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a means of access consisting of stairs; staircase or flight of steps
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(civil engineering)
One or more flights of stairs connected by landings.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. A flight of stairs, or a series of such flights, including supports, handrails, and framework.
2. The structure containing a flight of stairs.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The time-of-accessibility in Table 2 is used to control the evacuation availability of the VCEs; for example, stairway P4 is 14 seconds and P2 and P5 are 30 seconds.
The plaintiff slipped and fell on ice in a dark stairway outside her father's apartment house and broke her leg.
"By considering the Applicants' newly-submitted stairway plan, the Board condoned the Applicants' amending their application during the hearing.
Plant, born in West Bromwich, recalled how he wrote the lyrics to Stairway To Heaven after Page had played some of the song to him at the country manor house Headley Grange in Hampshire.
The earliest surviving recording of Stairway To Heaven and the final 1971 track were played to the court.
Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, in testimony earlier in the seven-day copyright infringement trial, said the riff was commonly used long before its appearance on American band Spirit's 1967 song "Taurus" and before "Stairway to Heaven."
A judge said Stairway and the 1967 instrumental Taurus by the band Spirit were similar enough for a trial to decide whether Plant and Page were guilty of copyright infringement.
With the help of children's rights advocates assembled by the Jorgensens, the beneficiaries were moved away from the concrete jungle to the breezy Stairway facility in Barangay Aninuan, Puerto Galera.
Stairway was named as a loss payee and there was a contract between Steinway, Eidos, and Ironshore assigning the right to make claim under the policy to Steinway.
Summary: Defendant pulled hairdresser from lift to building's stairway where he forced her to have sex
Eleven years after starring in the hit Korean drama "Stairway to Heaven," hallyu stars Choi Ji Woo and Kwon Sang Woo may reunite on TV.