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any crassulaceous rock plant of the genus Sedum, having thick fleshy leaves and clusters of white, yellow, or pink flowers
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a genus of plants of the family Crassulaceae. The plants include herbs and some subshrubs and shrubs. The leaves are succulent, entire, sessile, and usually alternate. The regular and bisexual flowers are commonly in corymbose inflorescences. The fruit commonly contains five follicles.

There are about 500 species of Sedum, distributed in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere, primarily in Eurasia. A few species are encountered in southern Africa and South America. The USSR has about 55 species, growing in arid sandy regions, on rocky slopes, and on cliffs. The most common species is the orpine (S. telephium; formerly S. purpureum,) a perennial with thickened roots and with red or, occasionally, whitish flowers. The orpine grows in meadows, thickets, and clearings in pine forests; it also grows as a weed along the edges of cultivated fields. It is easily propagated with cuttings from the stems and roots.

S. acre is found on sandy soils in the European SSSR, the Caucasus, and southwestern parts of western Siberia. It is an excellent nectariferous plant, but its sap causes burning and reddening of human skin. The young shoots and leaves of the orpine, S. caucasicum, and S. album may be used in salads and for pickling. Many species of Sedum are cultivated as ornamentals for gardens, the home, and greenhouses.


Atlas lekarstvennykh rastenii SSSR. Moscow, 1962.
Kott, S. A. Sornye rasteniia i bor’ba s nimi, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1961.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
In Long Jump boys' competitions, Huzaifa of Sedum School Islamabad was first while Khuram Shahzad of NTCSP and Ammar Shahid of Mangla stood second.
Partner bronze fennel with rust coloured Verbascum Clementine, dark red-leaved sedums and Verbena bonariensis and cut off seedheads to prevent them becoming a nuisance.
What does it do: Other members of this family may be eaten as a famine food and have a variety of medicinal uses but this one, according to Culpepper, 'is directly opposite to other Sedums, and more likely to raise inflammations that cure them' but this did not prevent him prescribing it for scurvy (Vitamin C deficiency), The King's Evil (tuberculosis) and other scrofulous afflictions.
INNOVATIVE: The proposed distillery will include a living roof planted with sedum, intended to minimise the visual impact on nearby homes
Sempervivum 'Rubin' provides a pop of colour with its dark maroon rosettes and Sedum 'Coral Carpet' is a lovely fresh green.
There are several selections of Sedum spectabile, including one with pure white flowers called Sedum spectabile 'Iceberg'.
You can buy six sedum for pounds 9.95 (one each of the above six varieties) or 12 for pounds 19.90 (two each of six varieties) and receive a further pack of six free.
Species Abbreviation Hylotelephium spectabile HS Hylotelephium verticillatum HV Saxifraga granulata SG Sedum acre SA Sedum album SAL Sedum ellacombianum SE Sedum floriferum SF Sedum kamtschaticum SK Sedum pulchellum SP Sedum reflexum SR Sedum sexangulare SS Sedum spurium 'Coccineum' SSC In order to sample plant species, lightweight metal point-counting frames (3 ft by 3 ft) were constructed in the Mechanical Engineering Department on campus; each frame was drilled with pairs of holes perpendicular to the edge of the frame at 3-inch intervals.
Al igual que Sedum morganianum, existen otros miembros de Crassulaceae descritos a partir de plantas de cultivo, de las que se desconocia su habitat silvestre, y que posteriormente se encontraron en su ambiente natural; tal es el caso de Graptopetalum superbum (Kimnach) Acevedo-Rosas, G.
For verandah and wall decoration, succulents like sedum, aporocactus, ceropegia, zygocactus and epiphyllum grown in hanging baskets or wall baskets can look very attractive.
Washington, September 4 (ANI): Scientists have carried out a study to determine the effect of the success of the growth of the sedum plant on "green" roofs.