repetitive element

repetitive element

[rə′ped·əd·iv ′el·ə·mənt]
(industrial engineering)
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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In addition, repetitive element analysis was conducted, and cDNA SSR and SNP loci were identified for future marker development and genetic analysis.
Multiple linear regression, model-based clustering methods, and gene set enrichment analysis examined the association between birth weight percentile, demographic variables, and repetitive element methylation and gene-associated CpG locus methylation.
Because the repetitive sequence density is higher in the human and mouse than in cattle, the variation of repetitive element frequency per gene in human and mouse is high.
Liz says: 'It was never a problem for me but I know the repetitive element of training can become quite boring for some people.
Analysis of repetitive element DNA methylation by MethyLight.
Automated repetitive element PCR, conducted with the DiversiLab system (bioMerieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France) (6) showed a genetic relatedness of isolates from the 2 patients of [less than or equal to] 81.1% (5 band differences), which indicated independent clones.
It is precisely the serialized image that can be placed anywhere, because it is based on a repetitive element, it can be adapted to any space, in part reviving its specific and individual identity.
We estimated changes in repetitive element DNA methylation associated with ambient particles (particulate matter [less than or equal to] 2.5 [Micro]m in aerodynamic diameter), black carbon (BC), and sulfates ([SO.sub.4]), with mixed models.
Molecular fingerprinting of Legionella species by repetitive element PCR.
cosmeticum was evaluated by analysis of large restriction fragments with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (1) and by repetitive element PCR (3).
In the present study we found an association between patella lead levels (a biomarker of cumulative lead exposure) with LINE-1 repetitive element methylation.

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