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"Aguas/Waters... places Avero's original poems next to Colson's translations, which are stunning in their ability to bring the melody and magical realism of Avero's Uruguayan Spanish into coherent English-languag

Fecha de lanzamiento27 sept 2024

Miguel Avero

Miguel Avero, born in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1984l, is a poet, narrator, essayist, teacher, and researcher. Co-founder of Orientacion Poesia and On the Path of Dogs. He directs the writing workshop "Puerta Quimera." Avero Participates in various national and international anthologies. He has published the collection of poems, including Arca de aserrin (Ediciones en blanco; 2011; republished in 2021 by Ediciones del Demiurgo), the nouvelle Michaela Moon (Travesia Ediciones, 2014; republished in 2015.) In 2016, Avero published the books Let Nobody Ask About You (Bestial Barracuda Babilonica, poetic prose) and La Pieza (Walkie Talkie Ediciones, poetry). He won the first Espacio Mixtura poetry prize with the book Libreta insomne (Editorial Primero de Mayo, 2019). In 2020, he published Haiku mate (Ediciones del Demiurgo, poetry) co-authored with the Minuan Poet Leonardo de Leon. In 2022, Prosperidad, a hybrid text of poetry, essays, and memoirs, was released by Ginko Ediroia. Recently, by the same publishing house, the book of short stories Michaela Moon y otros tentativas (2023) was published. Part of Avero's work has been translated into English and French. AGUAS/WATERS is the first work in translation from the Washington Writers' Publishing House.

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    AGUAS/WATERS - Miguel Avero

    Praise for Aguas/Waters

    Uruguay is a country full of poetry, more and more available in bilingual editions in the U.S. Now we are lucky to have the wonderful Aguas/ Waters by Miguel Avero in a translation by Jona Colson that moves Avero’s Spanish into fluid and musical English. Avero is a poet of identity, history, and memory and Aguas/Waters is a book that sings, that carries you from the first poem to the last, each alert to the terrible beauty of life.

    –Jesse Lee Kercheval, Editor of América Invertida: An Anthology of Emerging Uruguayan Poets

    Aquí dos libros de Miguel Avero para que el lector angloparlante pueda sumergirse en su poesía. Su inicial, consistente y límpido: Arca de Aserrín. Su doméstico, intertextual y profundo: La Pieza. Un autor, joven en edad y maduro en su escritura, con 7 libros en su haber, que tengo la fortuna de conocer personalmente y leer nuevamente, en esta hidratante selección de Jona Colson. Aquí su obra es un ventanal abierto al ayer que transforma a los lectores en niños mirando el cielo y en adultos esperando al Sol, luego de la lluvia y sus consecuencias. Porque: el cielo nos observa / como a un desnudo abismo, / el agua establece / su hegemonía celeste.

    Here are two books by Miguel Avero that the English-speaking reader can immerse themselves in. His initial, consistent, and limpid: Sawdust Ark. The domestic, intertextual, and profound: The Room. An author, young in age and mature in writing, with seven books to his credit, I am fortunate to know personally and read again, in this hydrating selection by Jona Colson. Here Avero’s work is an open window that transforms readers into children looking at the sky and adults waiting for the sun after the rain because: the sky observes us / like a naked abyss, / water establishes / its celestial hegemony.

    –Javier Etchevarren, Author of Fable of an Inconsolable Man

    A graceful precision is necessary to transport, intact, the wild magic of Miguel Avero’s poetry into English. Jona Colson shows, with his translation of Aguas/Waters that he is gloriously up to the task. The poems in this book wash over the reader with the depth and debris of oceans and the pinpoint stinging of tears. In every man the rain / weaves its argument, they tell us, yet we go on, unable

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