tire iron

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Related to tire irons: Tyre levers

tire iron

[′tīr ‚ī·ərn]
(design engineering)
A single metal bar having bladelike ends of various shapes to insert between the rim and the bead of a pneumatic tire to remove or replace the tire.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The fight got ugly when the suff dudes pulled out tire irons from their cars and wanted to take it to the next level.
Big bushy gray hair, brushed out flat with barbed wire and tire irons. Long frizzy ropes yanked from below his ear, rappelled up the side and thrown across the top, then lacquered down.
And by tools, I mean shovels for gardening, mops for cleaning, cooking without a microwave and tire irons for that unexpected flat.
This particular dragon, which carried a price tag of $3,500, had a jaw made from a trailer hitch, an oil-barrel body and a mill-chain tail, with tire irons, a plow blade, a hayloft pulley, exhaust pipes and other metal objects completing the effect.