standard measure

standard measure

[′stan·dərd ′mezh·ər]
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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So, with a gulf between him and the good company of about a foot in width, standard measure, Mrs Plornish's father was handsomely regaled.
Dear consumer 'if you are in doubt of the quantity of fuel purchased, demand a cross-check of the delivery status of the pump with the 10 litre standard measure certified by the Ghana Standards Authority at the station'.
STANDARD MEASURE To factor health status into the comparison across nations, the researchers used a standard measure known as the "body-mass index", or BMI, based on height and weight.
The primary endpoint of this trial is improvement in lung function with RPL554 vs placebo, as measured by peak forced expired volume in one second (FEV1), a standard measure of exhaled breath volume to evaluate respiratory function.
it is recommended that air pollution must not exceed 80 microgram per cubic meter as per standard measure but if same exceeded to 200 microgram per cubic meter in multiple areas then this condition is known to be as Smog.
The findings were based on scores from a standard measure of depressive symptoms called the Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ).
Because there is no standard definition or standard measure, a Whole Grains Summit was held in 2015, comprising representatives from academia, non-profit organizations, industry, and government, to discuss and help develop appropriate guidelines.
San Francisco Zoo staff previously used a 9-point body condition scale based on the classic bird standard of a single point of keel palpation with the bird restrained in hand, with no standard measure of reference assigned to each scoring category.
For more than 30 years, Logistics Management's Quest for Quality has been highly regarded as the standard measure of customer satisfaction and performance excellence.
FICO's innovative solutions include the FICO[R] Score, the standard measure of consumer credit risk in the United States, along with the industry-leading solutions for managing credit accounts, identifying and minimizing the impact of fraud, and customizing consumer offers with pinpoint accuracy.
In the absence of a standard measure, the Delhi government's weights and measures department has been unable to take to task restaurants and pubs that under-serve wine.
That's one glass of beer and one standard measure of spirits.

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