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Botany lying or creeping along the ground; reptant
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Of a stem, creeping along the ground and rooting at the nodes.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Augustine repented and began following Christ as closely as he could.
In a statement issued to the media, Chandio quoted the verse: Ki Meray Qatal Kay Baad Uss Ney Jafa Sey Taubah - Haye us Zod-e-Pashima Ka Pashima Hona' - After killing me, he repented: he will hurt no one anymore, What a swift repenting!"
Within a few months, they repented and changed their behavior.
* Feeling the magnitude of the sin or act of disobedience that he committed, even if you have repented for it.
The first defendant was given 25 years in prison, and never to be released after the end of his sentence unless repented and prevented from travel abroad a similar term of his imprisonment following his discharge from prison.
Abu Dhabi: A man appealing his jail term for running over a family while under the influence of alcohol and drugs told a court on Wednesday he repented during Ramadan, which he spent behind bars.
A quickie to be repented at leisure if ever there were one.
Kashgari's comments triggered a wave of calls to execute him, although he later said he repented.
Saeed Malekpour, an Iranian computer programmer who was jailed when he returned to Iran from Canada and sentenced to death, has reportedly "expressed remorse and repented," allowing his lawyer to apply for clemency in his case.