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1. either of two large flat triangular bones, one on each side of the back part of the shoulder in man
2. the corresponding bone in most vertebrates
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


The large, flat, triangular bone forming the back of the shoulder. Also known as shoulder blade.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



the flat triangular bone adjacent to the posterolateral surface of the thoracic wall and vertically occupying the space between the second and seventh ribs.

The upper margin of the scapula has a notch through which blood vessels pass. The outer corner has an oval depression, the glenoid cavity, for articulation with the head of the humerus. The articular surface passes through the neck and into the shaft of the scapula. There is a tuberosity above and below the glenoid cavity to which the heads of the shoulder muscles (triceps and biceps) are attached. The spine of the scapula passes obliquely along the posterior surface of the bone and ends in the acromial process, which has a platform for articulation with the clavicle. The coracoid process, at the outer corner of the scapula, serves for the attachment of the pectoralis minor and coracobrachialis muscles and the short head of the biceps.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
For whitetails, I personally want a bullet that will upset with immediate shocking effect for those perfect broadside shots into the heart-lung area, yet also have maximum weight retention for deep penetration to the vitals through shoulder bone. If you can't figure out from that what my own choice is, you haven't been reading very carefully.
But after having that song stuck in my head all day, what I do know is this: "The leg bone's connected to the hip bone, the hip bone's connected to the back bone, the backbone's connected to the shoulder bone" - and I wouldn't want to be without any of those connections.
Eddery, set to be out of action for at least another fortnight while a broken shoulder bone heals, added: "Ben Casey is a tricky horse.
After being taken to a nearby French military hospital, Nakano, who sustained a fractured pelvis, will be transferred overseas for an operation, and Mochizuki, with shoulder bone fracture, will also be moved to another country for more checkups, hospital officials said.
Beddau will be without influential player-coach Brett Davey for Saturday's Konica Minolta Cup tie with Llantwit Fardre after he suffered a chipped shoulder bone against Brynmawr.
Beddau will be without coach Brett Davey in Saturday's cup tie after he suffered a chipped shoulder bone, but they defeated bottom club Brynmawr 59-0 with tries by Chris Jones (two), Andy Bird (two), Dan Palk, Dean Barnes, Rob Downes, Owen Thomas and Glen Slater with Steve Robinson converting seven of the tries.
New wing, Joe Ewens, has damaged a shoulder bone and this means a reshuffle of the outside backs.
His troubles began on October 19 when he fell off a chair and broke the shoulder bone.
When Detroit's great preacher Dynamo Campbell, one of my favorites, came for revival, he took us down into the Valley of Dry Bones with Ezekiel, where God asked, "Mortal, can these bones live?" and Ezekiel and Dynamo answered, "O Lord God, You know." With excitement, we collectively experienced God breathing life into and connecting those dry bones limb by limb as Dynamo strutted up and down the aisle connecting the neck bone to the shoulder bone and the hip bone to the thigh bone and the leg bone to the ankle bone and the ankle bone to the foot bone and we all emerged invigorated new people.
Because of exertion or overuse, one or more of the tendons may be "impinged" upon--that is, compressed and irritated--by the shoulder bone, resulting in inflammation and possibly microscopic or even larger tears.
James Aubrey suffered three broken ribs, a chipped shoulder bone and bruising to his head in the assault.