(redirected from spodding)Also found in: Dictionary.
(chat)(Great Britain) A lower form of life found on chat
systems and MUDs. The spod has few friends in RL and uses
chat instead, finding communication easier and preferable over
the net. He has all the negative traits of the computer geek without having any interest in computers per se.
Lacking any knowledge of, or interest in, how networks work,
and considering his access a God-given right, he is a major
irritant to sysadmins, clogging up lines in order to reach
new MUDs, following passed-on instructions on how to sneak
his way onto Internet ("Wow! It's in America!") and
complaining when he is not allowed to use busy routes. A true
spod will start any conversation with "Are you male or
female?" (and follow it up with "Got any good
numbers/IDs/passwords?") and will not talk to someone
physically present in the same terminal room until they log
onto the same computer that he is using and enter chat.
Compare newbie, tourist, weenie, twink, terminal junkie, dweeb.
Compare newbie, tourist, weenie, twink, terminal junkie, dweeb.
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