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See also Dimwittedness, Ignorance.
Abderamaritime city whose inhabitants were known proverbially for their stupidity. [Gk. Folklore: Benét, 2]
inhabitants of rural Greek district; considered by Athenians to be dolts. [Gk. Folklore: Brewer Dictionary, 124]
mythical place inhabited by amiable simpletons. [Jew. Folklore: Rosten, 84]
chooses cuckoo’s singing over nightingale’s. [Ger. Folk-lore and Poetry: Brentano and Arnim, Des Knaben Wunderhorn; NCE, 363]
archexample of stupidity. [Br. Lit.: Love’s Labour’s Lost]
ignorant, blundering constable. [Br. Lit.: Measure for Measure]
a baker, foolish to the point of saintliness, is cuckolded and mocked, becomes a Wandering Jew. [Jewish Lit.: Singer Gimpel the Fool in Weiss, 174]
hopeless schlemiel who devises impossible enterprises. [Yid. Lit.: Sholem Aleichem in Haydn & Fuller, 685]
symbol of foolishness. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 176]
simpleton of bumptious ways. [Nurs. Rhyme: Opie, 385]
“though well-landed, an idiot.” [Br. Lit.: Merry Wives of Windsor]
dummy with self-referring name. [TV: “Winchell and Mahoney” in Terrace, II, 190–192]
a real dummy. [Radio: “The Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show” in Buxton, 76–77]
simpleton; made gapingstock by all. [Br. Lit.: Every Man in His Humour]
fools momentarily afloat in a light bowl. [Nuns. Rhyme: Opie, 193]
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