a physical board augmented by computer-generated sensory information.
    • Visualisation, simulation and monitoring of invisible phenomena.
    • Personalized just-in-time and just-in-place learning.
    • Teacher’s mode for exercise creation.
    • Innovative multisensory feedback accessory.
    • Robust tracking system.
    • Intuitive and easy-to-use.

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  • ORAL COMMUNICATION_: "Project Augmented Class!"

    XVI Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa, SIIE 2014 - Jornada Telspain 2014 - Learning analytics e innovación educativa aplicados

    An easy platform to Create and Share Augmented Reality Resources & APPs for Education!
    Augmented Class! is an easy way to Create and Share Augmented Reality APPs and Resources for Education! Augmented Class! allowing users to create their own Augmented Reality (AR) apps through a friendly interface, without previous knowledge in computer development. Similar to PowerPoint for presentations or 1and1 My Web for web pages, so that anyone can create their own custom in a few simple clicks and…

    An easy platform to Create and Share Augmented Reality Resources & APPs for Education!
    Augmented Class! is an easy way to Create and Share Augmented Reality APPs and Resources for Education! Augmented Class! allowing users to create their own Augmented Reality (AR) apps through a friendly interface, without previous knowledge in computer development. Similar to PowerPoint for presentations or 1and1 My Web for web pages, so that anyone can create their own custom in a few simple clicks and intuitive apps. Augmented Class! allows, on the on hand, to create educational AR projects, in an easy and quick way, which can later be used by teachers and students through mobile devices, both in classrooms and out of them. On the other hand, it provides with a sharing environment where those projects can be exchanged and purchased, feedbacking the system and encouraging its exponential growth. It is also a modular platform that can be adapted both to individual users and institutions.

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  • PAPER_: "Engaging Computer Engineering Students with an Augmented Reality Software for Laboratory Exercises"

    IEEE - 2014 Frontiers in Education Conference (Madrid 2014/10/22-25)

    Augmented reality (AR) being an emerging technology of high potential, has already been applied in educational fields, although not always being empirically tested and validated. This paper proposes the development of an AR software oriented to aid Computer Engineer students understanding concepts and processes in embedded systems during laboratory exercises. The design of the software has been realized taking into account the task taxonomy and students' needs established within the project and…

    Augmented reality (AR) being an emerging technology of high potential, has already been applied in educational fields, although not always being empirically tested and validated. This paper proposes the development of an AR software oriented to aid Computer Engineer students understanding concepts and processes in embedded systems during laboratory exercises. The design of the software has been realized taking into account the task taxonomy and students' needs established within the project and its effectiveness and usability will be evaluated inside laboratory practices at universities using feedback from first evaluations to update and improve the final software. When learning electronics, especially embedded systems, students have to face the challenge of understanding the mechanisms of several embedded devices without actually seeing their interactions and functions. This work was supported by the EU 7th Framework Programme project E2LP under European Commission Grant Agreement No. 317882, 2012-2015.

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  • PAPER_: "Learner-Centered Evaluation of an Augmented Reality System for Embedded Engineering Education"


    Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 4. Proceedings of the E2LP 2014 Workshop

    USB: ISBN 978-83-60810-63-7
    WEB: ISBN 978-83-60810-64-4
    ISSN 2300-5963
    DOI 10.15439/978-83-60810-64-4

    This paper presents an ongoing work on a multisensory Augmented Reality system for engineering education. The system, composed of both software and hardware elements, will be used in embedded electronics courses. We first present similar systems and their potential…

    Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, Volume 4. Proceedings of the E2LP 2014 Workshop

    USB: ISBN 978-83-60810-63-7
    WEB: ISBN 978-83-60810-64-4
    ISSN 2300-5963
    DOI 10.15439/978-83-60810-64-4

    This paper presents an ongoing work on a multisensory Augmented Reality system for engineering education. The system, composed of both software and hardware elements, will be used in embedded electronics courses. We first present similar systems and their potential advantages for education. The, we discuss the originality of our system. Finally, we present the general approach as well as a number of methods that we will use for the future learner-centered evaluation of the proposed AR system in realistic settings.

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  • POSTER_: "Augmented Class! Realidad Aumentada para la Educación"

    Jornadas Virtuales de Colaboración y Formación - Ubicuo y Social: Aprendizaje con TIC (Virtualusatic) / Red interdisciplinar de investigación educativa en Entornos uLearning en Educación Superior (EuLES).

