Gregory Diehl is the author of multiple Amazon best-selling books on identity development for businesses and individuals. He is also the founder of Identity Publications, an organi...ver másGregory Diehl is the author of multiple Amazon best-selling books on identity development for businesses and individuals. He is also the founder of Identity Publications, an organization that produces and publishes meaningful books containing ideas that matter. Diehl travels to more than 50 countries, enjoys homesteading the valley of Ecuador, and kidnaps felines from streets around the world.
Listen to his podcast, Uncomfortable Conversations With Gregory, or email him at [email protected].ver menos
Desarrollando la Identidad de Marca (Brand Identity Breakthrough): Como Crear una Historia Unica Sobre tu Negocio para Volver Irresistibles tus Productos (Spanish Edition)
Desarrollando la Identidad de Marca: Cómo Crear una Historia Única Sobre tu Negocio para Volver Irresistibles tus Productos [How to Craft Your Company's Unique Story]