Priority 2030

The Priority 2030 program, ran by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, aims to concentrate resources to help universities contribute to the national goals of Russia for 2030, increase their academic potential, and involve them in local and regional territorial development.
The objective of Priority 2030 is to shape 100 innovative modern universities – centers of technological and socioeconomic development of the nation.
There are two tracks in the project – the Territorial / Industrial Leadership track and the Research Leadership track. As of 2023, there are 31 leading universities listed in the former and 17 universities in the latter. KFU is part the Territorial / Industrial leadership group.
Currently, there are two tiers of grant funding – general (100 million rubles) and special (up to 1 billion rubles, depending on the competition results).
The first disbursal session took place in 2021, and Kazan University successfully obtained both the general grant of 100 million rubles and the Territorial Leadership grant of 994 million rubles. The same was achieved in 2022.
The participants’ progress will be re-evaluated each year, and institutions may be both added to or eliminated from the program.
Kazan Federal University listed five strategic projects for inclusion in the Priority 2030 program. The projects and their main objectives are as follows:
Name of project | Main objectives |
Genomic and post-genomic technology of health preservation and development of biological literacy for sustainable development | 1. Increasing biological literacy through various types of programs with extensive use of digital resources 2. Development, testing and implementation of innovative techniques of forecasting and prevention of common socially important ailments; personalized drug efficacy and safety; introduction of personalized treatments 3. Development, testing and implementation of innovative techniques of personalized health monitoring of psychological and somatic health, including distance technology 4. Development, testing and implementation of methodologies of healthy nutrition and food safety and exposome safety, which includes biological and physical characteristics of the environment |
Russia’s energy transition: balancing the natural potential and the global trends | 1. Development and implementation of hydrogen energy technologies based on rational utilization of natural resources and existing hydrocarbon infrastructure 2. Development and implementation of monitoring technology for emission and absorption of climate-defining gases, models of carbon turnover in natural and anthropogenic environments 3. Development and implementation of nature-like technologies of carbon sequestration with existing natural resources and hydrocarbon infrastructure 4. Accumulation, generation and dissemination of knowledge about green energy and carbon footprint management in the industry |
Digital studies of materials | 1. Development, testing and implementation of techniques of CAD of materials for targeted search and synthesis of materials with predictable properties 2. Synthesis of new medical materials 3. Search for new nanomaterials and metamaterials for electronics, technologies for their production; designing of devices based on such materials 4. Materials and technologies for sensors – technologies of digital materials for functional devices in precision medical diagnostics |
Meta-platform solutions for IT, artificial intelligence and cyber-physical systems | 1. Attaining leadership in development, testing and implementation of AI technological and meta-computational architectures 2. Development, testing and implementation of digital platform solutions in new coding instruments, studies of digital artifacts of programming, digital doubles and classic AI technologies in various industries 3. Shaping technological foregrounds in digital transformation of the industry through special robotic platforms, robotization systems, and individualized production 4. Development, testing and implementation of cyber-physical systems in various industries and implementation of the results of space research 5. Introducing progress-oriented IT education through STEM -> STEAM -> STREAM methodologies; ensuring a full digital literacy and data literacy for all students through special courses and projects |
Evidence-based technology and platform solutions for human potential in light of new socioeconomic challenges | 1. Shaping a world-leading system of teacher education and professional development for a multicultural educational environment based on interdisciplinary research of education and network cooperation 2. Development, testing and implementation of a group of interdisciplinary technologies and platform solutions for personal growth, enhancement of language studies and inclusive education 3. Development and implementation of comprehensive technologies of protection of traditional spiritual, historical and cultural values and material heritage; ensuring a safe educational environment in the context of national priorities and sustainable development of Russia and its regions 4. Development and introduction of new analytical and methodological instruments of monitoring and forecasting of the influence of human potential characteristics on socioeconomic development |