    Augmented Class! permite por un lado crear proyectos educativos en Realidad Aumentada (AR),de forma rápida y sencilla, que puedan luego ser utilizados por profesores y alumnos a través de dispositivos móviles, tanto en el aula como fuera de ella; y por otro, provee de un entorno en el que compartir dichos proyectos de forma que el sistema pueda retroalimentarse y crecer exponencialmente. Es además una plataforma modular que se adecua tanto a los usuarios individuales como a las…

    Augmented Class! permite por un lado crear proyectos educativos en Realidad Aumentada (AR),de forma rápida y sencilla, que puedan luego ser utilizados por profesores y alumnos a través de dispositivos móviles, tanto en el aula como fuera de ella; y por otro, provee de un entorno en el que compartir dichos proyectos de forma que el sistema pueda retroalimentarse y crecer exponencialmente. Es además una plataforma modular que se adecua tanto a los usuarios individuales como a las instituciones.

    Augmented Class! permite que los usuarios puedan crear sus propias Apps de Realidad Aumentada a través de un interfaz sencillo y amigable, sin ningún conocimiento previo técnico o de desarrollo. Al estilo del ‘Powerpoint’ para las presentaciones o del ‘1&1 My web’ para las webs. Nace de una necesidad demandada por los creadores de recursos digitales para la educación, puesto que hoy en día, si una persona quiere una App de Realidad Aumentada esta debe ser desarrollada a medida. Nuestra solución elimina esta barrera universalizando el acceso a la Realidad Aumentada.

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  • ORAL COMMUNICATION_: "Augmented Reality Applied to Molecular Modeling"

    XI Carbohydrate Symposium - Specialized Group of Carbohydrates, HIC of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (Universidad de La Rioja 2014/05/28-30)

    Augmented Reality (AR) consists on the superposition of virtual elements into the real world. It is an innovative technology which is starting to be introduced in many fields, including research and education, as a complementary system for improving understanding and visualization of complex concepts.

    This communication presents a mobile application automatized to display Protein Data Bank (PDB) files in Augmented Reality, with configurable displaying options and environments. The…

    Augmented Reality (AR) consists on the superposition of virtual elements into the real world. It is an innovative technology which is starting to be introduced in many fields, including research and education, as a complementary system for improving understanding and visualization of complex concepts.

    This communication presents a mobile application automatized to display Protein Data Bank (PDB) files in Augmented Reality, with configurable displaying options and environments. The standard format of the PDBs and the extensive existing data bank in the network allows this application to be universalized and introduced in a wide range of fields.

    The innovation that offers the fact of transforming a plain text file into a three dimensional model displayed in the real world and which can be easily manipulated presents special interest for:

    - Researching scenarios, as a complementary tool for visualization and collaborative works.
    - Education and Conferences as a support during explanations enhancing the interactivity between lecturer and audience.

    The creation of self-explanatory posters and books where pictures can come alive and add dinamyc content to the static descriptions.

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  • JOURNAL_: "E2LP: A Unified Embedded Engineering Learning Platform"

    Embedded Hardware Design (Microprocessors and Microsystems) MICPRO JOURNAL

    The main idea behind this project is to provide a unified platform which will cover a complete process for embedded systems learning. A modular approach is considered for skills practice through supporting individualization in learning. This platform shall facilitate a novel development of universal approach in creative learning environment and knowledge management that encourage use of ICT. New learning model is challenging the education of engineers in embedded systems design through…

    The main idea behind this project is to provide a unified platform which will cover a complete process for embedded systems learning. A modular approach is considered for skills practice through supporting individualization in learning. This platform shall facilitate a novel development of universal approach in creative learning environment and knowledge management that encourage use of ICT. New learning model is challenging the education of engineers in embedded systems design through real-time experiments that stimulate curiosity with ultimate goal to support students to understand and construct their personal conceptual knowledge based on experiments. In addition to the technological approach, the use of cognitive theories on how people learn will help students to achieve a stronger and smarter adaptation of the subject. Applied methodology will be evaluated from the scientific point of view in parallel with the implementation in order to feedback results to the R&D.

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  • ROUND TABLE_: "Unified education platform for embedded systems"

    IEEE - EDUCON2014 Global Engineering Education Conference (Istambul 2014/04/3-5)

    In addition to the technological approach, we intend to use cognitive theories on how people learn to help students achieve a stronger and smarter adoption of the subject. We believe that our project can help ensure that Europe in future has the sufficient number of educated engineers, capable of designing complex systems and maintaining a leadership in the area of embedded systems. By increasing European competitiveness in the learning process of embedded computer engineering, further…

    In addition to the technological approach, we intend to use cognitive theories on how people learn to help students achieve a stronger and smarter adoption of the subject. We believe that our project can help ensure that Europe in future has the sufficient number of educated engineers, capable of designing complex systems and maintaining a leadership in the area of embedded systems. By increasing European competitiveness in the learning process of embedded computer engineering, further technological and methodological development of the educational approach in this field is enabled and development of our strongholds: automotive, avionics, mobile communications, telecoms and medical systems is continued.

