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Estructura de la magia I (The Structure of Magic I): Lenguage y terapia
Estructura de la magia I (The Structure of Magic I): Lenguage y terapia
Estructura de la magia I (The Structure of Magic I): Lenguage y terapia
Libro electrónico256 páginas4 horas

Estructura de la magia I (The Structure of Magic I): Lenguage y terapia

Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este libro electrónico

Introducción al elemento más importante de la comunicación humana: el lenguaje. Consultado en escuelas de periodismo, comunicación y psicología, este libro es el resultado del análisis del lenguaje natural utilizado en situaciones terapéuticas. Basada en la Gramática Transformacional de Chomsky, esta obra marca el inicio de la Programación Neurolingüística en español.
Fecha de lanzamiento3 abr 1975
Estructura de la magia I (The Structure of Magic I): Lenguage y terapia

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  • Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas

    Apr 26, 2008

    Hmm....I'm not an expert in the development of psychotherapy history, but this book seems to have developed the techniques so familiar to us such as....'what do you mean by do you feel about that....etc. Many authors cite the authors Bandler and Grinder as authorities especially in the fields of NLP and hypnosis, and these books would seem to be important in several psychological areas. Whatever the background and uses of this book, it is incredibly boring and its clinical approach makes it as much fun as a kick in the jewels. But, it is organized as a learning text rather than a fun read, and it seems to be a detailed, comprehensive tool to teach one the techinque of asking "how do you feel about that" is also much more. Bandler and Grinder, developed (?) the idea that a persons conception of the world (thier own personal reality), or model as the authors call it can be analyzed by a therapist, who discovers and unveils deletions, generalizations,and other mental distortions. All this is structurally apparant in the persons grammer, and language patterns. Interesting. I didn't enjoy reading it, but it was a valuable read.

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Estructura de la magia I (The Structure of Magic I) - Richard Bandler

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