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IGemStudents in lab


IGemStudents in lab

How will you impact the future of engineering?

Student at Teodorescu Lab

When you give to the Baskin School of Engineering, you become part of our bold vision for the future. Your investment allows us to deliver an experiential education to students who learn alongside visionary researchers at one of the world’s most respected public research universities.

Partner with us to plan for the future while making a difference today. Baskin Engineering leverages philanthropic donations to seed novel research, enhance the student learning experience, and support STEM outreach programs that promote a diverse pipeline of young engineering talent.

Reducing Financial Barriers

We are creating educational equity and building generational potential by providing financial support for students.

Fund First-Generation Engineering Scholarships

Research with Impact

Engineers have the power to create new things and the responsibility to use our knowledge for good. Our research outcomes are impactful, accessible, and innovative.

Support engineering research

Beyond the Classroom

By providing experiential learning and real world engineering projects, we are launching the innovators, problem solvers, and leaders of tomorrow.

Help build the new Slugworks creators’ space

students walking on Baskin campus

Navigating University Life

Many of our students are the first in their families to attend college, often arriving from under-resourced high schools. To support their success, Baskin Engineering ensures these students receive inclusive mentoring and academic support.

Support the MESA Engineering Program

Amplifying Opportunity

Enhancing student success through philanthropy

Higher education is the single most important influence on a person’s socioeconomic mobility. UC Santa Cruz takes a holistic approach to student success—fostering an environment that nurtures health and well being, social capital, and academic achievement. We’re launching tomorrow’s innovators, risk-takers, and leaders.

Find out about the to the Student Success Initiative

Contact Our Development Team

The development office supports Baskin Engineering’s educational and research efforts through fundraising activities and by promoting relationships with our corporate partners.

Mary Alice Sims

  • Title
    • Executive Director of Development, Baskin Engineering
  • Phone
    • (831) 239-0027
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Mary Alice Sims

Alexandria M Leckliter

Profile picture of Alexandria M Leckliter

Shanice Cecilia Fernandez

Profile picture of Shanice Cecilia Fernandez