    Mario Kovač1, Daniel Hofman1, Josip Knezović1, Martin Žagar1, Miodarg Temerinac2, Ivan Kaštelan2, Vlado Sruk1, Margarita Anastassova3, Moshe Barak4, Nikola Teslić5, Jorge Lopez Benito6, Enara Artetxe Gonzalez6

    1University of Zagreb, Faculty of electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia 2University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia 3CEA LIST/DIASI, Laboratoire d'Interfaces Sensorielles et Ambiantes, Saclay, France 4Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel 5RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia. CreativiTIC INNOVA S.L., Logroño, Spain

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  • WORKSHOP_: "Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada, aplicaciones tecnológicas al servicio de la formación." (Organizador y Ponente)

    Centro Nacional de Formación en Nuevas Tecnologías

    Organizador y Ponente. Esta jornada tiene como objetivo dar a conocer las posibilidades de la realidad virtual y la realidad aumentada a los miembros del ámbito docente y editorial, así como a los alumnos de nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al ámbito formativo para mejorar el talento, la didáctica, las capacidades formativas y acelerar el proceso cognitivo. Estas tecnologías permiten recrear entornos y situaciones que de otro modo sería imposible experimentar, pudiendo incluso evaluar, al mismo…

    Organizador y Ponente. Esta jornada tiene como objetivo dar a conocer las posibilidades de la realidad virtual y la realidad aumentada a los miembros del ámbito docente y editorial, así como a los alumnos de nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al ámbito formativo para mejorar el talento, la didáctica, las capacidades formativas y acelerar el proceso cognitivo. Estas tecnologías permiten recrear entornos y situaciones que de otro modo sería imposible experimentar, pudiendo incluso evaluar, al mismo tiempo, el desempeño de las personas que las utilizan. Está jornada está organizada por La Dirección General de Innovación, Industria y Comercio del Gobierno de La Rioja, CreativiTIC ( y el ITCL-Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León.

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  • PAPER_: "Augmented Reality System for Training, Assistance and Decision Making in Real Time situations in the Embedded Electronic field"

    JVRC 2013 – 5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference - Campus Paris Saclay, 11-13 December 2013

    Embedded systems are the invisible electronics and corresponding software that bring intelligence to objects, processes and devices. They can be found in all kind of industrial fields where real-time responses are critical in daily operations, for instance in factories, being responsible of controlling production and maintenance processes, in medical equipment and ambulances or inside aerospace and military equipment.

    When studying and later on working with embedded systems, users need…

    Embedded systems are the invisible electronics and corresponding software that bring intelligence to objects, processes and devices. They can be found in all kind of industrial fields where real-time responses are critical in daily operations, for instance in factories, being responsible of controlling production and maintenance processes, in medical equipment and ambulances or inside aerospace and military equipment.

    When studying and later on working with embedded systems, users need to access a huge amount of information about their specifications and functioning to understand the processes happening inside them and be able to act consequently. In an educational field this time means students to spend more time investigating about the components than really using them in laboratories and on the other hand, in industrial environments, any time excess is synonym of waste. Furthermore, when talking about critical situations such as aircraft maintenance technical operators must have the highest training to fulfill their mission. The idea behind the project presented in this paper is an
    augmented reality system that covers the necessity of having an interactive, intuitive and time-saving learning tool for future embedded systems Engineers and Technicians, as well as being used as assistance on maintenance processes, aiding the specialist on decision making.

    Developed in a first stage under a FP7 project agreement, first validations and updates will be made within the consortium universities and research centers that will allow the first system to be in the market. After that, the scalability of this system will allow it to be integrated in more industrial sectors as a learning tool and assistance for fast and reliable maintenance processes.

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  • PAPER_: "E2LP: An Embedded Engineering Learning Platform"

    IT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE 2013, September 12-14, Bol, Island of Brač, Croatia

    The main idea behind this project is to provide a unified platform which will cover a complete process for embedded systems learning. A modular approach is considered for skills practice through supporting individualization in learning. This platform shall facilitate a novel development of universal approach in creative learning environment and knowledge management that encourage use of ICT. New learning model is challenging the education of engineers in embedded systems design through…

    The main idea behind this project is to provide a unified platform which will cover a complete process for embedded systems learning. A modular approach is considered for skills practice through supporting individualization in learning. This platform shall facilitate a novel development of universal approach in creative learning environment and knowledge management that encourage use of ICT. New learning model is challenging the education of engineers in embedded systems design through real-time experiments that stimulate curiosity with ultimate goal to support students to understand
    and construct their personal conceptual knowledge based on experiments. In addition to the technological approach, the use of cognitive theories on how people learn will help students to
    achieve a stronger and smarter adaptation of the subject. Applied methodology will be evaluated from the scientific point of view in parallel with the implementation in order to feedback results to the R&D.

