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Chemtrails: ¿Son las estelas químicas parte de una nueva teoría conspirativa o realmente nos están fumigando?
Chemtrails: ¿Son las estelas químicas parte de una nueva teoría conspirativa o realmente nos están fumigando?
Chemtrails: ¿Son las estelas químicas parte de una nueva teoría conspirativa o realmente nos están fumigando?
Libro electrónico36 páginas25 minutos

Chemtrails: ¿Son las estelas químicas parte de una nueva teoría conspirativa o realmente nos están fumigando?

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La mayoría de los expertos afirman que las líneas en el cielo producidas por algunos aviones son estelas de condensación inofensivas; que estas emisiones se han producido desde siempre y que se explican por la interacción de los gases atmosféricos. Sin embargo, diferentes personas en todo el mundo se han visto sorprendidas por la cantidad de tiempo, horas, de permanencia de estas dudosas estelas que se ven como nubes indelebles. Ahora bien, ¿cómo se explica que el análisis de las muestras de estas estelas revele la presencia de aluminio, bario y estroncio? Y lo que es más importante: ¿por qué liberar secretamente sustancias químicas peligrosas, cómo se relaciona esto con el control del clima y la geoingeniería? A lo largo de este libro, varios de los científicos acallados aportarán lo que sus investigaciones demuestran.
EditorialMB Cooltura
Fecha de lanzamiento29 ene 2022
Chemtrails: ¿Son las estelas químicas parte de una nueva teoría conspirativa o realmente nos están fumigando?

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    Chemtrails - James Handen


    Condensation trails or chemical trails?

    Have you been paying attention to the skies lately? Have you ever seen those trails left by small airplanes when they cross the sky over and over again? Have you noticed that these trails persist for hours and spread very slowly? And if we go a little further, have you noticed that the clouds no longer have the shape they used to have, and that they now resemble the patterns of airplane trails? The skies have changed: they are no longer blue and the clouds are no longer white and pompous. Skies are now grayish and the clouds are lines suspended in the air.

    While those who dismiss all danger claim that these trails we see are contrails (condensation trails) and explain it by differences in temperature and humidity, a great number of people claim that they are in fact chemtrails (chemical trails) and that they are part of climate geoengineering programs that governments won’t admit. The issue is controversial and divides waters: there are those who believe that these planes release particles or nanoparticles for specific purposes, and there are those who laugh at what they consider to be another conspiracy theory.

    The chemtrails would be part of what is known as SLAP (secret, large-scale atmospheric spraying program), and its claimants provide analyzes that would demonstrate the existence of nanoparticles of metals such as aluminum, barium and strontium both in soil samples and in air samples taken directly from the alleged contrails. Those exact metals are described in different patents on climate manipulation methods.

    Claimants also affirm that climatic geoengineering is an extremely powerful war weapon, and that governments are perfecting their techniques and methods. Geoengineering is presented as a combination of disciplines that proposes scientific tools to combat the so-called climate change: the solutions they propose are large-scale and so drastic that they would be just last options in case global warming takes us to emergency scenarios. All the geoengineering

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