salt-affected soil

salt-affected soil

[′sȯlt i¦fek·təd ′sȯil]
A general term for a soil that is not suitable for the growth of crops because of an excess of salts, exchangeable sodium, or both.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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This may lead to build up of Na+ and Cl- in plant tissues, and may convert the fertile soil to a salt-affected soil.
Remediation of salt-affected soil by gypsum and farmyard manure importance for the production of Jasmine rice.
Reuse of saline water and amelioration of salt-affected soil is becoming an increasingly vital tool to improve crop production and has created extra farm land which has saved fresh water resources.
One of the major reasons for low productivity of crops grown on salt-affected soil is the salt toxicity and poor soil properties [1].
Also, past research by ASABE members showed that subsurface drip irrigation of processing tomatoes is highly profitable compared to other irrigation methods in the salt-affected soil along the west side of the San Joaquin Valley, a water-short area.
Super Basmati) under naturally salt-affected soil having pH=8.32; ECe=6.41 d/S m; SAR=26.71 [([mmol.sub.c]/L).sup.1/2] at the farm of Soil Salinity Research Institute, Pindi Bhattian during 2013.
Rice productivity and soil health as affected by wheat residue incorporation along with nitrogen starter dose under salt-affected soil. Pak.
It can grow in marshy and salt-affected soil preferring sandy soils with warm sunny position.