Paper 2022/020
PACE: Fully Parallelizable BFT from Reproposable Byzantine Agreement
The classic asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) framework of Ben-Or, Kemler, and Rabin (BKR) and its descendants rely on reliable broadcast (RBC) and asynchronous binary agreement (ABA). However, BKR does not allow all ABA instances to run in parallel, a well-known performance bottleneck. We propose PACE, a generic framework that removes the bottleneck, allowing fully parallelizable ABA instances. PACE is built on RBC and reproposable ABA (RABA). Different from the conventional ABA, RABA allows a replica to change its mind and vote twice. We show how to efficiently build RABA protocols from existing ABA protocols and a new ABA protocol that we introduce. We implement six new BFT protocols: three in the BKR framework, and three in the PACE framework. Via a deployment using 91 replicas on Amazon EC2 across five continents, we show that all PACE instantiations, in both failure-free and failure scenarios, significantly outperform their BKR counterparts, and prior BFT protocols such as BEAT and Dumbo, in terms of latency, throughput, latency vs. throughput, and scalability.
Note: The version only updates acknowledgement and author info.
- Available format(s)
- Publication info
- Published elsewhere. ACM CCS
- Keywords
- asynchronous BFT binary consensus blockchain fault tolerance
- Contact author(s)
haibin @ bit edu cn
duansisi @ mail tsinghua edu cn - History
- 2022-07-03: last of 2 revisions
- 2022-01-08: received
- See all versions
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- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2022/020, author = {Haibin Zhang and Sisi Duan}, title = {{PACE}: Fully Parallelizable {BFT} from Reproposable Byzantine Agreement}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/020}, year = {2022}, url = {} }