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Related to sycophants: obsequiously
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in the apparent original usage of the word in ancient Greece, a person who informed on the illegal export of figs from Attica. As early as the second half of the fifth century B.C. the word “sycophant” had entered everyday speech and acquired a broader meaning. In Athens and other Greek poleis it was applied to professional informers, slanderers, and blackmailers who gathered compromising information on influential citizens in order to bring them to court and thus settle political scores or receive a bribe or part of the property confiscated from the convicted person.


Lofberg.J.O. Sycophancy in Athens. Chicago, 1917.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
'Pero ito naman ang warning sa sycophants: Presidents come and go.
As this begins to become apparent, sycophants will pounce.
Egyptian hypocrites and sycophants are adept at occupying key positions and competing with one another to voice insincere, fabricated narratives.
Unfortunately, soon after the death of Quaid-i-Azam, the image of an honest, upright man who hated the company of sycophants, faded and one ruler after another disregarded the example of a good leader giving precedence to self and family over the country.
Reacting to developments in the SP meeting, spokesperson for the UP Congress Dwijendra Tripathi asked, " Who has Warns his son and UP CM Akhilesh Yadav against succumbing to pressure of sycophants
He appoints sycophants to senior and strategic positions within the club.
DOES Channel 4 only employ sycophants? When the Queen's horse won the Ascot Gold Cup, every member of the Racing team voiced their great joy with Her Majesty's latest million pound sporting triumph.
Could this be why sycophancy is so prevalent in this part of the world, with many top posts occupied by sycophants (or chameleons) rather than true leaders?
One of the most notable contrasts in the characters of Atlas Shrugged is the stark differences in the "Jim Taggarts" (the government sycophants) and the "Francisco D'Anconias" (true free-market-government types in Galt's Gulch, as the Constitution would have it be).
But the sycophants and the stalkers aren't kidding anyone.