Paper 2020/1567

Secure Decentralized Access Control Policy for Data Sharing in Smart Grid

Yadi Ye, Leyou Zhang, Yi Mu, and Wenting You


Smart grid has improved the security, efficiency of the power system and balanced the supply and demand by intelligent management, which enhanced stability and reliability of power grid. The key point to achieve them is real-time data and consume data sharing by using fine-grained policies. But it will bring the leakage of the privacy of the users and losing of control over data for data owners. The reported solutions can not give the best trade-off among the privacy protection, control over the data shared and confidentiality. In addition, they can not solve the problems of large computation overhead and dynamic management such as users’ revocation. This paper aims at these problems and proposes a decentralized attribute-based data sharing scheme. The proposed scheme ensures the secure sharing of data while removing the central authority and hiding user’s identity information. It uses attribute-based signcryption(ABSC) to achieve data confidentiality and authentication. Under this model, attribute-based encryption gives the access policies for users and keeps the data confidentiality, and the attribute-based signature is used for authentication of the primary ciphertextintegrity. It is more efficient than ”encrypt and then sign” or ”sign and then encrypt”. In addition, the proposed scheme enables user’s revocation and public verifiability. Under the random oracle model, the security and the unforgeability against adaptive chosen message attack are demonstrated.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Attribute based signcryptionDecentralized attribute based encryptionSmart grid
Contact author(s)
yeyadi @ yeah net
2450803404 @ qq com
2020-12-21: revised
2020-12-17: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Yadi Ye and Leyou Zhang and Yi Mu and Wenting You},
      title = {Secure Decentralized Access Control Policy for Data Sharing in Smart Grid},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/1567},
      year = {2020},
      url = {}
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