sliding pair

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sliding pair

[′slīd·iŋ ′per]
(mechanical engineering)
Two adjacent links, one of which is constrained to move in a particular path with respect to the other; the lower, or closed, pair is completely constrained by the design of the links of the pair.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Sliding pairs of materials are measured using contact pressure and sliding speed (PV = load/projected area * velocity).
Simoes chipped and rolled over the sliding pair on the edge of the area and followed the ball in as it bobbled over the line.
Over half a million patients receive artificial joint replacements annually, and practically all the replacements consist of a sliding pair represented by a polymer (UHMWPE) and a hard counterface (metal or ceramic).