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  • PAPER_: "E2LP: A Unified Embedded Engineering Learning Platform"

    16th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design DSD 2013 / Special session on European projects on digital systems design, Santander (Spain)

    The main idea behind this project is to provide a unified platform which will cover a complete process for embedded systems learning. A modular approach is considered for skills practice through supporting individualization in learning. This platform shall facilitate a novel development of universal approach in creative learning environment and knowledge management that encourage use of ICT. New learning model is challenging the education of engineers in embedded systems design through…

    The main idea behind this project is to provide a unified platform which will cover a complete process for embedded systems learning. A modular approach is considered for skills practice through supporting individualization in learning. This platform shall facilitate a novel development of universal approach in creative learning environment and knowledge management that encourage use of ICT. New learning model is challenging the education of engineers in embedded systems design through real-time experiments that stimulate curiosity with ultimate goal to support students to understand
    and construct their personal conceptual knowledge based on experiments. In addition to the technological approach, the use of cognitive theories on how people learn will help students to
    achieve a stronger and smarter adaptation of the subject. Applied methodology will be evaluated from the scientific point of view in parallel with the implementation in order to feedback results to the R&D.

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  • POSTER_: "Interfaz de realidad aumentada como herramienta de ayuda al aprendizaje en el campo de la electrónica"

    Jornadas Virtuales de Colaboración y Formación - Ubicuo y Social: Aprendizaje con TIC (Virtualusatic) / Red interdisciplinar de investigación educativa en Entornos uLearning en Educación Superior (EuLES).

    El proyecto colaborativo E2LP ( en desarrollo dentro del Séptimo Programa Marco Europeo (FP7) tiene como finalidad la creación de una plataforma unificada de enseñanza para el estudio de sistemas embebidos, incluyendo en la misma librerías de ejercicios en código abierto, un laboratorio remoto y una interfaz de realidad aumentada [1]. El objetivo principal de la interfaz de realidad aumentada es el de mejorar la comprensión de los principios y fenómenos invisibles en el campo de la…

    El proyecto colaborativo E2LP ( en desarrollo dentro del Séptimo Programa Marco Europeo (FP7) tiene como finalidad la creación de una plataforma unificada de enseñanza para el estudio de sistemas embebidos, incluyendo en la misma librerías de ejercicios en código abierto, un laboratorio remoto y una interfaz de realidad aumentada [1]. El objetivo principal de la interfaz de realidad aumentada es el de mejorar la comprensión de los principios y fenómenos invisibles en el campo de la electrónica embebida. [1] «E2LP: A Unified Embedded Engineering Learning Platform», 2013, .

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  • POSTER_: "Augmented Reality Interface: An Approach to the Evaluation of Embedded Engineering Study Programs"

    36th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics MIPRO / Opatia (Croatia)

    Abstract - This paper presents an approach to the evaluation of study programs in the field of embedded computer engineering. The study programs cover the following subject categories: 1) digital system design, 2) computer system design, 3) digital signal processing, 4) computer networking and 5) system integration. The results of the evaluation of hardware, software and instructional materials in embedded engineering learning are presented. Student assignments are evaluated using the proposed…

    Abstract - This paper presents an approach to the evaluation of study programs in the field of embedded computer engineering. The study programs cover the following subject categories: 1) digital system design, 2) computer system design, 3) digital signal processing, 4) computer networking and 5) system integration. The results of the evaluation of hardware, software and instructional materials in embedded engineering learning are presented. Student assignments are evaluated using the proposed tasks taxonomy which consists of three levels: 1) exercises, 2) problems, 3) projects. Students and teachers were asked to analyze the difficulty, lab material, level of student understanding and the amount of individual and team work in the subjects. First research results suggest that there is a large overhead in the number of platforms used in the mentioned courses. It was shown that in learning embedded computer engineering, the students deal merely with doing
    basic exercises and solving simple problems, while additional work is required in shifting the learning process towards enhancing students' higher-order cognitive skills such as problem solving and creativity, and fostering teamwork. The research also showed that it would be helpful to develop a unified embedded engineering learning platform for multiple courses in the curriculum.

