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maritime city whose inhabitants were known proverbially for their stupidity. [Gk. Folklore: Benét, 2]
inhabitants of rural Greek district; considered by Athenians to be dolts. [Gk. Folklore: Brewer Dictionary, 124]
mythical place inhabited by amiable simpletons. [Jew. Folklore: Rosten, 84]
chooses cuckoo’s singing over nightingale’s. [Ger. Folk-lore and Poetry: Brentano and Arnim, Des Knaben Wunderhorn; NCE, 363]
Dull, Anthony
archexample of stupidity. [Br. Lit.: Love’s Labour’s Lost]
ignorant, blundering constable. [Br. Lit.: Measure for Measure]
a baker, foolish to the point of saintliness, is cuckolded and mocked, becomes a Wandering Jew. [Jewish Lit.: Singer Gimpel the Fool in Weiss, 174]
Mendel, Menachem
hopeless schlemiel who devises impossible enterprises. [Yid. Lit.: Sholem Aleichem in Haydn & Fuller, 685]
symbol of foolishness. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 176]
Simple Simon
simpleton of bumptious ways. [Nurs. Rhyme: Opie, 385]
“though well-landed, an idiot.” [Br. Lit.: Merry Wives of Windsor]
Smith, Knucklehead
dummy with self-referring name. [TV: “Winchell and Mahoney” in Terrace, II, 190–192]
Snerd, Mortimer
a real dummy. [Radio: “The Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show” in Buxton, 76–77]
simpleton; made gapingstock by all. [Br. Lit.: Every Man in His Humour]
three wise men of Gotham
fools momentarily afloat in a light bowl. [Nuns. Rhyme: Opie, 193]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
A practical definition of stupidity is this: Knowing what is wrong, seeing what is wrong, hearing what is wrong, feeling what is wrong, but continuing to defer to the perpetrators of these wrongs
History and all that it can teach is absolutely useless to those inflicted with stupidity. And not only history but any fact or truth will be rendered helpless against those who resist intelligence and cling tightly to stupidity.
The other day I was walking down the footpath on the main road in Bromsgrove and I could not believe the stupidity that I witnessed.
'It's plain stupidity to call for legalized smuggling of products.
"To dump them and to destroy their training is an act of crass stupidity."
One woman, who took a picture said: "I couldn't believe the sheer stupidity of what I was seeing.
Network Rail called for an end to the "entirely avoidable stupidity of lorry drivers who crash into bridges because they don't know the height of their vehicles".
"God willing, this litany of stupidity will be the epitaph of the Haqqani network," he said.
Surely this stupidity is encouraging criminality on roads.
One can admire in all its grandeur not only the stupidity the proposal contains but also the political schizophrenia that reigns in the camp of the so-called in-between space.