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Rugby the act or method of restarting play after an infringement when the two opposing packs of forwards group together with heads down and arms interlocked and push to gain ground while the scrum half throws the ball in and the hookers attempt to scoop it out to their own team. A scrum is usually called by the referee (set scrum) but may be formed spontaneously (loose scrum)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


An agile software development methodology developed by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland in the mid-1990s. Scrum is based on a "Sprint," which is typically a 30-day period for delivering a working part of the system. Each Sprint starts with a two to three-hour planning session that includes the customer (product owner), the facilitator (Scrum master) and the cross-functional team. The customer describes the highest priority in the backlog, and after the team agrees on how much of it to do, it is left alone to do it. To keep the team synchronized, there is a 15-minute meeting every day. At the end of the Sprint, the results are delivered and reviewed, and the next Sprint is started.

Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) Work Well Together
Scrum projects support the use of any software engineering discipline. However, since XP (Extreme Programming) and Scrum share many core practices, Scrum and XP integrate well together.

The name comes from the sport of rugby, where a scrum is the mechanism for getting the ball moving after it has gone out of play. For more information, visit See agile software development and XP.
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A model was proposed that consisted of mapping the PP and REQM KPAs of CMMI for Scrum. A research model and design of the proposed mapping approach is given in fig-1.
* How effective was the Scrum activity and lecture?
There should be a rule in this type of case which would allow the 'victims' to say to the referee they want the offending front-rower to stay on and be able to nominate another opposition player to serve the sin-binning, so there could be scrums.
DMLSS Service Operations Manager Brenda Norris accepted the challenge and immediately adapted the Scrum model to the 40-member DMLSS project team by forming a "Scrum of Scrums" meeting made up of representatives of each of the six smaller Scrum groups, which continue their usual cadence and daily stand-ups.
The basic purpose of conducting the case study is to build a system following the Scrum methodology.
They opted for the scrummage but were then penalised by referee Sara Cox for dropping the scrum.
Chairman of the Board Harvey Wheaton and Scrum Alliance CEO Manny Gonzalez will also attend and speak to participants.
Australian referee Steve Walsh hammered the English scrum, peppering them with penalties that gave Wales a grip on the game they never relinquished in what became a record 30-3 victory.
The first used definition of Scrum, a word that comes from rugby football, was "a flexible, holistic product development strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal" as opposed to a "traditional, sequential approach." (11)