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  • WORKSHOP_: “Realidad aumentada en el ámbito educativo”

    Jornadas Internacionales Jornadas internacionales. Tecnología móvil e innovación en el aula: nuevos retos y realidades educativas - MLearning / Universidad de La Rioja

    Las Jornadas pretenden ser un espacio multidisciplinar concebido para la reflexión crítica, el intercambio de experiencias docentes, la exposición de ideas creativas, así como para la comunicación de resultados y conclusiones obtenidas a partir de estudios sobre la tecnología móvil y su capacidad transformadora de la educación. Más en concreto, se trata de construir conocimiento sobre el potencial y los desafíos pedagógicos de la tecnología móvil para mejorar la calidad de los procesos de…

    Las Jornadas pretenden ser un espacio multidisciplinar concebido para la reflexión crítica, el intercambio de experiencias docentes, la exposición de ideas creativas, así como para la comunicación de resultados y conclusiones obtenidas a partir de estudios sobre la tecnología móvil y su capacidad transformadora de la educación. Más en concreto, se trata de construir conocimiento sobre el potencial y los desafíos pedagógicos de la tecnología móvil para mejorar la calidad de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en diferentes ámbitos y niveles de los sistemas educativos, lo que supone atender a principios básicos como son la equidad e igualdad de oportunidades.

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  • CHAPTER BOOK_: "A3R :: A new insight into Augmented Reality. Transporting the Augmented Reality user into another dimension through the sound - JVRC 2012 Current and Future Perspectives of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality"

    ISBN: 978-84-695-5470-8 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Based on different researches and libraries developed both from the University of La Rioja and the AHOLAB signal processing department of the University of The Basque Country, the project A3R aims to include a new input in the creation of applications in Augmented Reality: the audio. The recognition of the surrounding sounds and their representation in images will provide not only an invaluable help for hearing impaired people but will also open a door for a whole new world in fields like…

    Based on different researches and libraries developed both from the University of La Rioja and the AHOLAB signal processing department of the University of The Basque Country, the project A3R aims to include a new input in the creation of applications in Augmented Reality: the audio. The recognition of the surrounding sounds and their representation in images will provide not only an invaluable help for hearing impaired people but will also open a door for a whole new world in fields like tourism, marketing or education.

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  • REVISTA ECONÓMICA_: "Virtualización, una realidad ante la crisis"



  • PATENT_: "System medical imaging - Sistema de visualización de imágenes médicas" #HoloDeck4D | Principal Investigator (PI)

    Expedida ES ES2649789

    HoloDeck is an immersive visualization system to improve the accuracy, speed and efficiency for clinical diagnosis in Nuclear Medicine. This system integrates a workbench that generates visually interactive and gesturally operable 3D real models, based on the two-dimensional images coming from the existing Confocal Microcopy, PET/TC and MRI/MRT systems.

    Sistema para visualizar una imagen médica que comprende una unidad de extracción (10) para extraer una pluralidad de…

    HoloDeck is an immersive visualization system to improve the accuracy, speed and efficiency for clinical diagnosis in Nuclear Medicine. This system integrates a workbench that generates visually interactive and gesturally operable 3D real models, based on the two-dimensional images coming from the existing Confocal Microcopy, PET/TC and MRI/MRT systems.

    Sistema para visualizar una imagen médica que comprende una unidad de extracción (10) para extraer una pluralidad de imágenes 2D compatibles de una pluralidad de ficheros de entrada almacenados en una unidad de almacenamiento (12); una unidad de procesamiento (18) para generar modelos 3D en función de las preferencias establecidas; una unidad de visualización 4D (14) para visualizar los modelos 3D generados; una unidad de control gestual y táctil (14) para recibir una entrada táctil o un gesto realizado por un usuario y enviar una instrucción a la unidad de procesamiento (18) o a la unidad de visualización (14).

    G06F3/011 Arrangements for interaction with the human body, e.g. for user immersion in virtual reality
    G06T15/205 Image-based rendering
    G06T19/00 Manipulating 3D models or images for computer graphics
    G06T7/0012 Biomedical image inspection
    G06T7/0014 Biomedical image inspection using an image reference approach
    G06T7/0016 Biomedical image inspection using an image reference approach involving temporal comparison
    H04N13/0468 Picture reproducers using observer tracking

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  • IA3D - Integración de Inteligencia Artificial en el "Ciclo en Animaciones 3D, Videojuegos y Entornos Interactivos” y en el "Curso de Especialización en Desarrollo de Videojuegos y Realidad Virtual“ - TKNIKA / Centro de Investigación Aplicada de FP Euskadi

    El proyecto “IA3D” tiene como objetivo la investigación y experimentación del estado del arte de los sistemas de Inteligencia Artificial para su aplicación dentro del "Ciclo de Animaciones 3D, videojuegos y entornos interactivos” y en el "Curso de especialización en Desarrollo de videojuegos y Realidad Virtual“. Lo investigado en 2023-2024 será implantado en unidades didácticas a explotar durante el curso 2024-2025.

    La necesidad de adopción de las facilidades que las IA´s ofrecen en el…

    El proyecto “IA3D” tiene como objetivo la investigación y experimentación del estado del arte de los sistemas de Inteligencia Artificial para su aplicación dentro del "Ciclo de Animaciones 3D, videojuegos y entornos interactivos” y en el "Curso de especialización en Desarrollo de videojuegos y Realidad Virtual“. Lo investigado en 2023-2024 será implantado en unidades didácticas a explotar durante el curso 2024-2025.

