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Alfarache, Guzmán de
picaresque, peripatetic thief; lived by unscrupulous wits. [Span. Lit.: The Life of Guzman de Alfarache]
Armstrong, Johnnie
Scottish Robin Hood; robbed only the English. [Br. Hist.: Walsh Classical, 31–32]
Artful Dodger
tricky thief; pupil of Fagin. [Br. Lit.: Dickens Oliver Twist]
master robber. [Gk. Myth.: Leach, 96]
thief released instead of Jesus to appease crowd. [N.T.: Matthew 27:16–26; Mark 15:7–15; John 18:40]
Vulcan’s three-headed, thieving son. [Rom. Myth.: Benét, 154]
accomplished criminal; swindles, forges, and steals. [Br. Lit.: Great Expectations]
Crackit, Toby
a housebreaker; burglarizes Chertsey. [Br. Lit.: Oliver Twist]
Dawkins, John
London pickpocket and thief. [Br. Lit.: Oliver Twist]
he trained young boys to become thieves. [Br. Lit.: Oliver Twist]
Gradgrind, Tom
thief; robbed Bounderby’s Bank. [Br. Lit.: Hard Times]
Hood, Robin
took from the rich and gave to the poor. [Br. Lit.: Robin Hood]
Knave of Hearts
“stole the tarts” made by Queen of Hearts. [Nurs. Rhyme: Baring Gould, 152]
Lockhart, Jamie
a backwoods bandit with heroic qualities, chosen by a rich planter to be his daughter’s husband. [Am. Lit.: Eudora Welty The Robber Bridegroom in Weiss, 124]
sheep stealer succeeds by waiting till the shepherds fall asleep. [Br. Lit.: The Second Shepherd’s Play]
god of thieves. [Gk. Myth.: Wheeler, 240]
Clerks slang for thieves. [Br. Usage: Brewer Hand-book, 754; Br. Lit.: I Henry IV; II Henry IV]
humorous thief and rogue. [Br. Lit.: Merry Wives of Windsor; Henry V]
leading Victorian criminal-hero. [Br. Lit.: Herman, 19–20]
Sikes, Bill
Fagin’s thieving associate. [Br. Lit.: Oliver Twist]
Welshman who “stole a piece of beef.” [Nurs. Rhyme: Baring Gould, 72–73]
Turpin, Dick
(1706–1739) English housebreaker and highway-man. [Br. Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 1108]
Valentine, Jimmy
a romanticized burglar. [Am. Lit: Alias Jimmy Valentine, Espy, 337]
Valjean, Jean
stole a loaf of bread; sentenced to 19 years in jail. [Fr. Lit.: Les Misérables]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Another example was a pastor friend resident in Ashaiman, who was caught by the ECG for electricity thievery. I could go on and cite many more instances, but so that I do not bore you with them, let me blow your mind with the staggering data on illegal electricity connection.
Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) General Manager Ijaz Ahmed said that gas thievery worth around Rs 3 billion was caught last year and as many as 2600 customers were reported to be using the gas illegally.
Karzai has been regularly accused of prosecuting low-level graft while ignoring massive thievery on the part of friends or powerful allies.
All worshippers expect their shoes to be stolen, even during Ramadan." More than once, Haithm Al-Salwi's shoes were exposed to thievery.
We are aware of some thievery by - of all things- crows.
In turn, this information can serve a range of uses, from sanitary certification and breeding to geographic positioning, regulatory compliance, risk management, thievery prevention and product traceback for food safety.
HE continuing uncertainty in the streets of cities, Ttowns and villages across England ought to act as a spur to those opposed to looting, thievery and arson.
Predictably, the how-to guide to thievery proved controversial, Rachel Shteir recounts in The Steal: A Cultural istory of Shoplifting (Penguin).
Summary: For a self-professed (and self-deluded) man of the people, Moammar Gadhafi has, over more than four decades of thievery and oppression, amassed an obscene amount of money.
SELECTIONS BRIGHTON: 2.00 Timeteam, 2.30 Labore, 3.05 High On The Hog, 3.35 Maywood, 4.05 FIRE KING (NAP), 4.40 Catbells, 5.10 Firehawk CARLISLE: 2.20 Scriptwriter, 2.55 King Penda, 3.25 Lord Larsson, 3.55 Rubipresent, 4.30 Stagecoach Amber, 5.00 Aztec Treasure, 5.30 Floraclock KEMPTON: 5.40 Chevise, 6.10 Living It Large, 6.40 Thundering Home, 7.10 Stoical, 7.40 Beauchamp Xiara, 8.10 Modun, 8.40 Slikback Jack, 9.10 Slugger O'Toole LUDLOW: 2.10 Caracal, 2.40 Twentynineblack, 3.15 Bollywood, 3.45 Dormouse, 4.15 Autumn Red, 4.50 Thievery, 5.20 Scoter Fontaine THURLES: 2.15 Scholars Mate, 2.45 Not Before Eight, 3.20 Sang Bleu, 3.50 Sarsfields Legend, 4.20 The Shepherd King, 4.55 Aitmatov, 5.25 New Town Bay DOUBLE: Fire King and Thievery
TOMORROW'S TIPS BRIGHTON: 2.00 Timeteam, 2.30 Labore, 3.05 High On The Hog, 3.35 Maywood, 4.05 FIRE KING (NAP), 4.40 Catbells, 5.10 Firehawk CARLISLE: 2.20 Scriptwriter, 2.55 King Penda, 3.25 Lord Larsson, 3.55 Rubipresent, 4.30 Stagecoach Amber, 5.00 Aztec Treasure, 5.30 Floraclock KEMPTON: 5.40 Chevise, 6.10 Living It Large, 6.40 Thundering Home, 7.10 Stoical, 7.40 Beauchamp Xiara, 8.10 Modun, 8.40 Slikback Jack, 9.10 Slugger O'Toole LUDLOW: 2.10 Caracal, 2.40 Twentynineblack, 3.15 Bollywood, 3.45 Dormouse, 4.15 Autumn Red, 4.50 Thievery, 5.20 Scoter Fontaine DOUBLE: Fire King and Thievery