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1. something that records, esp an apparatus that provides a permanent record of experiments, etc.
2. short for tape recorder
3. Music a wind instrument of the flute family, blown through a fipple in the mouth end, having a reedlike quality of tone. There are four usual sizes: bass, tenor, treble, and descant
4. (in England) a barrister or solicitor of at least ten years' standing appointed to sit as a part-time judge in the crown court
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The figure for Cardiff indicates that on average several recorders were sitting on any given day.
Digital fault recorder is a device used to monitor, access, and optimize any disturbance that might happen on the grid, power plants, and substations.
Built for mission-critical software, Undo is trusted by the world's largest technology companies to quickly resolve issues in complex applications through innovative "software flight recorder" technology.
The other black box, the flight data recorder, was recovered three days after the crash.
Mr.Kulkarni further explained, "The software is designed to simulate Recorder Interface for both Air-to-Ground (AG) and Ground-to-Ground (GG) calls at Controller Working Position (CWP), Ground Radio Station (GRS) and Communication Recorders endpoints.
L3's new fixed CVDR will be lighter and more compact, and will provide innovative capabilities, including versatile interfaces, compared to the current generation of recorders. The unit will be the basis of a new generation of combined flight recorders designed and manufactured by L3 that addresses the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requirement to extend the duration of voice recording to 25 hours.
The investigators plan to continue examining the recorders back in Cairo.
The data recorder is usually located in the plane's tail along with the voice recorder, which had to be salvaged in stages on Thursday because it was badly damaged.
Helping to simplify the maintenance process, the unit's recorder can access and manage the power supply of individual cameras.
"I received information from the National Transport Safety Committee chief that at 07:11 am, we succeeded in bringing up part of the black box that we call the flight data recorder," Bambang Soelistyo told reporters.
With this function, a recorder can also act as a process display unit or console panel.