    La necesidad de adopción de las facilidades que las IA´s ofrecen en el sector es clave para el desarrollo profesional del alumnado de los ciclos 3D. Las empresas ya buscan especialistas capaces de manejar estas IA’s en cualquiera de los aspectos involucrados en un desarrollo 3D interactivo. Y es imperativo y clave que el profesorado de los ciclos 3D tenga un conocimiento y experiencia en estas IA’s para poder transmitirlo y formar al alumnado de FP que mañana estará trabajando en el sector.

    El proyecto “IA3D” tiene una razón de ser clave para el futuro de los ciclos de 3D. Es tal el impacto de las IA´s y la necesidad de integración de las mismas en nuestros procesos, que todos los centros que impartimos el ciclo 3D y el curso de especialización 3D nos hemos unido dentro de este proyecto, con el fín común de investigar y capacitar a nuestro profesorado para el uso de las IA’s dentro de los procesos 3D.

    El proyecto, cuenta con el apoyo de la empresa “Creativitic”, empresa líder en la creación de soluciones de Realidad Aumentada(AR), a través de su propia plataforma de generación de contenidos de AR, “MetaClass” ( La empresa se encuentra en un proceso de ampliación de capital con la finalidad de integrar las IA’s dentro de su plataforma y el acompañamiento que va a proporcionarle al proyecto garantiza la adecuación y adaptación del proyecto y del contenido didáctico resultante a las necesidades del mercado.

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  • 2020-1-IT02-K226-SCH-095525 - KA2 ERASMUS+ - PLAYING WITH PROTONS GOES DIGITAL #STEaM #AugmentedReality #FutureProfessions


    Consortium Project Budget: 298.615 €
    National Agency of the Applicant Organisation: IT02 Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ - INDIRE
    Call: KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
    KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness

    The project aims at advancing the utilisation of new technologies that can facilitate an engaging, open, and digitally resilient science classroom. The project places emphasis on building teacher digital competences by providing…

    Consortium Project Budget: 298.615 €
    National Agency of the Applicant Organisation: IT02 Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ - INDIRE
    Call: KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
    KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness

    The project aims at advancing the utilisation of new technologies that can facilitate an engaging, open, and digitally resilient science classroom. The project places emphasis on building teacher digital competences by providing teachers and educators with an integrated toolkit that would allow them to co-design online creative STEAM* resources that speak to the digital habits, needs, and interests of their students.

    Our approach aims to improve teacher digital skills, in particular content design and delivery skills, and their ability to respond to the demands for science teaching that not only enthuses young minds but also informs them about the inextricable relevance of science to society.

    The project develops a coherent integrated teacher training methodology. The approach is adapted to suit particular interests of teachers which will allow teachers to:

    • Hands-on and minds-on inquiry-based learning methodologies
    • Creativity, collaboration and problem-solving
    • Arts-based activities utilizing augmented reality (AR) tools
    • Play-based physics demonstrations, simulations and experiments with everyday materials
    • A community building online environment to facilitate collaboration and peer learning
    • An open schooling approach through exciting STEAM activities and methodologies, online tools and an eTwinning guide

    The "Playing with Protons Goes Digital" approach will be using such elements for the purpose of empowering teachers to be confident digital content designers and co-creators as well as science ambassadors that strive to excite the young minds about the world of science, how science works, and why it may be worthwhile for students to follow a career in science.

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  • EU H2020-ICT-22-2016 RIA - Technologies for Learning and Skills - "STORIES OF TOMORROW: Students Visions on the Future of Space Exploration." #STEaM #AugmentedReality


    Consortium Project Budget: 3.060.875 €
    Grant Agreement no. 731872
    Call: H2020-ICT-22-2016

    The STORIES project aims to contribute to a dynamic future of children’s ebooks evolution by a) developing user-friendly interfaces for young students (10-12 years old) to create their own multi-path stories expressing their imagination and creativity and b) by integrating the latest AR, VR and 3D printing technologies to visualize their stories in numerous innovative ways. In the heart of…

    Consortium Project Budget: 3.060.875 €
    Grant Agreement no. 731872
    Call: H2020-ICT-22-2016

