Despite these apparent inconsistencies, and after the town of Dudley declined to exercise its right of first refusal for the land that accompanied its preferential agricultural tax status, Wayne Morse signed the purchase and sale, the
warranty deed and farm lease agreement because he relied on Mr.
1979) (grantee could not recover under covenant of seizin in
warranty deed because statute of limitations had run, and could not recover under covenant of warranty because grantee had not been ousted by holder of paramount title).
In the interest of equity, a subsequent purchaser should only take on the burden of a violation if she has so agreed.(20) However, the law currently holds an unsuspecting buyer potentially liable even if a general
warranty deed was obtained and exhaustive investigative measures were taken.(21)
Chrisman, citing the original
warranty deed of Eugene Skinner, ordered the City Hall, which had been in place since 1875, and the jail to be removed.
In connection with this reshuffling of debt was a
warranty deed executed in June 2014 between Matthews Management and WM Capital.
Students are taught the difference between a general
warranty deed, a special
warranty deed, a bargain and sale deed, and quit claim deed.
In the event of a quit claim deed, a lapse of time or lawsuit may be necessary to assure quiet title for resale with a
warranty deed. This contrasts with arm's-length market sales, which typically transfer with a
warranty deed, insured title, and, in many states, seller disclosures.
Rather, the contract provided that the property would be conveyed by
warranty deed, "subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements of record; subject also to zoning and environmental protection laws; any existing tenancies;...