    The STORIES project aims to contribute to a dynamic future of children’s ebooks evolution by a) developing user-friendly interfaces for young students (10-12 years old) to create their own multi-path stories expressing their imagination and creativity and b) by integrating the latest AR, VR and 3D printing technologies to visualize their stories in numerous innovative ways. In the heart of this intervention lies the vision for integrated curricula and deeper learning outcomes. The project will offer these innovations through a single environment, the STORIES Storytelling Platform which will be the place for students’ artistic expression and scientific inquiry at the same time. The creations of the students (paintings, models, dioramas and constructions, 3D objects and landscapes, animations, science videos and science theatre plays) will be captured and integrated in the form of interactive ebooks. The STORIES technical team will design advanced interfaces in which students will be able to augment characters, buildings, greenhouses and different 3D geometrical structures on a tablet or their computer and inspect their work using a mobile device. The outcome of their work will be detected and tracked, and the video stream is augmented with an animated 3D version of the character or the artefact. The platform will be tested in real settings in Germany, Greece, Portugal, France, Finland and Japan, involving 60 teachers and 3000 students (5th and 6th grade). The proposed project is developing a novel cooperation between creative industries and electronic publishing, educational research institutions in the field of STEM, schools and informal learning centres. The consortium includes 15 partners from Europe, USA, Japan and Australia.

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  • VIRUSES - Visually Inmersive Researching Unit for Scientific and Educational Scenarios #VirtualReality #AugmentedReality


    Consortium Project Budget: 382.476 €

    Collaborative R&D project between CreativiTIC and CIBIR (Center for Biomedical Research of La Rioja - Rioja Health Foundation).

    It consists of an immersive visualization system to improve the accuracy, speed and eficiency in clinical diagnosis in Nuclear Medicine and Biomedical Research. It provides realistic 3D images with total access for a cross-disciplinary tele-collaboration.

    It's also a revolutionary educational tool for both…

    Consortium Project Budget: 382.476 €

    Collaborative R&D project between CreativiTIC and CIBIR (Center for Biomedical Research of La Rioja - Rioja Health Foundation).

    It consists of an immersive visualization system to improve the accuracy, speed and eficiency in clinical diagnosis in Nuclear Medicine and Biomedical Research. It provides realistic 3D images with total access for a cross-disciplinary tele-collaboration.

    It's also a revolutionary educational tool for both students and teachers, providing them with real three-dimensional, universally accesible images.

    The system integratess a workbench that generates interactive, gestually-operable 3D models based on the two-dimensional images coming from the existing analysis systems.

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  • Miembro del proceso de elaboración del IV Plan Riojano de I+D+I 2013-2016


    Participante como Experto en la elaboración del IV Plan Riojano de I+D+I 2013-2016. Miembro de la mesa de trabajo "Mercado Sostenible de I+D+i" y de la Asamblea de Expertos del IV Plan Riojano de I+D+I. Referencias en pags. 261,263,265,266 y 267

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  • EU FP7-ICT-2011.8.1 - Collaborative Project: "Embedded Computer Engineering Learning Platform E2LP." #AugmentedReality


    Consortium Project Budget: 2.781.333 €

    Embedded systems are the invisible electronics and corresponding software that bring intelligence to objects, processes and devices. The main challenge in engineering education for embedded systems at university level is a complex and multidisciplinary approach which includes understanding of various systems based on different technologies and system solution optimizations. The main idea behind the project is to provide a unified platform which will…

    Consortium Project Budget: 2.781.333 €

    Embedded systems are the invisible electronics and corresponding software that bring intelligence to objects, processes and devices. The main challenge in engineering education for embedded systems at university level is a complex and multidisciplinary approach which includes understanding of various systems based on different technologies and system solution optimizations. The main idea behind the project is to provide a unified platform which will cover a complete process for embedded systems learning. A modular approach is considered for skills practice through supporting individualization in learning

    This platform facilitates a novel development of universal approach in creative learning environment and knowledge management that encourage use of ICT. New learning model is challenging the education of engineers in embedded systems design through real-time experiments that stimulate curiosity with ultimate goal to support students to understand and construct their personal conceptual knowledge based on experiments. In addition to the technological approach, the use of cognitive theories on how people learn will help students to achieve a stronger and smarter adaptation of the subject. Applied methodology will be evaluated from the scientific point of view in parallel with the implementation in order to feed back results to the R&D

    As a result, Embedded Computer Engineering Learning Platform will ensure a sufficient number of educated future engineers in Europe, capable of designing complex systems and maintaining a leadership in the area of embedded systems, thereby ensuring that our strongholds in automotive, avionics, industrial automation, mobile communications, telecoms and medical systems are able to develop. E2LP intends to increase European competitiveness in the learning process of embedded computer engineering, ensuring further technological and methodological development of the educational approach in this field.

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  • Aplicación del análisis de imagen para el seguimiento de la maduración de la uva en el viñedo


    Proyecto cooperativo de I+D entre el grupo de investigación "TELEVITIS: Viticultura de precisión" de la Universidad de la Rioja - UR y el ICVV - Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino junto con la empresa CreativiTIC Innova. El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de una aplicación, no invasiva y no intrusiva, de seguimiento de la maduración de la uva en el viñedo, a través de visión artificial, para dispositivos móviles.

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  • Programa de Becas ThinkTIC/Arsys/UR Plan Talento Rioja 2011


    Definición y Creación de los Contenidos, Temarios y Unidades Didácticas del Programa Máster.
    Consultor y Formador de las Unidades de Cloud Computing - Virtualización - Seguridad Informática.

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Reconocimientos y premios

  • Ganador del Primer Premio 'El Economista' > “Proyecto Wonderful" - Primer Concurso Nacional de #Innovación en Centros Comerciales y Retail de España

    LAR España Real State & BStartup Banco Sabadell

    Proyecto Wonderful es el Primer Concurso Nacional de #Innovación en Centros Comerciales y Retail de España que busca soluciones innovadoras que mejoren la gestión de los centros comerciales y tiendas, así como cualquier otro ámbito en la relación con sus clientes.

    Ganador del premio final en la 'Categoría de Centros Comerciales', por nuestra propuesta de "#Marketing de Proximidad con #RealidadAumentada" como solución de para mejorar le experiencia de usuario en el…

    Proyecto Wonderful es el Primer Concurso Nacional de #Innovación en Centros Comerciales y Retail de España que busca soluciones innovadoras que mejoren la gestión de los centros comerciales y tiendas, así como cualquier otro ámbito en la relación con sus clientes.

    Ganador del premio final en la 'Categoría de Centros Comerciales', por nuestra propuesta de "#Marketing de Proximidad con #RealidadAumentada" como solución de para mejorar le experiencia de usuario en el comercio, juntando #RealidadAumentada #IoT #Beacons y #BigData. La solución ha sido validada en Centro Comercial MegaPark Barakaldo y el premio ha sido durante el I Encuentro Nacional de Innovación en Centros Comerciales y Retail #WonderfulSummit que tuvo lugar el 3 de julio de 2017 en el Auditorio Banco Sabadell de Madrid.

  • 3rd Prize MIT & Harvard Medical School eHealth #HackingChronicDisease -

    MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - M+VISION Consortium

    Third prize in the eHealth #hackaton #hackingchronicdisease organized by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard Medical School, AstraZeneca and M+Vision with the project ‪#‎AugmentedCarer‬ "A therapeutic technology for patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)".

    Great weekend competing and creating joined to Engineers and Physicians from MIT and Harvard. Very motivated to continue working in this area next to Ana Laín Torre, PhD, Enara Artetxe González and Aurélien…

    Third prize in the eHealth #hackaton #hackingchronicdisease organized by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard Medical School, AstraZeneca and M+Vision with the project ‪#‎AugmentedCarer‬ "A therapeutic technology for patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)".

    Great weekend competing and creating joined to Engineers and Physicians from MIT and Harvard. Very motivated to continue working in this area next to Ana Laín Torre, PhD, Enara Artetxe González and Aurélien Bourquard, A Great Team! (The Project) (#hackaton Prize award Ceremony)

  • Entrepreneurship 'European Citizen' Award 2014

    Europe Direct - - A European Commission service to provide information on the EU

    Premio en reconocimiento de los valores de la ciudadanía europea encarnados en personas que en su trayectoria vital o profesional han ejercido sus derechos como ciudadanos europeos (accediendo a instituciones, superando barreras, etc.) , han participado en programas o iniciativas europeas (Erasmus, Leonardo, etc.), han obtenido fondos europeos para llevar a cabo proyectos empresariales, han motivado a otros a participar en Europa (profesores que han participado con sus alumnos en concursos…

    Premio en reconocimiento de los valores de la ciudadanía europea encarnados en personas que en su trayectoria vital o profesional han ejercido sus derechos como ciudadanos europeos (accediendo a instituciones, superando barreras, etc.) , han participado en programas o iniciativas europeas (Erasmus, Leonardo, etc.), han obtenido fondos europeos para llevar a cabo proyectos empresariales, han motivado a otros a participar en Europa (profesores que han participado con sus alumnos en concursos escolares europeos, etc.) o que hayan ayudado a la difusión de los valores europeos en su entorno (periodistas, etc.)

    Ciudadano Europeo: mes de diciembre - Jorge R. López Benito


  • Spanish

    Competencia bilingüe o nativa

  • English

    Competencia profesional completa

  • French

    Competencia básica


  • Grupo _IP - Internet Pioneer / Interesting People Community


    A worldwide community of Interesting People devoted to improve our interconnected World founded by Andreu Veà - Stanford University

  • Señorío del Solar de Tejada

    Señor de Tejadañorío_del_Solar_de_Tejada

Recomendaciones recibidas

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